
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
detection of plasmalogen from plasma low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein in carp, cyprinus carpio, and rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.the study revealed the presence of plasmalogens in the low density lipoprotein (ldl) and high density lipoprotein (hdl) of the fish. the composition of the plasmalogen in the carp plasma ldl phospholipids was 0.94 and 0.23% in the hdl; the ldl phospholipids in the rainbow trout were 0.44% and the hdl was 0.18%. aldehydes from the plasmalogen were derivatized with dansylhydrazides and separated by high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). their presence was detected using a fluorescence dete ...200011118943
in vitro effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (hmb) on cell-mediated immunity in fish.beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate(hmb) has been shown to counteract many of the negative effects of intensive animal production methods and results in increased growth and protection against diseases. in the present study, the effect of hmb on the immunocompetence cell activity in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and carp (cyprinus carpio) was examined. pronephric phagocytes and lymphocytes were isolated from the fish and grown in culture medium (rpmi-1640) containing either 0, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, ...200011044553
invertebrate and fish cytokines.cytokine-like molecules are well described in invertebrates, although most recent studies have revealed that there is analogy, rather than homology, between invertebrate and vertebrate cytokine-like activities. cytokines certainly appeared early in the evolution of vertebrates, dating back some 400 millions years. here, evidence will be reviewed and updated of the presence of these molecules in jawed fish and in particular, in bony fish, which represent the oldest group displaying true functiona ...200011022118
in vitro modulation of fish phagocytic cells by beta-endorphin.the activation of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, and carp, cyprinus carpio, phagocytic cells by synthetic chum salmon, o. keta, beta-endorphin was analysed in vitro. rainbow trout head kidney leukocytes were cultured in rpmi 1640 medium containing 1, 10, 50 or 100 ng ml-1 of chum salmon beta-endorphin and the production of superoxide anion was measured via the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (nbt) in vitro. macrophages incubated with 10 ng ml-1 up to 100 ng ml-1 of beta-endorphin showed ...200010938734
molecular cloning, tissue distribution and sequence analysis of complete glucokinase cdnas from gilthead seabream (sparus aurata), rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and common carp (cyprinus carpio).the enzyme glucokinase (gk) (ec plays an important role in the control of glucose homeostasis. qualitative and/or quantitative variations in gk enzyme have been postulated by previous studies to explain why dietary carbohydrate utilisation is lower in gilthead seabream (sparus aurata) and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) than in common carp (cyprinus carpio). in this study, we report the isolation and characterisation of a full-length cdna coding for gk in these teleosts. amino acid ...200010699491
sulphaemoglobin formation in fish: a comparison between the haemoglobin of the sulphide-sensitive rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and of the sulphide-tolerant common carp (cyprinus carpio).a method for the quantitative determination of sulphaemoglobin (shb) in a mixture of haemoglobin derivatives by spectral deconvolution is described. shb formation was studied in haemolysates and in red blood cells of the sulphide-sensitive rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and of the sulphide-tolerant common carp (cyprinus carpio). addition of sulphide caused the formation of shb in haemolysates of both animals. however, haemoglobin from common carp was much less sensitive to sulphide than was ...200010683164
changes in apoptotic rate and cell viability in three fish epidermis cultures after exposure to nonylphenol and to a wastewater sample containing low concentrations of nonylphenol.three types of epidermal cultures of fish were used for toxicological investigations, a primary cell culture and a tissue culture prepared from the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum and the cell line epc, derived from a skin tumour of the carp cyprinus carpio l. two studies were carried out to compare the different culture systems. in the first cultures were incubated with nonylphenol and in the second set of experiments the cell cultures were exposed to a wastewater sample containing lo ...200023889222
the acute toxicity of surfactants on fish cells, daphnia magna and fish-a comparative study.there is a need to replace acute toxicity tests on fish (lc(50)) with more cost effective assays. the main objective of this study was to explore whether gill epithelial cells, hepatocytes and daphnia magna could be used to predict acute toxicity of surfactants on fish. the acute toxicity of 10 synthetic surfactants (anionic, cationic, nonionic and zwitterionic) and two resin acids were determined on hepatocytes and gill epithelial cells from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), on daphnia magna ...200010699362
