
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
geographical expansion of canine visceral leishmaniasis in rio de janeiro state, brazil.visceral leishmaniasis (vl) is a vector-borne disease that affects humans, and domestic and wild animals. it is caused by the protozoan leishmania (leishmania) infantum (syn = leishmania chagasi). the domestic dog (canis familiaris) is considered the main reservoir of the etiologic agent of vl in domestic and peridomestic environments. in the past three years, although control actions involving domestic dogs are routinely performed in endemic areas of the rio de janeiro state, new cases of canin ...026603233
first case of autochthonous human visceral leishmaniasis in the urban center of rio de janeiro: case report.visceral leishmaniasis is an anthropozoonosis that is caused by protozoa of the genus leishmania, especially leishmania (leishmania) infantum, and is transmitted to humans by the bite of sandflies of the genus lutzomyia, such as lutzomyia longipalpis. there are many reservoirs, including canis familiaris. it is a chronic infectious disease with systemic involvement that is characterized by three phases: the initial period, the state period and the final period. the main symptoms are fever, malnu ...024553614
[phlebotominae in an area of cutaneous leishmaniasis occurrence in the campo grande district, rio de janeiro, brazil]. 19817348817
[phlebotomus in a focus of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in the district of campo grande, rio de janeiro, brazil]. 19817349410
schizodeme and zymodeme characterization of leishmania in the investigation of foci of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis.leishmania parasites were isolated from humans and canines in foci of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. after in vitro cultivation the parasites were examined by the following biochemical techniques: (i) restriction analysis of kinetoplast dna (kdna) also known as schizodeme analysis (morel et al., 1980); (ii) zymodeme analysis (barret et al., 1980); by agarose gel electrophoresis and (iii) isoelectricfocusing in polyacrylamide gels. the strains of cutaneous and visceralizing leishmanias stu ...19846204035
canine visceral leishmaniasis in rio de janeiro, brazil. clinical, parasitological, therapeutical and epidemiological findings (1977-1983).forty dogs from the periphery of the city of rio de janeiro were studied. all dogs where diagnosed as positive for leishmaniasis either parasitologically and/or serologically. among them, 19 came from areas where only visceral leishmaniasis (vl) occurs (realengo, bangu, senador camará). clinical signs of the disease were seen in 36.8% of the cases, including emaciation - 100%, lymphadenopathy and depilation - 85.7%. the other 21 dogs came from an area (campo grande) where both diseases (vl, and ...19853837171
a survey for american cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis among 1,342 dogs from areas in rio de janeiro (brazil) where the human diseases occur.there are areas in the periphery of rio de janeiro city where human cases of visceral and/or cutaneous leishmaniasis occur. the parasites have been identified as leishmania donovani and leishmania braziliensis braziliensis respectively. a survey for leishmaniasis was done among 1,342 dogs from those areas using an indirect immunofluorescent test. from the dogs, 616 came from areas where only human cases of visceral leishmaniasis occurred, 373 from an area where all human cases were of cutaneous ...19853910994
active cutaneous leishmaniasis in brazil, induced by leishmania donovani chagasi.l.d. chagasi was isolated from active cutaneous leishmaniasis in both human and canine infections in an endemic area in rio de janeiro, brazil. both isolates were identified by molecular and immunological characterization of the parasite using three different methods: electrophoretic mobility of isoenzymes; restriction endonuclease fragment analysis of kdna and serodeme analysis using monoclonal antibodies. this seems to be the first well documented case in the new world of a "viscerotropic" lei ...19863574128
[phlebotomus of vargem grande, a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the state of rio de janeiro].in vargem grande, an endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in state of rio de janeiro, where lutzomyia intermedia had been found infected with leishmania braziliensis, we performed a series of captures of sandflies to increase the knowledge on their behaviour. the following species were found among 8,671 sandflies collected: l. intermedia, l. migonei, l. longipalpis, l. lanei, l. fischeri, l. firmatoi, l. monticola, l. schreiberi, l. whitmani, l. pelloni, l. barrettoi e l. (pi) sp. inside hous ...19863574131
canine histoplasmosis in rio de janeiro: natural and experimental of 73 mongrel dogs in rio de janeiro gave positive results in skin tests with a polysaccharide mycelial antigen from histoplasma capsulatum. five of the positive reactors were necropsied and four of them had disseminated histoplasmosis proved by histopathology and culture. four healthy puppies exposed for 10 min to soil at the site of a known outbreak of histoplasmosis developed symptoms and died 7-14 days after exposure with fulminant histoplasmosis. these experiments show the value of do ...19873430293
human, canine and equine leishmaniasis caused by leishmania braziliensis braziliensis in an endemic area in the state of rio de janeiro. 19873507562
ecology of the sandflies of itaguaí, an area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the state of rio de janeiro. food preferences (diptera, psychodidae, phlebotominae). 19873507922
organization of mass vaccination for dog rabies in brazil.the present study reports results of the mass dog rabies vaccination campaigns that took place in brazil between 1980 and 1985 as a measure of reducing the incidence of rabies in urban areas of the country. particular focus is given to the organization of these campaigns, which took place on a single day in more than 1,000 towns in 20 states, including large metropolitan areas such as rio de janeiro. three levels of public health services (federal, state, and municipal) were involved in the orga ...19883206082
