
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[the beginnings of electrocardiography at the prague medical school].the authors describe the beginnings of development of electrocardiography at the prague medical faculty of charles-ferdinand and charles university resp. the first results of the new method came from the physiological laboratory of ewald karl konstantin hering (1834-1918), who contributed to electrocardiography by explaining the mechanism of atrial fibrillation and to richard hans kahn (1876-1941) who was the first to publish electrocardiographic changes after temporary block of coronary artery ...200212744011
new and old risk-factors for toxoplasma gondii infection: prospective cross-sectional study among military personnel in the czech republic.the aims of this study were to evaluate seroprevalence and the importance of various risk-factors for toxoplasma infection in the czech republic. a prospective cross-sectional survey was conducted among military personnel in prague. consenting subjects (n = 3250) completed a questionnaire concerning demographics and risk-factors, and blood samples were taken to determine anti-toxoplasma antibody titres according to complement fixation and elisa igg and igm tests. the seroprevalence of toxoplasmo ...200717617185
the prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from prague, rural areas, and shelters of the czech republic.the prevalence of intestinal parasites was evaluated by examination of dog faecal samples in the prague city centre, agricultural areas, and two shelters. the overall prevalence of parasites (i.e., protozoa and helminths, mentioned below) in prague was 17.6%. toxocara canis was the most common parasite, and was recovered from 6.2% of dogs, followed by cystoisospora spp. (2.4%), cryptosporidium spp. (1.4%), trichuris sp. (1.1%), taenia-type (1.0%), giardia spp. (0.1%), toxascaris sp. (0.9%), dipy ...200717169492
contamination of soil with toxocara eggs in urban (prague) and rural areas in the czech republic.contamination of soil with feline and canine ascarid eggs in public parks, backyards and sand pits in prague, czech republic was investigated in this work. soil samples from shelters and rural areas were also collected. the comparison of soil from different areas (urban, rural, backyards and shelters) exhibited significant difference (chi(2)=32.16, d.f.=3 and p<0.0001). the highest rate of contamination (45%) was found in backyards inhabited by feral cats. the eggs of toxocara spp. were found in ...200717049747
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