binding characteristics of [3h]17beta-estradiol in the hypothalamus of juvenile rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.gonadal steroids in the salmonid brain, acting through cellular receptors, may be responsible for the modulation of neuronal activity and organization of reproductive behaviors. we report our findings on the use of [3h]17beta-estradiol (e2) to identify intracellular estrogen receptors (ers) in the hypothalamus of juvenile rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss. specific binding (b(sp)) of [3h]e2 was tissue dependent between 0.5 and 2.25 hypothalamus equivalents for cytosol and nuclear extract prepar ...200011048682
specific binding of [3h]ketanserin to hypothalamus membranes of juvenile rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.this study examines the existence and pharmacological specificity of [3h]ketanserin binding in hypothalamus of juvenile rainbow trout. hypothalamic membranes were incubated with [3h]ketanserin (selective 5ht2 antagonist) under several experimental conditions; reactions were terminated by filtration and bound radioactivity was counted by liquid scintillation spectroscopy. tissue dilution experiments revealed that specific [3h]ketanserin binding (b(sp)) was tissue dependent; 1 hypothalamus equival ...200010741761
two-step purification method of vitellogenin from three teleost fish species: rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), gudgeon (gobio gobio) and chub (leuciscus cephalus).a two-step purification protocol was developed to purify rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) vitellogenin (vtg) and was successfully applied to vtg of chub (leuciscus cephalus) and gudgeon (gobio gobio). capture and intermediate purification were performed by anion-exchange chromatography on a resource q column and a polishing step was performed by gel permeation chromatography on superdex 200 column. this method is a rapid two-step purification procedure that gave a pure solution of vtg as asse ...200010681036
evidence that infectious stages of tetracapsula bryosalmonae for rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss are present throughout the year.proliferative kidney disease (pkd) is a hyperplastic condition of the lymphoid tissue of salmonids infected with the spores of tetracapsula bryosalmonae, a myxozoan parasite formerly designated pkx, which has recently been described as a parasite of several species of bryozoans. the occurrence of pkd is generally associated with seasonal increase in water temperature, with research indicating that transmission of the disease does not occur below 12 to 13 degrees c. this suggested that the infect ...200111592700
induction of proliferative kidney disease (pkd) in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss via the bryozoan fredericella sultana infected with tetracapsula bryosalmonae.proliferative kidney disease (pkd) is a serious infection of wild and farmed salmonids, affecting mainly the kidney and spleen but becoming systemic in most susceptible fish hosts. this report deals with the transmission of tetracapsula bryosalmonae canning, curry, feist, longshaw & okamura 1999 from naturally infected bryozoans fredericella sultana blumenbach 1779 to naive rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum 1792, thereby confirming the recent conclusion based on partial 18s rdna sequence ...200111411645
temperature and myogenic factor transcript levels during early development determines muscle growth potential in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and sea bass (dicentrarchus labrax).the influence of changes in environmental temperature on the mrna levels of myogenic regulatory factors (mrfs), i.e. myod and myogenin, as well as myosin heavy chain (myhc) were studied during early larval development in rainbow trout and sea bass. phosphoimager analysis of northern blots indicated that there is an optimum temperature for the rna transcript levels of mrf and myhc rna in trout and in sea bass larvae. in the trout strain studied, the highest concentration for mrf and myhc transcri ...200111683432
red and white muscle development in the trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) as shown by in situ hybridisation of fast and slow myosin heavy chain transcripts.the axial muscle of most teleost species consists of a deep bulk of fast-contracting white fibres and a superficial strip of slow-contracting red fibres. to investigate the embryological development of fast and slow muscle in trout embryos, we carried out single and double in situ hybridisation with fast and slow myosin heavy chain (myhc)-isoform-specific riboprobes. this showed that the slow-myhc-positive cells originate in a region of the somite close to the notochord. as the somite matures in ...200111441051
modulation of fish phagocytic cells by n-terminal peptides of proopiomelanocortin (npp).n-terminal peptide of proopiomelanocortin (npp, or pro-gamma-msh) has shown to exhibit biological activity such as stimulation of adrenal mitogenesis and prolactin release-inhibiting factor activity. structurally, studies reveal a significant difference between fish npp from that of tetrapods, as npps from carp and salmonid lack gamma-msh. thus, fish npp may exhibit functions different from that of mammals. the activation of phagocytic cells by npp was analysed using rainbow trout oncorhynchus m ...200111550181
construction and characterization of bac libraries for three fish species; rainbow trout, carp and tilapia.bacterial artificial chromosome (bac) libraries are important tools for genomic research. we have constructed seven genomic bac libraries from three fish species, rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), carp (cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (oreochromis niloticus). the two rainbow trout bac libraries have average insert sizes of 58 and 110 kb. the average size of inserts in the carp bac library is 160 kb. the average insert sizes of the four tilapia bac libraries are 65, 105, 145 and 194 kb, respectiv ...200111531698
