
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
progressive immune failure in dyskeratosis congenita. report of an adult in whom pneumocystis carinii and fatal disseminated candidiasis pneumocystis carinii pneumonia developed in a young adult patient with dyskeratosis congenita. his hospitalization ended fatally with disseminated candidiasis. evaluation during the admission showed evidence of cellular immune dysfunction as indicated by skin test anergy and absent lymphocyte proliferation in an in vitro mixed lymphocyte culture. treatment with transfer factor failed to reverse the cutaneous anergy or affect the clinical course. dyskeratosis congenita is a rar ...19846607716
the origin of pneumocystis carinii. 19846607963
treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis. a comparative trial of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim v pentamidine in pediatric patients with cancer: report from the children's cancer study group.pentamidine isethionate and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim are effective in the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the immunosuppressed pediatric patient. to compare their efficacy and toxicity, 25 pediatric cancer patients with biopsy-proved p carinii pneumonia were randomly assigned to receive either pentamidine intramuscularly or sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim orally for 14 days. no differences in response or frequency of side effects were noted between the two drug regimens, with r ...19846388315
comparison of biopsy-proven pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients and renal allograft recipients.pneumonia unresponsive to antibacterial agents in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) has become a new indication for lung biopsy. in 14 patients, transbronchial or open-lung biopsy demonstrated pneumocystis carinii. an additional 12 patients, who were immunosuppressed after renal transplantation, were seen with p. carinii pneumonia. the diagnosis was established by transbronchial biopsy in the majority of patients. all patients were treated initially with trimethoprim plus ...19846388515
analysis of pneumocystis carinii cysts with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter.human sera from pneumocystis carinii-infected patients and specific rabbit antisera have antibodies against the cyst form of the organism. lung tissue concentrations from cortisone-treated c3h/hen mice and six open lung biopsy-positive patients were centrifuged and suspended, and immunofluorescent staining was done. we utilized the fluorescence-activated cell sorter to analyze and sort p. carinii cysts from lung homogenates into a morphologically distinct population. a quantitative basis was use ...19846392322
supportive care for children with cancer. guidelines of the childrens cancer study group. use of prophylactic antibiotics.infection is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in children receiving anticancer therapy. children who have severe neutropenia (neutrophil count less than 100/mm3) for longer than 2 weeks should receive oral antibiotic prophylaxis. at present, trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole in combination with either nystatin or amphotericin b is the best regimen for reducing the incidence of serious infections. trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole is very effective in the prevention of pneumocystis carinii pneu ...19846393790
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and related syndromes in hemophiliacs: status throughout the world].the occurrence during the last 2 years of 29 cases of aids in hemophiliacs (21 in usa and 8 in europe) suggests possible transmission of this disease by blood products. all these patients had received factor viii or ix concentrates and developed pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or other opportunistic infections. kaposi's sarcoma was not observed in any patient. recent studies have focused on the frequency of aids-related complex in hemophiliacs, which may arise as a crucial problem. however this d ...19846438770
[aids in switzerland].around 4000 cases of aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) have been recorded worldwide. in switzerland 18 cases has been reported to the federal office of public health up to february 1, 1984, of whom 15 were men and 3 women. up to now 16 of the patients have died. 9 of the people involved were homosexuals and 6 africans, but none of them was a haemophiliac or drug addict. four patients were not in a definable risk group. most of the aids patients had stayed in the usa, haiti or equatorial ...19846474116
severe infections in childhood leukemia. a follow-up study of 100 consecutive all patients.severe infections during the course of childhood all were surveyed as a whole in 100 consecutive patients, followed up for 2-8.5 years from the all diagnosis. the most important findings were a total absence of disseminated candidiasis, a relative infrequency of gram-negative septicemia (8 episodes), and a predominance of gram-positive cocci (29 episodes) in the 48 verified septicemias. s. aureus was responsible for 50% of culture-positive septicemias. the gram-positive predominance depended pro ...19846589942
malignancies in the aids patient: natural history, treatment strategies, and preliminary results.almost 40% of the 3000 us patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) have a malignancy at the time of reporting, and the incidence of aids patients who develop a malignancy during the course of the disease may be 65-70%. 2 types of malignancies have been noted with increased frequency in aids victims: kaposi's sarcoma and malignant lymphomas. about 35% of all aids patients and 50% of homosexual or bisexual victims have developed kaposi's sarcoma, and those with coincident opportu ...19846598311
