Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
relationship of campylobacter pylori and duodenogastric reflux. | we have examined the relationship of campylobacter-like organism (clo) and duodenogastric reflux (dgr) in 107 patients with unoperated stomachs. neither the extent of externally measured bile reflux nor the concentrations of bile acids or lysolecithin in the gastric fluid differed significantly in the groups with different numbers of clo in the gastric mucosa. our results suggest that dgr, in the quantities commonly present in unoperated stomachs, does not effect the presence of c. pylori in the ... | 1989 | 2743841 |
antigens for the serodiagnosis of campylobacter pylori infections. | 1989 | 2744322 | |
[molecular markers and identification of campylobacter pylori strains]. | campylobacter pylori was studied to define the classification of species and the typing of strains. the mol p. 100 g + c of 17 strains ranged from 34.1 to 37.5 (average value: 35.2; sd: 1.0). the strains are closely related (80 to 100 p. 100 dna/dna relatedness) and to the type strain nctc 11367. the endonuclease restriction profiles were specific of strains. dna analysis (rea) is a sensitive method in pathogenic and epidemiological studies. | 1989 | 2744323 |
[campylobacter pylori and gastroduodenal pathology. symposium. bordeaux, 7-8 october 1988]. | 1989 | 2744324 | |
[scanning electron microscopic study of campylobacter pylori and associated gastroduodenal lesions]. | the detection of campylobacter pylori was carried out with scanning electron microscopy (sem) on 4,590 biopsies taken from 1,714 adult patients (1,348 duodenal biopsies, 1,690 antral biopsies and 1,552 fundic biopsies). the mucus was removed and the fragments of mucosa were then fixed with glutaraldehyde, dehydrated, critical point-dried with co2 or hexamethyldisilazane, mounted, coated with gold, and observed with sem. under sem, c. pylori was characterized by its spiral-shape (long form 2.5 to ... | 1989 | 2744325 |
gastric metaplasia and campylobacter pylori in duodenal ulcer disease: an ultrastructural analysis. | an ultrastructural analysis was carried out on duodenal mucosa specimens, obtained during duodenoscopy from the edge of ulcers and distal duodenal cap mucosa in 42 patients with active duodenal ulcer disease, and in 12 controls. in 18 of 42 patients (43 p. 100), campylobacter pylori was found in duodenal mucosa but not in controls (chi 2 = 5.91, p less than 0.05). in all 42 cases, gastric-type surface mucus cells were seen at the edge of the ulcer crater, and in 38 of the patients (90 p. 100) th ... | 1989 | 2744326 |
[clinical, endoscopic and histologic findings in 1,100 patients of whom 574 were colonized by campylobacter pylori]. | of 1,100 patients checked by at least two diagnostic tests (urease, histology, culture) 574 (52.1 p. 100) were found to have campylobacter pylori (c. pylori) in their antral mucosa. significantly different frequencies of c. pylori (p less than 0.005) were evidenced in the group of patients with active gastroduodenal ulcer (212/298, 71 p. 100), in non-ulcer dyspepsia (nud) with a previous history of gd ulcer (108/177, 61 p. 100) and nud without antecedent history of gd ulcer (254/625, 41 p. 100). ... | 1989 | 2744327 |
cellular fatty acid composition of campylobacter pylori from primates and ferrets compared with those of other campylobacters. | the cellular fatty acid profiles of newly described campylobacters were determined on a polar, capillary column. six isolates of the gastric spiral organism, campylobacter pylori subsp. mustelae, from ferrets from australia, england, and the united states were all found to have a similar fatty acid profile which was different from that of c. pylori from humans; c. pylori subsp. mustelae did not have 3-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (3-oh c18:0) and had much less tetradecanoic acid (c14:0) and much mor ... | 1989 | 2745703 |
[campylobacter pylori in children and adults subjected to endoscopy, correlation of endoscopic, bacteriologic and histopathologic findings]. | campylobacter pylori has been associated to peptic ulcer and gastritis. we investigated the presence of c pylori in 17 children and 50 adults who needed endoscopy to investigate upper gastrointestinal symptoms. gram stain, whartin-starry stain and the urease test were used to identify the germ; best results were obtained with the gram stain. c pylori was present in 5.8% of children and 88% of adults, including all patients with peptic ulcer and 36 out of 39 with histologic evidence of gastritis. ... | 1989 | 2749036 |
[campylobacter pylori. determination of gastric colonization and its clinical relevance]. | while evidence suggesting a statistical association between campylobacter pylori and chronic active antral gastritis is convincing, the role which the organism may play in the pathogenesis of this condition and in the case of peptic ulcer remains to be elucidated. the development of safe, non-invasive diagnostic tests suitable for population studies greatly facilitates this investigative process. this article presents a brief review of currently available methods of diagnosing c pylori colonizat ... | 1989 | 2749626 |
campylobacter pylori in patients undergoing gastroscopy at goroka base hospital. | biopsy specimens were taken from intact areas of antral mucosa in 53 consecutive highlanders presenting for gastroscopy. spiral or curved bacilli were demonstrated in 31 patients (58%). campylobacter pylori was cultured from 17 patients (32%). the bacteria were present in 16 (76%) of the 21 patients with gastric ulcer. histological studies carried out in 25 patients showed gastritis in 21 (84%) and the bacteria were present in all 8 cases of active chronic gastritis and in 5 of 13 cases (38%) of ... | 1989 | 2750318 |
antisecretory treatment and campylobacter pylori. | 1989 | 2753319 | |
