
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
nutritional status: a determinant of severity of diarrhea in patients with cholera.the severity of diarrhea and nutritional status were measured in a prospective study of 97 patients hospitalized with cholera in dacca, bangladesh. ninety-five percent of both adults and children were below their respective medians in weight as related to height; greater than 15% of each group showed second-degree protein-calorie malnutrition. duration of diarrhea, but no volume of stool per hour, was prolonged by 30%-70% in those adults and children suffering from more severe malnutrition. the ...1976820813
surveillance of patients attending a diarrhoeal disease hospital in october 1979 a surveillance system was set up at the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, hospital at dacca to study a 4% systematic sample of the 100 000 patients with diarrhoea who come to the hospital for care each year. from december 1979 to november 1980 inclusive, 3550 patients were studied. a recognised pathogenic organism was identified for 66% of patients screened for all pathogens, one-third of whom had a mixed infection with two or more agents. enteroto ...19826812801
enteric fever in patients admitted to a diarrhoeal disease hospital in bangladesh.the hospital records of 62 patients with blood culture-proven enteric fever admitted to the dacca hospital of the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, over a one-year period were reviewed. older children and young adults had the highest age-specific rates of disease. the clinical, epidemiological and laboratory features of patients with enteric fever were compared with similar information from patients in hospital for cholera and shigellosis. patients with enteric fe ...19836636284
seasonality of classical and el tor cholera in dhaka, bangladesh: 17-year on the cholera patients admitted monthly to the icddr, b, hospital in dhaka (bangladesh) from 1964 through 1980 have been studied and analysed. although vibrio cholerae variant el tor did not enter bangladesh until 1963, it has completely displaced classical cholera since 1973. there have also been changes in seasonality, which are discussed.19836665839
presence of vibrios in surface water and their relation with cholera in a community.during an epidemic of cholera we simultaneously cultured water from 30 important ponds, tanks and rivers of dhaka city, to determine the role of surface water as a reservoir of vibrio cholerae and nonagglutinating (nag) vibrios and whether their presence or absence can be used as an indicator of a cholera epidemic in the community. out of 4.016 samples 1216 (30.3%) were positive for nag vibrios and one (0.025%) for vibrio cholerae. ponds showed a higher rate of nag isolation (31.6%) than did riv ...19846335611
simultaneous classical and el tor cholera in bangladesh.cholera appears annually in bangladesh, with peak incidence from september through december and april through june. after being absent for a decade, the classical biotype of vibrio cholerae reappeared in commilla and dhaka on september 1 and 3, 1982, and soon thereafter appeared in many other districts. cases due to the newly emerged classical biotype of v. cholerae rapidly surpassed those due to the el tor biotype. before 1970, classical v. cholerae had been responsible globally for both end ...19846501815
morbidity and mortality in a diarrhoeal diseases hospital in bangladesh.records of all patients who were admitted to or who died in dhaka hospital of the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh (icddr,b) between july 1980 and 30th june 1981 were reviewed to identify epidemiological characters associated with in-hospital diarrhoeal diseases-related deaths. information on aetiological agents, age, sex, major complications, nutritional status and level of dehydration were analysed. over the one-year period, 3251 patients were admitted to the me ...19863603613
vibriocidal titre in cholera cases and contacts: its value in assessing endemicity of or susceptibility to cholera.vibriocidal antibody titre in excess of 1:40 occurred within two weeks of cholera infection, both in severe hospitalized cases, contact cases and in asymptomatic infected contacts. these levels, considered to be indicative of protection, persisted for six months or longer in more than half of the subjects irrespective of presence and severity of symptoms. approximately 40% of infected family contacts had similar titres implying recent infection and subsequent protection. the use of antibiotics t ...19873433343
a hospital outbreak of cholera in dhaka, bangladesh. 19911750100
survival of classic cholera in bangladesh.during the present cholera pandemic the el tor biotype of vibrio cholerae has completely displaced the classic biotype, except in bangladesh. we studied the distribution of these two biotypes in twenty-four rural districts during epidemics in 1988-89; there was clustering of the classic biotype in the southern region and of the el tor biotype in all other regions. these findings suggest that the southern coastal region is now (and may always have been) the habitat of classic cholera. the selecti ...19911674016