an outbreak of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (leishmania braziliensis braziliensis) in a periurban area of rio de janeiro city, brazil: clinical and epidemiological studies.from july 1984 to september 1986, 105 cases of american cutaneous leishmaniasis were studied in a locality closely situated to an urbanized area of the city of rio de janeiro, brazil. settlement in this area was established at least 20 years ago but the first cases were noted six months prior to the beginning of this study. cases were almost exclusively cutaneous and ulcerated, with one to six months of evolution. montenegro's skin tests were positive in all cases and anti-leishmania antibodies ...19883271941
canine american cutaneous leishmaniasis: a clinical and immunological study in dogs naturally infected with leishmania braziliensis braziliensis in an endemic area of rio de janeiro, brazil.clinical and immunological findings from 35 dogs infected with leishmania braziliensis braziliensis are described. the majority of the dogs had ulcerated single lesions on the ears. sera from all infected dogs showed detectable leishmania-induced antibodies using an indirect fluorescent antibody test. antimonial therapy resulted in prompt healing of the lesions in 80.9% of the animals followed by a significant reduction in the anti-leishmania antibody titers. however, treatment follow-up showed ...19883277465
zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis due to leishmania (viannia) braziliensis associated with domestic animals in venezuela and brazil.after outbreaks of cutaneous leishmaniasis in solano state, venezuela, 5% of the population had parasitized ulcers while after similar outbreaks in mesquita, rio de janeiro state, brazil, 9% had the disease. in these foci children, including some under six years of age, were affected. there was no significant difference in the occurrence of the disease according to sex or type of employment. in solano, 3% of dogs and 28% of donkeys had parasitized lesions, while in mesquita these indices were 19 ...19892319948
studies on sandfly fauna (diptera: psychodidae) in a foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis in mesquita, rio de janeiro state, a study on vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in mesquita, rio de janeiro state, brazil, eleven species of sandflies were found: lutzomyia longipalpis, l. fischeri, l. quinquefer, l. intermedia, l. whitmani, l. shannoni, l. cortelezzii, l. edwardsi, l. migonei, l. lanei and l. firmatoi. lutzomyia intermedia was the predominant species. it was collected indoors but in much higher numbers outdoors, in the close vicinity of houses. in comparative captures it was found to feed more frequently on ...19902215232
human leptospirosis in a slum area in the city of rio de janeiro, brazil--a serological and epidemiological study.a serologic survey was carried out on slum dwellers in the city of rio de janeiro. a total of 259 serum samples from male and female individuals of different age groups were tested for the presence of antileptospire antibodies by microagglutination. prevalence data were analyzed in relation to the major risk factors present at the site, mainly represented by the presence of carrier animals and the occurrence of frequent floods. of the samples tested, 25% reacted with antigens of different serogr ...19902215233
respiratory atopy in rio de epidemiologic study was conducted in rio de janeiro, brazil, evaluating 1,410 patients with asthma and/or rhinitis. allergy skin testing was performed in 1,219 patients (intradermal and/or multi-test lincoln diagnostics techniques). thirteen different allergens were tested: house dust, dermatophagoides farinae, grasses, alternaria tenuis, hormodendrum hordei, penicillium mix, aspergillus fumigatus, dogs, cats, feathers, fleas, cockroaches, and household insects. the most frequent positive imm ...19902306018
serological survey for canine cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in areas at risk for transmission in rio de janeiro where prophylactic measures had been adopted.a serological survey for canine visceral (vl) and american cutaneous leishmaniasis (acl) has been carried out during 1984-1989, to assess the effects of the prophylactic measures adopted in areas where there was a risk of transmission of the diseases in rio de janeiro. a previous serological survey (1982/83) had detected serum positive dogs as well as the human disease in these same areas. a total of 22,828 dogs have been examined in this last survey, 7,807 of which came from campo grande (vl an ...19911842432
plague surveillance in brazil: 1983-1992.plague caused by yersinia pestis, has persisted in brazil in several natural foci spread throughout rural areas in the states of ceara, paraiba, pernambuco, piaui, rio grande do norte, alagoas, bahia, minas gerais and rio de janeiro. nationwide surveillance of plague in brazil based on serological testing started in 1983. we now present an update report of the examinations carried out in our laboratory from 1983 to 1992. the passive hemagglutination test for antibodies against fraction 1a antige ...19958731264
[identification of food sources of anopheles aquasalis (diptera: culicidae) by precipitin test in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil].anopheles aquasalis has shown local variations in blood-host preference in brazil: it seems to be anthropophilic in the northeast and zoophilic or opportunistic in the amazon and other regions. a study was carried out in guapimirim county, state of rio de janeiro, from may to november 1992, for the purpose of identifying the blood meal source of this anopheline by capillary tube precipitin test. a total of 1,366 females were captured at natural resting-places, 725 of which were blood-fed. the gu ...19969077010
