
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[use of mebendazole for helminthiases in chickens and geese].103 chickens experimentally infected with capillaria obsignata were treated with mebendazol at a dose of 30 mg/kg body-weight daily for 3 consecutive days. the effectiveness of the drug on the 4th stage larvae as well as immature and mature 5th stage forms were 92,5%, 98% and 98,8% respectively. in another experiment to 32 chickens experimentally infected with syngamus trachea mebendazol was given at 40 mg/kg body-weight on 3 successive days. mebendazol removed the immature and mature gape worms ...197318777386
[helminth fauna anseriformes (aves) in the lodz zoological garden].in the years 1959-1990 429 birds on 30 species of anseriformes were examined post mortem at zoo lódź. the helminths were found in 108 birds (25.17%) of 19 species. in infected birds there were found 4 species of trematodes: one of them, catatropis verrucosa is in poland new for cygnus olor; 9 species of cestodes--7 of them are in poland new for examined hosts; namely: drepanidotaenia lanceolata for dendrocygna viduata, cygnus atratus, branta bernicla, and anas platyrhynchos; microsomacanthus par ...19979424942
prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in different poultry production systems.a cross-sectional prevalence study of gastrointestinal helminths in danish poultry production systems was conducted on 268 adult chickens selected at random from 16 farms in denmark from october 1994 to october 1995. the trachea and the gastrointestinal tract of each bird was examined for the presence of helminths. in the free-range/organic systems the following helminths were found: ascaridia galli (63.8%), heterakis gallinarum (72.5%), capillaria obsignata (53.6%), capillaria anatis (31.9%) an ...199910579399
correlates of helminth community in the red-legged partridge (alectoris rufa l.) in spain.between 1992 and 1996, 587 wild red-legged partridges (alectoris rufa) from 16 spanish provinces were examined to study the variations of helminth communities in this game species across a broad geographical area. the survey revealed 13 species of helminth parasites. dicrocoelium sp.. rhabdometra nigropunctata, and cheilospirura gruweli were the most common species, whereas raillietina bolivari, choanotaenia infundibulum, tetrameres sp., and capillaria anatis were the most rare. subulura suctori ...200312880240
[intestinal nematodes of the aythyini ducks in western pomerania].intestinal nematodes of the aythyini ducks in western pomerania. biology, including ecology, of the aythyini renders them particularly attractive subjects of parasitological studies. the tribe is represented in poland by 4 nesting species; two of them, aythya fuligula and a. ferina, are very abundant game birds. however, their helminth fauna, including nematodes, is still very poorly known. this study was aimed at quantifying the structure of parasitic intestinal nematodes of the western pomeran ...200516838626
capillariid nematodes in brazilian turkeys, meleagris gallopavo (galliformes, phasianidae): pathology induced by baruscapillaria obsignata and eucoleus annulatus (trichinelloidea, capillariidae).the pathology induced in turkeys (meleagris gallopavo) by two capillariid nematodes, baruscapillaria obsignata and eucoleus annulatus is described together with data on prevalences, mean infection and range of worm burdens. b. obsignata occurred with a prevalence of 72.5% in the 40 examined hosts in a range of 2-461 nematodes and a mean intensity of 68.6, whereas e. annulatus was present in 2.5% of the animals, with a total amount of five recovered parasites. gross lesions were not observed in t ...200818545854
[biological and ecological background of nematode fauna structure formation in the alimentary tracts of wild anatinae ducks in north-western poland].the study involved a total of 250 wild ducks representing 17 species of three ecologically different tribes: the anatini (113 individuals), the aythyini (71), and the mergini (66). the ducks, obtained mainly from fishermen and hunters, were examined for the presence of parasites, using the generally accepted methods. analyses of nematode assemblage structure were conducted with methods described in the literature. in addition, significance of differences in intensity of infestation was determine ...200818664105
gastrointestinal helminths are highly prevalent in scavenging chickens of selected districts of eastern shewa zone, ethiopia.a cross-sectional survey on gastrointestinal helminths was conducted on 124 chickens raised under traditional management system in two selected districts namely ada'a and adamitulu of eastern shewa zone, ethiopia. of these chickens, 111 (89.5%) were found to harbor one of the five different helminth parasites and 13 (10.48%) were free of helminths parasites. the study also found that 103 (83.0%) and 72 (58.0%) of the examined chickens were invariably infected by diverse species of cestodes and n ...201224175425
morphometrical and ecological analysis of nematodes of the family capillariidae (neveu-lemaire, 1936) in wild ducks (anatinae) from the north-western poland.west pomerania is located on the migratory route of many species of birds. among them are many representatives of wild duck species (subfamily anatinae), which are often the primary hosts of many helminths due to the fact of living in two different environments: terrestrial and aquatic. however, until the end of the 90s, research conducted in poland on the helminth fauna of wild birds, including nematodes of the family capillariidae, did not include the north-western region of the country. these ...201324791347
nematodes in the mallard (anas platyrhynchos linnaeus, 1758) and the common goldeneye (bucephala clangula linnaeus, 1758) (anatidae) from northern europe.there are first data on nematodes of anas platyrhynchos linnaeus, 1758 (mallard) and bucephala clangula linnaeus, 1758 (common goldeneye) from northern europe (ladoga lake region). the ducks were found to be infected with nine nematode species. a. platyrhynchos hosted eight nematode species and b. clangula was host to four nematode species. all species except capillaria anatis were found in the region for the first time. nematodes amidostomum acutum, streptocara crassicauda, and tetrameres fissi ...201526323580
morphological and molecular genetic characterization of three capillaria spp. (capillaria anatis, capillaria pudendotecta, and capillaria madseni) and baruscapillaria obsignata (nematoda: trichuridae: capillariinae) in avians.morphological and genetic analyses were performed on four avian species of the subfamily capillariinae (nematoda: trichuridae), i.e., capillaria anatis from chickens (gallus gallus domesticus) in japan and the philippines, baruscapillaria obsignata from chickens and captive swans (cygnus olor and cygnus atratus) in japan, capillaria pudendotecta from captive swans in japan, and capillaria madseni from carrion and jungle crows (corvus corone and corvus macrorhynchos) in japan. although morphometr ...201526204803
zatorska goose - a subject of parasitological research.the aim of the study was to determine the level of gastrointestinal parasites in a native breed of geese - zatorska goose - based on coproscopic testing. faecal samples were collected from 90 young geese in three age groups (5, 7 and 9 weeks old) in 2014. the geese were kept indoors on deep litter and pastured from spring to autumn. the area of the pastures around the buildings where the geese grazed was about 1 hectare, divided into quarters for different age groups. before grazing, the birds w ...201526878622
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