isolation of enterotoxigenic vibrio cholerae non-01 from the buriganga river and two ponds of dhaka, bangladesh.vibrio cholerae 01 is usually considered the most toxigenic member of the vibrionaceae and v. cholerae non-01 isolated from the environment is non-toxigenic. in our survey of the pollution of some aquatic environments in and around dhaka, bangladesh, we wanted to investigate the toxigenicity of v. cholerae non-01 isolated from water and sediment samples of the buriganga river and two ponds in dhaka, in the rabbit ileal loop (ril) model. fluid accumulation was induced by 18 of 28 live cultures an ...19921296941
clonal relationships among classical vibrio cholerae o1 strains isolated between 1961 and 1992 in bangladesh, the replacement of classical vibrio cholerae by the e1 tor biotype in 1968 and the reappearance of the classical biotype and its coexistence with the e1 tor biotype after 1982 were never adequately explained. we have analyzed 23 classical v. cholerae isolates collected between 1961 and 1968, 14 classical isolates collected between 1982 and 1992 from the capital city, dhaka, and 6 classical v. cholerae isolates collected from two southern districts of bangladesh and studied restric ...19937691878
an epidemic of cholera due to vibrio cholerae o139 in dhaka, bangladesh: clinical and epidemiological features.we describe the disease spectrum and socio-demographic and epidemiological features of an epidemic of cholera due to a new pathogen, vibrio cholerae o139, in patients attending a very large hospital in the metropolitan city of dhaka, bangladesh. this hospital treats 70,000-90,000 patients a year with diarrhoeal diseases. a 4% systematic sample of 1854 patients attending from january to april 1993 were studied. five hundred and two (27%) of the 1854 patients were culture positive for v. cholerae ...19948005212
changing epidemiology of cholera due to vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 bengal in dhaka, the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh (icddr, b) dhaka we studied the trends in cholera for the period january 1992 to may 1995. vibrio cholerae o139 bengal emerged as a second aetiologic agent of cholera in dhaka in january 1993. in 1993, the majority of cholera cases was due to v. cholerae o139, with v. cholerae o1 accounting for a small proportion of cases. during the latter part of the study period (jan 1994-may 1995), v. cholerae o1 re-emerged as the predom ...19968666070
molecular analysis of toxigenic vibrio cholerae o139 bengal strains isolated in bangladesh between 1993 and 1996: evidence for emergence of a new clone of the bengal vibrios.vibrio cholerae o139 bengal emerged in 1992 and rapidly spread in an epidemic form, in which it replaced existing strains of v. cholerae o1 in bangladesh during 1992 and 1993. the subsequent emergence of a new clone of v. cholerae o1 of the el tor biotype that transiently displaced the o139 vibrios during 1994 to 1995 and the recent reemergence of v. cholerae o139 and its coexistence with the el tor vibrios demonstrated temporal changes in the epidemiology of cholera in bangladesh. we studied cl ...19979276406
heterogeneity in the organization of the ctx genetic element in strains of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal isolated from calcutta, india and dhaka, bangladesh and its possible link to the dissimilar incidence of o139 cholera in the two locales.after a lapse of 33 months, vibrio cholerae o139, the new serogroup associated with cholera, has re-emerged in calcutta, india and has become the dominant serogroup causing cholera from september 1996. in neighbouring bangladesh, v. cholerae o1 biotype el tor continues to be the dominant cause of cholera with the o139 serogroup accounting for only a small proportion of cases. comparison of the phenotypic traits of representative o139 strains from calcutta and dhaka isolated between december 1996 ...19989514639
aetiological, clinical and epidemiological characteristics of a seasonal peak of diarrhoea in dhaka, bangladesh.during the spring peak of diarrhoea in bangladesh, 113 consecutive patients who represented a systematic 4% sample of all patients attending an urban diarrhoea treatment facility between 18 and 23 april 1995 were studied. the study was conducted to characterize enteric pathogens associated with the spring peak of the diarrhoea outbreak in bangladesh and to describe clinical and epidemiological features of the patients. the spring peak is traditionally thought to be mostly due to v. cholerae o1. ...19989817521
case-control study of enteropathogens associated with childhood diarrhea in dhaka, bangladesh.the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, is a major center for research into diarrheal diseases. the center treats more than 100,000 patients a year. to obtain useful information representative of all patients, a surveillance system in which a 4% systematic sample of all patients is studied in detail, including etiological agents of diarrhea, was installed in october 1979. the first paper on etiology for the surveillance patients was published in 1982, which identifi ...199910523534
