
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
survey of a scottish diabetic clinic: a study of the etiology of diabetes mellitus.certain features of a group of 1309 diabetics were studied. the group was considered representative of scottish diabetics since the sex distribution of cases corresponded to the sex distribution of deaths from diabetes recorded in the official mortality statistics for scotland. evidence is presented which justifies the use of scottish mortality statistics for this purpose. a study of the incidence of diabetes in 413,110 scottish recruits (male and female) suggested that in the general populat ...194912339641
the sex ratio of human births related to maternal from the annual reports of the registrar-general for england an d wales (1939-1947) and for scotland (1939-1947) were examined to determine the relationship of sex ratio to maternal age. sex ratios of total births and live births decrease with maternal age; sex ratios of stillbirths increase. the increase in the sex ratio of stillbirths with maternal age accounts for the difference between live births and total births. the decrease in the sex ratio of total births with maternal age may b ...195012332354
age and human reproduction.records of single 1st births to married women resident to aberdeen scotland, were examined to determine the relationship between age and reproduction. general significance of age differences are as follows: 1) the proportion of primiparae 40 years or older is 15% of the population; 2) women from educated classes postpone marriage and childbearing until economic stability has been obtained: 3) physical health and height are correlated, taller (and usually older) primiparae are in better health ...195812332401
the cla(caldwell) antigen: a new and rare human blood group antigen related to the mnss system. 196314109962
acute transverse myelopathy and echo-2 virus infection. 196314072959
the genetic factor in dupuytren's disease. 196314074318
thalassaemia in scots.five cases of thalassaemia minor and 11 symptomless trait carriers have been detected in four scottish families, only one of which is known to have foreign ancestry. it is suggested that the condition is commoner than was once thought, and that the diagnosis should be considered in any patient with refractory hypochromic anaemia in which the red cells show increased osmotic resistance.196314076382
infections by organisms of psittacosis/lymphogranuloma venereum group in the west of scotland. 196414147769
family studies and the cause of congenital club foot. talipes equinovarus, talipes calcaneo-valgus and metatarsus varus. 196414216453
cytogenetic studies in leucocytes on the general population: subjects of ages 65 years and more. 196414175200
echo 9 virus infection and congenital malformations. 196414198229
hereditary heinz-body anaemia, thrombocytopenia, and haemoglobinopathy (hb koeln) in a glasgow family. 196414198723
an outbreak of meningitis due to echo virus type 4 in scotland, 1963. 196414132659
laboratory diagnosis of echo type 9 virus infection. 196414141575
characteristics of men with intermittent claudication. 196514259702
familial incidence and geography in multiple sclerosis. 196514289912
distribution of the abo and rhesus (d) blood groups in the north of scotland. 196514313688
haemoglobinopathies in the west of scotland. 196514317829
echovirus 25 infections in scotland, 1961-64. 196514337826
john brown (1810-1882)--edinburgh's medical man of letters. 19665331766
canicola fever in man and animals. 19665950758
[on body growth in "grown-up" man]. 19665955626
a scottish-based institute of bioengineering. 19676039525
influenza 1966. 19676042787
circadian acrophases of human 17-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion referred to midsleep rather than midnight. 19676078965
a man with a fine talent for idleness. 19675342402
cold agglutinins, the direct coombs' test and serum immunoglobulins in mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. 19674167701
respiratory illness and viral infection in an edinburgh nursery. 19674289677
protective effect of 1-adamantanamine hydrochloride on influenza a2 infections in the family environment: a controlled double-blind study. 19694187541
sir alexander maccormick: man and surgeon. 19694886347
george cunningham: the man and his message. 19694901989
salmonellosis in man and animals. 19704907248
double infections with r.s. virus and influenza. 19704098066
enteroviral etiology of the paralytic poliomyelitis syndrome. 19704323373
salmonellosis in man and animals in n.e. scotland. a ten year review--1959-1968. 19705461451
influenza in scotland 1969-1970. 19715555549
severity of influenza (1969-70) in general practice and hospital. 19715565561
liability from experiments. 19715115842
