
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a cluster of septic complications associated with illegal induced abortions.between august 7 and october 14, 1977, clostridium perfringens organisms were isolated from endometrial and/or blood specimens from 3 women who had been hospitalized in mcallen, texas, after having had illegal induced abortions. one of the women died of clostridial septicemia. a single abortionist was suspected in these 3 cases. the authors investigated the illnesses of these 3 women and those of 6 other women who were hospitalized at some time from january through october 1977 after having had ...19806252522
relationships between environmental factors, bacterial indicators, and the occurrence of enteric viruses in estuarine sediments.current standards for evaluation of the public health safety of recreational and shellfish-harvesting waters are based upon bacteriological analysis, but do not include an evaluation of the number of viruses. the objective of this study was to determine the occurrence of enteric viruses in estuarine sediments and to find a relationship, if any, between the presence of viruses in seawater or sediment or both and various biological and physicochemical characteristics of the environment. viruses we ...19806247974
a bacteriologic study of scabby-hip lesions from broiler chickens in texas.broilers from commercial flocks experiencing a 10-60% incidence of scabby-hip lesions at processing were examined, and selected skin lesions were cultured. over 70% of the lesions were associated with traumatic excoriations, particularly on the caudal dorsal convexity of the birds. most lesions were observed on birds that were 5 weeks of age or older. from the 27 specimens cultured, clostridium perfringens was isolated in pure culture from 4 lesions and staphylococcus species from 10 lesions. pu ...19892562194
salmonellosis in a free-ranging population of javelinas (pecari tajacu) in south central arizona.the javelina, or collared peccary (pecari tajacu), is indigenous to arizona, new mexico, and texas in the united states and ranges throughout latin america. from june 2004 to april 2005, an estimated 105 javelinas died in a mortality event that occurred in tucson, arizona, and neighboring areas. clinical signs observed in sick animals included emaciation, dehydration, lethargy, and diarrhea. in addition, some animals showed labored breathing and hind limb weakness. we necropsied 34 animals, and ...200919901370
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