
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cell proliferation after ischemic infarction in gerbil order to study cell proliferation after ischemic infarction, a model of bilateral common carotid artery occlusion in the gerbil was developed. a comparison of survival rates after 15, 30, 45 and 60 min of occlusion revealed that 45 min was the maximum duration of ischemia after which most (72%) of the gerbils were alive at 1 week. the administration of pentobarbital (single dose, 30 mg/kg) postoperatively to badly seizing animals increased survival to 100%. large, well-demarcated infarcts wer ...20144063808
case 6. retroperitoneal teratoma. 20144095039
intra and intermolecular modeling studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. 20143991676
[effects of a sodium nitroprusside-dobutamine combination in left cardiac failure]. 20144002197
seat belt sponsor cruce on the new law and his job. 20143982304
[rheological blood indicators during motor activity of various degrees].blood rheological parameters of essentially healthy people were examined during exercises of a maximal workload and 14-day head-down tilt. the results obtained indicate that in the people performing normal and increased motor activity some rheological parameters were different. changes in the rheological parameters of blood after head-down tilt and exercises with a maximal workload suggest the existence of a blood viscosity threshold above which physical work capacity declines significantly. the ...20143974179
psychiatric disorder in the parents of adopted children with aggressive conduct disorder.the authors found that adoptive fathers of children with aggressive conduct disorder less often had alcoholism and antisocial personality than the natural fathers of nonadopted children with the same disorder. this evidence suggests that social factors which are widely held to produce the disorder are not necessary causes.20144033897
food sensitivity. 20143929976
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with desferrioxamine: relation between stores of iron before treatment and side effects. 20143926233
[contributions to the problem of compensation of blindness and to the electronic modeling of the eye]. 20144389485
pro-hormones in tissues and in circulation. 20144362117
hormone structure and biological activity. biochemical studies of three pituitary hormones. 20144285003
biosynthesis of cyclic diterpenes in extracts from seedlings of ricinus communis l. ii. conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate into diterpene hydrocarbons and partial purification of the cyclization enzymes. 20144312392
biosynthesis of cyclic diterpenes in extracts from seedlings of ricinus communis l. ii. conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate into diterpene hydrocarbons and partial purification of the cyclization enzymes. 20144312392
relationship of clinical and microbiological variables in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis.the aim of the study was to analyze how metabolic control of type 1 diabetes is related to clinical and microbiological periodontal parameters.201425294115
lack of cathelicidin processing in papillon-lefèvre syndrome patients reveals essential role of ll-37 in periodontal homeostasis.loss-of-function point mutations in the cathepsin c gene are the underlying genetic event in patients with papillon-lefèvre syndrome (pls). pls neutrophils lack serine protease activity essential for cathelicidin ll-37 generation from hcap18 precursor.201425260376
microbial signature profiles of periodontally healthy and diseased determine microbial profiles that discriminate periodontal health from different forms of periodontal diseases.201425139407
the presence of cariogenic and periodontal pathogens in the oral cavity of one-year-old infants delivered pre-term with very low birthweights: a case control study.recently, the dental literature has focused mainly on the microbial colonization of healthy full-term infants and their mothers or caretakers. however, oral microbial acquisition by premature infants has not been adequately investigated, and the correlation between pre-term birth and the presence of cariogenic and periodontal pathogens has not been determined. the aim of this study was to identify the presence and quantities of representative cariogenic and periodontal pathogens in the oral cavi ...201425178742
alcohol as an impurity in ladh preparations. determination and removal. 20144293763
[parenteral hyperalimentation]. 20144219105
serum igg antibody levels to periodontal microbiota are associated with incident alzheimer disease.periodontitis and alzheimer disease (ad) are associated with systemic inflammation. this research studied serum igg to periodontal microbiota as possible predictors of incident ad.201425522313
subgingival microbial profiles of sudanese patients with aggressive periodontitis.aggressive periodontitis (agp) is prevalent and shows a rapid course in african individuals. although a strong focus has been placed on aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, new methods support the existence of a complex subgingival microflora in agp. the purpose of the present study was to map the subgingival microbiota as well as explore the presence of a. actinomycetemcomitans and the jp2 clone in a group of sudanese individuals with agp, using different analytical methods.201425487558
association between periodontal condition and subgingival microbiota in women during pregnancy: a longitudinal this study, the gingival conditions and the quantitative detection for aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, fusobacterium nucleatum, porphyromonas gingivalis and prevotella intermedia in pregnant women were determined.201425591021