survey of dirofilaria immitis (leidy, 1856) in random source cats in metropolitan rio de janeiro, brazil, with descriptions of evaluate the prevalence of heartworm disease in metropolitan rio de janeiro, rj, brazil, cats submitted for euthanasia were evaluated by laboratory tests and by necropsy for signs of heartworm infection. of the 135 cats examined, one (0.8%)--a stray male from an urbanizing district--had one male worm (14.5 cm) in the left lung and showed severe muscular hypertrophy of small pulmonary arteries and arterioles with no right ventricle enlargement or passive congestion. microfilariae were not dete ...19979299698
description of the occurrence of canine dirofilariasis in the state of rio de janeiro, order to evaluate the prevalence of canine heartworm in the state of rio de janeiro, a multicenter survey was carried out in two phases. the survey involved 1376 dogs from two cities: rio de janeiro and niterói, and its surroundings, including the eastern shore and mountain resorts, which were further divided into sections. in the first phase, 795 dog blood samples were examined by the modified knott test for the detection of microfilariae. a total of 134 samples (16.85%) were microfilaremic: ...19979302414
mosquito frequency and feeding habits in an enzootic canine dirofilariasis area in niterói, state of rio de janeiro, brazil.heartworm, a chronic fatal mosquito-borne canine disease, is frequently diagnosed in dogs from the state of rio de janeiro, where its prevalence is 29.7% in the city of niterói. nevertheless it is rarely detected in cats (0.8%) from the same state. dogs are the primary source of infection to mosquitoes. because cats either do not demonstrate microfilaremia or it is too low and transient for transmission. a mosquito survey was conducted in itacoatiara, niterói, from march 1995 to february 1996, u ...19989698883
potential vectors of dirofilaria immitis (leidy, 1856) in itacoatiara, oceanic region of niterói municipality, state of rio de janeiro, brazil.dirofilaria immitis is a widespread mosquito-borne parasite that causes dirofilariasis, a commonly diagnosed disease of dogs that is rarely reported in cats and humans. a mosquito survey was conducted in itacoatiara in the state of rio de janeiro, from march 1995 to february 1996, using canine, feline and human baits. a total of 3,667 mosquitoes were dissected for d. immitis larvae, representing 19 species and 10 genera. from those, ae. scapularis, ae taeniorhynchus, cx. quinquefasciatus, cx. de ...19989711329
epidemiological survey on canine population with the use of immunoleish skin test in endemic areas of human american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil.a survey for canine tegumentary leishmaniasis (ctl) has been carried out between 1986 and 1993 in seven endemic localities for american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the state of rio de janeiro. 270 dogs have been examined for their clinical aspects, the development of delayed hypersensitivity (dhs) with immunoleish antigen and with immunofluorescent antibody research of igg (if). 28.2% of them had ulcer lesions and 3.3% had scars. the lesions consisted of single (39.5%) and mucocutaneous lesions ( ...19989713137
[epidemiological aspects of canine american tegumentary leishmaniasis in the municipality of paraty, state of rio de janeiro, brazil].american tegumentary leishmaniasis (atl) is endemic in the state of rio de janeiro, with the highest incidence observed in the municipalities along the southern coast. a total of 169 human cases were reported from 1993 to 1995 in the municipality of paraty, representing 15% of all case reports in the state of rio de janeiro during that period. from march to december, 1996, a survey was conducted in endemic american tegumentary leishmaniasis (atl) areas (praia grande, taquari, várzea do machado, ...199910502161
[canine leishmaniasis: a serological survey of 310 dogs in itaipu, rio de janeiro, brazil]. 200010883056
feeding patterns of triatoma vitticeps in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil.feeding patterns of triatomines have contributed to elucidate its biology. triatoma vitticeps, naturally infected with t. cruzi, has been found in domiciles. its behavior and epidemiological patterns were investigated.200010973153
hepatozoon canis infection associated with dog ticks of rural areas of rio de janeiro state, brazil.hepatozoon canis is a tick-borne protozoan that infects dogs and has been reported throughout the world. manifestation of h. canis infection varies from being sub-clinical in apparently healthy dogs to severe illness. the main vector of the infection is the dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus although other species may also transmit this agent. h. canis has been reported previously in brazil, but mostly as an occasional finding during laboratory exams and always associated with other diseases. th ...200111113545
vectorial competence of aedes aegypti (linnaeus 1762) rio de janeiro strain, to dirofilaria immitis (leidy 1856).dirofilaria immitis (leidy 1856), a nematode parasite, is the etiologic agent of canine heartworm disease and mosquitoes are essential intermediate hosts. mosquito susceptibility to the worms differ with species, strains and also among individuals of the same strain. to evaluate the degree of susceptibility of rio de janeiro laboratory raised strain of aedes aegypti, we fed mosquitoes on canine blood with different densities of microfilariae (mf). there was no significant difference in the rate ...200111500754
sporotrichosis: an emergent zoonosis in rio de janeiro.during the period from 1987 to 1998, 13 cases of human sporotrichosis were recorded at the research center evandro chagas hospital (cpqhec) in rio de janeiro. two of these patients related scratch by a sick cat. during the subsequent period from july 1998 to july 2000, 66 human, 117 cats and 7 dogs with sporotrichosis were diagnosed at the cpqhec. fifty-two humans (78.8%) reported contact with cats with sporotrichosis, and 31 (47%) of them reporting a history of a scratch or bite. this epidemic, ...200111562701
