Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
oestrogen hypertension in rats. | 1. a large dose of oestrogen elevated the blood pressure in male westar rats. 2. plasma renin substrate and renin activity increased significantly but plasma renin concentration was unchanged. 3. the increase in blood pressure induced by oestrogen was significantly reduced by salt loading, plasma renin concentration was suppressed and the increase in plasma renin activity was reduced. 4. the increase in plasma renin activity induced by the increase of plasma renin substrate concentration may pla ... | 1975 | 1126135 |
determination of (plus or minus)-1, 2-bis(3, 5-dioxopiperazinyl) propane plasma levels in rats, rabbits, and humans by glc and mass fragmentography. | specific assay procedures were developed to measure plasma concentrations of (plus or minus)-1, 2-bis(3, 5-dioxopiperazinyl) propane (1) by glc using flame-ionization detection with a sensitivity limit of 5 mug/ml and by glc-mass fragmentography with a sensitivity limit of 0.2 mug/ml. applicability of the assay procedures was demonstrated in rats, rabbits, and humans. plasma concentration-time curves of total 14-c activity and intact i was obtained in rats and rabbits following oral and intraven ... | 1975 | 1133759 |
[yersinia enterocolitica endemic in tournaisis]. | 1975 | 1134170 | |
[the clinical significance of yersiniosis. i. results from 3 years of systematic studies on yersinia enterocolitica infections in the copenhagen area]. | 1975 | 1135958 | |
[the clinical significance of yersiniosis. ii. epidemiological studies on yersinia enterocolitica infections and results of the studies]. | 1975 | 1135959 | |
case report: fatal yersinia enterocolitica septicaemia. | yersinia enterocolitica type 3 was isolated in blood cultures from a previously healthy 81-year-old woman with fever. a high agglutinin titre against this organism was demonstrated in the patient's serum. antibiotic therapy was given according to sensitivity tests but the outcome was fatal due to uraemia. | 1975 | 1145138 |
case report: septicaemia due to yersinia enterocolitica in a non-compromised host. | a case of septicaemia due to yersinia enterocolitica serotype 3, biotype 4, in a non-compromised host is described. the patient showed severe signs of gram-negative septicaemia. treatment with sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim (bactrim) was unsuccessful in spite of full sensitivity, bactericidal and synergistic effects in vitro. tetracycline gave full restitution. | 1975 | 1145139 |
on the sugar content of the lipopolysaccharides of the various strains known as yersinia enterocolitica. | with a single exception among 11 strains, each strain of y. enterocolitica representing one of the six o-groups possesses, as judged by the sugar composition of its lipopolysaccharides, a particular chemotype. all 14 of the strains examined possessed glucosamine, kdo, two heptoses and glucose. in the most complicated chemotype 10 sugars were demonstrable. of three y. enterocolitica strains not included in the 6 o-groups, two had the same chemotype as the representatives of the o-groups iv and vi ... | 1975 | 1146443 |
effects of sodium acetylsalicylate on body temperature of monkeys under heat exposure. | exposure of taiwan monkeys to 38 degrees c ambient temperature caused: a) raised body temperature, b) restlessness and struggling, c) increased evaporative heat loss and d) increase in tail skin temperature. after the administration of sodium acetylsalicylate, 100 to 250 mg/kg intraperitoneally or 4 to 15 mg intracerebroventricularly (third ventricle) the same heat load caused: a) less increase in body temperature, b) no restlessness or struggling, c) an initially higher rate of evaporative heat ... | 1975 | 1151748 |
physiological identification of a morphological class of cat retinal ganglion cells. | 1. small selected patches of retina (approximately 1 mm2) were exhaustively searched electrophysiologically to identify every brisk-transient unit present. the patches were then marked by electrolytic lesions. 2. whole-mount preparations were made from which the distribution of alpha cells within and around the marked areas could be obtained. 3. a one-to-one correspondence could be demonstrated between brisk-transient units and alpha cells. 4. the correspondence was maintained within a patch of ... | 1975 | 1151804 |
proceedings: effects of histamine, 2-methylhistamine and 4-methylhistamine on blood pressure and vascular resistance in the cat. | 1975 | 1151865 | |
yersinia enterocolitica in small rodents from norway, sweden and finland. | the purpose of the present investigation was to study the occurrence of yersinia enterocolitica (y.e.) among small rodents and shrews (soricidae) from norway, sweden and finland. during a period of one year beginning in the autumn of 1973, animals from seven localities were examined. twenty-four strains of y.e. were isolated from 551 small rodents. isolations were made from six of the seven localities and from six of the nine small rodent species examined. pooled faeces samples from 397 animals ... | 1975 | 1155120 |