association between polycystic ovary syndrome, oral microbiota and systemic antibody responses.polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos) is a hormonal disorder of women that not only is the leading cause of infertility but also shows a reciprocal link with oral health. this study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that the levels of putative periodontal pathogens in saliva and their antibody response in serum are elevated in pcos, compared to systemic health. a total of 125 women were included in four groups; 45 women with pcos and healthy periodontium, 35 women with pcos and gingivitis, 25 syste ...201425232962
subgingival air-polishing with erythritol during periodontal maintenance: randomized clinical trial of twelve evaluate repeated subgingival air-polishing in residual pockets with a new erythritol powder containing 0.3% chlorhexidine.201425041441
subgingival bacteria in ghanaian adolescents with or without progression of attachment loss.this study describes subgingival bacterial profiles associated with clinical periodontal status in ghanaian adolescents with or without progression of attachment loss.201424834145
in vitro-activity of oily calcium hydroxide suspension on microorganisms as well as on human alveolar osteoblasts and periodontal ligament fibroblasts.findings from animal and human studies have indicated that an oily calcium hydroxide suspension (ochs) may improve early wound healing in the treatment of periodontitis. calcium hydroxide as the main component is well known for its antimicrobial activity, however at present the effect of ochs on the influence of periodontal wound healing/regeneration is still very limited. the purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of ochs on periodontopathogenic bacteria as well as on the ...201424475753
clinical evaluation of salivary periodontal pathogen levels by real-time polymerase chain reaction in patients before dental implant treatment.periodontal pathogens in dental plaque are the main causative agents of periodontitis and peri-implantitis. detection of the presence of such periodontal pathogens early would serve as a useful tool in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the periodontal pathogen levels in saliva were correlated with the periodontal status of patients receiving implant treatment.201423745964
acquisition of oral microbes and associated systemic responses of newborn nonhuman primates.the acquisition and development of the complex oral microbiome remain ill defined. while selected species of oral bacteria have been examined in relation to their initial colonization in neonates, a more detailed understanding of the dynamics of the microbiome has been developed only in adults. the current investigation used a nonhuman primate model to document the kinetics of colonization of the oral cavities of newborns and infants by a range of oral commensals and pathogens. differences in co ...201424173024
effects of adjunctive daily phototherapy on chronic periodontitis: a randomized single-blind controlled trial.the purpose of this randomized single-blind controlled trial was to elucidate the clinical and antimicrobial effects of daily phototherapy (pt) as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (srp) in patients with chronic periodontitis.201425568808
oral bacterial dna findings in pericardial fluid.we recently reported that large amounts of oral bacterial dna can be found in thrombus aspirates of myocardial infarction patients. some case reports describe bacterial findings in pericardial fluid, mostly done with conventional culturing and a few with pcr; in purulent pericarditis, nevertheless, bacterial pcr has not been used as a diagnostic method before.201425412607
a periodontitis-associated multispecies model of an oral biofilm.while single-species biofilms have been studied extensively, we know notably little regarding multispecies biofilms and their interactions. the purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an in vitro multispecies dental biofilm model that aimed to mimic the environment of chronic periodontitis.201424778902
aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans outer membrane vesicles are internalized in human host cells and trigger nod1- and nod2-dependent nf-κb activation.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an oral and systemic pathogen associated with aggressive forms of periodontitis and with endocarditis. we recently demonstrated that outer membrane vesicles (omvs) disseminated by a. actinomycetemcomitans could deliver multiple proteins, including biologically active cytolethal distending toxin (cdt), into the cytosol of hela cells and human gingival fibroblasts (hgf). in the present work, we have used immunoelectron and confocal microscopy analysis and f ...201425024364
blockade of the pi-3k signalling pathway by the aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans cytolethal distending toxin induces macrophages to synthesize and secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines.the aggregatibactor actinomycetemcomitans cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) induces g2 arrest and apoptosis in lymphocytes; these toxic effects are due to the active subunit, cdtb, which functions as a phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (pip3) phosphatase. we now extend our investigation and demonstrate that cdt is able to perturb human macrophage function. thp-1- and monocyte-derived macrophages were found not to be susceptible to cdt-induced apoptosis. nonetheless, the toxin was capable o ...201424697951
