
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
preliminary observations on the diagnosis and transmissibility of canine visceral leishmaniasis in teresina, n.e. brazil.a pilot group of 49 dogs and control groups from non-endemic areas were examined serologically for the presence of visceral leishmaniasis (vl) by direct agglutination test (dat), indirect immunofluorescence (ifat) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and dot-elisa. results indicated that dat is less sensitive than the other assays and that serology with filter paper blood samples is less sensitive than with serum. promastigote infections were common in fed lutzomyia longipalpis taken from a ...19937802502
plague surveillance in brazil: 1983-1992.plague caused by yersinia pestis, has persisted in brazil in several natural foci spread throughout rural areas in the states of ceara, paraiba, pernambuco, piaui, rio grande do norte, alagoas, bahia, minas gerais and rio de janeiro. nationwide surveillance of plague in brazil based on serological testing started in 1983. we now present an update report of the examinations carried out in our laboratory from 1983 to 1992. the passive hemagglutination test for antibodies against fraction 1a antige ...19958731264
investigation of an outbreak of endemic coccidioidomycosis in brazil's northeastern state of piauí with a review of the occurrence and distribution of coccidioides immitis in three other brazilian outbreak of coccidioidomycosis is described that involved three individuals and eight of their dogs, who had engaged in a successful hunt for nine-banded armadillos (dasypus novemcinctus) in the environs of oeiras, a community in brazil's north eastern state of piauí. diagnosis was based on clinical, serological and cultural findings. four of 24 soil samples collected in and around the burrow of an armadillo yielded cultures of coccidioides immitis, thus establishing the endemicity of that mo ...199911220226
trypanosoma cruzi infection in wild mammals of the national park 'serra da capivara' and its surroundings (piaui, brazil), an area endemic for chagas disease.we studied the prevalence of trypanosoma cruzi infection among eight species of wild small mammals (n=289) in an area where human cases of infection/disease have occurred. dogs (n=52) and goats (n=56) were also surveyed. the study was carried out inside a biological reserve, the national park 'serra da capivara' and its surroundings in piaui state, brazil. the marsupial didelphis albiventris and the caviomorph rodent trichomys apereoides were found to be the most important reservoirs in the stud ...200515780345
[control of visceral leishmaniasis in urban areas: randomized factorial intervention trial].the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of vector control and elimination of infected dogs on the incidence of infection with leishmania chagasi. a randomized community intervention trial was carried out in teresina between 1995 and 1996. the area was divided in 34 blocks randomically allocated to 4 types of intervention: 1) spraying houses and animal pens with insecticide; 2) spraying houses and eliminating infected dogs; 3) combination of spraying houses and animal pens, and eli ...200717876463
factors associated to montenegro skin test positivity in teresina, brazil.visceral leishmaniasis (vl) is an emerging infectious disease of urban areas in brazil. to better understand this process, we have studied the association between reaction to the montenegro skin test (mst), and demographic, socioeconomic and environmental factors in an urban area with high force of transmission. associations between variables were expressed by prevalence ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals estimated by using poisson regression models with robust variance. higher ...200717825238
multilevel modelling of the incidence of visceral leishmaniasis in teresina, brazil.epidemics of visceral leishmaniasis (vl) in major brazilian cities are new phenomena since 1980. as determinants of transmission in urban settings probably operate at different geographic scales, and information is not available for each scale, a multilevel approach was used to examine the effect of canine infection and environmental and socio-economic factors on the spatial variability of incidence rates of vl in the city of teresina. details on an outbreak of greater than 1200 cases of vl in t ...200716824254
[diversity of wild and domestic mammal's intestinal helminths from the caatinga of the parque nacional serra da capivara, southeast of piauí, brazil].biodiversity studies allow ecosystem assessment and monitoring of environmental changes and impacts. parasite diversity could reflect the host/ parasite coevolutionary process and the environment changes that permit the loss, gain or maintenance of species. this survey used species/morphotypes of helminths eggs found in feces from seven wild mammal species (the groups dasypodidae and large cats, and tamandua tetradactyla, cebus apella, alouatta caraya, cerdocyon thous, pecari tajacu) and from tw ...200920040186
heterogeneity of leishmania infantum chagasi kinetoplast dna in teresina (brazil).leishmania infantum chagasi is the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis in brazil. polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) analysis of kinetoplast dna (kdna) minicircles was used to evaluate genetic profiles of 48 leishmania infantum chagasi strains from dog and human parasite cultures, fresh collected dog bone marrow aspirates, and from infected sand flies. results revealed that heterogeneity in kdna minicircles depends mostly on the source of the samp ...201020439961
presence of antibodies against toxoplasma gondii, neospora caninum and leishmania infantum in dogs from piau+¡.this study aimed to evaluate the presence of antibodies against neospora caninum, toxoplasma gondii and leishmania infantum in dogs attended at the veterinary hospital of the federal university of piau+¡, northeastern brazil, where there are no reports of the occurrence of n. caninum and t. gondii in dogs. serum samples from 530 dogs of genders, different ages and breeds from the municipality of teresina and nearby towns were analyzed using three indirect fluorescent antibody tests, each one tar ...201121722484
forty years of visceral leishmaniasis in the state of piaui: a review.visceral leishmaniasis (vl) has been known to occur in the state of piauí since 1934. the typically rural disease began to appear in urban areas over time, being concentrated mainly in teresina, the capital of piauí. teresina was also affected by the first urban epidemic of vl in brazil. over 1,000 cases of the disease were reported during urbanization (1981-1986). human population growth and migration led to land occupation on the outskirts of teresina. these factors have contributed to vector ...201121412612
canine visceral leishmaniasis in teresina, brazil: relationship between clinical features and infectivity for sand flies.leishmania chagasi is an intracellular parasite transmitted by the bite of the phlebotomine sand fly lutzomyia longipalpis, which is the most important of american visceral leishmaniasis. in the gut of the vector, amastigoste forms of the parasite transform into metacyclic promastigotes, from there to the foregut, where they could be transmitted in the next blood meal. xenodiagnosis is an important tool for the detection of leishmania, especially when associated to molecular techniques, both bei ...201120816657
occurrence of lutzomyia longipalpis lutz & neiva 1912 and cerdocyon thous linnaeus 1977, in a visceral leishmaniasis endemic area in brazil.cerdocyon thous presents a wide geographic distribution in brazil and its role as a possible leishmania infantum reservoir in a visceral leishmaniasis (vl) transmission cycle regardless of dogs (canis familiaris) has been discussed. from this perspective, this work describes the occurrence and use of the habitat by cerdocyon thous in a lutzomyia longipalpis occurrence area teresina (piaui - brazil), vl endemic region. three specimens of c. thous were monitored with the use of radio telemetry and ...201728712973
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