Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
response to conjugate haemophilus influenzae b vaccine among infants in niamey, niger. | despite near elimination of haemophilus influenzae b (hib) meningitis from several industrialized countries following introduction of conjugate hib vaccines into infant immunization schedules, hib remains a major cause of meningitis and pneumonia in resource-poor countries. in niger, hib causes nearly 200 cases of meningitis per 100,000 children < one year of age, and > 40% of cases are fatal. we evaluated the immunogenicity of hib polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (prp-t) administ ... | 1998 | 9840608 |
epidemiology of bacterial meningitis in niamey, niger, 1981-96. | in the african meningitis belt the importance of endemic meningitis is not as well recognized as that of epidemics of meningococcal meningitis that occur from time to time. using retrospective surveillance, we identified a total of 7078 cases of laboratory-diagnosed bacterial meningitis in niamey, niger, from 1981 to 1996. the majority (57.7%) were caused by neisseria meningitidis, followed by streptococcus pneumoniae (13.2%) and haemophilus influenzae b (hib) (9.5%). the mean annual incidence o ... | 1999 | 10427935 |
[epidemiology and control of bacterial meningitis in children less than 1 year in niamey (niger)]. | a bacteriological and epidemiological study of bacterial meningitis occurring in infants under one year of age was performed from september 1981 to june 1997 in niamey, a city of 575,000 residents, located within the african meningitis belt. cases of meningitis were defined either by culture of the cerebrospinal fluid (csf), specific antigen agglutination, staining or cell counts of the csf. over the 16 years involving both epidemic and non epidemic periods, 1,481 infant's csf were analysed, rep ... | 1999 | 10399603 |
[prevalence of tuberculous meningitis in niamey's hospital, niger]. | tuberculosis is hyperendemic in niger. in niamey between june 2002 and may 2004, 996 cerebro-spinal fluids (csf) collected from meningitis suspected patients have been analysed by pcr for the detection of neisseria meningitidis, haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumoniae: the aetiologic diagnosis was obtained for 208 cases (20.9%). the mycobacterium tuberculosis pcr assay performed on the negative samples was positive for 4 csf: 0.4% prevalence among suspected cases of meningitis or 1.9 ... | 2006 | 16568682 |