
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
experiments on the role of lymphoid tissue in the resistance to experimental tuberculosis in mice.mice either normal or splenectomized after exposure to x-ray are markedly more susceptible to bovine tuberculosis than are normal animals. animals splenectomized a short time prior to inoculation are also more susceptible than normal, while those splenectomized eight to ten days before inoculation have about the same resistance as normal. the mice splenectomized three to four weeks before inoculation have a resistance increased over the normal, as has already been shown by lewis and margot. as x ...191419867829
notes on the fossil vertebrates collected on the cope expedition to the judith river and cow island beds, montana, in 1876. 191417776389
human and bovine tuberculosis in children. 191420767032
the effect of daylight and drying on the human and bovine types of tubercle bacilli. 191520767450
the anatomical and histological expression of increased resistance towards tuberculosis in cattle following the intravenous injection of human and attenuated bovine tubercle bacilli. 191519972246
the vaccination of cattle against tuberculosis.-iii : the occasional persistence of the human type of tubercle bacillus in cattle. 191519972252
the specificity of caseinogens. a comparative study of the caseinogens of the cow and the sheep. 191516742365
a case of assumption of male secondary sex characters by a cow. 191517740907
the influence that serum exerts upon trypanosomes, with special reference to its use for experiments in vitro with atoxyl and paramino-phenylarsenoxyd.1. serum of various animals preserves the motility of nagana trypanosomes better and longer than salt solution. 2. to act best in this way the serum should not be diluted more than 2 to 4 times. undiluted serum is perhaps best. 3. serum filtered through a berkefeld filter, bottled aseptically, and kept in the ice box preserves this activating property apparently undiminished for many months. 4. serum preserves the motility of trypanosomes better than "sals physiologicum" of merck, and better tha ...191519867867
the reaction of cows' milk modified for infant feeding. 191519972215
experiments with poliomyelitis in the rabbit.the poliomyelitic virus obtained from an experimental monkey has been passed through eight generations in rabbits. it shows no signs of dying out. on the other hand, it gives no evidence of becoming more pathogenic to the species through successive passage. the period of incubation remains variable and the percentage of takes has not increased. whether eventually a virus can be obtained which is of heightened virulence to rabbits is problematic. all inoculations are by no means successful. the a ...191619867999
on the degree of inbreeding which exists in american jersey cattle. 191616576105
a comparative study of the proteins of the colostrum and milk of the cow and their relations to serum proteins. 191616742651
on the pathology of bovine actinomycosis: a preliminary report. 191620474618
a common or public nuisance-the tubercular milch cow. 191718009615
the distribution of the fatty acids in the milk fat of the cow and sheep. 191716742730
staggers in sheep in patagonia.after observations and experimental work both in the field and laboratory, the following conclusions seem justified. 1. staggers is a non-infectious disorder affecting horses, cattle, and sheep. 2. the disease is characterized by weakness, muscular twitching, irregular movements of the head, stiffness of the limbs, and transient motor paralysis, accompanied with spastic spasms on excitement. there is also a derangement of vision and conjunctivitis. 3. the postmortem lesions are not characteristi ...191719868185
studies in bovine mastitis : i. non-hemolytic streptococci in inflammation of the seems clearly established that non-hemolytic streptococci are responsible for a considerable number of cases of bovine mastitis. of the 81 animals examined, 31 were suffering from infections of this type. the lesions produced in invaded quarters varied from an involvement of only the lining epithelium of the large milk ducts to severe degeneration and necrosis of the secreting epithelium. in one instance a considerable portion of the glandular elements had been replaced with connective tissue ...191819868247
studies in bovine mastitis : ii. the relation of hemolytic streptococci to udder infections.hemolytic streptococci produce more or less severe inflammations of the udders of cows. frequently infected quarters are swollen, firm, hot, and tender. in a number of instances it has not been possible to detect gross changes in the mammary gland. the streptococci isolated from the invaded quarters have produced clear zones of hemolysis immediately surrounding the colonies when cultivated in horse blood agar plate cultures. the hemolytic zone has varied from a clear, narrow band up to zones 1.7 ...191819868254
an improvement in the method of isolating and recovering the bacillus of cattle abortion through guinea pigs.1. bacillus abortus bang can be regularly recovered from guinea pigs inoculated with material containing the bacillus within 3 to 4 weeks. 2. the method is especially useful in recovering the organism from fetal membranes which, as a rule, are obtained after having come in contact with fecal matter, bedding, etc. 3. the spleen is the organ in which the bacteria are regularly present and in largest numbers. cultures must be made from it to ensure success.191819868280
