Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
commercial and naturally occurring fly parasitoids (hymenoptera: pteromalidae) as biological control agents of stable flies and house flies (diptera: muscidae) on california dairies. | filth fly parasites reared by commercial insectaries were released on two dairies (mo, dg) in southern california to determine their effect on populations of house flies, musca domestica l., and stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans (l.). spalangia endius walker, muscidifurax raptorellus kogan and legner, and muscidifurax zaraptor kogan and legner were released on the mo dairy from 1985 to 1987 in varying quantities. parasitism by muscidifurax zaraptor on the mo dairy was significantly higher (p les ... | 1990 | 2376639 |
insects feeding on desert bighorn sheep, domestic rabbits, and japanese quail in the santa rosa mountains of southern california. | desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis cremnobates), a domestic rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus), and japanese quail (coturnix japonica) were used as bait animals to collect blood-feeding flies in an area of active blue-tongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus transmission. precipitin tests were used to confirm the blood source where feasible. eight species of culicoides, members of the leptoconops kerteszi group, simulium spp., anopheles franciscanus, and stomoxys calcitrans were collected f ... | 1992 | 1512887 |
use of a real-time polymerase chain reaction-based fluorogenic 5' nuclease assay to evaluate insect vectors of corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infections in horses. | to develop and use a sensitive molecular assay for detecting the phospholipase d (pld) exotoxin gene of corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in an attempt to identify insect vectors that may be important in transmission of clinical disease in horses. | 2004 | 15198224 |
bartonella spp. dna associated with biting flies from california. | bartonella dna was investigated in 104 horn flies (haematobia spp.), 60 stable flies (stomoxys spp.), 11 deer flies (chrysops spp.), and 11 horse flies (tabanus spp.) collected on cattle in california. partial sequencing indicated b. bovis dna in the horn fly pool and b. henselae type m dna in one stable fly. | 2004 | 15324557 |
relationship between rainfall and stable fly (diptera: muscidae) abundance on california dairies. | populations of adult stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans (l.), were visually estimated by counting flies on the front legs of cattle on southern and central california confined dairy feedlots between late april and mid-june (encompassing the peak stable fly activity period). fly counts on 45-90 animals (three to six dairies) per weekly sample date were conducted in 1985, 1986, 1993, 2002, and 2003. average biting intensity (flies per front leg) for the peak fly season was not significantly related ... | 2005 | 16119564 |