
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
the nature, amount and ethical content of clinical research in a non-teaching area. 19827134375
holidays, ozone and skin cancer. skin cancer in bristol--a comparison of theory with observation.the estimates of a dose-response model for human skin cancer (non-melanotic) incidence have been compared with the observed records for the bristol area over the period 1952--1972. in general the model appears to respond more slowly than the real population. the trend of the model expectations agrees qualitatively with the observed data and correlation of annual incidences, although negligible in the first decade, is very good in the second (corr. factor = 0.74). the results indicate that an inc ...19827165367
numerical forecasting of epidemics of influenza in great britain and northern ireland.examination of the weekly incidence data collected by the research unit of the royal college of general practitioners in england, wales, scotland and northern ireland, shows that, for influenza, the highest weekly total and the rate of decrease from such a peak over the next 4 weeks are highly correlated with the mean rate of weekly increase over the period 7 weeks before to 3 weeks before the peak week. analysis of the mean rate of increase over 4-week periods of the incidence of the febrile co ...19827167664
squamous metaplasia of the human larynx: the influence of sex and area of residence in the non-smoking population. 19827172468
strontium-90 in bone: a case study in age-dependent dosimetric modeling.there is an increasing need for age-dependent dosimetric models, and it would be desirable to develop these models in such a way that the uniformity and basic features of the standard man models are retained. unfortunately, available data concerning the age-dependent retention of nuclides would rarely permit the identification of compartments, uptake fractions, and clearance times using the empirical fitting methods that characterize the development of many adult models. however, in cases where ...19827174326
sir thomas browne: the man and the physician. 19826805806
'elephant man' had more than neurofibromatosis. 19826809971
the descent of man and the ascent of the darwins. 19826815058
bacteriological survey of tuberculous lymphadenitis in south-east england: 1973-80.during the eight years 1973-80 the public health laboratory service regional centre for tuberculosis bacteriology received cultures of mycobacteria from 2339 patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis. of these, 2272 were m tuberculosis (2207 human and 65 bovine strains) and 67 were other mycobacterial species, usually m avium and its intracellulare variant. disease due to the human strains of m tuberculosis occurred most often in young women of asian ethnic origin. many bovine strains isolated fro ...19826815295
more on the elephant man. 19826817639
career paths of graduates of a degree-linked nursing course.the aim of this study was to follow the career development of all 103 former students of the bsc (hons) degree in human biology at the university of surrey who also took the nursing option leading to qualification as srn, at st george's school of nursing, london. these individuals qualified between 1970 and 1980. a postal questionnaire was used and a 97% response was obtained. the employment of each respondent was recorded at various time intervals after qualification and categorized to facilita ...19826922879
physician crimes and criminals. the historical and forensic aspects.the physician, like any other human being, is subject to emotional problems, greed, jealousy, and instability of an individual under stress as well as mental disease which may all bring out improper behavior or criminal activity. over the last two centuries, there have been instances where physicians have committed deliberate acts of murder on wives, relatives, patients, and others. their motivation has ranged from ridding themselves of a nagging wife or for insurance and inheritance gains to in ...19826756126
inaugural william gissane lecture: man and memorial. 19826759398
15/17 chromosome translocation in acute promyelocytic leukemia. 19826953995
yersinia enterocolitica biotype i. diarrhoea and episodes of hla b27 related ocular and rheumatic inflammatory disease in south-east england.yersinia enterocolitica biotype i were isolated from faeces of 16% of 56 consecutive patients with diarrhoea or gastrointestinal symptoms and 2.8% of 109 healthy controls (p less than 0.01). similar yersinia biotypes were isolated from 4% of samples from 86 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 4.5% of samples from 140 ankylosing spondylitis patients examined regularly over an 8-month period. these results suggest that yersinia enterocolitica biotype i are regular but infrequent inhabitants of the h ...19826981842
harvey's 1651 perfusion of the pulmonary circulation of man. 19827030515
the role of law in protecting the child. a critique of the english system.we have undertaken a critical appraisal of the current english system of law regulating: (1) provision of services designed to prevent children coming into care of local authorities, which are the authorised agencies for dealing with children who are abused or neglected. (2) ways of receiving children into care and also ways of terminating care orders. we question whether, and under what circumstances, care orders are really necessary. (3) periodic reviews of children in care. we are critical of ...19826892286
