
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
intestinal helminth parasite community in wolves (canis lupus) in italy.from 1987 to 1993, 89 wolves (canis lupus) collected throughout the whole italian range were examined for intestinal helminth parasites. twelve species were found, including 5 nematodes (uncinaria stenocephala, toxocara canis, ancylostoma caninum, trichuris vulpis and toxascaris leonina) and 7 cestodes (echinococcus granulosus, taenia hydatigena, t. multiceps, t. pisiformis, t. ovis, mesocestoides lineatus and dipylidium caninum). no significant differences were detected between sexes. t. canis ...19938065823
echinococcosis/hydatidosis in western the present study, 115 stray dogs (56 males and 59 females, mixed breed), 86 golden jackal (canis aureus, 42 males and 44 females), 60 red foxes (vulpes vulpes, 33 males and 27 females), and three female wolves (canis lupus) were examined for echinococcus granulosus infection, as well as, 32,898 sheep, 10,691 goats, 15,779 cattle and 659 buffaloes for hydatid infection from five provinces in western iran during 3 years (1997-2000). meanwhile fertility rates of different types and forms of cys ...200211900930
echinococcus granulosus in finland.echinococcus granulosus is shown to occur in eastern finland in a sylvatic cycle involving wolves (canis lupus) as the definitive host and reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) and probably also elk (alces alces) and the wild forest reindeer (rangifer tarandus fennicus) as intermediate hosts. even though the prevalence of e. granulosus in reindeer has increased in recent years, it is still very low (<0.013%). the results suggest, however, that the reindeer is a good sentinel animal to show the c ...200312531293
the distribution of echinococcus granulosus in moose: evidence for parasite-induced vulnerability to predation by wolves?the role of parasites in influencing the trophic dynamics of hosts is becoming increasingly recognized in the ecological literature. echinococcus granulosus is a tapeworm that relies on the predator-prey relationship between the definitive host (wolf, canis lupus) and the intermediate host, (moose, alces alces) to complete its life cycle. heavy infection by e. granulosus may predispose moose to increased risk of predation by wolves. theory predicts that parasite-induced vulnerability to predatio ...200415232731
helminth parasites of wolves (canis lupus): a species list and an analysis of published prevalence studies in nearctic and palaearctic populations.a literature survey was undertaken in order to draw up a definitive list of helminth parasites of the wolf, canis lupus. from 27 papers a total of 72 helminth species from 40 genera were recorded that infect wolves, of which 93% were identified from the gastrointestinal tract at necropsy. they comprised 28 species of nematode, 27 species of cestode, 16 species of trematode and one acanthocephalan. of these, 46 species were able to be included in further meta-analysis of prevalence data derived f ...200515946392
echinococcus granulosus (cestoda, taeniidae) in the iberian wolf.the intestinal contents of 27 iberian wolves (canis lupus signatus) from spain were screened for the presence of the taenid cestode echinococcus granulosus. four animals were found positive (15% prevalence). the intensity of parasitation was variable (mean 71, range 1-147 e. granulosus per host). gravid individuals were found in all wolves positive with the parasite. molecular characterization of the parasite material showed that the wolf strain belongs to the g1 genotype. according to the resul ...200616752157
helminthologic survey of the wolf (canis lupus) in estonia, with an emphasis on echinococcus granulosus.carcasses of 26 wolves were collected during the 2000/2001 and 2003/2004 hunting seasons and examined for helminths. thirteen helminth species were recorded: one trematode (alaria alata), seven cestodes (diphyllobothrium latum, mesocestoides lineatus, taenia hydatigena, taenia multiceps, taenia ovis, taenia pisiformis, and echinococcus granulosus), and five nematode species (uncinaria stenocephala, toxascaris leonina, toxocara canis, trichinella nativa, and trichinella britovi). the most common ...200616870858
helminth parasites of the wolf canis lupus from latvia.thirty-four wolves were collected between 2003 and 2008 from throughout latvia and examined for helminths. a total of 17 helminth species were recorded: the trematode alaria alata (85.3%); the cestodes diphyllobothrium latum (2.9%), echinococcus granulosus (2.9%), echinococcus multilocularis (5.9%), mesocestoides lineatus (5.9%), taenia crassiceps (8.8%), taenia hydatigena (41.2%), taenia (ovis) krabbei (8.8%), taenia multiceps (47.1%), taenia pisiformis (20.6%), taenia polyacantha (11.8%), taen ...200919138449
