
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
haemaphysalis juxtakochi, ixodes pararicinus (ixodidae) and otobius megnini (argasidae) in relation to the phytogeography of argentina.the phytogeographical distributions of haemaphysalis juxtakochi, ixodes pararicinus and otobius megnini in argentina are described from material collected mainly from 1978 to the present. h. juxtakochi was found in the northwestern area of the amazonian domain and in the chaco, espinal and pampean provinces of the chaco domain. it was detected on mazama spp., tapirus terrestris, dog, cattle and on the vegetation. most findings of i. pararicinus were from mountain rangeland, where it was found on ...19921290380
monoclonal antibody characterization of rabies virus strains isolated in the river plate this study, 91 strains isolated in the river plate basin, south america, were examined from the epidemiological standpoint and with monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to the nucleocapsid of rabies virus. such strains reacted to mabs in accordance with nine different patterns (antigenic variants). rabies virus was isolated from 49 cattle, 21 dogs, 11 non-haematophagous bats, four vampire bats, two foxes, two horses, one buffalo, and one human. five of the variants had not been described previously. ...19979394612
evaluation of dogs as sentinels of the transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in a rural area of north-western argentina.dogs, the main domestic reservoirs of trypanosoma cruzi in the argentine chaco, may be useful as sentinels of vector-mediated transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in control programmes if canine infections acquired by all other routes could be excluded. in the present study, in the province of santiago del estero, argentina, the dog populations in the neighbouring villages of amamá, trinidad, mercedes, villa matilde and pampa pozo were studied immediately before spraying of residual insecticides (i ...19989924546
amblyomma tigrinum (acari: ixodidae) in relation to phytogeography of central-northern argentina with notes on hosts and seasonal distribution.the findings of amblyomma tigrinum in continental argentina north of 40 degrees s are presented according to phytogeographic domains (andean-patagonic, amazonian and chaco) and the seasonal distribution is depicted on a monthly basis. a total of 718 adult ticks and four nymphs were found. a. tigrinum ticks were present in all domains. adult ticks were found all year round but they were more abundant during the summer. most ticks were found on domestic dogs but the survey has a bias to domestic h ...200011354625
toxocara seroprevalence in children from a subtropical city in argentina.most studies from argentina have focused on toxocariasis as an environmental problem of big cities, and there are no available data about children infection from small or middle-sized cities. in order to assess the prevalence of anti-toxocara antibodies in infantile population, 206 children from resistencia, of both sexes, aged 1-14 years old were studied by elisa testing with e/s t. canis l2 antigens. hematological parameters and immunoglobulin levels were determined; five days' stool samples w ...200010968888
[zoonotic parasitosis transmitted by dogs in the chaco salteño, argentina].toxocara canis and ancylostoma spp. are geohelmints that parasites dogs and can eventually affect humans, mainly children, causing visceral and cutaneous larva migrans respectively, constituting a serious public health problem. this study was carried out in two towns located in the xerophilous forest chaco salteño where humans live closely with many animals, including dogs. hematological values and anti-toxocara canis antibodies, determined by elisa in serum, were evaluated in 98 children from t ...200010962811
contamination of soils with eggs of toxocara in a subtropical city in argentina.a total of 475 soil samples were collected from five public park playgrounds, 17 kindergarten sandpits and 124 housing estates in resistencia, a medium-sized subtropical-region city in argentina, and processed by the centrifugal flotation method. eggs of toxocara spp. were present in five (3.4%) of the 146 habitats surveyed and in six (1.3%) of the 475 samples examined. twenty per cent of public parks, 5.9% of kindergarten sandpits and 2.4% of housing estates were contaminated with toxocara eggs ...200111520441
chagas disease in rural areas of chaco province, argentina: epidemiologic survey in humans, reservoirs, and vectors.we studied the seroprevalence of antibodies against trypanosoma cruzi in the human population along with domiciliary infestation by triatomine bugs in an area endemic for chagas disease in the chaco province of argentina. in addition, we carried out parasitologic surveys in patients, dogs, wild mammals, and vectors. the mean seroprevalence in humans was 27.81% (109 of 392) and 24.14% (63 of 261) in 1-15-year-old children. the minimum domiciliary infestation rate was 13.33%, with certain areas re ...200415569789
[toxocariasis in children from a subtropical region].toxocariasis is present worldwide but people living in areas with sanitary deficiencies are considered at the highest risk of infection, particularly children. the aim of this work was to know clinical and immunological aspects of infantile toxocariasis in a subtropical region in argentina. for this purpose, 182 children of both sexes, 0-16 years old and with eosinophilia higher than 10%, living in resistencia city (northeast argentina) were studied. clinical examination, personal and epidemiolo ...200516042133
incidence of trypanosoma cruzi infection among children following domestic reinfestation after insecticide spraying in rural northwestern argentina.following increasing reinfestation with triatoma infestans after insecticide spraying, the household incidence of infection with trypanosoma cruzi in children was positively related to the domestic abundance of infected t. infestans and the presence or proportion of infected dogs or cats in amamá, a rural village in northwestern argentina. seven (12.1%) children seronegative for antibodies to t. cruzi at baseline, with no history of travel or blood transfusion, seroconverted after three years. s ...200516014842
