
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a well man clinic in practice. 19846565673
[ethics. there are no single answers to ethical questions]. 19846567346
a unifying aetiological explanation for anomalies of human tooth number and size.genetic and environmental factors are implicated in the aetiology of supernumerary teeth, hypodontia, megadontia and microdontia ; these anomalies tend to be associated. 1115 school children aged 11-14 years examined clinically and radiographically provided prevalence data. a further 703 children with dental anomalies were studied. 153 of these became probands for a family study and 327 of their first-degree relatives were examined. there were much higher frequencies (p less than 0.001) of all a ...19846611147
[the medical system and social ideology. construction of a moral logic and body of thought in the 18th century].this article proposes an historical case study of the relationships between a body of medical knowledge and the social and political concerns of the period in which it developed. the analysis of the writings of j.c. lettsom (1744-1815), a quaker physician, and famous practitioner of london, demonstrates that very narrow links exist between his medical conceptions on the human body and his conceptions on the organisation and the functioning of the "social body". such notions as freedom, equilibri ...19846085983
an outbreak of erythema infectiosum associated with human parvovirus infection.erythema infectiosum (ei) or fifth disease is a mild, acute exanthematous disease, occurring mainly among children, for which a causative virus has long been sought. in may 1983 an outbreak of exanthematous illness was reported in a primary school in north london. children attending the school were investigated by questionnaire and 162 (43.9%) reported an illness with the features of ei. in each of 36 cases investigated virologically the illness was associated with parvovirus infection. moreover ...19846086750
prevalence of acute conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia, adenovirus, and herpes simplex virus in an ophthalmic casualty department.the causes of acute conjunctivitis in 140 consecutive patients attending an ophthalmic casualty department in london were investigated. laboratory evidence of infection with chlamydia trachomatis, adenovirus, or herpes simplex virus was found in 52 (37%) cases. in 70 cases (50%) no evidence of infection with these agents was found. in the remaining 18 cases (13%) laboratory results were inconclusive. the importance of these findings, the role of laboratory investigations in the differential diag ...19846087876
a large outbreak of keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus type 8.a large nosocomial outbreak of keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus type 8 is described. two hundred cases were identified, 123 by isolation of the virus and 77 by detecting hi antibodies in convalescent sera. infection usually presented as a severe keratoconjunctivitis, and 107 (54%) of infected patients developed sub-epithelial corneal opacities. the majority (66%) of infections were acquired at the accident and emergency department attached to a large urban eye hospital when patients attend ...19846094666
homosexual men in london: lymphadenopathy, immune status, and epstein-barr virus november 7, 1983, 24 cases of aids in the united kingdom had been reported to the communicable disease surveillance centre. at the same time an increasing number of homosexual men with unexplained lymphadenopathy syndrome (las) have been seen in our department. between december 1982 and july 1983, 14 homosexual men with las and 11 healthy homosexual men were studied. patients with las had a high number of lifetime episodes of sexually transmitted diseases, a history of recent sexual activity ...19846100002
uk drug trials: row over student trial.the british medicines commission has undertaken an urgent review of arrangements for testing new drugs on healthy volunteers in the wake of charges that one company, charterhouse clinical research unit ltd., was using london students in toxicity tests of an antitumor drug without having informed the volunteers' physicians of the risks involved and without plans for long-term monitoring of the participants' health. under current british law, drug studies with healthy volunteers are regarded as a ...198411653526
the practice of ethics committees.a brief news note welcomes the publication in september 1984 of a useful report, guidelines on the practice of ethics committees in medical research, by the royal college of physicians of london. one important recommendation in the guidelines is that committees should be notified of adverse or unforeseen circumstances arising out of a study and should be sent abstracts or reprints of publications. if it emerges that clinical investigations have been conducted without reference to ethical revie ...198411644290
long-stay hospitals. working animal magic on the geriatric wards. 198410311012
championing minority groups. 198510271410
the fertility transition in nineteenth-century england and wales: a social class model?"the changing relationship between fertility and the standard of living is examined in the long term. the model presented provides a means of focusing on the cross-sectional association between fertility, especially marital fertility, and social class during the nineteenth-century fertility transition in england and wales. an inverse relationship is revealed by all four of the perspectives adopted, but the problems inherent in defining social classes and the significance of fertility behaviour ...198512267227
