
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
transfer of hypogammaglobulinemia in two inbred chicken strains by spleen cells from bursectomized donors.transfer of lymphoid cells from agammaglobulinemic donor chickens into 3- to 4-week-old irradiated recipients that had been surgically bursectomized at 2 to 3 weeks of age significantly depressed the ability of the antibody-forming apparatus to recover from irradiation. antibody production to brucella abortus and sheep erythrocytes remained much below control levels in bx donor-cell recipients of both chicken strains studied (sc and fp). progressive loss of serum igm and igg was observed primari ...1976818317
the effect of chloroform on brucella abortus agglutinins in whey.defatting milk for the brucella abortus whey agglutination test with chloroform caused some reduction in the titre in i.u./ml. in 42 of 57 samples and this reduction exceeded 50% in seven. though this procedure will probably rarely affect the final interpretation of the test defatting the milk by centrifugation is preferred.1976819575
brucellosis: the situation in western nigeria.over 55% of 7161 people examined in different parts of western nigeria have positive brucella abortus-antibodies in their sera. higher incidence of titres were found among dairy farmers and slaughtermen than in the general population. the rates of infection among the human and the cattle populations in two farms studied were very similar. there was evidence of high rate of cross-infections going on in one of these farms: more than 63% of the herd in this farm showed serological evidence of activ ...1976821186
some effects of silical treatment on marek's disease.treatment of newly hatched chicks with silica by the intraperitoneal route delayed the onset of mortalities due to the jm strain of marek's disease (md' virus inoculated at 6 days of age. during the 88-day observation period fewer silica-treated chicks died of md, but this difference was not usually statistically significant. silica treatment had no effect on the susceptibility of 4-week-old birds. silica treatment reduced the antibody response to md but, in general, not significantly. the antib ...1976179947
antiviral activity of an extract of brucella abortus: induction of interferon and immunopotentiation of host resistance. 1976181760
[carboyydrates localization on ultrathin sections of "brucella" and "escherichia" cells in smooth (s) and rough (r) phase (author's transl)].carbohydrates localization on ultrathin sections of brucella abortus, melitensis and excherichia coli cells has been studied by the periodic acid thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (patag) and phosphotungstic acid (pta) methods. carbohydrates are mainly localized on the cell envelope of brucella and escherichia but there are several differences between these two bacteria. the differences are discussed and a brucella polysaccharide envelope model is proposed. the patag method gives the same sil ...1976187096
[morphology of the cells in the peritoneal exsudate and phosphatase activity of the peritoneal macrophages experimentally aged rats treated with the intracellular bacterium brucella abortus 19 (author's transl)].the authors study the morphology of the cells in the peritoneal exsudate and the phosphatase activity of the peritoneal macrophages, obtained from rats with selye's progeria-like syndrome. judging by their morphologic characteristics the macrophages of the experimentally aged rats, before and after contact with brucella abortus 19 do not differ from those obtained from the unsubjected to experimental ageing rats. the acid phosphatase activity and the adenosinetriphosphatase activity of the macro ...1976134512
shared antigens between bacteria and guinea pig line 10 hepatocarcinoma cells.this study was undertaken to investigate the possibility that listeria monocytogenes, brucella abortus, and salmonella typhimurium share antigenic components with guinea pig line 10 hepatocarcinoma cells. rabbits were immunized with sonicates of these bacteria or line 10 tumor cells. other rabbits were immunized with line 1 cells, a tumor with antigenic characteristics different from those of line 10. the binding of antibodies to radiolabeled antigens prepared from extracts of bacteria and line ...197657823
cellular immunity against bacteria (intracellular and extracellular parasites) in experimentally aged rats (author's transl).the authors study the activity of res in rats with progeria-like syndrome of selye, at the occasion of a repeated infection with bacteria--intracellular parasites (brucella abortus 19) and bacteria--extracellular parasites (diplococcus pneumoniae). they establish that immunization improves the activity of res of the experimentally aged rats; still, its phagocytic and digestive functions remain by far feebler than those of the rats unsubjected to experimental ageing. by the aged animals the res i ...19768877
radioimmunoassay of igm, igg, and iga brucella antibodies.a radioimmunoassay (r.i.a.) has been devised to measure the serum antibody against brucella abortus in each of the immunoglobulin classes igm, igg, and iga. this test was applied to 46 sera from individuals with various clinical types of brucellosis, and the results were compared with the results of conventional direct and indirect agglutination and complement-fixation tests. the r.i.a. provided a highly sensitive primary-type assay which avoided the difficulties with blocking or non-agglutinati ...197768181
isolation of a phage lytic for several brucella species following propagation of tbilisi phage in the presence of mitomycin c.a new brucella-phage, designated d, was isolated from a batch of tbilisi phage grown on brucella abortus strain 544 in the presence of mitomycin c. although resembling tbilisi phage in morphology, it differed in its host range, adsorption properties, chemical stability and antigenic specificity.197770199
altered immune responsiveness associated with encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits.the variation in immune response of two unrelated colonies of laboratory rabbits to high doses of heat-killed brucella abortus strain 19 was investigated. one was a mixed-breed, multicolored colony in which a high prevalence of encephalitozoonosis had been recorded, whereas the other rabbits were derived from a colony of dutch-marked specific-pathogen-free rabits. although considerable variation in the immune response between individual rabbits was noticed at all bleeds, rabbits infected with en ...1977139377