campylobacter pylori, duodenal ulcer, and gastric metaplasia: possible role of functional heterotopic tissue in ulcerogenesis. | multiple pinch biopsies were taken from the duodenum and antrum of 137 subjects (46 active duodenal ulceration; 44 healed ulcers; 47 'normal'), and examined for the presence and grade of gastritis, gastric metaplasia, and campylobacter pylori. these factors, as well as age, sex, cigarette, and anti-inflammatory agent intake were evaluated as possible risk factors for duodenal ulceration. pentagastrin induced congo red staining of the duodenal bulb was performed in an additional 43 cases, to dete ... | 1989 | 2753403 |
14c-urea breath test in c pylori gastritis. | 14c-urea breath test was used to detect campylobacter pylori colonisation in 129 consecutive non-ulcer dyspepsia patients. fasting patients were given 3 microci (110 kbq) of 14c-labelled urea after a test meal. breath samples were collected at 10 minute intervals for 90 minutes and the c-14 activity was counted on a liquid scintillation analyser. urea derived 14co2 appears in the exhaled breath of campylobacter pylori culture positive individuals within 20-30 minutes. likelihood analysis reveale ... | 1989 | 2753404 |
the effect of cooling rate, freeze-drying suspending fluid and culture age on the preservation of campylobacter pylori. | the effects of freezing rate, suspending fluid and age of culture on the ability of four strains of campylobacter pylori to survive and recover from freeze-drying were examined. freeze-drying by standard procedures generally resulted in an overall loss in viability of between 3 and 7 log units. the exact cause of poor recovery by c. pylori was not established but strain differences were detected, with nctc 11637 (type strain) surviving better than nctc 11638 and nctc 11639. recovery of the poore ... | 1989 | 2753837 |
examination of human stomach biopsies, saliva, and dental plaque for campylobacter pylori. | to examine possible sources of campylobacter pylori and to determine the routes by which it is transmitted to the human stomach, samples of dental plaque and saliva from 71 patients undergoing endoscopy in addition to stomach biopsies were collected and cultured on selective noninhibitory skirrow medium. a total of 29 (40.8%) of the stomach biopsies yielded c. pylori. none of the saliva samples and only one of the dental plaque samples was found positive for c. pylori, and thus neither saliva no ... | 1989 | 2754008 |
the relation between campylobacter pylori and inflammatory cell infiltration of antral mucosa in patients with dyspepsia. | in order to understand the relation between the prevalence of campylobacter pylori and the severity of gastritis, we conducted a survey of 166 randomly selected dyspeptic patients. the presence of c. pylori on the antral mucosa was aseptically determined by both urease and bacterial culture tests. specimens of antral mucosa were obtained for pathologic gradings of inflammation: active gastritis, mononuclear cell infiltration c0 (nil) to c3 (lymphoid follicle); presence or absence of intestinal m ... | 1989 | 2754423 |
the presence of campylobacter pylori in nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug associated gastritis. | although campylobacter pylori has recently been causally linked to active chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, its relationship to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (nsaid) associated gastritis is unclear. we performed a case-control study of 100 patients who had undergone gastritis biopsy. blinded review of giemsa stained slides demonstrated the presence of c. pylori in 32% of 19 nsaid treated cases with active chronic gastritis vs 3% of 36 controls with chronic gastritis not taking nsa ... | 1989 | 2754664 |
pathogenicity of campylobacter pylori in the upper gastrointestinal tract--implications for modern therapy. | 1989 | 2755371 | |
serum igg and iga antibody responses to campylobacter pylori in a group of healthy asymptomatic volunteers. | sera from 17 healthy asymptomatic volunteers were tested for presence of igg and iga antibodies against campylobacter pylori and correlated with endoscopic biopsy findings. three volunteers infected with c. pylori had the highest igg antibody titers of the group. none of 14 c. pylori free subjects had significant igg antibody levels. iga antibody titers were negative in all subjects regardless of state of infection, in contrast to control sera from symptomatic c. pylori infected patients who man ... | 1989 | 2756343 |
[diagnosis of gastritis caused by campylobacter pylori. presentation of 3 methods: bacteriology, histology and immunoblotting]. | 1989 | 2756576 | |
campylobacter pylori gastritis and peptic ulcer in children. | 1989 | 2756956 | |
possible role of campylobacter pylori in idiopathic hyperammonemia. | 1989 | 2757075 | |
strain variation in campylobacter pylori detected by numerical analysis of one-dimensional electrophoretic protein patterns. | a total of 21 clinical isolates of campylobacter pylori from peru and the united kingdom and two reference strains (from australia), including the type strain (nctc 11637t), were characterized by high resolution one-dimensional sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cellular proteins. the protein patterns contained more than 40 discrete bands and the approximate molecular weights of the major bands were 22, 27, 46, 57, 60, 65 and 93 kd. the total patterns were used as the basis of numerical a ... | 1989 | 2757368 |
serum pepsinogen i and igg antibody to campylobacter pylori in non-specific abdominal pain in childhood. | a consecutive series of 51 children (mean age 11 years) who presented with recurrent abdominal pain were investigated by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy including three antral biopsies for microscopy, culture and urease testing. serum igg, iga, and igm antibodies to campylobacter pylori (c pylori) were measured by the elisa technique. serum pepsinogen i was also measured. thirty two children showed histological evidence of gastritis. all had c pylori on microscopy and or culture. nineteen child ... | 1989 | 2759488 |