experience with yersinia enterocolitica at the hospital for sick children, 1972-74. | thirty-six cases of yersinia enterocolitica infection were detected in the years 1972-74. the form of the illness in young children was acute gastroenteritis and in older children "appendicular syndrome". improved isolation and identification techniques have increased the laboratory recognition of this enteric pathogen. | 1975 | 1156981 |
proceedings: fine structure of retinal arterioles in experimental hypertensive rats. | 1975 | 1160166 | |
[terminal ileitis caused by yersinia enterocolitica]. | 1975 | 1161590 | |
rheumatic fever and yersinia arthritis. criteria and diagnostic problems in a changing disease pattern. | a study of rheumatic fever (rf) in finland and sweden was carried out by examining (a) the patients with rf in two hospitals in helsinki, finland during the years 1969-72, (b) the case reports of rf patients in uppsals hospital region (uhr) in sweden during the years 1968-69. in helsinki there were 22 and 2n uhr 16 patients with an acceptably certain diagnosis of rf. of the five "major manifestations" according to jones' revised criteria (circulation, 32: 664, 1965), carditis and polyarthritis w ... | 1975 | 1166282 |
in vitro depression of cellular immunity by friend virus leukemic spleen cells. | 1975 | 1168547 | |
impaired hepatic release of triglycerides: a possible cause of acute alcoholic fatty liver in the rhesus monkey. | 1. the mechanism of development of acute alcoholic fatty liver in the rhesus monkey was investigated by studying the effect of triton wr-1339 on plasma triglycerides. 2. after ethanol infusion, the rise in plasma triglyceride produced by triton was greatly reduced and there was an accumulation of triglyceride in the liver. 3. thus findings suggest that acute alcoholic fatty liver in rhesus monkeys is probably due to a defect in the release of triglyceride from the liver. | 1975 | 1168560 |
culture of zollinger-ellison tumor cells. | we have successfully grown six zollinger-ellison tumors in vitro with use of a monlayer tissue culture technique. the initial gastrin concentration in the medium varied between 0 and 100 ng per ml. many cytoplasmic secretory granules were seen in the cells of one culture population. gastrin secretion was stimulated by the addition of fresh medium to the culture flasks. both the culture cells and the medium were found to contain primarily big gastrin (g-34) but smaller amounts of little gastrin ( ... | 1975 | 1168604 |
mass occurrence of yersinia enterocolitica in two establishments of collective care of children. | mass occurrence of intestinal disorders caused by yersinia enterocolitica simultaneously in two groups of children of under-school age is reported. the question of the source of infection and the routes of transfer are discussed and the various forms pointed out which y. e. infection may take in under-school children within the framework of an epidemic occurrence in a group of children. the fact is emphasized that the results of serological examination using the method of indirect haemagglutinat ... | 1975 | 1168669 |
[fertility problems caused by infectious agents pigs in the netherlands(author's transl)]. | the concept of fertility problems is defined in the introduction and their economic importance in pig breeding are pointed out. the infectious causes of the problem are reviewed. infections with l. tarassovi and with aujezky's virus regularly lead to practically endemic abortions; brucella suis and swine-plague infections do so sporadically. the smedi syndrom is considered. the clinical symptoms, diagnosis, epizootiology, and the therapeutical and prophylactic measures of these infections are di ... | 1975 | 1172635 |
time-dependent changes in commissural field potentials in the dentate gyrus following lesions of the entorhinal cortex in adult rats. | previous neuroanatomical work has shown that lesions of the entorhinal cortex in adult rats cause the commissural projections to spread from their normally restricted locus in the inner molecular layer approximately 40-50 mum into the outer molecular layer (that is, into the zone deafferented by the lesion). in the present study we measured the effects of the entorhinal lesion on the distribution of short-latency potentials elicited by commissural stimulation in the molecular layer. studies with ... | 1975 | 1175043 |
