
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
immunohistochemical detection of a very high density lipoprotein (vhdl) in ovarian follicles of triatoma infestans.the ability of triatoma infestans ovarian follicles to synthesize a very high-density lipoprotein (vhdl) has been examined by immunohistochemical methods. this kind of lipoprotein can be envisaged as a storage hexameric protein present in the hemolymph of some insect species. vhdl immunoreactivity is observed in oocytes at different stages of maturation. the antigen is present in the oocyte cytoplasm as well as in the follicular epithelial cells. the immunopositive reaction in the apical surface ...200111387873
similarity of the patterns of sensilla on the antennae of triatoma melanosoma and triatoma infestans.the patterns of sensilla on the antennae of sylvatic triatoma melanosoma lent, jurberg, galvao and carcavallo 1994 were compared with those of three samples of triatoma infestans (klug 1834) - one of domestic populations in paraguay, bolivia, argentina and chile, one of the sylvatic 'dark morph' from the bolivian chaco, and one from sylvatic sites in the cochabamba region of bolivia. the results of multivariate analysis indicated that, in terms of their antennal sensilla, the t. melanosoma and t ...200111339888
comparison of disturbance stridulations in five species of triatominae has been observed that triatoma infestans and rhodnius prolixus females stridulate to reject copulatory attempts performed by males. in addition, triatomines stridulate when disturbed or handled. in the present study, the temporal structure and frequency spectra of vibrational signals produced by mechanically disturbed t. infestans, t. sordida, t. guasayana, r. prolixus and dipetalogaster maxima were analysed and compared. the inter-ridge distances of the prosternal stridulatory organ of the ...200111369310
cell death and survival alterations in malpighian tubules of triatoma infestans following heat this study, we examined cell survival and cell death in response to heat shock in an insect organ composed of highly polyploid cells no longer capable of cell division. for this, the frequency of nuclear phenotypes in feulgen-stained malpighian tubules of the blood-sucking insect, triatoma infestans, was analyzed at various times after a short heat shock with or without subsequent moderate fasting. cell death dna fragmentation was studied immunocytochemically. normal phenotypes and phenotypes ...200111800011
ionic composition of the rectal contents and excreta of the reduviid bug triatoma infestans.we have investigated the chemical composition of the rectal contents, faeces and urine of the blood-sucking bug triatoma infestans. this is the environment in which the important disease-causing organism, trypanosoma cruzi, lives. directly after feeding of triatoma infestans, the ph of the excreta switched from an acidic to an alkaline ph and, 1 day later, back to a slightly acidic ph. the osmolality varied in the initial excreta and in the rectal contents on the day following the meal between 3 ...200111356421
evaluation of a triatoma infestans elimination program by the decrease of trypanosoma cruzi infection frequency in children younger than 10 years, chile, 1991-1998.chagas disease is widespread in chile, distributed in rural and periurban areas in the 7 most northern regions of the country. the principal vector of trypanosoma cruzi is triatoma infestans. the interruption of the domestic cycle of transmission of t. cruzi has been attempted by health education, human housing improving, and elimination of the vector by means of systematic insecticide spraying of human dwellings. spraying with insecticides has been supported by chile's health authorities and ha ...200111791988
comparative study of enzymes in testes and ovaries from adult dipetalogaster maximus (uhler) and triatoma infestans (klug) (hemiptera: reduviidae). correlation with fine structural organization.activities of hexokinase (hk), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pdh), fructose-6-phosphate kinase (f6pk), glutamate dehydrogenase (glutdh), aspartate aminotransferase (aat), malate dehydrogenase (mdh) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpdh) were determined in tissue extracts of testes and ovaries of adult dipetalogaster maximus (uhler) and triatoma infestans (klug) (hemiptera: reduviidae), insect vectors of chagas disease. the fine structure organization of the same organs were studied ...200111759815
behavioral response of fifth instar nymphs of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) to pyrethroids.the hyperactivity (an increase in locomotor activity) and repellency produced by eight pyrethroids, applied as films on filter paper, were evaluated on fifth instar nymphs of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) using a video tracking technique. all the pyrethroids studied produced hyperactivity. as a trend, hyperactivity produced by cyanopyrethroids was higher than that produced by non-cyanopyrethroids. hyperactivity was not observed when nymphs were pretreated with the sulphydryl reagent ...200111164751
triapsin, an unusual activatable serine protease from the saliva of the hematophagous vector of chagas' disease triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).salivary anticoagulant activities are widely distributed among hematophagous arthropods. most of them are inhibitors of the serine proteases of the coagulation cascade. here we show that the saliva of the exclusively hematophagous insect triatoma infestans, an important vector in the transmission of chagas' disease, contains an uncommon trypsin-like activity, triapsin. this novel enzyme was purified and characterized. it is a serine protease that is stored as a zymogen in the luminal content of ...200111222956
[flight initiation in triatoma infestans and t. melanosoma (hemiptera, reduviidae)].the flight initiation of t. infestans, the main vector of chagas disease in the southern cone countries of latin america, and of the closely-related species t. melanosoma was studied in laboratory. the results demonstrated that after the beginning of observations the peak of the flight activity was about 14 days after feeding in both species and it was usually more marked in the females than in the males, but there were no significant differences in the flight behaviour of the two species.200111285486
association between nutritional indicators and infectivity of dogs seroreactive for trypanosoma cruzi in a rural area of northwestern argentina.the association between the nutritional state of mongrel dogs naturally infected with trypanosoma cruzi and their infectivity to triatoma infestans bugs and immune response to trypanosoma cruzi were studied in the rural village of amamá, northwestern argentina. all of the 97 evaluated dogs were classified into one of three categories of external clinical aspect (eca) based on the degree of muscle development, external evidence of bone structures, state of the hair of the coat, existence of fatty ...200111293568
a simple method to identify triatomine (hemiptera: reduviidae) feces in sensing devices used in vector surveillance programs.we successfully applied the phenolphthalin (kastle-meyer) test used in forensic chemistry to distinguish between feces from triatomines and other domestic arthropods in sensing devices used for vector surveillance. all black or dark brown, but not white or yellow, fecal smears from laboratory-reared or field-collected triatoma infestans klug, triatoma guasayana wydgozinsky & abalos, triatoma sordida ståhl (recently revalidated as triatoma garciabesi carcavallo, cichero, martínez, prosen & ronder ...200111296815
