
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[clinical nursing research. new standards for quality assurance for nursing and patient].nursing as a health-service has a long tradition, nursing research however, a relatively short history. florence nightingale was the first to publish about nursing research in the year 1858. since nightingale, the need to study and improve the efficacy and efficiency of nursing has steadily increased. more than ever before, society needs nursing based on scientific knowledge and not just on unchallenged rituals and traditions. this scientific knowledge base can be acquired by clinical research. ...200010969578
florence nightingale, rn, mba, inc. 20001894290
computers in nursing education. abroad--the computer assisted learning project (cal) at the nightingale school. 20006365293
[florence nightingale]. 20005205018
[at the source of the concept of nursing education: florence nightingale]. 20005183905
[commemorative address on the birthday of florence nightingale]. 20005176901
using health statistics: a nightingale more forceful example of the value of using health statistics to understand and improve health conditions exists than displayed by florence nightingale. the recent book by dossey (1999), florence nightingale: mystic, visionary, healer, relates the dramatic tale of nightingale s use of statistics to understand the causes of deaths in the crimean war and of her advocacy to standardize the collection of medical data within the army and in civilian hospitals. for her, the use of health statistics ...200111936946
registered male: a discussion on men in the nursing profession.the aim of this discussion paper is to alert the profession to issues surrounding men in nursing. there is a historical connection between men and the nursing profession; men having served as nurses long before florence nightingale. literature suggests that women and men enter the nursing profession for the same reasons, however the paths which lead men to nursing differ. feminist sociologists express alarm at the disproportionate number of males in managerial nursing positions and hold that thi ...200111924621
energy: a bridging concept for nursing science.a philosophical inquiry into the concept of energy revealed two ideas of energy across multiple disciplines. analysis of the conceptual models of nightingale, levine, and rogers supported the presence of two paradigmatic views of energy in nursing science that, while divergent, share a common theme. the outcome of this inquiry leads to the tentative belief that there is unity in diversity and may perhaps lead to refinement of existing nursing theory and a more congruent framework for scientific ...200111873327
rethinking the critical care environment: luxury or necessity?rethinking the critical care environment, an implicit call to change, can catalyze a return to nursing's intellectual roots. healing environments, as envisioned by florence nightingale, involve system-level changes that require effective negotiations on behalf of our patients and ourselves. the nurse-patient relationship is central to the patient's environment and requires a comprehensive understanding of healing. only nurses can articulate the changes necessary to ensure quality nursing care, a ...200111759352
florence nightingale and the early origins of evidence-based nursing. 200111708232
florence nightingale, insane nurse. 200111697076
a servant's heart: an analysis of nightingale's correspondence to mrs broomhead.during a visit to the nightingale home at lea hurst, the authors discovered correspondence between florence nightingale and a former servant's wife. much of her correspondence that has been studied was to well-known people regarding major issues of public concern. this correspondence reveals nightingale's concern for people of all stations in life. nightingale's caring concern and strong religious faith are evident in each letter. these letters provide evidence of nightingale's lifelong commitme ...200111558692
william farr's influence on florence nightingale. 200111403023
 thank you so much for 'the nightingale legacy' article (may 2001) about lea hurst, the agecare residential home in derbyshire, which admirably proves the point that not all care homes are terrible places. what impressed me more than anything was the involvement of residents in interviewing prospective members of staff. i'd like to think this practice is widespread but am willing to bet very few care homes give residents a voice and a choice in who gets to look after them. maybe your readers can ...200127702235
environmental florence nightingales: nursing's new front line.nurses comprise the largest health professional group in terms of number, and they can be found in almost every health care setting, including homes, schools, work sites, and hospitals. to a large extent, nurses have always been aware of environmental factors when doing their job, but the definition of environmental health nursing is being expanded. today, in addition to considering the possibility of environmental influences when taking patient health histories, evaluating symptoms, and conduct ...200111333204
emerging innovations: caring in action. re-creating nightingale: the pain and the passion. 200111855514