spirilla associated with disease of the fetal membranes in cattle (infectious abortion).spirilla of identical morphological and cultural characters have been isolated in pure culture from the fetuses of fourteen cases of abortion. the condition of the fetus is much the same whether spirilla or the bacilli of abortion are present. this condition is probably due in both cases to interference with the placental circulation. the injurious action of the etiological factor when spirilla are present is limited to the fetal membranes, more particularly the chorion. definite lesions of the ...191819868289
studies in bovine mastitis : iii. injection of the udder with micrococci and other microorganisms.aside from the streptococci, micrococci have been the next most frequent group of organisms isolated from inflamed udders. they produce various types of disease. some give rise to only a mild catarrh of the larger milk ducts and cystern, while others produce more or less severe parenchymatous inflammation. on the whole, the prognosis is more favorable with micrococcic infection than with that associated with streptococci. cases of considerable severity have, however, been attributed to staphyloc ...191819868290
studies in bovine mastitis : iv. the sources of infection in streptococcic mastitis.1. the principal sources of streptococcic infection, aside from clinical cases, are apparently normal cows which carry the virus in the udder. 2. these carriers may be grouped as follows: (a) those that have been infected recently and have not yet developed symptoms; (b) those that have suffered from inflammation of the udder and after recovery still harbor streptococci; (c) those that have had no clinical history of mastitis. there is some evidence to lead one to regard the latter group as natu ...191819868291
the effect of cattle on the erosion of canon bottoms. 191817821135
the basal katabolism of cattle and other species. 191816586779
the relation of streptococci to bovine mastitis and septic sore throat. 191818009806
an attempt to breed tubercle-immune cattle. 191820769137
inheritance of quantity and quality of milk production in dairy cattle. 191916576414
experiments on the role of lymphoid tissue in the resistance to experimental tuberculosis in mice : iii. effect of heat on resistance to tuberculosis.mice with high lymphocyte counts and increased activity of the lymphoid tissue induced by one exposure to intense dry heat exhibit a marked increase in the resistance to large doses of bovine tubercle bacilli as compared with that shown by control animals given a similar inoculation. this resistance, judged by the time of survival after inoculation, is increased from two- to threefold. the average length of life after inoculation for three groups of heated mice was 88, 69, and 67 days respective ...191919868303
the use of the final hydrogen ion concentration in differentiation of streptococcus haemolyticus of human and bovine types.1. under the conditions of these experiments, there appears to be a distinct and constant difference in the final hydrogen ion concentration of streptococcus haemolyticus from human and bovine sources. 2. of 124 strains of streptococcus haemolyticus from known human origin, 116 reached a final hydrogen ion concentration of from ph 5.0 to 5.3. only 8 reached a ph more acid than 5.0 and none more acid than ph 4.8. 3. of 45 strains of streptococcus haemolyticus from bovine sources, including 26 str ...191919868315
a characteristic localization of bacillus abortus in the bovine fetal membranes.the significance of this invasion of the chorionic epithelium from the standpoint of pathogene'sis cannot be properly evaluated until a more complete history of the successive localizations of bacillus abortus has been obtained. it is safe to assume that this particular cell parasitism is but one of a series of localizations and centers of multiplication in the fetal membranes although evidence points to it as perhaps the earliest stage in which the organism gains by rapid, unchecked multiplicat ...191919868330
some morphological and biological characters of the spirilla (vibrio fetus, n. sp.) associated with disease of the fetal membranes in cattle.twenty-two fetal and two calf strains of spirilla have been studied chiefly with regard to the problem of identity. twenty-one fetal strains are probably specifically the same. one fetal strain differs slightly from these, but in its agglutination affinities it belongs to the same group. of two strains isolated from calves one has definite agglutination relations with the fetal strains, the other none. in the morphological and biological characters so far investigated all the strains agree close ...191919868360
the etiological relation of spirilla (vibrio fetus) to bovine abortion.the isolation in pure culture of a definite morphological entity (vibrio or spirillum) with practically the same biological characters from a series of cases of the same clinical complex (abortion) establishes a presumption in favor of the specific identity of the organisms and also in favor of the inference that such organisms are etiologically related to the diseased condition. this presumption is strengthened by the fact that disease of the fetal membranes followed the injection of pure cultu ...191919868361
