Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
metabolite levels and activities of some enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in tissues of conventional and mono-associated mice in the course of trichinella spiralis infection. | 1978 | 656983 | |
trichinella spiralis: site selection by the larva during the enteral phase of infection in mice. | 1978 | 658219 | |
survival of trichinella spiralis larvae in sewage sludge anaerobic digesters. | the survival of some bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and helminths through the sewage digestion process has been a question of considerable concern among researchers throughout the world. among the most resistant organisms are some of the pathogenic roundworms and tapeworms. encysted larvae of trichinella spiralis are sometimes present in animal tissues discarded as waste from slaughterhouses, restaurants or other sources. in experimental anaerobic sewage digesters, encysted larvae of t. spiralis ... | 1978 | 660381 |
[immunobiology of trichinella spiralis]. | 1978 | 664694 | |
the role of mastomys natalensis (smith) in trichinella spiralis transmission. | 1978 | 664697 | |
[comparative studies on the course of the intestinal phase of trichinella spiralis invasion in various species and strains of rodents]. | 1978 | 664698 | |
[trichinella spiralis: immune factors inhibiting the production of larvae. i. in vivo and in vitro demonstration in the mouse]. | 1978 | 668837 | |
[trichinella spiralis: immune factors inhibiting the production of larva. ii. first in vitro analysis of active humoral and secretory factors in the infected or immunized mouse, rat and piglet]. | 1978 | 668838 | |
stage-specific antibody-dependent eosinophil-mediated destruction of trichinella spiralis. | 1978 | 672989 | |
trichinella spiralis: alterations of blood chemistry in the mouse. | 1978 | 680083 | |
modification of immune competence by parasitic infections. i. responses to mitogens and antigens in mice treated with trichinella spiralis extract. | spleen cells from mice pretreated with a trichinella spiralis extract (tse-mice) showed severe depression of the response to lipopolysaccharide (lps) and to concanavalin a (con a), slight depression to phytohemagglutinin (pha) and normal response to tuberculin purified protein derivative (ppd) as compared to saline-pretreated controls. mice pretreated with bovine serum albumin (bsa-mice) revealed greatly reduced responses to lps, somewhat reduced response to con a, and normal responses to pha an ... | 1978 | 682066 |
[trichinosis: epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis (author's transl)]. | after ingestion of wild boar meat 58 patients developed typical clinical signs and symptoms of trichinosis. all patients had marked blood eosinophilia. in 45% of the patients got and gpt and in 62% hbdh were moderately increased, while in 76% ldh and in 86% creatine-kinase showed abnormally high values. ck-mb was increased in three patients. 92% of muscle biopsies showed typical morphological changes in skeletal muscles. latexagglutination, complement-fixation and agar-gel diffusion tests were n ... | 1978 | 699765 |
[serum antibody findings in trichinosis (author's transl)]. | serum samples of 66 persons who had eaten meat from a wild boar were tested two to three times within 11 months for antibodies against extracts from trichinella larvae. watery extract of trichinella spiralis larvae served as antigen. complement-fixation was of little use because of its lack of sensitivity. indirect haemagglutination and the elisa test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) gave uncertain results only in individual cases. there was a relationship between the clinical picture and the ... | 1978 | 699766 |
trichinella spiralis infection in mice. mechanism of the resistance in animals genetically selected for high and low antibody production. | mice genetically selected according to their capacity to produce antibody were orally infected with fifty muscle larvae. after 1 month, the number of larvae found in low responder mice was twice the number found in high responder mice. following a second infection, low responder mice were completely protected while high responder mice showed only partial protection. it is suggested that the better resistance of high responder mice after a primary infection is due to their high and rapid antibody ... | 1978 | 700780 |
[host immune response to trichinella parasitization and its alteration under the influence of of mebendazole. i. the development of cellular and humoral immune reactions in mice infested with trichinella spiralis]. | 1978 | 703692 | |
the susceptibility to trichinella spiralis of inbred lines of mice differing at the h-2 histocompatibility locus. | 1978 | 722471 | |
