
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
dogs and cats reprieved. 19705465123
canine herpesvirus respiratory infection. 19704319526
tuberculosis in canine and feline populations. review of the literature. 19714942216
leptospirosis in the west of scotland. 19725064755
incidence of antibodies for leptospirosis in dogs in glasgow, and a comparison of the conventional (schuffner's) and rapid microscopical agglutination (rmat) tests. 19734785354
studies on the thrombogenicity of scottish factor ix concentrates in dogs. 19751154318
salmonella dublin septicemia in a scottish terrier recently imported from england. 19751131796
william ford robertson (1867-1923): his study of neuroglia. 19751102820
brucellosis in animals. 1976941009
treatment of cholera--tradition and authority versus science, reason, and humanity. 1976789955
an outbreak of s typhimurium in sheep and its outbreak of salmonella typhimurium in an upland sheep flock was characterised by rapid spread and heavy mortalities in ewes and young lambs. clinical signs included diarrhoea and abortion. abomasitis was the most striking and consistent post mortem lesion. vaccination was the only control method that was apparently successful. infection also occurred in the cattle, farm personnel, and a dog. following the outbreak, pasture contamination and excreting cattle provided a reservoir of infection s ...1976769302
lung transplantation update.this review has indicated that there is decreased activity in research of experimental lung transplantation and a virtual cessation of lung transplants in man. several groups are continuing active research in various aspects of the lung transplantation problems, but it is suspected that a greater effort will be required before transplantation of the lung will become commonplace for human patients. in the appendix attached to the bibliography, we have attempted to identify groups of investigators ...1977331604
the place of surgery in coronary artery disease. 19816971933
isolation of thermophilic campylobacters from two populations of dogs.faecal samples were collected from newly impounded stray dogs and from dogs presented to a clinic by their owners. the dogs were categorised as strays or pets and their faeces as formed or unformed. the faeces were examined bacteriologically. campylobacters were significantly (p less than 0.01) more frequently isolated from the faeces of the stray dogs but there was no significant difference between the frequency of isolation of the organism from formed or unformed faeces. the significance of th ...19817344272
lead mine waste: hazards to livestock.waste from disused lead mines is used for a variety of purposes and has been implicated in outbreaks of lead poisoning in animals. three outbreaks of lead poisoning, two in cattle and one in farm dogs, occurred in the south of scotland. in the first outbreak, three housed suckler cows died and two were clinically affected but recovered after treatment. in the second, four heifers died and two recovered after therapy. blood samples taken from cattle in both outbreaks contained lead in concentrati ...19827179691
euthanasia in the dog and cat. 19827057625
arsenic at st andrews, 1943. 19836345965
animal and human bites as an emergency. 19836862874
a prospective survey of familial canine lymphosarcoma.the incidence and case distribution of lymphosarcoma were determined prospectively in one breed of dogs, the bull mastiff. fifty-nine dogs from three households were followed for 3 years. two of the households had a previous history of lymphosarcoma cases, whereas the third had no history of such cases. during the survey period, 9 of the 59 dogs died from lymphosarcoma with multiple cases occurring in each household. on the basis of this survey, the annual incidence rate in the general bull mast ...19846584665
canine parvovirus vaccination. 19854049686
further investigations of a hydatid focus in north-west scotland.a serological survey carried out on 1379 school-children from skye and mallaig in the n.w. of scotland failed to show evidence of subclinical cases of hydatidosis. there appeared to be a relatively low level of exposure to the parasite, as judged by elisa and iha tests. thirty-one children reacted positively in the elisa; only one child had a transient positive result in the iha test. surveillance of these children will be continued for the present but the duration required is uncertain. the loc ...19863950391
group l beta-haemolytic streptococcal infection in meat handlers: another streptococcal zoonosis?group l, beta-haemolytic streptococci can cause infection in dogs, pigs, cattle and sheep but there have been very few reports in man. in studies of skin infection in meat handlers we cultured group l streptococci from clinically infected wounds, impetigo and paronychia of 15 patients involved in the slaughter and processing of chickens and pigs. staphylococcus aureus was also present in eight (53%) of the lesions. at least five other infections with group l streptococci in meat and animal handl ...19873678390
prevalence of toxoplasma gondii in meat animals, cats and dogs in central scotland. 19873580823
prevalence of giardia and cryptosporidium infection in dogs in edinburgh. 19883201688
the epidemiology of echinococcus granulosus in great britain. v. the status of subspecies of echinococcus granulosus in great britain.twenty-five years ago williams and sweatman suggested that in great britain there are two subspecies of echinococcus granulosus--e. granulosus granulosus and e. granulosus equinus. echinococcus granulosus granulosus does not mature either in foxes or in horses: e. granulosus equinus will mature in either. the prepatent period of e. granulosus granulosus in the definitive host is about 42 days while that of e. granulosus equinus is about 70 days. each subspecies has a characteristic morphology. m ...19892596902