some factors influencing mortality from influenza.during the winter of 1969-70 the influenza virus variant a2/hong kong/68 caused an outbreak of influenza in glasgow that was associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. an analysis was made of 135 death certificates in which influenza was mentioned as a principal or contributory cause of death. over half the deaths occurred in patients aged 65 years or over. pre-existing disease, especially cardiovascular conditions, played an important role in influenza mortality. none the less, among ...19715316847
simpson. the man and his discoveries. 19714930577
genetic variants of human indophenol oxidase in the westray island of the orkneys. 19725036633
there is a time to speak. 19725070851
cowpox in man. 19725074107
who said a health visitor should never be a man? 19725086781
congenital malformations and the problem of their control.the possibility of preventing or reducing the prevalence of human congenital malformations is discussed in the light of current knowledge about their aetiology. the original data presented are derived from an epidemiological study of all the infants (92,982) born in the three years 1964-6 to women resident in a defined area of south wales and all the congenital malformations (3,242) discovered in those infants by the second anniversary of their birth.19724262651
towards a human ecology course for first-year medical students. 19724664478
virological studies of sudden, unexplained infant deaths in glasgow 1967-70.virus isolation tests on 72 sudden unexplained infant deaths and 34 cases of explained death showed that 42 and 29% respectively had virus infections. a wide range of viruses was encountered, mainly enteroviruses and adenoviruses, mostly from bowel specimens. the findings did not suggest that overwhelming virus infection was a common feature of sudden death in infancy.19724339953
incidence and mutation rates of structural rearrangements of the autosomes in man. 19724262869
oesophageal and stomach cancer in cattle; a candidate viral and carcinogen model system and its possible relevance to man. 19734724639
variation in human on family size distribution and inheritance are presented. variance in sibship size is in general greater than mean sibship size. the inherited component in the variation appears in general to be small, though not in a scottish sample examined in more detail. changes in family size distribution for social (or other) reasons are considered, together with some of their effects on the change in gene frequency in small populations.19734785871
the relation between diet and the gut microflora in man. 19734791056
cancer of the cervix: a sexually transmitted infection?it has been established that sexual activity is a major factor in the genesis of cervical cancer. there are 2 current etiological hypotheses based on these observations. the 1st hypothesis stresses the association of cervical cancer with factors related to an early age at 1st intercourse. the 2nd hypothesis stresses the association of cervical cancer with factors related to the multiplicity of sexual partners, not only of the woman herself, but also of her husband. it proposes that malignant ...19744133714
aetiology and epidemiology of viral croup in glasgow, 1966-72.a retrospective study of 258 children admitted to ruchill hospital, glasgow, with croup between 1966 and 1972 indicated that the viruses most frequently associated with the syndrome were parainfluenza types 1 and 3 and influenza a. most cases were admitted in the late autumn and winter months, with a small peak in may and june. this seasonal distribution mirrored the circulation of the main causative agents in the community, parainfluenza 1 being principally associated with the autumn cases, inf ...19744371380
infants, children, and informed consent.obtaining informed consent for non-therapeutic experimentation on infants and children has ethical and legal implications that cause great controversy. there is some danger that worthy research will be inhibited if current ethical codes are interpreted too strictly, yet infants, children, and other vulnerable groups clearly must be protected from exploitation as research subjects. it is suggested that permission from parents coupled with integrity of the investigator will remain the child's best ...19744413853
lead concentrations in human milk. 19744414068
[venereologic experiments in humans]. 19744597506
the non-sporing anaerobic bacteria in human faeces. 19744599664
the use of bite mark evidence as an investigative aid. 19744605356
statistical problems in dental identification. 19744613797
artist versus engraver in william hunter's "anatomy of the human gravid uterus", 1774. 19744619637
the effects of selection and human preference on coat colour gene frequencies in urban an attempt to examine the possibility of selection on domestic cats populations in the urban environment, a number of surveys were conducted in four contrasting areas of glasgow--two near either extreme of western, industrial socioeconomic status. the first survey was in the form of a questionnaire to inhabitants enquiring of preference for a particular phenotype. this survey revealed a consistent preference for lighter phenotypes in all areas. the incidence of cat ownership was greatest in t ...19751060609