are immigrants and natives perfect substitutes in production?this article discusses whether immigrant and native labor are perfect substitutes in production when conventional measures of skill and demographic characteristics are held constant. the ratio of immigrant to native labor and the ratio of immigrant to native earnings are studied in 5 major immigrant receiving countries with other variables held constant. countries included are 1) the us and britian, where the foreign born are only about 5% to 6% of the adult male labor force; 2) canada and aus ...198512267604
why are more women working in britain?using a pooled time series, cross section supply function for single year age groups of britain women, it is determined that female labor force participation rose steadily from world war ii to 1977. until the 1970s, the main increase was among married women aged 35 and over. possible explanations for the post world war ii rise in female labor participation are: 1) part time jobs were more available to women, 2) the drop in real prices of domestic appliances, processed foods, and easy care fa ...198512267646
migration during early married life."a one percent sample drawn from the 1971 census (the opcs longitudinal study) [of england and wales] was used to study the migration patterns of women in the early years of first marriage. information from the retrospective fertility and migration history contained in the 1971 census record was analyzed and the results show migration at, or soon after, marriage to be almost universal." the focus is on internal migration. factors considered include marriage duration, age, husband's occupation ...198512340531
court of appeals rules dhss notice on family planning contrary to the december 1982 case of gillick v. west norfolk and wisbech aha, the british court of appeal acceded to mrs. victoria gillick's petition that no professional employed by the health authority be permitted to give contraceptive or abortion treatment to any of her children under the age of 16 without her prior knowledge and consent. the ruling held that a 1980 department of health and social security notice allowing treatment of minors without parental consent was contrary to law. the court ...19852856993
aeromonas hydrophila in chlorinated water supplies.methods for the isolation and enumeration of aeromonas hydrophila in water supplies are described. examination of 286 chlorinated samples collected between july and october showed that 19% of otherwise uncontaminated waters contained aerom. hydrophila, rising to 71% of those from which escherichia coli was isolated. the isolation rate during january and february was only 7% for all samples. on the basis of these results, tap water is a likely source of the aeromonads found in human intestinal fl ...19852859326
rising prevalence of human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii) infection in homosexual men in london.the prevalence of antibody to htlv-iii has increased from 3.7% (4/107) amongst unselected british homosexual men attending a london sexually transmitted disease (std) clinic during one week in march, 1982, to 21% (26/124) in those attending during one week in july, 1984. seropositive men had a significantly higher prevalence of infection with hepatitis b virus than did seronegative men. 82% (27/33) of the seropositive men in 1984 were symptomless or had only local genito-urinary symptoms referab ...19852860454
coxsackie b, mumps, rubella, and cytomegalovirus specific igm responses in patients with juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in britain, austria, and australia.patients from england, austria, and australia with recently diagnosed juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1) mellitus (iddm) and matched controls were tested for specific igm responses to coxsackie b1-5 viruses. 37 of 122 (30%) patients aged less than 15, but only 15 of 204 (6%) controls, were positive (p less than 0.005). differences in coxsackie b virus specific igm responses between patients and controls were statistically significant for patients in england and austria (p less th ...19852861361
dual infection with rubella and human parvovirus. 19852863648
human parvovirus and rubella-like illness. 19852863649
politicians prepare action.a brief account is provided of parliament's efforts to regulate reproductive technologies and experiments on human embryos in great britain. a bill that seeks to outlaw such experiments and possibly also the practice of surrogate motherhood is scheduled to receive its second reading in the house of commons on 15 february 1985. supporters of the bill contend that nonmedical scientists, as opposed to medical practitioners and lay representatives of those directly affected, have too much control ...19853969138
uk agonizes on embryo research.the british government is being deluged with conflicting advice on how to respond to the warnock committee's proposals on in vitro fertilization (ivf) and related matters. while the government's response has been slow in coming, the house of commons is proceeding to a second reading of a bill that would place tight restrictions on the therapeutic use of ivf and outlaw the scientific study of human embryos. the law society has submitted a proregulatory memorandum that goes further than the warn ...19853969148
the "why" and "when" of introducing food to infants: growth in young breast-fed infants and some nutritional implications. 19853969952
an appeal to is argued that the british house of commons has embarked on an unprecedented and dangerous course in approving, at its second reading, enoch powell's "unborn children (protection) bill" to ban totally research on human embryos. in an effort to persuade parliament that a less drastic approach is preferable, embryologists are invited to submit to the editor of nature synopses of their planned investigations, including a description of objectives, the reasons for expecting these to be attainabl ...19853974713