the arms race.a conference entitled "the arms race: etiology, prognosis, treatment" was held in london on 23 jan l982 under the joint sponsorship of the medical association for prevention of war and the medical campaign against nuclear weapons. brief summaries of the presentations of several participants are provided.198211644222
preparing for the new hospital in maidstone: the human side of commissioning activities. 198210255965
threat of nuclear war.a brief report is provided on recent actions by groups of physicians concerned with the danger of nuclear war. activities described include motions presented at a july meeting of the british medical association, a july conference in london organized by the medical campaign against nuclear weapons, the world assembly for peace and life meeting held in prague in june, and an address to london pediatricians in june by a representative of physicians for social responsibility.198311644261
consent in clinical trials: will verbal assent suffice?at the suggestion of its research ethics committee, one of britain's leading teaching hospitals is proposing to let cancer patients give oral consent to participation in clinical trials. the patients would be given a "sensitive" verbal explanation of the trial and a written copy of the oral explanation. the regional health authority is balking at the proposal, however, recommending instead that patients give written consent following a verbal description of the proposed trial.198311649445
analysis of all new cases seen in a busy regional centre ophthalmic casualty department during 24-week period.a prospective study to record numerical data pertaining to diagnosis, aetiology, modes of referral and disposal of all new cases presenting to a busy city-centre ophthalmic casualty department was carried out between february and july 1981. no restrictions of access were imposed on individuals seeking medical advice. of the 10 575 patient visits, 7113 were classified as new cases, of which 45% were traumatic in origin, 35% the result of inflammatory processes and 6% of an iatrogenic nature; many ...19836601713
comparison of haematological indices between women of four ethnic groups and the effect of oral contraceptives.six-hundred-and-eighty-two women volunteers from four ethnic groups--black, indian, oriental and white took part in a study to assess differences in haematological indices between the groups. this study was part of a broad investigation into the metabolic effects of oral contraceptives. the effect of the oral contraceptive (oc) on haematological indices was analysed but not found to be significant. the haemoglobin concentrations were lower than normal laboratory reference values for white subjec ...19836826774
pneumoconiosis in cornish china clay workers.a radiological survey of men employed in the china clay industry in cornwall was carried out in 1977. each man completed a short questionnaire on respiratory symptoms and smoking habits, his occupational history was determined, and his forced expiratory volume and vital capacity were measured. the radiographs were read independently by three observers, using the 1980 ilo classification. of the 1728 men in the study, 23 had had dust exposure elsewhere, mostly in tin mining, and were excluded. rea ...19836830708
some immunological studies on coalworkers with and without pneumoconiosis.this work formed part of a series of studies devised to investigate immunological markers which it was considered might reflect individual susceptibility to the development of coalworkers' pneumoconiosis and especially progressive massive fibrosis. estimations of t and b lymphocytes and white blood cell counts (wbcc) were performed on blood samples from 324 coalworkers grouped according to radiographic category of pneumoconiosis, age, and smoking habits. a subgroup of 43 men was further screened ...19836846341
abo genes are differentially distributed in socio-economic groups in direct evidence is available concerning what average genetic differences, if any, characterize the segments of socially stratified human populations, although theoretical considerations suggest that genetic differentiation within such populations is to be expected. we have now analysed two large samples of data from blood donors in england to test whether the distributions of the abo and rhesus blood group phenotypes are random with respect to socio-economic groups as determined by occupation ...19836855897
adenovirus serotypes isolated from ocular infections in london.during the period 1973-8 700 adenoviruses were isolated from the eyes of patients presenting at moorfields eye hospital. of these, 678 were serotyped by a neutralisation test. twenty-one different serotypes were identified. serotype 3, 7, and 10 accounted for 68% of the isolates, 4, 8, 15 (15/29), and 19 for 25%, and the other 14 serotypes for 7%. community outbreaks of ocular infections by adenovirus 3, 4, 7, 10, and 15 (15/29) were observed. outbreaks with adenovirus 3, 7, and 10 appeared to c ...19836295436
