
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
social class and infectious mononucleosis.the socio-economic status of 80 patients with infectious mononucleosis was compared with the socio-economic distribution of the general population in the same area of south-west london. an excess incidence of infectious mononucleosis was observed among subjects from upper socio-economic groups. a possible relationship between this observation and the epidemiology of the epstein-barr virus is discussed.19734348454
post-transfusion hepatitis in a london hospital: results of a two-year prospective study. a report to the m.r.c. blood transfusion research committee by the medical research council working party on post-transfusion hundred and sixty-eight patients were seen and tested at frequent intervals after transfusion of whole blood. eight patients were judged to have developed icteric or anicteric post-transfusion viral hepatitis, an incidence of 1%. five were icteric and four of these were hepatitis b antigen (hb ag) positive; two of these four died. one of the fatal cases and one non-fatal hb ag positive case had received hb ag positive blood. two other antigen-positive patients had received blood or plasma ...19744370614
the detection of epstein barr virus antibody in 'exanthematic' dermatoses with special reference to pityriasis lichenoides. a preliminary survey. 1978206394
previous epstein-barr virus infections in children with special educational needs. 19826309975
acute type a, b, and non-a, non-b hepatitis in a hospital population in london: clinical and epidemiological features.the aetiology of acute viral hepatitis in 172 patients admitted to an infectious diseases hospital in north london was: hepatitis a in 88 (51%), hepatitis b in 58 (34%), epstein-barr (eb) virus in four (2%) and non-a, non-b in 22 (13%). nanb hepatitis was a milder disease than that associated with the other viruses. it predominantly occurred in young men (77%). in half of the cases there was evidence of parenteral transmission. it was not transmitted by sexual contact.19836303917
homosexual men in london: lymphadenopathy, immune status, and epstein-barr virus november 7, 1983, 24 cases of aids in the united kingdom had been reported to the communicable disease surveillance centre. at the same time an increasing number of homosexual men with unexplained lymphadenopathy syndrome (las) have been seen in our department. between december 1982 and july 1983, 14 homosexual men with las and 11 healthy homosexual men were studied. patients with las had a high number of lifetime episodes of sexually transmitted diseases, a history of recent sexual activity ...19846100002
historical background; burkitt's lymphoma and epstein-barr virus. 19852998988
a prospective study of viral and mycoplasma infections in chronic inflammatory bowel disease.seventy-two children with chronic inflammatory bowel disease were investigated for infections with various viruses and mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia psittaci, and coxiella burnetii to determine whether these pathogens are associated with acute onset exacerbations. altogether 54 infections were identified serologically, of which 23 (42.6%) were associated with exacerbations. this corresponded to 24.2% of the recorded exacerbations during the study period. the respiratory pathogens accounted fo ...19902298361
thymus cancer epidemiology in england and wales.thymus cancer epidemiology has been little investigated, but recent clinical studies have suggested an association with the epstein-barr virus. we studied thymus cancer incidence 1963-83 and mortality 1959-86 in england and wales, using data from the national cancer register and national mortality files. mean age-standardised incidence rates of the tumour were 0.72 per million per annum for males and 0.64 for females; mortality rates were about half of this: 0.43 for males and 0.29 for females. ...19902372494
salivary and serum iga antibodies to the epstein-barr virus glycoprotein gp340: incidence and potential for virus neutralization.human antibody responses to the epstein-barr virus (ebv) glycoprotein gp340 have been measured using purified preparations of the native molecule as the substrate in elisas. this glycoprotein is the dominant component of the ebv envelope and a major target for the virus-neutralizing antibody response. healthy virus carriers (both caucasian and chinese) regularly show detectable anti-gp340 igg in serum and, unexpectedly, 21-30% of these individuals are also serum anti-gp340 iga positive. chinese ...19911850382
symptomatic epstein-barr virus infection and multiple a case-control study of 214 patients with multiple sclerosis, recall of infectious mononucleosis in subjects seropositive for epstein-barr viral capsid antigen was associated with a relative risk of 2.9 (95% ci 1.1 to 7.2). those who reported having infectious mononucleosis before the age of 18 years had a relative risk of multiple sclerosis of 7.9 (95% ci 1.7 to 37.9). the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis may involve an age-dependent host response to epstein-barr virus infection.19938382268
an in situ hybridization study of herpes simplex and epstein barr viruses in iga nephropathy and non-immune glomerulonephritis.renal tissues from forty cases of iga nephropathy, 20 singapore and 20 british patients, and 38 patients with non-immune glomerulonephritis were studied by in situ hybridization using dna probes for the herpes simplex virus (hsv) and epstein barr virus (ebv). two singapore patients with iga nephropathy showed hsv antigens in the glomerular mesangium, with one of them having ebv coinfection. in the control non-immune glomerulonephritis cases, 4 patients had viral antigens; 2 with ebv, one with eb ...19938403567