assessment of therapy for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. pcp therapy project group.pneumocystis carinii pneumonia has been recognized in about 60 percent of patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). the centers for disease control, in collaboration with 19 medical centers, retrospectively studied 282 biopsy-confirmed cases of p. carinii pneumonia to determine the efficacy and safety of anti-pneumocystis therapy. adult patients with p. carinii pneumonia secondary to aids and to other known causes of immune deficiency were enrolled. aids patients experienced ...19846367458
acquired immune deficiency syndrome.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) has been reported in more than 2800 persons in the united states (70 per cent of whom are homosexually active men). aids is manifested by impaired cell-mediated immunity that results in various opportunistic infections (especially pneumonia caused by pneumocystis carinii) or malignant disease (especially disseminated kaposi's sarcoma). the cause is unknown, and effective treatment is not yet available. aids apparently is not highly infectious for pe ...19846369704
extrinsic risk factors for pneumonia in the patient at high risk of infection.most nosocomial pathogens cause pneumonia through the following sequence: transit to the patient on the hands of medical personnel or perhaps in food, proliferation in the nasopharynx, and subsequent pulmonary aspiration. there are three exceptional pathogens, each of particular concern as a cause of pneumonia in the immunocompromised patient, which follow atypical routes. important recent advances in understanding these routes permit more rational preventive measures. this report examines the e ...19846372478
bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of diffuse pulmonary infiltrates in the immunosuppressed host.the usefulness of bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of pulmonary infiltrates in the immunosuppressed patient was studied in 97 patients. in immunosuppressed patients, the available diagnostic procedures are often invasive and have variable yield and a potential for serious complications. bronchoalveolar lavage had an overall diagnostic yield of 66% (61 of 92 diseases). it was most effective in the diagnosis of opportunistic infections, including infection with pneumocystis carinii (18 of 2 ...19846375497
pneumocystis carinii: a misunderstood opportunist. 19846381045
lymphadenopathy: endpoint or prodrome? update of a 24-month prospective study.this article presents preliminary 24-month findings from a prospective study initiated in san francisco in 1981 with the following objectives: to refine the clinical definition of the lymphadenopathy syndrome; to compare these patients to patients with category a acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) with regard to epidemiologic, virologic, and immunologic variables; to follow a cohort of these patients to establish the natural history of the syndrome; and to evaluate screening variables fo ...19846335951
assay of plaque forming cells during infection with pneumocystis carinii. 19846334649
rapidly progressing rheumatoid arthritis: an example of polyclonal b-cell activation?we report the case of a 76-year old woman who presented with a palindromic onset of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. after suffering from a fulminant pulmonary infection she developed serologic tests for ornitosis, mycoplasma, pneumocystis carinii and low titer yersinia. also the rheumatoid factor titer increased and the antinuclear antibody test became positive. clinically, the course of a rather benign polyarthritis changed into a rapidly progressive deforming disease. the course was also co ...19846331972
five-year absence of pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis in a pediatric oncology center. 19846332155
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: a problem revisited. 19846332188
evaluation of serologic tests for pneumocystis carinii antibody and antigenemia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.sera from 68 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and 135 controls were used to evaluate the indirect immunofluorescence and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of antibodies to pneumocystis carinii and a counterimmunoelectrophoresis assay for detection of circulating pneumocystis antigen. none of these assays was helpful in the diagnosis of p. carinii pneumonia. an improved assay for antigenemia is needed to differentiate between clinical and subclinical infection.19846399481
severe neutropenia during pentamidine treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome--new york city. 19846422241
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). light microscopic, ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies of one case.the lung and axillary lymph node biopsies of a 33-year-old male drug-abuser with clinical and immunologic evidences of aids were studied by light and electron microscopy. encysted pneumocystis carinii organisms with attached membranous expansions and virus-like particles were demonstrated in the alveolar spaces and, occasionally, in macrophages. the lymph node biopsy revealed areas of angioimmunoblastic proliferation associated with lymphocytic depletion of the interfollicular zones. tubuloretic ...19846332199
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia treated with alpha-difluoromethylornithine. a prospective study among patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is a protozoal infection that, in the setting of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), is often lethal and unresponsive to conventional therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or pentamidine. in the present study, we have prospectively assessed the use of alpha-difluoromethylornithine (dfmo), an inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis, in the treatment of p carinii pneumonia in patients with aids who were intolerant or unresponsive to conventional drugs. improv ...19846440364