evaluation of beauveria bassiana (hyphomycetes) strains as potential agents for control of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).chagas disease constitutes a major human health problem in most latin american countries. this endemic disease is transmitted by several species of triatomine bugs, the most important being triatoma infestans (klug). in this article, we report on the selection of strains of the entomopathogenic fungus beauveria bassiana (bals.) vuill. virulent to t. infestans for possible use as bioinsecticides. four strains of b. hassiana isolated from argentina (bb 1, 10, 25, and 65) were evaluated. to calcula ...200111296819
interactions between triatoma infestans and triatoma sordida (hemiptera: reduviidae) in artificial ecotopes: population growth and age structure.interaction characteristics between triatoma infestans klug, 1834 and triatoma sordida stal, 1859 populations were studied in artificial ecotopes for 16 mo. the experimental design involved simultaneous treatments with t. infestans and t. sordida together in the same experimental unit (eu) and each separately in two control units (cu) made of adobe bricks. chickens were used as host animals. each unit was dismantled monthly to estimate triatomine population size and age structure, rebuilt, and r ...200111296825
blood host sources of mepraia spinolai (heteroptera: reduviidae), wild vector of chagas disease in chile.there are two vectors of the chagas' disease in chile: triatoma infestans klug the domestic vector and mepraia spinolai porter the sylvatic vector. the alimentary profile of m. spinolai has been poorly studied. in this work we study the participation of humans, goats, dogs, cats, rodents, rabbits, birds (hens) and reptiles in the diet of m. spinolai by analyzing the intestinal content through immunoradiometric assay. to put our results in a general context, we also compared the diet with that de ...200111296839
olfactory and behavioural responses of the blood-sucking bug triatoma infestans to odours of vertebrate hosts.olfactory receptors in basiconic and grooved-peg sensilla on the antenna of fifth-instar triatoma infestans nymphs respond to host odours. gas chromatography analyses of host odour extracts coupled to electrophysiological recordings from basiconic sensillum receptors indicate that nonanal is a constituent of sheep wool and chicken feather odour that stimulates one of the receptors in this type of sensillum. similar analyses revealed isobutyric acid in rabbit odour to be a chemostimulant for one ...200111171309
[serological certification of the interruption of the vectorial transmission of chagas disease in chile].in 1999 an international commission of experts evaluated the sanitary interventions that started in 1980 to eliminate triatoma infestans, the biological vector of chagas disease, to certify if the conditions needed to interrupt the transmission, were achieved.200111372293
antennal sensilla patterns indicate geographic and ecotopic variability among triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) populations.antennal sensilla patterns were used to explore intraspecific variability among triatoma infestans (klug) from domestic habitats in argentina and bolivia, and from sylvatic habitats in bolivia. the sensilla pattern was effective in distinguishing individuals at sexual, ecotopic, and geographic levels, and supported the idea of a lack of gene flow between sylvatic and domestic habitats.200111372968
comparison between two artificial shelter units and timed manual collections for detecting peridomestic triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) in rural northwestern argentina.a new artificial shelter unit was compared with segments of bamboo cane lined with pleated filter paper for detecting peridomestic triatoma infestans klug at amamá and nearby rural villages in northwestern argentina. the new shelter unit consisted of a black plastic, wide-mouthed jar with a screw cap on the top, and a removable central structure made of pleated corrugated paper. in devices exposed from february to december 1999 at 24 sites positive for t. infestans by timed manual collections wi ...200111372969
triatoma infestans in greater buenos aires, argentina.the health administration agencies of many municipalities in greater buenos aires (gba) receive frequent reports on triatomines in houses. the aim of this work was to identify and describe the dispersal foci of triatoma infestans in an urban neighborhood of gba, and contribute to the knowledge of the epidemiological situation in the region. in june 1998, potentially infested places were entomologically evaluated. t. infestans was only detected in a hen building for egg production, which housed a ...200111391418
nucleotide sequence of 3'-end of the genome of taura syndrome virus of shrimp suggests that it is related to insect picornaviruses.taura syndrome disease, caused by taura syndrome virus (tsv), is one of the most important viral diseases of penaeid shrimp in the western hemisphere resulting in catastrophic disease epidemics in farmed shrimp. we have cloned and sequenced a 3278 bp cdna representing the 3' end of the tsv genome. sequence analyses revealed that frame + 2 had the longest open reading (orf) frame. this frame contained a 5'-terminal 19 non-coding bases followed by an orf from nucleotides 20 to 3053 (encoding 1011 ...200111448031
probability of trypanosoma cruzi transmission by triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) to the opossum didelphis albiventris (marsupialia: didelphidae).the probability of trypanosoma cruzi transmission to opossums by independent events of predation and fecal contamination during feeding ("biting") with positive triatoma infestans was estimated. negative female opossums were challenged for 23 hr with 10 infected third and fourth instars of t. infestans, and tests for positivity for t. cruzi by xenodiagnosis were performed at 30, 60, and 90 days. from these data, seven probability parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood, and likelihood ra ...200111508386
[detection of triatomines (hemiptera: reduviidae) in domiciliary and extra-domiciliary ecotopes. corrientes, argentina. ].in order to identify intra- and extra-domiciliary triatomines, a study in different counties of corrientes province, argentina, was conducted from 1985 to 1995. triatoma infestans (klug, 1834), triatoma sordida (stål, 1859), panstrongylus geniculatus (latreille, 1811), and panstrongylus megistus (burmeister, 1835) were detected in domestic ecotopes. t. infestans and t. sordida were also found in the peridomicile. triatoma platensis (neiva, 1913), psammolestes coreodes (bergroth, 1911), t. sordid ...200111514865
secondary triatomine species in dwellings and other nearby structures in municipalities under epidemiological surveillance in the state of paraná, brazil.since data are scarce regarding secondary triatomine species in the brazilian state of paraná, this study investigated infestations in inhabited and abandoned houses and in various other nearby structures in rural areas of that state.200111550581
human igg1 and igg4: the main antibodies against triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) salivary gland proteins.the triatoma infestans salivary gland proteins (tsgp) can induce local and systemic hypersensitivity reactions in humans. igg antibodies against tsgp were present in higher levels in sera of chagas disease patients, and in individuals living in triatomine-infested areas than in controls living in triatomine-free areas. tsgp-specific igg1 was found in sera of chagas patients, and of individuals living in triatomine-infested rural areas, and uniquely specific igg4 was present in sera of chagas pat ...200111561708
