Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
[immunogenicity of inactivated, multivalent ib/nd oil emulsion vaccine in hybrid laying and fattening animal flocks]. | 1986 | 3026770 | |
the detection of antibody to avian infectious bronchitis virus by use of immunofluorescence with tissue sections of nephritic kidneys. | 1986 | 3017282 | |
comparison of the nephropathogenicity of four strains of infectious bronchitis virus. | experiments were conducted to characterize renal lesions in chickens induced by four strains of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv); each has been described as nephropathogenic. those strains were also compared in vaccinated and unvaccinated older chickens for nephropathogenicity. the younger birds were much more susceptible to the nephritogenic effects of the strains. all four strains produced acute renal changes consisting of tubular damage and interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration and ede ... | 1986 | 3021097 |
coronavirus ibv: virus retaining spike glycopolypeptide s2 but not s1 is unable to induce virus-neutralizing or haemagglutination-inhibiting antibody, or induce chicken tracheal protection. | avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus (ibv) inactivated by beta-propiolactone induced partial protection of the trachea in up to 40% of chickens following one intramuscular inoculation 4 to 6 weeks prior to challenge. retention of an intact tracheal ciliated epithelium 4 days after challenge was the criterion of protection. there was no correlation between protection and serum titres of virus-neutralizing (vn) and haemagglutination-inhibiting (hi) antibody, which were maximal at about 4 weeks ... | 1986 | 3014053 |
coronavirus ibv: removal of spike glycopolypeptide s1 by urea abolishes infectivity and haemagglutination but not attachment to cells. | urea has been used to remove the s1 spike glycopolypeptide from avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) strains m41 and beaudette, without removing the s2 spike-anchoring glycopolypeptide. reduction of the ph to 2.9 did not cause release of s1 although some s1 was released spontaneously from ibv beaudette at ph 7.4. virus that lacked s1 was no longer infectious or able to cause haemagglutination (ha). however, radiolabelled ibv that lacked s1 attached to erythrocytes and chick kidney cells to th ... | 1986 | 3014054 |
rapid serological profiling by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. iv. association of infectious bursal disease serology with broiler flock performance. | breeder and broiler flocks were serologically evaluated using a multiple enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (m-elisa). the serologic status of two commercial broiler-breeder flocks and their progeny was monitored, and 840 sera were promptly assessed for antibodies against six infectious agents using the m-elisa. breeder flocks were sampled at lay, and broiler chicks were hatched from fertile eggs collected on the scheduled lay date of the breeders. the broiler chicks were placed for growout as ei ... | 1986 | 3015100 |
field observations on serological responses to an oil emulsion vaccine against avian infectious bronchitis. | 1986 | 3008406 | |
chicken embryonal vaccination with avian infectious bronchitis virus. | a commercial infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) vaccine of the massachusetts 41 strain was injected in embryonating chicken eggs on embryonation day (ed) 18. the ibv vaccine was pathogenic for embryos, and it was passaged in chicken kidney tissue culture to reduce the pathogenicity. at the 40th tissue culture passage (p40-ibv), the virus became apathogenic for the embryos. maternal antibody-positive or -negative chicks hatching from eggs injected with p40-ibv developed antibody to ibv and were pr ... | 1986 | 3008613 |
in ovo interference of embryo non-lethal avian infectious bronchitis viruses (ibv) with velogenic newcastle disease virus and embryo adapted ibv. | avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) interfered with the lethal effects of velogenic newcastle disease virus (ndv) and embryo adapted ibv in eggs previously inoculated with non-lethal ibv. greater interference was noted in eggs superinfected with embryo adapted ibv than velogenic ndv. the interference could be eliminated by treating the initial ibv with homologous anti-ibv serum. | 1986 | 3010408 |
sequence analysis of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene. | the 3' end of the 20-kb genome of the purdue strain of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (tgev) was copied into cdna after priming with oligo(dt) and the double-stranded product was cloned into the psti site of the puc9 vector. one clone of 2.0-kb contained part of the poly(a) tail and was sequenced in its entirety using the chemical method of maxam and gilbert. another clone of 0.7 kb also contained part of the poly(a) tail and was sequenced in part to confirm the primary struct ... | 1986 | 3008432 |
standardization and application of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for infectious bronchitis. | the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was used to detect antibody to infectious bronchitis virus in chickens. the serum-neutralization test for infectious bronchitis (snib) was used as a reference serologic test. the elisa proved to be useful for monitoring antibody responses following vaccination of leghorn chicks. the titers obtained with the elisa and snib showed an overall correlation, but results suggest the involvement of different antibody classes. | 1986 | 3028354 |
serological profiles of commercial broiler breeders and their progeny. 1. infectious bronchitis virus. | serum samples were collected from broiler breeders and their 1-day-old, 2-week-old, and 5-week-old progeny from different regions of the united states. individual samples were tested by hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) against six infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) strains: massachusetts 41 (mass), h52, connecticut 46 (conn), arkansas 99, se17, and jmk. the use of multiple strains to test broiler flocks resulted in the detection of seroconversions to conn and jmk vaccination that were not detecte ... | 1986 | 3028356 |