the acquired immune deficiency syndrome: an international health problem of increasing importance.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is a new disease which first appeared in human populations about 1979. the disease is defined by the development of unusual types of cancer (e.g. kaposi's sarcoma), or severe cellular immunodeficiency manifested by opportunistic infections (e.g. pneumocystis carinii infection), or both. although the etiology of aids is unknown, the epidemiologic evidence is consistent with an infectious agent transmitted by blood (e.g. transfusion, needle sharing) o ...19846332236
[the first case of aids in the tyrol].this case report deals with a description of the first case of aids in tirol. our patient was an intravenous drug abuser and presented with both opportunistic infections (candidiasis, interstitial pneumonia due to pneumocystis carinii) and with kaposi's sarcoma. he died within 4 weeks as a result of staphylococcal septicaemia refractory to intensive chemotherapy.19846332427
systemic lupus erythematosus and invasive thymoma: report of two cases.two cases of invasive thymoma in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) are described. in both instances the suspected diagnosis of a mediastinal tumour proved difficult to confirm. neither surgical removal of the thymoma in one case nor irradiation in the other had any apparent clinical or serological effect on the course of the sle. both patients subsequently suffered from respiratory problems and the distinction between recurrent tumour and pulmonary involvement by sle proved diffic ...19846524985
disseminated histoplasmosis associated with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.disseminated histoplasmosis developed in a previously healthy man as the initial manifestation of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. following apparently successful therapy with intravenous amphotericin b, he presented two months later with a subacute pneumonitis syndrome diagnosed by bronchoscopy as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. he showed response to intravenous trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole with resolution of his symptoms and clearing of chest radiographic findings. while he was receiv ...19846332532
lymphocyte changes during chronic administration of and withdrawal from corticosteroids: relation to pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.corticosteroids were administered for up to 8 wk in adult lewis rats to provoke pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and lymphocyte subsets were analyzed at different body sites with monoclonal antibodies by flow microfluorometry in a fluorescence activated cell sorter. the rats became chronically ill, debilitated, and exhibited marked involution of all lymphoid tissues. the lymphocytopenia was characterized in peripheral blood by a large fall in the frequency of t helper cells, and in the lungs by a ...19846332853
clinical features of pneumocystis pneumonia in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.the courses of 19 patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia complicating the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) were reviewed. compared with previous reviews of pneumocystis pneumonia in patients without aids, pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with aids often has a more prolonged clinical prodrome, with pulmonary symptoms occurring for an average of 3 wk prior to presentation, and often has a slower response to therapy, with radiographic and blood gas improvement occurring an average ...19846333195
study of pneumocystis carinii infection in paediatric autopsies (report of 3 cases). 19846335530
predisposing factors in pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: effects of tetracycline, protein malnutrition, and corticosteroids on hosts.components of the immunosuppressive regimen used to reactivate latent pneumocystis carinii infection were analyzed for their effects on the growth, nutrition, and lymphoid system of hosts. rats that were administered either tetracycline or a low-protein (8%) diet alone for 7 weeks developed few abnormalities, but animals on the combined regimen developed lower body and lymphoid organ weights, lower serum albumin levels, and fewer circulating lymphocytes. rats that were administered corticosteroi ...19846334032
pulmonary infiltrates in immunocompromised patients: diagnosis by cytological examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.thirty pulmonary infiltrates in 26 patients were investigated by bronchoalveolar lavage. sixteen of the patients were on therapeutic immunosuppression for renal disease or transplant and 10 had leukaemia, lymphoma, or allied conditions. a rapid specific diagnosis was made in 21 (70%) episodes by cytological examination of the fluid and in 28 (93%) by a combination of cytology and microbiology. no complications from haemorrhage or pneumothorax ensued. pneumonia due to pneumocystis carinii was the ...19846368604
sporogony in pneumocystis carinii: synaptonemal complexes and meiotic nuclear divisions observed in precysts.evidence for meiosis was demonstrated electron microscopically for the first time in pneumocystis carinii in rat alveoli by the observation of synaptonemal complexes followed by nuclear divisions. synaptonemal complexes indicating meiotic nuclear divisions were observed in uninuclear precysts. additionally, owing to the use of tannic acid as a fixative, spindle microtubules were also observed for the first time in the precyst. based on these facts, a new life cycle of the organism is proposed. t ...19846334157
reversal of pentamidine-induced hypoglycaemia with oral diazoxide.hypoglycaemia is a common and occasionally life-threatening complication of therapy with pentamidine isethionate. we observed inappropriately elevated insulin levels in a patient with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and pentamidine-induced hypoglycaemia. oral diazoxide was effective in reversing the marked hypoglycaemia. pentamidine may exert its hypoglycaemic effect by stimulating insulin secretion from the pancreas.19846371261