additional algal toxicosis hazard. 19911746123
fatal attraction to cyanobacteria? 19921522898
identification of anatoxin-a in benthic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and in associated dog poisonings at loch insh, deaths occurred in 1990 and 1991 after the animals drank water containing blooms of benthic cyanobacteria along the shoreline of loch insh, scotland. signs of poisoning in the affected animals and the high neurotoxicity of bloom extracts in laboratory bioassays indicated acute poisoning due to cyanobacterial neurotoxin(s). the neurotoxic blooms consisted largely of benthic oscillatoria species which were also observed in the stomach contents of the poisoned dogs. stomach contents were also n ...19921440622
'battered pets'. 19968795191
tick-borne fever in dogs. 19968888567
analysis of influenza a h3n2 strains isolated in england during 1995-1996 using polymerase chain reaction restriction.a polymerase chain reaction-restriction (pcr-restriction) endonuclease assay was developed to allow rapid analysis of influenza a h3n2 viruses circulating in england during 1995-1996. restriction endonuclease digestion with two enzymes of amplicons derived from pcr of the ha1 portion of the influenza haemagglutinin (ha) gene was able to differentiate antigenically similar influenza strains into two groups. group i variants were similar genetically to the 1995/96 vaccine strain, a/johannesburg/33 ...19979139090
distribution of borrelia burgdorferi s.l. spirochaete dna in british ticks (argasidae and ixodidae) since the 19th century, assessed by pcr.the distribution of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the lyme borreliosis agent, was surveyed in british ticks in the collection of the natural history museum, london. alcohol-preserved specimens of eight species of ticks known to attack humans were studied: ixodes ricinus, i. hexagonus, i. uriae, i. trianguliceps, dermacentor reticulatus, haemaphysalis punctata, rhipicephalus sanguineus and argas vespertilionis. the sample comprised all life stages and originated from a wide range of host speci ...19989513944
the immunology of canine leishmaniosis: strong evidence for a developing disease spectrum from asymptomatic dogs.asymptomatic mixed breed dogs (49) from a region of high incidence of visceral leishmaniosis in portugal were examined for the presence of leishmania-specific cellular immunity using a proliferation assay and humoral immunity using an indirect antibody fluorescent test (ifat) and an elisa. the results were compared directly with 25 mixed breed dogs permanently residing in a non-endemic region (scotland). unlike similar studies in humans from non-endemic areas, there was no evidence of any immuno ...19989615951
verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli: a veterinary view.this overview places verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli (vtec) in perspective with other e. coli types that cause disease in animals. vtec o157 and other verocytotoxin-producing serotypes cause severe disease in man but to date, although other vtec are found in animals, zoonosis appears to be associated with e. coli o157 only. the epidemiology of e. coli o157 in cattle has been studied in scotland, and this work is described alongside current knowledge.200010880177
oropharyngeal penetrating injuries in 50 dogs: a retrospective summarize the presenting complaints and clinical signs associated with traumatic penetrating injuries to the canine oropharynx. to determine how the site of injury, causative agent, and duration of disease affect the presentation and clinical outcome of treatment.200010999451
ribotyping and restriction endonuclease analysis reveal a novel clone of bordetella bronchiseptica in seals.the goal of the present study was to characterize, by ribotyping and restriction endonuclease analysis (rea), 35 phocine bordetella bronchiseptica isolates and to ascertain their relationship to one another and to isolates acquired from other host species. thirty-four isolates were obtained in scotland during a 10-year period encompassing the 1988 epizootic; the remaining isolate was obtained independently in denmark. all phocine isolates had an identical pvu ii ribotype unique from the 18 ribot ...200011108453
trends of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial isolates from a small animal referral hospital.a longitudinal, retrospective investigation was made of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial isolates obtained from clinical cases in a small animal hospital between 1989 and 1997. isolates of escherichia coli and staphylococcus species were used as gram-negative and gram-positive indicator organisms, respectively, and the annual prevalence of antimicrobial resistance was calculated for each organism to each of nine (for e coli) and 11 (for staphylococcus species) appropriate antimicrobials, in ...200010706308
residual visual functions of guide dog owners in the uk.numbers of guide dog owners (gdos) in the united kingdom reached 4700 by the end of 1998. despite this growing trend, little is known about the nature of their visual loss. this paper reports the results of a national three-centre investigation into the residual visual functions and ophthalmic conditions of guide dog owners. random samples of gdos (scotland n = 82, england n = 77, and northern ireland n = 87) underwent a detailed visual analysis and interview. gdos had an overall median age of 5 ...200111430622