attitudes regarding chronic fatigue syndrome: the importance of a name.undergraduates from diverse academic backgrounds and medical trainees were assessed regarding their attitudes about and familiarity with chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs). we explored whether different names given to chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs, myalgic encephalopathy, or florence nightingale disease) were associated with differences in attributions regarding its cause, nature, severity, contagion, prognosis, and treatment. participants' attributions toward the illness varied with the names used ...200122049238
florence nightingale and the transvisionary leadership paradigm.power utilization and its relative substrate of leadership are essential components of professional change and development. florence nightingale, as the philosophical founder of modern, western, secular nursing, utilized a particular type of power now described as transvisionary leadership. this concept is shown to be integral to a larger paradigm designated as the stairstep leadership development model. by describing the specific type of power utilized by nightingale, it is then possible to ana ...200112152455
remembering florence nightingale. 200112146190
[being a nurse today].this article was presented as a conference in soria as part of the celebration of international nursing day 2000. the topic of this conference was the contribution florence nightingale made to the definition of the real essence of the nursing profession, and its evolution over the course of the century. the author included a discussion of these topics: what do nurses want? what do business managers want? what does society want and need? finally, the author concluded that nursing is a lively prof ...200112033044
presidential perspectives 2001: nursing issues in the 21st has been said of 20th century nursing that "despite the changes, new technology, the growth as well as the setbacks, at the close of the century, the essence of nursing [had] not changed" (schorr, 1999). what is the essence of nursing? i believe that it is best summed up in one word-service. this was the moral vision held by florence nightingale over a century ago: that nurses and nursing would demonstrate an unparalleled commitment to serving humanity. this great tradition of humanitarian se ...200112025268
[from nightingale via henderson to peplau: the long road to patient-centered nursing care]. 200112025070
'like a possession of the devil'. the diffusion of nightingale nursing and anglo-australian relations.the main focus of this paper is on the difficulties lucy osburn experienced in transferring british ideals of nightingale nursing to an australian colony. neither nightingale nor osburn allowed for the impact of colonial culture and politics on the nurses in sydney. in particular, the improved economic and social prospects of the five nurses who accompanied osburn had a profound impact on their behaviour. as well, the political ambitions of the two men responsible for the invitation to the night ...200112143443
the nightingale legacy. 200112008238
hairdressing and nursing: presentation of self and professional formation in colonial australia.when lucy osburn led her team of nightingale sisters to the sydney infirmary in 1868 she knew that a challenge awaited her. her goal was to transform the colony's only public hospital into a respectable, ordered environment where, according to the sanitarian view of the universe espoused by miss nightingale, the patient would find the resources to heal himself (sic). the prime difficulty was not the filth and disorder of the institution, it was the calibre of the nurses. this paper offers a case ...200115484620
a "lamentable failure"? the founding of nightingale nursing in australia, 1868-1884.florence nightingale's private assessment was that lucy osburn failed in her attempt to found nightingale nursing in australia. this assessment is directly at odds with those of historians who have unquestioningly accepted osburn's success. an alternative narrative of the founding of nightingale nursing in australia is provided through examining why nightingale thought osburn failed. the judgment of failure had little to do with nursing practice or care. nightingale's judgment was based on the p ...200118574895
magnetic cues trigger extensive refuelling.long stretches of sea and desert often interrupt the migration routes of small songbirds, whose fat reserves must be restored before these can be crossed as they provide no opportunity for refuelling. to investigate whether magnetic cues might enable inexperienced migratory birds to recognize a region where they need to replenish their body fat, we caught and held thrush nightingales (luscinia luscinia) in sweden just before their first migration and exposed them to a magnetic field simulating t ...200111689932
advancing nursing scholarship through the interpretation of imaginative literature: ancestral connectedness and the survival of the sufferer.imaginative literature has played an important role in nursing practice and education since the time of florence nightingale. used primarily as an exemplar, however, its potential has not been realized fully by nurses. this article addresses the use of imaginative literature in scholarly inquiry. often considered the aegis of literary critics and philosophers, the formal discipline of literary criticism enables the nurse to identify concepts and to generate theoretic explanations about human phe ...200111763370