[host immune response to trichinella parasitization and its alteration under mebendazole exposure. ii. the cellular and humoral immune reactions of mice infected with trichinella spiralis after mebendazole treatment]. | 1978 | 723803 | |
a new technique for demonstration of trichinella spiralis larvae in suspensions of digested muscle tissue. | 1978 | 727089 | |
ultrastructural study of the immune interaction between peritoneal cells and larvae of trichinella spiralis. | 1978 | 731634 | |
the effects of 5-benzamido-2 (4-thiazolyl) benzimidazole on trichinella spiralis. | 1978 | 734731 | |
the role of prostaglandins in expulsion of adult trichinella spiralis. influence of indomethacin on the course of experimental trichinellosis in mice. | 1978 | 735103 | |
[effect of cyclophosphamide and streptomycin on the level of vitamin a in the liver of mice infected with trichinella spiralis]. | 1978 | 735104 | |
a new method of artificial production of immunity in mice by footpad injection of a crude larval extract of trichinella spiralis. | 1978 | 739314 | |
observations on a trichinella spiralis isolate from a polar bear. | 1978 | 739315 | |
oxatomide protects trichinella spiralis infected mice from lethal anaphylaxis. | infection with trichinella spiralis in mice was accompanied by allergic sensitization as evidenced by anaphylactic death after intravenous injection of the antigen. pre-treatment of the animals with oxatomide, a new orally active anti-allergic drug, resulted in significant protection of the animals; the lowest effective dose of the compound was 1.25 mg/kg orally. in contrast to cyproheptadine, oxatomide offered little protection against serotonin toxicity in mice. the present data suggest that, ... | 1978 | 742554 |
recovery of trichinella spiralis larvae from frozen muscle samples. | 1978 | 742569 | |
trichinella spiralis: delayed rejection in mice concurrently infected with nematospiroides dubius. | 1978 | 743341 | |
the effect of concurrent infection with trichinella spiralis on hymenolepis microstoma in mice. | the intestinal changes brought about by rejection of trichinella spiralis from mice were studied in relation to their effects on a concurrent infection with hymenolepis microstoma, a cestode not normally rejected from mice. the rejection phase of t. spiralis was associated with a marked stunting of growth of h. microstoma given just before, during, or just after rejection of the nematode. the survival of h. microstoma was affected only when rejection of t. spiralis coincided with the intestinal ... | 1978 | 748836 |
effect of trichinella spiralis infection on delayed hypersensitivity to heterologous antigens. | studies were initiated to determine the effects of the different phases of the nematode life cycle on the delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) capabilities of the host. mice were injected intraperitoneally with 4 x 10(6) viable or heat-killed bcg at 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after oral infection with 200 trichinella spiralis larvae. groups were tested for dth 28 days after bcg inoculation by the footpad swelling assay. infection with t. spiralis was found to suppress the response in mice administer ... | 1978 | 346495 |
trichinella spiralis: effects on the host-parasite relationship in mice of bcg (attenuated mycobacterium bovis). | 1978 | 350600 | |
[specificity of drop passive hemagglutination and indirect immunofluorescence towards trichinella spiralis antigens]. | 1978 | 358304 | |
trichinella spiralis: changes caused in the mouse's thymic, splenic, and lymph node cell populations. | 1978 | 307495 | |
the accumulation of immunoblasts in extravascular tissues including mammary gland, peritoneal cavity, gut and skin. | the migration of [125i]udr labelled mesenteric (mln) and peripheral t immunoblasts (pln) has been followed in mice with multiple sites attractive to immunoblasts. the sites studied were the inflamed gut (produced by trichinella spiralis infection), inflamed skin, the peritoneal cavity and the mammary glands of lactating mice. pln were capable of assembling in all of the four sites and in the presence of both inflamed gut and inflamed skin, pln accumulated preferentially in the skin. mln, in cont ... | 1978 | 312255 |
b and t lymphocytes from peripheral blood in mice infected with trichinella spiralis and trichinella pseudospiralis. | 1978 | 313234 | |