the ontogeny of thymic independent antibody responses in vitro in normal mice and mice with an x-linked b cell defect.the primary in vitro antibody response of neonatal spleen cells to three thymic independent antigens has been examined. the time of onset of responsiveness to tnp-brucella abortus and tnp-lipopolysaccharide was significantly earlier than the onset of responsiveness to tnp-ficoll. this ontologic sequence was not affected by t cell depletion or antigen presentation on adult macrophages. in neonatal mice bearing the x-linked cba/n defect, the response to tnp-brucella abortus and tnp-lipopolysacchar ...1977334975
a comparison of three selective media for the isolation of brucella abortus from contaminated material. 1977415792
comparison of two challenge strains used to test the potency of brucella abortus vaccines. 1977415793
an immunological enhancement phenomenon in experimental brucella infection of the chicks.the passive transfer of chicken anti-brucella immune globulins promote the survival of brucella abortus in the spleen of chickens infected with this bacteria. this enhancing effect was reduced significantly when the immune globulins were absorbed with heat-killed brucella cells to remove all the anti-brucella agglutinins and immune adherence antibodies. therefore, it is most probable that the enhancing effect is related to the presence of brucella antibodies.1977403146
on the growth of brucella species in presence of erythritol in defined and undefined media and amniotic fluid of human, cow and sheep.different concentrations of erythritol (25-1000 microng/ml) in defined medium were shown to enhance the growth of 75.00 to 91.66 per cent of brucella abortus and 69.23 to 100.00 per cent of brucella melitensis strains studied. compared to these figures only 13.04 to 60.86% (in tryptose broth), and 41.40 to 62.50% (in glycerol dextrose broth), of brucella abortus strains, 25.00 to 83.30 per cent (in tryptose broth) and 83.30 to 100.00 per cent (in glycerol dextrose broth) of brucella melitensis s ...1977403714
[antibacterial and antimycotic activity of the amniotic fluid against selected germs (author's transl)].60 samples of amniotic fluid from 60 patients were obtained between 14 and 42 weeks gestation by dates and tested for their antibacterial activity against staphlococcus aureus strains and brucella abortus and their antimycotic activity against candida albicans. the antibacterial and antimycotic activity of the amniotic fluid was confirmed. this activity increases steadily from the 15th week and reaches its maximum around term between 36 and 42 weeks. the amniotic samples obtained at 20 weeks ges ...1977404210
mitogenic activity of cell wall components from smooth and rough strains of brucella abortus.on the basis of [3h]thymidine incorporation by normal mouse spleen cell cultures, cell wall preparations from a smooth (45/0) strain and a rough (45/20) strain of brucella abortus were strongly mitogenic. on the other hand, none of several subcomponents extracted from the cell wall preparations, including aqueous and phenolic lipopolysaccharides, was active. these results contrast with the marked mitogenic activity of lipopolysaccharides isolated from other gram-negative bacteria such as salmone ...1977404248
antitumor activity of a brucella abortus preparation.mice injected intraperitoneally with sarcoma-180 cells develop ascites and eventually die. intraperitoneal injection of a nonviable, aqueous... ether-extracted brucella abortus preparation (bru-pel) as early as 7 days before or as late as 7 days after injection of tumor cells significantly inhibited development of ascites and protected against death. bru-pel was not effective if injected after ascites was grossly apparent. bru-pel was significantly more active than a corynebacterium parvum prepa ...1977404249
the bovine immune response to brucella abortus i. a water soluble antigen precipitated by sera of some naturally infected cattle.selected sera from cattle naturally infected with brucella abortus precipitate water soluble antigens extracted by sonication from b. abortus. one of these antigens resembles antigen e (baughn and freeman) as it is excluded from sephadex g-200 gels, migrates anodally when electrophoresed at ph 8.6, resists heating at 100 degrees c for ten minutes and appears to be susceptible to papain digestion. precipitins specific for this antigen remained in sera from which all detectable brucella agglutinat ...1977405088
responsiveness of rabbit spleen and appendix cells to bacterial mitogens.rabbit spleen and appendix cells were used to test the mitogenic activity of a commercial lipopolysaccharide (lps) preparation from salmonella typhimurium (difco), a preparation extracted from it, and cell wall preparations from smooth (45/0) and rough (45/20) strains of brucella abortus. on the basis of [3h]thymidine incorporation ratios (e/c), that is, the incorporation rate among cells treated with the mitogen relative to that of untreated cells, the extracted lps and both brucella cell wall ...1977405322
immunostimulation by brucella abortus. role of surface antigenicity of the bacteria. 1977406141
the isolation of brucella abortus biotype i from african buffalo in the kruger national park.the isolation of brucella abortus from free living wild africal buffalo (syncerus caffer) in the kruger national park, south africa, is described. the four isolates testes proved to be biotype i and it is speculated that the origin of brucellosis in wild animals is from domestic stock.1977406393
the tranfer of brucella abortus antibodies from dam to calf.the higher sensitivity of the abgt (coombs test) makes it the most useful test for comparison of total specific immunoglobulins for brucella abortus in different secretions. using it in the present study it was found that in 85 cows the mean selective concentration of immunoglobulins in colostrum was six to eight fold, whether the cows were infected or not. in the non-infected group calves acquired mean levels of immunoglobulins of about one third those in colostrum whereas in the infected group ...1977406728
smooth phage-resistant brucella abortus from bovine tissue.conventional typing, oxidative metabolic, and virulence tests were conducted on a phage-resistant brucella abortus strain isolated from the supramammary lymph node of a cow.1977407247
contribution to the standardization of brucella abortus antigens and antisera for agglutination tests by photo-electric measurement.variations in the dose-response curve were graphically and arithmetically represented for the serum agglutination test in brucellosis, instances being given of the use in field conditions of a method of standardizing antigens and testing reference sera compared with standard preparations.1977407669