a survey of the benefits and risks in the practice of radiology.the findings from both animal and human studies on the radiation risk at low doses and low dose rates are far from conclusive, primarily due to statistical limitations. however, to arrive at some estimate of radiation risk, a conservative approach has been taken, and a linear extrapolation of radiation effects from high doses to low doses has been made. thus, it is assumed that any exposure to radiation carries some risk of somatic or genetic damage and that there is no threshold or safe dose. i ...19751097189
echovirus type 4 infections in scotland, outbreak of infection due to echovirus 4 in scotland involving 194 cases during 1971-72 is described. clinical and epidemiological information was obtained and analysed for 181 patients, of whom 149 (82%) developed aseptic meningitis. the majority of cases were older children (39%) and young adults (40%), although the highest attack rate was in infants (10.5 per 100,000 population). an unusual feature of the outbreak was its biphasic nature with cases occurring largely in the same geographic ...19751209168
the natural history of man in shetland. 19751184625
comparison of the specificity of human and bovine tuberculin ppf for testing cattle. 3. national trial in great britain.a field trial on a country-wide basis was undertaken to compare the specificity for bovine tuberculosis of single and comparative tuberculin tests in cattle using either weybridge human or weybridge bovine ppd. the tests were made on 10,305 cattle in 179 herds distributed throughout all regions of england, scotland and wales. results showed that a comparative tuberculin test using avian ppd with either human or bovine ppd had a much higher efficiency than a single injection of mammalian tubercul ...197547752
clostridia isolated from faeces.clostridia were isolated from human faecal samples from england, scotland, wales, usa, hong kong, uganda and japan. strains were identified on the basis of various biochemical reactions and on the type of fatty acid produced from glucose. analysis of these acids was by gas-liquid chromatography. clostridium paraputrificum was common in stool samples from england, scotland, wales, and usa, but rare in samples from hong kong, uganda and japan.19761263249
the mineral dust load of human lungs.studies of the dust content of lungs from non-industrially exposed city dwellers have shown that many people build up during life a total dust load of 2 grammes or more. this dust load may include up to 17 x 10(6) mineral fibres large enough to be visible with the light microscope and 360 x 10(8) fibres visible only by electron-microscopy. all lungs examined contained a small percentage of fibres that appeared structurally similar to chrysotile asbestos. it was found that the total dust content ...19761016872
c- and q-band polymorphisms in the chromosomes of three human populations.the incidence of the various classes of c-band and q-band polymorphisms on ten pairs of chromosomes in the human complement have been investigated in three scottish populations, two from the mainland (newborn and 14 year olds) and one, of individuals over 65 years, from an island in the outer hebrides. although there is an overall similarity between the populations, there are some differences, especially with the island group. for all populations, over 90% of the c-band size variants fall within ...1976962326
natural challenge of subjects vaccinated with wrl 105 strain live influenza vaccine in a residential the spring of 1975 an outbreak of influenza associated with influenza virus a/scotland/840/74 virus occurred in a residential college where the previous autumn some students had been immunised with a single intranasal dose of recombinant wrl 105 (h3n2) (a/okuda/57xa/finland/4/74) strain live attenuated infleunza virus vaccine. during the outbreak none of seven students who had been vaccinated suffered from influenza but an influenzal illness did occur in four of eleven who had received placeb ...1976782969
society, self, and mind in moral philosophy: the scottish moralists as precursors of symbolic interactionism.many of the concepts central to symbolic interactionism were anticipated by the eighteenth century scottish moralists. the symbolic-interactionist and scottish moralist orientations both hold that society alone engenders uniquely human qualities, self-arises through sympathetic interaction, and mind and self reconstruct their environments. george h. mead's conception of though as internal dialogue between the "i" and "me" aspects of the self and his notion of the "generalized other" were foresha ...1976801143
epidemiology of human brucellosis. 1976941010
