
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
complete genome sequence of a j subgroup avian leukosis virus isolated from local commercial broilers.subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j) isolate gdkp1202 was isolated from a 50-day-old local yellow commercial broiler in the guangdong province of china in 2012. here we report the complete genomic sequence of the gdkp1202 isolate, which caused high mortality, serious growth suppression, thymic atrophy, and liver enlargement in commercial broilers. a novel potential binding site (5'-ggcacctcc-3') for c-myb was identified in the gdkp1202 genome. these findings will provide additional insights i ...201223043170
emergence of reticuloendotheliosis virus in pigeons in guangdong province, southern china.reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev), an important immunosuppressive pathogen, has many hosts, including chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and wild birds. clinically, rev may lead to increased susceptibility to other pathogens, resulting in serious tissue damage (especially tumors) and the death of its host. in this study, we encountered a disease outbreak resulting in a large number of deaths of pigeons in guangdong province, southern china. histopathological analysis revealed apparent tumor-like l ...201627120185
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