
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
rate and capacity of hepatic microsomal ring-hydroxylation of phenol to hydroquinone and catechol in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) liver microsomes were used to study the rate of ring-hydroxylation of phenol at 11 and 25 degrees c by directly measuring the production of two potentially toxic metabolites, hydroquinone (hq) and catechol (cat). an hplc method with integrated ultraviolet and electrochemical detection was used for metabolite identification and quantification at low (pmol) formation rates found in fish. the michaelis-menten saturation kinetics for the production of hq and cat o ...200212062932
structures of two major histocompatibility complex class i genes of the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).here we describe two rainbow trout major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class i genes characterized from lambda phage genomic clones prepared from a single fish. clone gc71 contains all exons except a leader peptide-encoding exon. an open reading frame is maintained, and thus the gene mhconmy-u71 could be expressed in this individual. the class i gene found on clone gc41 lacks exons encoding the leader peptide and cytoplasmic domain. this gene, mhconmy-u41p, is a pseudogene due to a deletion i ...200212073148
isolation and analysis of a protease gene with an abc transport system in the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri: insertional mutagenesis and involvement in virulence.yersinia ruckeri is a gram-negative pathogen that causes enteric redmouth disease in salmonids. a gene from y. ruckeri encoding an extracellular protease termed yrp1 (yersinia ruckeri protease 1) was cloned from a sau3ai library constructed in puc19 and analysed in gelatin-supplemented medium. the nucleotide sequence of the yrp1 gene indicated an orf encoding a protein of 477 aa. on the basis of the high degree of homology in the amino acid sequence as well as its conservative motifs, this prote ...200212101310
aquatic toxicity of triclosan.the aquatic toxicity of triclosan (tcs), a chlorinated biphenyl ether used as an antimicrobial in consumer products, was studied with activated-sludge microorganisms, algae, invertebrates, and fish. triclosan, a compound used for inhibiting microbial growth, was not toxic to wastewater microorganisms at concentrations less than aqueous solubility. the 48-h daphnia magna median effective concentration (ec50) was 390 microg/l and the 96-h median lethal concentration values for pimephales promelas ...200212109732
molecular cloning and expression during spermatogenesis of a cdna encoding testicular 11beta-hydroxylase (p45011beta) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).cytochrome p450 1beta-hydroxylase (p450(11beta)) is an important steroidogenic enzyme for glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid production in vertebrates. in teleosts, p450(11beta) also plays a role in the production of 11-ketotestosterone (11-kt), the predominant androgen in male fish. in this study, we cloned a cdna encoding rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) testicular p450(11beta). the cdna contains 1,740 nucleotides that encode a protein of 551 amino acids which shares 65.2% homology with t ...200212112578
response of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss to exposure to myxobolus cerebralis above and below a point source of infectivity in the upper colorado river.we exposed 9 wk old rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss to ambient levels of myxobolus cerebralis infectious stages at 4 sites of suspected differing infectivity in the colorado river. exposure was estimated by periodic filtration of river water at each exposure location. after a 32 d exposure, the fish were held in the colorado river at a common site for over a year. resulting infection was evaluated by the presence of clinical signs (whirling behavior, cranial deformity/exophthalmia, and black t ...200212113302
lipoprotein lipase from rainbow trout differs in several respects from the enzyme in mammals.previously we found lipase activity with characteristics similar to lipoprotein lipase (lpl) in tissues from rainbow trout [biochim. biophys. acta 1255 (1995) 205], whereas no equivalent to the related hepatic lipase could be found. an equivalent to apolipoprotein cii was also identified and characterized [gene 254 (2000) 189]. we present here the full nucleotide sequence for lpl from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and have investigated some properties of the enzyme. in contrast to what has ...200212119116
brain serotonin and the control of food intake in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss): effects of changes in plasma glucose levels.the levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine and its main metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were assessed in two brain regions, hypothalamus and telencephalon, of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) submitted to increases or decreases in plasma glucose levels through different experimental approaches. thus, intraperitoneal glucose treatment (500 mg kg(-1)) increased 5-hydroxytryptamine telencephalic levels. long-term food deprivation up to 3 weeks significantly increased hypothalamic (2 weeks and 3 wee ...200212122466
dietary accumulation and biochemical responses of juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) to 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (pcb 126).juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) (initial weights 2-5 g) were exposed to three dietary concentrations (0, 12.4 and 126 ng g(-1), wet weight) of a 14c-labelled 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (pcb 126) for 30 days followed by 160 days of clean food. we assessed bioaccumulation, histology (liver and thyroid) and biochemical responses (liver ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (erod), liver vitamins (retinoids and tocopherol) and muscle thyroid hormone levels) along with growth and survival. t ...200212127732
early oxidative damage in primary cultured trout hepatocytes: a time course study.the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the two-step hepatocyte isolation procedure on primary cultured trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes over time. we characterised the possible changes of a variety of some cellular parameters within the first 24-48 h after seeding. we followed the time dependent changes of these parameters during subsequent culture times in order to see if the cells maintained a differentiated status. scanning electron microscopy revealed bleb formation an ...200212127742
the effects of thyroxine or a gnrh analogue on thyroid hormone deiodination in the olfactory epithelium and retina of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, and sockeye salmon, oncorhynchus nerka.using low (0.5nm) substrate levels we determined the activities of thyroxine (t4) outer-ring deiodination (ord), t4 inner-ring deiodination (t4ird) and 3,5,3(')-triiodothyronine (t3) ird activities in the olfactory epithelium (olf) and retina (ret) of laboratory-held immature 1-year-old rainbow trout and immature 2.5-year-old sockeye salmon. in both species all three deiodination activities were detected in olf and ret. for olf, no particular pathway predominated and activities were similar to t ...200212161202
morphology and life cycle of apatemon hypseleotris species novum from australia including metacercariae viability and excystment.experimental infection of pigeon squabs and rats with encysted metacercariae from the western carp gudgeon (hypseleotris klunzingeri) showed them to be infected with a new strigeid trematode, apatemon hypseleotris. growth and development of a. hypseleotris in pigeons were significantly higher than in rats. eggs appeared in pigeon faeces within 7-14 days; miracidia hatched within 15-21 days and in the snail lymnaea tomentosa released within 21 days. cercariae experimentally encysted in the leeche ...200212161969