burchellin: effects on triatoma infestans and on trypanosoma cruzi within this vector.supplementation of blood with the neolignan burchellin (50 microg/ml), a compound from the arboreous lauraceae aniba burchelli, affected the ingestion of blood and the course of excretion of fourth- and fifth-instar larvae of triatoma infestans, the latter especially within the first 4 h after feeding. the total resultant weight loss of treated fourth instars within 24 and 48 h after feeding was only 24% and 28% vs 41% and 48%, respectively, in untreated bugs. in fifth instars, the total weight ...200111570558
[triatoma infestans in area under entomological surveillance for chagas' disease in são paulo state, brazil].in response to notification of the capture of a winged triatomine bug by local inhabitants, an epidemiological investigation was investigated in the rural area of the municipality of paulínia, são paulo state (brazil). this led to the collection of 109 specimens of triatoma infestans from peridomiciliary breeding sites. local conditions favored colonization by triatomine bugs: many abandoned outbuildings were inhabited by pigeons and sparrows, which meant abundant feed for these bugs. thus, surv ...200111600909
[the various meanings of brazil's certification as free of chagas disease].the article discusses brazil's recent certification as free of chagas disease transmission by triatoma infestans, analyzing the various meanings ascribed to this position. resulting mainly from measures by both the chagas disease control program (pcdch) established in brazil in 1975 and the southern cone initiative launched in 1991, this certification has been interpreted in ways that lead to confusion between the elimination of chagas disease transmission by t. infestans and eradication of the ...200111784901
[the use of insecticide fumigant canister to protect an insectarium and its residual effect against triatomine bugs, in laboratory conditions].an insecticide fumigant canister based on synthetic pyrethroids and dichlorvos was employed against cockroaches and ants which were invading an insectarium used for rearing triatominae. after removal of the triatominae, the canister was activated and found to kill all the invading insects within 48 hours. possible residual action against triatomines was then monitored by a 24-hour exposure of eggs, nymphs and adults of triatoma infestans, panstrongylus megistus and rhodnius neglectus in the trea ...200111813055
evaluation of the impact of chemical control measures and entomological surveillance on chagas' disease in the counties of mambaí and buritinópolis, goiás state, brazil.epidemiological surveillance activities were implemented in 1980 in mambaí and buritinópolis counties, goiás state. twenty years later the authors evaluated the impact of these vector control measures on chagas' disease transmission, based on entomological indicators. entomological investigation was conducted using the man-hour technique and covering all domiciles. in order to study vector food sources the stomach contents of triatomines were analyzed using the modified precipitins technique. tr ...200111813062
attractant volatiles released by female and male triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae), a vector of chagas disease: chemical analysis and behavioral bioassay.volatiles emitted by male and female t infestans before and during copula were collected on porapak-q filters, desorbed with dichloromethane, and analyzed by gas chromotography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after confirmation of attractiveness in an arena bioassay. chemical analysis confirmed the presence of (r,s) -2- and 3-methylbutan-1-ol in a 2:1 ratio; short chain acids (ethanoic to nonanoic acid); long chains acids decanoic to (z)-9-octadecenoic acid; aliphatic aldehydes (hexanal ...200211931256
development of symbionts in triatomine bugs and the effects of infections with the intestinal tract of fifth instars of the hematophagous reduviid bugs rhodnius prolixus and triatoma infestans blood ingestion induced an initial decrease of the concentration of the respective symbiotic bacteria rhodococcus rhodnii and nocardia sp. and then within 10 days a 15- or 18-fold increase of the total population/bug to about 0.8 x 10(9) colony-forming units in r. prolixus and 1.8 x 10(9) colony-forming units in t. infestans. about 95-99% of the total populations of both symbionts ...200211971650
the impact of chagas disease control in latin america: a review.discovered in 1909, chagas disease was progressively shown to be widespread throughout latin america, affecting millions of rural people with a high impact on morbidity and mortality. with no vaccine or specific treatment available for large-scale public health interventions, the main control strategy relies on prevention of transmission, principally by eliminating the domestic insect vectors and control of transmission by blood transfusion. vector control activities began in the 1940s, initiall ...200212219120
[evaluation of the impact of vector control of chagas disease through serological testing in mambaí/buritinópolis, goiás state].in 1999, we performed serological and entomological surveys to evaluate the impact of vectorial control measures against transmission of chagas' disease in the endemic area of mambaí and buritinópolis (go). a census was undertaken of the population, after which the entomological survey was performed regarding the dwelling units and serological evaluation of the human population. blood samples were collected by digital puncture in filter paper. the first serologic test performed to detect antibod ...200212170328
[chagas' disease in lassance, minas gerais state: clinical-epidemiological re-evaluation ninety years after the discovery by carlos chagas].the history and present situation of chagas' disease in lassance (the county where carlos chagas discovered american trypanosomiasis) were studied through a historical analysis and clinical and epidemiological research performed from 1999 to 2001. lassance was an important focus of chagas' disease from carlos chagas up until the 1980's, because of intensive infestation in dwellings by panstrongylus megistus and triatoma infestans, two important species which were efficiently controlled in the la ...200212011926
targeted deletion of the gp72 gene decreases the infectivity of trypanosoma cruzi for mice and insect vectors.the infective behavior of a mutant trypanosoma cruzi clone, carrying a targeted deletion of the gp72 gene, was studied in the insect vector triatoma infestans and in mice. after feeding t. infestans with complement-resistant forms (crf) of ynull and wild-type clones, it was observed that the number of parasites released in the bug's feces was reduced to less than 1% in the mutant clone. both gp72-null and wild-type clones had a low infectivity for mice in comparison with other t. cruzi isolates, ...200212099416
fipronil insecticide: novel application against triatomine insect vectors of chagas disease.we investigated the efficacy and the residual effect of fipronil(r) against two species of triatomine bugs, triatoma infestans and rhodnius neglectus, in laboratory conditions measuring concentration-response and residual activity on different surfaces (dried mud and lime coated mud). lethal concentrations (lc50,90) were determined on filter paper. the higher insecticide efficacy against r. neglectus when compared to t. infestans may be partially attributed to the differences in their biological ...200212118287