seroprevalence of antibodies to human herpesviruses in england and hong kong.the age-related prevalence of antibodies to herpesviruses was compared in england and hong kong. altogether 327 sera from england and 266 sera from hong kong were tested for antibodies to herpes simplex virus (hsv), varicella-zoster virus (vzv), epstein-barr virus (ebv), cytomegalovirus (cmv), and human herpesvirus 6 (hhv-6). herpesvirus infections were common in both countries but generally were acquired earlier and were more prevalent in hong kong. over 90% of children in hong kong were infect ...19948083655
the association of squamous cell carcinomas of the nasopharynx with epstein-barr virus shows geographical variation reminiscent of burkitt's lymphoma.nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) is rare in most parts of the world but occurs with high incidence in certain regions, such as south-east asia. two major histological types of npc are recognized, non-keratinizing carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. non-keratinizing npcs, which include undifferentiated npc, are invariably associated with epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection, regardless of the geographical or ethnic origin of the patients. by contrast, conflicting results have been published concer ...19979390028
incidence, risk and prognosis of acute and chronic fatigue syndromes and psychiatric disorders after glandular fever.the role of viruses in the aetiology of both chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) and depressive illness is uncertain.19989926075
effect of material deprivation on epstein-barr virus infection in hodgkin's disease in the west midlands.we have used townsend scores from postcode data to compare levels of material deprivation and epstein-barr virus (ebv)-positivity for 223 patients diagnosed with hodgkin's disease (hd) in the period 1981-1997. the presence of ebv in hd tumours was determined using in situ hybridization to target the abundantly expressed ebv early rnas. ebv was detected in the malignant hodgkin and reed-sternberg cells in 47/223 hd cases (21%). there was found to be a tendency for higher townsend scores (indicati ...199910408873
effect of epstein-barr virus infection on response to chemotherapy and survival in hodgkin's disease.we have analyzed paraffin sections from 190 patients with histologically confirmed hodgkin's disease (hd) for the presence of epstein-barr virus (ebv) using in situ hybridization to detect the ebv-encoded epstein-barr virus early rnas (ebers) and immunohistochemistry to identify latent membrane protein-1 (lmp1) expression. ebv was present in the tumor cells in 51 hd cases (27%) and was mainly confined to the mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosis subtypes. there was no difference between ebv-po ...199910397711
variation in the frequency of epstein-barr virus-associated hodgkin's disease with age.a number of studies in developed countries have reported variation in the frequency of epstein-barr virus (ebv)-associated hodgkin's disease (hd) with age. a 'three disease' model for hd that incorporates the ebv association, histological subtype of hd and age has recently been proposed. in this model, hodgkin's disease of childhood and older adults is commonly ebv-associated and of mixed cellularity type, whereas young adult hd is generally not ebv-associated and is usually characterised by nod ...200010764165
hodgkin's disease in the elderly: a population-based study.this study evaluated the incidence and outcome of hodgkin's disease (hd) in older patients using a population-based approach. in total, 102 patients (52 men, 50 women) aged >or= 60 years presented in the northern health region of england (population of 3.09 million) between 1 january 1991 and 31 december 1998 and were studied prospectively. the age-specific incidence was 1.97/100,000 for those aged 60-69 years, and 2.18/100,000 for those aged 70 years or over. the median age of the cohort was 70 ...200212406082
monoclonal anti-d development programme.administration of anti-d immunoglobulin to d- women after delivery of a d+ infant has dramatically reduced the number of immunised women and cases of haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. the use of monoclonal anti-d might alleviate some of the pressures on maintaining adequate supplies of plasma sourced anti-d. two human monoclonal antibodies, brad-3 (igg1) and brad-5 (igg3), with proven activity in in vitro functional (immunological) assays with cells bearing igg fc receptors (fc gammar ...200212216950
sero-epidemiological patterns of epstein-barr and herpes simplex (hsv-1 and hsv-2) viruses in england and wales.the aim was to carry out a population-based sero-prevalence survey of epstein-barr virus (ebv) across a wide age range in england and wales and to identify any associations between ebv and herpes simplex virus types one and two (hsv-1 and 2). sera from an age-stratified sample of 2,893 individuals, submitted for diagnostic purposes to 15 public health laboratories in england and wales in 1994, were tested for immunoglobulin g (igg) antibody to ebv. the samples had been tested previously for igg ...200212115998