pathogenesis of infectious bronchitis nephritis. 1. morphometric analysis of kidney proximal tubular epithelium in chickens. | the ultrastructure of the proximal tubular epithelial cells in chicken kidneys was examined throughout the course of an experimental infection with infectious bronchitis virus. a quantitative assessment of the structural changes in the cells was related to these in normal cells. significant alterations were detected in the membrane structures and in the mitochondria. there was a reduction in surface area of the microvillus membrane, the basolateral membrane and the apical tubular membrane. there ... | 1986 | 3003169 |
cloning and sequencing of 5' terminal sequences from avian infectious bronchitis virus genomic rna. | the subgenomic rnas of the fowl coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) form a 3' co-terminal or 'nested' set. the presence of non-contiguous (leader) sequences fused to the 5' termini of murine hepatitis virus mrnas has been demonstrated using rnase t1 oligonucleotide mapping and sequencing. the presence of a leader sequence on ibv mrna a has been demonstrated previously. in this paper the presence of a leader identical to that present on the 5' terminus of ibv mrna a is demonstrated to b ... | 1986 | 3003236 |
predicted membrane topology of the coronavirus protein e1. | the structure of the envelope protein e1 of two coronaviruses, mouse hepatitis virus strain a59 and infectious bronchitis virus, was analyzed by applying several theoretical methods to their amino acid sequence. the results of these analyses combined with earlier data on the orientation and protease sensitivity of e1 assembled in microsomal membranes lead to a topological model. according to this model, the protein is anchored in the lipid bilayer by three successive membrane-spanning helices pr ... | 1986 | 3008826 |
[incidence of serum neutralizing antibodies to various variant strains of the infectious bronchitis virus in chickens in south württemberg]. | 1986 | 3030260 | |
infectious bronchitis virus rna d encodes three potential translation products. | 1986 | 3960740 | |
a historical account of the diagnosis and characterization of strains of mycoplasma gallisepticum of low virulence. | numerous chicken flocks were studied beginning in 1970 because of questionable results on their serologic tests for mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg). typically a low number of hens in the flocks were positive reactors to the rapid serum plate test and rarely had hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) titers over 1:80. usually no clinical signs were observed. isolates of mg eventually were cultured from most of the flocks that exhibited that type of marginal serologic pattern. in the laboratory, the mg is ... | 1986 | 3767812 |
an efficient ribosomal frame-shifting signal in the polymerase-encoding region of the coronavirus ibv. | the polymerase-encoding region of the genomic rna of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) contains two very large, briefly overlapping open reading frames (orf), f1 and f2, and it has been suggested on the basis of sequence analysis that expression of the downstream orf, f2, might be mediated through ribosomal frame-shifting. to examine this possibility a cdna fragment containing the f1/f2 overlap region was cloned within a marker gene and placed under the control of the bacteriopha ... | 1987 | 3428275 |
cdna cloning and sequence analysis of the gene encoding the peplomer protein of feline infectious peritonitis virus. | the peplomer gene of feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv) strain 79-1146 was isolated from a genomic cdna library by differential hybridization with rna 2 and 3 as probes. from the nucleotide sequence a primary translation product of 1452 residues (mr 160,472) was predicted, containing an n-terminal signal sequence, a c-terminal transmembrane segment and 35 potential n-linked glycosylation sites. by s1 nuclease analysis the 5' end of the presumptive rna 2 body was located at about 30 nucle ... | 1987 | 3312491 |
an outbreak of avian urolithiasis on a large commercial egg farm. | a significant outbreak of avian urolithiasis was observed on a large commercial egg farm. from the initial outbreak site (a single laying house), the incidence of urolithiasis slowly spread in the ensuing months to numerous other laying houses. increasing mortality associated with urolithiasis commenced during late growout to early lay and then leveled off when egg production peaked. at the height of the outbreak, mortality was typically 0.5% per week; 75% of this mortality was due to urolithias ... | 1987 | 3039970 |
cross-reactivity among infectious bronchitis viruses in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. | 1987 | 3039225 | |
effects of mutations in three domains of the vesicular stomatitis viral glycoprotein on its lateral diffusion in the plasma membrane. | the lateral mobility of the vesicular stomatitis virus spike glycoprotein (g protein) and various mutant g proteins produced by site-directed mutagenesis of the g cdna has been measured. fluorescence recovery after photobleaching results for the wild type g protein in transfected cos-1 cells yielded a mean diffusion coefficient (d) of 8.5 (+/- 1.3) x 10(-11) cm2/s and a mean mobile fraction of 75% (+/- 3%). eight mutant proteins were also examined: dtm14, lacking six amino acids from the transme ... | 1987 | 3038931 |
incidence, characterisation and prophylaxis of nephropathogenic avian infectious bronchitis viruses. | 1987 | 3033872 | |
the predicted primary structure of the peplomer protein e2 of the porcine coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus. | the complete nucleotide sequence of cloned cdnas containing the e2 glycoprotein-encoding region of the genome of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) has been determined. a single large translatable frame of 4.3 kb starting at 8.2 kb from the 3' end of the genome was identified. its deduced amino acid sequence contains the characteristic features of a coronavirus peplomer protein: the precursor polypeptide of tgev e2 is 1447 residues long (i.e. 285 longer than the avian infectious bronchit ... | 1987 | 3037011 |
systemic and local antibody responses in chickens after infection and vaccination with infectious bronchitis virus. | 1987 | 3037564 | |