[campylobacter pylori]. | 1989 | 2759650 | |
[serodiagnosis of campylobacter pylori]. | the colonization of gastric mucosa with campylobacter pylori can be detected by serological methods. elisa and immunoblot methods are currently being employed for detection of antibodies against campylobacter pylori. in general, both tests will differentiate between campylobacter pylori positive and campylobacter pylori negative patients. however, 5-10% of persons with negative cultures for campylobacter pylori have positive serological tests, but only very few patients with campylobacter pylori ... | 1989 | 2759651 |
[campylobacter pylori: clinical correlations and prospective comparative studies of various diagnostic techniques]. | the diagnostic performance of two different urease tests and of histologic search after modified giemsa staining to detect campylobacter pylori (cp) colonization of the upper gastrointestinal tract was prospectively investigated in 215 esophagogastroduodenoscopies, by using a sensitive culture technique as reference. single antral urease tests had a high specificity of 95-96%, but a limited sensitivity of 78-83%, which increased to 91-94%, when one antral and one additional body biopsy were subm ... | 1989 | 2759652 |
evaluation of three campylobacter pylori antigen preparations for screening sera from patients undergoing endoscopy. | a surface antigen (sa), acid glycine extract (age), and urease preparation (up) were evaluated using sera from patients undergoing endoscopy and from subjects with gastric or duodenal ulcers. sera were tested for the presence of igg and iga antibodies by a conventional indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). in patients with confirmed campylobacter pylori associated gastritis, raised igg antibody titres were indicated by absorbance values of greater than or equal to 500, greater than ... | 1989 | 2760233 |
survival of campylobacter pylori in artificially contaminated milk. | 1989 | 2760238 | |
ultrastructural localisation of urease in outer membrane and periplasm of campylobacter pylori. | 1989 | 2760239 | |
campylobacter pylori associated acute gastritis in a child. | 1989 | 2760240 | |
iron deficiency anemia in an athlete associated with campylobacter pylori-negative chronic gastritis. | a 14-year-old athletic boy with a 1-year history of decreased exercise tolerance presented with unexplained iron deficiency anemia. panendoscopy, colonoscopy, and barium contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract were normal. however, persistent uptake of radionuclide using a 99mtechnetium-sucralfate scan suggested inflammation localized to the stomach. mucosal biopsies demonstrated acute and chronic gastritis that was not associated with the presence of campylobacter pylori. | 1989 | 2760433 |
transportation of gastric biopsies in a biphasic campylobacter pylori media. | 1989 | 2760441 | |
[campylobacter pylori in patients with chronic gastritis and gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer]. | the presence of campylobacter pylori was studied in biopsy material from gastric mucosa taken by guided biopsy during fiber gastroduodenoscopy from 101 patients with chronic gastritis (n = 50), peptic gastric ulcer (n = 28), peptic duodenal ulcer (n = 7), gastric cancer (n = 10) and gastric polyposis (n = 6). campylobacter pylori was found in various quantity--moderate (++) and considerable ( )--in 64% of the patients with chronic gastritis, in 85.7% of the patients with peptic gastric ulcer and ... | 1989 | 2763525 |
gastritis and campylobacter pylori. | 1989 | 2764663 | |
non campylobacter pylori spiral organisms in the gastric antrum. | colonisation of the human gastric antrum with non campylobacter pylori spiral organisms is described. a moderately severe histological gastritis was present despite the fact that these organisms, in contrast to c. pylori, were not closely associated with the epithelial cell surface. although in vitro culture of the organisms was unsuccessful, in vivo culture was achieved in the mouse stomach. further study of these spiral organisms should provide important clues to the role of bacteria in upper ... | 1989 | 2764819 |
granulomatous gastritis associated with campylobacter pylori. | three cases of granulomatous inflammation in gastric biopsies showing campylobacter pylori infestation are described. this type of reaction to campylobacter pylori has not previously been described, and occurred in 1.1% of gastric biopsies containing campylobacter-like organisms (clo), in this series of all gastric biopsies submitted for histological examination during one year. two other cases each showed a mucosal granuloma: one was a patient with crohn's disease and the other had foreign body ... | 1989 | 2765275 |
susceptibility of campylobacter pylori to the newer cephalosporin antibiotics. | the susceptibility of 23 strains (pediatric and adult) of campylobacter pylori to eight cephalosporin antibiotics was determined. all strains were sensitive to cefoxitin, cefuroxime, ceftizoxime, latamoxef, and ceftriaxone. ceftazidime and cefoperazone showed only moderate activity against c. pylori. c. pylori was resistant to cefsulodin. | 1989 | 2766856 |
detection of campylobacter pylori by the biopsy urease test: an assessment in 1445 patients. | the presence of c pylori infection was determined in 1445 patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy over a 12 month period. the presence of c pylori was detected in gastric mucosal biopsy specimens by the biopsy urease test, microscopy (gram stained smears and histology) and culture. two media were used for the biopsy urease test: christensen's urea broth (for the first 600 patients) and the christensen's urea broth modified by increasing the concentration of phenol red and omitting t ... | 1989 | 2767501 |