acute type a, b, and non-a, non-b hepatitis in a hospital population in london: clinical and epidemiological features.the aetiology of acute viral hepatitis in 172 patients admitted to an infectious diseases hospital in north london was: hepatitis a in 88 (51%), hepatitis b in 58 (34%), epstein-barr (eb) virus in four (2%) and non-a, non-b in 22 (13%). nanb hepatitis was a milder disease than that associated with the other viruses. it predominantly occurred in young men (77%). in half of the cases there was evidence of parenteral transmission. it was not transmitted by sexual contact.19836303917
epidemiology of coronavirus respiratory infections.human coronaviruses were found by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay in upper respiratory tract secretions taken during 30% of 108 acute respiratory infections experienced by 30 children under age 6 years with recurrent respiratory infections (index group), and during 29% of 51 acute infections experienced by their siblings. lower respiratory tract infection--predominantly wheezy bronchitis--occurred in 30% of the index children's coronavirus positive infections but in none of their siblings' inf ...19836307189
antibodies to fastidious faecal adenoviruses (species 40 and 41) in sera from children.three hundred and seventy-seven single sera from children in the united kingdom, hong kong, new zealand, gambia, guatemala, and kuwait were tested for antibodies to fastidious fecal adenoviruses (species 40 and 41) by neutralisation test using a variant of ad41 (ad41a). all children were less than 12 years of age, and at least 41.1% of the total tested had antibodies. one hundred and fifty-four of these sera were collected during the 1960s from london children attending day nurseries, and 54.5% ...19836308143
the genealogical descent of sexual psychoneuroendocrinology from sex and health theory: the eighteenth to the twentieth the aftermath of the inquisition, secular health theory became separate from sacred health theory. both assimilated vital spirits or sympathies as explanatory concepts. sympathies were progressively transformed into internal secretions and the hormones of endocrinology. the sexual genealogy of psychoneuroendocrinology traces back to the sexual transplantation experiments of john hunger (1728 - 93). sexology, the science, has the same genealogy, whereas sexosophy, the philosophy, does not. in ...19836371868
identification of a reservoir of leptospira interrogans serovar muenchen in voles (microtus agrestis and clethrionomys glareolus) in england.infection with leptospires of the australis serogroup is widespread in voles in southern england and the serovar identification of five randomly-selected isolates was determined by cross agglutination absorption. two isolates from short-tailed voles (microtus agrestis) and three isolates from bank voles (clethrionomys glareolus) were all identified as serovar muenchen. the only previous isolation of this serovar is that from a human in germany.19836372316
reiter's syndrome in a 73-year-old man with bronchiectasis.we report the case of what we believe to be the oldest person to develop reiter's syndrome. there was no evidence of preceding gastro-intestinal or genito-urinary infection but the patient had post-tuberculous bronchiectasis and the role that this might have played is examined.19836623008
the development of ergonomics data for health-building design guidance. 19836628357
measles in england and wales--iii: assessing published predictions of the impact of vaccination on incidence.published predictions of the impact which different levels of vaccination should have on measles incidence are discussed in the context of observed data on vaccine uptake and measles incidence in england and wales. discrepancies are noted between prediction and observation with regard to the effect of vaccination on epidemic periodicity, epidemic size, age distribution of cases, and the disappearance of measles from communities. these errors are attributable to failures to recognize the implicat ...19836629622
excess deaths attributable to influenza in england and wales: age at death and certified cause.the multiple regression statistical method has already been used to estimate excess deaths attributable to influenza in england and wales by winter period. now we report further studies of deaths by age group and certified cause of death. during the ten winters since the influenza a/hong kong (h3n2) virus first arrived (1968/69 to 1977/78) there have been about 120,000 excess deaths. of these about 82% were estimated to be in those aged 65+ years, 17% in the 40-64 year age group and 1% in younge ...19836629624
indirect haemagglutination test for the detection and assay of antibody to bovine respiratory syncytial indirect haemagglutination (iha) test was used for the rapid assay of antibody to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. antigens for the sensitisation of formalised tanned erythrocytes were prepared by treatment of virus infected cells with non-ionic detergent. a close serological relationship was shown by the iha test between the strain of bovine respiratory syncytial virus used and the a2 strain of human respiratory syncytial virus. the iha test was sensitive and reproducible. a linear correl ...19836636489