research strategies for clinicians.if there is a story waiting to be told about nurses and research, it is this: research is part of our past, our present, and our future. research gives "caring" a mental muscle that makes it stronger than caring would be without it. since the crimean war, research has been a foundational cornerstone of the profession. florence nightingale espoused caring and human touch but not without also observing and measuring important patient outcomes that identified the spread of infection via human conta ...200111778347
do you know that there is a museum dedicated to florence nightingale in turkey? 200111211854
what we know and how we know it: contributions from nursing to women's health research and this first chapter, we trace the historical roots of nursing research and scholarship focused on protecting and promoting women's health. beginning with florence nightingale, modern nursing's first researcher, who focused on the health impact of women's daily lives through her detailed observations of human behavior. more recently, nursing's contributions to women's health over the past 30 years have redefined women's health, proposed new frameworks for understanding women's health; provided ...200111439786
hygiene and health - the need for a holistic approach.the holistic principles of hygiene and public health have contributed substantially to an increase in life expectancy by more than 30 years and in life quality since the beginning of the 20th century. frank, pettenkofer, nightingale, pasteur, lister, and koch have been pioneering protagonists of the holistic approach to hygiene and public health. socioeconomic development and related factors such as nutrition status and food hygiene, housing conditions, water supply and sewage systems, and educa ...200111486260
respect for human dignity: a central phenomenon to philosophically unite nursing theory and practice through consilience of knowledge.nightingale suggested that there should be no distinction between "men of thought" and "men of action" and that an "ideal" or philosophy should not be isolated but incorporated into everyday activities. this construct is analogous to the belief that nursing theory and nursing practice should be incorporated, and both should reflect a common central phenomenon. the pursuit of nursing knowledge by women of "thought" is not viewed as a central phenomenon but is an outcome of scholarly inquiry. outc ...200111554531
human rights or human responsibilities? remembering florence nightingale. 200116010912
prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in the nightingale (luscinia megarhynchos) and other passerine order to explore the involvement of terrestrial birds in the ecology of lyme disease spirochetes, we determined the presence of borrelia burgdorferi s. i. dna in tick larvae feeding on the hosts. birds were caught at several study sites along the rhine valley in sw germany between august 1999 and march 2001. a total of 987 ixodes ricinus larvae were collected from 225 birds belonging to 20 host species. the following four passerine species that have not yet been subject to detailed reservoir ...200212141765
equine-facilitated group psychotherapy: applications for therapeutic this day of high-tech, managed-care service delivery with an emphasis on medication and brief treatment, it is important for nurses to be aware of nontraditional treatment options that may be uniquely beneficial for some clients. although it may still be considered a novelty, including animals in the healing milieu is not a new idea. florence nightingale herself suggested that "a small pet animal is often an excellent companion for the sick, for long chronic cases especially" (nightingale, 19 ...200212217223
[english, nature, and nursing. learning english through the thought of florence nightingale]. 200214508951
american nurses receive international recognition. nightingale medal honors exemplary efforts. 200212006863
henry currey friba (1820-1900): leading victorian hospital architect, and early exponent of the "pavilion principle".the "pavilion plan" for hospital design originated in france in the 18th century and was popularised in england by john roberton and george godwin in the mid-19th century; the underlying rationale was that with improved ventilation the mortality rate (at that time exceedingly high) was significantly reduced. among the enthusiasts for this new style was florence nightingale (herself a miasmatist)--who had experienced astronomically high death rates in the hospital at scutari during the crimean wa ...200212151691
envisioning the future: nightingale continues to guide. 200212122772
nursing research and continence care.despite 50 years of attention to continence care and pivotal nursing research in the field, incontinence continues to challenge health care professionals and consumers alike. the role of nursing research in continence is traced from the early influences of florence nightingale to today's clinical practice guidelines and the influence of major nursing research centers.200212087792
a tribute to nurses and florence nightingale. 200212079174
remembering florence nightingale. 200212045694
[english, nature, and nursing. learning english through the thought of florence nightingale]. 200213677752
more on nightingale. 200212592770
women dentists: the origins.the pioneer women in dentistry are worthy of recognition and admiration. they broke the traditional barriers for their sex and set the standards for those who followed in their path as dental professionals. as medicine has its elizabeth blackwell, nursing its florence nightingale, so dentistry has its lucy taylor hobbs and henriette hirschfeld. in 1884, lucy hobbs wrote: "people were amazed when they learned that a young girl had so far forgotten her womanhood as to want to study dentistry." tod ...200212519054