anti-microbial properties of histone h2a from skin secretions of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus exudates of rainbow trout contain a potent 13.6 kda anti-microbial protein which, from partial internal amino acid sequencing, peptide mass fingerprinting, matrix-associated laser desorption/ionization ms and amino acid analysis, seems to be histone h2a, acetylated at the n-terminus. the protein, purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange and reversed-phase chromatography, exhibits powerful anti-bacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria, with minimal inhibitory concentrations in the su ...200212164782
detection of traces of tetracyclines from fish with a bioluminescent sensor strain incorporating bacterial luciferase reporter genes.bioluminescent escherichia coli k-12 strain for the specific detection of the tetracycline family of antimicrobial agents was optimized to work with fish samples. the biosensing strain contains a plasmid incorporating the bacterial luciferase operon of photorhabdus luminescens under the control of the tetracycline responsive element from transposon tn10 (korpela et al. anal. chem. 1998, 70, 4457-4462). the extraction procedure of oxytetracycline from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) tissue wa ...200212166964
type i keratin cdnas from the rainbow trout: independent radiation of keratins in fish.five different type i keratins from a teleost fish, the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss, have been sequenced by cdna cloning and identified at the protein level by peptide mass mapping using maldi-ms. this showed that the entire range of type i keratins detected biochemically in this fish has now been sequenced. three of the keratins are expressed in the epidermis (subtype ie), whereas the other two occur in simple epithelia and mesenchymal cells (subtype is). among the is keratins is an ortho ...200212190989
type ii keratin cdnas from the rainbow trout: implications for keratin evolution.from a teleost fish, the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss, we have cloned and sequenced cdnas encoding five different type ii keratins. the corresponding protein spots, as separated by 2d-page of trout cytoskeletal preparations, have been identified by peptide mass mapping using maldi mass spectrometry. three of the sequenced keratins are expressed in the epidermis (subtype iie), and two in simple epithelia and mesenchymal cells (subtype iis). the iis keratins are both orthologs of human k8. th ...200212190990
post-cyclic transmission in acanthocephalus tumescens (acanthocephala: echinorhynchidae).the aim of this study was to investigate the post-cyclic transmission of acanthocephalus tumescens (von linstow, 1896) from galaxias maculatus jenyns to oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum). wild g. maculatus naturally infected with a. tumescens were fed to cultured rainbow trout, which were sacrificed at the second, third and fourth weeks post infection. normally attached male and female acanthocephalans were recovered alive from the intestine of rainbow trout. parasites survive at least four weeks po ...200212194485
analysis of two igm isotypes in atlantic salmon and brown trout.atlantic salmon (salmo salar) possesses two distinct subpopulations of polymeric igm which are separable by anion exchange chromatography. consistent with this finding there are two isotypic igm heavy chain genes, cmua and cmub, in the genome of this species, presumably as a result of ancestral tetraploidy. in the present study it was shown that igm of brown trout (salmo trutta) is also separated into two subpopulations by anion exchange chromatography, while igm of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus m ...200212220889
temperature and ca(2+)-dependence of the sarcoplasmic reticulum ca(2+)-atpase in haddock, salmon, rainbow trout and zebra cichlid.temperature dependence of ca(2+)-atpase from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (sr) in rabbit muscle has been widely studied, and it is generally accepted that a break point in arrhenius plot exist at approximately 20 degrees c. whether the break point arises as a result of temperature dependent changes in the enzyme or its membrane lipid environment is still a matter of discussion. in this study we compared the temperature dependence and ca(2+)-dependence of sr ca(2+)-atpase in haddock (melanogrammus ...200212223210
occurrence of enteric redmouth disease in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) on farms in croatia.during the spring of 1996 and autumn of 1997 unusual mortality outbreaks among rainbow trout fry and yearlings occurred at two different trout farms, resulting in mortality of 20 and 10 per cent, respectively. generally, the affected fish, swimming at the water surface, were reluctant to eat and were dark pigmented with visible haemorrhages around and within the oral cavity. bacterial isolates from moribund fish from both cases were identified as yersinia ruckeri by standard biochemical tests an ...200212237969
an aeromonas salmonicida type iv pilin is required for virulence in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.aeromonas salmonicida expresses a large number of proven and suspected virulence factors including bacterial surface proteins, extracellular degradative enzymes, and toxins. we report the isolation and characterization of a 4-gene cluster, tapabcd, from virulent a. salmonicida a450 that encodes proteins homologous to components required for type iv pilus biogenesis. one gene, tapa, encodes a protein with high homology to type iv pilus subunit proteins from many gram-negative bacterial pathogens, ...200212240967
quantification of the wake of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) using three-dimensional stereoscopic digital particle image velocimetry.although considerable progress has been made within the last decade in experimental hydrodynamic analyses of aquatic locomotion using two-dimensional digital particle image velocimetry (two-dimensional dpiv), data have been limited to simultaneous calculation of two out of the three flow velocity variables: downstream (u), vertical (v) and lateral (w). here, we present the first biological application of stereo-dpiv, an engineering technique that allows simultaneous calculation of u, v and w vel ...200212324537
the induction of an atp-sensitive k(+) current in cardiac myocytes of air- and water-breathing vertebrates.opening of atp-sensitive potassium channels (k(atp)) is an effective cardioprotective mechanism in mammals. the amplitude of the atp-sensitive k(+) current (i(k,atp)) and the opening sensitivity of k(atp) channels are, however, poorly known in ectotherms. as o(2)-sensing mechanisms and reactions to o(2) deficiency differ in aquatic and terrestrial animals, we hypothesised that the response of k(atp) channels to metabolic inhibition would be different between air- and water-breathers. we therefor ...200212355176
bacteriolytic activity of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) complement.the total bacteriolytic activity comprising of the classical, alternative and possible lectine pathways as well as the bacteriolytic activity of the alternative pathway (ap) of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) complement was assessed in temperatures ranging from 0 to 35 degrees c against a recombinant strain escherichia coli containing two reporter genes gfp and lucff. at 35 degrees c there was no difference between the total (tc) activity and the activity of the ap, but at 10 degrees c the t ...200212377219
recombinant interleukin-1 beta activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.the present study provides the first direct evidence that implicates fish cytokines as the effector molecules by which the immune system signals the neuroendocrine system and activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal stress axis. i.p. injections of trout recombinant interleukin-1 beta (ril-1 beta) or e. coli lipopolysaccharide (lps), at concentrations known to induce immune/inflammatory responses in vivo (0.1-0.6 nmol/kg and 1.3 mg/kg respectively), significantly elevated plasma cortisol l ...200212379511