genetic and anthropological studies in the human adaptability section of the international biological the u.k. contribution to the h.a. (human adaptibility) section of i.b.p., genetic and anthropological studies have focused on three concerns. first, attempts have been made in a number of investigation to gain additional descriptive information about the genetic compostition of the world's populations. concentrating on blood groups, blood enzymes, serum proteins and other polmorphic markers important gaps have been filled in our knowledge of the geographical paterns of human variation and of ...19768800
efficacy of live attenuated influenza a/scotland/74 (h3n2) virus vaccine against challenge with influenza a/victoria/3/75 (h3n2) virus.for evaluation of heterologous protection by live attenuated influenza virus vaccine, 42 healthy volunteers with low titers of or no antibody to a/scotland/74 (h3n2) and a/victoria/3/75 (h3n2) influenza viruses were given live attenuated a/scotland/74 (h3n2) virus vaccine or placebo by the intranasal route with no resultant vaccine-related illness. seventeen of 21 vaccine recipients and none of 21 placebo recipients developed antibody conversion. thirty-seven days after administration of vaccin ...1977925382
antibodies and the aberdeen typhoid outbreak of 1964. ii. coombs', complement fixation and fimbrial agglutination a previous paper (brodie, 1977) the value of the widal test in the diagnosis of typhoid fever was shown to be limited. evaluation of possible alternative tests showed that: (1) the sensitivity of the anti-human globulin (coombs') test appeared greater than that of the agglutination test but the length of time (48 h) before results were available rendered it of little value in rapid diagnosis: (2) the complement fixation test offered no particular help towards diagnosis; (3) immunized and non- ...1977269194
the man behing the name: sir charles bell 1774-1842. 1977323822
stool viruses in babies in glasgow. i. hospital admissions with diarrhoea.stools from 183 babies under 2 years of age admitted to ruchill hospital with diarrhoea were examined by electron microscopy, virus culture, bacterial culture and light microscopy. as far as possible, several stools were examined from each patient and the results showed rotaviruses, astroviruses and other viruses in association with symptoms, as well as the expected bacterial pathogens. examination of several stools from the same patient also showed that in this age group the viral flora of the ...1977403233
human mitochondrial malic enzyme variants: properties of the different polymorphic forms.1. the human mitochondrial malic enzyme polymorphism was found to exist in the scottish population with similar allele frequencies to those reported previously for caucasian populations. 2. the mitochondrial malic enzyme variants mem1, mem2-1 and mem2 which form the polymorphism have been separated from the cytoplasmic malic enzyme and partially purified by deae sephadex chromatography. 3. the properties of the three mitochondrial malic enzyme variants were examined. no differences were found be ...1977921213
persistence of a specific pseudomonas infection in a large general hospital.of at least 37 strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa distinguishable by their pyocine production, type 10 is noteworthy for its relative rarity and its virulence to man. opportunistic infections by this organism occurring in a single hospital over 8 years are described, and its ecology discussed with reference to its possible control.1977402023
lung transplantation update.this review has indicated that there is decreased activity in research of experimental lung transplantation and a virtual cessation of lung transplants in man. several groups are continuing active research in various aspects of the lung transplantation problems, but it is suspected that a greater effort will be required before transplantation of the lung will become commonplace for human patients. in the appendix attached to the bibliography, we have attempted to identify groups of investigators ...1977331604
"de spermate hominis": a middle english poem on human embryology. [nat. libr. scotland, advocates' ms. 23.7.11]. 197711639014
family size and unemployment in a multiply deprived urban area. 197812262702
gonorrhea in the homosexual man: frequency of infection by culture site.the aims of this study were determine the frequencies of infection with neisseria gonorrhoeae at various sites in homosexual men who were attending clinics for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases in central scotland and to appraise the diagnostic tests used. specimens for culture were taken from the urethra, pharynx, and anorectum of every homosexual man in the study. when the first cultures of pharyngeal and rectal specimens were negative, these cultures were repeated twice at weekly int ...1978105412
precipitating antibodies to cellular antigens in sjögren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and other organ and nonorgan-specific autoimmune diseases.the prevalence of three precipitating antibodies, anti-ss-a anti-ss-b, and rheumatoid arthritis precipitin (rap), reacting with an extract of the human lymphoid cell line wil2, was studied in the sicca syndrome, sjögren's syndrome with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, various seronegative spondyloarthritides, and organ and nonorgan-specific autoimmune disease. anti-ss-a and snti-ss-b occurred most frequently in the sera of patients with the sicca syndrome whereas rap occurred most fre ...1978686858
