
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
high vcjd rates in scotland could be due to poor diet. 200111557696
suspending tonsillectomy: the effects on primary and secondary acute care in scotland.for the first six months of 2001, tonsillectomy operations were effectively suspended in scotland. this was due to concern regarding the potential transmission of vcjd prions by surgical instruments, and the subsequent gradual introduction of disposable instruments. the number of patients awaiting tonsillectomy therefore increased and theoretically there should have been an increase in the number of tonsillitis episodes in the community, or even in the number of tonsillitis-related complications ...200415648709
survey of zoonoses recorded in scotland between 1993 and 2002.all the human and animal laboratory reports of zoonoses sent to health protection scotland between 1993 and 2002 were identified. there were 24,946 reports from veterinary laboratories, and 94,718 (20 per cent) of the 468,214 reports from medical laboratories were considered to be zoonotic. the most common reports of zoonoses from people were campylobacter, salmonella, cryptosporidium and giardia species and escherichia coli o157. the most common reports of zoonoses from animals were salmonella, ...200516311383
survival and re-operation rates after neurosurgical procedures in scotland: implications for targeted surveillance of sub-clinical variant creutzfeldt-jakob assess the feasibility of post-mortem surveillance for subclinical variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease (vcjd) at least 5 years after neurosurgical procedures.200919299901
scotblood 2009: the quest for understanding vcjd; claudia's trachea implantation; transfusion triggers; scottish histocompatibility and immunogenetics network; and islet cell transplantation.scotblood 2009 consisted of a varied combination of leading edge presentations incorporating the past, present and future. variant cjd was a major feature of the meeting comprising the quest for its understanding and the impact the disease was having on blood donation. the meeting also included the fascinating and groundbreaking story of claudia's trachea transplantation, along with progress in the establishment of the scottish histocompatibility and immunogenetics network and islet transplantat ...201020089457
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