motility-indole-lysine medium for presumptive identification of enteric pathogens of enterobacteriaceae. | detection of lysine decarboxylase activity is a useful supplement to reactions on triple sugar-iron (tsi) and urea agars in the initial examination of suspected pathogenic isolates from fecal cultures. owing to the added value of motility and indole production in the differentiation of enteric pathogens, we prepared and evaluated a motility-indole-lysine (mil) medium. the following 890 organisms were tested: 264 shigella, 2 edwardsiella, 182 salmonella enteritidis, 235 s. typhi, 3 arizona, 32 ye ... | 1975 | 1176632 |
arthritis associated with yersinia enterocolitica infections. | 74 patients, 42 females, 32 men-all over 10 years of age, with acute arthritis associated with infection with yersinia enterocolitica are presented. the diagnosis was based on serological evidence in all cases (an agglutinin titre of 320 or more), and in 18 of the cases also a positive culture of y. ent. from faeces. the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was very high in most cases. acute enteritis, sometimes with abdominal pain, preceded the acute arthritis with a latent period of about 1-14 days. ... | 1975 | 1179174 |
[epidemics of yersinia enterocolitica infections]. | 1975 | 1179383 | |
human serum antibodies against heat-stable antigens from yersinia enterocolitica. | human sera, 200 from blood donors and five from patients with infection caused by yersinia enterocolitica serotype 3 (y.e. 3), were tested by indirect haemagglutination for antibodies against antigens from y.e. serotypes 3 and 9. erythrocytes were sensitized using extracts prepared by heating of the bacteria at 100 degrees c for 60 min. all sera tested showed antibody activity against antigen from both y.e. serotypes. in blood donors, the titres ranged from 4 to 512, and in patients from 512 to ... | 1975 | 1180060 |
[occlusion of the renal artery by intra-arterial injection of thrombin in a case of inoperable renal tumour (author's transl)]. | in a 53-year-old man with an inoperable metastasizing renal carcinoma embolic occlusion of the renal circulation was achieved by injection of thrombin (600 nih units) through a balloon catheter into the renal artery. with short-term administration of analgesics and under anti-biotic cover the post-embolic course ran without complications. the general condition of the patient is good and macrohaematuria had, at the time of the report, not recurred for two months. | 1975 | 1183357 |
[similarity of the x-ray picture of enteritis caused by yersinia enterocolitica and regional enteritis]. | 1975 | 1189249 | |
kinetic measurement of t4 following column chromatography. | a kinetic measurement of the eluates from the column purification of t4 is described. the choice of cation exchange chromatography to reduce interfering x-ray contrast substances, and the influence of protein in the reaction have been evaluated. data for precision, inter and intra assay reproducibility, detection limit and normal values are reported. using sample volumes of 0.5 ml and an analysis time of one minute, the proposed method compares favourably with published methods. | 1975 | 1189526 |
rheumatic fever in adult patients. | a study of rheumatic fever in adult patients (diagnosed according to the jones revised criteria; circulation 36: 664, 1965) was performed by examining 26 patients during the acute phase of the disease, and by re-examining 22 of them from 6 months to 64 months later (mean 33 months). polyarthritis and carditis were the most common major manifestations. 23 patients had polyarthritis and 3 monoarthritis. 18 patients had signs of acute cardiac involvement. carditis appeared to be rather benign: at t ... | 1975 | 1190707 |
comparative in vivo distribution of opiate agonists and antagonists by means of double isotope techniques. | 1975 | 1196002 | |
brain 2-phenylethylamine as a major mediator for the central actions of amphetamine and methylphenidate. | 1975 | 1196013 | |
distribution of cholesteryl esters and other lipids in subcellular fractions of the adrenal gland of the pig. | total lipids from whole pig adrenal glands as well as from their mitochondria, microsomes, liposomes, and cell sap were extracted and fractionated first into neutral lipids and phospholipids. the highest percentage of neutral lipids was found in the cell sap, and the lowest in the microsomal fraction. neutral lipids were subfractionated into cholesteryl esters, free cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acids. cholesteryl esters were distributed throughout the liposomes. free fatty acids re ... | 1975 | 1196020 |
pharmacological investigations on elaeocarpus ganitrus. | 1975 | 1197422 | |
the functional consequences of colectomy. | the colon plays a decisive role in salt and water conservation in the intact human, normally removing from the terminal intestine approximately one liter of isotonic fluid that escapes small bowel absorption. the primary purpose of this colon function is probably to prevent extracellular fluid volume depletion and only incidentally to produce a normal solid stool. the patient with an ileostomy can partly adapt to replace the absorptive capacity lost after colectomy but is still vulnerable if sal ... | 1975 | 1200267 |