ticks (acari: ixodida: argasidae, ixodidae) infesting humans in northwestern cordoba province, argentina.ticks infesting humans were collected from september 2004 to august 2005 in northwestern córdoba in an area with a southern limit in the locality of dean funes (30 degrees 25's 64 degrees 20'w) and san josé de las salinas (30 degrees 00's 64 degrees 37'w) in the north. the collections consisted in ticks found attached on man obtained from three sources: 1) specimens fixed on two workers during two successive days per month of field work in the northern part of the area which belongs to western c ...200616871909
sustainable vector control and management of chagas disease in the gran chaco, argentina.chagas disease remains a serious obstacle to health and economic development in latin america, especially for the rural poor. we report the long-term effects of interventions in rural villages in northern argentina during 1984-2006. two community-wide campaigns of residual insecticide spraying immediately and strongly reduced domestic infestation and infection with trypanosoma cruzi in triatoma infestans bugs and dogs and more gradually reduced the seroprevalence of children <15 years of age. be ...200717913895
impact of community-based vector control on house infestation and trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatoma infestans, dogs and cats in the argentine chaco.the relative impact of two community-based vector control strategies on house infestation by triatoma infestans and trypanosoma cruzi infection in bugs, domestic dogs and cats was assessed in two neighboring rural areas comprising 40 small villages and 323 houses in one of the regions most endemic for chagas disease in northern argentina. the prevalence and abundance of domestic infestation were 1.5- and 6.5-fold higher, respectively, in the area under pulsed, non-supervised control actions oper ...200717686448
molecular epidemiology of domestic and sylvatic trypanosoma cruzi infection in rural northwestern argentina.genetic diversity of trypanosoma cruzi populations and parasite transmission dynamics have been well documented throughout the americas, but few studies have been conducted in the gran chaco ecoregion, one of the most highly endemic areas for chagas disease, caused by t. cruzi. in this study, we assessed the distribution of t. cruzi lineages (identified by pcr strategies) in triatoma infestans, domestic dogs, cats, humans and sylvatic mammals from two neighbouring rural areas with different hist ...200818585717
chagas disease in the chaco. 201020571550
[endemic fungal pathogens in a rural setting of argentina: seroepidemiological study in dogs].three fungal species causing human disease, namely paracoccidioides brasiliensis, histoplasma capsulatum and coccidioides sp., are endemic in different areas of argentina. rates of infection in domestic dogs have been used in other latin american countries as indicators of the presence of these pathogens in a given area. we used such an approach to investigate the epidemiological relevance of paracoccidiodomycosis, histoplasmosis and coccidioidomycosis in our country.201020097588
Factors affecting infestation by Triatoma infestans in a rural area of the humid Chaco in Argentina: a multi-model inference approach.Transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi by Triatoma infestans remains a major public health problem in the Gran Chaco ecoregion, where understanding of the determinants of house infestation is limited. We conducted a cross-sectional study to model factors affecting bug presence and abundance at sites within house compounds in a well-defined rural area in the humid Argentine Chaco.201122028941
High prevalences of infection with Giardia intestinalis genotype B among children in urban and rural areas of Argentina.The protozoan parasite most frequently associated with diarrhoea worldwide is Giardia intestinalis. In 2005, a study was initiated to identify the genotypes of this parasite infecting children in the Argentinian provinces of Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Chaco, and to explore the associations between the genotype detected in a child, the characteristics of the child's household and the child's clinical presentation. Overall, 998 children (504 boys and 494 girls) aged between 2-14 years, with or with ...201121871166
discrete typing units of trypanosoma cruzi identified in rural dogs and cats in the humid argentinean chaco.the discrete typing units (dtus) of trypanosoma cruzi that infect domestic dogs and cats have rarely been studied. with this purpose we conducted a cross-sectional xenodiagnostic survey of dog and cat populations residing in 2 infested rural villages in pampa del indio, in the humid argentine chaco. parasites were isolated by culture from 44 dogs and 12 cats with a positive xenodiagnosis. dtus were identified from parasite culture samples using a strategy based on multiple polymerase-chain react ...201323058180
serologic evidence of canine parvovirus in domestic dogs, wild carnivores, and marsupials in the argentinean chaco.the transmission of pathogens between domestic dogs and generalist wildlife species may be modified by environmental degradation, biodiversity losses, host densities, and increased contact rates in remnant forest patches. a serologic survey of canine parvovirus (cpv) in rural domestic dogs and wild mammals was conducted in two neighboring rural areas (disturbed and protected) from pampa del indio, northeastern argentina, between 2008 and 2011. a total of 174 domestic dogs and 26 wild mammals-4 c ...201425314822
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