inflammatory and bone remodeling responses to the cytolethal distending toxins.the cytolethal distending toxins (cdts) are a family of exotoxins produced by a wide range of gram-negative bacteria. they are known for causing genotoxic stress to the cell, resulting in growth arrest and eventually apoptotic cell death. nevertheless, there is evidence that cdts can also perturb the innate immune responses, by regulating inflammatory cytokine production and molecular mediators of bone remodeling in various cell types. these cellular and molecular events may in turn have an effe ...201424709959
ai-2 of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans inhibits candida albicans biofilm formation.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, a gram-negative bacterium, and candida albicans, a polymorphic fungus, are both commensals of the oral cavity but both are opportunistic pathogens that can cause oral diseases. a. actinomycetemcomitans produces a quorum-sensing molecule called autoinducer-2 (ai-2), synthesized by luxs, that plays an important role in expression of virulence factors, in intra- but also in interspecies communication. the aim of this study was to investigate the role of ai-2 b ...201425101248
anaerobic culture to detect periodontal and caries pathogens.anaerobic culture has been critical in our understanding of the oral microbiotas.201425678835
[antibacterial activity of synthetic antimicrobial decapeptide against oral bacteria].this study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of decapeptide, a novel antimicrobial peptide, against several major cariogenic and periodontopathogenic bacteria in vitro. methods in this study, we investigated the antimicrobial activity of decapeptide against streptococcus mutans (s. mutans), streptococcus sobrinus, lactobacillus acidophilus, streptococcus sanguis, streptococcus gordonii, actinomyces viscosus, actinomyces naeslundii, porphyromonas gingivalis, prevotella intermedia, fusob ...201425665430
sialic acid residues are essential for cell lysis mediated by leukotoxin from aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.leukotoxin (ltxa) from aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is known to target and lyse β2-integrin-expressing cells such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages. ltxa is an important virulence factor that facilitates chronic inflammation and is strongly associated with a fast-progressing form of periodontitis caused by the jp2 clone of the bacterium. here, we show that sialic acid residues are important for ltxa-induced cell lysis, regardless of whether the cell express β2-integrin or ...201424643533
16s rdna-based metagenomic analysis of dental plaque and lung bacteria in patients with severe acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ae-copd) are leading causes of mortality in hospital intensive care units. we sought to determine whether dental plaque biofilms might harbor pathogenic bacteria that can eventually cause lung infections in patients with severe ae-copd.201424484531
an in vitro biofilm model associated to dental implants: structural and quantitative analysis of in vitro biofilm formation on different dental implant surfaces.the impact of implant surfaces in dental biofilm development is presently unknown. the aim of this investigation was to assess in vitro the development of a complex biofilm model on titanium and zirconium implant surfaces, and to compare it with the same biofilm formed on hydroxyapatite surface.201425110288
improving photodynamic inactivation of bacteria in dentistry: highly effective and fast killing of oral key pathogens with novel tooth-colored type-ii photosensitizers.increasing antibiotic resistances in microorganisms create serious problems in public health. this demands alternative approaches for killing pathogens to supplement standard treatment methods. photodynamic inactivation of bacteria (pib) uses light activated photosensitizers (ps) to generate reactive oxygen species immediately upon illumination, inducing lethal phototoxicity. positively charged phenalen-1-one derivatives are a new generation of ps for light-mediated killing of pathogens with out ...201424884918
dental caries and microbiota in children with black stain and non-discoloured dental plaque.we aimed to assess caries experience and microbiota in systemically healthy children with black stain (bs) and non-discoloured plaque.201424335143
characterization and application of a flow system for in vitro multispecies oral biofilm formation.bacteria in the oral cavity grow in the form of biofilms; these structures are subject to constant saliva or gingival crevicular fluid flow conditions. the aims of this study were: (i) to develop and to characterize an in-vitro biofilm model with oral bacteria growing under flow and shear conditions; and (ii) to demonstrate the usefulness of the model for evaluating the activity of three antiplaque agents.201423815431
microbial analysis of subgingival plaque samples compared to that of whole saliva in patients with periodontitis.the detection of special bacterial species in patients with periodontitis is considered to be useful for clinical diagnosis and treatment. the collection of subgingival plaque samples is the common way for the determination of periodontopathic bacteria. however, recently, salivary analysis has been discussed as an advantageous future diagnostic method for periodontitis because it offers simple quantitative sampling and the possibility to assess various bacteria. the aim of this cross-sectional s ...201424144271
