
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
spatial and temporal patterns of campylobacter contamination underlying public health risk in the taieri river, new zealand's freshwater ecosystems are subject to microbial contamination from a predominantly agricultural landscape. this study examines the spatial and temporal distribution of the human pathogen campylobacter in the lower taieri river, south island (new zealand). enumeration of thermophilic campylobacter from river samples was performed using a most probable number (mpn) method. seasonal variation in campylobacter levels was evident, with higher median levels detected in summer, when human ...200314535325
the regionality of campylobacteriosis seasonality in new zealand has one of the highest incidences of campylobacteriosis in the developed world, which leads a global trend of increasing notifications of campylobacter infections over the last decade. foodborne and waterborne transmission have been implicated as significant mechanisms in the complex ecology of the disease in new zealand. we examined both regional and temporal variation in notification rates to gain some insight into the role of the new zealand environments in modifying disease incid ...200314594700
comparison of campylobacter jejuni pfge and penner subtypes in human infections and in water samples from the taieri river catchment of new determine the degree of overlap in strain types of campylobacter jejuni isolated from clinical cases and water samples from the taieri catchment in the south island of new zealand.200616834587
epidemiology, relative invasive ability, molecular characterization, and competitive performance of campylobacter jejuni strains in the chicken hundred forty-one campylobacter jejuni isolates from humans with diarrhea and 100 isolates from retailed poultry meat were differentiated by flaa typing. the bacteria were isolated in a specific geographical area (dunedin) in new zealand over a common time period. twenty nine flaa types were detected, one of which (flaa restriction fragment length polymorphism type 15 [flaa-15]) predominated among isolates from humans ( approximately 30% of isolates). this strain was of low prevalence (5% of ...200717921281
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