the bacteriology of bovine abortion, with special reference to acquired a large herd of dairy cattle and young stock the bacteriological examination of 109 cases of abortion which included a relatively thorough study of the fetus and a study of the membranes, or swabs from the uterus whenever obtainable, gave the following results. 62, or 57 per cent, were associated with bacillus abortus. 26, or 23.8 per cent, were associated with spirilla. 2, or 1.8 per cent, were associated with bacillus pyogenes. 19, or 17.4 per cent, were either sterile or else the digestive ...191919868362
an interpretation of the agglutination reaction to bacillus abortus in 75 cases of bovine abortion bacteriologically controlled.the agglutination test when carried out so as to give the entire range of serum dilutions to the limit of clumping is a delicate test which reflects a variety of conditions involved in infection with bacillus abortus. among these conditions are its time relation to the act of abortion and the length of time the abortion bacilli live and multiply in the pregnant uterus. it is obvious that if a uterus be infected in the 8th month of pregnancy, the opportunity for agglutinins to accumulate are poor ...191919868363
the cultural differentiation of beta hemolytic streptococci of human and bovine origin.none of the procedures described serves by itself to differentiate streptococci of human and bovine origin with certainty, though each of them serves as a strong presumptive test. most strains fall easily into the human or bovine group by all the tests. eliminating these from consideration we have left certain irregular strains listed in table vii. see pdf for structure taking all characters into consideration we are inclined to regard strains j-e7, cheese 1, and cheese 2 as undoubtedly of bovin ...192019868387
dairy infection with streptococcus epidemicus.a streptococcus epidemic of moderate extent and severity was characterized by clinical symptoms different from the usual septic sore throat, though the organism found was culturally streptococcus epidemicus. the infection was traced to the milk from a single quarter of the udder of a cow in a dairy of 112 cows producing an otherwise excellent grade of raw milk. a number of the milkers on the dairy farm were found infected. it was impossible to trace the infection of the cow's udder to any one of ...192019868388
mycosis of the bovine fetal membranes due to a mould of the genus mucor.a mucor, closely resembling lichtheim's mucor rhizopodiformis, was isolated from the diseased chorion of a cow and from the lungs and digestive tract of the fetus. no other microorganisms were detected. the mucor was demonstrated in teased preparations from the fresh cotyledons as well as in sections of tissues suitably hardened. it produced focal lesions in rabbits following the intravenous injection of spores. the condition of the amniotic fluid and the contents of the rumen of the fetus justi ...192019868391
a study of bacillus pyogenes.bacillus pyogenes is probably quite common in this country, as it is known to be in europe. a careful study of twelve strains from cattle and one from a hog has disclosed the following characteristics which have not been reported or have been in dispute. bacillus pyogenes is gram-positive and pleomorphic, producing forms ranging from short chains of streptococcoid elements to branching filaments. it is hemolytic, producing the beta type of hemolysis in blood agar. it is not hemoglobinophilic, th ...192019868442
influence of variations of media on acid production by streptococci.the results of variations in acid production in 1 per cent dextrose fermented and unfermented veal broth modified by the addition of 4 per cent of horse serum or 2 per cent of peptone have been recorded. human streptococci and a group of low acid-producing streptococci from milk produce less acid in the simpler broths (fermented and unfermented). 2 per cent peptone fails to increase the amount of acid produced by these two groups. the bovine streptococci act much the same as those of human origi ...192019868444
further studies on the etiological role of vibrio fetus.the data bearing on these three cases are quite sufficient to rule out bacillus abortus as the agent. not only the cultures and guinea pig tests of fetal tissues and contents of the digestive tract, but also the agglutination and guinea pig tests of the milk, were negative. the same is true of the agglutination tests of the blood serum. only in one case was the placenta obtained in part. the stained films and the sections from various regions showed no abortion bacilli. guinea pig tests of place ...192019868469
the nature of the growth rate.1. the growth rate of organisms may be considered as a chemical reaction which gives the mature organism as its end-product. the organism grows at a definite rate which is, at any moment, proportional to the amount of growth yet to be made. 2. shoots of young pear trees measured at weekly intervals during the growing season showed a rate similar to that of an autocatalytic reaction. 3. young walnut trees showed distinct cycles of growth in a single season, but the growth in each cycle proceeded ...192019871830
observations on the body temperature of dry cows. 192016576535
a contribution of genetics to the practical breeding of dairy cattle. 192016576495
the carbon dioxide: heat ratio in cattle. 192016586810
the incidence of bovine infection in tuberculous meningitis. 192019972503
studies in milk secretion. vi. on the variations and correlations of butter-fat percentage with age in jersey cattle. 192017245944
bovine tuberculosis: the etiological support of family history. 192120474730