long-term storage of campylobacter pylori. | a reproducible method for long-term storage of campylobacter pylori has been previously described. we cultured 10 strains of c. pylori in brucella broth that was supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. after incubation for 24 h, 10% glycerol and an additional 10% fetal bovine serum were added to the cultures, which when then held in storage at -70 degrees c. after 6 months, each of the strains remained viable. this technique, therefore, represents an excellent method for long-term storage of c ... | 1989 | 2768452 |
improved growth of campylobacter pylori in a biphasic system. | the recovery of campylobacter pylori from clinical specimens is difficult, even when done with an optimal medium, atmosphere, and temperature. the growth of this organism was investigated by comparing a biphasic system with broth culture. the effects of gyration, inoculum, and ph were studied. brucella agar and broth supplemented with 2.5% fetal bovine serum were used. growth in the biphasic system was an average of 2 log units (7 x 10(8) versus 5 x 10(6) cfu/ml) greater than that in the broth s ... | 1989 | 2768463 |
topographic association between active gastritis and campylobacter pylori colonisation. | one thousand biopsy specimens obtained from 10 sites in the stomachs of 50 patients were examined for the presence of active chronic gastritis and campylobacter pylori. all 32 patients with active chronic gastritis at 234 out of 320 sites were positive for c pylori: 227 showed colonisation with c pylori by the warthin-starry stain; and 222 were positive by culture. c pylori was not found in 18 patients with inactive chronic gastritis or histologically normal mucosa. the area of c pylori colonisa ... | 1989 | 2768523 |
superficial gastritis and campylobacter pylori in dyspeptic patients--a quantitative study using computer-linked image analysis. | the purpose of this study was the quantitative assessment of mucosal inflammation and its relationship to campylobacter pylori in gastric antral and body biopsies from patients with dyspepsia and controls. the study groups comprised patients with duodenal ulcer (du; n = 20), duodenitis (dun; n = 20), non-ulcer dyspepsia (nud; n = 20). using a semi-automatic, computer-linked image analyser (kontron: mop videoplan), mucosal acute and chronic inflammatory cell densities were measured in defined gas ... | 1989 | 2769489 |
[rapid detection of campylobacter pylori]. | 1989 | 2772477 | |
campylobacter pylori and other urease positive bacteria in gastric biopsies. | 1989 | 2773858 | |
the effect of bismuth subsalicylate on the histologic gastritis seen with campylobacter pylori: a placebo-controlled, randomized study. | in order to assess whether bismuth subsalicylate (bss) clears campylobacter pylori and whether this clearance is associated with improvement in histologic gastritis, 20 patients with antral biopsies colonized by c. pylori were randomized to treatment with 30 ml of bss (525 mg) or placebo q.i.d. for 21 days. after both 2 and 3 wk of treatment, c. pylori was cleared in 70% (7/10) of bss-treated patients, compared with 10% (1/10) of patients on placebo (p less than 0.05) at 2 wk and 0% (0/10) of pa ... | 1989 | 2773899 |
lack of antibiotic compliance in patients treated for campylobacter pylori-associated gastritis. | 1989 | 2773906 | |
[electron microscopic observations of campylobacter pyloridis in chronic gastritis]. | gastric biopsies from 150 cases of chronic gastritis were studied by electron microscopy. the infection rates of campylobacter pyloridis (cp) were 95.3% (85 cases) and 69.2% (65 cases) in superficial gastritis and atrophic gastritis respectively. a close relationship was seen between quantity of the bacteria and activity of the disease. electron microscopy showed that cp usually damaged the columnar and pit cells of the stomach, resulting in necrosis and active inflammation of the mucosa, and in ... | 1989 | 2776255 |
serum immunoglobulin g antibody levels for campylobacter pylori diagnosis. | 1989 | 2777037 | |
effect of roux-en-y biliary diversion on campylobacter pylori. | to assess the effect of biliary diversion on gastric colonization by campylobacter pylori, we undertook a retrospective histologic study of 24 patients with symptomatic bile reflux after peptic ulcer surgery, who had endoscopic gastric biopsies performed before and after a roux-en-y operation. the time interval between the preoperative and postoperative endoscopic examinations ranged from 0.8 to 9.8 yr (mean 4.7 yr). the partial gastrectomy specimen, which had been resected at the initial operat ... | 1989 | 2777047 |
optimization of a medium for the rapid urease test for detection of campylobacter pylori in gastric antral biopsies. | we developed a buffered azide-free urea medium which is sensitive, specific, and nontoxic for rapid detection of campylobacter pylori in gastric biopsies. detection of urease produced by the organism provides the basis for the test. the substrate is urea in monobasic sodium phosphate buffer, and phenol red provides indication of the ph change that results from urease activity. a rapid change from yellow to red occurs in the presence of c. pylori, even at low concentrations of the organism. a slo ... | 1989 | 2778071 |
effects of topical anesthetic agents on campylobacter pylori. | the susceptibility of campylobacter pylori was determined for the two topical anesthetic agents commonly used prior to gastroscopy. campylobacter pylori proved to be extremely sensitive to the anti-infective activity of benzocaine, the active ingredient in most commonly used topical anesthetic agents, with minimum inhibitory concentrations of 0.14 mg/ml. however, lidocaine-containing agents did not interfere with the growth of this microorganism. specifically, in patients with histologic evidenc ... | 1989 | 2778568 |