ultrastructural studies of the bone marrow in sickle cell anaemia. ii. the morphology of erythropoietic cells and their response to deoxygenation in vitro. | electron microscopic studies of bone marrow aspirates obtained from patients with homozygous sickle cell anaemia (hbss) were fixed immediately without attempts to deoxygenate the samples. erythroblasts and normoblasts in these preparations were devoid of haemoglobin polymers or other indications of sickling. furthermore, the nucleated erythroid cells from sickle-cell patients presented an ultrastructural morphology indistinguishable from that of identically-processed erythroid cells in marrow sa ... | 1975 | 1201249 |
some observations on the possible nutritional significance of vitamin b12-and folate-binding proteins in milk. absorption of [58co]cyanocobalamin by suckling piglets. | 1. a study was made of absorption of [58co]cyanocobalamin in suckling piglets. cyanocobalamin given at birth and at 7 d of age was efficiently absorbed from the intestine and retained within the body, mostly in the liver. a 10 mug test dose was absorbed no less efficiently than 2-5 mug, despite the virtual absence of intrinsic factor in the gut. in piglets given a 10 mug test dose at different ages between 2-5 and 56 d, there was a marked decrease in the efficiency of retention between about 7 a ... | 1975 | 1201270 |
animal model of human disease. yersinia enteritis. animal model: oral yersinia enterocolitica infection of mice. | 1975 | 1211427 | |
[purification of potato virus x]. | 1975 | 1214646 | |
[experimental pathogenicity of "yersinia enterocolitica" for athymic nude mice (author's transl)]. | amongst the 4,500 strains of our collection of yersinia enterocolitica usually non-pathogenic for laboratory animals, 5 or 6 strains appeared to be naturally pathogenic for mice. using these strains and non-pathogenic strains representing more than 90 per cent of human isolates in the world (biotype 4, serotype 0:3, phagocyte viii; biotype 2, serotype 0:9, phagotype x3), the pathogenicity for cyclophosphamid treated mice and athymic nude mice has been tested. highly pathogenic strains killed con ... | 1975 | 1217786 |
erythema nodosum from yersinia enterocolitica. | 1975 | 1220819 | |
[sensitivity of yersinia enterocolitica to antibiotics]. | sensitivity of 33 foreign and 10 native strains of y. enterocolitica to tetracycline, aminoglycosides, penicillins, levomycetin and polymyxin was studied. all the strains proved to be resistant to penicillin, oxacillin and ampicillin: they produced penicillinase. the level of resistance to penicillin did not always correlate with penicillin activity. the ability of the native strains to acquire r-factor in vitro from coli bacteria was shown. | 1975 | 1225176 |
[changes of the inner ear in experimental stapedectomy]. | 1975 | 1230953 | |
[zoonoses in veterinary practice. 3. chlamydial, rickettsial and fungal infections]. | 1975 | 1231047 | |
[effusions in the dog. 1. clinico-diagnostic study with special reference to the cytology of the fluid]. | 1975 | 1231052 | |
wound healing in x-irradiated mammalian skin. | certain parameters of wound healing were investigated in mouse skin given 950 rads and 3325 rads of x-irradiation at various times relative to wounding. increased inflammation, delayed dermal regeneration, and delayed contraction were noted in all irradiated groups. the activation of surrounding hair follicles, a process that usually accompanies wounding in mouse skin, occurred earlier, over a shorter elapsed time, and over a greater area of skin in animals irradiated prior to wounding than in t ... | 1975 | 1231061 |
[progressive polyploidy in mouse liver following repeated hepatectomy]. | mouse liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy results in sharp changes of ploidy classes towards the increase of high ploidy cells and the decrease low ploidy ones. these changes retain during three months. each following partial hepatectomy (till 3 times) intensifies the hepatocyte polyploidy with appearance of cells with 32--64 ploidy nuclei. the cell polyploidization stimulated by repeated regenerations is similar to that observed in normal postnatal liver growth. | 1975 | 1231096 |
yersinia enterocolitica as a causative agent of septicaemia. | the authors describe the first case of isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from blood in a septic infection in czechoslovakia. they also isolated a strain of y. enterocolitica from an inguinal tumour in the same patient. both strains belonged to biotype 4, serotype 0:3 and phagotype 8 and were non-pathogenic for guinea pigs and hares. | 1975 | 1236885 |