seasonal variations of microclimatic conditions in domestic and peridomestic habitats of triatoma infestans in rural northwest argentina.our objectives were to describe and compare the seasonal variations in microclimatic conditions in domestic and peridomestic ecotopes infested by triatoma infestans, the main vector of chagas disease, in rural northwestern argentina. using data loggers for 4-7 consecutive days in october 2000, february, may and august 2001, microsite (interior of thatched roofs) and ambient temperatures or relative humidity (rh) were recorded simultaneously and compared with an external reference. the damping ef ...200212443801
trialysin, a novel pore-forming protein from saliva of hematophagous insects activated by limited proteolysis.we have characterized a pore-forming lytic protein from the saliva of the hematophagous insect triatoma infestans, a vector of chagas disease. this protein, named trialysin, has 22 kda and is present in the saliva at about 200 microg/ml. purified trialysin forms voltage-dependent channels in planar lipid bilayers with conductance of 880 +/- 40 ps. it lyses protozoan parasites and bacteria indicating that it has a role in the control of microorganism growth in the salivary glands. at higher conce ...200211751887
triatomines involved in domestic and wild trypanosoma cruzi transmission in concepción, corrientes, entomological and serological survey was performed in three localities of the department of concepción, province of corrientes, argentina in 1998 and 1999, to identify triatomines species involved in domestic and wild transmission of chagas disease. triatomines were collected by man/hour capture in 32 houses randomly selected and 44 nearby outdoor ecotopes. trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomines was assessed by direct microscopic observation (400x) of feces and polymerase chain reaction. ...200211992145
the development of blastocrithidia triatomae (trypanosomatidae) in the reduviid bug triatoma infestans (insecta): influence of starvation.fifth instars of triatoma infestans with established blastocrithidia triatomae infections were dissected after different periods of starvation. after a short starvation period of 30 days, 60% of the total population (2,700,000 flagellates) occurred in the small intestine. within the following 3 months, the numbers of living flagellates there (epimastigotes, cysts) were reduced by about 70% and the percentage of dead mastigotes increased to 30% of the respective total population. epimastigotes al ...200212172811
changes in nuclear phenotype frequencies following sequential cold shocks in triatoma infestans (hemiptera, reduviidae).the nuclear phenotypes of malpighian tubule cells in fifth instar nymphs of triatoma infestans, one of the most important vectors of chagas disease, were studied following sequential shocks at 0 degrees c, separated by intervals of 8 h and 24 h at 30 degrees c, under conditions of moderate fasting and full nourishment. the insects pertained to colonies reared in the laboratory and originated from domestic specimens collected in the brazilian states of são paulo (north) and minas gerais (south). ...200212386710
effects of partial housing improvement and insecticide spraying on the reinfestation dynamics of triatoma infestans in rural northwestern argentina.the long-term effects on domiciliary reinfestation by triatoma infestans of smoothing the plaster of indoor walls prior to insecticide application (in amamá village) relative to only insecticide application (in trinidad-mercedes villages) were evaluated in rural northwestern argentina from 1992 to 1997. all domestic and peridomestic areas of each house were sprayed with 2.5% suspension concentrate deltamethrin at 25 mg/m(2) in october 1992, and infestations were assessed by various methods every ...200212429427
eye colour as a genetic marker for fertility and fecundity of triatoma infestans (klug, 1834) hemiptera, reduviidae, triatominae.eye colour of triatoma infestans is controlled at a single autosomal locus, with black-eye as the dominant gene and red-eye as the recessive. inheritance of these characters follows a classical mendelian system, enabling eye colour to be used as a marker for studies of mating frequency. we found no significant differences in oviposition rates and egg hatching rates irrespective of parental phenotypes. different mating schedules between red-eye and black-eye parents showed that eye colour did not ...200212219134
effect of sequential cold shocks on survival and molting rate in triatoma infestans klug.the survival and molting incidence in triatoma infestans, a vector of chagas disease, were investigated following sequential shocks at 0 degrees c in fifth instar nymphs under moderate fasting and full nutritional conditions. the shocks were separated by intervals of 8 h and 24 h at 30 degrees c. the results indicated that in terms of insect survival, t. infestans is tolerant to a single cold shock at 0 degrees c even for 12 h, or to sequential cold shocks, regardless of the nutritional state of ...200212118295
light-induced and circadian changes in the compound eye of the haematophagous bug triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).we analysed dynamic changes in the ommatidial structure of the compound eyes of triatoma infestans. this nocturnal insect possesses open-rhabdom eyes, in which a ring of six rhabdomeres from retinula cells 1-6 (r1-6) surrounds a central pair of rhabdomeres from retinula cells 7 and 8 (r7-8). screening pigments are located in all the photoreceptors and in the primary (ppc) and secondary (spc) pigment cells. during the day, pigments within r1-6 and the ppcs form a small 'pupil' above the rhabdom a ...200211821486
the fine structure of the ocelli of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).the morphology and fine structure of the ocelli of triatoma infestans have been analyzed by means of light and electron microscopy. the two dorsal ocelli of this species are located behind the compound eyes, looking dorsally and frontally. externally, the ocelli are marked by the corneal lenses virtually spherical in form and limited internally by a cuticular apodeme. the lens focuses the incoming rays beyond the retina. a single layer of corneagen cells lies below the cuticular lens. the cornea ...200212441096
in vitro culture and biochemical characterization of six trypanosome isolates from peru and brazil.six trypanosomatids isolated from different geographical areas from south america (peru and brazil) and different vectors and reservoir hosts (the triatomine panstrongylus chinai [tp1], triatoma infestans [tp2], rhodnius ecuadorensis [tp3], r. prolixus [tb1], didelphys marsupialis [tb2]), and one from a human asymptomatic patient [tb3], were characterized using lectin agglutination, isoenzyme profile, in vitro culture final metabolite patterns, and compared with a reference strain (trypanosoma c ...200212615163
field trials of an improved cost-effective device for detecting peridomestic populations of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) in rural improved device for detecting peridomestic triatoma infestans consisting of one-liter recycled tetra brik milk boxes with a central structure was tested using a matched-pair study design in two rural areas in argentina. in olta (la rioja), the boxes were installed beneath the thatched roofs and on the vertical wooden posts of each peridomestic structure. after a 5-month exposure, at least one of the recovered boxes detected 88% of the 24 t. infestans-positive sites, and 86% of the 7 negative ...200212471423
biological infrared imaging and sensing.a variety of thermoreceptors are present in animals and insects, which aid them in hunting, feeding and survival. infrared (ir) imaging pit organs in crotaline and boid snakes enable them to detect, locate and apprehend their prey by detecting the ir radiation they emit. ir pit organs of common vampire bats (desmodus rotundus) enable them to detect ir radiation emitted by blood-rich locations on homeothermic prey. the beetle melanophila acuminata locates forest fires by ir-detecting pit organs i ...200211567889
