
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
seroprevalence of selected disease agents from free-ranging black bears in florida.sera obtained from 66 free-ranging florida black bears (ursus americanus floridanus) from three geographic areas of florida (usa) between november 1993 and august 1995 were tested for antibodies to 13 disease agents. antibody prevalences were 3 positive of 37 tested (8%) coxiella burnetti, 37 of 66 (56%) toxoplasma gondii, 3 of 61 (5%) bluetongue virus/epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (btv/ehdv), 4 of 66 (6%) canine adenovirus-type 1, 5 of 66 (8%) canine distemper virus (cdv), 10 of 62 (16%) ...19989706572
serologic testing for human granulocytic ehrlichiosis at a national referral indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa) was used to identify patients with antibodies reactive to the human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (hge) agent. serum samples collected from clinically ill individuals were submitted to the centers for disease control and prevention by physicians via state health departments from throughout the united states and tested against a panel of ehrlichial and rickettsial pathogens. antibodies reactive to the hge agent were detected in 142 (8.9%) of 1,602 individual ...19999986812
pseudoepidemic of q fever at an animal research facility.serum samples from people exposed to sheep at a research facility were evaluated by a commercial laboratory and resulted in an overall coxiella burnetii seroprevalence of 75%. we interviewed individuals to determine exposure history and compatible illness, and retested their sera. analysis indicated that the commercial laboratory was misinterpreting its results; when corrected, the seroprevalence dropped to 27%. test kits of the brand used by the commercial laboratory gave equivalent results to ...200415682517
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