glucose tolerance and peripheral glucose utilization in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), american eel (anguilla rostrata), and black bullhead catfish (ameiurus melas).this study tests the hypothesis that glucose tolerance in fish is related to nutrient preference and is correlated with white muscle glucose transporter and phosphorylation (hexokinase) activities. glucose clearance was investigated in the carnivorous rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and american eel (anguilla rostrata) (feeding and fasting) and the omnivorous black bullhead catfish (ameiurus melas). glucose tolerance was assessed by an intravenous glucose tolerance test, injecting 250 mg glu ...200111352553
regulation of intracellular ph in anoxia-tolerant and anoxia-intolerant teleost hepatocytes.mechanisms of intracellular ph (phi) regulation were investigated in anoxia-tolerant hepatocytes from goldfish carassius auratus, and compared to the situation in the anoxia-intolerant hepatocytes from trout oncorhynchus mykiss. under normoxic conditions, the phi of goldfish hepatocytes was regulated by a na(+)/h(+) exchanger and a na(+)-independent cl(-)/hco(3)(-) exchanger, the latter being activated only after acidification of the cells. mechanisms of acid secretion appear to be fuelled, at l ...200111807112
apoptosis and ovarian function: novel perspectives from the teleosts.apoptosis is a fundamental mechanism in follicular atresia and postovulatory regression in mammals, but its role in teleost ovarian function is currently unknown. this study tested the hypotheses that apoptosis mediates follicular atresia in teleosts and is inducible in vitro by incubation in serum-free conditions. vitellogenic follicles from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and goldfish (carassius auratus) were incubated overnight in serum-free medium and examined for apoptosis by 3'-end-lab ...200111133683
effects of hypoxia on isolated vessels and perfused gills of rainbow trout.local hypoxia dilates systemic and constricts pulmonary blood vessels in mammals without neural or humoral involvement. the direct effects of hypoxia on isolated vessels from bony fish have not been examined. in the present study, isolated vessels (efferent branchial artery, eba; coeliacomesenteric artery, cma; ventral aorta, va; and anterior cardinal vein, acv) from rainbow or steelhead trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were subjected to either passive load (resting tension) or contracted with a liga ...200111672693
large veins in the atlantic cod (gadus morhua) and the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) are innervated by neuropeptide-containing nerves.previous studies have shown that fish veins are reactive to several hormones known to exist in the fish circulation. besides this humoral control, another possible means of active regulation of venous return is by autonomic nervous control of venous tone. this study therefore investigated the presence of a perivascular innervation of major veins in the atlantic cod (gadus morhua) and the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) using immunohistochemical methods. histological staining was employed to ...200111556526
purification and characterization of cathepsin d from herring muscle (clupea harengus).cathepsin d was purified and concentrated 469-fold from a homogenate of clupea harengus muscle. the purified enzyme is a monomer with a molecular weight of 38000-39000. it is inhibited by pepstatin and has optimal activity at ph 2.5 with hemoglobin as the substrate. the isoelectric point is at ph 6.8. glycosidase treatment and binding to concanavalin a indicated that the enzyme contains one n-linked carbohydrate moiety of the high-mannose type per molecule. the first 21 amino acid residues of th ...200111207447
cloning and sequencing of caspase 6 in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, and analysis of its expression under conditions known to induce apoptosis.the rainbow trout caspase 6 gene has been cloned and sequenced. the open reading frame consisted of 906bp, which translated into a protein of 302 amino acids, containing the caspase active site pentapeptide (qacrg) and the caspase family signature (hadadcfvcvflshg). amino acids involved in catalysis and those known to form the p1 carbohydrate binding pocket were conserved. phylogenetic tree analysis showed a tight grouping with other known caspase 6 genes. conserved aspartic acid residues at pos ...200111246070
cloning of rainbow trout egg envelope proteins: members of a unique group of structural proteins.all vertebrate eggs are surrounded by an extracellular envelope that protects the egg and is vital for a successful fertilization. the terminology and functions of the egg envelope vary in different vertebrate groups, but the envelope itself is consistently composed of a few major proteins that are deposited around the oocyte during oocyte growth. here, we describe the deduced amino acid sequences and tissue expression patterns of the three major egg envelope proteins for rainbow trout (oncorhyn ...200111207195
