
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
full-length isoforms of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus latency-associated nuclear antigen accumulate in the cytoplasm of cells undergoing the lytic cycle of replication.the latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) performs a variety of functions to establish and maintain kshv latency. during latency, lana localizes to discrete punctate spots in the nucleus, where it tethers viral episomes to cellular chromatin and interacts with nuclear components to regulate cellular and viral gene expression. using highly sensitive tyramide signal amplification, we determined that lana localizes to the cytoplasm in differ ...201728978712
maxillary sinus kaposi sarcoma: case report in an hiv-negative patient with thymoma.kaposi sarcoma is an angioproliferative disorder that requires infection with human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) for its development. the majority of cases are associated with hiv infection or other immunocompromising conditions. thymomas are occasionally associated to cytopenia, which may alter the patients' immune responses.201729204303
correction for cousins and nicholas, "role of human herpesvirus 8 interleukin-6-activated gp130 signal transducer in primary effusion lymphoma cell growth and viability". 201729191994
human herpesvirus 8 interleukin-6 interacts with calnexin cycle components and promotes protein folding.viral interleukin-6 (vil-6) encoded by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is believed to contribute via mitogenic, survival, and angiogenic activities to hhv-8-associated kaposi's sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma (pel), and multicentric castleman's disease through autocrine or paracrine mechanisms during latency or productive replication. there is direct evidence that vil-6 promotes latently infected pel cell viability and proliferation and also viral productive replication in pel and endothelial cel ...201728878084
outcome of second kidney transplantation in patients with previous post-transplantation kaposi's sarcoma: a french retrospective study.this retrospective study concerned 8 patients with post-transplantation kaposi's sarcoma (pt-ks) after a first kidney transplant who later had a second kidney transplantation. pt-ks was widespread, with lymph node or visceral involvement in 7 cases. complete remission was observed in 6 cases and partial remission in 2. after the second kidney transplantation, only 2 cases showed recurrence of skin ks, one with previous complete remission of ks and one with partial remission. the mean delay betwe ...201728833536
de novo human herpesvirus 8 tumors induced by rituximab in autoimmune or inflammatory systemic diseases.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), also known as kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus, is involved in ks and other tumors, including multicentric castleman's disease and primary effusion lymphoma. rituximab (rtx) is currently used for the treatment of several autoimmune or inflammatory diseases and humoral organ transplant rejection. de novo hhv-8 tumors induced by rtx used for these indications have not been reported previously. this study was undertaken to evaluate de novo hhv-8 tumors induc ...201728719723
iatrogenic kaposi's sarcoma in an hiv-negative young male with crohn's disease and iga nephropathy: a case report and brief review of the literature.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a vascular tumor arising in association with human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) infection, and different variants show different clinical presentations. isolated intestinal ks in the background of crohn's disease (cd) is exceedingly rare with only 3 cases reported in the english literature (from 1966 to 2016).201729169276
a novel role of vbcl2 in the virion assembly of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.the viral bcl-2 homolog (vbcl2) of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) displays efficient anti-apoptotic and anti-autophagic activity through its central bh3 domain, which functions to prolong the lifespan of virus-infected cells and ultimately enhances viral replication and latency. independent on its anti-apoptotic and anti-autophagic activity, vbcl2 also plays an essential role in kshv lytic replication through its amino-terminal 11-20 amino acids (aa). here, we report a novel mole ...201729167347
an insight into the role of e3 ubiquitin ligase c-cbl, escrt machinery and host cell signaling in kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) entry and trafficking.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) in vitro infection of dermal endothelial cell begins with its binding to host cell surface receptor molecules such as heparan sulfate (hs), integrins (α3β1, αvβ3 and αvβ5), xct and epha2 receptor tyrosine kinase (epha2r). these initial events initiate dynamic host protein-protein interactions involving a multi-molecular complex of receptors, signal molecules (fak, src, pi3-k, rhoa-gtpase), adaptors (c-cbl, cib1, crk, p130cas and gef-c3g), and actin/ ...201729167336
correction for gjyshi et al., "activated nrf2 interacts with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus latency protein lana-1 and host protein kap1 to mediate global lytic gene repression". 201729138338
correction for gutierrez et al., "ets-1 is required for the activation of vegfr3 during latent kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection of endothelial cells". 201729138337
correction for cousins et al., "human herpesvirus 8 viral interleukin-6 signaling through gp130 promotes virus replication in primary effusion lymphoma and endothelial cells". 201729138334
correction for avey et al., "discovery of a coregulatory interaction between kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf45 and the viral protein kinase orf36". 201729138329
prevalence of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in uygur and han populations from the urumqi and kashgar regions of xinjiang, china.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the infectious etiologic agent associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric castleman disease. it has been shown that high kshv prevalence and high incidence of both classic ks and aidsassociated ks are found mostly among people of uygur ethnicity in xinjiang, while people of han ethnicity in xinjiang have a higher kshv seroprevalence than those of other han populations in mainland china. however, it is still ...201729116591
high prevalence of distinct human herpesvirus 8 contributes to the high incidence of non-acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated kaposi's sarcoma in isolated japanese islands.non-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is extremely rare in japan but highly endemic in okinawa, especially in miyako islands. we aimed to elucidate the exact incidence and cause of this high prevalence.201728968717