classification, identification, and clinical significance of haemophilus and aggregatibacter species with host specificity for humans.the aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive update on the current classification and identification of haemophilus and aggregatibacter species with exclusive or predominant host specificity for humans. haemophilus influenzae and some of the other haemophilus species are commonly encountered in the clinical microbiology laboratory and demonstrate a wide range of pathogenicity, from life-threatening invasive disease to respiratory infections to a nonpathogenic, commensal lifestyle. new sp ...201424696434
cardiobacterium hominis-induced acute dacryocystitis and lacrimal abscess.cardiobacterium hominis is a member of the hacek (haemophilus sp., actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, c. hominis, eikenella corrodens, and kingella kingae) group commonly associated with endocarditits and is normally present in the respiratory tract. we describe the first case of acute dacryocystitis with lacrimal abscess caused by c. hominis along with a brief review of the literature. the patient responded to oral and topical ciprofloxacin after incision and drainage and awaits dacryocystor ...201424008805
aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: virulence of its leukotoxin and association with aggressive periodontitis.periodontitis is an infection-induced inflammatory disease that causes loss of the tooth supporting tissues. much focus has been put on comparison of the microbial biofilm in the healthy periodontium with the diseased one. the information arising from such studies is limited due to difficulties to compare the microbial composition in these two completely different ecological niches. a few longitudinal studies have contributed with information that makes it possible to predict which individuals w ...201425494963
antimicrobial activity of chemokine cxcl10 for dermal and oral microorganisms.cxcl10 (ip-10) is a small 10 kda chemokine with antimicrobial activity. it is induced by ifn-γ, chemoattracts mononuclear cells, and promotes adhesion of t cells. recently, we detected cxcl10 on the surface of the skin and in the oral cavity. in the current study, we used broth microdilution and radial diffusion assays to show that cxcl10 inhibits the growth of escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, corynebacterium jeikeium, corynebacterium striatum, and candida albicans hmv4c, but not coryneb ...201425859394
clinical and microbiological effects of levofloxacin in the treatment of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans-associated periodontitis: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical evaluate the clinical and microbiological effects of systemic levofloxacin (lfx) in subjects with aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans-associated chronic periodontitis (aa-acp).201425654959
anabolic steroids affect human periodontal health and microbiota.this study aims to evaluate periodontal microbiological differences between systemically healthy nonsmoker males taking anabolic androgenic steroids (aass) and non-aas users and to find associations between disease severity and aas use.201424221579
antibacterial activity of moxifloxacin on bacteria associated with periodontitis within a biofilm.the activity of moxifloxacin was compared with ofloxacin and doxycycline against bacteria associated with periodontitis within a biofilm (single strain and mixed population) in vitro. mics and minimal bactericidal concentrations (mbcs) of moxifloxacin, ofloxacin and doxycyline were determined against single strains and mixed populations in a planktonic state. single-species biofilms of two porphyromonas gingivalis and two aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans strains and a multispecies biofilm c ...201424217128
the cytolethal distending toxin of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans inhibits macrophage phagocytosis and subverts cytokine production.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an important periodontal pathogen that can participate in periodontitis and other non-oral infections. the cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) is among the virulence factors produced by this bacterium. the cdt is also secreted by several mucosa-associated gram-negative pathogens and may play a role in perpetuating the infection by modulating the immune response. although the toxin targets a wide range of eukaryotic cell types little is known about its activ ...201424548424
biodegradable nanofibrous drug delivery systems: effects of metronidazole and ciprofloxacin on periodontopathogens and commensal oral bacteria.the purposes of this study were to fabricate biodegradable polydioxanone (pds ii®) electrospun periodontal drug delivery systems (hereafter referred to as matrices) containing either metronidazole (met) or ciprofloxacin (cip) and to investigate the effects of antibiotic incorporation on both periodontopathogens and commensal oral bacteria.201424535074
simvastatin inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced osteoclastogenesis and reduces alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontal disease.statins are inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase and have anti-inflammatory effects independent of cholesterol lowering. recent clinical studies have indicated that statin intake has a beneficial effect on periodontal disease. however, the underlying mechanisms have not been well understood. in the current study, we employed a rat model with lipopolysaccharide (lps)-induced periodontal disease and determined the effect of simvastatin, a commonly prescribed statin, on ost ...201424117880