depression of cell-mediated immunity following inoculation of trichinella spiralis extract in the mouse. | mice pretreated with trichinella spiralis extract (tse), or infected with the parasite, rejected primary skin allografts in 18-23 days and secondary allografts in 12-16 days. mice pretreated with saline or with bovine serum albumin (bsa) rejected the primary allografts in 12-18 days and did not accept the secondary grafts. inoculation of increasing doses of parental spleen cells from mice pretreated with saline or with bsa in f1 hybrids produced proportionately stronger graft-versus-host reactio ... | 1978 | 23994 |
[fractionation of the trichinella spiralis antigen and allergy diagnosis trails]. | experiments were carried out to fractionate an antigen of trichinella spiralis with sephadex g-50 and g-100. the specificty of the fractions has been followed up by means of the intradermal allergic reaction in six pigs, experimentally infected with trichenalla spiralis, one with trichocephalus suis and three, born by trichinellosis-affected sows. the second fraction has been tested also on four pigs, experimentally inoculated with ascaris suum, nine--with ascarsis suum and oesophagostomum and 1 ... | 1978 | 88790 |
role for activated macrophages in resistance against trichinella spiralis. | to determine whether activated macrophages are important in resistance against the intestinal phase of nematode parasites, we studied trichinella spiralis infections in mice with normal macrophages and in mice with macrophages activated by either chronic toxoplasma gondii or acute listeria monocytogenes infections. the peak t. spiralis adult worm burden in the intestines of normal c57bl/6 or swiss webster mice occurred from 6 to 14 days after infection. subsequent expulsion of worms from the int ... | 1978 | 99366 |
effect of experimentally induced trichinellosis on the infection with erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in rats. | infection with erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in rats infested 20 days earlier with trichinella spiralis developed more slowly, the clinical and pathoanatomic changes in the joints were expressed to a less extend, and the mortality rate was lower. the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the precipitin formation and the phagocytic activity of the macrophages did not considerably change. experiments carried out to elucidate this fact did not reveal any antigenic or antagonistic relationships between par ... | 1978 | 207030 |
[ultrastructural localization of cytoplasmic phosphatases at different developmental stages of trichinella spiralis (nematoda). i. cytoplasmic phosphatases in hypodermal gland cells (bacillary band cells) of trichinalla spiralis]. | 1978 | 208312 | |
foodborne hazards of microbial origin. | foods can serve as vehicles of many pathogenic and toxigenic agents of disease. bacterial agents comprise three groups: 1) those that grow in the food and produce an active toxin before consumption (e.g., clostridium botulinium); 2) those that merely exist as contaminants in the food but are able to initiate infection when swallowed (e.g., salmonella spp.); and 3) those that multiply and produce large numbers of vegetative cells in the food, then release an active enterotoxin when they sporulate ... | 1978 | 212326 |
trichinella spiralis: acceleration and inhibition of cyst calcification in rats. | daily administration of vitamin d3 (75,000 iu/kg b. wt) for 7 days accelerated trichinella spiralis cyst calcification in rats with a 14-week-old infection. when disodium ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1-diphosphonate (ehdp) was administered (50 mg/kg b. wt) from 2 days before until 2 days after vitamin d3 treatment, cyst calcification was inhibited. thus, the ability to inhibit e. spiralis calcification has demonstrated for the first time. | 1978 | 215446 |
electron transport in mitochondria of trichinella spiralis larvae. | 1978 | 218888 | |
trichinella spiralis in new zealand. | 1978 | 279880 | |
[reactivity of pig serum against an antigen of trichinella spiralis in 2 serologic tests]. | 1978 | 292104 | |
[immune phenomena in experimental syngamosis. 1. antigenic structure of syngamus trachea]. | the soluble somatic antigens of syngamus trachea were studied by gel electrophoresis and by immunoelectrophoresis, including staining for enzyme activity. rabbit antiserum prepared by repeated injections of parasite material was used to demonstrate the antigens. serum obtained after 12-15 weekly injections produced up to 16 precipitation arcs with the s. trachea preparation. two of the arcs represented reactions against contaminating host material, and enzyme activity was detected in seven arcs. ... | 1978 | 18770407 |
report 1977-1978 concerning trichinella spiralis studies in the netherlands. | 1979 | 22039776 | |
[ultrastructural localization of cytoplasmic phosphatases in different developmental stages of trichinella spiralis. 2. morphological and cytochemical studies of trichinella spiralis stichosome]. | 1979 | 225890 | |