developing a nursing perspective on spirituality and healing.the author of this column presents an overview of selected research and nursing theoretical thinking on spirituality and then offers a beginning exploration of the interrelationships of spirituality and healing. work in both the totality and simultaneity paradigms is highlighted in the belief, following nightingale, that spirituality and healing are crucial concepts in both paradigms, although currently defined differently if at all. some nursing theorists give little or no attention to spiritua ...200212387224
lessons from florence nightingale. 200212242892
the historical role and education of nurses for the care and management of sexually transmitted infections in the united kingdom: 1 role.nurses have been involved in the management of sexually transmitted infections (stis) well before the era of florence nightingale. their role has varied from that of the technician, almoner, counsellor, and doctor's assistant, to one in which they are able to provide first line management of stis in nurse led clinics. however, changes to the role of the nurse have not been entirely through choice. it appears that nurses have often been called upon in times of crisis and need-their role often evo ...200212181471
can celebrity chefs crack it?what became of the splendid idea to involve celebrity chefs in hospital catering? (no doubt they were offered a larger budget than the paltry 10p per patient per day that is allocated to our poor cooks.) our worthy founder florence nightingale engaged the help of top chefs to nourish her charges in the crimea. she recognised the importance of appetising food for sick patients, not just for nutritional purposes, but also as a psychological aid to recovery.200228076172
reactions from the medical and nursing professions to nightingale's "reform(s)" of nurse training in the late 19th 1860, the nightingale school of nursing opened at st thomas's hospital, london. florence nightingale's overriding raison d'etre in the setting up of this foundation was a replacement of the old fashioned nurse (caricatured by mrs gamp-an "ignorant and immoral drunkard") by the highly trained, and eminently respectable "lady-nurse". while this change met with a great deal of approval from the lay public and the majority of the nursing profession, a minority of the latter together with the bulk ...200211807214
evaluating attributions for an illness based upon the name: chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalopathy and florence nightingale recent years, considerable discussion has occurred about stigma surrounding the name given to an illness currently known as chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs). although patients and medical personnel have expressed varying opinions on this issue, no studies have evaluated how beliefs about the illness change based upon the type of name used for diagnostic purposes. proposals have been put forth to rename the illness with an eponym (a famous patient's or researcher's name) or with a less trivial s ...200211928774
new year honours.jenifer wilson-barnett, professor of nursing and head of the florence nightingale school of nursing at king's college london (pictured right), headed the list of nurses granted new year honours. she was made a dame.200327718869
good night, florence: with nursing in crisis, some say it's time to retire nightingale as a symbol. 200312934698
multidisciplinary nursing: re-thinking role boundaries.the ambiguous role of nurses within the health care team has been a subject of much debate, evident in current practice and the study of the early development of nursing in australia. early nursing work was broad and uncontested. debates about nursing and 'non-nursing' tasks are thought to have emerged after the establishment of 'nightingale reforms' in the 1870s. nursing role conflicts may be due in part to the rise in technology and medical intervention, the demise of 'generalist' doctors, nur ...200312919208
a response to 'a simple way to reduce heat loss from the head', parry ns, nightingale a, anaesthesia 2002; 57: 1043. 200312648147
nostalgic and nostophobic referencing and the authentication of nurses' use of complementary recent years what can loosely be described as a sociology of complementary and alternative medicine (cam) has begun to emerge. although work has been conducted with lay therapists, orthodox practitioners, and consumers, overall, research in this area remains patchy and underdeveloped. despite its role at the forefront of integration, the sociological study of the apparent affinity between nursing and cam is virtually non-existent. this paper provides an exploratory analysis of how writers wit ...200312614698
[misogyny in the nursing world? a historical overview].through history, there have been men and women who have cared for injured warriors, attended to expectant mothers, cared for those most unprotected or attended to the health of children and sick older people. this is a fact which the history of nursing does not ignore. nonetheless, it is no less certain that since their origins, surgical practices and therapeutic specialties in the hands of men have enjoyed an enormous social recognition while those treatment practices and care tasks which have ...200314502914