antimicrobial photodynamic efficiency of novel cationic porphyrins towards periodontal gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic bacteria.the gram-negative aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and fusobacterium nucleatum are major causative agents of aggressive periodontal disease. due to increase in the number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (apdt) seems to be a plausible alternative. in this work, photosensitization was performed on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in pure culture using new-age cationic porphyrins, namely mesoimidazolium-substituted porphyrin derivative (imp) and pyr ...201424164211
micrornas responsive to aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and porphyromonas gingivalis lps modulate expression of genes regulating innate immunity in human macrophages.micrornas (mirnas) are a class of small, noncoding rnas that regulate post-transcriptional expression of their respective target genes and are responsive to various stimuli, including lps. here we examined the early (4 h) mirna responses of thp1-differentiated macrophages challenged with lps derived from the periodontal pathogens, aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, porphyromonas gingivalis or environmentally-modified lps obtained from p. gingivalis grown in cigarette smoke extract. predicted ...201424062196
progression of attachment loss is strongly associated with presence of the jp2 genotype of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: a prospective cohort study of a young adolescent assess the progression of attachment loss (al) during a 2-year period according to the presence of jp2 and non-jp2 genotypes of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in a ghanaian adolescent population.201424304011
inflammatory bone loss in experimental periodontitis induced by aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in interleukin-1 receptor antagonist knockout mice.the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (il-1ra) binds to il-1 receptors and inhibits il-1 activity. however, it is not clear whether il-1ra plays a protective role in periodontal disease. this study was undertaken to compare experimental periodontitis induced by aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in il-1ra knockout (ko) mice and wild-type (wt) mice. computed tomography (ct) analysis and hematoxylin-and-eosin (h&e) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (trap) staining were performed. in addit ...201424566623
protective effects of human lactoferrin during aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans-induced bacteremia in lactoferrin-deficient mice.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, a periodontopathogen, has been associated with several systemic diseases. herein, we report the protective effect of human lactoferrin (hlf) during a. actinomycetemcomitans bacteremia in lactoferrin knockout (lfko(-/-)) mice. the prophylactic, concurrent, and therapeutic intravenous (i.v.) administrations of hlf significantly cleared the bacteria from blood and organs. nevertheless, all modes of hlf administration significantly decreased the concentrations ...201424189260
microbial composition of atherosclerotic plaques.the association of infections such as periodontitis with atherosclerotic diseases is well documented. in spite of the high diversity of the human oral microbiota, and its close contact with the circulatory system, few oral species were detected in atherosclerotic plaques. thus, we attempted to evaluate the microbial diversity of atherosclerotic plaques from patients with different periodontal conditions, submitted to endarterectomy by a broad-range microbial method.201424188425
diverse toll-like receptors mediate cytokine production by fusobacterium nucleatum and aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in macrophages.toll-like receptors (tlrs) orchestrate a repertoire of immune responses in macrophages against various pathogens. fusobacterium nucleatum and aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are two important periodontal pathogens. in the present study, we investigated tlr signaling regulating cytokine production of macrophages in response to f. nucleatum and a. actinomycetemcomitans. tlr2 and tlr4 are redundant in the production of cytokines (interleukin-6 [il-6] and tumor necrosis factor alpha [tnf-α]) i ...201424566622
a gene cluster for the synthesis of serotype g-specific polysaccharide antigen in aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an important pathogen related to aggressively progressive periodontal breakdown in adolescents and adults. the species can be divided into six serotypes (a-f) according to their surface carbohydrate antigens. recently, a new serotype g of a. actinomycetemcomitans was proposed. the aim of the present study was to sequence the gene cluster associated with the biosynthesis of the serotype g-specific polysaccharide antigen and develop serotype-specific primer ...201424562973
photodynamic therapy during supportive periodontal care: clinical, microbiologic, immunoinflammatory, and patient-centered performance in a split-mouth randomized clinical trial.this study investigates the effect of photodynamic therapy (pdt) as monotherapy during supportive periodontal therapy.201424555751
biology and pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus in periodontal disease.human periodontitis is associated with a wide range of bacteria and viruses and with complex innate and adaptive immune responses. porphyromonas gingivalis, tannerella forsythia, aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, treponema denticola, cytomegalovirus and other herpesviruses are major suspected pathogens of periodontitis, and a combined herpesvirus-bacterial periodontal infection can potentially explain major clinical features of the disease. cytomegalovirus infects periodontal macrophages an ...201424320955
