
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a review of heavy metal and organochlorine levels in marine mammals in of toxic contaminants in marine mammal specimens collected around australia is currently uncoordinated and piecemeal. most states collect samples but there is little or no financial support for their analysis. this study combines data, published or unpublished, from 13 sources. heavy metals have been analysed in about 676 specimens; over 400 were for mercury levels in p. macrocephalus taken at a whaling station. the remaining samples were mostly from toothed whales, a few baleen whales (< ...19947973602
genetic variation of southern hemisphere fur seals (arctocephalus spp.): investigation of population structure and species identity.we have examined phylogenetic and geographic patterns of variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of southern hemisphere fur seals (arctocephalus spp.). our survey of 106 individuals from four putative species reveals three distinct patterns of variation reflecting ancient, recent historic, and contemporary gene flow. for the combined samples of subantarctic (arctocephalus tropicalis) and antarctic (arctocephalus gazella) fur seals, we find low levels of sequence diversity and reciprocal ...19979183848
comparison of helicobacter spp. genetic sequences in wild and captive seals, and gulls.helicobacter species are widely distributed in the gastrointestinal system of humans and many animal taxa. investigations of natural infections are essential to elucidating their role within the host. the feces of fur seals arctocephalus pusillus doriferus and sea lions neophoca cinerea from 3 separate captive populations, as well as a wild colony from kangaroo island, australia, were examined for the occurrence of helicobacter spp. the feces from several wild silver gulls larus novahollandiae w ...200516060262
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