study of the tail fin rays of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) infected with the parasite myxobolus cerebralis.a light, transmission and scanning microscope study of the rays (lepidotrichia) forming the tail fin of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings infected with the parasite myxobolus cerebralis showed that triactinomyxon adherence to the tail fin of host fingerlings occurred 10 min after infection. after 2 h of exposure, it was possible to observe triactinomyxon spores in the epidermis. although the characteristic symptoms of the disease, such as a black tail and a change in tail morpholog ...200212408363
possible role of ltb4 in the antiviral activity of turbot (scophthalmus maximus) leukocyte-derived supernatants against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv).turbot (scophthalmus maximus) blood leukocyte-derived supernatants were tested for antiviral activity against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv). the assays were performed by quantifying the effect of the supernatants on the replication of vhsv in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) cell line, rtg-2. supernatants were obtained by incubating the leukocytes for 17 h at 18 degrees c in l-15 medium supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum (fcs). testing of leukocyte supernatants indicated th ...200211755677
the effect of acclimation temperature on the fusion kinetics of lipid vesicles derived from endoplasmic reticulum membranes of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) liver.membrane fusion is an obligatory step in many vital cellular processes. the well-established enrichment of bilayer-destabilizing lipids in membranes of poikilotherms subjected to growth at low temperatures leads to the prediction that such membranes will possess a greater propensity to undergo fusion. this hypothesis was explicitly tested in the present study by determining the kinetics of fusion between small unilamellar vesicles (suvs) prepared from endoplasmic reticulum (er) membranes of ther ...200211818217
identification of a critical amino acid in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor.two aryl hydrocarbon receptors (rtahr2alpha and rtahr2beta) have been identified in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). these receptors share 98% amino acid identity, yet their functional properties differ. both rtahr2alpha and rtahr2beta bind 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd), dimerize with rainbow trout arntb (rtarntb), and recognize dioxin response elements in vitro. however, in a transient transfection assay the two proteins show differential ability to recognize enhancers, pro ...200211823471
rainbow trout eyed-stage embryos demonstrate melatonin rhythms under light-dark conditions as measured by a newly developed time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay.melatonin contents in eyed-stage embryos of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were measured by a newly developed, highly sensitive, and nonisotopic immunoassay method: time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (tr-fia). the melatonin-bovine serum albumin (bsa) conjugate was immobilized by physical adsorption to the wells of microtiter plates. a competitive assay using two antibodies was performed among melatonin-bsa in the solid phase, samples, melatonin antibodies, and europium-labeled secondary antibo ...200211825033
host specificity dynamics: observations on gyrodactylid monogeneans.the directly transmitted viviparous gyrodactylids have high species richness but low morphological and biological diversity, and many species are recorded from only a single host. they therefore constitute a guild of species ideal for studies of the evolutionary significance of host specificity. the group has the widest host range of any monogenean family, being found on 19 orders of bony fish. however, individual species range from narrowly specific (71% of 402 described species recorded from a ...200211835970
functional properties of a rainbow trout cyp3a27 expressed by recombinant baculovirus in insect cells.cytochrome p450 3a27 (cyp3a27) is highly expressed in liver and intestine of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). in many animal species, the intestine and liver are responsible for the first-pass metabolism of a wide range of xenobiotics. to help determine its physiological role, the catalytic capabilities of cyp3a27 protein were examined. an open reading frame of cyp3a27 in pfastbac donor plasmid was transferred to the baculovirus genome (bacmid dna) through tn7 site-specific transposition in ...200212433811
cloning and characterization of cdna clones encoding cd9 from atlantic salmon (salmo salar) and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).in comparison to mammals, relatively few of the molecules involved in teleost immune responses have been isolated and characterized. a rapid method of isolating molecules important for immune function is subtractive hybridization. one such experiment using infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus-infected atlantic salmon produced several cdna clones with similarity to mammalian immune-specific genes, including granzyme m (accession no. af434669) and cd9. after cloning the rainbow trout version of ...200212439625
voltage-gated ca2+ channel ca(v)1.3 subunit expressed in the hair cell epithelium of the sacculus of the trout oncorhynchus mykiss: cloning and comparison across vertebrate classes.full-length sequence (>6.5 kb) has been determined for the ca(v)1.3 pore-forming subunit of the voltage-gated ca(2+) channel from the saccular hair cells of the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). primary structure was obtained from overlapping pcr and cloned fragments, amplified by primers based on teleost, avian, and mammalian sources. trout saccular ca(v)1.3 was localized to hair cells, as evidenced by its isolation from an epithelial layer in which the hair cell is the only intact cell type ...200212531517
occurrence of flavobacterium psychrophilum in fish-farming environments.occurrence of flavobacterium psychrophilum in fish farms and fish-farming environments was studied using agar plate cultivation, the immunoflourescence antibody technique (ifat) and nested pcr. characteristics of 64 f. psychrophilum isolates from rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss, fish farm rearing water, ovarian fluid and wild fish were serotyped, ribotyped and compared biochemically. virulence of f. psychrophilum isolates from different sources was compared by injection into rainbow trout. add ...200212542087
a cxc chemokine sequence isolated from the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss resembles the closely related interferon-gamma-inducible chemokines cxcl9, cxcl10 and cxcl11.a sequence encoding a cxc - type chemokine from rainbow trout was found to most resemble members of the cxcl9/cxcl10/cxcl11 sub-family. in mammals, all 3 chemokines are regulated by ifn-gamma and are chemotactic for activated t lymphocytes. the trout chemokine (gammaip1), with a message of 787 nucleotides, contains 100 amino acids in a typical non-elr cxc chemokine arrangement. a second sequence (gammaip2), with 6 nucleotide differences in the coding region when compared to the first, was also i ...200212517732
influence of storage temperature on infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus detection by cell culture isolation and rt-pcr methods.the detection of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv) in infected rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and in cell culture supernatants stored under different conditions was studied. ihnv-positive fish visceral organ homogenates and cell culture supernatants were incubated at 4 and 25 degrees c. virus titre was measured by virus isolation on epithelioma papulosum cyprini (epc) cells and the ihnv rna was detected by rt-pcr and semi-nested rt-pcr. the influence of repeated freezing and thaw ...200212553445