commentary: high glucose induces reactivation of latent kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. 201728966613
1, 25(oh)2 d3 induces reactivation and death of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus of primary effusion lymphoma cells.kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) a gammaherpesvirus establishes perennial latency in the host with periodic reactivation. occasionally change in the physiological condition like hypoxia, host cell differentiation can trigger the lytic switch and reactivation of the virus. the biologically active form of 1, 25(oh)2 d3 plays a critical role in the regulation of various physiological processes (e.g. regulation of mineral homeostasis and control of bone metabolism). apart from its role ...201728963501
association of household food- and drink-sharing practices with human herpesvirus 8 seroconversion in a cohort of zambian children.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) infection occurs in early childhood and is associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection and risk for kaposi sarcoma, but behaviors associated with hhv-8 transmission are not well described.201728961804
male hormones activate epha2 to facilitate kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection: implications for gender disparity in kaposi's sarcoma.there is increasing consensus that males are more vulnerable than females to infection by several pathogens. however, the underlying mechanism needs further investigation. here, it was showed that knockdown of androgen receptor (ar) expression or pre-treatment with 5α-dihydrotestosterone, the ar agonist, led to a considerably dysregulated kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. in endothelial cells, membrane-localized ar promoted the endocytosis and nuclear trafficking of kshv. ...201728957431
donor-derived kaposi's sarcoma in a liver-kidney transplant recipient.human herpes virus 8 (hhv-8), also known as kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv), is an oncogenic virus that can cause kaposi's sarcoma (ks). ks can develop following organ transplantation through reactivation of the recipient's latent hhv-8 infection, or less commonly through donor-derived infection which has higher risk for severe illness and mortality. we describe a case of probable donor-derived ks in the recipient of a liver-kidney transplant. the donor had multiple risk factors f ...201728941319
the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) non-structural membrane protein k15 is required for viral lytic replication and may represent a therapeutic target.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the infectious cause of the highly vascularized tumor kaposi's sarcoma (ks), which is characterized by proliferating spindle cells of endothelial origin, extensive neo-angiogenesis and inflammatory infiltrates. the kshv k15 protein contributes to the angiogenic and invasive properties of kshv-infected endothelial cells. here, we asked whether k15 could also play a role in kshv lytic replication. deletion of the k15 gene from the viral genome or i ...201728938025
ikkγ-mimetic peptides block the resistance to apoptosis associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a lymphogenic disorder associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. key to the survival and proliferation of pel is the canonical nf-κb pathway, which becomes constitutively activated following overexpression of the viral oncoprotein kshv vflip (ks-vflip). this arises from its capacity to form a complex with the modulatory subunit of the iκb kinase (ikk) kinase, ikkγ (or nemo), resulting in the overproduction of proteins that promot ...201728931678
hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha as a therapeutic target for primary effusion lymphoma.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is an aggressive b-cell lymphoma with poor prognosis caused by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). previous studies have revealed that hif-1α, which mediates much of the cellular response to hypoxia, plays an important role in life cycle of kshv. kshv infection promotes hif-1α activity, and several kshv genes are in turn activated by hif-1α. in this study, we investigated the effects of knocking down hif-1α in pels. we observed that hif-1α knockdown in ...201728922425
presence of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) dna sequences in patients with lymphoproliferative diseases and chronic blood disorders.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), but it has also been associated with different hematologic malignancies, including plasmablastic lymphoma, multicentric castleman's disease (mcd), primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and various atypical lymphoproliferative disorders. patients with underlying lymphoproliferative diseases and chronic blood disorders who become infected with this virus are at risk for human malignancies. this small study reported the frequenc ...201728916317
nonepidemic kaposi sarcoma: a recently proposed category. 201728913409
inhibition of the lytic cycle of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by cohesin factors following de novo infection.establishment of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) latency following infection is a multistep process, during which polycomb proteins are recruited onto the kshv genome, which is crucial for the genome-wide repression of lytic genes during latency. strikingly, only a subset of lytic genes are expressed transiently in the early phase of infection prior to the binding of polycomb proteins onto the kshv genome, which raises the question what restricts lytic gene expression in the first ...201728898712
co-existence of multicentric castleman's disease and kaposi's sarcoma.castleman's disease (cd) or giant lymph node hyperplasia is a rare disorder that can be unicentric or multicentric. multicentric castleman's disease (mcd) is manifested by generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia, hematological abnormality, and constitutional symptoms. human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) infection is present in nearly 100% mcd associated with hiv-1 infection, but in about 50% of cases of hiv negative. herein, we report a 77-year-old man with sys ...201726120185
thoracic diseases associated with hiv infection in the era of antiretroviral therapy: clinical and imaging findings.the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) pandemic has entered its 4th decade. since the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (art) in 1996, the number of aids-related deaths has plateaued worldwide. today, owing to the effectiveness of art, the hiv-infected population is aging and hiv infection has become a chronic illness. non-aids comorbidities are increasing, and the spectrum of hiv-related thoracic diseases is evolving. in developed c ...201725019430