genetic diversity of histoplasma capsulatum strains isolated from soil, animals, and clinical specimens in rio de janeiro state, brazil, by a pcr-based random amplified polymorphic dna assay.little is known about the genetic strain diversity and geographical range of histoplasma capsulatum isolated in rio de janeiro state, brazil. we characterized 13 environmental, 7 animal, and 28 clinical h. capsulatum isolates by using a pcr-based random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) assay. dna fingerprinting of these soil, animal, and clinical specimens was performed with four primers (1253, 1281, d-9355, and d-10513) and generated amplicons with considerable polymorphism. although all of the ...200111724867
[serological and epidemiological features of canine american tegumentary leishmaniasis from maricá, rio de janeiro, brazil].a sample of 261 dogs from 134 households located in a periurban area of maricá, rio de janeiro, brazil, was studied to evaluate serologic reactions and active infection of american tegumentary leishmaniasis (atl). eight dogs presented lesions suggestive of atl, but this was isolated in only three. using elisa, 24.5% (64/261) of the dogs studied were positive (sensitivity = 66% and specificity = 76%), associated with isolation in 2 animals and 0.4% (1/261) by indirect immunofluorescence assay (ii ...200111813064
evidence of spotted fever group rickettsiae in state of rio de janeiro, brazil.ticks were obtained from dogs from february to september of 1999 at weekly intervals, in the county of piraí, state of rio de janeiro. four hundred seventy four ixodids were taxonomically identified, 103 amblyomma cajennense, seven amblyomma ovale, 209 rhipicephalus sanguineus, and 155 amblyomma sp. an hemolymph test associated with giemsa's stain revealed two specimens in 163 ticks tested (r. sanguineus and amblyomma sp), containing rickettsia-like organisms. direct immunofluorescence verified ...200212163909
ecology of american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil.a study of the sand fly fauna was carried out in the endemic area ofamerican cutaneous leishmaniasis (acl) in the municipality of mesquita, state of rio de janeiro, in an area where dwellings (with humans and dogs infected by leishmania (viannia) braziliensis) have been recently visited by sloths. weekly captures were made during two consecutive years in two different sites (1 m and 600 m above sea level) and in three different habitats in each site (domestic, extra-domestic and sylvatic) using ...200212546456
the patterns of tungiasis in araruama township, state of rio de janeiro, brazil.this paper describes patterns of infestation with tunga penetrans (l., 1758) within the poor community of araruama municipality, state of rio de janeiro, brazil, assessed by the number of persons and domestic animals parasitized. the overall prevalence of infestation was 49.2% (211 parasitized hosts) of the 429 examined. humans (p < 0.01) and dogs (p < 0.01) were the most important hosts with 62.6% and 35.6% respectively. dogs were considered as the potential infestation source to humans. consid ...200312700859
canine visceral leishmaniasis in barra de guaratiba, rio de janeiro, brazil: assessment of risk factors.barra de guaratiba is a coastal area of the city of rio de janeiro where american visceral leishmaniasis (avl) is endemic. although control measures including killing of dogs and use of insecticides have been applied at this locality, the canine seroprevalence remains at 25% and during 1995 and 1997 eight autochthonous human cases were notified. in order to evaluate factors related to the increase of the risk for leishmania (leishmania) chagasi infection in dogs we have screened 365 dogs by anti ...200312754572
the use of immunoblot analysis in the diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis in an endemic area of rio de this article, we describe the findings obtained using immunoblot analysis in the diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis (vl) and its correlation with serological titer and clinical status. we found that all animals bearing amastigote forms recognized antigens with 29 and 32 kda and that this pattern can be exploited for diagnostic and epidemiological purposes. the recognition of the 29- and 32-kda antigens was verified even in seronegative dogs and preceded seroconversion in periods rangi ...200314533699
[source of chagas disease in arcádia, state of rio de janeiro, brazil].following the report of triatomine nymphs in a house in arcadia, miguel pereira, state of rio de janeiro, brazil, the infested dwelling was checked. several eggs and 46 specimens of triatoma vitticeps (stal, 1859) were collected. among them, adults and nymphal instars accounted for 43.5% and 56.5%, respectively. analysis of blood meals showed the ecletism of this species; 24 (52.2%) were single feeds, 18 insects (39.1%) fed on two hosts and 4 (8.7%) on three hosts. trypanosoma cruzi infection ra ...200414762512
[canine tegumentary leishmaniasis in morada das aguias (serra da tiririca), maricá, rio de janeiro, brazil].this is a report of canine tegumentary leishmaniasis in morada das aguias (in the serra da tiririca mountain range), maricá, rio de janeiro state, brazil. a clinical, serological, and parasitological survey was performed in 83 dogs. eleven (13.2%) were positive on indirect immunofluorescence (iif) and 30 (36.1%) on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). ulcerated cutaneous or mucosal lesions were observed in 18 (n = 83; 21.7%) dogs. leishmania was isolated from 11 of the animals. the disease ...200414999354
identification of leishmania (leishmania) chagasi isolated from healthy skin of symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs seropositive for leishmaniasis in the municipality of rio de janeiro, brazil.euthanasia of seropositive dogs has been one of the principal measures adopted by the program for the control of leishmaniasis in brazil for many years. however, its efficacy is currently being questioned. we obtained intact skin samples from 20 leishmania-reactive dogs from the municipality of rio de janeiro that had been referred for euthanasia. the promastigote forms of leishmania were isolated in culture from 18 of these animals. fourteen of these isolates were identified as leishmania (leis ...200415880235
