Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
the spatial and seasonal distribution of african horse sickness and its potential culicoides vectors in morocco. | african horse sickness (ahs) is a vector-borne, infectious disease of equines that is caused by african horse sickness virus (ahsv). the only proven field vector is the biting midge culicoides imicola, although c. obsoletus and c. pulicaris are suspected vectors. there was a recent epizootic of ahs in iberia (1987-90) and morocco (1989-91). in 1994-45 a total of 3887 light trap samples were taken from twenty-two sites distributed over most of morocco. culicoides imicola was found to be very wide ... | 1997 | 9330250 |
the culicoides vectors of african horse sickness virus in morocco: distribution and epidemiological implications. | african horse sickness (ahs) is a vector-borne, infectious disease of equids caused by african horse sickness virus. the only proven field vector of the virus is the biting midge culicoides imicola, although c. obsoletus and c. pulicaris are suspected vectors. in 1994-5 a total of 3887 light trap samples were collected from 22 sites distributed over most of morocco. culicoides imicola was found to be very widely distributed with the greatest catches in the low-lying north-western areas (between ... | 1998 | 9785501 |
studies of the mortality rate of culicoides imicola in morocco. | daily mortality rates of female culicoides imicola were found for eight sites in morocco in 1994 and for six sites in 1995. the mortality rates were found by operating pirbright-type light traps for a number of consecutive nights in late summer or autumn and finding the parous rate assuming a feeding interval of 3 to 5 days. the mortality rates were calculated according to established methods. in morocco the daily mortality rates were found to vary from about 5% per day (arbaoua, 1994, 1995 and ... | 1998 | 9785502 |