modes of salmonid mhc class i and ii evolution differ from the primate paradigm.rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (salmo trutta) represent two salmonid genera separated for 15--20 million years. cdna sequences were determined for the classical mhc class i heavy chain gene uba and the mhc class ii beta-chain gene dab from 15 rainbow and 10 brown trout. both genes are highly polymorphic in both species and diploid in expression. the mhc class i alleles comprise several highly divergent lineages that are represented in both species and predate genera separati ...200111207285
immune-relevant (including acute phase) genes identified in the livers of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, by means of suppression subtractive develop tools for analysis of the acute phase response, we used suppression subtractive hybridization of cdnas from the livers of trout in an unchallenged state and in the course of a response to injection with a vibrio bacterin emulsified in freund's incomplete adjuvant. the resulting cdna library contains 300-600bp long fragments of 25 or more immune-relevant genes. fifteen were previously unreported for salmonids, and 12 were not known from any fish species. known acute phase proteins incl ...200111164886
identification by in situ hybridization of segmented filamentous bacteria in the intestine of diarrheic rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).nonculturable segmented filamentous bacteria (sfb) have been described in the gut of rats, mice and chickens, and 16s rrna sequences for these organisms are available. these organisms, peripherically related to clostridium phylogenetic group i, have been provisionally named 'candidatus arthromitus'. this work reports the observation of similar bacteria in the intestinal content of the distal intestine, preferentially, in the adult rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) that exhibited episodic acute ...200111281327
localization of the initial developmental stages of loma salmonae in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the intracellular microsporidian parasite loma salmonae affects salmonids of the genus oncorhynchus and is a significant cause of economic losses in pen-reared chinook salmon (o. tshawytscha) in british columbia. loma salmonae infection is easily recognized by the xenomas that form in the gills, but early stages of infection are difficult to detect in histologic sections. in situ hybridization (ish), using an l. salmonae-specific digoxigenin-labeled single-stranded dna probe, was used to detect ...200111572561
effects of whirling disease on selected hematological parameters in rainbow trout.hematological responses to whirling disease in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were investigated. two-mo-old fingerling rainbow trout were exposed to cultured triactinomyxon spores of myxobolus cerebralis at 9,000 spores/fish in december, 1997. twenty-four wks post-exposure, fish were taken from infected and uninfected groups for peripheral blood and cranial tissue sampling. histological observations on cranial tissues confirmed m. cerebralis infection in all exposed fish. differences in hem ...200111310892
tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnfalpha)-like factor produced by macrophages in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.the presence of a tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnfalpha)-like molecule has been suggested in fish by biological assays and biological and antigenic cross-reactivities with human tnfalpha. in the present study, whether rainbow trout macrophages produce tnfalpha was examined. murine recombinant tnfalpha (m-rtnfalpha) was used as the standard mammalian tnfalpha. the supernatants were harvested from trout macrophage culture stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (lps) and then passed through a polymyxin ...200111394691
assessment of thyroid function in adult medaka (oryzias latipes) and juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) using immunostaining methods.the effect of injected bovine tsh on the pattern of anti-t(4) and anti-t(3) immunostaining of the thyroid tissue was examined in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and medaka (oryzias latipes) to determine if the previously reported immunostaining of the cytoplasm of thyrocytes is due to the presence of colloid pinocytotic vesicles and is thus indicative of thyroid hormone release. we hypothesized that the number of immunostained thyrocytes should increase following a tsh challenge, and this sh ...200111550184
retinol binding protein in rainbow trout: molecular properties and mrna expression in tissues.retinoids are important regulatory signaling molecules during embryonic development. the molecular properties of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) retinol-binding protein (rtrbp), the specific retinol carrier in vertebrate plasma, were studied to elucidate its role in transporting retinols to developing fish oocytes. a 954-nucleotide rtrbp cdna was cloned from the liver coding for a 176-amino-acid (aa) mature protein, with an estimated molecular mass of 20,267 da. the nucleotide sequence sugge ...200111551117
effect of iprodione, a dicarboximide fungicide, on primary cultured rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) is known from literature, iprodione, a dicarboximide fungicide, has a highly specific action, with a capacity to cause oxidative damage through production of free oxygen radicals (ros), but it does not appear to be species selective. since this substance is able to diffuse in water, evaluation of its capacity to induce oxidative damage in an aquatic organism such as the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) was considered of particular interest. a study was, therefore, undertaken to investigate ...200111451425