sequence and n-terminal processing of the transmembrane protein e1 of the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus. | sequencing of part of a clone from a transmissible gastroenteritis virus genome cdna library led to the identification of the gene encoding the e1 matrix protein. the amino acid sequence of the primary translation product predicts a polypeptide of 262 residues which shares many features with the previously characterized murine hepatitis virus and infectious bronchitis virus e1 proteins. however, n-terminal amino acid sequencing revealed that a putative signal peptide of 17 residues was absent in ... | 1987 | 3035066 |
comparison of the effect of live newcastle disease vaccine clone 30 in broilers administered at day 1 or at day 7 and the effect of h120 vaccination at 17 days of age: a field experiment. | to analyse the results of a vaccination on the first day of age against newcastle disease (nd) and on the 17th day of age against infectious bronchitis (ib) resp. with spray vaccines with clone 30 and h120 vaccine. these vaccinations are compared in field circumstances with other vaccination methods. a serological examination and challenge test were used to be informed about the response and protection. from the present study the following conclusions can be drawn: clear indications are obtained ... | 1987 | 3031867 |
comparison of two commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and conventional methods for avian serology. | sera tested for hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) activity against newcastle disease virus (ndv) and infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and virus-neutralizing (vn) activity against infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv) and viral arthritis (va) virus were collected from a wide variety of accessions into the diagnostic services laboratory, poultry disease research center, university of georgia. the sera were then segregated according to hi or vn titer to ndv, ibv, ibdv, or va virus and stored froze ... | 1987 | 3034226 |
serological differentiation of avian infectious bronchitis field isolates using an enzyme immunoassay: presence of dutch strains in west germany. | six field virus isolates were identified as the etiologic agent of avian infectious bronchitis (ib) in west germany. a serological comparison was carried out using the m-41 strain from the massachusetts serotype and the dutch variant strains d-207, d-1466, d-3128, and d-3896 in a cross indirect immunoperoxidase test. three isolates demonstrated similarity to the m-41 strain; the remainder showed a closer antigenic relationship to the dutch variant strains. these results correspond to differences ... | 1987 | 3034228 |
molecular epidemiology of infectious bronchitis virus in the netherlands. | twelve dutch isolates and the m41 strain of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), a coronavirus of chickens, were characterized by cross-neutralization and t1 finger-printing to elucidate their evolutionary relationship. the t1 fingerprinting showed that the dutch isolates formed two clusters. the first cluster contained strains h52, h120, d387, v1259, v1385 and v1397; the estimated sequence homology is 99%. cluster two comprised strains d207, d274, d212, d1466, d3128 and d3896, which have about 95 ... | 1987 | 3029279 |
an infectious bronchitis virus isolated from chickens experiencing a urolithiasis outbreak. i. in vitro characterization studies. | an infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) strain isolated from commercial layers experiencing urolithiasis was 50-100 nm in size and possessed widely spaced, club-shaped surface projections. it was sensitive to lipid solvents and exhibited responses characteristic of ibv when exposed to heat, divalent cations, and trypsin. reciprocal virus-neutralization tests demonstrated it to be closely related to gray, jmk, delaware 2868, and delaware 2897 strains of ibv. | 1987 | 2831871 |
prevalence of ibv antibodies in turkey breeding flocks in israel. | 1987 | 3029940 | |
completion of the sequence of the genome of the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus. | the nucleotide sequence determination of the genome of the beaudette strain of the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) has been completed. the complete sequence has been obtained from 17 overlapping cdna clones, the 5'-most of which contains the leader sequence (as determined by direct sequencing of the genome) and the 3'-most of which contains the poly(a) tail. approximately 8 kilobases at the 3' end of this sequence have already been published. these contain the sequences of mr ... | 1987 | 3027249 |
effect of dietary acidification on kidney damage induced in immature chickens by excess calcium and infectious bronchitis virus. | experiments were designed to evaluate the effect of dietary acidification on the development of kidney lesions induced by excess dietary calcium (ca) and gray strain infectious bronchitis virus (ibv). specific pathogen-free (spf) chicks and spf chicks inoculated with gray strain ibv were fed one of three diets: a commercial pullet grower ration (1% ca); a commercial layer ration (3.25% ca); or layer ration plus .5% ammonium chloride (acidified layer ration). gray strain ibv significantly reduced ... | 1987 | 3039478 |
antibodies to avian infectious bronchitis virus in pakistani chickens. | using the hemagglutination inhibition test, sera from 20 diseased and 3 apparently healthy chicken flocks in pakistan were examined for antibodies to four types of avian infectious bronchitis virus (aibv). these flocks were not vaccinated against aibv. of the 900 serum samples from diseased flocks, 78 (8.7%) had antibodies to the massachusetts (m41) type, 23 (2.6%) to the arkansas type and 20 (2.2%) to the connecticut type of aibv. none had antibodies to the jmk type. none of the sera (n = 100) ... | 1987 | 3039480 |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of infectious bronchitis virus antigens. | 1987 | 2824904 | |
a haemagglutination inhibition test for avian infectious bronchitis virus antibody. | 1987 | 2825628 | |
identification of a new gene product encoded by mrna d of infectious bronchitis virus. | 1987 | 2829563 | |
effects of avian infectious bronchitis virus (arkansas strain) on vaccinated laying chickens. | twenty-four-week-old white leghorn layers were inoculated subcutaneously with a killed newcastle-infectious bronchitis (massachusetts type) virus (mibv) vaccine. the birds were challenged 194 days later intraocularly with arkansas strain of infectious bronchitis virus (aibv). the challenged hens laid significantly (p less than 0.005) fewer eggs than the unchallenged layers, and the eggs laid by the challenged groups weighed significantly less (p less than 0.001) than those laid by the unchalleng ... | 1987 | 2831869 |