serotypes of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in relation to periodontal status and geographic origin of individuals-a review of the literature.several studies have focused on the relationship among serotype distribution, ethnical status and geographic populations, and periodontal conditions. studies that have investigated the prevalence and the distribution of a. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes and the relation between the different serotypes of the bacterium and periodontal status were reviewed.201424316700
blue light kills aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans due to its endogenous photosensitizers.the aim of this study was to demonstrate that the periodontal pathogen aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (aa) can be killed by irradiation with blue light derived from a led light-curing unit due to its endogenous photosensitizers.201424297656
serotype-dependent response of human dendritic cells stimulated with aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.different serotypes of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans have been described based on the lipopolysaccharide (lps)-o-polysaccharide antigenicity. in turn, a distinct effect of a. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes has been described on cell proliferation and pro-inflammatory cytokine production in different human cells. this study was aimed to investigate the differential dendritic cell (dc) response when stimulated with different bacterial strains belonging to the most prevalent serotypes of a ...201424256118
does microwave sterilization of growth media involve any non-thermal effect?fast reactions mediated by microwaves are often attributed by many to non-thermal effect. we show here that rapid formation of maillard reaction products during microwave sterilization of growth medium results from concentration effect and not any non-thermal effect. this leads to an improved method for microwave sterilization of growth media.201424246231
in vivo effectiveness of silicone gel sheets as barriers at the inner microgap between a prosthetic abutment and an external-hexagon implant platform.bacterial penetration and colonization of the microgap at the implant-abutment interface have been reported in several studies. the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of placing a silicone membrane between the abutment and the implant platform in an attempt to seal the interface.201424451862
the pga gene cluster in aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is necessary for the development of natural competence in ca(2+) -promoted biofilms.natural competence is the ability of bacteria to incorporate extracellular dna into their genomes. this competence is affected by a number of factors, including ca(2+) utilization and biofilm formation. as bacteria can form thick biofilms in the presence of extracellular ca(2+) , the additive effects of ca(2+) -promoted biofilm formation on natural competence should be examined. we evaluated natural competence in aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, an important periodontal pathogen, in the co ...201424450419
comparison of the penetration and passage of streptococcus mutans and aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans through membranes loaded with tetracycline, amoxicillin, and chlorhexidine: an in vitro study.this study aimed at comparing the colonization and passage of streptococcus mutans and aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (aa) through polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) and acellular dermal matrix (adm) membranes loaded with tetracycline, amoxicillin, and chlorhexidine.201424423468
serum c-reactive protein and immunoglobulin g antibodies to periodontal pathogens may be effect modifiers of periodontitis and hyperglycemia.serum c-reactive protein (crp) is elevated in both periodontitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus through inflammation. aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and porphyromonas gingivalis have been found in periodontal pockets in patients with diabetes. this study examines effect modification by examining the extent to which the associations between periodontitis and hyperglycemia were different by levels of serum crp and periodontal pathogens.201424410292
[clinical and microbiological effects of the initial periodontal therapy].periodontitis is a destructive inflammatory disease of the tooth-supporting tissues, primarily caused by gram-negative microorganisms. thus, the primary objective of cause-related initial periodontal therapy is disruption and removal of the subgingival biofilm.201424684025
porphyromonas gingivalis gingipain is involved in the detachment and aggregation of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans biofilm.porphyromonas gingivalis and aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are major periodontal pathogens that cause several types of periodontal disease. our previous study suggested that p. gingivalis gingipains secreted in the subgingival environment are related to the detachment of a.actinomycetemcomitans biofilms. however, it remains unclear whether arginine-specific cysteine proteinase (rgp) and lysine-specific proteinase (kgp) play different roles in the detachment of a. actinomycetemcomitans bi ...201424661327
simvastatin inhibits lps-induced alveolar bone loss during metabolic syndrome.studies in recent years have shown a positive relationship between metabolic syndrome (ms) and periodontal disease (pd). given that patients with ms take statins to reduce cholesterol, and statins also have anti-inflammatory effects, it is important to determine if statin intake hinders the progression of ms-associated pd. in this study, pd was induced in zucker fat rats (zfrs), an animal model for ms, and in control lean rats by periodontal injection of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans lip ...201424352501