cytological and biochemical effects of a mixture of 20 pollutants on isolated rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes.isolated hepatocytes of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to different concentrations (1x, 10x, 50x) of a complex mixture of 20 environmentally relevant contaminants (pahs, pcbs, pesticides) typical of the chemical burden of surface waters and sediments of small rivers in southwest germany to investigate sublethal cytological and biochemical alterations. results document that all concentrations clearly induced biochemical and morphological changes. the activities of enzymes such a ...200212568467
[stress produced by contaminated sediments with nickel in a pond with rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (pisces: salmonidae)].previous studies indicated the presence of high concentrations of nickel in the "el truchón" ponds (in méxico), so it was necessary to find a possible correlation between sediment physicochemical properties of this water body and the damage that could be produced on the rainbow trout which culture is done in a rustic reservoir. the study was initiated with the determination of the physicochemical properties of the trout farm sediments, which are; granular composition, total nitrogen percentage, ...200212956103
trickle and single infection with discocotyle sagittata (monogenea: polyopisthocotylea): effect of exposure mode on parasite abundance and development.experimental infection of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum) with the monogenean discocotyle sagittata (leuckart, 1842) allowed comparison between trickle and single exposure, two infection modes demonstrated to occur in the wild. both types of infection resulted in mean larval attachment success around 50%, which was significantly dependent on dose of infective larvae used (p < 0.0001), but was not affected by mode of infection (p = 0.244). worms recovered from fish exposed to the same ...200212641200
gene transfer to fish cells by attenuated invasive escherichia coli.genetic immunization has proved effective in a number of applications including vaccination of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) against the fish pathogen infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus. however, injection vaccines, especially in aquaculture, are not as desirable as oral or immersion dosing schemes. in this report we present evidence that attenuated invasive escherichia coli can infect and deliver plasmid dna to salmonid fish cells.200214961263
evolution of behavior and neural control of the fast-start escape response.the fast-start startle behavior is the primary mechanism of rapid escape in fishes and is a model system for examining neural circuit design and musculoskeletal function. to develop a dataset for evolutionary analysis of the startle response, the kinematics and muscle activity patterns of the fast-start were analyzed for four fish species at key branches in the phylogeny of vertebrates. three of these species (polypterus palmas, lepisosteus osseus, and amia calva) represent the base of the actin ...200212093034
kinetics of radiolabelled silver uptake and depuration in the gills of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and european eel (anguilla anguilla): the influence of silver speciation.we examined the influence of speciation on the kinetics of silver uptake and depuration in the gills of two freshwater fish, the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) which has high branchial na(+) and cl(-) uptake rates and is relatively sensitive to silver, and the european eel (anguilla anguilla, yellow stage) which has low ion uptake rates and is relatively resistant to silver. fish previously acclimated to the appropriate chloride level were exposed to 110magno(3) (1.3 microg l(-1), sublethal ...200211792436
sequence and expression of androgen receptor and estrogen receptor gene in the sex types of protogynous wrasse, halichoeres steroid hormones play important roles in sex change and behavior of wrasses. their actions are considered to be mediated through the nuclear hormone receptors. in this study, to elucidate the roles of estrogen receptor (er) and androgen receptor (ar) in the reproduction of the protogynous wrasse, halichoeres trimaculatus, ar and er genes were partially cloned using 5'- and 3'-race and their transcript levels in the gonads and the brain were measured by competitive rt-pcr. the amino acid sequ ...200212383444
binding affinities of hepatic nuclear estrogen receptors for phytoestrogens in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and siberian sturgeon (acipenser baeri).phytoestrogens are dietary estrogenic contaminants capable of inducing vitellogenin synthesis in rainbow trout and siberian sturgeon. a competitive-binding assay on their hepatic estrogen receptors (er) was performed to determine the relative affinity of phytoestrogens compared to estradiol (e(2)). phytoestrogen concentrations used were 1000 times higher than for e(2), except for genistein and formononetin. for each compound, the competition with 50%-bound labelled e(2) (dc(50)) was considered i ...200212441116
modulation of catecholamine release and cortisol secretion by social interactions in the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.the objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of social status on the ability of rainbow trout to secrete the stress hormones, cortisol, and catecholamines. rainbow trout were confined in pairs for six days to permit the formation of dominance hierarchies. an in situ saline-perfused posterior cardinal vein (pcv) preparation was then used to assess cortisol secretion or release of the catecholamine hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline, in response to the inclusion of appropri ...200212383441
adrenergic regulation of catecholamine secretion from trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) chromaffin cells.the interaction between extracellular catecholamines and catecholamine secretion from chromaffin cells was assessed in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) using an in situ saline-perfused posterior cardinal vein preparation. this was accomplished by comparing the effects of adrenergic receptor agonists and antagonists on stimulus-evoked secretion. an acute bolus injection or extended perfusion with saline containing high levels of either noradrenaline or adrenaline did not affect the baseline se ...200211927398
fluorescein: a rapid, sensitive, nonlethal method for detecting skin ulceration in fish.there is a need to develop simple, rapid, and accurate methods for assessing health in fish populations. in this study we demonstrate that use of fluorescein, a nontoxic fluorescent dye, can rapidly and easily detect the presence of skin ulcers in all fish tested, including rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus), goldfish (carassius auratus), and hybrid striped bass (morone saxatilis male x m. chrysops female). exposure of fish to as little as 0.10 mg fluoresc ...200212450204
lateral line reception in still- and running water.the lateral line of fish is composed of neuromasts used to detect water motions. neuromasts occur as superficial neuromasts on the skin and as canal neuromasts in subepidermal canals. fibres of the lateral line nerves innervate both. there have been extensive studies on the responses of lateral line nerve fibres to dipole stimuli applied in still water. however, despite the fact that many fish live in rivers and/or swim constantly, responses of lateral line nerve fibres to dipole stimuli present ...200212209340