unborn children (protection) bill.enoch powell's unborn children (protection) bill passed a second reading in the british house of commons on 22 february 1985. the authors contend that most informed scientists are dismayed because, if enacted into law, the bill would criminalize the in vitro fertilization of any human oocytes except for purposes of "embryo insertion," and many promising avenues of research would be blocked. while the pro-life lobby maintains that the development of possible methods to cure genetic diseases doe ...19853974717
the teaching of medical ethics.students at newcastle are exposed to patients during their first week at medical school and attached to a family within the first month. the object is to sensitise them to patients as people rather than vehicles of disease. medical ethics is introduced as part of the multidisciplinary human development, behaviour and ageing course by a lecturer who shows a film which poses an ethical problem. at subsequent tutorials led by the department of family and community medicine's general practitioner le ...19853981570
risk factors for radiogenic cancer: a comparison of factors derived from the hanford survey with those recommended by the icrp.a model for cancer induction in man exposed to low doses of radiation and based on the analysis of a survey of workers from a nuclear fuel processing plant is examined and compared with that adopted by the icrp to limit risks to radiation workers. it is shown that claims that icrp has significantly underestimated the risk apply primarily to those exposed in later life, and arise from assumptions regarding the age dependence of sensitivity to radiation which are questionable. a preliminary attemp ...19853986145
patients' attitudes to a survey of 200 female patients attending a five-man practice in a health centre, 75 per cent of the respondents stated that they would like to be offered a chaperone at pelvic examinations. only six per cent would accept the offer if the examination was performed by their own doctor and 17 per cent if a different doctor examined them. patients expressing a definite wish for a chaperone were significantly younger and were less likely to have had a previous pelvic examination. those who defini ...19853989785
the use as a learning resource of the community in which the medical school is situated: the medical school, southampton.southampton university medical school was established in 1971 and now takes 130 students each year for the 5-year course, and fifteen students for the premedical year. the school uses facilities within the whole wessex region, population 2.5 million, for teaching. during the first year of the course, community-based learning is a feature of the 'man, medicine and society' course and of early medical contact (emc). each student has four half-day emc visits to patients in their homes and these vis ...19854010564
sterilisation.the discussion identifies some of the issues in counseling for sterilization and outlines the information which the counselor should make available to the couple. the most appropriate person to counsel a couple about sterilization is usually their general practitioner. he/she already will have some background knowledge about the couple, which will shorten the information-gathering part of the counseling process and help in understanding the problems the couple may experience in reaching their ...19854011572
an epidemiological study of salmonella montevideo by biotyping.among 622 cultures of salmonella montevideo, 27 biotypes belonging to two biogroups were recognized. one biogroup (10di) was predominant in all animals in scotland but only in sheep in england and wales. the other (biogroup 2d) was responsible for almost all human, cattle and poultry infection in england and wales, but only 24% of human infection in scotland.19854020111
communicable disease report. january to march 1985. 19854042613
mortality of styrene production, polymerization and processing workers at a site in northwest england.the mortality of 622 men who worked for at least one year in the production, polymerization, and processing of styrene at a chemical site in the united kingdom during the period 1945-1974 was surveyed up to the end of 1978; 3 072 male manual workers at the same site but unexposed to styrene were also studied. a statistically significant excess of lymphoma deaths was found in the exposed population, and two of the three deaths observed occurred in men less than 40 years of age. the small number o ...19854070999
classroom teaching in genetics and birth defects: the nottingham experience.advances in genetics and their implications for disease prevention make it important that there should be more emphasis on the teaching of human genetics in our schools. this is likely to require cooperation between educationalists and interested medical staff and two such ventures, one in north america and the other in nottinghamshire, are described. the latter, involving school teachers, the department of health education, and the staff of the clinical genetic service appears to meet a need, a ...19854078863
the effect of influenza immunization on absence. 19854079347
legal issues in is desirable when considering legal issues related to ivf not to restrict attention solely to the impact of laws in existence at the time the ivf technology appeared. laws then in existence were not designed with ivf in mind. new laws are needed, particularly to deal with legal problems that will arise from 'existing' laws in relation to two unprecedented features of ivf. these are the new technology whereby fertilized human eggs may be frozen, stored and later used for childbearing, and the ...19853833445