lymphocyte activation induced by trichinella spiralis infection reflected as spontaneous dna synthesis in vitro. | spleen cells from mice, infected with trichinella spiralis, were cultured in micro and macrocultures without stimulatory agents. as controls, various polyclonal t and b cell activators were used. during the course of the infection the cells exhibited an increased spontaneous dna synthesis compared to the cells from uninfected controls. it was also found that the relative proportion of theta and ig-positive cells and macrophages was not significantly affected by the infection. to characterize the ... | 1979 | 230926 |
physiological characterization of a biphasic immune response to trichinella spiralis in the rat. | secondary infection with trichinella spiralis in the rat was associated with a host response that prevented approximately 80% of the total number of larvae recovered after primary infection from embedding in the intestine. the host response occurred within 15 min after contract of the parasite with intestinal mucosa and was not associated with acute inflammatory cell infiltrates or with the pathophysiology of the primary infection. eventual rejection of the residual population of embedded worms ... | 1979 | 109546 |
mechanisms of killing of newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis by neutrophils and eosinophils. killing by generators of hydrogen peroxide in vitro. | eosinophil and/or neutrophil leukocytes appear to have important roles in host defense against invasive, migratory helminth infestations, but the mechanisms of larval killing by leukocytes are uncertain. this study examines killing of newborn (migratory phase) larvae of trichinella spiralis during incubation with granule preparations of human eosinophils or neutrophils and generators of hydrogen peroxide (glucose-glucose oxidase) (g-go) or superoxide and hydrogen peroxide (xanthine-xanthine oxid ... | 1979 | 41002 |
report concerning trichinella spiralis studies in the netherlands 1977-1978. 1. epidemiological and epizootiological situation in the netherlands. | 1979 | 44396 | |
t and b cells in the transfer of immunity against trichinella spiralis in mice. | enriched populations of t or b cells, prepared by nylon wool filtration of mesenteric node lymphocytes from mice infected with trichinella spiralis, were capable of transferring immunity to normal and irradiated syngeneic mice. in cell recipients there was an early loss of fecundity by the worms and an accelerated expulsion from the intestine. treatment with anti-thy 1.2 serum, to deplete contaminating t cells, severely reduced or abolished the protective activity of enriched b-cell fractions. r ... | 1979 | 313897 |
response of intestinal globule leucocytes in the mouse during a trichinella spiralis infection and its independence of intestinal mast cells. | we have previously reported that intestinal mast cells represent a separate population of mast cells which is thymus- (t-) dependent. in this paper we examine whether the appearance of these cells is dependent on thymus-dependent antibodies or thymus serum factor(s). the response of intestinal mast cells and globule leucocytes to a trichinella spiralis infection was therefore studied in congenitally athymic (nude) mice after treatment with specific anti-t. spiralis hyperimmune serum or normal mo ... | 1979 | 314302 |
villous atrophy and expulsion of intestinal trichinella spiralis are mediated by t cells. | 1979 | 314854 | |
intestinal mast cells and globule leucocytes: role of the thymus on their presence and proliferation during a trichinella spiralis infection in the rat. | 1979 | 314934 | |
migration of lymphoblasts to the small intestine. iii. strain differences and relationship to distribution and duration of trichinella spiralis infection. | in nih strain mice, in which the majority of trichinella spiralis are located in the anterior half of the small intestine early in the enteral phase of infection, enhanced localization of mesenteric lymphoblasts, nylon wool separated mesenteric t-lymphoblasts and even oxazolone sensitized peripheral lymphoblasts is most prominent in the anterior region of the small intestine. as the worms move to the posterior half of the small intestine, enahnced localization of lymphoblasts is observed in that ... | 1979 | 317031 |
trichiniasis among the animals in north eastern iran (1), 1969, 1976, 1977. | in 1969, 1976 and 1977, 1,039 rodents and carnivores collected from north east iran were examined for trichinella spiralis. eighty four per cent of golden jackals, 30 per cent of red foxes and nine per dent of dogs were found to be infected. the importance of wild boar sus scrofa as the source of infection is discussed. | 1979 | 318000 |