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv)-encoded micrornas promote matrix metalloproteinases (mmps) expression and pro-angiogenic cytokine secretion in endothelial cells.the human oncogenic virus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is linked to kaposi's sarcoma (ks), a tumor of endothelial cells characterized by angiogenesis and invasiveness. kshv genome encodes 25 mature micrornas (mirnas), but their roles in kshv-induced tumor dissemination and angiogenesis are not fully understood. in this study, we constructed the sensor reporters of kshv mirnas and used a luciferase reporter assay to demonstrate the function of the mimics of kshv mirnas. then, we ...201728165144
successful treatment of classic kaposi sarcoma with long-pulse neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser: a preliminary study.kaposi sarcoma (ks) is a systemic disease that can present with cutaneous lesions with or without internal involvement, mostly caused by infection with human herpesvirus-8. the treatment options include surgical excision, cryotherapy, radiotherapy, intralesional chemotherapy, laser, and elastic stockings for the prevention of lymphedema.201728157730
up-regulation of tumor suppressor genes by exogenous dhc16-cer contributes to its anti-cancer activity in primary effusion lymphoma.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a rare and highly aggressive b-cell malignancy with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection, while lack of effective therapies. our recent data indicated that targeting the sphingolipid metabolism by either sphingosine kinase inhibitor or exogenous ceramide species induces pel cell apoptosis and suppresses tumor progression in vivo. however, the underlying mechanisms for these exogenous ceramides "killing" pel cells remain largely unknown. base ...201728146424
tafro syndrome: new subtype of idiopathic multicentric castleman disease.castleman disease (cd) describes a group of three rare and poorly understood lymphoproliferative disorders that have heterogeneous clinical symptoms and common lymph node histopathological features. unicentric cd (ucd) involves a single region of enlarged nodes. multicentric cd (mcd) involves multiple regions of enlarged lymph nodes, constitutional symptoms, and organ dysfunction due to a cytokine storm often including interleukin 6. mcd is further divided into human herpes virus-8 (hhv-8)-assoc ...201728135567
cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation of human herpesvirus 8 seroprevalence in hiv-1-infected individuals in osaka, japan.high human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) seroprevalence has been reported in men who have sex with men (msm) and are infected with hiv-1. however, it is unclear when they become infected with hhv-8. thus, we conducted cross-sectional and longitudinal investigations of hhv-8 seroprevalence in hiv-1-infected individuals in osaka, japan.201728131739
use of plasma human herpesvirus-8 viral load measurement: evaluation of practice in three uk hiv treatment centres.a retrospective audit of plasma human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) viral load testing was performed in three hiv treatment centres over 24 months. reasons for testing (360 tests) were: symptoms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (sirs) (fever, lymphadenopathy and raised inflammatory markers); monitoring in known hhv-8 pathology other than kaposi sarcoma (ks); investigation of known/suspected ks, and other/no reason. of patients with multicentric castleman disease (mcd), 14/16 (88%) had detectab ...201728120699
elevated serum psa is associated with human herpesvirus 8 infection and increased circulating cytokine levels in men from tobago.serum-prostate specific antigen (psa) levels have been used for many years as a biomarker for prostate cancer. this usage is under scrutiny due to the fact that elevated psa levels can be caused by other conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and infections of or injury to the prostate. as a result, the identification of specific pathogens capable of increasing serum levels of psa is important. a potential candidate responsible for elevated psa is human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8). we have re ...201728117495
the promise of proteomics in the study of oncogenic viruses.oncogenic viruses are responsible for about 15% human cancers. this article explores the promise and challenges of viral proteomics in the study of the oncogenic human dna viruses, hpv, mcpyv, ebv and kshv. these viruses have coevolved with their hosts and cause persistent infections. each virus encodes oncoproteins that manipulate key cellular pathways to promote viral replication and evade the host immune response. viral proteomics can identify cellular pathways perturbed by viral infection, i ...201728104704
efficacy of a film-forming medical device containing piroxicam and sun filters in the treatment of multiple actinic keratosis lesions in a subject with a history of kaposi sarcoma.actinic keratosis (ak) is considered a premalignant form of skin cancer due to chronic sun exposure. in addition, human papilloma virus (hpv) has been advocated a role in the pathogenesis of this clinical condition. hpv proteins (mainly e6 and e7) seem to act synergistically with ultraviolet (uv) radiation in reducing the defensive mechanisms of keratinocyte apoptosis after uv damage. data regarding the involvement of other viruses, i.e. human herpes viruses (hhv), in the pathogenesis of ak are ...201728101017
clinical and pathological characteristics of hiv- and hhv-8-negative castleman disease.castleman disease (cd) comprises 3 poorly understood lymphoproliferative variants sharing several common histopathological features. unicentric cd (ucd) is localized to a single region of lymph nodes. multicentric cd (mcd) manifests with systemic inflammatory symptoms and organ dysfunction due to cytokine dysregulation and involves multiple lymph node regions. human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) causes mcd (hhv-8-associated mcd) in immunocompromised individuals, such as hiv-infected patients. however, > ...201728100459
angiosarcoma in hiv-negative patients is not associated with hhv-8.angiosarcoma is an aggressive, malignant neoplasm of vascular or lymphatic origin. herpes virus 8 (hhv-8) is a member of the herpes family with a tropism for endothelial cells and it has been proven to induce vascular neoplasms, such as kaposi's sarcoma. the role of hhv-8 in the pathogenesis of angiosarcoma has not been well defined.201728099593
nuclear localization and cleavage of stat6 is induced by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus for viral latency.emerging evidence implies that stat6 plays an important role in both the adaptive and innate immune responses to virus infection. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is an oncogenic γ-herpesvirus agent associated with several human malignancies, including kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and primary effusion lymphomas (pels). previously, we demonstrated that kshv blocks il-4-induced stat6 phosphorylation and retains a basal il-13/stat6 constitutive activation for cell survival and proliferation. ...201728099521