modulation of goldfish testicular testosterone production in vitro by tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1beta, and macrophage conditioned media.the relevance of immune-endocrine interactions to the regulation of testicular steroidogenesis in teleosts is virtually unexplored. the objectives of the present study were: 1) to investigate the effects of murine cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnfalpha) and interleukin-1beta (il-1beta), and trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) macrophage conditioned media (mcm) on testosterone (t) production by goldfish (carassius auratus) testis pieces in vitro; and 2) to identify the site(s) of the inhibitory ...200211857482
protein and arginine requirements for maintenance and nitrogen gain in four teleosts.besides being an indispensable amino acid for protein synthesis, arginine (arg) is also involved in a number of other physiological functions. available data on the quantitative requirement for arg in different teleosts appear to show much variability. so far, there are very limited data on the maintenance requirements of indispensable amino acids (iaa) in fish. in the present study, we compared n and arg requirements for maintenance and growth of four finfish species: rainbow trout (oncorhynchu ...200212010584
light chain promoter regions in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss: function of a classical and an atypical ig promoter.three rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) light chain isotypes (l1, l2 and l3) have been identified at the cdna level. genomic clones have previously been obtained for l1 and l2, revealing different structures of the v/j/c clusters and divergent putative promoter regions. while the l1 putative promoter has a classical ig promoter structure with tata, e-box, and octamer, the l2 putative promoter lacks typical features of the ig promoter. the l2 putative promoter region contains a kappa-y motif, a ...200212377218
bioavailability and toxicity of dietborne copper and zinc to date, most researchers have used dietborne metal concentrations rather than daily doses to define metal exposure and this has resulted in contradictory data within and between fish species. it has also resulted in the impression that high concentrations of dietborne cu and zn (e.g. > 900 mg kg(-1) dry diet) are relatively non-toxic to fish. we re-analyzed existing data using rations and dietborne metal concentrations and used daily dose, species and life stage to define the toxicity of dietbo ...200212161165
inhibition of erythrocyte delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (alad) activity in fish from waters affected by lead smelters.we assessed the effects on fish of lead (pb) released to streams by smelters located in trail, bc (canada), e. helena, mt, herculaneum, mo, and glover, mo. fish were collected by electrofishing from sites located downstream of smelters and from reference sites. blood from each fish was analyzed for delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (alad) activity and hemoglobin (hb), and samples of blood, liver, or carcass were analyzed for pb, zinc (zn), or both. fish collected downstream of all four smelt ...200212139078
molecular cloning of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) eggshell zona radiata protein complementary dna: mrna expression in 17beta-estradiol- and nonylphenol-treated fish.a complementary dna (cdna) encoding the eggshell zona radiata protein (rbtzr: af407574) has been cloned from the liver of estradiol-17beta (e(2))-treated rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). a set of degenerate primers homologous to the highly conserved cysteine-rich region of the zona radiata protein gene from salmon, winter flounder, medaka and carp were used for the initial rt-pcr. the resulting pcr product was cloned, sequenced and ...200212031456
a homolog of mammalian prl-releasing peptide (fish arginyl-phenylalanyl-amide peptide) is a major hypothalamic peptide of prl release in teleost fish.two prl-releasing peptides (prrp20 and prrp31) were recently identified from mammalian hypothalamus by an orphan receptor strategy, and a c-terminal rf (arginyl-phenylalamyl-) amide peptide (rfa), structurally related to mammalian prrp, was also identified from the brain of the japanese crucian carp (c-rfa) by an intestine-contracting assay. however, to date there have been no reported studies that have examined the prl-releasing effects of rfa in fish. in the present study we determined the cdn ...200212021171
vitellogenin induction by 17beta-estradiol and 17alpha-ethinylestradiol in male zebrafish (danio rerio).adult male zebrafish (danio rerio) were exposed to 17beta-estradiol (e2) or 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (ee2) in flow-through systems for 8 days. this was done to compare the sensitivity of the estrogen inducible vitellogenin (vtg) biomarker system of this proposed oecd test guideline species to other relevant test species. vtg was quantified in whole body homogenate by a species-specific elisa. actual water concentrations of e2 and ee2 were quantified by lc-ms, with detection limits of 1.0 and 0.6 ...200211976068
acute silver toxicity in aquatic animals is a function of sodium uptake rate.on the basis of these facts about freshwater fish and invertebrates: (i) the na+ turnover is a physiological process associated with the gill membranes; (ii) the key mechanism of acute silver toxicity consists of reduction in na+ uptake by blockade of gill na+,k+-atpase; (iii) the mass-specific surface area of the gills depends on animal body mass; and (iv) the gill surface is also the major site of na+ loss by diffusion, we hypothesized that whole body na+ uptake rate (i.e., turnover rate) and ...200211993875
hazard assessment of resmethrin: i. effects and fate in aquatic systems.a comparative aquatic hazard assessment of resmethrin was conducted to investigate the need for its restricted use classification by the us. epa as an adult mosquito control agent. this paper describes the environmental fate and aquatic toxicity of resmethrin. the following paper compares resmethrin to the alternative insecticides. environmental fate studies indicate that resmethrin has a short photolytic half-life in water (<1 h). furthermore, it is immobile in soil and biodegradable (half-life ...200211990766
nors inheritance analysis in crossings including individuals from two stocks of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).silver nitrate staining of rainbow trouts (oncorhynchus mykiss) chromosomes, for the identification of the nucleolar organizing regions (nors), revealed that in individuals from núcleo experimental de salmonicultura de campos do jordão (brazil) nors were located in the long arms of submetacentric pair while in specimens from mount shasta (usa) nors were located in the short arms of a submetacentric pair. cytogenetic analysis of the offspring, obtained through artificial crosses including individ ...200212471670
toxicity evaluation of new antifouling compounds using suspension-cultured fish cells.a simple, rapid toxicity test was developed using the suspension-cultured fish cell line chse-sp derived from chinook salmon oncorhynchus tshawytscha embryos in order to assess the toxicity of new marine antifouling compounds. the compounds tested were copper pyrithione, diuron, irgarol 1051, kh101, sea-nine 211, and zinc pyrithione, all of which have been nominated in japan as possible replacements for organotin compounds. the in vitro acute toxicity (24-h ec50) of the six compounds to these fi ...200211999777
polybrominated diphenyl ethers in whitefish from swiss lakes and farmed rainbow trout.a method for trace analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbde) in fish based on gas chromatography/electron ionization high resolution mass spectrometry (gc/ei-hrms) was developed, and levels of pbde were determined in whitefish (coregonus sp.) from eight swiss lakes and in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) from four swiss fish farms. pbde concentrations (sum of pbde congeners bde-28, bde-47, bde-99, bde-100, bde-153, bde-154, and bde-183) in filet from whitefish between 36 and 165 ng/g ...200312615108