nucleotide sequence of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus matrix protein gene. | cdna clones mapping within the first 2601 bases of the 3' end of the tgev genome were sequenced completely or in part by the method of maxam and gilbert and open reading frames were examined. one reading frame yielding a protein having properties of the matrix (m) protein was identified. it is positioned at the immediate 5' side of the nucleocapsid (n) gene but is separated by an intergenic region of 12 bases. the deduced m protein is comprised of 262 amino acids, has a molecular weight of 29,54 ... | 1987 | 2829520 |
the complete nucleotide sequence of avian infectious bronchitis virus: analysis of the polymerase-coding region. | 1987 | 2829522 | |
expression of ibv spike protein by a vaccinia virus recombinant. | 1987 | 2829523 | |
serological relationship among ten strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus. | ten strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) were studied serologically by cross-neutralization test using rabbit and chicken immune sera. with the chicken sera all 10 ibv strains were antigenically related. in particular, anti-kh serum neutralized all heterologous strains except of the ishida strain; nerima strain was neutralized by all antisera except of anti-ishida serum. most cross-reactions were less or more heterologous, thus all 10 ibv strains seemed to belong to one serological ... | 1987 | 2886022 |
serum antibody responses of chickens following sequential inoculations with different infectious bronchitis virus serotypes. | sequential inoculations of chickens with different live infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) antigenic types had major effects on virus-neutralization (vn) and hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) serum antibody responses. antibody production in ibv-inoculated chickens that were reinoculated 8 weeks later with heterologous virus was largely directed against the virus used for initial inoculation rather than the virus used for reinoculation. in addition, chickens inoculated sequentially with ibv produce ... | 1987 | 2823771 |
studies of avian urolithiasis associated with an infectious bronchitis virus. | avian urolithiasis syndrome was diagnosed in 14-to-25-week-old chickens from a multiple-age caged-layer complex housing more than 2.5 million chickens. losses from this syndrome ranged from 0.5 to 1.0% per week. seven-to-14-week-old pullets from this facility had multifocal renal tubular necrosis leading to interstitial fibrosis, tophus formation, and tubular dilation. a coronavirus was isolated in embryos inoculated with pooled samples of trachea, kidney, and cecal tonsil of 4-week-old pullets. ... | 1987 | 2823778 |
re-excretion of an enterotropic infectious bronchitis virus by hens at point of lay after experimental infection at day old. | 1987 | 2820108 | |
a specific transmembrane domain of a coronavirus e1 glycoprotein is required for its retention in the golgi region. | the e1 glycoprotein of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus contains a short, glycosylated amino-terminal domain, three membrane-spanning domains, and a long carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain. we show that e1 expressed from cdna is targeted to the golgi region, as it is in infected cells. e1 proteins with precise deletions of the first and second or the second and third membrane-spanning domains were glycosylated, thus suggesting that either the first or third transmembrane domain ... | 1987 | 2821010 |
expression of the infectious bronchitis virus spike protein by recombinant vaccinia virus and induction of neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated mice. | a cdna clone of the infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) spike protein gene has been recombined into vaccinia virus. cells infected with the recombinant virus synthesized ibv spike antigen which was recognized by antibody raised against purified spike protein. immunofluorescence showed that the ibv spike antigen was transported to the infected cell surface membrane and immunoprecipitation showed the presence of the glycosylated 180k mol. wt. polypeptide precursor of the two spike subunits s1 and s2 ... | 1987 | 2821170 |
comparative nephropathogenicity of different strains of infectious bronchitis virus in chickens. | two-week-old white leghorn chickens were injected intravenously with australian t, holte, gray, and m 41 strains of infectious bronchitis virus. a total of 100, 90, 85, and 20% of the chickens infected with australian t, holte, gray, and m 41, respectively, had variable degrees of nephritis. the australian t strain induced the most rapid and the most severe kidney lesions followed by holte, gray, and m 41 in descending order. | 1987 | 2821527 |
determination of the antigenic relationships among six serotypes of infectious bronchitis virus using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and serum-neutralization test. | the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was applied to detect antibody to infectious bronchitis (ib) virus in chickens. a cross-reactivity study was performed to determine the antigenic relationships among six strains: massachusetts, connecticut, beaudette, and three ontario field isolates. for comparison, the cross-reactivity study was performed in eggs using the serum-neutralization (sn) test for ib. the elisa proved to be more broadly cross-reactive than the ib-sn test. this su ... | 1987 | 2823768 |
comparison of serological tests for antibodies against newcastle disease virus and infectious bronchitis virus using immunocomb solid-phase immunoassay, a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and the hemagglutination-inhibition assay. | combscores determined using the immunocomb solid-phase immunoassay were compared with hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) titers specific for newcastle disease virus (ndv) and infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and with mean enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) titers determined using agritech systems, inc., elisa. combscores for ndv and ibv increased proportionately in a stepwise manner as hi titers increased. the immunocomb solid-phase immunoassay was ablt to produce endpoint titers on sera w ... | 1987 | 2823769 |