infestin, a thrombin inhibitor presents in triatoma infestans midgut, a chagas' disease vector: gene cloning, expression and characterization of the inhibitor.this work describes the purification, gene cloning and expression of infestin, a thrombin inhibitor from midguts of triatoma infestans. infestin is located in the midgut and its purification was performed by anion-exchange and affinity chromatographies. the n-terminal sequence and the sequence of tryptic peptides were determined. using rt-pcr, total rna and infestin cdna information, a dna fragment was cloned which encodes a multi non-classical kazal-type serine protease inhibitor. isolated nati ...200212213235
wing shape divergence between rhodnius prolixus from cojedes (venezuela) and rhodnius robustus from mérida (venezuela).the existence of rhodnius robustus as a species distinct from rhodnius prolixus has long been the main epidemiological question about chagas disease transmission in venezuela and surrounding countries. these two taxa are morphologically and genetically very similar, but only r. prolixus is assumed to colonize houses and transmit chagas disease to humans. r. robustus is assumed to be an exclusively sylvatic species, restricted to palm trees. if robustus and prolixus are actually the same species, ...200212797988
aggregation behaviour in panstrongylus megistus and triatoma infestans: inter and intraspecific responses.we tested the aggregation response to inter and intraspecific chemical signals in panstrongylus megistus and triatoma infestans. as previously described for t. infestans, larvae of p. megistus significantly aggregated on papers impregnated with their own excrement and on papers marked with cuticular substances deposited on surfaces on which these insects had walked. t. infestans bugs also aggregated on papers impregnated by faeces or by cuticular substances of p. megistus, and p. megistus aggreg ...200211755431
aggregation behaviour and interspecific responses in rhodnius prolixus stål.the response to intra- and interspecific faecal assembling signals was tested in rhodnius prolixus. papers impregnated with excrement of r. prolixus induced the aggregation of larvae of this species, but also of those of triatoma infestans. however, faeces belonging to t. infestans were not able to assemble larvae of r. prolixus. on the other hand, there was no response of r. prolixus to putative chemical factors from their cuticle (footprints), in contrast to t. infestans. results are discussed ...200212118293
differential display of mrnas associated with blood feeding in the midgut of the bloodsucking bug, triatoma arbitrary-primed rna pcr differential display strategy was used to identify midgut genes of the reduviid bug triatoma infestans that were differentially expressed after a blood meal. from interesting bands, 33 distinct cdnas were cloned and sequenced. although many had long open reading frames, most of the transcripts were unrelated to any other sequences in any databases. only 14 triatoma sequences had strong homologies to those from other organisms, including genes encoding for 2-oxoglutara ...200212444450
chronobiological basis of thermopreference in the haematophagous bug triatoma infestans.the chronobiological basis of the daily dynamics of thermopreference was tested in adults of triatoma infestans, continuously registering the preferred temperature of insects released over a temperature gradient for 13 days. we found that the thermopreference in t. infestans is a dynamic process that depends on the time of the day and the post-feeding time. when submitted to a 12:12 h light/darkness cycle (l/d), the preferred temperature reached the highest and the lowest values at the end of th ...200314511825
distribution of npy and npy-y1 receptor-like immunoreactivities in the central nervous system of triatoma infestans (insecta: heteroptera).the distributions of neuropeptide y (npy) -like immunoreactivity (li) and that of its y1 receptor (y1), as well as their coexistence with cholecystokinin (cck) -li, were studied in the central nervous system of triatoma infestans by using immunohistochemistry. npy-immunoreactive (ir) cell bodies and fibers were observed in the brain, subesophageal ganglion, and thoracic ganglia. npy-ir somata were seen in the optic lobe and the anteromedial and caudolateral soma rinds of the protocerebrum. immun ...200312687680
influence of mating on ovarian follicle development in triatoma infestans (klug, 1834).this work examines the influence of mating on ovarian follicle development in triatoma infestans. the observations were carried out on both virgin and mated females, which were killed at various times after their emergence. there was no difference in the ovarian development of both experimental groups during the first gonadotrophic cycle. by the 7th day mated females as well as virgin females showed vitellogenic oocytes. the coriogenesis and ovulation process began on the 13th day after imaginal ...20031343646
differential immunolocalization of a putative rec8p in meiotic autosomes and sex chromosomes of triatomine bugs.hemipteran chromosomes are holocentric and show regular, special behavior at meiosis. while the autosomes pair at pachytene, have synaptonemal complexes (scs) and recombination nodules (rns) and segregate at anaphase i, the sex chromosomes do not form an sc or rns, divide equationally at anaphase i, and their chromatids segregate at anaphase ii. here we show that this behavior is shared by the x and y chromosomes of triatoma infestans and the x(1)x(2)y chromosomes of triatoma pallidipennis. as r ...200312707778
the development of blastocrithidia triatomae (trypanosomatidae) in the reduviid bug triatoma infestans (insecta): influence of feeding.the population density and composition of an established infection of blastocrithidia triatomae in the intestinal tract of fifth instars of triatoma infestans were compared in unfed bugs, at 4 h and up to 15 days after feeding, and also in feces and urine deposited in the first 4 h after feeding. in unfed bugs, about 1-2 million b. triatomae colonized the small intestine and rectum, mainly epimastigotes (85% and 80%, respectively). during excretion, the percentage of cysts increased within the f ...200312658453
fine structure of the salivary glands of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).the fine structure of the salivary glands of adult triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) bugs has been analyzed. stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy showed that each insect presents a pair of salivary glands, each pair containing three distinct units (main, supplementary, and accessory) with different sizes and colors. transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that all gland units consist of a monolayer of epithelial cells surrounding a large central lumen. the gland units ...200314517105
ultrastructure and receptor cell responses of the antennal grooved peg sensilla of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).ultrastructural examination of grooved-peg (gp) sensilla on the antenna of fifth instar triatoma infestans nymphs by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy reveal that they are 8-18 microm long with a diameter of about 2-2.8 microm at the non-articulated base. some pegs have a terminal pore. these double-walled wall-pore (dw-wp) sensilla have an outer cuticular wall with 13-18 longitudinal grooves at the distal part of the peg. groove channels are present at the bottom ...200318088986