[bacteriological survey of diarrheal epidemics in the 1998 bangladesh floods].in 1998, the worst flood disaster in bangladesh ravaged more than half of its land and diarrheal epidemics broke out. we examined fecal specimens of diarrheal patients at rural hospitals in chandpor district located 140 km southeast of dhaka to analyze the enteric bacterial pathogens in post-flood period october. of the 76 patients stools examined, vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor, serotype ogawa, and vibrio cholerae o139 bengal were detected in 25 (33%) and in 14 (18%) respectively. other ente ...199910535267
mortality in severely malnourished children with diarrhoea and use of a standardised management protocol.severely malnourished children have high mortality rates. death commonly occurs during the first 48 h after hospital admission, and has been attributed to faulty case-management. we developed a standardised protocol for acute-phase treatment of children with severe malnutrition and diarrhoea, with the aim of reducing mortality.199910371570
reemergence of epidemic vibrio cholerae o139, bangladesh.during march and april 2002, a resurgence of vibrio cholerae o139 occurred in dhaka and adjoining areas of bangladesh with an estimated 30,000 cases of cholera. patients infected with o139 strains were much older than those infected with o1 strains (p<0.001). the reemerged o139 strains belong to a single ribotype corresponding to one of two ribotypes that caused the initial o139 outbreak in 1993. unlike the strains of 1993, the recent strains are susceptible to trimethoprim, sulphamethoxazole, a ...200314519249
isolation of vibrio cholerae from neonates admitted to an urban diarrhoeal diseases hospital in bangladesh.very little is known about vibrio cholerae infection in neonates with diarrhoea.200516156982
self-limiting nature of seasonal cholera epidemics: role of host-mediated amplification of phage.phage predation of vibrio cholerae has recently been reported to be a factor that influences seasonal epidemics of cholera in bangladesh. to understand more about this phenomenon, we studied the dynamics of the v. cholerae-phage interaction during a recent epidemic in dhaka. because the outbreak strain causing this epidemic was resistant to multiple antibiotics, including streptomycin, we used a selective medium containing streptomycin to monitor accurately the abundance of this strain in the en ...200515829587
enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and vibrio cholerae diarrhea, bangladesh, 2004.flooding in dhaka in july 2004 caused epidemics of diarrhea. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) was almost as prevalent as vibrio cholerae o1 in diarrheal stools. etec that produced heat-stable enterotoxin alone was most prevalent, and 78% of strains had colonization factors. like v. cholerae o1, etec can cause epidemic diarrhea.200516022790
toxin(s), other than cholera toxin, produced by environmental non o1 non o139 vibrio cholerae.a total of 39 vibrio cholerae non o1 non o139 strains were isolated from surface waters of different parts of dhaka city, bangladesh. all these strains showed lack of ctx or zot gene, as demonstrated by the pcr analysis. eighteen representative strains were tested for enterotoxin production using a rabbit ileal loop model, of which live cells of 8 strains and culture filtrates of 6 strains produced fluid accumulation in ileal loops. however, none of them produced heat stable toxin (st), as detec ...200616696898
diarrheal epidemics in dhaka, bangladesh, during three consecutive floods: 1988, 1998, and 2004.we examined demographic, microbiologic, and clinical data from patients presenting during 1988, 1998, and 2004 flood-associated diarrheal epidemics at a diarrhea treatment hospital in dhaka, bangladesh. compared with non-flood periods, individuals presenting during flood-associated epidemics were older, more severely dehydrated, and of lower socioeconomic status. during flood-associated epidemics, vibrio cholerae was the most commonly identified cause of diarrhea, and the only diarrheal pathogen ...200616760521
faecal contamination of drinking water sources of dhaka city during the 2004 flood in bangladesh and use of disinfectants for water describe the extent of faecal pollution and point of use water treatment strategy during and after the 2004 flood in dhaka.200717584454
shifting prevalence of major diarrheal pathogens in patients seeking hospital care during floods in 1998, 2004, and 2007 in dhaka, bangladesh.bangladesh experienced severe flooding and diarrheal epidemics in 2007. we compared flood data from 2007 with 2004 and 1998 for diarrheal patients attending the icddr,b hospital in dhaka. in 2007, vibrio cholerae o1 (33%), rotavirus (12%), and enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) (12%) were most prevalent. more severe dehydration was seen in 2007 compared with 2004 and 1998 (p < 0.001). in 2007, v. cholerae o1 inaba (52%) and ogawa (48%) were seen, whereas in 2004 and 1998 it was primarily in ...200818981509