the relationship of nursing theory to practice and research within the british context: identifying a way this column, the author presents the current relationship of nursing theory to practice and research within the british context and suggests a way forward as suggested by nightingale in order to guide future development.200314596125
the professionalization of psychiatric nursing. from doctors' handmaidens to empowered professionals.the professionalization of psychiatric nursing in the united states has been subject to political, economic, and theoretical influences, and prominent individuals such as florence nightingale and hildegard peplau have caused changes over time. throughout history, professional and societal beliefs about mental illness have affected the nature of psychiatric nursing. in colonial times, people with mental illnesses were considered to be either possessed by demons or inferior and treated as animals. ...200314571631
the first professional.florence nightingale (1820-1910) is known as a major founder of the modern nursing profession, and an expert on hospitals and public health. some attention has been paid to her work in applied statistics but little to her expertise in methodology, philosophy, theology, social reform and militarism, or her extensive writings on india and more than modest commentaries on women's issues.200327718841
a research role for every nurse.knowledge development in an applied discipline consists of extending practical knowledge through scientific investigations (benner, 1984). our research commitment began with ms. nightingale, who wrote down her observations and used collected data to change practice. all nurses should be committed to the advancement of nursing science through the conduct and utilization of nursing research. every nurse can participate in problem identification, data collection, research critiques, and in the diss ...200314626024
long-time storage of song types in birds: evidence from interactive studies of birdsong learning, imitation-based assays of stimulus memorization do not take into account that tutored song types may have been stored, but were not retrieved from memory. such a 'silent' reservoir of song material could be used later in the bird's life, e.g. during vocal interactions. we examined this possibility in hand-reared nightingales during their second year. the males had been exposed to songs, both as fledglings and later, during their first full song period in an inter ...200312803899
florence nightingale as 'mentor of matrons': correspondence with rachel williams at st mary's hospital.this paper is based mainly on archival research. it is focused on letters from florence nightingale to one of her favourites, rachel williams, the reforming 19th century matron of st mary's hospital, paddington, who established the nurse training school in 1877. discussion centres on miss nightingale's mentoring of miss williams, both in terms of personal/pastoral and more objective management advice. the discussion is then related to current theories of mentoring in nurse management. it would a ...200312801381
a family of vortex wakes generated by a thrush nightingale in free flight in a wind tunnel over its entire natural range of flight view of the complexity of the wing-beat kinematics and geometry, an important class of theoretical models for analysis and prediction of bird flight performance entirely, or almost entirely, ignores the action of the wing itself and considers only the resulting motions in the air behind the bird. these motions can also be complicated, but some success has previously been recorded in detecting and measuring relatively simple wake structures that can sometimes account for required quantities us ...200312796450
species delimitation and the origin of populations in island representatives of phylica (rhamnaceae).relationships between the closely related island species of phylica (rhamnaceae) and a mainland species, p. paniculata, were elucidated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (aflps). parsimony, neighbor joining, and principal coordinate (pco) analyses indicated that each of the species studied is distinct. aflps were also useful in elucidating the genetic relationships and possible infraspecific origins of different island populations in the atlantic and indian oceans. phylica nitida on ...200312778551
the russian florence nightingale. 200312743935
commentary: the evolving role of nurses in terrorism and war.the health care needs of people in both developed and underdeveloped countries experiencing violent conflict are strikingly similar. nurses are key for infectious disease detection and control, social support, and rehabilitation during terrorism and war in many countries. nurses already provide much of the care in these situations because they are present on a day-to-day basis, have key clinical and organizational skills, and tend to enjoy a high level of popular trust. there is a great potentia ...200312734522
health visiting at the crossroads: which way to the 21st century?this article presents a response from a group of lecturers at florence nightingale school of nursing and midwifery, king's college london and one service user to the perception of a crisis of confidence within health visiting. changes in registration procedures and shifts in policy have led health visiting to question its place within primary care and the model of preparation for health visiting practice. the group argues that this debate is based on a misunderstanding of the changing health car ...200312732831