in vitro killing of schistosomula of schistosoma mansoni by bcg and c. parvum-activated macrophages. | resistance to schistosoma mansoni infection in the mouse has been induced either specifically by a primary infection with this parasite or nonspecifically by a variety of immunostimulants such as bcg. in the present study we developed an in vitro system to examine the effector mechanism of nonspecifically induced resistance. activated macrophage monolayers obtained from bcg- or corynebacterium parvum treated mice killed a respective mean 32 +/- 6% and 48 +/- 5% of schistosomula after 24 hr incub ... | 1979 | 376723 |
[diagnosis of trichinellosis and special aspects of a modified immunofluorescence test (author's transl)]. | trichinella spiralis was detected in 1835 by paget, an english student. since the introduction of the meat investigation law for trichinosis in 1937 the infection with this parasites became a rare condition. the last endemies in germany occurred in 1967 and 1977. they restimulated the discussion regarding the efficiency and sensitivity of the routinely used methods for the detection of tr. spiralis. 69 patients, suffering from infection with tr. spiralis were investigated using a modified ift. t ... | 1979 | 396230 |
report on trichinella spiralis in federal republic of germany 1977-1978. 1. serological examination in humans for trichinellosis. | 1979 | 396721 | |
history of trichinosis: paget, owends and the discovery of trichinella spiralis. | 1979 | 397841 | |
trichinella spiralis and strongyloides ratti: immune interaction in adult rats. | 1979 | 421767 | |
[trichinella spiralis infestation in children of the biaĆystok region]. | 1979 | 432012 | |
trichinella spiralis: mediation of the intestinal component of protective immunity in the rat by multiple, phase-specific, antiparasitic responses. | 1979 | 437014 | |
studies of macrophage function during trichinella spiralis infection in mice. | studies were made to investigate the quantitative and functional changes which occur in peritoneal macrophage populations obtained from mice infected orally with trichinella spiralis larvae. c57bl/6 mice infected with t. spiralis larvae became parasitized with adult worms which were rejected from the intestine from 14 to 20 days after infection. infected mice developed a striking increase in peritoneal exudate cells, composed largely of macrophages, which was maximal at from 16 to 18 days after ... | 1979 | 437839 |
trichinella spiralis in raccoons (procyon lotor) of tennessee. | 1979 | 448587 | |
morphology of the advanced-stage larva of eustrongylides wenrichi canavan 1929, occurring encapsulated in the tissues of amphiuma in louisiana. | larval nematodes identified as eustrongylides wenrichi canavan 1929, from cysts in the tissues of amphiuma means tridactylum cuvier in louisana were redescribed. the extent of differentiation of the sex organs was found to be greater than that of 3rd-stage dioctophyma renale, or of the infective stage of trichinella spiralis, and comparable with the late 4th-stage larva of secernentean (phasmid) nematodes. | 1979 | 448605 |
trichinella spiralis: expression of rapid expulsion in rats exposed to an abbreviated enteral infection. | 1979 | 456465 | |
trichinella spiralis: role of different life cycle phases in induction, maintenance, and expression of rapid expulsion in rats. | 1979 | 456466 | |
[research on trichinella spiralis in rodents captured in the santos dock area]. | 1979 | 462116 | |
purification of rodent eosinophils on discontinuous metrizamide gradients. | methods are described for the purification of rat and mouse eosinophils. peritoneal exudate cells obtained from schistosoma mansoni- or trichinella spiralis-infected mice were plated on plastic dishes, and the nonadherent cells were centrifuged over discontinuous hypertonic metrizamide gradients. approximately 41% of those eosinophils present in the original preparations were recovered from the interfaces between 20% and 22% metrizamide at an average of 88% purity. peritoneal cells obtained from ... | 1979 | 469262 |
transplantation of adult trichinella spiralis between hosts: worm survival and immunological characteristics of the host--parasite relationship. | a technique for the transplantation of trichinella spiralis worms directly into the host intestine is described. infections established by the direct transfer of adult worms were essentially normal both in terms of their survival and reproduction and in their stimulation of, and susceptibility to, host immune responses. worms transplanted from nih mouse donors at intervals after infection had an equal ability to survive in the recipient, even when taken from the donor shortly before or during th ... | 1979 | 471532 |