quercetin induces apoptosis and autophagy in primary effusion lymphoma cells by inhibiting pi3k/akt/mtor and stat3 signaling pathways.quercetin, a bioflavonoid contained in several vegetables daily consumed, has been studied for long time for its antiinflammatory and anticancer properties. quercetin interacts with multiple cancer-related pathways such as pi3k/akt, wnt/β-catenin and stat3. these pathways are hyperactivated in primary effusion lymphoma (pel), an aggressive b cell lymphoma whose pathogenesis is strictly linked to the oncogenic virus kaposis' sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). in this study, we found that quer ...201728092744
international, evidence-based consensus diagnostic criteria for hhv-8-negative/idiopathic multicentric castleman disease.human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8)-negative, idiopathic multicentric castleman disease (imcd) is a rare and life-threatening disorder involving systemic inflammatory symptoms, polyclonal lymphoproliferation, cytopenias, and multiple organ system dysfunction caused by a cytokine storm often including interleukin-6. imcd accounts for one third to one half of all cases of mcd and can occur in individuals of any age. accurate diagnosis is challenging, because no standard diagnostic criteria or diagnostic b ...201728087540
talc pleurodesis allows long-term remission in hiv-unrelated human herpesvirus 8-associated primary effusion lymphoma. 201728084853
ultraviolet radiation and kaposi sarcoma incidence in a nationwide us cohort of hiv-infected men.although ultraviolet radiation (uvr) is established as both an inducer of herpes simplex virus reactivation and as the primary risk factor for many common skin cancers, its relationship with human herpes virus 8 (hhv8) infection or risk of kaposi sarcoma (ks) is unknown.201728040691
structure of the open reading frame 49 protein encoded by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.herpesviruses alternate between the latent and the lytic life cycle. switching into the lytic life cycle is important for herpesviral replication and disease pathogenesis. activation of a transcription factor replication and transcription activator (rta) has been demonstrated to govern this switch in kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). the protein encoded by open reading frame 49 from kshv (orf49kshv) has been shown to upregulate lytic replication in kshv by enhancing the activities ...201727807232
p120-catenin regulates ve-cadherin endocytosis and degradation induced by the kaposi sarcoma-associated ubiquitin ligase k5.vascular endothelial (ve)-cadherin undergoes constitutive internalization driven by a unique endocytic motif that also serves as a p120-catenin (p120) binding site. p120 binding masks the motif, stabilizing the cadherin at cell junctions. this mechanism allows constitutive ve-cadherin endocytosis and recycling to contribute to adherens junction dynamics without resulting in junction disassembly. here we identify an additional motif that drives ve-cadherin endocytosis and pathological junction di ...201727798235
identification of novel kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf50 transcripts: discovery of new rta isoforms with variable transactivation potential.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a gammaherpesvirus that has been associated with primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric castleman's disease, as well as its namesake kaposi's sarcoma. as a gammaherpesvirus, kshv is able to acutely replicate, enter latency, and reactivate from this latent state. a key protein involved in both acute replication and reactivation from latency is the replication and transcriptional activator (rta) encoded by the gene orf50 rta is a known transact ...201727795414
proliferation status defines functional properties of endothelial cells.homeostasis of solid tissue is characterized by a low proliferative activity of differentiated cells while special conditions like tissue damage induce regeneration and proliferation. for some cell types it has been shown that various tissue-specific functions are missing in the proliferating state, raising the possibility that their proliferation is not compatible with a fully differentiated state. while endothelial cells are important players in regenerating tissue as well as in the vasculariz ...201727853834
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus micrornas target gadd45b to protect infected cells from cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.kaposi's sarcoma is one of the most common malignancies in hiv-infected individuals. the responsible agent, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv; hhv8), expresses multiple micrornas (mirnas), but the targets and functions of these mirnas are not completely understood. after infection in primary endothelial cells with kshv, growth arrest dna damage-inducible gene 45 beta (gadd45b) is one of the most repressed genes using genomic expression profiling. gadd45b was also repressed in mrna ex ...201727852859
recapitulation of acquired immuno deficiency syndrome associated kaposi's sarcoma.acquired immuno deficiency syndrome (aids) associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is one of the clinical forms of ks. ks is caused by human herpes viruses 8 or ks associated herpes virus (kshv). in india, till now, only 16 cases of aids associated ks was reported. of all the clinical forms of ks, aids associated ks is distinct in many ways viz.; cutaneous manifestations commonly affects face and trunk rather than lower limbs, more mucosal lesions, rapidly progressive, and early systemic involvement. w ...201727890943
the histological and biological spectrum of diffuse large b-cell lymphoma in the world health organization classification.diffuse large b-cell lymphomas (dlbcls) are aggressive b-cell lymphomas that are clinically, pathologically, and genetically diverse, in part reflecting the functional diversity of the b-cell system. the focus in recent years has been toward incorporation of clinical features, morphology, immunohistochemistry, and ever evolving genetic data into the classification scheme. the 2008 world health organization classification reflects this complexity with the addition of several new entities and vari ...201723006945
a role for malt1 activity in kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus latency and growth of primary effusion lymphoma.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is an incurable malignancy that develops in immunodeficient patients as a consequence of latent infection of b-cells with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv). malignant growth of kshv-infected b cells requires the activity of the transcription factor nuclear factor (nf)-κb, which controls maintenance of viral latency and suppression of the viral lytic program. here we show that the kshv proteins k13 and k15 promote nf-κb activation via the protease muc ...201727538487