epitopes on the peplomer protein of infectious bronchitis virus strain m41 as defined by monoclonal antibodies. | sixteen monoclonal antibodies (mcabs) were prepared against infectious bronchitis virus strain m41, all of them reacting with the peplomer protein. one of them, mcab 13, was able to neutralize the virus and to inhibit hemagglutination. competition binding assays allowed the definition of five epitopes, designated as a, b, c, d, and e, of which epitopes a and b are overlapping. furthermore, the binding of mcab 13 (epitope e) could be enhanced by the addition of mcabs from group b, c, and d. a dot ... | 1987 | 2446423 |
the neutralization epitopes on the spike protein of infectious bronchitis virus and their antigenic variation. | 1987 | 2449045 | |
properties of coronavirus ibv after removal of the s1 subunit of the spike glycoprotein. | 1987 | 2449046 | |
strain specific antibodies revealed by immunoabsorption studies with avian infectious bronchitis virus. | rabbit antisera prepared against the massachusetts 41 (m41) strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and absorbed with chick embryo immunoabsorbent produced multiple precipitin lines in immunodouble-diffusion (idd) tests with homologous or heterologous strains of virus. these precipitin lines were all removed by absorption with concentrated m41 virus preparations, but repeated absorption with concentrated, purified preparations of ibv strains: t, holte, connecticut, beaudette or h120 fa ... | 1987 | 2438843 |
comparison of two strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus for their interferon induction, viral growth and development of virus-neutralizing antibody in experimentally-infected chickens. | two field strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus were tested in specific pathogen-free chickens for interferon induction, growth and stimulation of virus-neutralizing antibody. both strains induced interferon in lungs and trachea and neither strain induced it in kidneys. strain kagoshima-34, isolated from the kidneys of a chicken that had died of nephrosis/nephritis, induced interferon earlier than strain tottori-2, which was isolated from the trachea of a chicken with respiratory disease. ... | 1987 | 2449761 |
maternally-derived antibody to infectious bronchitis virus: its detection in chick trachea and serum and its role in protection. | chicks with maternally-derived igg antibodies to infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) were protected against challenge with a mixture of ibv and escherichia coli. this protective immunity lasted for at least 1 week. ibv-specific igg was detected, using an elisa, in the majority of tracheal washes taken from chicks aged 1 day and 1 week that had been hatched from ibv-infected hens. some of the 2-week-old chicks also had detectable antibody. this tracheal igg may be an important factor in mediating p ... | 1987 | 18766630 |
coronavirus ibv: relationships among recent european isolates studied by limited proteolysis of the virion glycopolypeptides. | after the year 1978, strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) were isolated in the netherlands and the uk which were assigned by neutralisation tests to four new serotypes (arbitrarily designated a, b, c and d in this communication) distinct from the long recognised us serotypes. we have labelled, with 35s-methionine, the structural polypeptides of 12 of the european isolates during growth in de-embryonated eggs. the s2, spike-anchoring, polypeptide of isolates of all four serotypes ha ... | 1987 | 18766585 |
the detection of cytotoxic lymphocyte activity in chickens infected with infectious bronchitis virus or fowl pox virus. | a cytotoxic lymphocyte assay, using cells that adhered to plastic as the target cells and neutral red as the indicator for lysis, was applied to chickens infected with either infectious bronchitis virus or fowl pox virus. both target and effector cells were derived from the same bird. cytotoxic lymphocytes were generated in birds infected with either virus. the activity was confined to cells of the spleen after initial immunisation, but could be detected in white cells from the blood after chall ... | 1987 | 18766629 |
comparison of the haemagglutination inhibition test and the serum neutralisation test in tracheal organ cultures for typing infectious bronchitis virus strains. | five strains of infectious bronchitis (ib) virus, which had been compared antigenically by the serum neutralisation (sn) test in tracheal organ cultures (oc), were arbitrarily coded and then compared by the haemagglutination inhibition (hi) test. their antigenic relationships were found to be similar by the two methods but, because of the high and variable cross reactions found in the hi test, the differences between the strains were less clear by that method. it was concluded that the hi test, ... | 1987 | 18766638 |
some field observations on the antibody response to avian infectious bronchitis on auckland layer farms. | layer flocks on four auckland poultry farms were monitored monthly for infectious bronchitis (ib) antibody levels, using the haemagglutination inhibition test. the same birds were bled each month and antibody levels compared with egg production. the results showed that ib vaccination at 4(1/2) and 14(1/2) weeks using the live, attenuated, new zealand a strain virus, protected layers from ib infection on a farm with good management techniques but vaccination on another commercial farm gave less t ... | 1987 | 16031354 |
infectious bronchitis in laying hens: the relationship between haemagglutination inhibition antibody levels and resistance to experimental challenge. | in three separate and unrelated experiments, in which vaccinated hens were challenged with virulent infectious bronchitis virus, the ability of individual hens to maintain egg production was related to their serum haemagglutination inhibition antibody titre at the time of challenge. it was found that, regardless of the vaccination programme used, the ability of laying hens to withstand infectious bronchitis virus challenge, as measured by the effect upon their egg production, is directly related ... | 1988 | 18766692 |