a comparative study of bovine abortion and undulant fever, from the bacteriological point of view. 192120474741
a comparative investigation of the corresponding proteins of cow and ox serum, cow's colostrum and cow's milk by the method of protein racemisation. 192116742979
botulism in cattle. 192116558910
the caseins of cows' milk in their relations to infant feeding. 192120313255
observations on deficiency diseases in labrador.this observer had the rare opportunity of comparing communities of humans whose dietary could be absolutely determined. the esquimos on the labrador side of belle isle were able to get food with vitamins enough to protect them, but those on the newfoundland side, even with milk from underfed cows, had much incidence of deficiency disease.192118010515
experimental production of gigantism by feeding the anterior lobe of the hypophysis.1. metamorphosed salamanders of the species ambystoma opacum and ambystoma tigrinum were fed on a pure diet of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis of cattle; the controls were fed on an abundant diet of earthworms. 2. the rate of growth of the animals fed on the anterior lobe of the hypophysis was greatly increased over the rate of growth of normal animals. 3. growth of the animals fed on anterior lobe did not cease after they had reached the normal "maximum" size of the species, and experimenta ...192119871871
the rate of growth of the dairy cow : extrauterine growth in weight.the growth period of the jersey and holstein cows is made up of at least three cycles, two extrauterine cycles with maxima at about 5 and 20 months of age, and one intrauterine cycle, the maximum of which has not yet been determined. the equation of an autocatalytic monomolecular reaction was found to give very good results when applied to the cycle having its maximum at about 5 months of age. the values obtained from this equation when applied to the cycle having the maximum at about 20 months ...192119871892
thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy with relation to the development of immune substances.1. after thyroidectomy with partial parathyroidectomy the maximum and average hemolytic titers of the sera of rabbits injected intravenously with sheep blood are equal to or higher than those of normal animals similarly injected. 2. thyroidectomy with partial parathyroidectomy does not inhibit antibody production. this fact is in accord with the results of garibaldi, launoy and lévy-bruhl, lerda and diez, and others. 3. thyroidectomy with partial parathyroidectomy does not cause serious disturba ...192119868558
an outbreak of pneumonia in dairy cows attributed to bacillus bovisepticus.all outbreak of pneumonia in dairy cows attributed to bacillus bovisepticus is described. about twenty cows and two calves were affected. the first cases were noted in cows purchased in michigan. the disease next appeared in another lot of cows from pennsylvania and subsequently attacked native stock. of the ten cases which came under our observation, five apparently recovered, two died, and two severely affected cows were killed. the other case developed multiple abscesses of the lung and was f ...192119868577
a study of bacillus has been possible to study the cultural characters and certain of the immunological relationships of sixteen strains of bacillus bovisepticus. the organisms have fallen into three distinct cultural groups. the largest group comprises eight strains, four of them obtained in pure cultures from cases of pneumonia in cows, two others were pure infections in calves, the others were associated with other organisms. this group may be characterized as short, non-motile, gram-negative, encapsulated ro ...192119868578
the transmission of agglutinins of bacillus abortus from cow to calf in the colostrum.the agglutinins towards bacillus abortus found in the blood serum of new-born calves are obtained from the mother through the colostrum. calves at birth, unfed, are without agglutinins. the problem of the production of agglutinins by the fetus in whose tissues bacillus abortus has multiplied and which is subsequently expelled prematurely is not touched by these observations.192219868595
cow serum as a substitute for colostrum in new-born calves.the serum of a normal lactating cow when injected into calves a few hours after birth saved only two out of five calves so treated. serum added to the milk of the first two meals saved three out of five. when the two methods were combined and the serum was both injected and fed all five calves so treated survived as normal calves. these figures to be significant should be compared with the controls of both series. since the beginning of this investigation twelve out of thirteen colostrum-fed cal ...192219868687
the value of heat-killed cultures for the prevention of the bacillus abortus inoculation disease of guinea pigs.from the data presented it seems permissible to draw the following conclusions. 1. guinea pigs cannot be rendered immune to the bacillus abortus inoculation disease by treatment with heat-killed cultures of this organism. this agrees with the work of ascoli, and with the general conclusions of many that dead cultures confer very little or no immunity to infectious abortion in cattle. 2. the progress of the disease can be delayed appreciably by such treatment. this is supported by the following o ...192219868704