persistence of pneumocystis carinii in lung tissue of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients treated for pneumocystis pneumonia.eleven patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) were studied by repeat bronchoscopy during pcp treatment to assess histologic evidence of resolution of the pneumonia. nine of 10 patients studied after 8 to 21 days of therapy demonstrated evidence of persistent pcp. four of 6 patients studied after 22 to 35 days of therapy continued to demonstrate pneumocystis carinii cysts on repeat examination, while only 1 of 4 patients studied after 35 d ...19846334462
acquired immune deficiency syndrome: postmortem findings.the autopsies of 13 male homosexuals with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) were reviewed. all patients had laboratory evidence of cellular immune dysfunction. the most common diagnoses made were disseminated cytomegalovirus infection in 12 patients and kaposi's sarcoma in 10. all patients infected with cytomegalovirus had pulmonary compromise. the adrenal glands and gastrointestinal tract also were involved often by cytomegalovirus. cytomegalovirus infection of organs uncommonly affect ...19846326563
pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis. 19846373171
correlation between gallium lung scans and fiberoptic bronchoscopy in patients with suspected pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.we retrospectively examined the sensitivity and specificity of gallium lung scans for detecting pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in 22 patients with known or suspected acquired immune deficiency syndrome. correlations were made between bronchoscopic results and gallium scan findings interpreted using a simple system (normal or abnormal) and a graded score (1 to 4). all 12 patients with pneumocystis had abnormal scans by both interpretations (sensitivity, 100%). five of these 12 patients had normal ...19846334463
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) trends in the united states, 1978-1982.this report summarizes results of surveillance for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in the united states by the centers for disease control through the first quarter of 1983. surveillance has been predominantly passive, supplemented by active follow-up of requests to the centers for disease control for pentamidine isethionate for treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. the 1,299 reported cases showed trends of increasing incidence among all risk groups: homosexual men (72 perc ...19846322585
hla-a,b,c and dr antigen frequencies in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patients with opportunistic infections.during the past three years, an epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndromes (aids) involving the presence of specific forms of cancer (notably kaposi's sarcoma) and infection (e.g., pneumocystis carinii) ordinarily seen only in severely immunosuppressed hosts has occurred among active homosexuals, haitian immigrants, drug users, and hemophiliacs in large cities in the united states and elsewhere. an as yet unidentified viral agent is presumably the cause of the initial immunodeficiency and h ...19846333416
thoracic manifestations of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome is characterized by the development of multiple recurrent opportunistic infections or unusual neoplasms in individuals with no prior history of immune suppression. this report summarizes the thoracic diseases encountered in such patients before after death and the role of diagnostic techniques currently used in the evaluation of thoracic disease in 15 patients with this syndrome. efficacy of treatment was determined by correlation with postmortem findings ...19846333556
coccidioidomycosis in acquired immune deficiency syndrome. depressed humoral as well as cellular pulmonary coccidioidomycosis has not been previously reported in the setting of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). a patient with aids, progressive pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and disseminated cytomegalovirus is described. diagnosis of these opportunistic pathogens was made by bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial lung biopsy. results of traditional complement fixation serologic testing for cytomegalovirus were negative; however, the mor ...19846324591
use of the transbronchial biopsy for diagnosis of opportunistic pulmonary infections in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).the authors used a method that includes giemsa-stained touch preparations of a lung biopsy and culture of the same biopsy for viruses and microorganisms. the yield of etiologic agent diagnoses by this cytologic method was compared with yield from a simultaneous biopsy processed by usual histologic methods and stained by hematoxylin and eosin, silver methenamine, and other stains as necessary. fifty-nine transbronchial biopsies and eight open lung biopsies were processed on 38 male patients with ...19846318546
pneumocystis carinii antigenemia in adults with malignancy, infection, or pulmonary disease.a counterimmunoelectrophoresis test for pneumocystis carinii antigenemia was employed to assess the extent of subclinical infection or colonization with this agent in adults with infection, pulmonary disease, or malignancy and in healthy homosexual men. antigenemia was detected in 6 of 208 (3%) of normal controls, 3 of 28 (11%) of patients with pulmonary infection, 3 of 33 (9%) of those with chronic lung disease, 1 of 36 (3%) of patients with lung cancer, 7 of 271 (3%) of afebrile subjects with ...19846334694