[epidemiology of influenza since 1968]. 19853884531
biochemical separations and human genetics. the wilhelmine e. key 1984 invitational lecture. 19853884698
the foxglove, "the old woman from shropshire" and william withering.though he received his medical education in edinburgh, william withering was born and bred, and conducted his practice, in the midlands of england, where he collaborated closely with medical and nonmedical colleagues who were pioneers of intellectual thought during the industrial revolution. because of his profound botanical knowledge, he was able to identify digitalis purpurea as the essential ingredient in a prescription dispensed by a herbalist, and systematically proceeded to show its value ...19853886750
porotic hyperostosis: representative of a childhood condition.porotic hyperostosis is currently considered to be one of several stress markers available for assessing the health and nutritional status of past human populations. the present study questions one of the basic assumptions underlying its use; that is, that the occurrence of porotic hyperostosis in an individual represents an episode of anemia that was current or had occurred within a relatively short period prior to death. a synthesis of data from a romano-british site poundbury camp, anthropolo ...19853887936
hideyo noguchi's luetin experiment and the antivivisectionists. 19853888912
fashion, science and technical change: the history of the treatment of glue reason for the current epidemic in the rate of surgery for glue ear in children is that a shift in treatment has taken place from non-surgical to surgical methods. an historical review of the treatment of this condition reveals the existence of previous 'surgical epidemics' and the importance of two particular factors-technical developments, such as the design of tympanostomy tubes and the introduction of antibacterial drugs; and the lure of panaceas such as ionizing radiation. in addition, ...19853891158
increasing incidence of resistance to gentamicin and related aminoglycosides in salmonella typhimurium phage type 204c in england, wales and scotland.phage type 204c of salmonella typhimurium (dt 204c) appeared in bovine animals in 1979. it is now the predominant type in cattle in england, wales and scotland and ranks in the 10 most common phage types in humans. all strains of dt 204c have been resistant to at least four antimicrobial drugs. in 1979 and 1980 the most common resistance pattern was that of chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulphonamides, tetracyclines and trimethoprim (cssuttm) but since 1981 strains with additional resistance to ...19853904167
the man behind the eponym. henry haber (1900-1962). 19853911800
the man behind the eponym. henry haber. 19853911802
teenage confidence and consent.the british medical journal's legal correspondent summarizes the 1984 court of appeal decision in gillick v. west norfolk and wisbech area health authority. mrs. gillick, the mother of several daughters under 16, had sued the health authority and the department of health and social security over the issue of giving contraceptive and abortion advice to minors without notifying their parents and seeking parental consent. the court ruled that, except in emergencies, the rights and duties of paren ...19853917719
subdivision of mycobacterium tuberculosis for epidemiological purposes: a seven year study of the "classical' and 'asian' types of the human tubercle bacillus in south-east england.human strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis were divided into the 'classical' and 'asian' types according to their sensitivity to thiophen-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide. the isolation of these two types in south-east england was studied during a seven-year period (1977-1983). the 'asian' type was more prevalent among ethnic asian patients than among ethnic europeans. among europeans there was a decline in the isolation rate of 'classical' strains and a small but significant increase in 'asian' str ...19853919087
dr. trevelyan and mr. treves: sherlock holmes and the elephant man. 19853925567
the microcomputer: an aid to paediatric parenteral nutrition.approximately 50% of the pharmacy man-hours committed to providing a parenteral nutrition service at the children's hospital, birmingham were spent in calculations, form filling and record keeping. an increasing demand for the service, with no extra staff available, meant that the service had to be made more efficient. a 90% time saving was achieved by using a microcomputer to free the pharmacy staff from many of the laborious mathematical and clerical chores. the program was developed by a memb ...19853939142
the "lead-induced colic" syndrome in lead intoxication.lead has a multiplicity of biologic effects. the universal occurrence of lead accounts for the continuous appearance of new instances of human lead poisoning. the most common and one of the earliest manifestations of lead intoxication in the adult is so-called lead-induced colic, which is a syndrome with a multiplicity of clinical patterns and at least three possible different pathogenic mechanisms. it may be caused by changes in the visceral smooth muscle tone secondary to the action of lead on ...19853156432
live varicella immunization in healthy non-immune nurses.thirty-four varicella-zoster virus (vzv) seronegative nurses were vaccinated with the live varicella vaccine (varilrix) and followed for periods of up to 36 months. no major vaccine reactions were observed. at 5 and 12 months, 94% of the nurses had seroconverted but at 3 years, only 64% retained antibody activity. however, lymphocyte transformation to vzv antigen was positive in 7 seronegative nurses, all of whom had previously seroconverted. the one nurse who developed chickenpox had not seroco ...19853014470