the induction and control of delayed type hypersensitivity reactions induced in chickens by infectious bronchitis virus. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) was shown to induce delayed type hypersensitivity (dth) reactions in the wattle, or to inhibit migration in a macrophage migration inhibition test (mit) in sensitised birds. the magnitude of the reactions was related to the sensitising dose of the virus. the optimal dose for the cold attenuated a3-ibv was 10(3 .5) eid50, higher doses giving lower responses. birds given a similar dose of t-ibv had negative dth reactions, but the spleen non-adherent lymphocytes fr ... | 1988 | 18766694 |
serological classification of recent infectious bronchitis virus isolates by the neutralization of immunofluorescent foci. | the neutralisation of immunofluorescent foci test was adapted to the grouping of 14 recent dutch infectious bronchitis virus isolates. this test provides a distinct grouping of the isolates and the corresponding sera. evaluation of the tests was carried out by means of the computer program called 'taxonomic', designed for the calculation of taxonomic order from serological data. the taxonomic order, depicted in the form of a tree, facilitates the judgement of the degree of resemblance between vi ... | 1988 | 18766673 |
routine virus isolation or detection in the diagnosis of diseases in birds. | between august 1986 and july 1987, 373 submissions for laboratory diagnosis of suspected virus diseases of birds were received. in 116 cases (31%) viruses were isolated or detected, consisting of 25 reo-viruses, 17 rotaviruses, 14 adenoviruses plus demonstration of haemorrhagic enteritis virus antigen in the spleens of 15 birds, eight pox-viruses, 19 duck enteritis herpesviruses and six other avian herpes-viruses, four duck hepatitis viruses, six other enterovirus-like isolates, two duck astrovi ... | 1988 | 18766750 |
interferon induction by several strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus, a coronavirus, in chickens. | eight u.s. and japanese strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) were tested for their interferon-inducing ability in chickens. all strains induced interferon (ifn) in several organs of six-week-old spf chickens. however, the extent of ifn formation in these chickens was not necessarily the same from one strain to another. | 1988 | 2454022 |
amino acids within hypervariable region 1 of avian coronavirus ibv (massachusetts serotype) spike glycoprotein are associated with neutralization epitopes. | the spike glycoprotein (s) gene of ibv codes for a precursor protein which is cleaved into the n-terminal s1 and c-terminal s2 glycopolypeptides. the s1 glycopolypeptide, which induces neutralizing antibody, comprises approximately 520 amino acid residues. we have determined the nucleotide sequence of s1 of seven strains of the massachusetts (mass) serotype and the first 337 bases of two additional mass strains. despite the fact that the strains had been isolated over three decades in europe and ... | 1988 | 2462314 |
infectious bronchitis: safety and protection in chickens with maternal antibody. | 1988 | 2851970 | |
the amino-terminal signal peptide on the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus matrix protein is not an absolute requirement for membrane translocation and glycosylation. | cdna clones mapping within the first 2601 bases of the 3' end of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis corona-virus (tgev) genome were sequenced by the method of maxam and gilbert and an open reading frame yielding a protein having properties of the matrix (m or e1) protein was identified. it is positioned at the 5' side of the nucleocapsid (n) gene from which it is separated by an intergenic stretch of 12 bases. the deduced m protein comprises 262 amino acids, has a molecular weight of 29,5 ... | 1988 | 2841792 |
evolution of avian coronavirus ibv: sequence of the matrix glycoprotein gene and intergenic region of several serotypes. | we have sequenced 200 to 240 bases of the matrix (m) glycoprotein gene of 23 strains of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) representing the a (d207), b (d3896), c (d3128), d (d212), massachusetts (mass), uk11 and uk12 serotypes. the bases examined code for the external, hydrophilic region and the first membrane-embedded hydrophobic region of m, both regions comprising approximately 20 amino acids. as predicted from protein mr studies the a/d and b/c serotypes had two and one potential glycosylati ... | 1988 | 2832526 |
effect of repeated infections of chickens with infectious bronchitis viruses on the specificity of their antibody responses. | 1988 | 2837864 | |
a study of breeder vaccination programs and problems in the broiler progeny in saskatchewan utilizing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. | a survey of antibodies against infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv), infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), newcastle disease virus (ndv), and reovirus (rv) was conducted in broiler-breeder flocks and selected progeny broiler flocks utilizing the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. marked differences in antibody titers between different breeder flocks were related to differences in vaccination programs. poor performance in some progeny broiler flocks was related to low antibody titers against ibdv ... | 1988 | 2838013 |
a dot-immunobinding assay for infectious bronchitis virus. | common whatman filter paper grade 1 and nitrocellulose membrane were compared for their sensitivity in a dot-immunobinding assay for detection of serum antibody titers to arkansas avian infectious bronchitis virus (aibv). for a blue to purple color detection, serum antibodies were bound to aibv antigen adsorbed on the filter-paper discs or nitrocellulose membrane. rabbit anti-chicken igg horseradish-peroxidase (hrp) conjugate and hydrogen peroxide with 4-chloro-1-naphthol (hrp-color development ... | 1988 | 2838014 |
comparative nephropathogenicity of infectious bronchitis virus in bursectomized and nonbursectomized chickens. | a study was conducted to compare the responses of bursectomized (bx) and nonbursectomized (non-bx) specific-pathogen-free male chickens to australian t strain of infectious bronchitis virus. four chickens from each group were killed at 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after conjunctival inoculation of the virus. clinical signs and gross and microscopic lesions were more severe in bx than in non-bx chickens. the non-bx chickens had linear igg deposits along the renal tubules. virus-neutralizing titer ... | 1988 | 2840842 |