comparison between natural infection by cryptosporidium sp., giardia sp. in dogs in two living situations in the west zone of the municipality of rio de order to compare natural infection by cyptosporidium sp. and giardia sp. in clinically healthy dogs living in two situations (animal shelter and household pets), we conducted 166 faecal exams using the technique of centrifugation-flotation in a sugar-saturated solution. of the faecal samples, 94 came from shelter dogs and 72 from house pets. eighty-two (49.4%) contained parasite eggs, cysts or oocysts. of these, four (2.41%) contained cryptosporidium sp. oocysts and 52 (31.33%) contained giar ...200515893071
[oocysts of the genus cryptosporidium in domiciliated dogs from the city of campos dos goytacazes, the state of rio de janeiro].this study had the objective of determining the occurrence of cryptosporidium oocysts in domiciliated dogs from campos dos goytacazes city on rio de janeiro state. feces samples were collected from 100 dogs, male and female, of different races, with age varying from 15 days to 15 years old and clinically healthy. these samples were analyzed by using the modified ziehl-neelsen technique. among the dogs, 40% of them shed oocysts in their feces. in conclusion, there is a high number of asymptomatic ...200516229758
[leishmaniasis in domestic dogs: epidemiological aspects].in barra de guaratiba, an endemic area for american visceral leishmaniasis (avl) in rio de janeiro, brazil, control campaigns were unable to reduce canine infection rates. this difficulty prompted an in-depth study of dogs as a reservoir for leishmania chagasi in the peri-urban environment through clinical and serological follow-up using the immunofluorescence and western blot techniques. recognition of 29 kda and 32 kda peptides by sera from dogs with proven l. chagasi infection was observed. f ...200515692667
prevalence of ehrlichia canis infection in thrombocytopenic dogs from rio de janeiro, brazil.infection with ehrlichia canis causes a highly variable, multisystemic disease in dogs. nevertheless, many clinicians in rio de janeiro, brazil, use the presence of only thrombocytopenia to make a presumptive diagnosis of e canis infection.200515732017
[prevalence of canine infection from endemic areas of american cutaneous leishmaniasis in paracambi district, rio de janeiro state, between 1992 and 1993].in the district of paracambi, state of rio de janeiro an epidemiological survey for american tegumentary leishmaniasis in canine population was carried out in endemic localities. a total of 179 dogs was registered and 138 (77.1%) examined for their clinical aspects, development of delayed hypersensitivity (dhs) with imunoleish(r) antigen and serological responses by indirect immunofluorescent reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. in 9 (6.5%) dogs with active cutaneous lesions or suspec ...200515821792
genomic typing of canine parvovirus circulating in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil from 1995 to 2001 using polymerase chain reaction this study, the genomic types of canine parvovirus (cpv) circulating in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil, from 1995 to 2001, were investigated using the polymerase chain reaction assay (pcr). a total of 78 faecal samples from gastroenteritic puppies, confirmed as positive for canine parvovirus by haemagglutination/haemagglutination inhibition tests or virus isolation in cell culture (mdck), were examined. the viral dna was extracted from faecal samples using a combination of phenol- chloro ...200516369887
studies on the feeding habits of lutzomyia (n.) intermedia (diptera, psychodidae), vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis in brazil.the precipitin test was applied to identify the blood meal sources of lutzomyia intermedia, collected in two distinct habitats: inside houses and in the peridomicile, in mesquita, rio de janeiro state, brazil, a transmission area of leishmania (v.) braziliensis. the following antisera were tested: human, avian, equine, rodent, and opossum. from a total of 370 females analyzed, 128 specimens from the domicile and 59 from the peridomicile reacted with specific antisera. the anthropophily of l. int ...200616410867
post mortem parasitological evaluation of dogs seroreactive for leishmania from rio de janeiro, brazil.a parasitological study was conducted on 66 dogs seroreactive for leishmania captured as a control measure of visceral leishmaniasis in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil. biological samples from different anatomical sites were collected during autopsy of the animals and cultured on biphasic medium (nnn/schneider). the leishmania isolates were characterized by isoenzyme electrophoresis. leishmania was isolated from 80.3% of the animals: 12 animals with leishmania (viannia) braziliensis isolated ...200616520002
[intestinal parasitic helminths in institutionalized dogs of rio de janeiro, brazil].the occurrence of intestinal parasitic helminths in dogs from a public institute of veterinary medicine in rio de janeiro was assessed. samples of fresh feces were collected in march 2004 and analyzed by willis and centrifugal-flotation in sucrose solution methods. of 204 samples, 45.6% were positive for helminths.200616583045
canine sporotrichosis in rio de janeiro, brazil: clinical presentation, laboratory diagnosis and therapeutic response in 44 cases (1998-2003).a sporotichosis epidemic involving forty-four dogs in the metropolitan area of rio de janeiro is described. solitary skin lesions were noted in 18 dogs (40.9%), 2-4 such lesions were observed in 17 animals (38.6%), and nine (20.5%) animals had five or more lesions. twenty-five (56.8%) animals had single ulcerated skin lesions on the nose and nine (20.5%) showed nasal mucosal involvement (three of which also has a skin lesion). respiratory symptoms were observed in 17 (38.6%) dogs and were found ...200616805098