report 1977-1978 concerning trichinella spiralis studies in the netherlands. | 1979 | 473155 | |
influence of enteric parasitism on hormone-regulated pancreatic secretion in dogs. | the objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that enteric parasites affect pancreatic secretion in their host. pancreatic bicarbonate and protein outputs were studied in dogs with gastric and pancreatic fistulas to determine the secretory response to exogenously administered secretin and cholecystokinin and to intraduodenal stimulation with hydrochloric acid and sodium oleate to release endogenous hormones. bicarbonate and protein concentrations in pancreatic juice were measured prior ... | 1979 | 474796 |
trichinella spiralis: immunity and inflammation in the expulsion of transplanted adult worms from mice. | 1979 | 477820 | |
trichinella spiralis: an intracellular parasite in the intestinal phase. | trichinella spiralis has been examined by electron microscopy after fixation in situ in the intestine of mice. the worms lie within the cytoplasm of cells of the intestinal mucosa and may occupy both absorptive and goblet cells. they cause little damage to host cells. a few worms have been seen protruding from tissue by sem techniques. these unusual observations suggest that the nematodes may be capable of exit and reentry into the epithelium. | 1979 | 480074 |
the effect of the expulsion phase of trichinella spiralis on hymenolepis diminuta infection in rats. | the effect of the intestinal changes brought about by the expulsion of trichinella spiralis in rats was studied in relation to the growth and survival of a concurrent infection with hymenolepis diminuta, a cestode not normally rejected by the rat in low-level infections. growth of h. diminuta was stunted in rats given t. spiralis just before, or after, infection with h. diminuta, the stunting being more pronounced when the cestode was given closer to the period of inflammation. there was no loss ... | 1979 | 481909 |
[ultrastructural localization of cytoplasmic phosphatases in different developmental stages of trichinella spiralis. 3. localization of cytoplasmic phosphatases in the intestine of mature forms of trichinella spiralis]. | 1979 | 483810 | |
[problem of geographical species of trichinella spiralis and their biological characteristics]. | 1979 | 483821 | |
influence of parasitism on secretin-inhibited gastric secretion. | this study tested the hypothesis that the inhibitory action of secretin on gastrin-stimulated gastric acid and pepsin secretion is comprised in animals harboring intestinal stages of the parasite trichinella spiralis. pentagastrin-stimulated acid and pepsin secretion, and the influence of secretin on these processes, were measured in dogs prepared with gastric fistulas and heidenhain pouches. dogs were studied before and after infection with 10(4) t. spiralis larvae/kg body weight. gastric secre ... | 1979 | 484766 |
damage to trichinella spiralis newborn larvae by eosinophil major basic protein. | purified eosinophil major basic protein damaged newborn larvae of trichinella siralis when added to in vitro cultures. damaged larvae were stiffened, immobile, and showed a granular appearance by light microscopy. larvae in control cultures and in cultures containing equimolar concentrations of other basic proteins failed to exhibit such damage. | 1979 | 484767 |
cross-resistance between trichinella spiralis and angiostrongylus cantonensis in laboratory rats. | 1979 | 494711 | |
ultrastructural localization of cytoplasmic phosphatases in intestinal form of trichinella spiralis (nematoda). | 1979 | 495208 | |
eosinophils versus neutrophils in host defense. killing of newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis by human granulocytes in vitro. | eosinophil leukocytes have been reported to have a major role in host defense against invasive, migratory phases of helminth infestations, yet the relative larvicidal abilities of eosinophils and neutrophils have not been thoroughly examined. this study examined the killing of newborn (migratory phase) larvae of trichinella spiralis during incubation by human granulocytes in vitro. the assay employed cultue of larvae with cells, sera, and reagents in microtiter wells with direct counting of surv ... | 1979 | 500819 |
trichinella spiralis: comparison of stages in host intestine with those of an arctic trichinella sp. | 1979 | 510446 | |
oral immunization of mice with metabolic antigens of trichinella spiralis larvae: effects on the kinetics of intestinal cell response including mast cells and polymorphonuclear eosinophils. | 1979 | 512763 | |