an epidemiological analysis of a canine-biopsies database compiled by a diagnostic histopathology service.a case-control study was carried out on data from 21,371 canine tissue biopsies submitted to the external histopathology diagnostic service at the university of glasgow veterinary school (guvs) over a 12.5-year period. biopsies were received from 545 privately owned and charity veterinary practices located throughout the uk. the overall prevalence of neoplasia in samples with a confirmed diagnosis was 58.7%. a total of 156 pure breeds were represented in the dataset, with 22.2% of samples origin ...200111530199
professional strategies of medical officers of health in the post-war period--1: 'innovative traditionalism': the case of dr ian macqueen, moh for aberdeen 1952-1974, a 'bull-dog' with the 'hide of a rhinoceros'.recent policies concerning the enhancement of preventive medicine and health improvement have raised important questions about leadership in public health and have emphasized the roles that can be played by local authorities. in this light, it is worth exploring the activities undertaken by local authority medical officers of health (mosh), until their posts were abolished in 1974. the process leading to 1974 has often been blamed, at least partly, on the complacency, lack of imagination and dem ...200212141581
forgotten transfusion history: john leacock of barbados. 200212493676
henry wade (1876-1955) and cancer research: early years in the life of a pioneer of urological surgery.this paper describes the microscopic studies of human and experimental cancers made by henry wade during the years 1904-9. william ford robertson, his mentor, and wade claimed to have discovered a microbial cause of human cancer. the claim was at once fiercely disputed. wade turned to the investigation of a transmissible sarcoma of the dog, during which he demonstrated an early form of immune transplant rejection. he also undertook studies of hodgkin's disease. later in life, wade established ur ...200312717535
treatment of canine and feline diaphyseal radial and tibial fractures with low-stiffness external skeletal fixation.the healing of 62 cases of radial and tibial fractures treated with low-stiffness kirschner-ehmer external skeletal fixation frames (frame types 1a, 1a plus intramedullary pin [1aimp], 1b and 2b) was evaluated. the mean time to clinical union was 65 days. all cases treated with 1b, 2b or 1aimp frames healed. four of 25 cases treated with 1a frames failed to heal due to premature pin loosening; these failures were in heavier patients than 1a cases which healed (p=0.041). complications occurred in ...200414984151
urban diffuse sources of faecal indicators.increasing concern about bathing water quality in scotland has led to renewed interest in diffuse sources, as well as the already closely monitored municipal sewage effluents and combined sewer overflows (csos) that have been the subject of multi-million pound capital expenditure schemes for several years. early investigations of diffuse sources focused on rural land uses. this paper is an initial effort to consider the possible significance of urban diffuse sources. a review of the potential fo ...200515850189
non-therapeutic docking of dogs' tails. 200516339988
non-therapeutic docking of dogs' tails. 200516339989
diabetes in the young: from leicester to siena (via oslo, bethesda and hvidore). 200516915789
five cases of canine dysautonomia in england (2004 to 2006).canine dysautonomia was diagnosed definitively in five dogs by histopathology. all dogs were seen between june 2004 and july 2006 and originated from south-east england; four dogs originated from an urban area and one from a rural area. of the urban dogs, one had recently visited scotland and one had visited a kennel in a rural area nearby. acute-onset but progressive vomiting, diarrhoea, depression and inappetence were the most common presenting clinical signs. reduced or absent anal tone, dysu ...200717425697
staphylococcus schleiferi subspecies coagulans in dogs. 200717921447
measuring the tail of the dog that doesn't bark in the night: the case of the national evaluation of choose life (the national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide in scotland).background: learning about the impact of public health policy presents significant challenges for evaluators. these include the nebulous and organic nature of interventions ensuing from policy directives, the tension between long-term goals and short-term interventions, the appropriateness of establishing control groups, and the problems of providing an economic perspective. an example of contemporary policy that has recently been subject to evaluation is the first phase of the innovative scotti ...200717617891
pneumonyssoides species infestation in two pekingese dogs in the uk.two male, neutered, pekingese dogs aged four years and 12 years were presented for acute-onset nasal pruritus and sneezing following a visit to a beach in northern scotland. routine nasal investigations revealed the presence of the canine nasal mite pneumonyssoides both by direct visualisation and histopathologically. resolution of clinical signs was observed following selamectin treatment. to the authors' knowledge, this report describes the first cases of pneumonyssoides infestation in non-tra ...200818251989
surveying therapets for mrsa. 200818359939
angiostrongylus vasorum and eucoleus aerophilus in foxes (vulpes vulpes) in great britain.the nematode parasite angiostrongylus vasorum is a source of increasing concern in several parts of the world, where it causes significant disease in dogs. wild canids, especially foxes, are likely to have a role in the epidemiology of canine infection, and the parasite could also affect fox health and population dynamics. the heart and pulmonary vasculature of 546 foxes culled mostly by gamekeepers in great britain in 2005-2006 were examined by dissection and a modified flushing technique. fort ...200818407416
