
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
ephrin receptor a2 is an epithelial cell receptor for epstein-barr virus entry.epstein-barr virus (ebv) is causally associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 10% of gastric carcinoma and various b cell lymphomas 1 . ebv infects both b cells and epithelial cells 2 . recently, we reported that epidermal growth factor and neuropilin 1 markedly enhanced ebv entry into nasopharyngeal epithelial cells 3 . however, knowledge of how ebv infects epithelial cells remains incomplete. to understand the mechanisms through which ebv infects epithelial cells, we integrated microarray and ...201829292383
novel virus related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus from colobus monkey.we determined the complete genome sequence of a virus isolated from a mantled guereza that died of primary effusion lymphoma. the virus is closely related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) but lacks some genes implicated in kshv pathogenesis. this finding may help determine how kshv causes primary effusion lymphoma in humans.201931310220
marek's disease virus-encoded microrna 155 ortholog critical for the induction of lymphomas is not essential for the proliferation of transformed cell lines.micrornas (mirnas) are small noncoding rnas with profound regulatory roles in many areas of biology, including cancer. microrna 155 (mir-155), one of the extensively studied multifunctional mirnas, is important in several human malignancies such as diffuse large b cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. moreover, mir-155 orthologs kshv-mir-k12-11 and mdv-mir-m4, encoded by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) and marek's disease virus (mdv), respectively, are also involved in o ...201931189706
epha7 functions as receptor on bjab cells for cell-to-cell transmission of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and for cell-free infection by the related rhesus monkey rhadinovirus.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma and is associated with two b cell malignancies, primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and the plasmablastic variant of multicentric castleman's disease. on several adherent cell types, epha2 functions as a cellular receptor for the gh/gl glycoprotein complex of kshv. kshv gh/gl also has previously been found to interact weakly with other members of the eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases (ephs), and other a-t ...201931118261
rhesus macaque rhadinovirus encodes a viral interferon regulatory factor to disrupt promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies and antagonize type i interferon signaling.interferon (ifn) production and the subsequent induction of ifn-stimulated genes (isgs) are highly effective innate strategies utilized by cells to protect against invading pathogens, including viruses. critical components involved in this innate process are promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (pml-nbs), which are subnuclear structures required for the development of a robust ifn response. as such, pml-nbs serve as an important hurdle for viruses to overcome to successfully establish an infect ...201930626678
virus-encoded mir-155 ortholog in marek's disease virus promotes cell proliferation via suppressing apoptosis by targeting tumor suppressor wwox.marek's disease virus serotype 1 (mdv-1) is an important oncogenic α-herpesvirus that induces immunosuppressive and rapid-onset t-cell lymphomatous disease in poultry commonly referred to as marek's disease (md). as an excellent biomodel for the study of virally-induced cancers in natural hosts, mdv-1 encoded micrornas (mirnas) have been previously demonstrated with the potential roles to act as critical regulators in virus replication, latency, pathogenesis and especially in oncogenesis. simila ...202033191002
membrane-associated and secreted forms of the rhesus macaque rhadinovirus-encoded cd200 homologue and cellular cd200 demonstrate differential effects on rhesus macaque cd200 receptor signaling and regulation of myeloid cell activation.the cd200-cd200r pathway is involved in inhibition of immune responses, and the importance of this pathway to infectious disease is highlighted by the fact that viral cd200 (vcd200) molecules have been found to be encoded by several dna viruses, including the human gammaherpesvirus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), and the closely related rhesus macaque rhadinovirus (rrv). kshv vcd200 is the most extensively studied vcd200 molecule, however, the only herpesvirus vcd200 molecule to ...202033328302
molecular analysis of lymphoid tissue from rhesus macaque rhadinovirus-infected monkeys identifies alterations in host genes associated with oncogenesis.rhesus macaque (rm) rhadinovirus (rrv) is a simian gamma-2 herpesvirus closely related to human kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). rrv is associated with the development of diseases in simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) co-infected rm that resemble kshv-associated pathologies observed in hiv-infected humans, including b cell lymphoproliferative disorders (lpd) and lymphoma. importantly, how de novo kshv infection affects the expression of host genes in humans, and how these alterat ...202032017809
a recombinant rhesus monkey rhadinovirus deleted of glycoprotein l establishes persistent infection of rhesus macaques and elicits conventional t cell responses.a replication-competent, recombinant strain of rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv) expressing the gag protein of sivmac239 was constructed in the context of a glycoprotein l (gl) deletion mutation. deletion of gl detargets the virus from eph family receptors. the ability of this gl-minus gag recombinant rrv to infect, persist, and elicit immune responses was evaluated after intravenous inoculation of two mamu-a*01+ rrv-naive rhesus monkeys. both monkeys responded with an anti-rrv antibody response, ...202031645449
plxdc family members are novel receptors for the rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv).the rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv), a γ2-herpesvirus of rhesus macaques, shares many biological features with the human pathogenic kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). both viruses, as well as the more distantly related epstein-barr virus, engage cellular receptors from the eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases (ephs). however, the importance of the eph interaction for rrv entry varies between cell types suggesting the existence of eph-independent entry pathways. we therefore aime ...202133657166
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