restoration of ldl receptor function in cells from patients with autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia by retroviral expression of arh1.familial hypercholesterolemia is an autosomal dominant disorder with a gene-dosage effect that is usually caused by mutations in the ldl receptor gene that disrupt normal clearance of ldl. in the homozygous form, it results in a distinctive clinical phenotype, characterized by inherited hypercholesterolemia, cholesterol deposition in tendons, and severe premature coronary disease. we described previously two families with autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia that is not due to mutations in t ...200212464675
the scotland and newcastle epidemiological study of hodgkin's disease: impact of histopathological review and ebv status on incidence estimates.the epidemiological and pathological features of hodgkin lymphoma (hl) are complex. the epstein-barr virus (ebv) is consistently associated with a proportion of cases, and these cases are thought to represent a distinct aetiological subgroup of hl. the aim of the present analysis was to determine the age and sex specific incidence of ebv associated and non-associated hl, analysed separately, using data derived from a population based study-the scotland and newcastle epidemiological study of hodg ...200314600123
a novel method of oral fluid collection to monitor immunity to common viral infections.serological surveys among representative population samples have proved rare given their reliance on invasive sample collection. we therefore completed the first population-based postal survey of immunity in england and wales using new oral fluid technology. this paper examines the feasibility of this new methodological approach. nearly 5500 oral fluid samples were collected, with individual demographic and social data via a questionnaire, from persons under 45 years of age recruited through gen ...200414979587
multiple sclerosis after infectious mononucleosis: record linkage ascertain if infectious mononucleosis is a risk factor for the development of multiple sclerosis (ms); and, if it is, whether its effect is close to or remote in time from the onset of ms.200415547068
does smoking or alcohol modify the risk of epstein-barr virus-positive or -negative hodgkin lymphoma?the aim was to investigate whether 2 subgroups of hodgkin lymphoma (epstein-barr virus-positive and epstein-barr virus-negative) are associated with smoking or alcohol.200717099321
associations between infectious mononucleosis and cancer: record-linkage studies.infection with epstein-barr virus (ebv) followed by infectious mononucleosis (im) is now considered to be a risk factor for hodgkin's disease (hd). it is less clear whether ebv infection and im are associated with an increased risk of cancer generally. we used a longstanding record-linkage dataset in oxford (years 1963-1998), and a more recent record-linkage dataset covering england (1999-2005), to compare rate ratios for cancer between people admitted to hospital for im and a reference cohort. ...200918840316
a chance meeting. 200919318370
multiple sclerosis, lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma: the central role of epstein-barr virus?multiple sclerosis (ms) and hodgkin lymphoma (hl) share epidemiologic characteristics suggesting a possible common etiology. epstein-barr virus (ebv) is associated with hl, burkitt lymphoma, some varieties of non-hodgkin lymphoma (nhl) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc).201019940482
relationship of uv exposure to prevalence of multiple sclerosis in assess the potential relationship of ultraviolet b radiation (uvb) and epstein-barr virus (ebv) exposure in explaining the period prevalence of multiple sclerosis (ms) in england.201121502600
the hammersmith hospital hematopathology case of the month: hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis secondary to epstein-barr virus associated t-cell lymphoma.we discuss the clinical presentation, investigations carried out, and the management issues in an elderly patient with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (hlh). the hlh was associated with an underlying epstein-barr virus positive peripheral t-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified, and the lymphomatous cells harbored translocation t(5;9)(q11.2:p24). the 9p24 region contains the jak2 gene. the disease had a fulminant course.201121417828
maternal and perinatal factors associated with hospitalised infectious mononucleosis in children, adolescents and young adults: record linkage study.there is current interest in the role of perinatal factors in the aetiology of diseases that occur later in life. infectious mononucleosis (im) can follow late primary infection with epstein-barr virus (ebv), and has been shown to increase the risk of multiple sclerosis and hodgkin's disease. little is known about maternal or perinatal factors associated with im or its sequelae.201121356092
serological cross reactivity to cmv and ebv causes problems in the diagnosis of acute hepatitis e virus infection.hepatitis e virus (hev) infection is an important public health concern as a major cause of enterically-transmitted hepatitis worldwide. the detectable window of viraemia is narrow, and hev igm and igg rise simultaneously in acute infection. furthermore, previous investigators have shown hev igm false positive reactions occur against ebv, cmv and potentially hepatitis a. a retrospective analysis of hev serology testing was performed at a london tertiary referral hospital over a 3-year period. a ...201424402843
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