epidemiology of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in asia: challenges and opportunities.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv) also referred to as human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8), is a gamma herpes virus and recently discovered human virus. since its discovery, a myriad of studies has been conducted to explore its pathogenesis mechanisms. however, despite our consistently increasing understanding of kshv biology and its clinical manifestations, only little progress has been made in understanding of its epidemiology characteristics which in turn hampered the management of kshv- ...201727531516
kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus-associated cancers and related diseases.this review discusses the pathogenesis and recent advances in the management of kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv)-associated diseases.201727662501
human herpesvirus 8 infection contributes to a t helper 2 immune response in men from tobago with prostate compare the cytokine profile between human herpesvirus 8 seropositive and seronegative men with and without prostate cancer.201727734534
durable remission of both multicentric castleman's disease and kaposi's sarcoma with valganciclovir, rituximab and liposomal doxorubicin in an hhv-8-positive, hiv-negative patient.human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8)-positive, hiv-negative multicentric castleman's disease is a rare lymphoproliferative disorder with no standardized treatment. concurrent kaposi's sarcoma, another hhv-8-related disease, is uncommon in hiv-negative patients. the role of antiviral therapy and rituximab in hiv-negative patients is not well established.201727790727
discovery of a novel bat gammaherpesvirus.zoonosis is the leading cause of emerging infectious diseases. in a recent article, r. s. shabman et al. (msphere 1[1]:e00070-15, 2016, report the identification of a novel gammaherpesvirus in a cell line derived from the microbat myotis velifer incautus. this is the first report on a replicating, infectious gammaherpesvirus from bats. the new virus is named bat gammaherpesvirus 8 (bghv8), also known as myotis gammaherpesvirus 8, and is able to infect ...201727303690
human herpesvirus 8-unrelated primary effusion lymphoma-like lymphoma in an elderly korean patient with a good response to rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a rare type of non-hodgkin's lymphoma arising from a b-cell lineage characterized by the formation of malignant effusion in body cavities without evidence of a detectable tumor. the effusion contains tumor cells universally infected with human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8), which is the critical factor differentiating pel from hhv8-unrelated pel-like lymphoma (pel-ll). this report describes a 77-year-old male patient with pleural effusion and ascites, containing lymphom ...201727283030
relationship between hhv8 infection markers and insulin sensitivity in ketosis-prone diabetes.peripheral tissue resistance to insulin action is a characteristic of type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2dm). it has also been reported that some chronic viral infections can contribute to insulin resistance. human herpesvirus (hhv)-8 infection has been detected in t2dm patients in previous studies. our study investigated whether the presence of the virus is associated with insulin resistance in patients with ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes (kpd), as reported with other viruses.201727262367
molecular typing of human herpesvirus 8 among hiv positive in comparison to hiv-negative individuals in is still unclear whether different hhv-8 genotypes may have different pathogenic and tumorigenic properties associated with a diverse rate of disease progression. in some areas where genotype c was found to be prominent among classic ks patients, genotype a was shown to be more frequent among aids-associated ks patients. genotype c was previously reported to be widespread in iran, with genotype a being less frequent among patients with classic ks although no data are available with regards to ...201727463857
a conserved leucine zipper motif in gammaherpesvirus orf52 is critical for distinct microtubule rearrangements.productive viral infection often depends on the manipulation of the cytoskeleton. herpesviruses, including rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv) and its close homolog, the oncogenic human gammaherpesvirus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8 (kshv/hhv8), exploit microtubule (mt)-based retrograde transport to deliver their genomes to the nucleus. subsequently, during the lytic phase of the life cycle, the maturing viral particles undergo orchestrated translocation to specialized ...201728615210
biophysical and computational studies of the vcci:vmip-ii complex.certain viruses have the ability to subvert the mammalian immune response, including interference in the chemokine system. poxviruses produce the chemokine binding protein vcci (viral cc chemokine inhibitor; also called 35k), which tightly binds to cc chemokines. to facilitate the study of vcci, we first provide a protocol to produce folded vcci from escherichia coli (e. coli.) it is shown here that vcci binds with unusually high affinity to viral macrophage inflammatory protein-ii (vmip-ii), a ...201728813018
a tiny rna that packs a big punch: the critical role of a viral mir-155 ortholog in lymphomagenesis in marek's disease.micrornas (mirnas) are small non-coding rnas that have been identified in animals, plants, and viruses. these small rnas play important roles in post-transcriptional regulation of various cellular processes, including development, differentiation, and all aspects of cancer biology. rapid-onset t-cell lymphoma of chickens, namely marek's disease (md), induced by gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 (gahv2), could provide an ideal natural animal model for herpesvirus-related cancer research. gahv2 encodes 26 ...201728694799
anoikis resistance and oncoviruses.anoikis is known as a special type of programmed cell death which occurs in response to loss of correct cell- extracellular matrix (ecm) connections. this is process could be as pivotal event in normal development and tissue homeostasis and found as important mechanism in cancer invasiveness and metastasis. the persistent infection with oncoviruses including ebv (epstein bar virus), hpv (human papillomaviruses), hbv (hepatitis b virus), kshv (human herpesvirus 8), htlv-1 (human t-lymphotropic vi ...201728836703
disarming cellular alarm systems-manipulation of stress-induced nkg2d ligands by human herpesviruses.the coevolution of viruses and their hosts led to the repeated emergence of cellular alert signals and viral strategies to counteract them. the herpesvirus family of viruses displays the most sophisticated repertoire of immune escape mechanisms enabling infected cells to evade immune recognition and thereby maintain infection. the herpesvirus family consists of nine viruses that are capable of infecting humans: herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (hsv-1, hsv-2), varicella zoster virus (vzv), epstein-ba ...201728443092
