Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
influence of antenatal screening on perinatal mortality caused by syphilis in swaziland. | in a survey of 283 deliveries in swaziland, active syphilis (positive results in the treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay (tpha) and the rapid plasma reagin (rpr) test) was found in 37 (13.1%) and possibly active infection (positive tpha but negative rpr test results) in a further 87 (30.7%). the perinatal mortality of untreated mothers with active disease was 21.9% (7/32). the rpr test carried out antenatally by nurses had a sensitivity of 36% (13/36) and predictive accuracy of 48% (13/27 ... | 1988 | 3203929 |