identification of anti-a + m and anti-r antibodies in cattle vaccinated with rough strain brucella abortus. 1977407704
influence on kinetics of response in igm and igg in persistent and conjunct immunization with two antigens: "brucella abortus" and sheep erythrocytes. 1977407781
antibacterial activity of amniotic fluid against staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans and brucella abortus.sixty amniotic fluid samples from sixty patients between 14--42 weeks gestation were studied for antibacterial activity against staphylococcus aureus, brucella abortus and antifungal activity against candida albicans. both antibacterial and antifungal activity of the amniotic fluid were observed. when antimicrobial activity was correlated with gestational age, it was found to increase with the period of gestation. maximum antimicrobial activity of the amniotic fluid was found to be present in th ...1977407884
formation of antibody in the newborn mouse: study of t-cell-independent antibody response.the ontogeny of immune responsiveness, as assayed by antibody formation in vitro, of mouse spleen lymphocytes to thymus-independent antigens is reviewed. responsiveness to trinitrophenyl (tnp)-lipopolysaccharide and tnp-brucella abortus appear soon after birth and one to two weeks before tnp-ficoll or capsular polysaccharide of streptococcus pneumoniae (sss-iii) elicits significant antibody formation. this hierarchy of responsiveness to antigens is also apparent in the cba/n mutant mouse strain, ...1977408430
a solid phase assay with radioactively-labelled antibody for the detection of brucella assay for the detection of brucella abortus is described. igg from rabbit antisera against live brucellae or brucella extracts was chemically linked to cellulose to form a solid phase reagent capable of binding brucella antigens present in buffer solutions or serum. after washing away any unbound material the presence of bound antigen was revealed by incubation with radioactively-labelled anti-brucella antibodies. the assay was capable of detecting less than 100 pg brucella antigen in a 20 mi ...1977408491
[chemical and serological studies of brucella abortus 99 bacterial wall fractions].mahadevan and tatum's method was used to isolate four fractions from the bacterial walls of brucella abortus 99. determined were the amino acid composition and the purity (by means of the complement fixation test) of these fractions. infrared spectroscopy was carried out as well. it was found that: 1. the particular fractions differ by their amino acid composition. 2. the fractions are practically pure. 3. the functional groups established confirm previous data of the author on the chemical comp ...1977408968
factors determining the effects of chronic protein-deficiency on antibody responses to sheep red blood cells and brucella abortus vaccine in mice.chronic protein-deficiency in weanling mice caused variable suppression of the humoral plaque-forming cell (pfc) responses to sheep erythrocytes. this was most prominent at high antigen doses and did not increase when mice were maintained on the diets for longer periods. antibody responses produced by deficient mice were often short-lived and involved high levels of igm. total pfc counts were depressed slightly more than were circulating antibodies. antibody responses to brucella abortus were sl ...1977409385
salvage of a valuable bull affected with unilateral brucella abortus orchitis. 1977409386
antibacterial and anthelminthic properties of visnaginone and khellinone derivatives.the compounds tested, derivatives of visnaginone and khellinone, showed antibacterial activity on gram negative and gram positive micro-organisms. some of the compounds possess an antibacterial activity on some pathogenic bacteria, i.e. brucella abortus, for which there is no remedy as yet. all the chalcones tested were inactive except ib, which showed antiparasitic broad spectrum.1977409417
rifampin in the treatment of experimental brucellosis in mice and guinea pigs.rifampin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic able to penetrate intracellularly, was used for treatment of infections with brucella melitensis in mice and brucella abortus in guinea pigs. treatments were administered for seven, 14, or 21 days; mice were given 25 mg of rifampin/kg per day, and guinea pigs 100 mg/kg per day. efficacy of the drug was determined by comparison of rifampin-treated animals with saline-treated controls and with tetracycline-treated mice (200 mg/kg per day) according to the foll ...1977409786
application of the indirect enzyme-labeled antibody microtest to the detection and surveillance of animal diseases.the rapid, indirect enzyme-labeled antibody (ela) microplate test has been developed as a diagnostic and surveillance tool to aid in the control of animal disease. the test has been applied to viral (hog cholera), parasitic (trichinosis), and bacterial (brucellosis) diseases of animals. a correlation of greater than 95% was observed between the hog cholera ela test and the serum neutralization test for hog cholera in greater than 2,000 field samples obtained during the 1976 epizootic in new jers ...1977409789
the interaction of "brucella abortus" 544 and neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes. 1977410375
enhancement activity of anti-brucella sera in experimental brucella abortus infection in mice.the passive transfer of rabbit anti-brucella sera promotes the multiplication of brucella abortus in the spleen of mice infected intravenously with a low dose of this bacteria. the enhancement activity of the anti-brucella sera is related to their modes of preparation in rabbits. the agglutinin titers of all these antisera were relatively high, while there was some discrepancies in their content in haemagglutinating, immune adherence and complement fixing antibodies.1977412235
the role of bursa-dependent responses in immunity to infectious laryngotracheitis.the effect of combined day-old surgical bursectomy and cyclophosphamide therapy on the response of young chicks to brucella abortus antigen and cloacal vaccination against infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) was examined. the combined treatment effectively prevented the development of serum antibody to both b abortus and iltv, yet when these chickens were challenged with virulent iltv, they were found to be immune. it is suggested that immunity to iltv may depend on the development of a ce ...1977195320