comparison of vitellogenin responses in zebrafish and rainbow trout following exposure to environmental this comparative study, the suitability of the commonly used in vivo biomarker for estrogenicity, vitellogenin (vtg), upon waterborne exposure to known environmental estrogens is evaluated in both male zebrafish (danio rerio) and juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). the results from initial experiments in which both species were exposed to 4-tert-octylphenol (op) or 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol under semistatic conditions for 3 weeks demonstrated a difference in species sensitivity for ...200312927559
metabolism of bisphenol a in zebrafish (danio rerio) and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in relation to estrogenic response.the kinetics of bisphenol a (bpa) were investigated in zebrafish (danio rerio) exposed to 100 microg bpa/l. bpa uptake was measured during a 7-day period followed by an elimination phase of similar duration. after 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120 and 168 h of uptake/elimination, fish were analysed for their content of bpa, bisphenol a glucuronic acid (bpaga) and bisphenol a sulfate (bpas). within the first 24 h steady state levels of bpa, bpaga and bpas were reached and the total body concentrations we ...200312860056
evolution of glutamine synthetase in vertebrates: multiple glutamine synthetase genes expressed in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).glutamine synthetase (gsase) is a key enzyme in nitrogen metabolism and encoded by a single gene in mammals. using pcr cloning techniques, including rt-pcr from total rna and pcr from a cdna library, we find evidence of four expressed gsase mrnas for the tetraploid rainbow trout. for two of these mrnas (onmy-gs01, -gs02) we characterize the full-length coding regions, and for two others (onmy-gs03, -gs04), we describe partial sequences. northern analysis of onmy-gs01, -gs02, -gs03 and -gs04 indi ...200312654890
temperature and the expression of seven muscle-specific protein genes during embryogenesis in the atlantic cod gadus morhua cdna clones coding for different muscle-specific proteins (msps) were isolated from the fast muscle tissue of atlantic cod gadus morhua l. in situ hybridization using crna probes was used to characterize the temporal and spatial patterns of gene expression with respect to somite stage in embryos incubated at 4 degrees c, 7 degrees c and 10 degrees c. myod transcripts were first observed in the presomitic mesoderm prior to somite formation, and in the lateral compartment of the forming somi ...200312909700
hepatic versus extrahepatic expression of cyp3a30 and cyp3a56 in adult killifish (fundulus heteroclitus).members of the cyp3a subfamily represent the largest portion of cyp proteins in liver and intestine in vertebrates. the cyp3a enzymes are involved in metabolic clearance of numerous chemically diverse compounds including toxins, carcinogens, pesticides, therapeutic drugs, dietary products and hormones. most studies of cyp3a have been performed in mammals, whereas relatively little is known of that in non-mammalian species. we have investigated cyp3a expression in the marine and estuarine killifi ...200312842592
the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the chinook salmon, oncorhynchus tshawytscha.the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of chinook salmon, oncorhynchus tshawytscha, has been determined. the circular genome consisting of 16,644 base pairs encodes thirteen proteins, the 12s and 16s ribosomal rnas, and 22 transfer rnas. these genes are ordered in the same way as most other vertebrates. the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the ribosomal rnas and the thirteen protein-coding genes were compared with those of other salmonids such as oncorhynchus mykiss, salmo salar ...200314513717
complete sequencing and expression of three complement components, c1r, c4 and c1 inhibitor, of the classical activation pathway of the complement system in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.three complement components, c1r, c4 and c1 inhibitor, of the classical activation pathway have been fully sequenced and their expression investigated in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). trout c1r cdna encodes a 707-amino-acid (aa) protein with a theoretical m(r) of 77,200. the trout translation shows highest homology with carp c1r/s, and lower, equal homologies to mammalian c1r and c1s, and masps from other vertebrate species. however, phylogenetic analysis and structural features suggest t ...200314628103
comparative responses of molluscs and fish to environmental estrogens and an estrogenic is now well established that there is a diverse array of chemicals discharged into the environment that can mimic or antagonise the action of hormones. these endocrine-disrupting chemicals (edcs) can thus interact with physiological systems and cause alterations in development, growth and reproduction in wildlife that are exposed to them. as yet, however, there is little information on the relative sensitivities of different wildlife groups to these chemicals and/or mixtures of them (e.g. est ...200312946619
catecholamine secretion in trout chromaffin cells experiencing nicotinic receptor desensitization is maintained by non-cholinergic neurotransmission.the goal of the present study was to assess the catecholamine secretory capabilities of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss chromaffin cells experiencing desensitization of the nicotinic receptor. it was hypothesized that the potential to secrete catecholamines could be maintained under conditions of nicotinic receptor desensitization owing to activation of non-cholinergic release pathways. an in situ model for chromaffin cell nicotinic receptor desensitization was developed by perfusing a posteri ...200314581595
localisation of vip-binding sites exhibiting properties of vpac receptors in chromaffin cells of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the current model for the neuronal control of catecholamine release from piscine chromaffin cells advocates that the neurotransmitters vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (pacap) are co-released with acetylcholine from preganglionic fibres upon nerve stimulation. both vip and pacap elicit the secretion of exclusively adrenaline from rainbow trout chromaffin cells, which presumably arises from the activation of vpac type receptors. thus, ...200312728013
differential metallothionein induction patterns in three freshwater fish during sublethal copper exposure.we assessed whether fish that tolerate higher levels of cu exposure have a higher capacity to induce metallothionein (mt) synthesis than other, more sensitive, fish species. furthermore, we examined if a correlation could be found between tissue cu accumulation and mt levels. cu accumulation and mt concentrations in gill, liver, kidney and muscle of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), common carp (cyprinus carpio) and gibel carp (carassius auratus gibelio) were measured during a 1 week exposure ...200314568355
effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects.we investigated in goldfish, carassius auratus, and trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, how running water affects the responses of afferent fibers in the posterior lateral line nerve and of lateral line units in the brainstem medial octavolateralis nucleus to an object that is moved from anterior to posterior or opposite along the side of the fish. in still water, nerve fibers in both species responded to the moving object with alternating periods of increased and decreased firing rate. most fibers in g ...200312784057