use of amantadine in influenza: a second report.clinical influenza attacked 304 out of 576 boys at a west country boarding school. influenza a/eng/333/80 (h(1)n(1)), a drift from a/ussr/92/77, was isolated from 14 out of 40 throat swabs. pre-epidemic sera from 64 new boys showed that 54 already had antibodies to h(1)n(1) and 40 of them had antibodies to this novel variant. nevertheless, when their serum was re-examined post-epidemically, 36 showed a rise in antibody, indicating that infection had hundred and twenty-six junior boy ...19836644670
a numerical taxonomic study of species of vibrio isolated from the aquatic environment and birds in kent, england.a numerical taxonomic study has been carried out to confirm the identity of strains of the family vibrionaceae isolated during an ecological study. a total of 237 strains were studied including 148 from the aquatic environment, 6 from estuarine birds, 1 from sheep faeces, and 61 control cultures. duplicates of 21 of the strains were randomly selected and included to estimate test and operator error. taxonomic resemblance was estimated on the basis of 148 characters using euclidean distance. the ...19836654766
investigation of a waterborne outbreak of campylobacter jejuni enteritis with a serotyping scheme based on thermostable antigens.serotyping of 11 human and 2 water isolates of campylobacter jejuni associated with a waterborne outbreak revealed two serotypes among the human isolates. one of these (serotype 58) was a new serotype and was added to the serotyping scheme. serotypes were defined by using extracted thermostable antigens and passive hemagglutination titrations of both unabsorbed and cross-absorbed antisera. two water isolates of the same serotype as six human isolates provided evidence to link a contaminated wate ...19836655043
the herring gull larus argentatus as a carrier of salmonella.the proportion of salmonella carriers among town-nesting herring gulls increased significantly from 2.1% in 1975-6 to 8.4% in 1979. the range of serotypes carried by herring gulls was similar to that causing infection in man, and it is likely that the gulls ingest these serotypes when feeding at untreated sewage outfalls on the coast. this is supported by the proportion of salmonella carriers being higher among first-year birds (9.7%) than among older birds (2.0%), as it is known that higher pro ...19836663058
changing patterns of human milk lipids in the course of the lactation and during the day.lipids were analyzed in 308 human milk samples, obtained during the first 5 wk of lactation from 17 mothers delivering at term. the mean triglyceride content increased mainly during the 1st postpartum wk and remained constant thereafter. in contrast, the cholesterol concentration decreased, whereas the phospholipids remained rather constant, resulting in a decrease of both the phospholipid/triglyceride and the cholesterol/triglyceride ratio. circadian variations of the parameters analyzed were n ...19836682283
determinants of variations in breast milk protective factor concentrations of rural gambian mothers.the concentrations of 7 immunoproteins (iga, igg, igm, the complement components c3 and c4, lactoferrin, and lysozyme) in the breast milk of 152 rural west african women were measured as part of a semilongitudinal study to assess their importance in infant health. each mother maintained a characteristic level of production of immunoproteins relative to other mothers, and the concentration of each immunoprotein within each woman was correlated positively with the others. parity was the major dete ...19836683486
clinical and epidemiological features of adenovirus keratoconjunctivitis in london.ninety-eight patients were studied. ninety were consecutive patients who were isolation-positive for adenovirus, and 8, who were associated with a hospital outbreak of adenovirus serotype 8 infection, developed characteristic features of infection but were isolation-negative. the ratio of males to females was 2 to 1, and most patients were aged 20 to 39. adenovirus serotypes 3, 7, and 8 were isolated from 86% of patients, and serotypes 2, 4, 5, 11, 15, and 15/29 from the remaining 14%. adenoviru ...19836293533
ten genetic polymorphisms in bladder are presented on a group of cases of primary carcinoma of the bladder, detailing red cell surface blood group antigenic phenotypes, serum haptoglobin phenotypes, and some red cell isoenzyme phenotypes. account is taken of the stage of the disease at presentation. the results are compared with corresponding phenotype frequencies in groups of presumed healthy persons originating either in yorkshire or county durham. differences in relative incidences were found in the haptoglobin, phosphogluc ...19836221102
the incidence of down's syndrome over a 19-year period with special reference to maternal age.the incidence of down's syndrome in the liverpool and bootle areas from 1961 to 1979 was investigated. a total of 319 liveborn cases was ascertained over this period. using 3-year moving averages, the incidence of the condition fell gradually from 1.62 per 1000 livebirths for 1961 to 1963 to 1.09 per 1000 livebirths for 1977 to 1979. this trend is significant at the 0.1% level. over the same period the mean maternal age of down's syndrome births fell gradually from 36.7 years in 1961 to 29.0 yea ...19836221104
[the man behind the syndrome: thomas hodgkin. an impulsive pioneer of pathology and fighter for justice for the poor]. 19836343738