[influence of brucella abortus on the course of acute myeloid leukemia in mice]. 1977268723
[antibacterial activity of the amniotic fluid against staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans, and brucella abortus (proceedings)]. 1977414693
abortion in a mare associated with brucella abortus infection and twins. 1977415408
[allergic reactions in guinea pigs infected with yersinia enterocolitica type 9 relative to homologous (yersinia) and heterologous (brucella) allergens].obtained were allergens from brucella abortus 99 and yersinia enterocolitica type 9 through hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid after m. m. ivanov and with acetic acid after kirzhaev. they were tested on guinea pigs that were infected with yersinia enterocolitica type 9 through different ways. to m. m. ivanov's allergens all infected animals responded pronouncedly in the case of the homologous allergen, and half of them only and to a lower degree in the case of the heterologous brucella allergen. ...1977415410
survey of colorado's wild ruminants for serologic titers to brucellosis and leptospirosis.a 10-year survey for serologic titers to brucellosis and leptospirosis in mule deer ( odocoileus hemionus ), elk ( cervus canadensis ), and antelope ( antilocapra americana ) in colorado is summarized. over 10,000 blood samples were tested against brucella abortus and 4,747 samples were tested against leptospira pomona . a total of 1,761 blood samples were tested against l. canicola , l. grippotyphosa , l. hardjo , l. icterohemorrhagiae . all results were considered negative.197724228967
kinetics of in vitro bovine lymphocyte immunostimulation with a brucella abortus antigen.a brucella abortus-soluble antigen was investigated, using in vitro assay of lymphocyte immunostimulation, to determine which concentration of this antigen and which period of incubation of the lymphocyte cultures would induce maximum specific lymphocyte immunostimulation as an additional method for further study of b abortus infection in cattle. soluble antigen was prepared from autoclaved cells of b abortus strain 1119-3. peripheral blood lymphocytes were obtained from cattle infected with b a ...1978415646
effects of taste aversion conditioning on the primary antibody response to sheep red blood cells and brucella abortus in the albino rat. 1978121817
bursal fabricii as a peripheral lymphoid organ. transport of various materials from the anal lips to the bursal lymphoid follicles with reference to its immunological tracer studies, various particulate and molecular materials applied on the anal lips of chickens were transported to the bursal lumen. from here some of the tracers were further transported into the bursal lymphoid follicles and colloidal carbon even to the bursal stroma. in immunization experiments, brucella abortus organisms and srbc were applied on the anal lips of 1-day-old, 4-week-old and 10-week-old chicks on 5 consecutive days. although brucella bacteria in tracer studies were not foun ...1978564868
polyadenylic acid-polyuridylic acid (poly a : u) and experimental murine brucellosis. i. effect of single and double-stranded polynucleotides on brucella abortus in vivo and in vitro.the double stranded polynucleotide, poly a : u, when administered intraperitoneally at the same time as intravenous infection with brucella abortus, suppressed the growth of that organism in the spleen and liver of mice. single stranded poly a or poly u were not effective. on the other hand both the single and double stranded forms enhanced the growth of br. abortus in broth culture. poly a : u did not enhance the blood clearance of intravenously administered br. abortus. indeed its suppressive ...1978680803
the persistence of brucella abortus infection in calves: a retrospective study of heavily infected herds.a retrospective inquiry into 170 herds which were slaughtered in the first three years of the brucella eradication scheme found that in the 115 herds where all animals were slaughtered there were no subsequent breakdowns, other than in herds which were restocked with imported animals. in the 46 herds in which only the adult stock were slaughtered, 11 herds suffered breakdowns. in 10 of these 11 herds the sources of reinfection were possibly reprieved heifers. seven out of the 11 initial reactors ...1978695262
evaluation of new and currently used diagnostic procedures for bovine brucellosis.the indirect haemolysis test (ihlt) and the rough antigen complement-fixation test (rcft) were compared with several conventional tests using serum samples from 9 cows known to be infected with brucella abortus. in 7 cows all the tests except the rcft (which was developed to detect antibodies resulting from 45/20 vaccination) became positive and remained so until the cows were autopsied 6 months after infection. in the other 2 cows the rose bengal test was occasionally negative and the titre of ...1978708329
effect of halothane anaesthesia on secondary antibody response and mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation in the chicken.the effect of a single halothane anaesthesia on the secondary antibody response and the lymphocyte response in vitro to phytohaemagglutinin (pha) and concanavalin a(con a) was studied. the antigens used were bovine serum albumin (bsa) and killed brucella abortus organisms (brucella). igg and igm antibodies against these antigens were quantified by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. lymphocyte transformation was studied by a whole blood micromethod. the chickens were anaesthetised for two hours with 2 ...1978716924
overview of the activity of a brucella abortus preparation, bru-pel.the properties of a nonviable, aqueous ether-extracted brucela abortus preparation, bru-pel, are described. in addition to inducing a "virus-type" interferon response and protecting mice against challenge with otherwise lethal doses of semliki forest virus, bru-pel is demonstrated to have potent antitumor properties in mice. these antitumor effects appear to be mediated by an increase in nonspecific resistance similar to that seen with other experimental antitumor agents.1978728911