mixed infection with leishmania (viannia) braziliensis and leishmania (leishmania) chagasi in a naturally infected dog from rio de janeiro, brazil.we report here the first case of co-infection with leishmania (viannia) braziliensis and leishmania (leishmania) chagasi in a naturally infected dog from rio de janeiro, brazil. isoenzyme characterisation identified the parasites isolated in culture from the cutaneous lesion as l. (v.) braziliensis and the isolates from blood and lymph node as l. (l.) chagasi. pcr analysis using specific primers followed by molecular hybridisation for direct leishmania species identification in tissue fragments ...200616257024
sporotrichosis: the main differential diagnosis with tegumentary leishmaniosis in dogs from rio de janeiro, brazil.seventy-four dogs from the state of rio de janeiro with ulcerated cutaneous lesions were submitted to clinical, dermatological, parasitological, mycological, histopathological and cytopathological exams, a leishmanin skin test, an indirect immunofluorescence (iif) test for leishmaniosis, and nonspecific laboratory tests such as blood count and serum biochemistry. sporothrix schenckii was isolated from 41 dogs and leishmania (viannia) braziliensis was isolated from 33 animals. most dogs with spor ...200716973286
molecular characterization of hepatozoon sp. from brazilian dogs and its phylogenetic relationship with other hepatozoon characterize phylogenetically the species which causes canine hepatozoonosis at two rural areas of rio de janeiro state, brazil, we used universal or hepatozoon spp. primer sets for the 18s ssu rrna coding region. dna extracts were obtained from blood samples of thirteen dogs naturally infected, from four experimentally infected, and from five puppies infected by vertical transmission from a dam, that was experimentally infected. dna of sporozoites of hepatozoon americanum was used as positiv ...200717134837
environmental and socio-demographic factors associated to asthma in adolescents in rio de janeiro, brazil.although asthma is of frequent occurrence, little is known about the factors associated with this disease in brazil. we studied the association between asthma, environmental and socio-demographic factors in adolescents in nova lguacu, rio de janeiro state. cross-sectional study using the questionnaires about asthma and environmental factors from the international study of asthma and allergies in childhood (isaac). we performed bivariate analyses between asthma and the factors studied using preva ...200717338787
attraction of mosquitoes to domestic cats in a heartworm enzootic region.heartworm disease is caused by a mosquito-borne parasite that can affect many different mammalian species and has worldwide distribution. the agent, dirofilaria immitis (leidy 1856), infect mainly dogs but feline infection have been frequently reported in the last decade. feline heartworm infection is difficult to detect, therefore, low reported prevalence could reflect true low prevalence or poor diagnostic efficiency. as mosquitoes are known to be attracted differently by different mammalian s ...200717383920
genotyping of giardia duodenalis from human and animal samples from brazil using beta-giardin gene: a phylogenetic analysis.giardia duodenalis is one of the major diarrhea agents in human and animals distributed worldwide, and present high levels of genetic diversity, showing seven genotypes: a, b, c, d, e, f, and g. only assemblages a and b have been detected in humans and in a wide range of other mammalians hosts, whereas the remaining assemblages (c-g) are host-specific. molecular characterization of cysts of human and animal origin are useful to address the co-circulate isolates between these host, and represents ...200717428432
[comparative validation study between the elisa and rifi techniques for diagnosing leishmania sp in stray dogs caught in the municipality of campos de goytacazes, state of rio de janeiro].a survey was carried out aiming to verify the elisa test effectiveness for detecting antibodies against leishmania sp in dogs, comparing with rifi human pattern and for investigating sorological zoonosis situation in the microregion. an accordance about 97.6% considered strong was reported.200717876477
first report of natural infection of a bush dog (speothos venaticus) with leishmania (leishmania) chagasi in brazil.we report here the first known case of natural infection of a bush dog with leishmania (leishmania) chagasi in brazil. the specimen was captured in the wild in the state of mato grosso and is currently being held in captivity at fundação jardim zoológico, rio de janeiro, brazil. the leishmaniasis was diagnosed by culture of promastigote forms in intact skin fragments and their characterization by isoenzyme electrophoresis. this report calls attention to the parasitological and etiological contro ...200818036627
epidemic sporotrichosis.epidemic sporotrichosis is rare and has been related to an environmental source of infection. there were no reports of epizootics before a cat-transmitted epidemic was reported in rio de janeiro, brazil. in the present paper we review the data published on this epidemic.200818317034
[risk factors of cryptosporidium sp. infection in household dogs of campos dos goytacazes city on rio de janeiro state, brazil].cryptosporidium sp. is an opportunistic protozoan parasite that may infect animals and humans, causing asymptomatic to severe intestinal infections, according to the immunological response of the hosts. the present work had the objective to determine the risk factors involved on cryptosporidium sp. infection in dogs from campos dos goytacazes city on rio de janeiro state; and the frequency of this protozoan. independent of sex, age, consistency and health of dogs, 200 feces samples were analyzed ...200820059859