nursing service.if florence nightingale has a true professional nursing descendant, it is surely director of army nursing services and matron-in- chief of queen alexandra's royal army nursing corps (qaranc), colonel kathy george.200327707170
procalcitonin and c-reactive protein in infective endocarditis: correlation with etiology and prognosis.the aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic values of serum procalcitonin (pct) and c-reactive protein (crp) levels in infective endocarditis (ie) and to correlate them with the etiology of the disease and the prognosis of the patients.200312714816
throwing light on florence nightingale. of lamps and lanterns. 200312710387
the skills-teaching myth in nurse education. from florence nightingale to project 2000.using contemporary accounts as well as current academic literature this paper considers the amount and quality of skills teaching to nursing students from the mid 19th century to the late 20th century. all sources agree that the responsibility to teach practice skills lay with ward sisters who are reported to have regularly neglected to focus on this aspect of their role. schools of nursing, on the other hand, were charged with the teaching of theory. failing to find any evidence of good quality ...200312710380
dawn of a new era in halifax, west yorkshire.this article provides an historical review of past and present healthcare changes within the west yorkshire town of halifax, united kingdom (uk). there is a focus on institutional and nursing history. there is discussion of the architectural design differences between hospitals with traditional pavilion 'nightingale' wards and the less common circular ward design. the importance of understanding the past to understand the future is explored.200312710378
florence nightingale gets no respect: as a statistician that is. 200312897369
the living tree of nursing theories.three behavioral theories have been used to develop major nursing theories: interactive, systems, and developmental.200314603638
magnetic cues and time of season affect fuel deposition in migratory thrush nightingales (luscinia luscinia).bird migration requires high energy expenditure, and long-distance migrants accumulate fat for use as fuel during stopovers throughout their journey. recent studies have shown that long-distance migratory birds, besides accumulating fat for use as fuel, also show adaptive phenotypic flexibility in several organs during migration. the migratory routes of many songbirds include stretches of sea and desert where fuelling is not possible. large fuel loads increase flight costs and predation risk, th ...200312639316
the relationship between wingbeat kinematics and vortex wake of a thrush nightingale.the wingbeat kinematics of a thrush nightingale luscinia luscinia were measured for steady flight in a wind tunnel over a range of flight speeds (5-10 m s(-1)), and the results are interpreted and discussed in the context of a detailed, previously published, wake analysis of the same bird. neither the wingbeat frequency nor wingbeat amplitude change significantly over the investigated speed range and consequently dimensionless measures that compare timescales of flapping vs. timescales due to th ...200415531647
nightingales vs. big tobacco: nurses confront the nation's greatest public health threat. 200415187604
from birdsong to speech: a plea for comparative approaches.human language and speech are unique accomplishments. nevertheless, they share a number of characteristics with other systems of communication, and investigators have thus compared them to birdsong and the vocal signaling of nonhuman primates. particular interesting parallels concern the development of singing and speaking. these behaviors rely on auditory perception, subsequent memorization and finally, the generation of vocal imitations. several mechanisms help young individuals to deal with t ...200415258628
relationship between dyslipidemia, c-reactive protein and serological evidence of chlamydia pneumoniae in turkish patients with coronary artery diseases.relationship between dyslipidemia, c-reactive protein (crp) and serological evidence of chlamydia pneumoniae was investigated in a turkish population with coronary artery disease. this prospective, randomized, blinded study was carried out in florence nightingale hospital which is affiliated to kadir has university, medical faculty. thirty-two patients with acute coronary artery diseases (acad), 32 patients with chronic coronary artery diseases (ccad) and 26 healthy controls (hc) were included i ...200415460525
statement on nursing: a personal perspective.contemporary nursing is based on a conglomerate of theoretical nursing models. these models each incorporate four central concepts: person, health, environment, and nursing. by defining these concepts, nurses develop an individual framework from which they base their nursing practice. as an aspiring nurse practitioner in the gastroenterology field, i have retrospectively assessed my personal definitions of person, health, environment, and nursing. from these definitions, i am able to incorporate ...200415502517
[florence nightingale: her personality, her words. respect for life is the mission of nursing]. 20041305246
florence nightingale: intj at work. 200415449798
usa: nightingales sing at pm's agm. 200415333874