comparative effects of corynebacterium parvum, brucella abortus extract, bacillus calmette-guérin, glucan, levamisole, and tilorone with or without cyclophosphamide on tumor growth, macrophage production, and macrophage cytotoxicity in a murine mammary tumor this laboratory, it has been repeatedly demonstrated (using a murine mammary tumor model) that the combination of cyclophosphamide (cy) and corynebacterium parvum (cp) is more effective than either agent alone in the control of tumor growth. this paper presents information obtained in our model comparing findings on the effects of cp with a brucella abortus extract (bru-pel; bp) and glucan (gl) on tumor growth. in addition, the influence of those agents as well as bacillus calmette-guérin, ti ...1978728912
[growth of some pathogenic microorganisms on chemically defined media which were proposed for sensitivity testing (author's transl)].the growth of 16 bacterial cultures, which belong to the frequently encountered pathogens, in three different chemically defined fluid media was investigated through turbidity measurements in comparison with mueller-hinton-broth. e. coli, salm. dublin, salm. typhi-murium, enterobacter cloacae, proteus mirabilis, pseud. aeruginosa and bac. cereus grew in two of the three tested defined media with approximately the same intensity as in the mueller-hinton broth. staph. aureus grew well only in one ...1978730218
bovine immunoglobulins and brucellosis. 3. activity of igg, igg2 and igm versus different commercial batches of rose bengal antigen.the serological diagnosis of bovine brucellosis by the rose bengal test has been disputed on account of the amount of active immunoglobulins and the results obtained in field trials. in order to try and explain these discrepancies, we have compared the activity of different commercial preparations of the rose bengal antigen for purified igg1, igg2 or igm dies. two antigens which give the same titer for the ig1 differ by a factor 8 in the titration of the igm. some antigens titer the igg2, others ...1978749644
[immuno-stimulating effect of levamisole in the immunization of guinea pigs vaccinated against brucellosis].the immuno-stimulating levamisole action was checked by the authors in guinea-pigs vaccinated against brucellosis and exposed to the challenge test afterwards against 2.308 brucella abortus pathogenic strain. twelve lots of eight guinea-pigs were used disposed in the following distribution: lots i, iii, iv were vaccinated with b-19 strain vaccine; lots ii, iv and vi were vaccinated with the same vaccine and, after 48 hours, received the levamisole injection. lots vii viii received only the levam ...1978754679
activation of reticuloendothelial system macrophages and enhancement of host resistance to a transplantable osteogenic sarcoma in mice by an extract of brucella aqueous-ether extract of brucella abortus, bru-pel, enhanced resistance of mice to a transplantable osteogenic sarcoma (ogs). the results presented in this report suggest that bru-pel is an effective immunomodulator and that one mechanism through which it enhances host resistance is activation of phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial system. peritoneal macrophages from mice inoculated with bru-pel 14 days previously were cytotoxic for ogs cells in vitro, limited the multiplication of va ...1978282007
absence of b stem cells in spleens of chickens fed the androgen analog mibolerone.bursa-derived stem cells in the spleens of chickens treated with the androgen analog mibolerone or with cyclophosphamide and in the spleens of untreated controls were examined by a transplantation technique. spleen cells from syngeneic donors 2-20 weeks old were transferred to syngeneic cyclophosphamide-treated recipients, and the immunocompetence of the recipients was tested 5 weeks after the transfer by antigenic stimuli with sheep erythrocytes and brucella abortus. spleens of mibolerone-treat ...1978306248
lymhocyte stimulatory effect of an ether-extracted preparation of brucella abortus.the effect of a brucella abortus preparation (bru pel) on the t- and b-lymphocyte populations is described. bru pel treatment of tumor-bearing mice resulted in a slight reduction in tumor size, marked splenomegaly, and statistically significant reductions in the percentages of splenic t and b lymphocytes relative to untreated tumor controls. bru pel was also found to cause increases in the incorporation of 3h-thymidine of phytohemagglutinin-sensitive splenic t lymphocytes and lipopolysaccharide- ...1978310345
the role of the thymus for maturation of transferred bursa cells into immunocompetent b cells in chickens treated with cyclophosphamide.chickens injected with cyclophosphamide and x-ray irradiated in the newly hatched period were immunized with a mixture of sheep red blood cells, brucella abortus and salmonella pullorum at 4, 5 and 6 weeks of age, and were examined for serum antibody titres, serum immunoglobulin concentration and bursal and splenic structures at 7 weeks of age. the neonatal treatments suppressed completely or almost completely antibody responses, immunoglobulin production and formation of bursal follicles and sp ...1978310807
immunochemical studies on a yersinia enterocolitica o:9 lipopolysaccharide cross-reacting with brucella abortus and vibrio cholerae extracts.the presence of two distinct lipopolysaccharides in yersinia enterocolitica o:9 is described: one isolated from the aqueous phase and one from the phenol phase (westphal system). the sugar moiety of the phenol phase lipopolysaccharide has been identified as being responsible for the serologic cross-reaction of y. enterocolitica o:9, brucella abortus and vibrio cholerae. the phenol phase antigen consists of glucose, galactose, glucosamine, 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid, heptose, lipid a and a protei ...1978106756
a study of the macro and micro immunoglobulins to brucella abortus and their transfer from cow to calf via the colostrum.samples of adult bovine serum, colostrum, the serum of unsuckled and suckled calves were subjected to gel filtration through sephadex g 200. all samples (except those of unsuckled calves) contained antibodies to brucella abortus. four phases were recorded in normal adult serum corresponding to igm, igg, albumin and a fourth phase of smaller nitrogen-containing molecules. in colostrum phase 2 was relatively large and phase 3 was absent indicating absence of albumin. in the serum of the unsuckled ...1978106762
resistance of normal or immunized guinea pigs against a subcutaneous challenge of brucella abortus.guinea pigs were inoculated subcutaneously into a hind footpad with brucella abortus. unimmunized guinea pigs had little capacity for barring brucella from spreading to their spleens: the inoculum dose needed to infect 50% of the spleens one month after inoculation was about 10 brucella. when the size of the challenge inoculum reached approximately 5 x 10(3) id50 a previous immunization with killed or virulent brucella: --did not prevent the challenge bacteria from reaching the lymph nodes near ...1978107845