intestinal phospholipase b activity in swine inoculated with trichinella spiralis. | trichinella spiralis was studied in outbred swine to determine whether infection would cause an increase in intestinal phospholipase b (ec activity and in number of peripheral eosinophils. intestinal phospholipase b activities increased and were accompanied by eosinophilia. the response was similar to that found in rodents infected with helminth parasites, thus demonstrating that phospholipase b is not unique to rodent models and is probably part of the complex immune response of the ho ... | 1979 | 525866 |
determination of the lethal dose of trichinella spiralis for germfree mice. | 1979 | 534952 | |
influence of trichinella spiralis infection on development of sarcoma-180 ascites tumors. | long-term infection of mice with trichinella spiralis has been shown to stimuate increased host protection aginst transplantable solid tumors. the present investionation was initiated to determine whether parasitized mice were similarly protected from induction and progression of an ascites tumor. icr/cd-1 mice were orally infected with 50, 100, 200, 300, or 400 t. spiralis larvae, and subsequently challenged intraperitoneally with 5 x 10(4) sarcoma-180 (s-180) ascites cells. animals were observ ... | 1979 | 538817 |
efficacy of avermectins against trichinella spiralis in mice. | 1979 | 541496 | |
studies on the isolation of the infective stages of trichinella spiralis and toxoplasma gondii from fresh and processed pork in egypt. | 1979 | 541599 | |
the influence of cyclophosphamide on immunity in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | 1979 | 543122 | |
report on trichinella spiralis in denmark (1977-1978). | 1979 | 543131 | |
report on trichinella spiralis status in greece. 1) epidemiologic data relating to trichinellosis in man, swine, other domestic and wild animals. | 1979 | 543137 | |
[the dynamics of the immunocytoadherence test with trichinella spiralis-antigen in the experimental rabbit trichinellosis (author's transl)]. | the authors analysed the dynamics of the immunozytoadherence test in experimental trichinellosis. the evaluation was carried out by mixing the lymphocytes of the infected rabbits with sheep erythrocytes encoated with antigen trichinella spiralis. in three groups of infected rabbits (group i - 15 000 larves per rabbit, group ii - 20 000 larves per rabbit, group iii - 30 000 larves per rabbit) the examinations were performed 3, 6, 10, 20, 47, 82, 110, 140, 170 and 230 days after infection. it was ... | 1979 | 543355 |
intestinal trichinella spiralis infection in germfree and conventiional mice treated with cyclophosphamide. | 1979 | 543975 | |
presence of trichinella spiralis in free-living red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in sweden related to trichinella infection in swine and man. | 1979 | 546215 | |
effects of immune serum and cells on newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis. | serum and cells, collected from mice immunized by infection either with newborn larvae (nbl) or per os with infective larvae of trichinella spiralis, were passively transferred to mice which were challenged with nbl. serum always gave very strong protection if given before challenge but not if given within 2 h after challenge. cells from mice immunized with nbl also gave good protection, whereas those from mice immunized per os did not. if nbl were incubated in serum from immunized mice their in ... | 1979 | 551376 |
altered intestinal fluid movement in response to trichinella spiralis in immunized rats. | net intestinal fluid movement was measured in immunized and non-immunized rats infected with the enteric stages of the nematode, trichinella spiralis. animals were studied 30 min, 5 days and 30 days after receiving infective larvae. net water movement across the mucosal surface of the gut was measured in vivo by perfusing a cannulated segment (approximately 30 cm) of proximal small intestine with an isotonic solution containing a nonabsorbable marker, 14c polyethylene glycol, at a rate of 0.5 ml ... | 1979 | 551380 |
arctic trichinosis: two alaskan outbreaks from walrus meat. | the arctic form of trichinella spiralis that infects terrestrial and marine mammals is of importance in public health because persons living in arctic regions still depend on wild animals for economic subsistence. in 1975, an extended common-source epidemic of trichinosis attributed to consumption of walrus meat involved 29 persons in barrow, alaska. of those persons eating this meat, 64% became ill, and the rate of infection of persons eating meat prepared with little or no cooking was four tim ... | 1979 | 571446 |