heroines of lonely outposts or tools of the empire? british nurses in britain's model colony: ceylon, 1878 two 'nightingale' nurses arrived in the british colony of ceylon to initiate a training programme for indigenous women in the skills and values of what was then termed 'scientific nursing'. these two women were the first of a succession of british women who went to the colony to nurse in its hospitals and to train ceylonese women for the profession. using the official records of the colonial government held in the national archives, kew and the records of the overseas nursing association ...200415327654
in search of the song template.the auditory template theory-the conversion of memorized song to produced song using feedback as an error-correction mechanism-is central to neurobiological studies of birdsong learning. the essence of the theory is the construction of a complex sound replica based on a set of both genetic and environmental instructions. these premises, as yet unchallenged, have stimulated much research on the process of vocal imitation. two somewhat distinct, but closely related streams of research have emerged ...200415313782
the nightingale experience. 200415293368
causes and consequences of song amplitude adjustment in a territorial bird: a case study in nightingales.vocal amplitude, one of the crucial factors for the exchange of acoustic signals, has been neglected in studies of animal communication, but recent studies on song variation in common nightingales luscinia megarhynchos have revealed new insights into its importance in the singing behavior of territorial birds. in nightingales song amplitude is not maximized per se, but is individually regulated according to the level of masking background noise. also, birds adjust their vocal intensity according ...200415258642
approaches to the mechanisms of song memorization and singing provide evidence for a procedural memory.there is growing evidence that, during song learning, birds do not only acquire 'what to sing' (the inventory of behavior), but also 'how to sing' (the singing program), including order-features of song sequencing. common nightingales luscinia megarhynchos acquire such serial information by segmenting long strings of heard songs into smaller subsets or packages, by a process reminiscent of the chunking of information as a coding mechanism in short term memory. here we report three tutoring exper ...200415258630
rules of song development and their use in vocal interactions by birds with large repertoires.songbirds are well known for settling their disputes by vocal signals, and their singing plays a dominant role. most studies on this issue have concentrated on bird species that develop and use small vocal repertoires. in this article we will go farther and focus on examples of how species with large song repertoires make use of their vocal competence. in particular, we will outline the study of interaction rules which have been elucidated by examining time- and pattern-specific relationships be ...200415258629
non-territorial nightingales prospect territories during the dawn chorus.male songbirds usually sing when they have occupied a territory, but the territory prospecting of non-territorial males is more elusive and has been rarely studied. here, we simulated newly arriving, non-territorial males by translocating unmated male nightingales (luscinia megarhynchos) to our study site. we show that territory prospecting of translocated males was largely confined to the hour before sunrise. the radio-tagged males made extensive excursions visiting several singing males at daw ...200415252973
from nightingale to the new millennium: charting the research and policy agenda for the nursing workforce. 200415197365
celebrate florence nightingale and nursing. 200415181697
meta-analysis research.beginning with florence nightingale, nurses have attempted to base their practice on the best evidence. research findings often form part of the evidence for practice. the proliferation of studies and the frequent contradictory findings between studies make it difficult to determine the scientific basis for practice. increasingly, nurses are finding meta-analysis research reports on important practice topics. this article provides an overview of key features of meta-analyses to enable nurses to ...200415179418
florence nightingale: still lighting the way for nurses. 200415148700
florence nightingale, om (1820-1910). 200415079171
pursuing passionate professionalism: the journey of one ophthalmic nurse. part 2.the final question to be asked: is nursing a profession worth pursuing with passion in the 21st century? florence nightingale left a legacy rich in values, ethics, and standards that still shines light on the paths of 21st century nurses. florence nightingale pursued her passion with abandon. she held many positions in her career, but she is remembered for her story. thank you, florence nightingale, for laying the solid foundation of courage, character, and commitment for all nursing generations ...200415077397
new patron shows her support for care charity.the duchess of gloucester met staff and volunteers at the london headquarters of the elizabeth finn trust recently for the first time since becoming its new patron. the trust offers financial support to more than 1,900 british and irish people in need living at home, and provides long-term care to 500 older people in its care homes and alms houses. the trust's founder was a 19th century social campaigner in the mould of florence nightingale and elizabeth fry. she established the trust which now ...200427750560
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 1384