a comparison of clinical and immunologic features in children and older patients hospitalized with severe cholera in bangladesh.: infection with vibrio cholerae induces protection from subsequent severe disease, suggesting that an effective vaccine could be an important preventive strategy. available vaccines provide less protection against cholera than natural infection, particularly in children.200818833030
zinc supplementation in children with cholera in bangladesh: randomised controlled investigate the impact of zinc supplementation in children with cholera.200818184631
prediction of epidemic cholera due to vibrio cholerae o1 in children younger than 10 years using climate data in determine if a prediction of epidemic cholera using climate data can be made, we performed autoregression analysis using the data recorded in dhaka city, bangladesh over a 20-year period (1983-2002) comparing the number of children aged <10 years who were infected with vibrio cholerae o1 to the maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall. we formulated a simple autoregression model that predicts the monthly number of patients using earlier climate variables. the monthly number of patients p ...200817346360
a variant in long palate, lung and nasal epithelium clone 1 is associated with cholera in a bangladeshi population.vibrio cholerae causes a dehydrating diarrheal illness that can be rapidly fatal in the absence of specific treatment. the organism is an historic scourge and, like similar infectious diseases, may have influenced the evolution of the human genome. we report here the results of the first candidate gene association study of cholera. in a family-based study of 76 pedigrees from dhaka, bangladesh, we evaluated the association between cholera and five candidate genes-the cystic fibrosis transmembran ...200919212328
presence of high numbers of transcriptionally active helicobacter pylori in vomitus from bangladeshi patients suffering from acute gastroenteritis.helicobacter pylori is one of the most prevalent human bacterial pathogens; however, its transmission pathways remain unknown. new infections of h. pylori during outbreaks of gastroenteritis have been suggested previously, and to explore this transmission route further h. pylori was quantified in vomitus and diarrheal stool of patients suffering from acute gastroenteritis in dhaka, bangladesh.200919674127
bacterial enteropathogens of neonates admitted to an urban diarrhoeal hospital in on the aetiology of diarrhoea in neonates are scarce, especially from developing countries including bangladesh. a retrospective review of the electronic database of the microbiology laboratory of the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh (icddr,b), was carried out to examine enteropathogens associated with diarrhoea in neonates. stool specimens of the neonates on admission to the dhaka hospital of icddr,b were collected and sent to the laboratory for direct plati ...200918840632
relatedness of vibrio cholerae o1/o139 isolates from patients and their household contacts, determined by multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis.the genetic relatedness of vibrio cholerae o1/o139 isolates obtained from 100 patients and 146 of their household contacts in dhaka, bangladesh, between 2002 and 2005 was assessed by multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis. isolate genotypes were analyzed at five loci containing tandem repeats. across the population, as well as within households, isolates with identical genotypes were clustered in time. isolates from individuals within the same household were more likely to have simila ...201020585059
impact of rapid urbanization on the rates of infection by vibrio cholerae o1 and enterotoxigenic escherichia coli in dhaka, bangladesh, increases in cholera epidemics are being documented with a greater incidence and severity. the aim of this prospective study was to identify the prevalence and importance of v. cholerae o1 and enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) as causal agents of severe diarrhea in a high diarrhea prone urban area in dhaka city.201121483709
bacterial aetiology of diarrhoeal diseases and antimicrobial resistance in dhaka, bangladesh, 2005-2008.summaryinfectious diarrhoea caused by bacterial pathogens contributes to the high level of mortality in developing countries like bangladesh. following standard bacteriological procedures, a total of 14 428 bacterial pathogens were isolated from 56 132 stool samples and rectal swabs collected from diarrhoeal patients between 2005 and 2008. the rate of isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility data were retrospectively analysed for these isolates and among them vibrio spp. (42·9%) were the most ...201122040529