the susceptibility of mice and rats to infection with bacillus abortus.1. white mice are highly susceptible to infection by inoculation with bacillus abortus. the susceptibility appears to be as great as that of the guinea pig, and this animal probably can be substituted satisfactorily for guinea pigs in diagnostic work. 2. both mice and rats are very refractory to feeding infection with bacillus aborlus. the failure to infect mice in this way was complete, but the feeding of large amounts of culture gave infection in rats. subcutaneous inoculation resulted in infe ...192219868705
the repair and activation of the thyroid in the hypophysectomized tadpole by the parenteral administration of fresh anterior lobe of the bovine hypophysis. 192219972570
an account of the circumstances associated with an outbreak of disease amongst milch cows, horses, and their attendants, believed to be of the nature of "cow-pox," in the county of somersetshire in the year 1909, and considerations arising therefrom. 192219982495
graves' disease and thyroid instability in the cow, and its relation to ovarian disease. 192319983135
certain diseases of the cow and their interest to the physician. 192320771017
the absorption of specific agglutinins in homologous serum fed to calves during the early hours of life.the administration of cow serum by feeding may replace colostrum. the agglutinins towards bacillus abortus in it are absorbed during the first hours of life in relatively large amounts when compared with those naturally appearing in ordinary milk. it seems probable that colostrum is the most efficient transporting agent of the antibodies. experiments are under way to put these conclusions on a quantitative basis with special reference to the age of the calf during which the absorption of homolog ...192319868752
an infectious ophthalmia of cattle.twenty-four cases of an acute ophthalmia of cattle have been observed. the infection is characterized by photophobia, severe congestion of the vessels of the eyeball, conjunctivitis, congestion and edema of the membrana nictitans, edema of the eyelids, accompanied by a thick, yellowish white mucus or mucopurulent exudate. in certain cases corneal ulcers and extensive corneal opacities developed. from all cases a characteristic diplobacillus was obtained. the organism was usually observed in the ...192319868779
oxidase reaction of various groups of bacteria.1. a simple technique is described for studying the oxidase action of bacteria by means of the oxidation of p-aminoleucomalachite green. 2. it is shown that pneumococci under aerobic conditions produced an oxidase when grown on suitable medium. the sera of any of seven different animal species constitute such a medium, the degree of oxidation by the pneumococcus depending upon the animal from which the serum was taken-rat, guinea pig, rabbit, horse, man, cat, and chicken in order of diminishing ...192319868791
the rate of growth of the dairy cow : ii. growth in weight after the age of two extensive amount of data is presented on the growth in weight of the dairy cow from 2 to 17 years of age, covering practically the entire duration of life. the data show that after the age of 2 years the rate of growth declines in a non-cyclic manner. the course of decline in growth follows the course of decline of a monomolecular chemical reaction; that is, the percentage decline in growth with age is constant.192319872011
the effect of gestation on the rate of decline of milk secretion with the advance of the period of lactation.1. data are presented showing that the course of decline of milk secretion with the advance of the period of lactation in farrow cows follows the course of decline of a monomolecular chemical reaction, that is each month's milk production is a constant percentage of the production of the preceding month (94.77 per cent in the case of the cow under consideration), from which it is inferred that milk secretion is limited by a chemical reaction initiated at parturition, and declining with the decre ...192319872036
the rate of growth of the dairy cow : iii. the relation between growth in weight and increase of milk secretion with is shown that from 2 years, the age when milk secretion usually begins, to 9 years, the age of maximum body weight, the increase of milk secretion with age follows the course of growth in body weight- both can be accurately represented by the equation of a monomolecular chemical reaction having a velocity constant of approximately the same numerical value. while increase in milk secretion and increase in body weight with age follow the same course, it is shown that increasing body weight cont ...192319872046
the rate of growth of the dairy cow : iv. growth and senescence as measured by the rise and fall of milk secretion with are presented on the effect of age on milk secretion in the dairy cow. from the age when milk secretion usually begins (2 years) to the age when maximum body weight is reached (about 8 years) increase of milk secretion and increase of body weight with age follow the same exponential course, which is the course of a monomolecular reaction of chemistry. after this age, unlike body weight which remains practically constant, milk secretion declines exponentially, that is, the course of decline ...192319872047
the source of agglutinins in the milk of cows.the foregoing experimental cases point to a distinct participation of the udder in the production of agglutinins when the gland is invaded by living or flooded by dead bacteria. the quarter injected reacts at first with a heavy influx of polynuclear leucocytes and later with an increase of agglutinins.192319868719