bacterial leakage in morse cone internal connection implants using different torque values: an in vitro study.the aim of this study was to assess whether there was a decrease of bacterial leakage with increasing torque values in conical morse cone connection implants.201424637526
genetic characteristics and pathogenic mechanisms of periodontal pathogens.periodontal disease is caused by a group of bacteria that utilize a variety of strategies and molecular mechanisms to evade or overcome host defenses. recent research has uncovered new evidence illuminating interesting aspects of the virulence of these bacteria and their genomic variability. this paper summarizes some of the strategies utilized by the major species - aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, tannerella forsythia, treponema denticola, and porphyromonas gingivalis - implicated in the ...201424736700
combinatorial effects of amoxicillin and metronidazole on selected periodontal bacteria and whole plaque samples.the aim of the present study was to analyze in vitro the combinatorial effects of the antibiotic combination of amoxicillin plus metronidazole on subgingival bacterial isolates.201424727003
prevalence and distribution of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and its cdtb gene in subgingival plaque of chinese periodontitis patients.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (a.actinomycetemcomitans) is an important periodontal pathogen that can participate in periodontitis and other non-oral infections. the cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) is among the virulence factors produced by this bacterium. this study was to elucidate the distribution of a.actinomycetemcomitans and the prevalence of its cdtb gene in chinese subjects.201424725913
periodontal pathogens and associated factors in aggressive periodontitis: results 5-17 years after active periodontal assess the association between presence of periodontal pathogens and recurrence of disease in patients with aggressive periodontitis (agp) after active periodontal therapy (apt) and further influencing factors.201424708362
detection and quantification of periodontal pathogens in smokers and never-smokers with chronic periodontitis by real-time polymerase chain reaction.the purpose of the present investigation is to compare the presence and number of periodontal pathogens in the subgingival microbiota of smokers versus never-smokers with chronic periodontitis and matched probing depths (pds) using real-time polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr).201424794687
periodontitis in cardiovascular disease patients with or without marfan syndrome--a possible role of prevotella intermedia.although periodontitis is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (cvd), the influence of periodontitis on marfan syndrome (mfs) with cvd is unclear. the aim of this study was to assess the relationship between periodontal bacterial burden and msf with cvd.201424748407
antibacterial action of chlorhexidine/thymol containing varnishes in vitro and in vivo.the antibacterial activity of two different formulations of a chlorhexidine/thymol varnish should be elucidated in vitro and in vivo.201424738759
leukocyte production of inflammatory mediators is inhibited by the antioxidants phloretin, silymarin, hesperetin, and resveratrol.antioxidants possess significant therapeutic potential for the treatment of inflammatory disorders. one such disorder is periodontitis characterised by an antimicrobial immune response, inflammation, and irreversible changes to the supporting structures of the teeth. recognition of conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns is a crucial component of innate immunity to gram-negative bacteria such as escherichia coli, as well as the periodontal pathogen aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. ...201424707119
intracranial abscess secondary to dental infection.we report a case of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (a. actinomycetemcomitans) bacteraemia and secondary brain abscess in a patient where periodontal disease was implicated as the probable source.201424665546
association between hacek bacteraemia and endocarditis.we retrospectively examined medical records of 87 patients with bacteraemia caused by members of the hacek group (haemophilus parainfluenzae, aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, aggregatibacter aphrophilus, aggregatibacter paraphrophilus, cardiobacterium spp., eikenella corrodens and kingella spp.) to determine whether endocarditis was present, as defined by the duke criteria. the overall positive predictive value (ppv) of hacek bacteraemia for endocarditis was 60 %. the ppv varied with diffe ...201424681996
metronidazole and amoxicillin susceptibility of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. 201424674865
clinical and microbiological characterization of localized aggressive periodontitis: a cohort study.localized aggressive periodontitis (lagp) is an infectious periodontal disease which generally affects young people. recent data suggest the involvement of different bacterial species in different populations. the causative bacterial species in israel has never been identified despite a high prevalence of lagp in this population. the objectives of this study were to characterize the bacterial microbiota of periodontal pockets within an israeli lagp population who were also clinically assessed.201424861390