phenotyping of esterase d in the polish population by cellulose acetate gel isoelectrofocusing. 19852979304
prevalence of antibody to human t lymphotropic virus type iii by risk group and area, united kingdom 1978-84.antibody to human t lymphotropic virus type iii (anti-htlv-iii) was sought in 2150 patients in three groups at risk with a radioimmunoassay and an immunofluorescence test. results by the two methods were closely concordant. anti-htlv-iii was already present in some british homosexuals in 1980 and in some british haemophiliacs in 1981, and since then its prevalence has increased. of homosexual patients needing laboratory tests for hepatitis b virus infection in 1984, 34% of 282 in london and 5% o ...19852985170
seroconversion of human t cell lymphotrophic virus iii (htlv-iii) in patients with haemophilia: a longitudinal study.patients with hemophilia are at a risk for the acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (aids). as part of a surveillance program on aids, a group of patients with hemophilia was studied for clinical and immunological features associated with the syndrome. 30 patients in england who had received factor viii treatment within 5 years were studied. 29 (male) had hemophilia a, and 1 female heterozygote had been treated for postoperative bleeding. 1 man had been tattooed over 10 years previously. no ...19852988690
allelic variation adjacent to the human insulin and apolipoprotein c-ii genes in different ethnic groups.we have used dna probes for the human insulin gene and apolipoprotein c-ii (apo c-ii) gene to determine the extent of allelic variation in different ethnic groups. the distribution of an apo c-ii dna polymorphism revealed by the restriction endonuclease taq i showed no significant variation amongst racial groups; in contrast, an insulin gene-related dna polymorphism showed marked variability. in japanese, chinese, and asian indian groups there was an increased frequency of homozygosity for the c ...19852998971
historical background; burkitt's lymphoma and epstein-barr virus. 19852998988
genome analysis of species 3 adenoviruses isolated during summer outbreaks of conjunctivitis and pharyngoconjunctival fever in the glasgow and london areas in 1981.genome analysis was performed on 125 adenovirus isolates from conjunctival swabs of patients with conjunctivitis obtained in glasgow between 1981 and 1984. a summer outbreak in 1981 was mainly due to species 3 adenoviruses, of which genotype 3gb and five different genotypic variants cocirculated. three species 3 variants were also observed in 1982. the genome changes of variants were located on physical maps of the ad3 reference strain and found to be clustered near the ends of the adenovirus dn ...19863009697
genetic heterogeneity of recent isolates of adenovirus types 3, 4, and 7.restriction endonuclease analysis was carried out on adenovirus types 3, 4, and 7 (ad3, ad4, and ad7, respectively) isolated during a 16-month epidemic period. most of the isolates were associated with respiratory or ocular infection or both. forty-four strains of the subtype ad7b were identified with smai; these strains could be further subdivided into three distinct genome groups, designated ad7b1, ad7b2, and ad7b3, by digestion with pvuii, bgli, and sstii. these ad7b variants occurred at appr ...19863013931
adenovirus type 8 keratoconjunctivitis--an outbreak and its treatment with topical human fibroblast outbreak of keratoconjunctivitis is described which involved at least 186 people; adenovirus type 8 was identified in 50 of the cases. topical human fibroblast interferon was assessed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which 34 patients participated. seventeen of the 34 trial patients yielded adenovirus type 8; three were infected with adenovirus type 7. the outbreak was curtailed by control of infection measures: principally careful hand-washing by medical personnel between cases ...19863016080
the development of human linkage analysis.the principles of linkage detection and measurement are traced from the first discovery of linkage to its present-day use in human genetics. some indications are given of their success and of the present problems and challenges facing them.19863327446
fifty years of human genetics: plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. 19863322164
superficial fluoride levels and response to in-vitro caries-like lesion induction of enamel from bristol (u.k.) and birmingham (u.k.) human deciduous teeth.surface enamel fluoride levels were measured in deciduous canine teeth from bristol, with non-fluoridated water supplies, and birmingham, with fluoridated water supplies. three populations studied were from bristol (teeth shed before 1960), bristol (after 1975) and birmingham (after 1975). up to 75 micron from the enamel surface, fluoride concentrations of post-1975 bristol and birmingham teeth were, respectively, x 1.3 and 3.4 greater than those of pre-1960 bristol teeth. the increase in the br ...19863459409
weaning practices in the united kingdom and variations in anthropometric development.the influence of different weaning practices on the dietary energy intake and growth of cambridge infants has been investigated. bottle fed children were in general given solid foods sooner, 10.6 weeks for boys and 13.9 weeks with girls: among breast-fed babies the average age was 14.9 weeks in the case of boys and 17.4 weeks for girls. all four groups of children exhibited different growth patterns from those of the nchs and tanner reference curves. over the first three months both boys and gir ...19863463113