antibodies to campylobacter pylori in patients with idiopathic dyspepsia. | we used western blotting analysis to determine the immune profile to campylobacter pylori polypeptides in: a) sera from patients with idiopathic dyspepsia and bacteriological evidence of c. pylori gastric colonization, b) sera from patients with the same symptoms but no bacteriological evidence of c. pylori infection and c) healthy subjects. to avoid interference of aspecific reactions due to antigenic cross reactivity with other thermophilic campylobacter species, antisera were raised in rabbit ... | 1989 | 2779455 |
campylobacter pylori in uremic dialyzed patients. | 1989 | 2779710 | |
campylobacter pylori in alcoholic hemorrhagic "gastritis". | previously we have shown that alcohol-associated subepithelial hemorrhages histologically represent localized superficial mucosal hemorrhage, with edema in the surrounding mucosa. we studied the relationship between campylobacter pylori (cp) and histology in gastric subepithelial hemorrhages from 20 actively drinking alcoholic patients. biopsies of the hemorrhagic lesions and adjacent mucosa 1 and 3 cm away were taken with a "jumbo" forceps. biopsy slides were coded and randomized before histolo ... | 1989 | 2785447 |
the prevalence of campylobacter pylori gastritis among asymptomatic adults. | to determine the prevalence of campylobacter pylori colonization in the healthy population we studied 54 asymptomatic volunteers and 65 patients referred because of gastrointestinal symptoms. all subjects underwent gastroscopy and gastric biopsy. c. pylori was isolated from 6 volunteers (11%) and 36 patients (55%). histologic evidence of inflammation was present in 98% of the culture-positive subjects. linear regression analysis revealed that the prevalence of c. pylori colonization increased wi ... | 1989 | 2785841 |
the prevalence of campylobacter pylori gastritis: a study of symptomatic nonulcer dyspepsia and bile gastritis. | we assessed the prevalence of campylobacter pylori in various forms of endoscopic gastritis, including ulcer and nonulcer dyspepsia and bile gastritis and correlated it with histological evidence of inflammation. multiple biopsy specimens were taken from 120 patients, including four normal controls, who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for evaluation of upper abdominal pain and discomfort, nausea, bilious vomiting, weight loss, and anemia. the patients included 58 men and 62 women, wit ... | 1989 | 2787819 |
interaction of campylobacter species with antibody, complement and phagocytes. | the opsonisation of four different campylobacter species for human neutrophils was studied using a chemiluminescence system and electron microscopy. opsonisation of campylobacter fetus, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter jejuni was mediated by antibody and enhanced by complement. antibody was not, however, required for the phagocytosis of campylobacter pylori because it activates the classical pathway of complement directly. this unusual property may be important in the pathogenesis of c pylo ... | 1989 | 2788111 |
the prevalence of campylobacter pylori gastritis among asymptomatic adults. | 1989 | 2788488 | |
increased incidence of campylobacter pylori infection in gastroenterologists: further evidence to support person-to-person transmission of c. pylori. | the mode transmission of campylobacter pylori is still unknown, although several studies have suggested person-to-person transmission. in this study the incidence of active c. pylori infection in an endoscopy staff was compared with that in general practitioners and normal blood donors. since endoscopy workers are in close contact with patients, many of whom would be likely to have active c. pylori infection, it was likely that there would be an increased incidence of active c. pylori infection ... | 1989 | 2789427 |
lomefloxacin activity against 2,813 clinical isolates: a collaborative study at three medical centers in brazil. | the in vitro activity of lomefloxacin was compared to norfloxacin and two parenteral drugs against 2,813 clinical isolates at three medical centers in brazil. considering mics less than or equal to 4 micrograms/ml as the criterion, lomefloxacin inhibited 97.9% of all enterobacteriaceae, 100% of staphylococci, 100% of neisseria gonorrhoeae, 100% of campylobacter pylori, 81% of pseudomonas aeruginosa, and 79% of streptococcus spp. norfloxacin was generally comparable in potency and spectrum, but c ... | 1989 | 2791496 |
campylobacter pylori-related gastrointestinal disease in children. incidence and clinical findings. | over a one-year period, 95 children and adolescents presenting with epigastric pain and/or vomiting, and without associated risk factors for development of peptide disease, underwent endoscopic antral biopsies for pathologic diagnosis and to detect presence of campylobacter ss. pylori (c. pylori). additional biopsies of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum were obtained for histologic evaluation. c. pylori was identified in 16 patients (16.8%), all of whom had evidence of acute and/or chronic ga ... | 1989 | 2791800 |
gastric mucosa in patients with portal hypertension: prevalence of capillary dilatation and campylobacter pylori. | to determine whether the "congestive" gastropathy associated with portal hypertension showed distinctive histological features independent of inflammatory gastritis, endoscopic biopsy specimens of gastric mucosa from 23 patients with portal hypertension and 25 patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia were examined. active chronic gastritis associated with campylobacter pylori was found in three patients with portal hypertension compared with 13 patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia. the changes of reflux g ... | 1989 | 2794079 |