mortality associated with mode of presentation in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.a population-based survival study was done for all cases of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome diagnosed in the city of san francisco through may 1983. follow-up was obtained for 165 of 173 diagnosed cases. median survival among 75 patients presenting with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) alone was 21 months. median survival among 90 patients presenting with opportunistic infections, primarily pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, was 9 months; survival at 21 months was zero. survival among patients present ...19846334770
efficacy of diaminodiphenylsulfone and other drugs in murine pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis.the purpose of this study was to identify new drugs for the prevention and treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis (pcp) induced in rats by continuous daily dosage with dexamethasone. initially, test drugs were administered prophylactically as a screen for efficacy. drugs were selected because of their known activity against certain protozoa and their tolerance in human usage. doses were based on previous studies in rats or estimated from usage in humans and lower animals. allopurinol (50 ...19846335017
infections due to pneumocystis carinii and mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. 19846335955
"pneumocystis carinii"--a misunderstood enigma. 19846335431
[two cases of adult t cell leukemia complicated with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia]. 19846335187
clinical relevance of animal models of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 19846336147
pneumocystis carinii infection in germ-free rats: implications for human patients.pneumocystis carinii infections have been detected both serologically and histologically in untreated, germ-free and conventional rats killed immediately upon arrival from two commercial sources. pneumocystis antigenemia was detected by counterimmunoelectrophoresis (cie) and antibody was titered by indirect immunofluorescence. the data suggest that 1) p. carinii is enzootic in certain rat colonies; 2) in utero transmission is a distinct possibility; and 3) paucity of cysts does not rule out p. c ...19846336148
[pneumonia due to pneumocystis carinii in aids patients]. 19846334349
pneumocystis carinii in germ-free rats. 19846333469
adverse reactions to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we reviewed the charts of 38 patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who were treated for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. only 5 of 37 patients started on trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were able to complete treatment; in 29 patients drug toxicity occurred and in 19 treatment was changed due to adverse reactions that included rash, fever, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and transaminase elevation. pentamidine was given to 30 patients (1 as initial treatment); toxicity occurred in 13 b ...19846230976
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in patients with hemophilia.since mid-1981 the centers for disease control (cdc) has received reports of more than 1900 cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. these cases had either kaposi's sarcoma confirmed by biopsy or a life-threatening opportunistic infection confirmed by biopsy or culture. in january 1982 a hemophiliac with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia was reported to the cdc, and by july 1982 two other hemophiliacs had developed p. carinii pneumonia. during the next 12 months a total of 22 confirmed case ...19846230977
cultivation of pneumocystis carinii in lung-derived cell lines. 19846610000
pulmonary complications of aids: radiologic features.fifty-two patients with pulmonary complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) were studied over a 3-year period. the vast majority of the patients were homosexual; however, a significant number were intravenous drug abusers. thirteen different organisms were noted, of which pneumocystis carinii was by far the most common. five patients had neoplasia. most patients had initial abnormal chest films; however, eight patients subsequently shown to have pneumocystis carinii pneumonia ha ...19846610304
unexplained immunodeficiency in children. a surveillance report.from oct 1, 1982, to oct 1, 1983, the centers for disease control (cdc) received reports of 35 children whose illness met the cdc definition of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). all of the children had serious opportunistic infections without a known underlying illness to explain susceptibility to the infections. the 35 children were residents of ten different states; cases clustered in five major metropolitan areas. three of the children had a parent with aids, and one child who had b ...19846610774
the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids): current status and implications for respiratory care practitioners.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) has affected more than 2,600 persons since 1981, with the number of reported cases rising exponentially. the disease is characterized by a deficiency in the cell-mediated immune system, which allows entrance to a host of opportunistic infections as well as tumors. the most common infection associated with aids is pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, a previously uncommon infection of immunocompromised hosts. the most common neoplasm associated with aids ...198410315509
impact of cyclosporine on renal transplant practice at the university of texas medical school at houston.csa has improved the outcome of renal allotransplantation with cad and lrd kidneys. csa mitigates risk factors heretofore presenting substantial obstacles to cad transplantation: hla matching, pretransplant splenectomy, extensive numbers of conditioning blood transfusions, and old age. in lrd transplantation, csa obviates the need for donor-specific transfusions in the haploidentical situation, and for prednisone in the hla-identical setting. the incidence of drug-induced nephrotoxicity beyond s ...19853925760