echinococcus granulosus in gray wolves and ungulates in idaho and montana, usa.we evaluated the small intestines of 123 gray wolves (canis lupus) that were collected from idaho, usa (n=63), and montana, usa (n=60), between 2006 and 2008 for the tapeworm echinococcus granulosus. the tapeworm was detected in 39 of 63 wolves (62%) in idaho, usa, and 38 of 60 wolves (63%) in montana, usa. the detection of thousands of tapeworms per wolf was a common finding. in idaho, usa, hydatid cysts, the intermediate form of e. granulosus, were detected in elk (cervus elaphus), mule deer ( ...200919901399
frequency distributions of helminths of wolves in kazakhstan.between 2001 and 2008 a total of 41 wolves (canis lupus) were necropsied in southern kazakhstan and their intestinal parasite fauna evaluated. of these animals 8 (19.5%) were infected with echinococcus granulosus, 15 (36%) with taenia spp, 13 (31.7%) with dypilidium caninum, 5 (12.2%) with mesocestoides lineatus, 15 (36.6%) with toxocara canis, 16 (39%) with toxascaris leonina, 8 (19.5%) with trichuris vulpis, 9 (22%) with macracanthorhynchus catulinus and 1 (2.4%) with moniliformis moniliformis ...201121962968
taeniid species of the iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) in portugal with special focus on echinococcus spp.taeniid species represent relevant pathogens in human and animals, circulating between carnivorous definitive hosts and a variety of mammalian intermediate hosts. in portugal, however, little is known about their occurrence and life cycles, especially in wild hosts. an epidemiological survey was conducted to clarify the role of the iberian wolf as a definitive host for taeniid species, including echinococcus spp. wolf fecal samples (n = 68) were collected from two regions in northern portugal. t ...201324533315
the present situation of echinococcoses in mongolia.this review presents the historical and current situation of echinococcoses in mongolia. since the collapse of the soviet union in 1991, mongolia's health surveillance infrastructure has been very poor, especially as it pertains to chronic diseases, including neglected zoonotic diseases (nzds). although there is anecdotal evidence of people dying from hepatic disease due to infection with the larval stage of echinococcus spp., there are very few published reports. all confirmed cases of echinoco ...201526234999
the occurrence of taeniids of wolves in liguria (northern italy).canids are definitive hosts of taenia and echinococcus species, which infect a variety of mammals as intermediate or accidental hosts including humans. parasite transmission is based on domestic, semi-domestic and wildlife cycles; however, little is known of the epidemiological significance of wild large definitive hosts such as the wolf. in this study, 179 scats of wolves (canis lupus italicus) collected throughout the italian region of liguria were analyzed for the detection of taeniid infecti ...201526042204
first detection of echinococcus multilocularis in dogs in a highly endemic area of poland.the aim of the investigation was to estimate the epizootic situation concerning infection by the cestode echinococcus multilocularis leuckart, 1863 in dogs (canis lupus familiaris linnaeus) from a polish region where this parasite is highly prevalent in red foxes. faecal samples (n = 148) were collected from rural dogs in podkarpackie province. samples were examined through nested pcr (for e. multilocularis), multiplex pcr (e. multilocularis, species of taenia linnaeus, 1758) and pcr [e. granulo ...201627311792
italian wolves (canis lupus italicus altobello, 1921) and molecular detection of taeniids in the foreste casentinesi national park, northern italian apennines.after centuries of massive decline, the recovery of the wolf (canis lupus italicus) in italy is a typical conservation success story. to learn more about the possible role of parasites in the wolves' individual and population health and conservation we used non-invasive molecular approaches on fecal samples to identify individual wolves, pack membership, and the taeniids present, some of which are zoonotic. a total of 130 specimens belonging to 54 wolves from eight packs were collected and exami ...201728180084
protozoan and helminth parasite fauna of free-living croatian wild wolves (canis lupus) analyzed by scat collection.the european wolf (canis lupus) is a large carnivore species present in limited areas of europe with several small populations still being considered as endangered. wolves can be infected by a wide range of protozoan and metazoan parasites with some of them affecting free-living wolf health condition. on this account, an epidemiological survey was conducted to analyze the actual parasite fauna in croatian wild wolves. in total, 400 individual faecal samples were collected during field studies on ...201728043382
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