detection of campylobacter pylori in stomach tissue by dna in situ hybridisation. | a non-radioactive dna in situ hybridisation (dish) protocol was developed. it requires the use of biotinylated campylobacter pylori dna as the probe to detect c pylori dna in routinely embedded stomach biopsy specimens. in sequential tissue samples from a 58 year old woman with recurrent chronic active gastritis the c pylori probe hybridised with bacteria whenever they were histologically visible. when no bacteria were visible histologically, hybridisation was negative with one exception. in a s ... | 1989 | 2794089 |
campylobacter pylori, mucus, and peptic ulceration. a dynamic interaction. | campylobacter pylori, a spiral-shaped bacterium, commonly colonizes the gastric epithelium where it induces chronic gastritis; this organism has also been implicated in the etiology of chronic peptic ulcer disease. once introduced to the gastric mucosa or an area of gastric metaplasia, it tends to migrate to the vicinity of the epithelial tight junction where it probably utilizes host urea and other substances to sustain itself. campylobacter pylori also produces a proteolytic enzyme that degrad ... | 1989 | 2794427 |
is pernicious anemia caused by campylobacter pylori gastritis? | 1989 | 2794439 | |
histological evaluation of campylobacter pylori from tissue specimens stored in formaldehyde can be misleading. | 1989 | 2794440 | |
clinical experience with campylobacter pylori in western kentucky. | many studies have been done which show the association of campylobacter pylori with active gastritis. all types of peptic ulcer disease have shown a positive correlation with the presence of campylobacter pylori. clearance of this specific infection has shown histologic improvement as well as decreasing recurrence of peptic ulcer disease. this study demonstrates with statistical validity that treatment with both antibiotics and bismuth subsalicylate results in improvement in symptoms for as long ... | 1989 | 2794757 |
[campylobacter pylori in gastro-duodenal diseases, with special reference to endoscopic diagnosis, histological inflammatory grading, and intestinal metaplasia]. | to investigate the prevalence of campylobacter pylori (cp) and its association with histological inflammatory grading and intestinal metaplasia, biopsies were carried out in 388 patients with gastro-duodenal diseases from 2 sites in the stomach (body and antrum). in each case, 3 biopsy specimens were taken from each site for culture, acridine orange stain and urease test. cp was detected in 55% of 22 endoscopically normal patients, in 47% of 17 gastric cancer patients, in 73% of 205 gastritis pa ... | 1989 | 2795952 |
[campylobacter pylori in heterotopic gastric mucosa in meckel's diverticulum]. | we report a case of meckel's diverticulum with heterotopic gastric body mucosa, active gastritis in the heterotopic mucosa and dense colonisation by campylobacter pylori. this case, together with four identical cases recently reported, and a further case with c. pylori colonisation of heterotopic gastric mucosa in the rectum, shows that c. pylori obviously traverses the length of the gl tract--a fact that makes the faecal-oral route of infection probable. | 1989 | 2796567 |
[campylobacter pylori]. | 1989 | 2796568 | |
cloning of ureaplasma urealyticum dna sequences showing genetic homology with urease genes from gram-negative bacteria. | dna chromosomic sequences from ureaplasma urealyticum were shown, by dna hybridization, to possess homology with providencia stuartii urease genes. the homologous ureaplasma dna fragment was cloned in escherichia coli and a dna probe, designated ic61 probe was specific for only the urease-producing u. urealyticum among the mollicutes. genetic homology shown between the ic61 probe and urease genes from campylobacter pylori, e. coli and p. stuartii suggests that (1) the cloned dna fragment from u. ... | 1989 | 2799066 |
na+/h+ ion-exchange property of postmortem human gastric mucus. the effects of campylobacter pylori infection and sucralfate. | the effect of campylobacter pylori infection and sucralfate treatment on the ion-exchange property of human gastric mucus from 17 human postmortem stomachs was investigated in an in vitro chamber. of the 10 stomachs not infected with c. pylori mucus from 4 stomachs had a 'normal' na+/h+ exchange capacity, whereas 6 were without a na+/h+ exchange capacity. the na+/h+ exchange capacity of the seven stomachs infected with c. pylori was half that of the four 'normal' uninfected stomachs. sucralfate ... | 1989 | 2799281 |
[is campylobacter pylori the pathogenic agent in gastritis and peptic ulcer?]. | the authors analyzed a group of 164 subjects where they collected during gastroduodenoscopy specimens of the gastric mucosa for histological and microbiological examination. campylobacter pylori (cp) was detected in 37 of 41 subjects with gastritis type b (90.2%), in 36 of 45 patients with duodenal ulcers (80%) and in 15 of 24 patients with gastric ulcers (62.5%) and in one of 15 subjects with gastritis type a. in 8 patients with drug induced and reflux changes the presence of cp was not detecte ... | 1989 | 2800373 |
campylobacter pylori, nsaids, and smoking: risk factors for peptic ulcer disease. | campylobacter pylori, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and smoking are associated with ulcer disease. to define further the role of these factors in ulcer disease, one hundred seven subjects presenting for endoscopy were tested for specific igg and iga antibodies to c. pylori, and questioned about nonsteroidal use and smoking. sixty were dyspeptic patients, 28 were disease controls, and 19 were healthy asymptomatic volunteers. considering all subjects, 81% (87/107) were either taking nonste ... | 1989 | 2801677 |