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from cow's intestinal contents and beef meat. | 1975 | 1237057 | |
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from some animals and meats. | 1975 | 1237747 | |
[determination of human placental lactogen in the blood of pregnant women by rcc-hpl-ria kit--experimental studies]. | 1975 | 1240044 | |
[r factor of yersinia enterocolitica. streptomycin (sm) and tetracycline (tc) resistance factor]. | 1975 | 1240229 | |
[yersinia enterocolitica (author's transl)]. | 1975 | 1240296 | |
the serological relationship between brucella spp., yersinia enterocolitica serotype ix and salmonella serotypes of kauffmann-white group n. | the serological relationship between brucella spp., yersinia enterocolitica ix, and the group n salmonella serotypes s. godesberg, s. landau, s. morehead, s. neusdorf, s. soerenga and s. urbana was examined using agglutination, antiglobulin, complement fixation, immunodiffusion and fluorescent antibody methods. antisera to the group n salmonella serotypes all reacted to significant titres in agglutination and complement fixation, but not antiglobulin or immunodiffusion tests with smooth brucella ... | 1975 | 807618 |
[proceedings: symptamatology of yersinia enterocolitica infections and their significance in human medicine]. | 1975 | 807822 | |
[nitrofurantoin-test for the differentiation of bordetella bronchiseptica (author's transl)]. | bordetella bronchiseptica is primarily resistant against nitrofurantoin (mic greater than 200 mug/ml), and this feature can be used for the differentiation of the organism from other gram-negative coccobacteria. nitrofurantoin paper disks (300 mug) failed to affect the growth of 150 strains of b. bronchiseptica isolated from different animal hosts, but they produced marked inhibition zones in the cultures of the followingspecies: pasteurella multocida, pasteurella pneumotropica, pasteurella haem ... | 1975 | 809944 |
differentiation of cross-reacting antibodies against brucella abortus and yersinia enterocolitica by electroimmuno assay. | 1975 | 810011 | |
stimulation of protective immunity to salmonella kauffmann-white group n serotypes by brucella abortus and yersinia enterocolitica antigens. | 1975 | 811321 | |
[bacteriology, ecology and infections of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. | 1975 | 811825 | |
[pathogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica: a comparison with y. pseudotuberculosis]. | 1975 | 765539 | |
[the nature of nuclear enlargement in urethane and isoprotenol-stimulated salivary glands (author's transl)]. | 1975 | 1073694 | |
the action of ethanol upon the action potential and contraction of ventricular muscle. | isolated isometric ventricular muscle of frogs and cats was studied. perfusing solutions were played directly on the muscle to permit rapid exchange of the extracellular space. developed force and maximal rate of rise of force were measured in all studies and action potentials (ap) were recorded in some. for both species low concentrations of ethanol (75 degrees mg/l) potentiate contraction. higher concentrations ( greater than or equal to 750 mg/l) depress contraction progressively with increa ... | 1975 | 1081255 |
[the acute vestibular paralysis (author's transl)]. | acute vestibular paralysis may not be considered as a nosologic entity but as a syndrome. symptomatology (vertigo, spontaneous and provoked vestibular nystagmus, absence of cochlear signs) shows an uniform picture. the results of the caloric test as well as the nystagmic responses induced by galvanic stimulation and the development of central vestibular compensation however indicate that the site of the lesion is not only confined to the labyrinth but may also occur at the level of the periphera ... | 1975 | 1081389 |
distribution of beta-lactamases a and b in some groups of yersinia enterocolitica and their role in resistance. | yersinia enterocolitica w222 (serological group 3) synthesized two different intracellular beta-lactamases, called a and b. enzyme b was more sensitive than a to inhibition by cloxacillin. the minimum inhibitory concentrations of various beta-lactam antibiotics for strains of y. enterocolitica of groups 3 and 9 and the effect of cloxacillin on these concentrations suggested differential roles for beta-lactamases of types a and b in penicillin and cephalosporin resistance. type b enzymes protecte ... | 1975 | 1043914 |
distribution of beta-lactamases a and b in some groups of yersinia enterocolitica and their role in resistance. | yersinia enterocolitica w222 (serological group 3) synthesized two different intracellular beta-lactamases, called a and b. enzyme b was more sensitive than a to inhibition by cloxacillin. the minimum inhibitory concentrations of various beta-lactam antibiotics for strains of y. enterocolitica of groups 3 and 9 and the effect of cloxacillin on these concentrations suggested differential roles for beta-lactamases of types a anb b in penicillin and cephalosporin resistance. type b enzymes protecte ... | 1975 | 1043915 |