herpesviruses excretion in saliva of pediatric transplant recipients.saliva samples could be used for follow-up of herpesviruses infection in the pediatric transplant recipients.201728834054
how herpesviruses pass on their genomes.herpesvirus genomes exist and replicate as episomes inside the host cell nucleus during latent infection. chiu et al. (2017. j. cell biol. find that unlike epstein-barr virus, which partitions viral genomes faithfully during cell division, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus clusters viral genomes into loci that are distributed unequally to daughter cells.201728819012
herpesviral micrornas in cellular metabolism and immune responses.the micrornas (mirnas) function as a key regulator in many biological processes through post-transcriptional suppression of messenger rnas. recent advancements have revealed that mirnas are involved in many biological functions of cells. not only host cells, but also some viruses encode mirnas in their genomes. viral mirnas regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and the cell cycle to establish infection and produce viral progeny. particularly, mirnas encoded by herpes virus fam ...201728769892
post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder presented in a form of primary effusion lymphoma with t (8; 14).post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (ptld) are emergent complications of organ transplantation occurring in 2% to 10% of transplanted patients. epstein-barr virus (ebv) infections are considered the most important factors for the development of these heterogeneous disorders. primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a lymphoproliferative disorder predominantly described in patients with advanced aids and it is almost universally associated with human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8). in rare case, pel al ...201728667038
lymphoproliferative disorders of the lung.this review aims to describe some of the most frequent lymphoproliferative disorders arising from the lung: pulmonary mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (malt) lymphoma, lymphomatoid granulomatosis (lg), multicentric castleman disease (mcd), primary effusion lymphoma (pel), and nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (nlh). primary pulmonary lymphoma is defined as a clonal lymphoproliferative disorder affecting one or both lungs, without extrapulmonary involvement 3 months after diagnosis, and includes pulm ...201728609772
epstein-barr virus rta-mediated accumulation of dna methylation interferes with ctcf binding in both host and viral genomes.rta, an epstein-barr virus (ebv) immediate-early protein, reactivates viral lytic replication that is closely associated with tumorigenesis. in previous studies, we demonstrated that in epithelial cells rta efficiently induced cellular senescence, which is an irreversible g1 arrest likely to provide a favorable environment for productive replications of ebv and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). to restrict progression of the cell cycle, rta simultaneously upregulates cdk inhibitors ...201728490592
primary lymphocyte infection models for kshv and its putative tumorigenesis mechanisms in b cell lymphomas.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the latest addition to the human herpesvirus family. unlike alpha- and beta-herpesvirus subfamily members, gamma-herpesviruses, including epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kshv, cause various tumors in humans. kshv primarily infects endothelial and b cells in vivo, and is associated with at least three malignancies: kaposi's sarcoma and two b cell lymphomas, respectively. although kshv readily infects endothelial cells in vitro and thus its pathogenic ...201728455586
localisation of double-strand break repair proteins to viral replication compartments following lytic reactivation of kshv.double-strand breaks (dsbs) in dna are recognised by the ku70/80 heterodimer and the mre11-rad50-nbs1 (mrn) complex and result in activation of the dna-pk and atm kinases that play key roles in regulating the cellular dna damage response (ddr). dna tumour viruses such as kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) are known to interact extensively with the ddr during the course of their replicative cycles. here we show that during lytic amplification of kshv dna, the ku70/80 heterodimer and t ...201728855246
oncolytic reactivation of kshv as a therapeutic approach for primary effusion lymphoma.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is an aggressive subtype of non-hodgkin lymphoma caused by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. currently treatment options for patients with pel are limited. oncolytic viruses have been engineered as anti-cancer agents and have recently shown increased therapeutic promise. similarly, lytic activation of endogenous viruses from latently infected tumor cells can also be applied as a cancer therapy. in theory, such a therapeutic strategy would i ...201728847988
corrigendum: clinical manifestations of kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus lytic activation: multicentric castleman disease (kshv-mcd) and the kshv inflammatory cytokine syndrome.[this corrects the article on p. 73 in vol. 3, pmid: 22403576.].201728845155
nuclease escape elements protect messenger rna against cleavage by multiple viral endonucleases.during lytic kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection, the viral endonu- clease sox promotes widespread degradation of cytoplasmic messenger rna (mrna). however, select mrnas, including the transcript encoding interleukin-6 (il-6), escape sox-induced cleavage. il-6 escape is mediated through a 3' utr rna regulatory element that overrides the sox targeting mechanism. here, we reveal that this protective rna element functions to broadly restrict cleavage by a range of homologous an ...201728841715
herpesviruses shape tumour microenvironment through exosomal transfer of viral micrornas.metabolic changes within the cell and its niche affect cell fate and are involved in many diseases and disorders including cancer and viral infections. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiological agent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks). kshv latently infected cells express only a subset of viral genes, mainly located within the latency-associated region, among them 12 micrornas. notably, these mirnas are responsible for inducing the warburg effect in infected cells. here we identify ...201728837697