lipolytic activity of campylobacter pylori: effect of colloidal bismuth subcitrate (de-nol) | infection by campylobacter pylori appears to play a major role in the etiology of gastric disease, but the nature of impairment evoked by this pathogen in gastric mucosal defense is not well understood. we present here evidence that the extracellular material elaborated by this microorganism exhibits lipolytic activity capable of gastric mucosal lipid degradation. the colonies of bacteria, cultured from antral mucosal biopsy specimens of patients undergoing endoscopy, were washed with saline, pa ... | 1989 | 2801678 |
the minimum inhibitory concentrations of various bismuth salts against campylobacter pylori. | the minimum inhibitory concentrations of five bismuth salts (bismuth subcitrate, bismuth subgallate, bismuth subnitrate, bismuth subsalicylate and tripotassium dicitrato bismuthate, a water soluble compound of bismuth subcitrate) were assayed against 48 strains of campylobacter pylori employing the agar dilution method. tripotassium dicitrato bismuthate was most effective (mic50 8 mg/l), the other bismuth salts exhibited somewhat lower inhibitory activities. it is concluded that bismuth salts ar ... | 1989 | 2803458 |
lipolytic activity of campylobacter pylori: effect of sofalcone. | the lipolytic activity of campylobacter pylori capable of gastric mucosal lipid degradation was investigated. the colonies of bacteria, cultured from antral mucosal biopsy specimens of patients undergoing endoscopy, were washed with saline and passed through a sterilization filter; the filtrate was examined for lipase and phospholipase a activities, using glycerol trioleate and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine as substrates. the obtained results revealed that both enzymes are present in the c. py ... | 1989 | 2806755 |
campylobacter pylori in japan: bacteriological feature and prevalence in healthy subjects and patients with gastroduodenal disorders. | the presence of campylobacter pylori was investigated in biopsy specimens obtained during gastrofiberscopy from 103 consecutive patients prospectively. patients included 25 with gastric ulcer, 4 with duodenal ulcer, 5 with coexisting gastroduodenal ulcer, 31 with gastroduodenal ulcer with gastritis, 27 with gastritis, 3 with gastric polyps and 8 with gastric cancer. results were compared with 20 healthy control subjects who were endoscopically normal. two specimens each were taken from 3 sites i ... | 1989 | 2806829 |
campylobacter pylori infection in meckel's diverticula containing gastric mucosa. | a retrospective survey was undertaken of 228 resected meckel's diverticula to determine if there was any evidence of campylobacter pylori infection in diverticula containing gastric mucosa. among the 65 diverticula with gastric mucosa one was heavily infected with organisms having the morphological appearances of c pylori. the specimen had been removed from a six year old samoan boy who had been admitted with small bowel obstruction. infection and associated mucosal inflammatory infiltrate were ... | 1989 | 2806990 |
rapid detection of gastric campylobacter pylori colonization by a simple biochemical test. | a simple and rapid urease test to detect campylobacter pylori infection was evaluated with bacterial culture as the "gold standard." the test was compared with the gram stain and the conventional christensen urease test. the culture method detected c. pylori in 29 of 49 gastric biopsy specimens. the rapid urease test showed 27 positive samples within 1 h at 55 degrees c (specificity, 100%; sensitivity, 93%) and 18 at room temperature (specificity, 100%; sensitivity, 62%). the gram stain exhibite ... | 1989 | 2808682 |
peptic ulcer diseases. perspectives on pathophysiology and therapy. | increased acid secretion characterizes only about one-third of ulcer patients. however acid/peptic activity is a critical factor in all peptic ulcers. when adequate inhibition of acid secretion is achieved even the most refractory ulcer heal, although rapid recurrence upon cessation of therapy belies the non-curative nature of the therapy. despite the critical necessity for acid and the association with increased acid secretion in some patients, ulcers reflect a focal disturbance in mucosal defe ... | 1989 | 2809134 |
mechanisms of relapse in peptic ulcer disease. | although modern medicine therapy reliably heals peptic ulcers, relapse is the rule and remains a major challenge to investigators and practitioners alike. several factors associated with ulcer recurrence have been identified but pathogenetic mechanisms are obscure. some recent studies suggest that the type of treatment used to heal the initial ulcer influences the propensity to recurrence. although there is circumstantial evidence that relapse may be accelerated after initial treatment with h2-r ... | 1989 | 2809136 |
campylobacter pylori. an advance in understanding of dyspepsia and gastritis. | the prevalence of campylobacter pylori (cp) rises with age, as does gastritis. there is now convincing evidence that cp is causative in the majority of cases of active chronic gastritis and that its eradication substantially improves the severity of the gastritis, even back to normal in some cases. a small minority of people may have other factors causing their gastritis, bile reflux, or anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, cp causes temporary dyspeptic symptoms when an individual receives an a ... | 1989 | 2809137 |
campylobacter pylori. the organism and its clinical relevance. | campylobacter pylori causes type b gastritis and c. pylori infection has been associated with duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, non-ulcer dyspepsia, and gastric cancer. although we have been able to culture c. pylori for only about 5 years, what we now know about this organism can explain many mysteries surrounding peptic ulcer disease. whenever one investigates a population of ulcer patients for the presence of any accepted potentially important pathogenetic factors, one finds that the population ... | 1989 | 2809138 |