an historical perspective on the law of personality and status with special regard to the human fetus and the rights of women.the law of status enabled primitive societies to deal with the rights and duties of different types of persons--including the fetus and its bearer--within the group without the need to create elaborate social mechanisms and legal enforcement to install and perpetuate order in the society. roman law acknowledged and classified personal status as the primary subject of law. english common law held that the principal aim of society was to protect individuals in their enjoyment of absolute rights. a ...19836343918
such nothing is terrestriall: philosophy of mind on phineas fletcher's purple island.phineas fletcher's poeticized human anatomy is less understood today than in the seventeenth century partly because fletcher's contemporaries made less rigorous distinctions than we do between science and art as conveyors of truth. the present study shows how the empiricist and materialist terms of the anatomical sections of the purple island operate as a foundation for fletcher's system of human self-knowledge. by embracing the claims of physical science and carrying them to their limits, fletc ...19836345652
robert liston's life and work in the renaissance of plastic surgery.liston's background and life during the 19th century are described. highlights in his career are reviewed in an attempt to provide an understanding of the man and his work. his work and his contributions to plastic surgery are presented.19836349507
samuel pepys and post-traumatic stress disorder.samuel pepys's diary allows us an opportunity to see how a man of acknowledged ability and stability coped with the severe psychological trauma of being involved in the great fire of london in 1666. his self-monitoring provides an excellent record of the development of post-traumatic stress disorder and an account of his coping behaviour. despite being one of the newest categories of mental disorder in the official nomenclature, post-traumatic stress disorder has obviously had a long existence.19836349738
serious nosocomial infection caused by morganella morganii and proteus mirabilis in a cardiac surgery july and august 1981, five patients in the cardiac surgery unit of the bristol royal infirmary developed septicemia caused by morganella morganii, proteus mirabilis, or both of these species. three of the patients had serious wound infections, and three of the patients died. typing of the m. morganii isolates by o-serotyping and of the p. mirabilis isolates by o-serotyping, proticine production and sensitivity, and the dienes reaction confirmed cross infection by both species. although m. mor ...19836350354
the first human stereotaxic apparatus. the contribution of aubrey mussen to the field of stereotaxis.the first human stereotaxic apparatus was probably built in london, england, around 1918 to the specifications of aubrey mussen, a neuroanatomist and neurophysiologist who had worked with clarke. the recent acquisition by the montreal neurological institute of mussen's original apparatus prompts this report on the salient points of his career, and summary of his early contributions to stereotaxy.19836350539
the teaching of human genetics in schools. 19836352946
[the man behind the syndrome: henry turner. he established a relationship between short stature and ovarian dysfunction in girls]. 19836353097
recognition of historic influenza epidemics from parish burial records: a test of prediction from a new hypothesis of influenzal epidemiology.on the current conception of the epidemiology of epidemic influenza, as caused by a mechanism of direct spread of the virus from the sick, epidemics must have travelled much more slowly in former times than at present. in contrast, a new hypothesis involving virus latency with seasonal reactivation predicts that in previous centuries influenza epidemics would have spread across the country at much the same speed as in the twentieth century. the study of burial registers in gloucestershire parish ...19836358347
sir patrick manson's studies on the transmission and biology of the obscurity of amoy, south china, patrick manson first recognized that a bloodsucking arthropod can harbor--and presumably transmit--organisms of human disease: in particular, that the house mosquito is an intermediary of the filarial parasite wuchereria bancrofti. manson published his find in 1878 and within two years discovered that the parasite's "embryos" (microfilariae) exhibit "nocturnal periodicity," i.e., they absent themselves from the blood during the day and reappear at night coi ...19836131527
human parvovirus, the cause of erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)? 19836134148
coxsackie-b-virus-specific igm responses in children with insulin-dependent (juvenile-onset; type i) diabetes mellitus.coxsackie b1-6 virus igm responses were detected by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) in 11 of 28 (39%) children aged 3-14 years in whom insulin-dependent (juvenile onset; type i) diabetes mellitus (iddm) developed in 1982. 5 patients had a homotypic response to coxsackie b4 and 1 had a homotypic response to b5. a serum sample had been obtained from each patient 2 to 16 weeks after onset of iddm symptoms. islet-cell cytoplasmic antibodies (igg) and complement fixing islet cell antibod ...19836134178