expression and subcellular localization of the kshv k15p protein during latency and lytic reactivation in primary effusion lymphoma cells.the k15p membrane protein of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) interacts with multiple cellular signaling pathways, and is thought to play key roles in kshv-associated endothelial cell angiogenesis, regulation of b-cell receptor (bcr) signaling and the survival, activation and proliferation of bcr-negative primary effusion lymphoma (pel) cells. although full-length k15p is ∼45kda in size, numerous lower molecular weight forms of the protein exist as a result of differential splicing ...201728835496
zic2 is essential for maintenance of latency and is a target of an immediate-early protein during kshv lytic reactivation.bivalent histone modifications are defined as repressive and activating epigenetic marks that simultaneously decorate the same genomic region. the h3k27me3 mark silences gene expression while h3k4me3 mark prevents the region from becoming permanently silenced and prepares the domain for activation when needed. specific regions of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) latent episomes are "poised" to be activated by the kshv replication and transcription activator (k-rta). how kshv episom ...201728835494
a critical role of glutamine and asparagine γ-nitrogen in nucleotide biosynthesis in cancer cells hijacked by an oncogenic virus.while glutamine is a nonessential amino acid that can be synthesized from glucose, some cancer cells primarily depend on glutamine for their growth, proliferation, and survival. numerous types of cancer also depend on asparagine for cell proliferation. the underlying mechanisms of the glutamine and asparagine requirement in cancer cells in different contexts remain unclear. in this study, we show that the oncogenic virus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) accelerates the glutamine me ...201728811348
rutamarin, an active constituent from ruta angustifolia pers., induced apoptotic cell death in the ht29 colon adenocarcinoma cell line.ruta angustifolia pers. is a perennial herb that is cultivated worldwide, including southeast asia, for the treatment of various diseases as traditional medicine.201728808378
kshv and the role of notch receptor dysregulation in disease progression.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of two human cancers, kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and primary effusion lymphoma (pel), and a lymphoproliferation, multicentric castleman's disease (mcd). progression to tumor development in ks is dependent upon the reactivation of the virus from its latent state. we, and others, have shown that the replication and transcriptional activator (rta) protein is the only viral gene product that is necessary and sufficient for viral reacti ...201728788110
kshv and the role of notch receptor dysregulation in disease progression.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of two human cancers, kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and primary effusion lymphoma (pel), and a lymphoproliferation, multicentric castleman's disease (mcd). progression to tumor development in ks is dependent upon the reactivation of the virus from its latent state. we, and others, have shown that the replication and transcriptional activator (rta) protein is the only viral gene product that is necessary and sufficient for viral reacti ...201728777778
human herpesvirus 8 infects and replicates in langerhans cells and interstitial dermal dendritic cells and impairs their function.the predominant types of dendritic cells (dc) in the skin and mucosa are langerhans cells (lc) and interstitial dermal dc (iddc). lc and iddc process cutaneous antigens and migrate out of the skin and mucosa to the draining lymph nodes to present antigens to t and b cells. because of the strategic location of lc and iddc and the ability of these cells to capture and process pathogens, we hypothesized that they could be infected with human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8; kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesv ...201728768873
allosteric inhibitors, crystallography, and comparative analysis reveal network of coordinated movement across human herpesvirus proteases.targeting of cryptic binding sites represents an attractive but underexplored approach to modulating protein function with small molecules. using the dimeric protease (pr) from kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) as a model system, we sought to dissect a putative allosteric network linking a cryptic site at the dimerization interface to enzyme function. five cryogenic x-ray structures were solved of the monomeric protease with allosteric inhibitors bound to the dimer interface site. d ...201728759216
assemblins as maturational proteases in herpesviruses.during assembly of herpesvirus capsids, a protein scaffold self-assembles to ring-like structures forming the scaffold of the spherical procapsids. proteolytic activity of the herpesvirus maturational protease causes structural changes that result in angularization of the capsids. in those mature icosahedral capsids, the packaging of viral dna into the capsids can take place. the strictly regulated protease is called assemblin. it is inactive in its monomeric state and activated by dimerization. ...201728758622
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection promotes differentiation and polarization of monocytes into tumor-associated macrophages.tumor associated macrophages (tams) promote angiogenesis, tumor invasion and metastasis, and suppression of anti-tumor immunity. these myeloid cells originate from monocytes, which differentiate into tams upon exposure to the local tumor microenvironment. we previously reported that kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv) infection of endothelial cells induces the cytokine angiopoietin-2 (ang-2) to promote migration of monocytes into tumors. here we report that kshv infection of endothel ...201728750175
microrna dependent and independent deregulation of long non-coding rnas by an oncogenic herpesvirus.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a highly prevalent cancer in aids patients, especially in sub-saharan africa. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiological agent of ks and other cancers like primary effusion lymphoma (pel). in ks and pel, all tumors harbor latent kshv episomes and express latency-associated viral proteins and micrornas (mirnas). the exact molecular mechanisms by which latent kshv drives tumorigenesis are not completely understood. recent developments have highlighte ...201728715488
profiling of cellular microrna responses during the early stages of kshv infection.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) causes a variety of cancers, including kaposi's sarcoma (ks), primary effusion lymphoma (pel), and multicentric castleman disease (mcd). host cellular micrornas (mirnas) play important post-transcriptional regulatory roles in gene expression and can greatly influence virus-host cell interactions. this study investigated cellular mirna expression profiles operating in response to early stages of kshv infection of human burkitt lymphoma b cells (bjab) ...201728707270