[campylobacter pylori, peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis]. | 1989 | 2811237 | |
[campylobacter pylori and late recurrences of duodenal ulcer]. | 1989 | 2811238 | |
campylobacter pylori and gastroduodenal disease. is there a relationship? | much has been discovered about campylobacter pylori in the past 6 years. yet, many questions remain: is the organism commensal or is it a pathogen? what is its environmental source? how is it transmitted? what is its role in gastroduodenal disease? the authors of this article discuss these and other issues relating to this common organism. | 1989 | 2813224 |
ammonia produced by campylobacter pylori neutralizes h+ moving through gastric mucus. | we aimed to show that campylobacter pylori infection increases the concentration of ammonia in the gastric mucus and alters the movement of h+ through the mucus. mucus from uninfected and c. pylori-infected stomachs was collected at postmortem. ammonia was measured enzymatically. the ammonia concentration in c. pylori-infected mucus was fourfold greater than in uninfected mucus. h+ movement experiments were carried out using an in vitro chamber, in which a layer of mucus separated a 0.1 m hcl so ... | 1989 | 2814342 |
campylobacter pylori: epidemiological considerations. | 1989 | 2814344 | |
campylobacter pylori: defining a cause of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. proceedings from a symposium of the 13th international congress of gastroenterology. rome, 7 september 1988. | 1989 | 2814345 | |
detecting campylobacter pylori with the 13c- and 14c-urea breath test. | campylobacter pylori is a bacterium which has been suggested as a causative agent in active chronic gastritis and possibly peptic ulcer disease. the diagnosis has had to be made by culture or histological examination of gastric mucosal biopsies. since endoscopy is needed to obtain biopsies, this precludes large-scale epidemiological studies of this organism. recently graham described a noninvasive breath test with carbon 13 labelled urea to detect c. pylori colonization. this breath test is base ... | 1989 | 2814346 |
the role of serology in the diagnosis of campylobacter pylori infection. | circulating antibodies to campylobacter pylori in patients with campylobacter-associated gastritis are sufficiently specific to allow serodiagnosis of this condition. this is possible by various techniques, the most convenient being enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. applications of serodiagnosis are in two areas--in clinical practice, where proper evaluation is still required, and in epidemiology. here serodiagnosis shows the prevalence of c. pylori in the general population and in specific pop ... | 1989 | 2814347 |
campylobacter pylori as a pathogenetic factor in duodenal ulcer: the case for. | this debate addresses whether campylobacter pylori contributes to the development and maintenance of chronic peptic ulcer disease. c. pylori may be both an aggressive factor and may also impair mucosal defence. c. pylori causes the inevitably ulcer-associated gastritis and duodenitis and eradication of the c. pylori infection is associated with resolution of the inflammation and virtual elimination of the problem of duodenal ulcer relapse. a model is suggested that requires two separate factors ... | 1989 | 2814348 |
campylobacter pylori: defining a cause of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease? | 1989 | 2814349 | |
in vitro activities of new oral beta-lactams and macrolides against campylobacter pylori. | the in vitro activities of amoxicillin, cefuroxime, ceftetrame, cefetamet, cefixime, tigemonam, erythromycin, roxithromycin, and dirithromycin against 30 clinical isolates of campylobacter pylori were determined by an agar dilution technique. roxithromycin and amoxicillin (mics for 90% of isolates tested, 0.01 and 0.06 micrograms/ml, respectively) were the most active antibiotics tested, but all strains were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested. | 1989 | 2817868 |
cytotoxin production by campylobacter pylori strains isolated from patients with peptic ulcers and from patients with chronic gastritis only. | a total of 66.6% of campylobacter pylori strains isolated from patients with peptic ulcers produced a cytotoxin active against mammalian cells in vitro, versus 30.1% of strains isolated from patients with chronic gastritis of various degrees of severity only. this difference was statistically significant and suggests that the toxic substance could be involved in the development of peptic ulcers. | 1989 | 2913034 |
detection of antibody responses in rabbits hyperimmunized with campylobacter pylori. enzyme immunoassay indicates extensive antigenic similarities. | acid glycine extracts from four campylobacter pylori strains and one gclo strain were used as antigens in enzyme immunoassay (eia). immune responses of rabbits immunized with c. pylori strains, the gclo-strain and other campylobacter strains were studied. all 14 rabbit antisera against c. pylori reacted with all four c. pylori extracts and there were extensive cross-reactions between these extracts. antisera against c. jejuni and c. coli strains did not react with a c. pylori extract but reached ... | 1989 | 2914106 |
identification of campylobacter pylori by using the rapid nh system. | campylobacter pylori has been associated with chronic active antral gastritis. the organism was isolated from 19 of 45 gastric mucosal biopsies on blood agar plates with increased co2 at 35 degrees c. the rapid nh system, a set of dehydrated substrates for preformed enzymes, was used to assist in the identification of c. pylori. all c. pylori gave the same biochemical profile, and it was different from those of all other organisms in the profile index of the manufacturer. the rapid nh system is ... | 1989 | 2915028 |