lactobacillus salivarius and l. gasseri down-regulate aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans exotoxins expression.beneficial microbes, such as lactobacilli establish a symbiosis with the host and confer health-associated effects, by limiting the growth of indigenous pathogens and challenging microbes introduced by altered foods. nevertheless, there is scarce information on the effects of beneficial microbes on the virulence properties of bacterial species associated with oral diseases, such as periodontitis. aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is a gram-negative species highly implicated in the etiology o ...201424860281
bacterial rtx toxins allow acute atp release from human erythrocytes directly through the toxin pore.atp is as an extracellular signaling molecule able to amplify the cell lysis inflicted by certain bacterial toxins including the two rtx toxins α-hemolysin (hlya) from escherichia coli and leukotoxin a (ltxa) from aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. inhibition of p2x receptors completely blocks the rtx toxin-induced hemolysis over a larger concentration range. it is, however, at present not known how the atp that provides the amplification is released from the attacked cells. here we show tha ...201424860098
evaluation of periodontal pathogens of the mandibular third molar pericoronitis by using real time pcr.the aim of this study was to investigate the mandibular third molar pericoronitis flora by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr).201424835305
bacterial fight-and-flight responses enhance virulence in a polymicrobial infection.the oral pathogen aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (aa) resides in infection sites with many microbes, including commensal streptococci such as streptococcus gordonii (sg). during infection, sg promotes the virulence of aa by producing its preferred carbon source, l-lactate, a phenomenon referred to as cross-feeding. however, as with many streptococci, sg also produces high levels of the antimicrobial hydrogen peroxide (h2o2), leading to the question of how aa deals with this potent antimic ...201424825893
effects of mechanical and bacterial stressors on cytokine and growth-factor expression in periodontal ligament cells.the goal of the study was to examine the effects of a mechanical (orthodontic force simulation by static compressive loading) and a bacterial (endotoxins from a heat-inactivated gram-negative periodontal pathogen) stressor on the expression patterns of factors that are key to regulating osteoclastogenesis and bone remodeling.201424825831
changes in oral microflora after full-mouth tooth extraction: a prospective cohort study.the aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of full-mouth tooth extraction on the oral microflora, with emphasis on the presence and load of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and porphyromonas gingivalis.201425065274
antibacterial activities of extracts from ugandan medicinal plants used for oral care.medicinal plants are widely used for treatment of oral/dental diseases in uganda.201424945400
macrophage inflammatory protein-1α shows predictive value as a risk marker for subjects and sites vulnerable to bone loss in a longitudinal model of aggressive periodontitis.improved diagnostics remains a fundamental goal of biomedical research. this study was designed to assess cytokine biomarkers that could predict bone loss (bl) in localized aggressive periodontitis. 2,058 adolescents were screened. two groups of 50 periodontally healthy adolescents were enrolled in the longitudinal study. one group had aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (aa), the putative pathogen, while the matched cohort did not. cytokine levels were assessed in saliva and gingival crevicul ...201424901458
breaking the gingival epithelial barrier: role of the aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans cytolethal distending toxin in oral infectious disease.the gram-negative bacterium aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is part of the hacek group that causes infective endocarditis, a constituent of the oral flora that promotes some forms of periodontal disease and a member of the family of species that secrete a cytolethal distending toxin (cdt). the family of bacteria that express the cdt genes participate in diseases that involve the disruption of a mucosal or epithelial layer. in vitro studies have shown that human gingival epithelial cells (h ...201424861975
influence of titanium ions on cytokine levels of murine splenocytes stimulated with periodontopathic bacterial lipopolysaccharide.titanium (ti) is frequently used in dental implants because of its excellent corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, and biocompatibility. however, ti ions may be slowly released as a result of corrosion, contributing to peri-implantitis, a major cause of dental implant failure. this study examined the influence of ti ions on cytokine levels in murine splenocytes, an immunocompetent cell type, stimulated with aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide (lps) and the influence o ...201424683576
high incidence of periodontitis in japanese patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm.periodontitis is known to be a risk factor for abdominal aortic aneurysm (aaa). however, the influence of periodontitis on aaa in japanese patients has not yet been elucidated. the aim of this clinical investigation was to assess the relationship between periodontal bacterial burden in aaa patients.we studied 12 aaa patients and 24 age- and sex-matched non-aaa cardiovascular patients. we examined periodontitis and the presence of the periodontal pathogens porphyromonas gingivalis, aggregatibacte ...201424806388
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