effects of the nedd8-activating enzyme inhibitor mln4924 on lytic reactivation of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.the switch of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) from latency to lytic replication is a key event for viral dissemination and pathogenesis. mln4924, a novel neddylation inhibitor, reportedly causes the onset of kshv reactivation but impairs later phases of viral lytic program in infected cells. thus far, the molecular mechanism involved in the modulation of kshv lytic cycle by mln4924 is not yet fully understood. here, we confirmed that treatment of different kshv-infected primary ef ...201728701396
viral micrornas repress the cholesterol pathway, and 25-hydroxycholesterol inhibits infection.from various screens, we found that kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) viral micrornas (mirnas) target several enzymes in the mevalonate/cholesterol pathway. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a (coa) synthase 1 (hmgcs1), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coa reductase (hmgcr [a rate-limiting step in the mevalonate pathway]), and farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1 (fdft1 [a committed step in the cholesterol branch]) are repressed by multiple kshv mirnas. transfection of viral mirna ...201728698273
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus stably clusters its genomes across generations to maintain itself extrachromosomally.genetic elements that replicate extrachromosomally are rare in mammals; however, several human tumor viruses, including the papillomaviruses and the gammaherpesviruses, maintain their plasmid genomes by tethering them to cellular chromosomes. we have uncovered an unprecedented mechanism of viral replication: kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) stably clusters its genomes across generations to maintain itself extrachromosomally. to identify and characterize this mechanism, we developed ...201728696226
was kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus introduced into china via the ancient silk road? an evolutionary perspective.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) has become widely dispersed worldwide since it was first reported in 1994, but the seroprevalence of kshv varies geographically. kshv is relatively ubiquitous in mediterranean areas and the xinjiang uygur autonomous region, china. the origin of kshv has long been puzzling. in the present study, we collected and analysed 154 kshv orf-k1 sequences obtained from samples originating from xinjiang, italy, greece, iran and southern siberia using bayesian ...201728687922
kshv encoded orf59 modulates histone arginine methylation of the viral genome to promote viral reactivation.kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) persists in a highly-ordered chromatin structure inside latently infected cells with the majority of the viral genome having repressive marks. however, upon reactivation the viral chromatin landscape changes into 'open' chromatin through the involvement of lysine demethylases and methyltransferases. besides methylation of lysine residues of histone h3, arginine methylation of histone h4 plays an important role in controlling the compactness of the c ...201728678843
effect of electrochemotherapy on human herpesvirus 8 kinetics in classic kaposi sarcoma.electrochemotherapy (ect) has shown to be an effective treatment for cutaneous and subcutaneous kaposi sarcoma (ks) lesions. however, no study has investigated the impact of ect treatment on the kinetics of human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv8), which is considered the necessary causal agent of ks. we aimed to evaluate hhv8 viral load and expression levels in patients affected by classic ks who received one or more ect treatments and have been followed semi annually for up to four years.201728649271
modulation of global sumoylation by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and its effects on viral gene expression.some viruses have evolved to exploit the host sumoylation system to regulate their own replication. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) encodes k-bzip, a sumo e3 ligase catalyzing the sumoylation of viral and host proteins. kshv also encodes replication and transcriptional activator (rta), a sumo-targeted ubiquitin ligase catalyzing the ubiquitination of sumoylated proteins and targeting them for degradation. using chronic kshv-infected tre × bcbl-1 rta cells, the expression kinetics ...201728639696
no detectable human herpesvirus-8 oral shedding in seronegative-healthy, immunocompetent individuals from non-endemic regions for kaposi's sarcoma: a pilot study.saliva can play an important role in human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) transmission in endemic regions for kaposi's sarcoma (ks). little is known about hhv-8 oral shedding in immunocompetent individuals from non-endemic regions for ks.201728631891
diversity of human herpesvirus 8 genotypes in patients with aids and non-aids associated kaposi's sarcoma, castleman's disease and primary effusion lymphoma in argentina.hhv-8 genotypes are distributed heterogeneously worldwide. the variable k1 gene and the conserved orf26e region serve to genotype. the aim of the study was to characterize hhv-8 isolates from patients with aids, classical, and iatrogenic ks, primary effusion lymphoma and castleman's disease and one organ donor from argentina by analysis of orfk1 and orf26e regions. dna was extracted from fresh or paraffin embedded biopsies, blood, and saliva samples and submitted to hhv-8 pcr. phylogenetic analy ...201728617968
the latency-associated nuclear antigen of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus inhibits expression of sumo/sentrin-specific peptidase 6 to facilitate establishment of latency.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), which belongs to the gammaherpesviridae, typically displays two different phases in its life cycle, the latent phase and the lytic phase. latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana), the primary viral product during latency, has been reported to bind to a series of cellular gene promoters to modulate gene transcription. to systemically elucidate the cellular genes regulated by lana, we identified genome-wide lana binding sites by chromatin immunoprec ...201728615201
antimicrobial sulfonamides clear latent kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus infection and impair mdm2-p53 complex formation.kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv), also known as human herpesvirus 8, is the causative agent of kaposi sarcoma; this malignant angiosarcoma is usually treated with conventional antitumor agents that can control disease evolution, but do not clear the latent kshv episome that binds to cellular dna. some commercial antibacterial sulfonamides were tested for the ability to suppress latent kshv. quantitative pcr (qpcr) and cytofluorometry assays were used for detecting both viral dna and the latency ...201728611469
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