platelet distribution width and mean platelet volume in the interpretation of thrombocytopenia in investigate the use of platelet volume indices in the interpretation of thrombocytopenia in dogs with systemic disease.200818793252
feeding practices and the use of supplements for dogs kept by owners in different socioeconomic groups.the prevalence of feeding practices and supplements for dogs used in private practice (pp) and the non-profit-making people's dispensary for sick animals (pdsa) was evaluated. questionnaires were completed by 400 pp clients and 400 pdsa clients, of which 27.2 per cent and 29.8 per cent, respectively, gave supplements to their dogs. fatty acids/oils were given by 10.3 per cent of pp clients and 11.5 per cent of pdsa clients, glucosamine and/or chondroitin by 10.5 per cent and 5.8 per cent, and vi ...200819029108
a case of canine angiostrongylus vasorum in scotland confirmed by pcr and sequence analysis.this report describes the first recognised case of angiostrongylus vasorum infection in a native scottish dog and its diagnostic confirmation using polymerase chain reaction. the use of this technique to definitively diagnose canine angiostrongylosis confirms the presence of this epidemiologically significant case. the implications of the changing distribution of this parasite are discussed.200919413751
causes of abortion in scottish sheep in 2009. 200919684343
campylobacter excreted into the environment by animal sources: prevalence, concentration shed, and host intensive study of 443 isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from 2031 fecal samples excreted by animal sources including cattle, sheep, and pigs, a range of wild and domesticated avian species and pets is described. the prevalence found in the majority of animal sources ranged from 22% to 28% with poultry being highest at 41% and cats and dogs lowest (<5%). the average count excreted for each animal source was found not to be significantly different ranging from approximate ...200919839759
unusual cases of illthrift associated with pge in scottish cattle. 200919429934
infectious canine hepatitis in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in the united kingdom.the pathological findings are described in three cases of infectious canine hepatitis in free-ranging red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in england. the foxes died after short periods of clinical illness. mild jaundice and hepatic congestion were evident grossly. on histopathological examination, intranuclear inclusion bodies were visible in hepatocytes, in association with hepatocyte dissociation and necrosis, as well as in renal glomeruli, renal tubular epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells. ...201020097890
risk factors for tail injuries in dogs in great britain.the aim of the current study was to quantify the risk of tail injury, to evaluate the extent to which tail docking reduces this risk, and to identify other major risk factors for tail injury in dogs in great britain. a nested case-control study was conducted during 2008 and 2009. data were obtained from a stratified random sample of veterinary practices throughout great britain, and questionnaires were sent to owners of dogs with tail injuries and owners of a randomly selected sample of dogs wit ...201020581358
type 2 diabetes and dog walking: patients' longitudinal perspectives about implementing and sustaining physical activity.physical activity is particularly important for people with type 2 diabetes, as evidence suggests that any reduction in sedentary time is good for metabolic health.201020822690
prevalence, distribution and risk associated with tick infestation of dogs in great britain.current concerns over the potential impacts of climate change and the increased movement between countries of people and companion animals on the distribution of ectoparasites, highlight the need for accurate understanding of existing prevalence patterns. without these future changes will not be detected. here, the distribution and prevalence of tick infestations of domestic dogs in great britain were examined. a total of 173 veterinary practices were recruited to monitor tick attachment to dogs ...201121418263
influence of signalment on developing cranial cruciate rupture in dogs in the investigate risk factors associated with cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs.201121651558
a cross sectional study of the prevalence and risk factors for owner misperception of canine body shape in first opinion practice in glasgow.the objectives of the study were to investigate whether owners were able to assign the correct body shape to their dog and to assess the dog and owner level factors associated with incorrect owner assessment of dog body shape. six hundred and eighty questionnaires were administered to dog owners in 5 first opinion practices around glasgow during july 2007. at the same time, the interviewer and owner assessed the body shape of each dog. the interviewer assessment of body shape was taken as the go ...201121820746
the prevalence of tail injuries in working and non-working breed dogs visiting veterinary practices in scotland.the aim of this paper was to estimate the prevalence of tail injuries that required veterinary examination in different breeds of dog in scotland. the study population included all dogs that had visited one of 16 veterinary practices located in scotland between 2002 and early 2012. the overall prevalence of tail injuries in dogs visiting one of the 16 veterinary practices was 0.59 per cent. the prevalence of tail injuries in dogs of working breeds was estimated to be 0.90 per cent. working dog b ...201424706391
Displaying items 1 - 66 of 66