the role of water vapour in the orientation behaviour of the blood-sucking bug triatoma infestans (hemiptera, reduviidae).the behavioural response to water vapour of the haematophagous bug triatoma infestans was analysed. dry or humid discrete sources at different temperatures were used as stimuli for insects walking on a locomotion compensator. humidity significantly increased the tendency of these bugs to orientate towards thermal sources. furthermore, humid sources at room temperature were attractive to t. infestans, but this effect was limited to short-range distances. on the other hand, dynamic sources, i.e. a ...200312769985
multilocus enzyme electrophoresis analysis of trypanosoma cruzi isolates from a geographically restricted endemic area for chagas' disease in argentina.a set of 65 trypanosoma cruzi stocks from dogs, opossums, insect vectors and humans was isolated in a geographically restricted endemic area for chagas' disease in argentina and was analysed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis for 15 loci. the results show that at least five multilocus genotypes (clonets) circulate in the study area, one belonging to t. cruzi iie, one to t. cruzi iid and three clonets belonging to t. cruzi i; and they confirm the presence of these lineages in the country. the t ...200313129520
record of evlachovaea sp. (hyphomycetes) on triatoma sordida in the state of goiás, brazil, and its activity against triatoma infestans (reduviidae, triatominae).a fungal isolate was detected on a dead triatoma sordida (stål) collected in a peridomestic area in central brazil. the fungus belongs to evlachovaea borisov and tarasov, a new genus that was recently described in russia. the isolate seems to be a third species and the second new and undescribed species from brazil. the fungus was shown to be active against triatoma infestans (klug) third-instar nymphs at a humidity close to saturation. however, activity was reduced at a lower humidity (75%). va ...200314680110
short report: variation in mitochondrial 12s and 16s ribosomal dna sequences in natural populations of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).mitochondrial dna sequences of the 12s and 16s ribosomal rna genes were analyzed in five natural populations of the chagas' disease vector triatoma infestans from argentina. dna sequence comparisons of 878 basepairs (12s plus 16s) revealed 13 haplotypes. a total of 10 private haplotypes were found in four of the populations analyzed, suggesting low current levels of genetic exchange. the levels of genetic differentiation between the population of chancaní (córdoba) and other two of the populatio ...200312887028
free fatty acids induce cell differentiation to infective forms in trypanosoma cruzi.intestinal extracts of triatoma infestans induce cell differentiation of trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes into the infective metacyclic form. part of this effect can be explained by the presence of haemoglobin fragments, which stimulate trypanosomal adenylate cyclase. in this work we examined the metacyclogenic activity of lipids present in this intestinal extract. we found that lipid extracts of the intestinal extract have significant stimulatory effects that reside with the free-fatty-acid frac ...200312887332
preliminary results of random amplification of polymorphic dna among triatominae of the phyllosoma complex (hemiptera, reduviidae).in mexico, triatoma longipennis (usinger), triatoma picturata (usinger), and triatoma pallidipennis (stal), primary chagas disease vector species of the phyllosoma complex, were analyzed by randomly amplified polymorphic dna (rapd). sixteen decametric primers resolved individual profiles not identical, but partially discriminative between species. analysis based on pairwise presence/absence comparisons between the three species was performed using three primers and two outgroup species triatoma ...200315049086
[the impact of the extensive chemical control of triatoma infestans on the incidence of acute cases and the prevalence of human chagas disease. the example of montalvânia, minas gerais state].from the emergency of acute cases of chagas disease in montalvânia, minas gerais, brazil, with the implementation of triatomine chemical control, the disappearing of these cases and the immediate reduction of incidence of the infection in the municipality are verified. the evolution of the dispersion and control of triatoma infestans in montalvânia and the evolution of the serology in general population during the last thirty years are showed.200315049113
[relationships between trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycles in the county of bambuí, minas gerais, brazil].this study examines recent relationships between domestic and sylvatic transmission cycles of t. cruzi in the county of bambuí, mg, brazil. in the late l930s, panstrongylus megistus was found in 75% of houses. subsequently, triatoma infestans became the predominant species, found in 20% of urban households and in more than 60% of periurban homes. with intense insecticide control campaigns between l956 and l969, t. infestans was eradicated from the county, transmission of chagas' disease to man w ...200314676933
[chagas' disease epidemiology in the province of general paz, argentina].the aim of this study was to evaluate triatomine colonization in domestic and peridomestic ecotopes and to assess the seroprevalence of chagas' disease in rural areas.200312488921
relationship between antennal sensilla pattern and habitat in six species of order to determine if habitat similarity is correlated with a similarity of sensilla pattern, we analyzed six species of triatominae present in two biogeographic regions of brazil: the "caatinga" and the "cerrado". in broad terms triatoma infestans (cerrado) and t. brasiliensis (caatinga) are found in human domiciles, t. sordida (cerrado) and t. pseudomaculata (caatinga) colonize peridomestic habitats, and rhodnius neglectus (cerrado) and r. nasutus (caatinga) inhabit palm tree crowns. the nu ...200312563477
entomopathogenic effect of aspergillus giganteus and penicillium corylophilum on two triatomine vectors of chagas disease.two strains, penicillium corylophilum and aspergillus giganteus, of the most frequent species found in a survey of triatomines, were used for bioassays in the second and fourth nymphs stage of triatoma infestans and panstrongylus megistus. two procedures, bite and pulverization, were used and compared. a. giganteus was most effective, causing mortality in at least 50% of the nymphs of the two species tested with exception of the nymphs of the fourth stage of p. megistus. variation in entomopatho ...200312596236
isolation and characterization of a cdna encoding for a lysozyme from the gut of the reduviid bug triatoma infestans.we have isolated and characterised a triatoma infestans cdna encoding a lysozyme. a 174-bp fragment was amplified by pcr using degenerate oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers derived from the known amino acid sequences of lysozyme from other insects. this pcr fragment was used to screen a cdna gut library of t. infestans. a clone containing the 3'-end of the lysozyme cdna (219 bp) was isolated and sequenced. race was used to amplify the 5'-end of the lysozyme cdna. after sequencing the complete lyso ...200312811767
domiciliation process of rhodnius stali (hemiptera: reduviidae) in alto beni, la paz, bolivia.we report a systematic collection of triatominae inside houses and in the peridomestic environment of alto beni, department of la paz, bolivia. this area is free of triatoma infestans and although we detected previously seropositivity for trypanosoma cruzi, the alto beni region is not officially considered as endemic for chagas disease. from 11 houses of five localities, we collected adults, nymphs and eggs of a rhodnius species, which was confirmed by morphological and morphometric analysis as ...200312631318