comparison of memory b cell, antibody-secreting cell, and plasma antibody responses in young children, older children, and adults with infection caused by vibrio cholerae o1 el tor ogawa in bangladesh.children bear a large component of the global burden of cholera. despite this, little is known about immune responses to cholera in children, especially those under 5 years of age. cholera vaccine studies have demonstrated lower long-term protective efficacy in young children than in older children and adults. memory b cell (mbc) responses may correlate with duration of protection following infection and vaccination. here we report a comparison of immune responses in young children (3 to 5 years ...201121697337
evidence of a dominant lineage of vibrio cholerae-specific lytic bacteriophages shed by cholera patients over a 10-year period in dhaka, bangladesh.lytic bacteriophages are hypothesized to contribute to the seasonality and duration of cholera epidemics in bangladesh. however, the bacteriophages contributing to this phenomenon have yet to be characterized at a molecular genetic level. in this study, we isolated and sequenced the genomes of 15 bacteriophages from stool samples from cholera patients spanning a 10-year surveillance period in dhaka, bangladesh. our results indicate that a single novel bacteriophage type, designated icp1 (for the ...201121304168
genetic characteristics of drug-resistant vibrio cholerae o1 causing endemic cholera in dhaka, 2006-2011.vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor (et), causing the seventh cholera pandemic, was recently replaced in bangladesh by an altered et possessing ctxb of the classical (cl) biotype, which caused the first six cholera pandemics. in the present study, v. cholerae o1 strains associated with endemic cholera in dhaka between 2006 and 2011 were analysed for major phenotypic and genetic characteristics. of 54 representative v. cholerae isolates tested, all were phenotypically et and showed uniform resistan ...201222977073
frequency of reexposure to vibrio cholerae o1 evaluated by subsequent vibriocidal titer rise after an episode of severe cholera in a highly endemic area in bangladesh.vibriocidal antibody is a marker of recent exposure to vibrio cholerae o1 infection. we examined vibriocidal titers for 1 year after an episode of severe cholera in patients in dhaka, bangladesh; 16 of 53 (30%) patients had a fourfold or greater increase in vibriocidal titer between 6 and 12 months after an episode of severe cholera, suggesting reexposure to the organism. among patients with rises in titers during follow-up, the patients initially infected with serotype ogawa had earlier rises i ...201222964723
changing trend of persistent diarrhoea in young children over two decades: observations from a large diarrhoeal disease hospital in bangladesh.we studied the changing trend and factors associated with persistent diarrhoea (pd) in under-five children presenting to a large diarrhoeal disease hospital in urban dhaka, bangladesh, over the last two decades.201222734659
comparison of immune responses to the o-specific polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide of vibrio cholerae o1 in bangladeshi adult patients with cholera.immunity against vibrio cholerae o1 is serogroup specific, and serogrouping is defined by the o-specific polysaccharide (osp) part of lipopolysaccharide (lps). despite this, human immune responses to v. cholerae osp have not previously been characterized. we assessed immune responses against v. cholerae osp in adults with cholera caused by v. cholerae o1 el tor serotype inaba or ogawa in dhaka, bangladesh, using o1 osp-core-bovine serum albumin (ospc:bsa) conjugates; responses targeted osp in th ...201222993410
clinical characteristics, etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility among overweight and obese individuals with diarrhea: observed at a large diarrheal disease hospital, bangladesh.the present study aimed to determine the clinical characteristics and etiology of overweight and obese (oo) individuals with diarrhea attending an urban dhaka hospital, international centre for diarrheal disease research (icddr,b), bangladesh.201323936424
changing patient population in dhaka hospital and matlab hospital of icddr,b.the diarrhoeal disease surveillance system of icddr,b noted increasing number of patients ≥60 years at urban dhaka and rural matlab from 2001 to 2012. shigella and vibrio cholerae were more frequently isolated from elderly people than children under 5 years and adults aged 5-59 in both areas. the resistance observed to various drugs of shigella in dhaka and matlab was trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (72-63%), ampicillin (43-55%), nalidixic acid (58-61%), mecillinam (12-9%), azithromycin (13-0%), ...201424252120
bacterial shedding in household contacts of cholera patients in dhaka, bangladesh.multiple vibrio cholerae infections within the same household are common. household contacts of patients with cholera were observed with daily clinical assessments and collection of rectal swab cultures for nine days after presentation of the index case. during the follow-up period, 71 (24%) of 294 household contacts developed a positive v. cholerae rectal swab, signifying bacterial shedding. the average length of bacterial shedding was 2.0 days (95% confidence interval 1.7-2.4). however, 16 (5% ...201425114012