single radial haemolysis: a survey of antibody titres in the highland region of scotland to recent strains of influenza a.the single radial haemolysis test is conveniently practical and economical and promises to have wide applicability in the study of influenza antibodies in human populations. it can also be adapted for preliminary examination of new virus isolates during epidemics. using this test a rather higher proportion of the population in the highland region of scotland were found to possess antibody to a recent epidemic strain of influenza (a/scotland/74) than was the case in the south of england. antibody ...1978621377
bovine cysticercosis storm following the application of human slurry. 1978644852
tourist hepatitis in the west of scotland.during the 6-year period (1971-76) 971 patients were admitted with acute viral hepatitis to different infectious units in the west of scotland. of these, 30 (3%) patients had tourist hepatitis. the majority (80%) acquired the infection in the subcontinents of africa and india or other tropical countries. the clinical spectrum of the illness in these patients ranged from mild to fulminant hepatitis. fifteen patients were specifically asked about their immunisation history prior to their travel an ...1978675233
towards a new understanding of john hunter. 197875348
human toxocara infection in west of scotland. 197878086
virus-induced papillomas of the alimentary tract of abattoir survey was carried out to determine the incidence and aetiology of squamous papillomas of the alimentary tract of cattle in scotland and north england as they were suspected of being involved in the genesis of alimentary carcinoma in certain localized geographical areas. a total of 7,746 cattle of a wide age range was examined. various subsets of this number were subjected to analyses of certain specific factors. the calculated overall incidence was 19% and the detailed site incidenc ...1978212374
nurses and the law - 5. the mental health act. 1978248731
lower-solute milks and reduction of hypernatraemia in young glasgow infants. 197990929
human gene mapping 5. edinburgh conference (1979). fifth international workshop on human gene mapping. 197944241
geochemistry and health in the united kingdom.before the 1960s, comparisons between the distribution of trace elements in the environment and health in the united kingdom were primarily confined to ad hoc studies in areas associated with particular agricultural disorders or with unusual human mortality or morbidity records. more recently, increasing interest in the importance of trace elements in crop and animal production and in the hazards of environmental pollution have created a need for more systematic geochemical data. geochemical rec ...197943529
babesiosis in man. 1979574790
babesiosis in man: a case from scotland. 1979573650
the donation and transplantation of kidneys: should the law be changed?it is now eighteen years on since the human tissue act 1961, but this legislation is still unchanged in england, scotland and wales. ian kennedy, in this paper, lays before us the law as it is, the problems of its interpretation and his opinion of what government should be doing to help clarify the situation and remove some of the problems which exist daily for the doctors who face the dilemma of seeking consent for transplants at the moment of extreme grief for the surviving spouses or relative ...1979372528
the evolution of a course in human sexuality university of edinburgh, 1972-1978.a short undergraduate course in human sexuality has been developed over a period of 7 years. the objectives, initially concerned with cognitive learning, shifted to affective aspects of the topic, introduced through a format of sexually explicit films and small-group discussions. continuing evaluation of successive courses by students has been particularly valuable in identifying helpful and unhelpful behaviour in group leaders, and has been used in their training. the evaluations also demonstra ...1979537534
human growth hormone (uk) 19807416790
the isolation and characterization of human and bovine strains of babesia divergens from drumnadrochit, scotland.strains of babesia divergens of human and bovine origin were isolated from the same locality in scotland. a morphometric comparison was then made between babesia divergens parasites in blood smears made from groups of 3 splenectomized calves reacting to the inoculation of these strains. the various forms taken by the parasites of each strain were seen to be divisible into 7 categories and representatives of each category were found for each strain. more amoeboid forms were found in blood smears ...19807422359
human babesiosis. 19807385292
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 873