comparison of processing techniques for detection of pneumocystis carinii cysts in open-lung biopsy specimens.methenamine silver stain was used to compare the number of cysts of pneumocystis carinii contained in lung concentrate smears of homogenized lung tissue with the number in impression smears. results were also compared with histopathological examination of methenamine silver-stained paraffin-embedded sections. of slides from 23 preparations, a greater number of cysts were contained in concentrate smears than in impressions (p less than 0.001). in four preparations, cysts were noted in concentrate ...19853882742
diagnosis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in pediatric patients using bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage. 19853875082
absence of pneumocystis carinii in lobund germfree and conventional rat colonies. 19853875106
pulmonary complications in patients with adult t-cell leukemia.a survey of 360 patients with various hematologic diseases revealed a high frequency of respiratory complications in patients with adult t-cell leukemia (atl) compared to others. among 29 patients with atl, pulmonary complications were seen in 26 patients; leukemic pulmonary infiltration in 13, bleeding in 1, interstitial pneumonitis in 1, and pulmonary infection in 13. the incidence of pneumocystis carinii and bacterial pneumonias were high despite adequate neutrophil count. even in chronic and ...19853872708
serodiagnosis of pneumocystis carinii. 19853872777
efficacy of tetroxoprim/sulphadiazine in the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis in rats.pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis was induced using dexamethasone in male sprague-dawley rats. after the first death due to pn. carinii occurred, nine rats received 50 mg/kg/day tetroxoprim and 120 mg/kg/day sulphadiazine. four additional rats were given no therapy and served as a positive control. all the surviving rats including five negative controls were sacrificed four weeks after the last positive control rat died. all four rats in the positive control group and two of nine in the treated g ...19853874200
gallium-67 scintigraphy in acquired immune deficiency syndrome complicated by pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 19853877590
kaposi's sarcoma in heterosexual intravenous drug users.kaposi's sarcoma is a feature of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in male homosexuals and haitians. in this report the authors describe six heterosexual intravenous drug users who developed kaposi's sarcoma. they had other characteristics of aids including opportunistic infections (oral candidiasis, six patients; pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, two patients; genital herpes simplex, two patients; disseminated cytomegalovirus, one patient; mycobacterium avium, one patient) and inversi ...19853967196
pathologic pulmonary findings in children with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a study of ten cases.lung tissue and tissue from the lymphoreticular system obtained at open biopsy and/or autopsy were studied in ten children with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). one or both parents of nine of the children had aids or risk factors for aids. the remaining child had hemophilia. the following pulmonary lesions were seen: 1) diffuse alveolar damage (dad), 2) pneumocystis carinii and/or cytomegalovirus pneumonitis, 3) lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis (lip), and 4) desquamative interstit ...19853972404
disease manifestation among homosexual men with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a possible role of nitrites in kaposi's identify risk factors that determine the major manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), the authors analyzed data from three epidemiologic studies conducted by the centers for disease control. the authors compared patients by outcome of disease. eighty-seven homosexual patients (47 with kaposi's sarcoma, 20 with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and 20 with both) had participated in the earlier studies, and their interviews and laboratory test results were available. com ...19853878602
[five cases of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia diagnosed by bronchofiberscopy--the usefulness of the bronchoalveolar lavage for diagnosis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia]. 19853879311
[surgical pulmonary biopsy in children].during the last 2 years an open lung biopsy was performed in 16 children aged from 2 to 14 years. fourteen of these had a chemotherapeutic induced immunodeficiency and a radiological picture of diffuse pulmonary infiltrate. a definite diagnosis was established in 11 cases: 5 pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis, 2 cmv infections, 2 pneumocalcinosis, 1 neoplastic pulmonary lymphangitis and 1 staphylococcal infection. three had a non-specific interstitial pneumonitis. in this series there was no post- ...19854042263
early experience and difficulties with bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy in the diagnosis of aids associated pneumonia in britain.bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy have been used as adjuncts to the management of patients with pneumonia associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) at the middlesex hospital and the experience gained and difficulties encountered in the first five cases are reported. widely varying organisms were isolated from lavage aspirates, some of which may have been nasopharyngeal contaminants, and organisms cultured from the transbronchial biopsy specimens may offer a bet ...19853872484
[identification of pneumocystis carinii in a patient dying of aids].we compared two different techniques in the preparation of slides for the demonstration of pneumocystis carinii in lung tissue of a patient died for aids. the impressions were prepared by imprinting the autopsy tissue surfaces on glass slides, while the concentrates were prepared by a partial homogenization and subsequent centrifugation of the pulmonary tissue. after staining, the number of protozoa microscopically observed resulted similar with both techniques; moreover using impression smears ...19853879892