a solid-phase radioimmunoassay for the determination of bacterial-specific antibodies within different immunoglobulin classes: application to bovine brucella abortus antibodies.a solid-phase radioimmunoassay (ria) has been developed for quantitation of class-specific antibodies against bacteria. brucella abortus cells were used to sensitize glass tubes after sedimentation, drying and methanol fixation. bovine antibodies that attached to the bacteria were detected by binding of a rabbit antiserum specific for each class or subclass of bovine immunoglobulins followed by binding of 125i sheep anti-rabbit immunoglobulin reagent. this three-step method was adapted as it was ...1978107846
identification of amino sugars from bacterial lipopolysaccharides by gas chromatography electron impact and chemical ionization mass spectrometry.amino sugars isolated from lipopolysaccharides of brucella suis, brucella abortus and neisseria gonorrhoeae colony types 1 and 4 were identified using gas chromatography electron impact and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. lipopolysaccharides were obtained by aqueous ether or aqueous phenol extraction. isolated lipopolysaccharides were hydrolyzed in 1% acetic acid followed by hydrolysis of the polysaccharide moiety in 2 nhcl for 6 h at 100 degrees c. amino sugars were first isolated by elu ...1978107981
the half-life of bovine (incomplete) antibodies to brucella abortus.the half-life of bovine immunoglobulins was established in a group of 60 calves suckled on non-infected dams immunised with antigens to brucella abortus. the half-life of the "incomplete antibody" as determined by the anti-bovine globulin test was 20.9 days. up to 45 days, the mean half-life of antibodies in the calves was 17.1 days; from 46 to 99 days it was 21.1 days and for periods exceeding 100 days it was 24.4 days. in 39 calves born of and suckled on infected dams the mean half-life of ant ...1978112757
[influence of the sterilization technic and culture media components on the growth and dissociation of brucella abortus strain 19 in submerged cultures].submerged cultures of brucella abortus strain 19 were studied in shaking flasks. the influence of the sterilization methods and the medium composition on the bacterial yield and cellular dissociation were studied. the selected medium was as follows (amounts in g/l): casein pancreatic hydrolizated 30; yeast extract 10; glucose, 30; sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous 3,3; sodium monobasic monohydrate 9. cell concentration of 8 . 10(10) viable cell/ml was obtained after 48 hours when the medium com ...1978119282
further observations on the inhibition of tumor growth by corynebacterium parvum with cyclophosphamide. v. comparison of the effects of tilorone hydrochloride, levamisole, methanol-soluble fraction of mycobacterium butyricum, bcg, and a nonviable aqueous ether extract of brucella abortus preparation in treatment of mice with tumors. 1978413929
brucellosis in elk i. serologic and bacteriologic survey in wyoming.incidence of brucellosis in elk (cervus canadensis) on two winter feedgrounds in wyoming was examined over a 5-year period by testing serum samples using the standard plate agglutination (spt) buffered brucella antigen (bba), rivanol (riv) and complement fixation (cft) tests. thirty-one percent of 1,165 elk were positive by defined criteria. considering each test individually, only 29% (106) of 370 positive sera would have been classified as reactors by the spt, 83% (307) by the bba test and 86% ...1978416232
chemical and biological adjuvants capable of potentiating tumor cell vaccine.with an l1210 tumor vaccine model, three biological and two chemical agents were tested for their ability to act as adjuvants. adjuvant was administered with irradiated l1210 cells to immunize mice against this poorly immunogenic tumor. two chemicals, pyran copolymer and glucan, and one biological, brucella abortus strain 456 ether extract, were shown to be strong stimulators of antitumor immunity. vaccination with irradiated tumor cells or adjuvant alone did not produce host resistance. optimal ...1978416906
recovery of brucella abortus in culture from a 5 ml sample of bovine blood.calvings in a herd infected by brucella abortus were monitored by cultural examination of milk and mucus and by serological and cultural examination of 5 ml samples of the blood. out of 129 samples from which culture of b abortus was attempted, only one yielded a positive result.1978417452
specific lymphocyte stimulation in cattle naturally infected with strains of brucella abortus and cattle vaccinated with brucella abortus strain 19.cell-mediated immune responses in cattle naturally infected with strains of brucella abortus and in cattle vaccinated with b abortus strain 19 during calfhood were studied by an in vitro lymphocyte-stimulation procedure. lymphocytes were prepared from peripheral bovine blood by the ficoll-diatrizoate technique, suspended in rpmi-1640 medium (1.5 x 10(6) lymphocytes/ml), cultured with b abortus-soluble antigen or phytohemagglutinin, and incubated for 6 days. sixteen hours prior to termination of ...1978417648
the use of case history studies to differentiate potentially infected from potentially noninfected herds with reactors to brucella abortus on farm characteristics and the results of the first herd test for brucellosis were collected for 74 reactor and 74 negative herds in wellington county, ontario. each reactor herd was classified as either probably infected or probably not infected using the occurrence of abortions prior to the first herd test or during the testing period, the total number of cattle removed and/or the spread of reactors within the herd as criteria of infection. statistical techniques were used to select vari ...1978417777
comparison of the histamine hypersensitivity and the limulus amoebocyte lysate tests for endotoxin activity.the histamine hypersensitivity test and the limulus amoebocyte lysate test were compared for their effectiveness to quantitate endotoxin activity. the two tests compared favorably in all the trials, except with a sample of endotoxin from brucella abortus that gave a positive limulus amoebocyte lysate test at a concentration of 0.001 microgram, while failing to sensitize mice to histamine at a dose of 16 microgram per mouse. the limulus amoebocyte lysate test was more sensitive than the histamine ...1978365749