trypanosoma caninum n. sp. (protozoa: kinetoplastida) isolated from intact skin of a domestic dog ( canis familiaris) captured in rio de janeiro, unknown trypanosoma species was isolated from an axenic culture of intact skin from a domestic dog captured in rio de janeiro, brazil, which was co-infected with leishmania (viannia) braziliensis. giemsa-stained smears of cultures grown in different media revealed the presence of epimastigotes, trypomastigotes, spheromastigotes, transitional stages, and dividing forms (epimastigotes or spheromastigotes). the highest frequency of trypomastigotes was observed in rpmi (15.2%) and dmem (9.2%) med ...200919216827
[canine visceral leishmaniasis in maricá, state of rio de janeiro: first report of an autochthonous case].visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis of public health importance, and dogs represent one of the main problems. this paper describes the first autochthonous case of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the municipality of maricá. it provides new facts regarding the geographical distribution of leishmania (leishmania) chagasi in the state of rio de janeiro.200919287941
rickettsia rickettsii, rickettsia felis and rickettsia sp. twkm03 infecting rhipicephalus sanguineus and ctenocephalides felis collected from dogs in a brazilian spotted fever focus in the state of rio de janeiro/brazil. 200919298400
histopathology of canine sporotrichosis: a morphological study of 86 cases from rio de janeiro (2001-2007).the present study reports the histopathological findings of 86 skin lesions of dogs with sporotrichosis from rio de janeiro. suppurative granulomatous inflammation was the predominant finding and was observed in 76 (88.37%) cases. plasma cells surrounding the suppurative granulomas were detected in 68 (89.5%) cases and an inflammatory infiltrate at the periphery of these granulomatous lesions was observed in 63 (82.9%). fungus-specific staining revealed yeast cells compatible with sporothrix sch ...200919360480
[serological evaluation for detection of anti-leishmania antibodies in dogs and cats in the district of santa rita de cássia, municipality of barra mansa, state of rio de janeiro].from a canine case of american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the locality of santa rita de cássia, municipality of barra mansa, rio de janeiro, a serological survey was performed on 177 dogs and 43 cats. evaluation of the canine serum samples showed that 10% had a positive reaction in the indirect immunofluorescence test and 10.7% in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. among the feline serum samples tested, none of the animals had a positive reaction in the indirect immunofluorescence test and o ...200919448930
factors associated with gastrointestinal parasite infection in dogs in rio de janeiro, brazil.factors associated with parasitism by helminths and protozoans in 500 dogs presented to three veterinary clinics in the municipality of rio de janeiro from november 2003 to september 2004 were evaluated. dogs were submitted to physical examination and owners were interviewed about the animal's management. one fecal sample from each dog was examined by centrifugal flotation and sedimentation methods followed by the safranin-methylene blue staining technique. positive results for gastrointestinal ...200919577316
three hundred and three dogs with cataracts seen in rio de janeiro, describe the most common canine breeds affected with cataracts in rio de janeiro.200919751489
ostemyelitis by pseudomonas aeruginosa in a dog from rio de janeiro, brazil. 200919769674
epidemiological profile of cutaneous leishmaniasis in an endemic region in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil.the objective of the present study was to investigate the dynamics and profile of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (acl) in an old colonization area in the state of rio de janeiro. health departments of municipalities in the central-southern region that had notified cases to the ministry of health's notifable diseases information system between 1997 and 2002 were contacted to obtain data. out of the 119 cases recorded, 51 patients were visited for an interview and inspection of the environment. ...200919772772
association of overweight with asthma prevalence in adolescents in rio de janeiro, evaluate the relationship between asthma and overweight in adolescents.200919905920
visceral leishmaniasis in rio de janeiro, brazil: eco-epidemiological aspects and control.from 1977 (index case) to 2006, 87 cases of visceral leishmaniasis were confirmed in the municipality of rio de janeiro, brazil, in periurban areas on the continental and coastal slopes of the pedra branca massif and the continental slopes of the gericinó massif. the majority (65.5%) of the patients were more than five years old, predominantly males (61.5%), but without any difference between the sexes below the age of 14 years. the overall fatality rate was 10.4%. two cases of visceral leishman ...200919967242
corynebacterium ulcerans isolated from an asymptomatic dog kept in an animal shelter in the metropolitan area of rio de janeiro, brazil.corynebacterium ulcerans was isolated from nares of one asymptomatic dog kept in an animal shelter in the metropolitan area of rio de janeiro, brazil. the rna polymerase beta subunit-encoding gene was sequenced to confirm the species identity. c. ulcerans strains producing phospholipase d, but not diphtheria toxin, are able to cause severe disease in humans, such as pneumonia and granulomatous nodules in pulmonary tissues. the infection rate varies really widely by region, probably because of th ...201020055577
comparative histopathological study of sporotrichosis and american tegumentary leishmaniasis in dogs from rio de janeiro.pyogranulomatous lesions from 80 dogs with sporotrichosis and 26 dogs with american tegumentary leishmaniasis (atl) were compared microscopically in order to identify features that would support the diagnostic suspicion and direct the subsequent search for the aetiological agent of either infection. odds ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated in order to evaluate the impact of the microscopical findings on the diagnosis of either disease. lesions with well-formed gr ...201020100620