[intestinal yersiniasis in the far east. the sensitivity and cross resistance to antibiotics of yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated in the maritime territory]. | the author studied 121 strains of yersinia enterocolitica isolated in the ptimorye territory. it was found that by their sensitivity to antibiotics the strains did not differ from the analogues abroad strains: they were highly sensitive to tetracycline, streptomycin, kanamycin, neomycin and monomycin (mic 1.25 to 0.6 gamma/ml or units/ml), less sensitive to oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, levomycetin, oletetrine and gramicidine (mic 10-5 gamma/ml), highly resistant to penicillin (mic 100-50 ... | 1975 | 779627 |
roentgeno-oddities. | 1975 | 275230 | |
[basis for satisfactory periodontal therapy]. | 1975 | 275207 | |
[accidental ingestion of halothane]. | 1975 | 2130237 | |
[nonocclusive intestinal necrosis after the successful veno-arterial bypass]. | a 52-year-old male suffered from acute viral myocarditis with severe cardiogenic shock. on his admission, he underwent the inotropic and iabp supports, and subsequently was treated effectively by v-a bypass, which was continued for 35 hours. but he died in the period of 69 hours after v-a bypass from extended bowel necrosis and septic shock. the small and large intestinal mucosal necrosis, hemorrhagic hepatic necrosis and acute tubular necrosis were confirmed at necropsy. it is well known that t ... | 1975 | 1956143 |
differing viewpoints? licensure...auxiliary utilization...examination format...can the dentist members and the public members agree? an interview with edward j. becker, dds, board president. | 1975 | 274179 | |
indirect immunofluorescence staining of human thyroid by antibodies occurring in yersinia enterocolitica infections. | in the diagnostic routine for tissue antibodies, using indirect immunofluorescence on cryostat sections of human thyrotoxic thyroid, rat stomach and kidney, ninety-six out of 48,388 sera showed a marginal staining of the membrane region of thyroid epithelial cells but no other reaction. twenty-six of these sera were from patients with acute yersinia enterocolitica serotype 3 infection but without signs of thyroid disease. fifty of sixty-three sera with agglutinins against y. enterocolitica serot ... | 1976 | 780011 |
yersinia enterocolitica infection in patients with acute surgical abdominal disease. a prospective study. | the rate of yersiniosis in patients with acute abdominal disease was studied in a 16-month prospective investigation in 1972-1973 of 205 acutely ill patients referred to a surgical clinic of a copenhagen city hospital with complaints of abdominal pain suggestive of appendicitis. yersinia enterocolitica, biotype 4, was isolated from 11 patients (5.4%), 8 of whom were children. yersinia was grown from faeces in 8 cases and from appendix of all 9 patients operated upon. rising or falling agglutinin ... | 1976 | 788144 |
[drug sensitivity of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. | drug-sensitivity of 70 strains of y. enterocolitica and 24 of y. pseudotuberculosis including reference strains and isolates from men or animals were determined by the agar plate-dilution method. all the strains of y. enterocolitica were relatively resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins, while all of y. pseudotuberculosis were sensitive to both of the agents. most of the strains of both species excluding 13 resistant ones were sensitive to streptomycin. the resistant strains, however, were ... | 1976 | 1047115 |
homologous inhibitors from potato tubers of serine endopeptidases and metallocarboxypeptidases. | a potent polypeptide inhibitor of chymotrypsin has been purified from russett burbank potatoes. the inhibitor has no effect on bovine carboxypeptidases a or b but exhibits homology with a carboxypeptidase inhibitor that is also present in potato tubers. the chymotrypsin inhibitor has a molecular weight of approximately 5400 as estimated by gel filtration, amino acid analysis, and titration with chymotrypsin. the polypeptide chain consists of 49 amino acid residues, of which six are half-cystine, ... | 1976 | 1064864 |
treatment of spontaneous leukemia in akr mice with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or interferon. | akr mice are genetically destined to develop gross (rna) virus-induced lymphatic leukemia. leukemic akr mice treated with combination vincristine, cyclophosphamide (cytoxan), and 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(trans-4-methylcyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea sustained a 180% increase of life-span. combination chemotherapy plus immunization with neuraminidase-treated allogeneic (gross virus-induced) g2g leukemic cells intradermally resulted in 35% of animals surviving beyond 150 days without evidence of the disease ... | 1976 | 1082796 |