modulation of immune response by killed brucella abortus organisms: comparison of the effects of smooth and rough strains on t-dependent responses.inactivated brucella abortus organisms of the smooth (s) or rough (r) strain were tested comparatively on two t-dependent immune responses: mixed-lymphocyte reaction and delayed-type hypersensitivity. the intravenous injection of s organisms depressed the two tests, whereas r organisms increased mixed-lymphocyte reaction and did not alter delayed-type hypersensitivity significantly. this observation may be helpful in understanding the differences in adjuvant properties of s and r brucellae.1978152297
influence of the antigenicity of brucella preparations on modulation of the immune response to sheep erythrocytes.the relationship between the expression of surface antigenicity of inactivated brucella and the immunostimulant properties on the sheep erythrocyte response was studied in mice. the agglutinogenic brucella abortus b19s preparation was compared to two non-agglutinogenic preparations (b19r and pb), using the plaque-forming and rosette-forming cell tests. when brucella and antigen were injected together, only non-agglutinogenic preparations, even used at low doses, were able to increase the plaque- ...197878896
[aspects related to the antigenic structure and serological specificity of brucellae phylogenetically related to s- and r-forms and dissociated into r-variants].the antigenic structures and serological properties of brucellae s- and r-forms, phylogenetically differentiated, and dissociated r-variants are studied by means of gel-precipitation, immunoelectrophoresis and fixation of the complement. the brucella suis 1330s, brucella suis 1330r, brucella ovis 02 and brucella abortus 99 are involved in the experiments. both specific and general antigenic structures are established in all strains studied, but only homologous antibodies from the antigen-antibod ...197888791
a study of the spleen and blood of rats infected with massive doses of brucella abortus. 1978102878
destructive aortic valve endocarditis from brucella abortus: survival with emergency aortic valve replacement.brucella abortus infection of the aortic valve caused acute aortic regurgitation leading to severe left ventricular failure in a 62-year-old man. he made an excellent recovery after emergency aortic valve replacement. this is the third reported case of successful heart valve replacement for brucella endocarditis and the second such case involving the aortic valve.1978103238
cell-mediated immune response after brucella abortus s19 vaccination.cell-mediated immunity to brucella abortus s19 vaccine was measured in young heifers by the microassay for stimulation of protein synthesis (sps) with [3h]leucine and the skin test for delayed hypersensitivity. brucella melitensis protein allergen and a crude b abortus s19-soluble antigen were compared in the sps test. the sps test was negative in 5 unvaccinated heifers and strongly positive in 3 twice-vaccinated steers. however, the sps test was positive only in 13 of 30 s19-vaccinated heifers ...1978103470
macrophage activation and antitumor activity of a brucella abortus ether extract, bru-pel.bru-pel and brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide (lps) were tested for both macrophage activation and antitumor activity in an artificial metastasis model. resting macrophages were rendered nonspecifically tumoricidal for mbl-2 lymphoblastic leukemia target cells by exposure to bru-pel at greater than or equal to 1 ng/ml of culture medium. b. abortus lps failed to activate macrophages in vitro at all concentrations tested. ip treatment of homozygous nude mice with bru-pel induced cytotoxic macrop ...1978103619
brucella antigen preparations for in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation assays in bovine brucellosis.three brucella antigen preparations, brucella abortus soluble antigen, b. abortus strain 45/20 enriched protein antigen, and b. melitensis enriched protein antigen, were compared in terms of their ability to induce specific in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation responses. lymphocytes were prepared from peripheral blood of cattle with different exposure experiences to b. abortus organisms. lymphocytes were processed by the ficoll-diatrizoate technique, and results were assayed for [3h]tymidine in ...1978103831
soluble antigens of virulent and attenuated biotypes of brucella abortus.several methods were used to characterize three brucella abortus biotypes (1, 5, and 7), including the attenuated vaccine strain s-19. chemical analysis did not reveal remarkable differences among these strains, and only minor differences were noted in elution patterns of soluble extracts subjected to column chromatography. qualitative and quantitative differences in extract components were demonstrated, however, by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing. a distinctive difference was the presen ...1978103842
utilization of a specific in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation assay as an aid in detection of brucella-infected cattle not detected by serological tests.studies using the in vitro lymphocyte stimulation test (lst) were conducted with cattle in a dairy herd with a high percentage of reactors to several serological tests for brucellosis. lymphocytes were prepared from peripheral bovine blood by the ficoll-diatrizoate technique. lymphocytes were cultured using microtitration culture plates. brucella abortus soluble antigen, at a concentration of 4.4 microgram/culture, was added to the appropriate wells of microtitration culture plates and incubated ...1978103888
protection of mice against haemoprotozoan babesia microti with brucella abortus strain 19.when brucella abortus strain 19 is given intraperitoneally to mice it protects them against subsequent infection with large doses of babesia microti. the protection obtained was more effective when b. abortus was given intraperitoneally than when it was injected subcutaneously. this non-specific protection seems to be best explained by the stimulation of macrophages so as to release a mediator which limits the intracellular replication of the parasites.197895914
