Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
prevalence of haematozoa in birds of prey in catalonia, north-east spain. | blood samples from birds of prey, 95 strigiformes and 190 falconiformes, were examined for the presence of haematozoan parasites. the birds had been admitted to a raptor recovery centre in catalonia, north-east spain. parasites were counted in positive smears. a second blood sample was obtained from 99 birds at least seven days after their arrival at the centre. haematozoa were detected in all seven species of strigiformes and in nine of 19 species of falconiformes. the overall prevalences in th ... | 1999 | 10399244 |
helminths isolated from the digestive tract of diurnal raptors in catalonia, spain. | the prevalence of parasitic helminths in the digestive tract of 119 diurnal raptors (falconiformes), which had died in a wildlife rehabilitation centre in catalonia, was studied. the birds belonged to 13 species, with 100 of them (84 per cent) being kestrels (falco tinnunculus), buzzards (buteo buteo), sparrowhawks (accipiter nisus) and goshawks (accipiter gentilis). ninety-five of the birds (79.8 per cent) were infected with helminths. nematodes were the most frequently found helminth (75.6 per ... | 2004 | 14725424 |