diarrhoea in slum children: observation from a large diarrhoeal disease hospital in dhaka, determine and compare socio-demographic, nutritional and clinical characteristics of children under five with diarrhoea living in slums with those of children who do not live in slums of dhaka, bangladesh.201425039966
long-term comparison of antibiotic resistance in vibrio cholerae o1 and shigella species between urban and rural bangladesh.from 2000 to 2012, vibrio cholerae o1 and shigella species isolates from urban dhaka and rural matlab were tested for resistance to all clinically relevant antibiotics in bangladesh. resistances in urban and rural bangladesh tended to rise and fall together, especially a few years after the introduction of new resistance.201424457344
shift in phenotypic characteristics of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) isolated from diarrheal patients in bangladesh.enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) is one of the most common causes of bacterial diarrhea. over the last decade, from 1996 to 2012, changes in the virulence antigen properties of etec such as heat labile (lt) and heat stable (st) toxins, colonization factors (cfs), and 'o'-serogroups have been observed. the aim of this prospective study was to compare changes in antigenic profiles of etec strains isolated from a 2% surveillance system at the icddr,b hospital in dhaka, bangladesh between 200 ...201425032802
the increased severity in patients presenting to hospital with diarrhea in dhaka, bangladesh since the emergence of the hybrid strain of vibrio cholerae o1 is not unique to cholera patients.a hybrid strain of vibrio cholerae o1 el tor that expresses a classical cholera toxin (ct) emerged in 2001. this hybrid variant rapidly replaced the previous el tor strain around the world. the global emergence of this variant coincided with anecdotal reports that cholera patients were presenting with more severe dehydration and disease in many locations.201526409202
chlorination of household drinking water among cholera patients' households to prevent transmission of toxigenic vibrio cholerae in dhaka, bangladesh: chobi7 trial.household members of cholera patients are at a 100 times higher risk of cholera infections than the general population because of shared contaminated drinking water sources and secondary transmission through poor household hygiene practices. in this study, we investigated the bactericidal concentration of free chlorine required to inactivate vibrio cholerae in household drinking water in dhaka, bangladesh. in laboratory experiments, we found that the concentrations of free chlorine required to i ...201627698273
o-specific polysaccharide-specific memory b cell responses in young children, older children, and adults infected with vibrio cholerae o1 ogawa in bangladesh.cholera caused by vibrio cholerae o1 confers at least 3 to 10 years of protection against subsequent disease regardless of age, despite a relatively rapid fall in antibody levels in peripheral blood, suggesting that memory b cell responses may play an important role in protection. the v. cholerae o1-specific polysaccharide (osp) component of lipopolysaccharide (lps) is responsible for serogroup specificity, and it is unclear if young children are capable of developing memory b cell responses aga ...201627009211
randomized controlled trial of hospital-based hygiene and water treatment intervention (chobi7) to reduce cholera.the risk for cholera infection is >100 times higher for household contacts of cholera patients during the week after the index patient seeks hospital care than it is for the general population. to initiate a standard of care for this high-risk population, we developed cholera-hospital-based-intervention-for-7-days (chobi7), which promotes hand washing with soap and treatment of water. to test chobi7, we conducted a randomized controlled trial among 219 intervention household contacts of 82 chole ...201626811968
rapid dipstick detection of vibrio cholerae in household stored and municipal water in dhaka, bangladesh: chobi7 urban dhaka, bangladesh, 30% of source water samples collected from the households of patients with cholera had detectable vibrio cholerae. these findings indicate an urgent need for a public health intervention for this population. the crystal vc(®) dipstick test is a rapid method for detecting v. cholerae in stool and water. however, to date no study has investigated the use of the rapid dipstick test for household surveillance of stored drinking water.201727754582
risk factors for household transmission of vibrio cholerae in dhaka, bangladesh (chobi7 trial).abstracthousehold contacts of cholera patients are at a 100 times higher risk of a vibrio cholerae infection than the general population. to examine risk factors for v. cholerae infections and investigate intervention strategies among this population, we followed household contacts of cholera patients for the 1-week high-risk period after the index patient obtained care. this study was nested within a randomized controlled trial of the cholera-hospital-based-intervention-for-7-days (chobi7), a h ...201728719281
Displaying items 1 - 55 of 55