[scanning electron microscopic studies of changes in the respiratory tract of chicks caused by an infection with the agent of infectious bronchitis]. | 1988 | 2846257 | |
effect of gray strain infectious bronchitis virus and high dietary calcium on renal function of single comb white leghorn pullets at 6, 10, and 18 weeks of age. | experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of gray strain infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and high dietary calcium (ca), alone and in combination, on renal function in pullets. eight hundred female single comb white leghorn chicks were raised on starter ration. five hundred chicks were inoculated intravenously with gray strain ibv at 4 wk of age; the remaining chicks were not exposed to ibv. at 6 wk of age, ibv-inoculated and uninoculated chicks were randomly divided into two diet treat ... | 1988 | 2847130 |
a standardized enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for infectious bronchitis virus: comparison with hemagglutination-inhibition and virus-neutralization assays for measuring protective antibody levels in chickens. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed to measure antibodies to infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) in chickens. the results are reported in ibv standard elisa values calculated by comparing antibody levels in test sera with antibody levels in a series of standard reference sera. the ibv standard elisa values were good indicators of responses to vaccination and the immune status of experimentally challenged birds. although the assay was not serotype-specific, the sensitivity ma ... | 1988 | 2848483 |
a method to rapidly convert newcastle disease virus and infectious bronchitis virus immunocomb scores into conventional hemagglutination-inhibition titers. | immunocomb scores are highly correlated to hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) titers against infectious bronchitis virus and newcastle disease virus. statistical calculations permit using an individual combscore to predict the corresponding hi titer value. tables are presented to facilitate the transformation of combscores into hi titers. | 1988 | 2848485 |
efficacy of infectious bronchitis virus vaccines against heterologous challenge. | twenty-four-week-old white leghorn layers were inoculated subcutaneously with a killed newcastle disease-infectious bronchitis (massachusetts type) virus (mibv) vaccine. twenty-eight weeks after vaccination, the birds were challenged intraocularly with the arkansas strain of infectious bronchitis virus (aibv) to determine the effects of heterologous virus exposure on egg production, egg quality and serum antibody response of the birds. the challenged hens laid significantly (p less than 0.005) f ... | 1988 | 2851866 |
a comparison of infectious bronchitis virus hemagglutination-inhibition test procedures. | replicate hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) tests of selected convalescent and hyperimmune infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) antisera were run against five ibv antigens: massachusetts 41, connecticut 46, h52, arkansas 99, and jmk. six different hi test procedures were included in this comparison to evaluate the effect of procedural differences on hi titers. the results were similar among procedures to the extent that positive and negative reactions were differentiated by each procedure with each ... | 1988 | 2840883 |
identification of recent infectious bronchitis virus isolates that are serologically different from current vaccine strains. | three 1986 infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) isolates were serotyped by a hemagglutination-inhibition method and were found to be serologically different from the seven strains currently used in regular and specially licensed vaccines in the united states (mass 41, h52, h120, conn 46, fla 18288, jmk, and ark 99) and from 13 other reference ibv strains. the recent isolates were from layer flocks that had histories of egg-production declines and shell-quality problems. two of the isolates, one eac ... | 1988 | 2840885 |
cloning and sequencing of genes encoding structural proteins of avian infectious bronchitis virus. | 1988 | 2841803 | |
avian infectious bronchitis diagnosis using an enzyme immunoassay on nitrocellulose. | 1988 | 2844040 | |
isolation of infectious bronchitis virus from a flock of racing pigeons. | 1988 | 2844141 | |
comparison of egg-yolk and serum antibody titers to four avian viruses by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using paired field samples. | eggs and blood were collected from 11 hens in each of nine broiler-breeder flocks in quebec. serum and egg-yolk extracts were assayed for antibody titers to infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv), infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), newcastle disease virus (ndv), and reovirus (rv) by a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) kit. comparison was made between egg-yolk and serum antibody titers by a regression analysis. a high correlation was observed between serum and yolk antibody tit ... | 1989 | 2559700 |
pathogenicity of escherichia coli in aerosols for young chickens. | the relative pathogenicity of esherichia coli isolates from poultry was determined by aerosol exposure of young chickens. evidence of colisepticemia with airsacculitis and/or pericarditis and perihepatitis was evaluated. a system was devised that included the intratracheal (it) inoculation of strain se-17 infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) of chicks at 7 days of age followed by their aerosol exposure to e. coli culture suspensions 2 days later. each experiment was terminated 6 days later. for com ... | 1989 | 2559703 |
molecular biology of avian infectious bronchitis virus. | 1989 | 2560396 | |
identification and location of the structural glycoproteins of a tissue culture-adapted turkey enteric coronavirus. | the minnesota strain of turkey enteric coronavirus (tcv) was grown on a human rectal tumor (hrt-18) cell line in the presence of radiolabeled amino acids and glucosamine to analyse virion structural proteins. in addition to the 52,000 unglycosylated nucleocapsid protein, three major glycoprotein species were found to be associated with the viral envelope. a predominant glycosylated protein with a molecular weight of 22-24,000 represented the transmembrane matrix protein. larger glycoproteins wit ... | 1989 | 2673155 |