further studies on the h-2 linked dependence of the adjuvant action of brucella abortus.the b 19s strain of brucella abortus is found to act as an adjuvant to the anti-sheep red blood cell (srbc) reaction in some congenic strains of mice but not in others. if the recipient is h-2b, there is no adjuvant effect (b 19s); neither is there (thymus-dependent anti-b 19s reaction as measured by thymocyte activation and change of electrophoretic mobility. in contrast, there is a thymus-independent anti-b 19s reaction (production of haemagglutinins) as good in the h-2b mice as in the others. ...197896008
[physico-chemical properties of microbial antigens and the immuno-allergic tests].experiments were conducted on guinea pigs sensitized by the delayed and immediate types of allergy. different antigens obtained from the strain of brucella abortus ba-19 were used for sensitization and the resolving action. comparison of the resolving properties of the corpuscular, soluble (ultrasound treated) antigens and purified protein fractions, polysaccharide and rna was carried out in the skin reactions of the immediate and delayed type, passive skin anaphylaxis, acute anaphylactic shock, ...197896888
international standard for anti-brucella abortus serum: comparison of the complement-fixing activity of the first and second international standards and the eec standard.although the three standards have similar agglutinating activities, it was found that the first international standard had about half the complement-fixing activity of the second international standard and the eec standard. the complement-fixing activities of the latter two standards were similar. on the basis of these results, showing that the agglutination and complement-fixation tests measure different biological activities in anti-brucella abortus sera, the who expert committee on biological ...197896951
whole-blood lymphocyte stimulation assay for measurement of cell-mediated immune responses in bovine brucellosis.a study was conducted to develop an in vitro whole-blood lymphocyte stimulation assay for measurement of cell-mediated immune response in bovine brucellosis. a soluble antigen (basa) prepared from killed cells of brucella abortus 1119-3 was used. cattle infected with b. abortus field strains, b. abortus 19 calfhood- and adult-vaccinated cattle, and nonexposed cattle were tested. blood was diluted 10-fold in rpmi-1640 medium (without added serum) and cultured with basa (at a concentration of 2.2 ...197897304
maternal vitamin e alters passively acquired immunity of chicks.passively transferred antibody levels were significantly increased in plasma of two- and seven-day-old chicks when the dams were fed 150 and 450 p.p.m. vitamin e prior to immunization with brucella abortus. however, if the hens were fed 90, 300 and 900 p.p.m. vitamin e before immunization, the chicks evidenced no increase in antibody titers relative to controls. this nonlinear antibody response by the reticulo-endothelial system to vitamin e confirms in gallus domesticus similar results reported ...197897647
[relation of the sex of guinea pigs to sensitivity to brucella abortus infection and their immune response]. 197898812
[development of allergic reactivity to artemesia pollen during combined sensitization to pollen and microbes].some regularities of formation of hypersensitivity of the immediate type to the pollen of artemisia absinthium were studied under conditions of combined hypersensitivity to pollen and brucella abortus 19-ba vaccine strain; the latter was administered 3, 12, and 28 days after the pollen. the degree of specific allergic reconstruction to the pollen was studied by passive skin anaphylaxis after ovary, indirect degranulation of mast cells of healthy rats, and by general anaphylaxis in response to in ...197899195
macrophage involvement in the antitumor activity of brucella abortus ether extract against experimental lung carcinoma metastases. 197899230
t-independent responses in b cell-defective cba/n mice to brucella abortus and to trinitrophenyl (tnp) conjugates of brucella mice have an x-linked immune defect in b lymphocyte function which leads to their inability to respond to several thymus-independent antigens. we report here that these mice and immunologically defective f1 male (cba/n x dba/2n) mice can respond to brucella abortus and to 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl derivatives of brucella abortus (tnp-ba). these responses can be obtained in vivo and in vitro and are thymus-independent by the criteria that (a) they can be transferred to irradiated recipients by b ...197899320
the effects of passive antibodies to egg albumin on active immunity in lambs to brucella abortus and egg albumin.the long-term effects of colostrum on active immunity to two unrelated antigens are described. lambs were fed with pooled colostrum--to equalise passive immunity--with or without added antibodies to egg albumin (ea). there were significant breed differences in the response both to brucella abortus measured at one month of age, and to ea, measured at three months of age, although there was no significant correlation between the responses to the two antigens, either within or between breeds. surpr ...1978100838
plaque-forming cells in mice after experimental infection with brucella abortus.cells producing antibody to brucella lipopolysaccharide were detected in spleens of mice infected with brucella abortus 19 by a hemolytic plaque assay. the appearance of immunoglobulin m-producing cells preceded humoral antibodies. the primary plaques were observed 5 days after inoculation, and they were still present by day 70.1978101461
antibody response to antigens distinct from smooth lipopolysaccharide complex in brucella infection.the smooth lipopolysaccharide complex of the outer surface of smooth brucella abortus cells is believed to be the antigenic component involved in serological tests routinely used for the diagnosis of brucellosis. sera from cattle vaccinated or infected with b. abortus generally contain antibody directed toward the smooth lipopolysaccharide complex. the brucella organism contains a large number of other antigenically distinct components. the biological significance of some of these antigens has b ...1978101470
congenital brucellosis in cattle associated with localisation in a hygroma.a heifer born to a cow experimentally infected with brucella abortus strain 544 and reared in isolation from its birth was found infected. antibodies appeared when it was 10 months old. the heifer calved normally. brucella abortus of the same characteristics as strain 544 was recovered from a hygroma and from lymph nodes and udder. five heifers out of 55 (about 10 per cent) born to infected dams and reared in isolation from their birth were found to be infected.1978102074
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 5357