use of normal immunoglobulin in an echovirus 11 outbreak in a special-care baby epidemic of echovirus 11 infections occurred in the cambridge special-care baby unit during august to october, 1982. there were 21 confirmed infections in babies; 1 died, 1 recovered after resection of a kidney, 5 had meningitis, and 6 had respiratory symptoms. normal human immunoglobulin which contained antibody to echovirus 11 was administered intramuscularly (250 mg) to give protection. none of the children given immunoglobulin immediately after delivery (205 doses) developed symptoms or i ...19836135922
declining t-cell immunity to influenza, 1977-82.influenza-a-virus-specific, hla-restricted, cytotoxic t-cell immunity, measured in 189 volunteers in the six years 1977-82, showed a sharp decline from 1978. it is shown that natural infection with influenza-a virus boosts cytotoxic t-cell memory. the decline in t-cell immunity is probably associated with the low prevalence of influenza-a-virus infection since 1978.19836137602
eye hospital eye. 19836139649
formaldehyde in the british chemical industry. an occupational cohort study.this paper reports the mortality experience of a cohort of 7680 men who had first been employed before 1965 in one of six factories in the british chemical or plastics industry where formaldehyde had been manufactured or used. all the jobs undertaken by each man were classified, on the basis of subjective information, into four categories in terms of exposure to formaldehyde. more than 98% of the workforce were traced to the end of 1981. no deaths from nasal cancer were reported (1.07 expected), ...19846142316
clinical findings and serological evidence of htlv-iii infection in homosexual contacts of patients with aids and persistent generalised lymphadenopathy in london.between 1980 and 1984 28 homosexual men who had had ano-genital intercourse with patients with either acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) or persistent generalised lymphadenopathy (pgl) were followed up. the pattern of the sexual links indicated that within this group there were two clusters, one consisting of 7 men and the other of 13.17 of the 28 contacts became ill with either aids or pgl; among those in the clusters, 4 died of aids and 11 had pgl, and of the rest 2 had pgl. 16 of the 1 ...19846147547
human astrovirus serotypes. 19846150404
classic articles in colonic and rectal surgery. frederick salmon 1796-1868.this fourth and final installment on salmon's monograph on procidentia concludes with further case reports. upon his death the committee on management of st. mark's hospital commented: thus has passed from this world a man whose kindness of heart induced, and whose indomitable perseverence enabled him to found an institution for the relief of the sufferings of his poorer fellow-creatures, which will stand an honourable monument to his memory as one amongst the many noble charities which adorn th ...19846365485
studies of trauma and shock in man: william s. stone's role in the military effort (1983 william s. stone lecture). 19846368852
first tests with anti-human globulin on the red cells of patients suffering from haemolytic anaemia. 19846369780
alcohol and the fighting man--an historical review. 19846371228
huntington disease: genetics and epidemiology.huntington disease (hd) is an autosomal dominant disorder in which the major gene expression occurs in the central nervous system. it is characterized by the appearance of progressive chorea and dementia, usually in adult life. one tragic aspect of the disorder, due to its late age of onset and, until recently, lack of a presymptomatic marker, is that transmission of the disease to offspring invariably occurs before symptoms develop in the parent. although the onset of symptoms and the rate of p ...19846233902
occupational exposure to hydrazine and subsequent risk of cancer.four hundred and twenty seven men with varying degrees of occupational exposure to hydrazine, a weak animal carcinogen, were studied to see if they provided any evidence of carcinogenicity to man. the observed mortality was close to that expected for lung cancer, other cancers, and all other causes, irrespective of the level of exposure. there were 49 deaths (61.47 expected) from all causes including five deaths from lung cancer (6.65 expected). the results show that no obvious hazards associate ...19846691933
influenza a: infection and reinfection.twenty-nine boys in a boarding school were present during a large outbreak of influenza a h1n1 in 1978 when 27 were infected, 21 with clinical influenza. these boys were bled annually and were still in school when another outbreak of influenza a h1n1 occurred in 1983. twenty-three of them were reinfected but only nine had symptoms. these results are compared with the experience of a similar group of boys in the early years of the influenza a h3n2 era.19846693762
perinatal lead and cadmium burden in a british urban population.concentrations of the potential pollutants, lead and cadmium, were studied in the perinatal period in a british urban population. blood lead and cadmium concentrations and iron status were measured in 28 mother and infant pairs at delivery and at five days postpartum in the mother; breast milk collected at five days postpartum under controlled conditions was analysed for lead and cadmium. placental transfer of both metals was noted; concentrations of lead in breast milk (mean concentration 0.01 ...19846696491