[control of chagas' disease in guarani communities: knowledge and hygiene habits within the project to improve living conditions in bolivia].the aim of this study was to identify knowledge and control of vectorial transmission (triatoma infestans, known as vinchuca) of chagas' disease in guaraní communities in bolivia. we performed a descriptive study of a series of 98 individuals through a semi-structured questionnaire. interviewees were asked about their familiarity with vinchuca, whether they thought vinchuca produced disease, the name of the disease and its consequences, as well as behavior related to eliminating the domestic ins ...200312729546
triatoma infestans apyrases belong to the 5'-nucleotidase family.apyrases are nucleoside triphosphate-diphosphohydrolases (ec present in a variety of organisms. the apyrase activity found in the saliva of hematophagous insects is correlated with the prevention of adp-induced platelet aggregation of the host during blood sucking. purification of apyrase activity from the saliva of the triatomine bug triatoma infestans was achieved by affinity chromatography on oligo(dt)-cellulose and gel filtration chromatography. the isolated fraction includes five n ...200414985353
kinetics of expression of the salivary apyrases in triatoma infestans.apyrases are nucleoside triphosphate-diphosphohydrolases that remove pi from atp and adp. the blood feeding reduviid triatoma infestans, which transmits the trypanosoma cruzi agent of chagas disease to animals and man, presents in its salivary glands five apyrases with molecular masses of 88, 82, 79, 68 and 67 kda. these triatomine apyrases have been associated with the prevention of adp induced platelet aggregation in the host. here we provide biochemical data showing that these apyrases are st ...200415475299
orientation behaviour of the blood-sucking bug triatoma infestans to short-chain fatty acids: synergistic effect of l-lactic acid and carbon dioxide.the role of short-chain fatty acids in the host-seeking behaviour of triatoma infestans larvae was investigated using a locomotion compensator. several short-chain fatty acids were tested alone over a wide range of doses, or in combination with l-lactic acid (l-la; 100 microg). bugs showed no attractive response to single carboxylic acids, but when l-la was added to airstreams carrying specific intensities of either propionic (c3; 100 microg), butyric (c4; 1 microg) or valeric acid (c5; 1 microg ...200415574819
differentiation and morphogenesis of triatoma infestans (klug 1834) female gonads. i--post embryonic development.the post-embryonic development of the female gonads in triatoma infestans (hemiptera, heteroptera), insects of importance in health affairs as harbors and vectors of different tripanosomatidea flagellates, is presented in a complete follow-up since insect hatches from the egg up to the last molt in the fifth instar stage. the detailed description of the morphological changes which occur in each instar as well as careful measurements evaluating its size increase have been analyzed by stereomicros ...200415633449
effectiveness of residual spraying of peridomestic ecotopes with deltamethrin and permethrin on triatoma infestans in rural western argentina: a district-wide randomized compare the effectiveness of a single residual spraying of pyrethroids on the occurrence and abundance of triatoma infestans in peridomestic ecotopes in rural la rioja.200415112008
entomological aspects of chagas' disease transmission in the domestic habitat, study the risk of trypanosoma cruzi domestic transmission using an entomological index and to explore its relationship with household's characteristics and cultural aspects.200415122377
role of enhanced detoxication in a deltamethrin-resistant population of triatoma infestans (hemiptera, reduviidae) from argentina.deltamethrin and other pyrethroids have been extensively used in argentina since 1980, for the chemical control of triatoma infestans klug (hemiptera: reduviidae). recently, resistance to deltamethrin was detected in field populations by the survival of bugs exposed by topical application to the diagnostic dose estimated on the cipein susceptible strain. results of the current study showed low resistant ratios (rrs) to deltamethrin for the resistant populations (rr ranged from 2.0 for san luis c ...200415273811
spatial structuring of triatoma infestans (hemiptera, reduviidae) populations from northwestern argentina using wing geometric morphometry.wing geometric morphometry was used to study the spatial structuring of populations of triatoma infestans from different villages, ecotopes, and sites within a village in northwestern argentina. a total of 308 male and 197 female wings of t. infestans collected from peridomestic and domestic ecotopes in march 2000 was analyzed. on average, female bugs had a significantly larger wing size than males. triatomines collected from domiciles or structures associated with chickens had larger wings than ...200415311455
proteinase and gelatinolytic properties of a triatoma infestans extract of triatoma infestans has previously been demonstrated to produce specific igg and ige both in animals and in atopic humans with rhinitis/asthma as well as hypersensitivity pneumonitis in guinea pigs aerosolized with t. infestans. we attempted to determine whether the antigen or antigens responsible belonged to the protease group, as occurs with other allergens such as house dust mites and cockroaches. to do this, t. infestans was studied by sds-page, western blots and gelatinolysis w ...200415324653
purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of triatoma virus (trv) from triatoma infestans.triatoma virus (trv) is a viral pathogen of the blood-sucking reduviid bug triatoma infestans, the most important vector of american human trypanosomiasis (chagas' disease). trv has been putatively classified as a member of the cripavirus genus (type cricket paralysis virus) in the dicistroviridae family. this work describes the purification of trv particles from infected t. infestans and their crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analyses. two different crystal forms, rhombohedral a ...200415333944
competition between vectors of chagas disease, triatoma infestans and t. sordida: effects on fecundity and mortality.interspecific competition between two species of triatomine bugs (hemiptera: reduviidae), vectors of chagas disease, was assessed for 16 months through comparative fecundity and mortality of experimental populations in chicken nests, maintained indoors with ambient conditions. triatoma sordida (stål), the secondary vector in north-eastern argentina, was compared with triatoma infestans (klug) the more widespread domestic vector in the southern cone of south america. both species populations orig ...200415641997
changes associated with laboratory rearing in antennal sensilla patterns of triatoma infestans, rhodnius prolixus, and rhodnius pallescens (hemiptera, reduviidae, triatominae).we examined changes in the array of antennal sensilla of three species of triatominae (triatoma infestans, rhodnius prolixus, and r. pallescens) following their establishment for different periods in laboratory culture. in each case, the laboratory colonies were compared with conspecific samples taken directly from the field, by quantitative analysis of the sensilla arrays on the three distal segments of the antenna in terms of the densities of three types of chemoreceptors (basiconics and thick ...200415057343
