
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
targeted trapping of mosquito vectors in the chesapeake bay area of maryland.most adult mosquito surveillance in maryland is performed using dry ice-baited or unbaited centers for disease control (cdc) miniature light traps suspended approximately 1.5 m above the ground. however, standardized trapping methods may miss mosquito species involved in disease transmission cycles. during a 2-yr study, the effectiveness of the olfactory attractant 1-octen-3-ol alone and in combination with carbon dioxide was evaluated for collecting mosquito vector species. in addition, trap he ...200616619593
mosquitoes associated with us department of agriculture managed wetlands on maryland's delmarva peninsula.mosquito faunal studies were carried out 2004-2005 in maryland's eastern shore wetlands managed by the us department of agriculture. the wetlands included flooded fields, inundated woodlands, and tidal salt marshes. sampling methods included larval collections, adult landing counts, and cdc light and oviposition traps. a total of 1,186 larvae and 1,363 adults identified represented 14 species. temporary pools were found to have the highest potential for rapid mosquito colonization with psorophor ...200717939519
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