pneumocystis carinii: growth variables and estimates in the a549 and wi-38 va13 human cell lines.recent studies indicate that rat pneumocystis carinii can be propagated in the a549 cell line, an alveolar epithelioid cell line derived from human lung carcinoma. in the present study, growth of p. carinii was compared in the a549 cell line and the wi-38 va13 subline 2ra, an sv40 transformed derivative of the human fetal fibroblast cell line with epithelioid morphology. similar p. carinii growth occurred in both cell lines under optimal conditions, but the wi-38 va13 cell line was usually more ...19853894045
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in renal transplant recipients--clinical and radiographic features, diagnosis and complications of treatment.six episodes of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in five renal transplant patients on low dose maintenance prednisolone are described. the infection was rare, occurring in 3 per cent of the recipients transplanted between 1978 and 1984. diagnosis and treatment were not straightforward. fever was the earliest evidence of illness, and in three episodes the chest radiograph was normal at presentation. at diagnosis, two to 16 days later, all had pulmonary infiltrates and severe hypoxia. diagnosis was ...19853909201
pentamidine for the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and other protozoal diseases.pentamidine isethionate, discovered to have antiprotozoal activity in 1938, has recently been approved in the united states for the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. despite frequent adverse reactions, which are at times life-threatening, pentamidine remains an important alternative to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for the treatment of p. carinii pneumonia in patients with a history of allergy to sulfonamides or who have severe reactions or a lack of response to treatment with trimeth ...19853901852
pentamidine isethionate in the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.the chemistry, antiprotozoal activity, pharmacology, clinical efficacy, adverse effects, dosage, administration, and hospital formulary considerations of pentamidine isethionate are reviewed. pentamidine, an aromatic diamidine, has been used since the 1940s to treat a variety of protozoal infections. it is now most commonly administered in the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp). it is generally not metabolized, and it is stored or bound to tissue and excreted slowly as the parent ...19853902329
use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole to prevent bacterial infections in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.we assessed the efficacy of prophylactic antibiotics in children receiving intensive chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. the patients were randomized to receive either trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (tmp-smx) or placebo in a double-blind trial. thirty patients were evaluated in each group. children receiving tmp-smx had fewer episodes of bacteremia (0 vs. 5) and otitis media (3 vs. 18). the geometric mean of the neutrophil nadir was 172 in the tmp-smx group and 287 in controls. however ...19853889875
[pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: a review]. 19853891249
[pneumocystis carinii pneumonia]. 19853897099
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 19853898464
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 19853884451
acute respiratory failure due to pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: clinical, radiographic, and pathologic course.the clinical, radiographic, and pathologic correlates of acute respiratory failure due to pneumocystis carinii pneumonia were studied in 12 renal transplant patients treated with cyclosporin (cs) and prednisone. six patients required only supplemental oxygen, while the other six patients developed the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ards) requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation despite similar predisposing factors and prompt initiation of therapy. ten (83%) patients survived. increased f ...19853884275
respiratory and pulmonary alterations in experimental pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in rats.pneumocystis carinii (p.c.) pneumonia was induced in 40 rats by a prolonged corticosteroid treatment (group 1); 40 healthy rats of equal weight constituted the control group (group 2); 9 rats received the same corticosteroid treatment as group 1, together with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (tmp-sfz) in order to prevent p.c. multiplication (group 3). we could distinguish the respiratory effects induced by corticosteroids from those caused by p.c. pneumonia (group 3 vs group 1). for six weeks the ...19853919791
serum lactate dehydrogenase levels in adults and children with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and aids-related complex: possible indicator of b cell lymphoproliferation and disease activity. effect of intravenous gammaglobulin on enzyme levels.twenty-seven of 33 patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) or aids-related complex (16 adults and 17 children) demonstrated significant elevation of serum lactate dehydrogenase activity, occurring in the isomorphic distribution. serum lactate dehydrogenase activity was the highest in all nine patients with acute pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis, in seven of whom extensive interstitial pulmonary infiltrates with lymphocytes and plasma cells were documented. lactate dehydrogen ...19853922219