erysipelas successfully cured by subcutaneous injection of cows' milk. 192420315207
the value of condensed cows' milk in the tropics. 192420315084
the rate of growth of the dairy cow : v. extrauterine growth in linear dimensions.barring fluctuations due to the cyclic phenomena, the extrauterine course of growth in linear dimensions and in weight of the dairy cow follows an exponential law having the same form as the law representing the course of monomolecular change in chemistry. this suggests the interpretation that the general course of growth is limited by a monomolecular chemical process, and that the cyclic phenomena are due to subsidiary processes in the fundamentally exponential course of growth. the fact that g ...192419872074
the transmission and treatment of infectious ophthalmia of cattle.the experiments in which transmission of the disease was attempted by flies hardly parallel the observations within the herd. it is not unusual to observe large numbers of flies feeding on the exudate. slight disturbances may interrupt feeding and cause the flies to disperse and within a short period alight about the eyes of other cows. the experiments, however, bring out the fact that the bacterium will not remain viable for even a few minutes in the digestive tract of the fly. its life on the ...192419868884
the effects of the intratracheal administration of foreign has been possible to sensitize guinea pigs by the intratracheal administration of small amounts of horse or cow serum. the degree of sensitiveness is comparable to that obtained when the same doses of serum are injected into the peritoneal cavity. nevertheless, relatively small amounts of foreign protein are slowly absorbed through the lining membranes of the lower respiratory tract. in sensitive animals it has not been possible to produce shock by intratracheal injection of amounts of serum ...192419868903
the permeability of the lining of the lower respiratory tract for antibodies.the experimental results indicate that the walls of the lower respiratory tract are relatively as impermeable for antibodies as they are for serum proteins. the kind of serum employed does not influence this fact. antibodies contained in homologous (rabbit) serum failed to enter the blood stream when injected into the trachea in greater concentration than those contained in heterologous (guinea pig and cow) sera. that a little serum and its contained substances are absorbed after intratracheal i ...192419868904
a comparative bacteriological study of bovine abortion and undulant fever. 192420474814
on the producing of milk having a low bacterial content.about a year ago the specific opportunity which our laboratories had been seeking presented itself. we were brought into touch with a farm on the outskirts of vancouver engaged in the production of milk and the distributing of the same in the city. the proprietors of the farm, with at that time a herd of twenty-five grade cows, were endeavouring to supply a high grade milk, a milk having a low bacterial content, and secured from cattle giving a negative reaction to the tuberculin test. we approa ...192420474821
inheritance of black and red coat colors in cattle. 192417246049
direct cultivation of tubercle bacilli from spinal fluids. occurrence of human and bovine types. 192419972615
the influence of diet and management of the cow upon the deposition of calcium in rats receiving a daily ration of the milk in their diet. 192416743325
the influence of diet and sunlight upon the growth-promoting and anti-rachitic properties of the milk afforded by a cow. 192416743452
recent evolution in milk secretion of guernsey cattle. 192516576930
puerperal sepsis in cattle. 192519984577
puerperal sepsis in cattle. 192519984578
puerperal sepsis in cattle. 192519984579
puerperal sepsis in cattle. 192519984580
puerperal sepsis in cattle. 192519984581
puerperal sepsis in cattle. 192519984582
puerperal sepsis in cattle. 192519984583
tuberculin tests in cattle. 192520772025
studies on the etiology of heartwater : i. observation of a rickettsia, rickettsia ruminantium (n. sp.), in the tissues of infected animals.a gram-negative, intracellular, coccus-like microorganism was found in cases of heartwater in the three species which are susceptible to the disease; namely, goats, sheep, and cattle. it was absent in the case of control animals, both normal ones and those dying of some. other diseases. the presence of this microorganism was definitely related to the febrile reaction. it was most easily detected in the renal glomeruli and in the small capillaries of the cerebral cortex but probably occurred thro ...192519869049
bacteriophage tests on the meconium of aborted fetuses.the theory that tissue cells are the source of bacteriophage was objected to by d'hérelle on the grounds that bacteriophage in the intestinal contents could penetrate the intestinal mucosa and migrate throughout the body and that any demonstration of its presence within the body fluids was in accordance with this phenomenon. the present work sought to overcome this objection by using tissues which had been exposed to but a single organism,-bacillus abortus. filtrates of meconium from six aborted ...192519869074
bovine tuberculosis. 192517776958
energy values of feeds for cattle. 192517756469
sawdust as a feed for dairy cows. 192517801559
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 405682