[influence of substances that change the serotonin level of the brain on the analgesic effect of promedol in rats]. | in tests with determination of pain reaction in rats registered by their squeak and arising in reponse to a single electric irritation of the tail evidence was obtained to the effect that substances both lowering the serotonin content in the brain (p-chlorphenylalanine, reserpine) and raising it (5-oxytryptophan, pargilin) cause a fall of the threshold, viz. 5-oxytryptophan and pargilin display antagonism to the analgetic effect of trimeperidine hydrochloride, whereas p-chlorphenylalanine, and i ... | 1976 | 1082823 |
hapten specific ige antibody responses in mice. v. differential resistance of ige and igg b lymphocytes to x-irradiation. | the studies presented in this paper were undertaken to determine whether ige- and igg-producing murine b lymphocytes could be distinguished by differential resistance to x-irradiation in vivo. sensitivity or resistance of b lymphocytes to various doses of x-irradiation was monitored by measuring the production by irradiated cells of hapten-specific igg and ige antibody. the results indicate that both primed and unprimed igg b lymphocytes are less radioresistant than corresponding ige b lymphocyt ... | 1976 | 1087320 |
nystagmic modulation of neuronal activity in rabbit cerebellar flocculus. | 1. the responses of neuronal elements in the flocculus of the awake, restrained rabbit were recorded during horizontal vestibular nystagmus in the dark. 2. purkinje cells showed both vestibular (types i and ii) and eye movement modulation of simple spike activity. type i purkinje cells most commonly were inhibited in association with the ipsilaterally directed fast phase of nystagmus and excited during contralaterally directed fast phases. type ii purkinje cells had a similar modulation but in t ... | 1976 | 1087403 |
autoimmune thyroiditis in t-cell-depleted rats. | 1976 | 1087417 | |
yersinia enterocolitica : a review of its role in food hygiene. | since yersinia enterocolitica, now classified as a member of the enterobacteriaceae, was recognized as a distinct species in 1964 it has been isolated with increasing frequency from man and animals (including dogs and pigs) and from some human foods. y. enterocolitica infections are now seen as a cause for some concern in both human and veterinary medicine. the organism is commonly found in specimens from swine slaughterhouses and has been isolated from samples of market meat, vacuum-packed beef ... | 1976 | 1087589 |
isolation and characterization of yersinia enterocolitica. | 1976 | 1087695 | |
letter: incidence of yersinia enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis infections in canada; 1975 semiannual report. | 1976 | 766935 | |
yersinia enterocolitica infections in children. | 1976 | 932907 | |
examination of the envelope antigen k1 in yersinia enterocolitica which was identified as fimbriae. | the envelope antigen k1 found in the majority of yersinia enterocolica (y. ent.) strains belonging to the o group 10 as described by wauters, was re-examined under the electron microscope, and identified as being fimbriae. these fimbriae envelop the bacterial cell with a dense fringe. single filaments show a width of 2.5 to 1.7 nm whilst their length is variable, often many times the size of the bacterial cell. fimbriated y. ent. cultures do not form pellicle, and the haemagglutination test is n ... | 1976 | 936830 |
yersinia enterocolitica ileocolitis findings observed on barium examination. | 1976 | 938838 | |
[a case of acute terminal ileitis due to yersinia enterocolitica infection (author's transl)]. | 1976 | 943626 | |
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from a dog with chronic enteritis: a case report. | 1976 | 952255 | |
properties of pgc1, a lac plasmid orginating in yersinia enterocolitica 842. | pgc1, a self-transmissible lac plasmid that originated in yersinia enterocolitica 842, is described. this plasmid is freely transmissible between strains of y. enterocolitica and from such strains to strains of escherichia coli. the plasmid can also be transferref among g. coli strains and back to y. enterocolitica, although at a greatly reduced frequency. pgc1 has a molecular weight of about 33.0 x 10(6), has a base composition of about 44 mol% guanine plus cytosine, and is fi-. | 1976 | 956120 |