detection of turkey enteric coronavirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and differentiation from other coronaviruses. | a double-antibody elisa for the detection of coronaviruses in intestinal contents from turkey poults with diarrhea was developed. antibodies were raised in rabbits and guinea pigs against a minnesota isolate of turkey enteric coronavirus (tcv) propagated in embryonating turkey eggs and were purified by density-gradient centrifugation. the specificity of antisera was confirmed by hemagglutination-inhibition and immunoelectron microscopy. absorption of anti-tcv hyperimmune sera with egg extracts o ... | 1989 | 2541641 |
genetic differences in susceptibility to a mixture of avian infectious bronchitis virus and escherichia coli. | two-week-old chickens of 9 inbred and partially inbred lines of chickens were challenged intranasally with a mixed infection consisting of a pool of virulent strains of infectious bronchitis virus and a pool of pathogenic strains of escherichia coli. 2. wide differences in mortality were observed in the different lines, ranging from 3% in a brown leghorn line to 87% in white leghorn line 7(2). 3. experiments involving challenge with e. coli alone or virus alone suggested that this variation refl ... | 1989 | 2545316 |
phylogeny of antigenic variants of avian coronavirus ibv. | the sequences of the peplomeric s1 protein of four serologically distinct strains of the infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), an avian coronavirus, have been determined. the s1 protein is thought to contain the serotype-specific neutralization epitopes and to be the main target of antigenic variation. an alignment with sequences of three strains published previously showed that from the 545 amino acid residues only 243 have been conserved. clustering of substitutions suggests that most serotype de ... | 1989 | 2466369 |
antigenicity of the peplomer protein of infectious bronchitis virus. | to study the antigenic structure of the peplomer protein of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus, fragments from the peplomer gene were generated by restriction-enzyme cleavage or by limited dnase digestion and inserted in the escherichia coli expression plasmid pex (stanley and luzio, 1984). the antigenicity of the expression products was tested using a number of polyclonal antisera and monoclonal antibodies. the polyclonal antisera recognized different sets of epitopes in the 1162 ... | 1989 | 2467199 |
characterization of infectious bronchitis virus using monoclonal antibodies. | three monoclonal antibodies (mabs) reactive against two structural proteins--the nucleoprotein (np) or the surface (s) protein--of avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) were produced and characterized. the mabs did not neutralize virus infectivity or inhibit hemagglutination. their reactivity patterns with the homologous strain and eight heterologous strains of ibv were determined using the indirect immunoperoxidase test, the indirect immunofluorescent test, transfer-immunoblotting of separate ... | 1989 | 2476112 |
analysis of an immunodominant region of infectious bronchitis virus. | we analyzed the antigenic fine-structure of an immunodominant region in the peplomer protein of infectious bronchitis virus. this region near the n-terminus of the s2 subunit is recognized by polyclonal antisera and by the majority of mab that cross-react with denatured protein. despite their involvement in neutralization, epitopes in this region were conserved in different serotypes. epitopes of four mab and two chicken antisera were localized by using prokaryotic expression of cdna fragments, ... | 1989 | 2477454 |
comparative infectivity for axenic and specific-pathogen-free chickens of o2 escherichia coli strains with or without virulence factors. | adhesion to epithelial respiratory cells, iron acquisition, and production of k1 polysaccharide capsules have been proposed as potential virulence factors of avian escherichia coli. these factors were studied by inoculating groups of axenic or specific-pathogen-free (spf) chickens intratracheally with o2 e. coli strains after previous challenge with a wild strain of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv). in all experiments, the association between ibv and an e. coli strain endowed with the three vir ... | 1989 | 2522766 |
coronavirus genome: prediction of putative functional domains in the non-structural polyprotein by comparative amino acid sequence analysis. | amino acid sequences of 2 giant non-structural polyproteins (f1 and f2) of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), a member of coronaviridae, were compared, by computer-assisted methods, to sequences of a number of other positive strand rna viral and cellular proteins. by this approach, juxtaposed putative rna-dependent rna polymerase, nucleic acid binding ("finger"-like) and rna helicase domains were identified in f2. together, these domains might constitute the core of the protein complex involved ... | 1989 | 2526320 |
antigenic relationship among strains of ibaraki virus and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus studied with monoclonal antibodies. | twelve monoclonal antibodies against ibaraki virus (ibv) were established and preliminarily characterised by indirect immunoperoxidase (iip), haemagglutination inhibition (hi) and neutralisation (nt) tests. five antibodies reacted in the iip test with all ibv and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) strains tested, and five antibodies reacted with ibv and alberta strain (serotype 2) but not with new jersey strain (serotype 1) of ehdv. two of 12 antibodies showed both hi and nt activities. ... | 1989 | 2539639 |
immunohistological identification of both infectious bursal and marek virus antigens in the bursa of fabricius. | indirect immunoperoxidase (iip) and avidin biotin-peroxidase complex (abc) techniques were used for the detection of infectious bursal virus (ibv) and marek disease virus (mdv) antigens in alcohol and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lymphoid tissues from broilers. both techniques appeared potentially useful for the diagnosis of both viral antigens in alcohol-fixed tissues, and allowed the observation of dual infection in the bursa of fabricius of the studied animals in a natural infection. | 1989 | 2540946 |
nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for the peplomer protein (= spike protein) of infectious bronchitis virus, strain d274. | 1989 | 2550899 |