[report on an autochthonous case of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the southern zone of the municipality of rio de janeiro].brazil is facing expansion and urbanization of american visceral leishmaniasis, with human and canine cases in several large-sized cities. this report describes an autochthonous case of canine visceral leishmaniasis in a nonendemic area in the municipality of rio de janeiro.201020305979
blood meal identification of selected mosquitoes in rio de janeiro, brazil.abstract. the blood meal sources of 5 species (mansonia titillans, aedes scapularis, culex quinquefasciatus, coquillettidia shannoni, and anopheles peryassui) collected in conceição do macacu, in the southeastern brazilian state of rio de janeiro, were examined with the precipitin test. of the 1,128 mosquitoes collected, 907 (80.4%) reacted to some antisera. although all 5 species were eclectic in their feeding habits, ma. titillans and ae. scapularis fed mostly on birds, while cx. quinquefascia ...201020402346
isolation of trypanosoma caninum in domestic dogs in rio de janeiro, brazil.summary: the domestic dog's involvement with different members of the trypanosomatidae family has been the focus of several studies due to this animal's close proximity to man. recently this animal has been infected by a new trypanosoma species (t. caninum), described in rio de janeiro and 19 similar isolates were later obtained. the objective of this study was to identify these isolates. all samples were isolated from intact skin cultures and analysed morphologically, by biochemical isoenzyme e ...201020500920
sporotrichosis: part ii.sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis of implantation. it is the only subcutaneous mycosis for which direct examination or histology is of little or no value for diagnosis. the diagnosis solely rests on the isolation of sporothrix schenckii in culture. on pathologic examination, causative organisms are rarely seen. staining with fluorescent-labeled antibodies may aid in visualizing the cigar-shaped yeast forms; however, the organisms are still difficult to identify. topical therapy is not eff ...201021137636
canine visceral leishmaniasis: study of methods for the detection of igg in serum and eluate samples.the brazilian ministry of health recommends the culling and euthanasia of dogs with a positive serological test for canine visceral leishmaniasis (cvl). in the municipality of rio de janeiro, the technique used for the diagnosis of cvl is the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat), using blood samples eluted on filter paper (eluate). a dog survey was conducted over a period of one year in the region of carapi+í, in order to evaluate the diagnosis of cvl in this region. all animals underwent c ...201021748226
evaluation of leishmania (leishmania) chagasi strains isolated from dogs originating from two visceral leishmaniasis-endemic areas in brazil using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis.domestic dogs are the most important reservoir in the peridomestic transmission cycle of leishmania (leishmania) chagasi. the genetic variability of subpopulations of this parasite circulating in dogs has not been thoroughly analyzed in brazil, even though this knowledge has important implications in the clinical-epidemiological context.201121860996
detection of anaplasma phagocytophilum in brazilian dogs by real-time polymerase chain reaction.anaplasma phagocytophilum was detected in dogs from brazil in the municipalities of seropédica and itaguaí, rio de janeiro state, by real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) using sybr green to detect the amplification. of 253 samples, 18 (7.11%) were positive, with a threshold cycle (ct) ranging from 31 to 35 cycles. the pcr product from a positive sample was cloned and sequenced. the sequence obtained demonstrated 100% identity with other a. phagocytophilum sequences published in the genbank ...201121908321
laboratory tests performed on leishmania seroreactive dogs euthanized by the leishmaniasis control 2008, in the west zone of rio de janeiro municipality-brazil, the leishmaniasis control program identified 155 dogs with titers = 40 by indirect immunofluorescence (iif) on blood collected onto filter paper. the objective of this study was to describe the laboratory test findings performed in dogs euthanized by the leishmaniasis program control of rio de janeiro municipality. dogs were examined, subjected to euthanasia and collection of clinical specimens. parasite isolation was obtained in 2 ...201121349644
detection and molecular characterization of piroplasms species from naturally infected dogs in southeast brazil.rangelia vitalii is a protozoon described from dogs in the south and southeast regions of brazil. it is phylogenetically related to babesia spp. that infects dogs, but data on this enigmatic parasite is still limited. the aim of this work was to detect piroplasm species in dogs in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil, by 18s rrna gene-based pcr assay, restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) and sequence analyses. of 103 dogs examined, seven (6.8%) were positive for babesia spp. by pcr. th ...201322832754
pcr associated with molecular hybridization detects leishmania (viannia) braziliensis in healthy skin in canine tegumentary leishmaniasis.tegumentary leishmaniasis (tl) is a zoonotic disease that affects humans and domestic dogs. in brazil, tl is considered endemic, and leishmania (viannia) braziliensis is the prevalent species causing this disease. there is debate about the role of dogs (canis familiaris) as domestic reservoirs in the transmission cycle of tl. to date, classical parasitological techniques, including parasite isolation in culture media, have been able to detect parasites only from cutaneous lesions. in this study, ...201525158080
Displaying items 1 - 86 of 86