genetic structure of the population with rheumatoid arthritis in north east england: a genetic approach to define different subtypes.clinically and immunologically rheumatoid arthritis (ra) is possibly a heterogeneous disorder. despite numerous efforts clearer definition of this heterogeneity has been of limited success. measurements of rheumatoid factor (rf) and antinuclear antibodies (ana) by conventional methods define subpopulations of patients with ra and in a few recent studies an association of human leucocyte antigens (hla) undoubtedly indicates the immunogenetic differences in the susceptibility of ra patients with d ...19863491586
brain tumours in man.brain tumours occur at all ages but they differ in type depending upon the age of the patient. in adults, probably more than 50% of tumours in the brain are metastatic carcinomas or melanomas. the pathological classification of primary brain tumours depends largely upon the cell type involved. recently, immunocytochemical identification of cell-specific proteins by the use of polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies has greatly enhanced the accuracy of cell identification within tumours. primary brai ...19863514398
hughlings jackson. the man and his time.this article is a brief account of the personality of hughlings jackson, his mode of life, and his intimate friends. he grew up when worldwide developments were taking place in biological thinking. the philosopher herbert spencer impressed him with his exciting concept of evolution, a principle which jackson realized was applicable to the functions and disorders of the nervous system. jackson and spencer corresponded over a period of at least 37 years but they were not friends, their personal qu ...19863516126
the method of transmission of epidemic influenza: further evidence from archival mortality data.evidence for influenza-associated excess mortality in the three centuries before the 20th has been sought from parish burial registers in cumbria, devon, dyfed, east anglia, gloucestershire and northumbria, compared with inter-epidemic years. most of the registers showed excess of burials concordant with eight historic influenza epidemics. comparison of the dates of these epidemics, deduced from the burials data in different areas, showed a rate of spread difficult to reconcile with direct perso ...19863517157
wilkinson memorial lecture. frank wilkinson: the man and the eastman. 19863521688
the dentition of lindow man. 19863524628
tuberculosis in east sussex. iii. comparison of post-mortem and clinical methods for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in badgers.following epidemiological and ecological studies of a defined badger population in an area of east sussex, removal of all badgers by cage trapping was attempted. trapping was incomplete due to the activities of protesters. forty-seven badgers were caught from the eight social groups. all badgers were examined clinically and samples of faeces, urine and tracheal aspirate were taken, together with swabs from any bite wounds, for bacteriological examinations. forty-five animals were skin tested usi ...19863525672
andrewes versus influenza: discussion paper. 19863528487
bovine variants of mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated in liverpool during the period 1969 to 1983: an epidemiological survey.between 1969 and 1983 inclusive, the bovine variants of mycobacterium tuberculosis (m. bovis and m. africanum) were isolated from 75 patients with tuberculosis. this represented 2.9 per cent of all significant mycobacteria identified at the liverpool public health laboratory during this period. the clinical and radiological features of infection did not differ from those found with m. tuberculosis. there was an association between m. bovis infection, extrapulmonary disease and lifelong united ki ...19863529160
the radiologist as guinea pig: radiation hazards to man as demonstrated in early radiologists, and their patients. 19863534263
reproductive success and occupational class in eighteenth-century lancashire, from parish registers on 182 couples married between 1754 and 1772 in lancashire, england, were used to compare lifetime reproductive success of farmers and craftsmen. farmers were expected to be of higher average status and wealth than craftsmen; thus, these data were used to test the hypothesis that status and reproductive success were postively correlated in this society. farmers raised a significantly higher mean number of children to age 21 than did craftsmen, although mean numbers o ...19863535092
percival's medical ethics. the moral philosophy of an 18th-century english gentleman. 19863535717
pulmonary tuberculosis due to mycobacterium bovis.during 1969-84 mycobacterium bovis was isolated from 20 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. this represented less than 1% of the total cases of respiratory tuberculosis confirmed bacteriologically at the liverpool public health laboratory during this period. all 20 patients were considered to have reactivated disease and all presented with the typical features of respiratory tuberculosis. during the same period four cases of pulmonary infection by mycobacterium africanum were recognised. this ...19863538491
speciation, serotyping, antimicrobial sensitivity and plasmid content of proteeae from the environment of calf-rearing units in south west england.a survey was undertaken of the occurrence, serotype, antimicrobial sensitivity and plasmid content of members of the tribe proteeae in the environment of two calf-rearing units in the county of avon in south west england. examples of the following species were found: proteus mirabilis, prot. vulgaris, prot. vulgaris biogroup 2, morganella morganii, providencia stuartii, prov. alcalifaciens and prov. rettgeri. a wide range of serotypes was found, many having been previously reported from nosocomi ...19863540110