comparative evaluation of pyrethroid insecticide formulations against triatoma infestans (klug): residual efficacy on four substrates.we investigated the residual efficacy of four insecticide formulations used in chagas disease vector control campaigns: cyfluthrin 12.5% suspension concentrace (sc), lambda-cyhalothrin 10% wettable powder (wp), deltamethrin 2.5% sc, and 2.5% wp on four types of circular blocks of wood, straw with mud, straw with mud painted with lime, and mud containing 5% of cement. three concentrations of these insecticides were tested: the lc90 (previously determined on filter paper), the double of the lc90, ...200414762528
[the relationship between triatoma infestans, poultry, and humans in a rural settlement in santiago del estero, argentina].an association was determined between triatona infestans, poultry, and humans in trinidad, in the province of santiago del estero, argentina. to collect triatomines, four samples were taken at the area immediately surrounding six houses by the one hour/man capture method (december 1991 - october 1992). peridomiciliary ecotopes were classified as arthropic (where humans carry out daily activities) or non-anthropic. tratomine feeding habits were also determined. of 134 biotopes, 21% had t. infesta ...200415094918
[air temperature elevation as an alternative for the control of deltamethrin-resistant triatoma infestans (hemiptera, reduviidae)].this study explores the effects of artificial air temperature elevation on the embryonic, nymphal, and adult forms of deltamethrin-resistant triatoma infestans. in the laboratory, complete offspring of t. infestans were exposed to increasing air temperatures to determine the viability of eggs and survival of nymphs and adults; in the field, the experiment was conducted in a poor rural dwelling previously identified as infested with the vector. the laboratory phase showed 100% non-viability of eg ...200415300294
circadian rhythm of behavioural responsiveness to carbon dioxide in the blood-sucking bug triatoma infestans (heteroptera: reduviidae).the temporal modulation of the behavioural response to carbon dioxide and its chronobiological basis were investigated in larvae of triatoma infestans. we analysed the orientation towards co(2) of insects kept under three different illumination regimes: (1) 12 h light/12 h darkness cycles (l/d), (2) constant darkness (d/d) and (3) constant light (l/l). when maintained under l/d conditions, insects exhibited an oriented response towards airstreams added with 1500 ppm of co(2) during the first hou ...200415019528
[efficacy of fipronil in the control of the peridomiciliary cycle of triatoma infestans in an area resistant to deltamethrin].this study tested the efficacy of liquid fipronil (1.0%) against triatoma infestans, administered by pouring on birds and mammals both in laboratory and field conditions. in the laboratory a chicken, dog, and goat were treated with fipronil, after which deltamethrin-resistant stage iii t. infestans nymphs were fed on them. the control group used same-stage nymphs reared in laboratory. during the field phase, fipronil was used to treat 4 dogs, 1 cat, and 2 broody hens. intradomiciliary infestatio ...200415486667
identification and characterization of a novel factor xiia inhibitor in the hematophagous insect, triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae).recently, we have cloned several kazal-type serine protease inhibitors from the midgut of the triatoma infestans bug. a single gene composed of multi kazal-type domains, in tandem, encodes these inhibitors. in this work, we describe the purification and characterization of recombinant infestins 3-4 and 4, which are potent factor xiia inhibitors (ki=67 pm and 128 pm, respectively). we also identified the first native factor xiia inhibitor from a hematophagous insect. the factor xiia inhibitory ac ...200415556638
distribution of serotonin in the central nervous system of the blood-feeding heteropteran, triatoma infestans (heteroptera: reduviidae).the distribution of serotonin was studied in the triatoma infestans central nervous system by using immunocytochemistry. serotonin immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers were observed in the brain, subesophageal ganglion, and thoracic ganglia. in the brain, serotonin-like immunoreactivity was detected in a limited number of somata, which gave rise to an extensive network of labeled neurites in patterned as well as in nonglomerular neuropils. immunolabeled perikarya were observed in the optic lobe ...200415052594
pyrethroid insecticide evaluation on different house structures in a chagas disease endemic area of the paraguayan chaco.insecticide effects of deltamethrin 2.5% sc (flowable solution) on different substrates and triatomine infestation rates in two indigenous villages (estancia salzar and nueva promesa) of the paraguayan chaco are reported. this field study was carried out to determine the extent to which variability in spray penetration may affect residual action of the insecticide. a total of 117 houses in the two villages were sprayed. filter papers discs were placed on aluminium foil pinned to walls and roofs ...200415558181
active dispersal of natural populations of triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) in rural northwestern empirical model of flight initiation coupled with data from a longitudinal study predicted that the flight dispersal of triatoma infestans from peridomestic sites was more likely to occur in late summer. to partially test this prediction, we operated 11-12 black light traps from 1945 to 2200 hours in march 2003 in two villages in northern argentina. all peridomestic sites around the light traps were later inspected to assess the relative abundance and nutritional status of t. infestans at eac ...200415311452
spatio-temporal analysis of reinfestation by triatoma infestans (hemiptera: reduviidae) following insecticide spraying in a rural community in northwestern argentina.the spatio-temporal reinfestation patterns by triatoma infestans following a blanket insecticide spraying in the rural community of amama in northwestern argentina were analyzed using a geographic information system, satellite imagery, and spatial statistics. domestic and peridomestic reinfestation by triatomine bugs was monitored from 1993 to 1997. triatoma infestans was detected at least once in 75% of 2,110 sites evaluated. the prevalence of sites positive at least once for t. infestans durin ...200415642975
chagas disease in rural areas of chaco province, argentina: epidemiologic survey in humans, reservoirs, and vectors.we studied the seroprevalence of antibodies against trypanosoma cruzi in the human population along with domiciliary infestation by triatomine bugs in an area endemic for chagas disease in the chaco province of argentina. in addition, we carried out parasitologic surveys in patients, dogs, wild mammals, and vectors. the mean seroprevalence in humans was 27.81% (109 of 392) and 24.14% (63 of 261) in 1-15-year-old children. the minimum domiciliary infestation rate was 13.33%, with certain areas re ...200415569789
crystallization, data collection and phasing of infestin 4, a factor xiia inhibitor.infestin is a protein from triatoma infestans (kissing bug) composed of seven kazal-type domains that is further processed to yield several serine protease inhibitors with varying specificities. infestins 3 and 4 are the last two domains of the infestin gene and are found in vivo in the insect's anterior midgut. the last domain, infestin 4, has been cloned, expressed and purified. here, the crystallization of infestin 4 using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method with peg 8000 as precipitant ...200415502324
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 1082