molecular characterisation of sea bream (sparus aurata) transforming growth factor beta1.a transforming growth factor beta1 (tgf beta1) full length cdna was characterised and sequenced from the head kidney of sea bream (sparus aurata) previously challenged with a nodavirus. the cloned cdna of 1778bp contains a predicted open reading frame of 379 amino acids, which includes the mature peptide region of 112 amino acids. the regulating region of the peptide possesses four potential n-linked glycosylation sites (n-x-t/s), as well as an rgd integrin binding site, an rkkr tetrabasic cut s ...200312711274
integrated responses of na+/hco3- cotransporters and v-type h+-atpases in the fish gill and kidney during respiratory acidosis.using degenerate primers, followed by 3' and 5' race and "long" pcr, a continuous 4050-bp cdna was obtained and sequenced from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) gill. the cdna included an open reading frame encoding a deduced protein of 1088 amino acids. a blast search of the genbank protein database demonstrated that the trout gene shared high sequence similarity with several vertebrate na(+)/hco(3)(-) cotransporters (nbcs) and in particular, nbc1. protein alignment revealed that the trout nb ...200314729154
c-type natriuretic peptide of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss): primary structure and vasorelaxant activities.natriuretic peptides (nps) play important roles in osmoregulatory and cardiovascular systems of vertebrates. for functional studies of nps, rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), a euryhaline fish, is an interesting model. the information on homologous nps of salmonid fish is, however, still incomplete with respect to c-type np (cnp). in this study, we isolated cdnas encoding the precursor of cnp from the brain of trout. predicted mature cnp (cnp-22) sequence was identical to that of killifish fun ...200312568796
expression of two isoforms of the vacuolar-type atpase subunit b in the zebrafish danio the present study we tested the hypothesis that two isoforms of the regulatory subunit b of vacuolar-type atpase (v-atpase) are expressed in the zebrafish danio rerio. the complete coding sequences for both isoforms, vatb1 and vatb2, were cloned and sequenced. blastx analysis revealed the greatest similarity to amino acid sequences of b subunits from the european eel anguilla anguilla and rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. the isoforms were expressed in a bacterial system and the recombinant ...200312728012
internal redistribution of radiolabelled silver among tissues of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and european eel (anguilla anguilla): the influence of silver speciation.influence of water ag(i) speciation on pharmacokinetics of ag(i) during a post-exposure period was investigated in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and european eel (anguilla anguilla). the rainbow trout is sensitive to waterborne ionic ag(+) whereas the eel is tolerant. the fish were acclimated to either of two chloride concentrations, 10 or 1200 microm, in synthetic soft water and then exposed to a sublethal 24-h pulse of 1.3 microgl(-1) of 110mag(i) added as 110magno(3) in these waters. th ...200312657489
characterization of cdna encoding immunoglobulin light chain of the mandarin fish (siniperca chuatsi).immunoglobulin light chain cdna sequences of a perciform fish, the mandarin fish siniperca chuatsi were amplified from head kidney mrna by reverse transcription (rt)-pcr and race methods using degenerated primer and gene specific ones. in cdna sequences of the vl region, nucleotide exchanges were present mainly within cdrs, although a lesser degree of variability was also found in frs. moreover, the length of cdr1 and cdr3 in the mandarin fish is shorter than in most other fish species. in the m ...200312969639
the rainbow trout classical mhc class i molecule onmy-uba*501 is expressed in similar cell types as mammalian classical mhc class i molecules.onmy-uba is a polymorphic classical major histocompatibility (mhc) class i locus in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). a common allomorph is onmy-uba*501, which has been detected in several wildtype strains, in the clonal homozygous rainbow trout c25 and, in the current study, in the rainbow trout gonad cell line rtg-2. the extracellular domain of this allomorph was expressed in e. coli and a murine monoclonal antibody designated h9 was generated against the recombinant protein. in western blo ...200312547623
cortisol influences the host-parasite interaction between the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and the crustacean ectoparasite argulus japonicus.the host-parasite interaction between the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and the fish louse argulus japonicus was investigated by administering low levels of dietary cortisol before infecting the fish with low numbers of the parasite. after 24 h, the dietary cortisol treatment elevated blood cortisol and glucose levels and stimulated the synthesis of secretory granules in the upper layer of skin cells. infection with 6 lice per fish caused skin infiltration by lymphocytes, also in areas witho ...200314700191
first isolation of sleeping disease virus from rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), in the united kingdom. 200314710763
constituents within pulp mill effluent deplete retinoid stores in white sucker and bind to rainbow trout retinoic acid receptors and retinoid x receptors.wild female and male white sucker (catostomus commersoni) inhabiting an area receiving pulp mill effluent had reduced hepatic levels of retinol, didehydroretinol, retinyl esters, and didehydroretinyl esters, while vitamin e levels were unaffected. this disruption of the retinoid system led us to test methanol and dichloromethane extracts from the effluent of 11 pulp mills from across canada for their ability to bind to rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) retinoic acid receptors (rars) from the g ...200314713038
efficacy of passive sand filtration in reducing exposure of salmonids to the actinospore of myxobolus cerebralis.the aquatic oligochaete tubifex tubifex parasitized by myxobolus cerebralis releases triactinomyxon (tam) actinospores that can infect some species of salmonids and cause salmonid whirling disease. silica sand was tested as a filtration medium for removal of tams from water containing the parasite. laboratory tests indicated sand filtration removed > 99.99% of tams. in 2 different field tests, groups of 1 mo old rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss were exposed for 2 wk to filtered and unfiltered w ...200314735924
histologic study of head cartilage degeneration in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) infected with the parasite myxobolus cerebralis.a light microscopy study of head cartilage tissue in rainbow trout alevins (oncorhynchus mykiss) infected with the parasite myxobolus cerebralis showed that, regardless of the presence or absence of whirling disease symptoms such as black tail and whirling swimming due to altered tail and spine morphology, some fish presented large amounts of spores lodged in the head after three months of infection. the spores were located in regions where the cartilage was extensively destroyed.200312974324
distribution and potential role of cytosolic water-soluble phosphodiesters in fish.the distribution of water-soluble phosphodiesters (wspdes) visible by nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) in some intact tissues of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum) and in perchloric extracts after partial purification was examined by (31)p nmr spectroscopy. the compounds of interest were serine ethanolamine phosphate (sep), threonine ethanolamine phosphate (tep), glycerophosphorylcholine (gpc), and glycerophosphorylethanolamine (gpe). tep and sep were mostly accumulated in the heart and ...200313130434