corynebacterium ulcerans in humans and cattle in north devon.a case of corynebacterium ulcerans sore throat in a community that drank raw milk from its own farm led to the discovery of another symptomless human infection. eight cows in the herd were found to be infected and the intermittent pattern of excretion was demonstrated in another cow followed through its lactation. further evidence of milk infected by c. ulcerans was found by examining all raw milk samples submitted to the laboratory. two other human cases were diagnosed in devon during the perio ...19846707468
lung cancer mortality among workers making lead chromate and zinc chromate pigments at three english factories.lung cancer mortality among 1152 men working at three english chromate pigment factories was studied from the 1930s or 1940s until 1981. workers at factory c were exposed only to lead chromate and experienced normal mortality (obs/exp deaths 7/6.45). workers at factories a and b were exposed to both lead and zinc chromate; mortality was normal among those who had only low exposure (o/e 7/6.95). for workers with high or medium exposure lung cancer mortality was significantly raised among men rema ...19846722042
age and secular distributions of virus-proven influenza patients in successive epidemics 1961-1976 in cirencester: epidemiological significance discussed.a general practice population of around 3900, under continuous clinical and laboratory surveillance, experienced 20 outbreaks of influenza between march 1960 and march 1976. four epidemics were caused by subtype h2n2 type a viruses, seven by subtype h3n2 type a viruses and nine outbreaks by type b viruses. the age of every person proved virologically to have influenza is related to the age structure of the community and to the phase of the epidemic in which the virus-positive specimens were coll ...19846736641
an outbreak of psittacosis in a boys' boarding 1980, an outbreak of a mild illness involving twenty pupils and four adults in a boys' boarding school was identified serologically as psittacosis. intensive epidemiological investigations did not uncover the source. it is suggested either that sources of chlamydia other than avian exist, which may produce a milder illness than the avian type, or that human-to-human spread of a mild form of chlamydiosis occurs.19846736642
pneumonia due to legionella bozemanii: first report of a case in europe.pneumonia caused by legionella bozemanii and acquired by a 75-year-old man while on holiday in majorca is described. this appears to be the first report of such a case from europe. despite artificial ventilation and intravenous erythromycin the patient died. the causative organism was isolated from part of the lung obtained post mortem. examination of a single sample of serum by means of an indirect immunofluorescence test gave a titre of 32 in respect of l. bozemanii antigen.19846736665
epidemic influenza in greater london.the kermack & mckendrick theory of epidemics has been applied to data on deaths from influenza and influenzal pneumonia in greater london in the years 1950-78. as a whole the theory gives a good description of the data, and the estimated values of the parameters can be plausibly related to the natural history of the disease. however, the possibility exists that the agreement is merely empirical, and field studies would be required to confirm its validity.19846747281
adult community-acquired pneumonia in central london.strep. pneumoniae was diagnosed as the cause of pneumonia in 40 (50%) of 80 consecutive adults admitted to st stephen's hospital with community-acquired pneumonia. none of the patients had evidence of mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, and legionella pneumophila serology was positive on only one occasion. in 29 patients (36%) no causative organism was demonstrated. the diagnosis of pneumococcal infection was obtained in 15 cases by isolating strep. pneumoniae from the sputum, in 13 further cases b ...19846747977
man and medicine on mendip. 19846375816
john keats: poet, patient, physician.john keats, son of an ostler , was born in london in 1795. despite an early interest in literature he was, surprisingly, apprenticed to an apothecary and continued his medical training at guy's hospital, obtaining the licentiate of the society of apothecaries in 1816. he never practiced medicine. his early poems were not well received, and for the young poet with very slender means, life was difficult. tragedy was added to difficulty when tuberculosis, which had already caused the death of his m ...19846377444
well man clinic in general practice.the establishment of a well man clinic run entirely by a nurse in general practice showed an appreciable number of men to be hypertensive, smokers, or overweight; it also showed some previously undetected disease. efforts were made either to treat or to counsel men in whom these findings were made. a well man clinic may have greater value than a well woman clinic.19846419858