radio-iodine in thyroid glands of swans, farm animals and humans, also in algae and river water from the thames valley, england.a highly sensitive counting system has been used to measure radio-iodine in environmental samples from the thames valley. iodine-125 and occasionally iodine-131 have been found in the thyroid glands of most of the swans that have died on the river thames, the river wey and the grand union canal, and in algae and water samples from the thames and many of its tributaries. the presence of this activity is ascribed to the waste discarded into the drainage system by hospitals and research laboratorie ...19863945795
the thickness of the alveolar capillary wall in the human lung at high and low ultrastructural study of lung biopsy specimens from an adult mestizo highlander from la paz (3800 m) and three lowlanders from london showed no significant difference in the thickness of the alveolar capillary wall, the thickness in the highlander being 0.65 micron and the range in the lowlanders being 0.57-0.69 micron. the thickness of the blood-air barrier in a mestizo girl of 4 years born and living in la paz was 0.47 micron. these findings suggest that the alveolar capillary wall in the a ...19863947519
the epidemiology of hydatid disease in england and wales.the epidemiology of hydatid disease in man in england and wales, based on the data collected between 1981 and 1983 at the hydatid reference laboratory of the public health laboratory service, is presented. the incidence of hydatid disease was 42 cases per annum, with 2 cases per million population occurring in wales and 0.2 per million in england. the highest prevalence was in london amongst the immigrant population. the incidence in the indigenous population was 15.5 cases per annum, with 5.6 c ...19863950392
epidemiology of brain tumours in man and their relationship with chemical agents.the 2000 or so deaths that result each year in england and wales from brain tumours, as defined by icd 191, represent approximately 0.3-0.4% of all deaths, with a slightly greater incidence in men than in women. because of the low incidence of mortality from other causes in childhood, brain cancer accounts for 3.5% of all deaths in the 1-14-year age group. mortality from brain cancer increased considerably between 1931 and 1961 but this is probably explained by changes in disease classification ...19863957169
more on red blood cell genetic variation in olympic a follow-up to de garay et al. (1976) and chagnon et al. (1984) studies, we are reporting on the genetic variation of four red blood cell enzymes in 49 athletes with isoelectric-focusing and electrophoresis techniques. the athletes were caucasians participating in the 1976 montreal olympic games. they were performing in 5 different sports and the sample included 18 women and 31 men. no uncommon allele was found and all known alleles were detected for each enzyme. phenotypes and gene frequenci ...19863698155
infection with influenza a h1n1. 1. production and persistence of antibody.three outbreaks of influenza caused by influenza a h1n1 occurred in a boys' boarding school in 1978, 1979 and 1983. the serological response to infection with variants of the h1n1 virus was studied by radial haemolysis and haemagglutination inhibition after primary infection and reinfection. the persistence of this antibody was also studied. infection in 1978 resulted in the production of persistent antibody to both the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase of the homotypic strain. antibody which cro ...19863701045
infection with influenza a h1n1. 2. the effect of past experience on natural challenge.following its reintroduction in 1978 influenza a h1n1 spread widely in the child population. by the autumn of 1979, 75% of 11-year olds entering a boys' boarding school had detectable antibody. the protective effect of previous experience could be assessed during two outbreaks in the school. in the first outbreak in 1979, 90% of those known to have been infected in the previous year were protected against reinfection. in 1983 after strains of the h1n1 subtype had undergone antigenic drift a larg ...19863701046
transmission through the female line of a mechanism constraining human fetal growth.cross-breeding experiments between large and small strains of mammals have shown the powerful influence of the maternal organism on the control of fetal growth. the prepotency of a maternal regulator has also been demonstrated in humans. our earlier studies indicated that this regulator acts by means of constraint; there is no equivalent accelerating mechanism. data on 1092 siblings and 5207 paternal and maternal relatives of 986 probands show different patterns of birthweight among families asc ...19863707043
iodine-131 in human thyroids in britain following chernobyl. 19863713849
antibiotic resistant bacteria in windermere and two remote upland tarns in the english lake district.the incidence of antibiotic resistance was determined in over 2000 bacteria which were divided into the following groups: faecal streptococci, coliforms (excluding escherichia coli), e. coli, pseudomonas spp. and aquatic bacteria (i.e. bacteria predominant in the lake water which were excluded from the previous four categories). the isolates were obtained from the water of windermere (english lake district) and from a sewage effluent which entered the lake. with the exception of the faecal strep ...19863722030