age- and weight-dependent susceptibility of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss to isolates of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv) of varying virulence.the virulence of 5 european and 1 north american isolate of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv) was compared by infecting female sibling rainbow trout ('isle of man' strain) of different weights and ages (2, 20 and 50 g). the fish were exposed to 10(4) tcid50 ihnv per ml of water by immersion, and the mortality was recorded for 28 d. two new ihnv isolates from germany were included in the investigation. one was isolated from european eels kept at 23 degrees c (+/- 2 degrees c) and th ...200313677506
in vitro immunomodulating influence of methisoprinol on the head kidney phagocyte and lymphocyte activity after suppression induced by vhsv in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro influence of methisoprinol on head kidney phagocyte and lymphocyte activity after suppression induced by vhsv. the vhsv statistically significantly decreased the respiratory burst activity of head kidney phagocytes and the proliferative response of lymphocytes stimulated by cona. the results of our study showed that methisoprinol at a concentration of 100 microl/ml modulated and restored the phagocyte and lymphocyte activity suppressed by vhsv.200314509364
enhanced resistance of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), against yersinia ruckeri challenge following oral administration of bacillus subtilis and b. licheniformis (bioplus2b). 200314513974
isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility of aeromonas salmonicida in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in turkey hatchery farms.three aeromonas salmonicida strains were isolated from the livers of 265 rainbow trouts sampled. the antibiotic susceptibility test results showed that a. salmonicida strains were susceptible to streptomycine and ciprofloxacin. however, they were resistant to amoxycilline + clavulanic acid, penicillin, erythromycine, oxytetracycline and cefuroxime sodium.200314535932
association of flavobacterium psychrophilum with rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) kidney phagocytes in vitro.the capacity of virulent and non-virulent strains of flavobacterium psychrophilum of different serotypes to associate with isolated rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, 300-500 g) kidney phagocytes was evaluated in vitro. the results showed that f. psychrophilum was associated with the phagocytes but large differences in association were observed between the different bacterial strains examined. these differences in association with the phagocytes was not clearly related to the serotype or virule ...200314550665
the functional characterisation of ck-1, a putative cc chemokine from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).recently a number of cytokine homologs have been cloned in teleost fish, including several that resemble chemokines, but to date few have been confirmed using functional assays. chemokines are a family of cytokines that are able to induce chemotaxis in leucocytes. in this study ck-1, a rainbow trout chemokine, was functionally characterised. recombinant ck-1 is able to attract rainbow trout peripheral blood leucocytes (pbl) in a micro-chemotaxis chamber. a greater number of pbls migrated in resp ...200314550667
immune enhancement in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) by potential probiotic bacteria (lactobacillus rhamnosus).the present study assessed the immune enhancement of fish by a lactic acid bacterium (lab) lactobacillus rhamnosus (atcc 53103). the bacterium was administered orally at five different doses 7.9 x 10(4) (lab4), 2.1 x 10(6) (lab6), 2.8 x 10(8) (lab8), 1.9 x 10(10) (lab10) and 9.7 x 10(10) (lab11) cfu/g feed to rainbow trout for two weeks and the feed was changed to un-supplemented diet. from the onset of feeding supplemented diets at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, blood and mucus samples were taken. during ...200314550670
role of glutathione redox cycle and catalase in defense against oxidative stress induced by endosulfan in adrenocortical cells of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the role of antioxidants in maintaining the functional integrity of adrenocortical cells during in vitro exposure to endosulfan, an organochlorine pesticide, was investigated in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). aminotriazole (ata), an inhibitor of catalase (cat), l-buthionine sulfoximine (l-bso), an inhibitor of glutathione (gsh) synthesis, and n-acetyl cysteine (nac), a glutathione precursor, were used to investigate the role of cat and gsh redox cycle in protection against the adrenal toxi ...200314550752
exposure to water from the lower rhine induces a stress response in the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.the water quality of the river rhine has improved in recent years and populations of salmonids are increasing. nevertheless at present, the water from the lower rhine still contains a complex mixture of low levels of many pollutants and it is not known whether exposure to such water is stressful to salmonid fish. for 31 days we continuously exposed the trout oncorhynchus mykiss to water from the lower rhine in the netherlands and measured a variety of physiological, biochemical, and histological ...200314565583
the in vitro and in vivo inhibitory effects of some sulfonamide derivatives on rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase activity.the in vitro and in vivo inhibitory effects of 5-(3alpha, 12alpha-dihydroxy-5-beta-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (1), 5-(3alpha, 7alpha, 12alpha-trihydroxy-5-beta-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (2), 5-(3alpha, 7alpha, 12alpha-triacetoxy-5-beta-cholanamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide (3) and acetazolamide on rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) (rt) erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase (ca) were investigated. the rt erythrocyte ca was obtained by affinity chromatography ...200314567552
prevalence of listeria monocytogenes in, and microbiological and sensory quality of, rainbow trout, whitefish, and vendace roes from finnish retail markets.the prevalence of listeria monocytogenes in retail roe, as well as the microbiological and sensory qualities of the roe, were studied for three fish species under three different storage conditions. a total of 147 finnish rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), whitefish (coregonus lavaretus), vendace (coregonus albula), and burbot (lota lota) roe samples were bought fresh, frozen, or frozen-thawed from finnish retail markets. the overall prevalence of l. monocytogenes was 5%; however, the prevalen ...200314572220
mitochondrial dna variation of gyrodactylus spp (monogenea, gyrodactylidae) populations infecting atlantic salmon, grayling, and rainbow trout in norway and sweden.approximately 800 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase i (coi) gene were sequenced from 76 gyrodactylus specimens of 32 salmonid host populations, i.e. from salmo salar, thymallus thymallus, and oncorhynchus mykiss in norway, sweden and latvia. the coi sequences indicated a substantial intraspecific differentiation of gyrodactylus salaris and gyrodactylus thymalli. in total, 12 haplotypes were identified which group into five well supported clades, three clades with parasites from atlantic ...200314572510
relative resistance of pacific salmon to infectious salmon anaemia virus.infectious salmon anaemia (isa) is a major disease of atlantic salmon, salmo salar, caused by an orthomyxovirus (isav). increases in global aquaculture and the international movement of fish made it important to determine if pacific salmon are at risk. steelhead trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, and chum, o. keta, chinook, o. tshawytscha, coho, o. kisutch, and atlantic salmon were injected intraperitoneally with a high, medium, or low dose of a norwegian strain of isav. in a second challenge, the same ...200314575369
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 1957