pneumonia in the acquired immune deficiency data there have been 130 cases of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in britain. aids is though to be caused by the retrovirus human t cell lymphotropic virus iii/lymphadenopathy associated virus (htlv-iii/lav). the presenting feature of aids may be and acute pneumonic illness with cough, breathlessness, and fever. nearly always, however, there is a preceding history of several months' ill health characterized by loss of weight, intermittent of prolonged fever, and malaise. th ...19853922466
diagnostic value of pulmonary gallium 67 scanning in the diagnosis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in an immunocompromised patient with unexplained fever and hypoxemia. 19853929167
yellow nail syndrome in patients with acquired immunodeficiency disease.eight patients with proved diagnoses of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, some with chronic sinusitis, pleural effusion, tuberculosis, and other pathologic conditions, were serially examined. four had yellow discoloration of the distal portions of the nails. nails of some patients showed ridging, loss or decrease in size of lunulae, and opaqueness. these findings indicate the presence of the yellow nail syndrome, a relatively rare condition, in 50% of these e ...19854078068
a case comparison of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in homosexual males with spindle-endothelial cell abnormalities and with recrudescent melioidosis.the aids syndrome includes cases of biopsy-proven kaposi's sarcoma in persons under 60 years of age, or biopsy- or culture-proven pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, or either of the life-threatening opportunistic infections in young previously healthy persons with no underlying cause of immunodeficiency (center for disease control criteria). here we described the first case of aids with early kaposi's sarcoma-like lesions in homosexual male drug addict and have compared the clinical and laboratory ...19854074477
lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia associated with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (lip) is characterized by interstitial accumulation of mature lymphocytes, plasma cells, and reticuloendothelial cells and is often an unremitting process unresponsive to immunosuppressive therapy. the patient described in this report had severe candidal esophagitis and immunologic findings consistent with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). there was no evidence of pulmonary infection with pneumocystis carinii, cytomegalovirus, mycobacterium aviu ...19854003948
prospective randomized study of open lung biopsy versus empirical antibiotic therapy for acute pneumonitis in nonneutropenic cancer patients.diffuse pulmonary infiltrates and acute respiratory compromise frequently occur in patients with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy, and treatment remains controversial. we initiated a prospective randomized trial in 22 nonneutropenic patients to compare the efficacy of immediate open lung biopsy with that of empirical trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and erythromycin therapy with delayed open lung biopsy if no clinical improvement occurred after 4 days of therapy. diagnoses included non-hodgki ...19854062396
small intestinal lymphoma in three patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.three cases of small bowel lymphoma in young homosexual men are presented. all three had acquired immune deficiency syndrome as demonstrated by demography, sexual history, cachexia, opportunistic infections by cytomegalovirus, pneumocystis carinii, atypical mycobacterium, candida, and/or evidence of immune deficiency, such as skin test anergy, lymphopenia, inversion of t-helper/t-suppressor ratio, and diminished lymphocyte response to either phytohemmaglutinin or pokeweed mitogen. all had periph ...19853966449
generalised tuberculosis in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we describe a heroin addict who presented with cellular immunodeficiency, generalised tuberculosis, and pneumonia caused by pneumocystis carinii, and discuss the risk of these associations.19853981026
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the patient with aids. 19853931990
a cluster of pneumocystis carinii infections in children. 19853935241
bronchoalveolar lavage in heart-lung transplantation.distinguishing lung rejection from infection in patients who have undergone heart-lung transplantation is difficult. since bronchoalveolar lavage has been safely used to investigate other pulmonary conditions, its safety and the value of the cellular data obtained were evaluated on 44 occasions in ten heart-lung transplant recipients. this study established that bronchoalveolar lavage is safe after heart-lung transplantation, that it reliably diagnoses infection, and lastly that serial lavages a ...19853939650
[1st case of aids in salzburg. important diagnostic hint by determination of neopterin].this case report describes the first case of aids in salzburg. the patient belonged to the male homosexual risk group. he presented with opportunistic infections: oral candidiasis, bilateral pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and cerebral toxoplasmosis. the diagnosis of aids was corroborated by highly elevated urinary neopterin levels. despite treatment with antibiotics the patient died within 5 weeks due to cardiorespiratory insufficiency.19853157271
histoplasmosis in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.this report describes the experience with disseminated histoplasmosis in seven of 15 patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) diagnosed in indianapolis since 1981. three were homosexual, two were intravenous drug addicts, one was the spouse of another patient with aids and disseminated histoplasmosis, and the seventh was a hemophiliac. six had associated infections: candidiasis in three, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, recurrent mucocutaneous herpes simplex infection, and dis ...19853871588
Displaying items 801 - 900 of 7415