isolation and characterisation of intestinal spirochaetes.faeces or rectal swabs from 1527 subjects were examined for the presence of intestinal spirochaetes by anaerobic culture on blood agar incorporating spectinomycin (400 mg/l). twenty three specimens (1.5%) were positive, and only one of these came from a patient with diarrhoea. all positive specimens came from either asians or known homosexuals. comparative tests showed a close phenotypic similarity between the human isolates and non-pathogenic porcine intestinal spirochaetes. these organisms dif ...19863722407
control of hepatitis b and human t lymphotrophic virus type iii (htlv-iii) in homosexuals in sheffield. 19863733083
saving lives and protecting liberty: a comparative study of the seat-belt the beginning of 1986 all but three states had taken some action on a mandatory seat-belt bill. the seat-belt debate is one manifestation of the concern over the relationship between lifestyle and disease, and has raised some of the most fundamental questions of politics and political philosophy: individual versus public responsibility in health promotion, and freedom versus compulsion. this article examines the debate from both a domestic (new york, illinois, oregon) and cross-national (grea ...19863745844
stress and heart disease: evidence of associations between unemployment and heart disease from the opcs longitudinal study.the opcs longitudinal study has been used to study both overall and cause-specific mortality patterns in 1971-1981 among men and women directly or indirectly affected by unemployment in april 1971. groups studied included men seeking work in 1971, the wives of men seeking work in 1971 and other women in the same households as a man seeking work in 1971. the findings of this project are summarized here and attention is focused on mortality from circulatory diseases, in particular ischaemic heart ...19863774716
measurements of ionic fluoride in milk.procedures used for measuring ionic fluoride in both human and cow's milk have been investigated. a number of factors were found to affect fluoride ion measurements in milk samples including time, stirring and the method of cleaning the fluoride electrode. following these investigations a procedure was developed for estimating ionic fluoride in milk. human milk collected from a fluoridated area (newcastle-upon-tyne) was found to contain significantly more ionic fluoride (0.065 ppm) than human mi ...19863777836
changing demography of trisomy 18.the incidence of trisomy 18 in leicestershire during the years 1980-85 inclusive was one in 3086 births. eleven of the 21 babies born with trisomy 18 in this period were delivered by caesarean section. median and mean periods of survival were 2.5 and 22 days, respectively.19863777987
mortality study of workers in the man-made mineral fiber production industry in the united kingdom.the workforces of two factories in the united kingdom have been followed up to the end of 1984 as part of the collaborative european study of the health of workers in the man-made mineral fiber industry. in the cohort from an english glass-wool plant there was no suggestion of any excess mortality compared to national or local rates, except for lung cancer among men in comparison to the national level. however, the data indicate that the workers were largely local persons by place of birth, occu ...19863798059
research on human embryos--a justification.the philosophical debate surrounding the moral status of the embryo has reached the public arena. the author of this paper examines some of the common arguments against embryo experimentation, including an influential article by professor ian kennedy. he concludes that these arguments do not succeed in demonstrating that the intentional creation of embryos for research purposes is wrong, unless they also succeed in demonstrating that contemporary liberal abortion laws are also wrong. the author ...19863806632
the nature of mycobacterial disease in south east england, 1977-84.the nature and incidence of bacteriologically confirmed mycobacterial disease in south east england over the eight year period 1977-84 has been determined by a study of cultures received by the phls regional centre for tuberculosis bacteriology at dulwich. the number of cases of tuberculosis in the ethnic european population has shown a decline, more so among males than females, but there has not been a significant decline in cases among ethnic asians. most tuberculosis is due to the classical h ...19863655621
the response of humans to surface and secreted antigens of trichinella spiralis.biochemically characterised surface and secreted stage specific antigens were used to analyse the response of humans to infection with trichinella spiralis. immuno-coprecipitation and sds-page of labelled proteins were used to dissect the humoral response of mexican and european infected sera to each component antigen. the results demonstrate that in man, like laboratory rodents, the response to each protein varies independently. in addition, they permit a more rational approach to the developme ...19863563318
regulatory decisions and consumers.consumers expect regulatory authorities to evaluate the risks and benefits of non-narcotic analgesics both before marketing and throughout their marketing life. in making their evaluation, regulatory authorities attempt to ensure that before a product is marketed it is of satisfactory quality, is efficacious, tested for likely toxicological hazards and that prescribers are provided with appropriate, objective information. after marketing of a drug, regulatory authorities use spontaneous adverse ...19863821428
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 3581