[yersinia enterocolitica in acute appendicitis, lymphadenitis mesenterialis and regional enteritis (author's transl)]. | in 895 patients operated on for acute appendicitis we found yersinia enterocolitica in 41 cases. another two cases were detected in postoperative serological examinations. lymphadenitis mesenterialis was present in 17 cases during operation. once we detected a regional enteritis. histological examination of the appendix revealed a purulent inflammation in 21 cases and a phlegmonous-gangrenous inflammation in 4 cases. the other 18 patients suffered from oxyuriasis, coprostasis or scars of the app ... | 1976 | 961157 |
yersinia enterocolitica isolates from humans in california, 1968-1975. | this paper reports on the serological and biochemical characteristics of 24 human isolates of yersinia enterocolitica submitted to the california department of health from 1968 through 1975. nine different serotypes were represented. the majority of strains were serotype o:8 (six strains) and serotype o:5 (five strains). sources of the isolates included feces (12 cases), blood (3), sputum or throat (3), bile or bowel drainage (2), wounds (2), breast abscess (1), and skin abscess (1). clinical hi ... | 1976 | 965477 |
[acute enterocolitis caused by yersinia enterocolitica]. | 1976 | 968263 | |
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from danish swine and dogs. | seventeen strains of yersinia enterocolitica were isolated on examination of the caecal contents from 100 bacon pigs at slaughter. in another material consisting of 222 pigs with various diseases, the bacterium was found in 12 cases. three out of 40 dogs were positive for the bacterium. seven of the porcine and one of the canine strains belonged to serotype o 3, which is a human pathogen. | 1976 | 970137 |
a five-year survey of human yersinia enterocolitica infections in hungary. | human infections associated with yersinia enterocolitica in hungary in the years 1969-1974 have been surveyed. during this period the public health laboratory network isolated 1355 strains from 1096 persons. the number of isolates according to sero-groups was: 1343 o3, 6 o9, 2 o1, 2a, 3 and 1 strain for o5, o6, o1o and o15 each. (ii) a total of 2192 serum specimens from patients gave positive agglutination reaction with antigen o3 in 26.8%, with antigen o9 in 3.2%. (iii) fifty-six per cent of ba ... | 1976 | 970232 |
[experimental infection of axenic mice by "yersinia enterocolitica" (author's transl)]. | although most of yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated from man have no pathogenicity for laboratory animals, it has been demonstrated that some strains are pathogenic for conventional mice and that most of the strains are probably pathogenic for nude mice. the authors report the results of the infection of germ-free mice with a strain of y. enterocolitica which is non pathogenic for holoxenic mice. it appears that c3h/he mice are sensitive to the infection by gavage or aerogenic and peritone ... | 1976 | 970831 |
[roentgenologic picture of infections caused by yersinia enterocolitica (author's transl)]. | 1976 | 974835 | |
[yersinia arthritis (author's transl)]. | yersinia arthritis is an acute oligo- or, more rarely, polyarthritis. it occurs after pyrexic diarrhoea of several days, often associated with right-sided lower abdominal pain. the disease is caused by yersinia enterocolitica and four such cases, confirmed serologically in three, are described. in one case fluid from the knee-joint was antibody-positive. it was not possible to culture the causative organism, probably because all patients had previously been treated with an antibiotic. rheumatic ... | 1976 | 976116 |
yersinia enterocolitica infection in a 4-month-old infant associated with infection in household dogs. | 1976 | 978324 | |
biological activities of endotoxins from yersinia enterocolitica. | the chemical properties and the general biological activities of lipopolysaccharide (lps) and boivin-type endotoxin obtained respectively by phenol-water and trichloroacetic acid extraction from yersinia enterocolitica serotypes o3 and o9 were studied. the yield of lps from the o9 strain was about 10% of the o3 strain possibly because of the lower solubility of o9-lps in aqueous phase. however, the chemical composition of o9-lps was similar to that of o3-lps in the proportions of reducing sugar, ... | 1976 | 978837 |
[joint manifestations of yersinia enterocolitica infections]. | different recent studies, notably scandinavian studies, have described a "rheumatism" caused by yersinia enterocolitica infection. the picture usually seen is that of a subacute, febrile oligoarthritis predominantly in the lower limbs, associated with diarrhoea and hyperleucocytosis, polynucleosis, and a marked increase in the sedimentation rate. benign carditis may also be associated. the diagnosis rests on the discovery of the organism by coproculture and on serodiagnosis. evolution is favoura ... | 1976 | 981921 |