the impact of malnutrition on human lactation: observations from community studies.there is very little scope for the direct examination of relationships between nutrient intake and lactational performance in women. experimental investigations are limited to the effects of dietary supplementation in pregnancy and/or lactation. to obtain comparisons between normal and undernourished women, studies have to be performed at a community level. studies in cambridge, the gambia, and elsewhere indicate that the impact of variations in nutrient intake on lactational performance is limi ...19846427014
an outbreak of leptospirosis in cattle and man. 19846428630
providing an information service on drugs and breast milk.since the formulation of the national drug information network in 1975 in the united kingdom, a work-sharing system was developed involving regional drug information centers. the designated file holder develops an in-depth, readily accessible data base which is used for the provision of information and advice to the drug information network. a specialist file was developed on drugs in breast milk. in 1977, the trent and west midlands drug information services, which had independently formed s ...19846431101
crown immunity protects service surgeons. 19846437567
persistence of divergent views of hospital staff in detecting and managing hypertension.a questionnaire concerning views of hospital clinical staff was completed by 408 out of 542 staff (75%), comprising 214 medical staff of all clinical specialties, 106 first year clinical medical students, and 88 third year student nurses. on average 386 of 407 (95%) thought that blood pressure should be measured routinely in all inpatients but only 294 of 404 (73%) thought that this was appropriate for outpatients. although 251 of 390 (64%) were taught to use the muffling of sounds (phase iv) as ...19846437586
communicable diseases. influenza surveillance: november 1983-june 1984. 19846437589
an assessment of the radiological impact of the windscale reactor fire, october 1957.on the 10th and 11 october 1957 a fire in the no 1 pile at the windscale establishment in cumbria led to an uncontrolled release of activity to the atmosphere. the resultant cloud subsequently dispersed and radionuclides could be detected over england, wales and parts of northern europe. the extensive environmental measurements which were made during and after the release enabled a fairly accurate estimate to be made of the radiation doses to the most exposed individuals in the local population. ...19846335136
assisted fertilization: legal restraints proposed for uk.highlights of the report of great britain's warnock committee on reproductive technologies and experimentation with human embryos are presented. regulations, to be enforced by criminal penalties, would forbid most forms of surrogate motherhood, studies of human embryos beyond the fourteenth day after fertilization, and human embryo transfer to uteri of other species. other recommendations of the committee concern the treatment of infertility, sperm and ovum donation, aid, in vitro fertilizatio ...19846462211
the human aspects of computers in general practice. 19846473297
an investigation of the causes and of the financial loss of rejection of pig carcasses and viscera unfit for human consumption. i. studies at one abattoir. 19846487994
obstruction of a breathing circuit. a case report.preventable mishaps resulting from human error contribute to anaesthetic risk, as demonstrated in the case report presented. the incidence of anaesthetic-associated deaths has fallen steadily since 1935, and general anaesthesia is now a very safe procedure, provided the anaesthetist takes the requisite precautions.19846495084
a comparison of biotypes and serotypes of campylobacter sp. isolated from patients with enteritis and from animal and environmental sources.the origin of sporadic campylobacter infections has been investigated by means of a collaborative study. from a total of 1152 cases reported in north west england in 1982, campylobacter strains isolated during one month in each quarter of the year were biotyped and serotyped. for comparison, 875 strains of campylobacter isolated from environmental and animal sources were similarly examined. most strains from human beings were campylobacter jejuni; about half of them were of three serotypes. thos ...19846501895
upper digestive tract neoplasia in the cat (a comparative study).along with man and the dog, the cat is predisposed to a variety of neoplasia of the upper digestive tract. the present paper is an account of the case material seen in a surgical pathology department during a 24-year period, with comments on the comparative aspects where relevant.19846512394
genital infections with chlamydia trachomatis in women attending an antenatal clinic.cervical swabs for isolation of c. trachomatis and serum for anti-chlamydial antibodies were taken from 252 pregnant women on their first visit to an urban antenatal clinic. chlamydial infection was found in 18 (7%) women, and antibody at titres greater than 1/32 in 48 (19%); of the 18 infected women only 10 (56%) showed antibody. the likelihood of infection could not have been predicted by urogenital symptoms, the social or medical history or serology. hypertrophic cervical ectopy and mucopus w ...19846518151
dibmis--drugs in breast milk information service. 19846562366
the islands. three. the isle of man. 19846562522
[difficulties of research on human beings. between "honne" and "tatemae". interview by hiroko minami]. 19846563158
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 3581