recent advances in our knowledge of the the last few years two factors have helped to significantly advance our understanding of the myxozoa. first, the phenomenal increase in fin fish aquaculture in the 1990s has lead to the increased importance of these parasites; in turn this has lead to intensified research efforts, which have increased knowledge of the development, diagnosis. and pathogenesis of myxozoans. the hallmark discovery in the 1980s that the life cycle of myxobolus cerebralis requires development of an actinosporean s ...200111456316
adhesion of the fish pathogen flavobacterium psychrophilum to unfertilized eggs of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and n-hexadecane.the ability of flavobacterium psychrophilum, the causative agent of rainbow trout fry syndrome (rtfs) in fish, to attach to unfertilized rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs and to hydrocarbon n-hexadecane was examined in the present study.200111555199
isolation and characterisation of rhabdovirus from wild common bream abramis brama, roach rutilus rutilus, farmed brown trout salmo trutta and rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss in northern ireland.rhabdovirus was isolated from wild common bream abramis brama during a disease outbreak with high mortality in northern ireland during may 1998. rhabdovirus was also isolated at the same time from healthy farmed rainbow oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout salmo trutta on the same stretch of river and 11 mo later from healthy wild bream and roach rutilus rutilus in the same river system. experimental intra-peritoneal infection of bream and mirror carp cyprinus carpio var specularis with 2 of thes ...200111843142
effect of external cryoprotectants as membrane stabilizers on cryopreserved rainbow trout sperm.the process of freezing and thawing induces certain cellular damage in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) spermatozoa. we have previously demonstrated that after freezing and thawing decreased fertility in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) spermatozoa, is related to sublethal damage to the plasma membrane. external cryoprotectants are known to stabilize the sperm cell membrane against such damage. in the current study, we used a basic freezing extender containing #6 erdahl and graham and 7% d ...200111572443
chromosome painting supports lack of homology among sex chromosomes in oncorhynchus, salmo, and salvelinus (salmonidae).the sex chromosome pair has been identified previously as the largest submetacentric pair in the genome in several species of the genus salvelinus (eastern trouts and chars) including s. namaycush (lake trout) and as a large subtelocentric/acrocentric pair in several species of the genus oncorhynchus (pacific trouts and salmon). sex chromosomes have not been identified in salmo (atlantic salmon and brown trout). two paint probes, one specific for the short arm (yp) and the other for the long arm ...200111841160
microsatellite analyses of the trout of northwest mexico.the trout of northwest mexico represent an undescribed group of fish considered part of the oncorhynchus mykiss (pacific trout) complex of species and subspecies. recent genetic studies have shown these fish to have important genetic diversity and a unique evolutionary history when compared to coastal rainbow trout. increased levels of allelic diversity have been found in this species at the southern extent of its range. in this study we describe the trout in the sierra madre occidental from the ...200111841172
the probiotic potential against vibriosis of the indigenous microflora of rainbow trout.the antibacterial properties of the indigenous microflora of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum) and the potential use of inhibitory bacteria as fish probiotics were investigated. a total of 1018 bacteria and yeasts were isolated on tryptone soy agar (tsa) from skin, gills and intestine. forty-five of these inhibited growth of the fish pathogenic bacterium vibrio anguillarum in a well diffusion assay. the antagonism was most prominent among pseudomonas spp., as 28 (66%) of the antagonist ...200111846769
isolation and characterization of the retinoblastoma protein from fish.the retinoblastoma (rb) gene represents the first tumor suppressor gene characterized. the encoded protein, prb, plays a crucial role in cell cycle control, preventing malignant cell proliferation. recently, homologues of the rb gene have been isolated in fish and the pocket domain, which is central to rb function, was conserved. in our studies, using coelocanth (latimeria chalumnae), rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), medaka (oryzias latipes) and english sole (parophrys vetulus), we have deve ...200111567901
rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) recombinant il-1beta and derived peptides induce migration of head-kidney leucocytes in vitro.the present work provides the first information concerning the chemoattractant activity of trout recombinant il-1beta and its derived peptides, referred to as p1, p2 and p3. the predicted rainbow trout mature interleukin-1beta peptide was produced as a recombinant protein in escherichia coli. the first peptide, p1, corresponded to fragment 146-157 (yvtpvpietear) of the trout sequence and had an mw of 137 kda. it was equivalent to a region known to be part of the receptor binding domain from the ...200111759040
the effects of endothelin-1 on the cardiorespiratory physiology of the freshwater trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and the marine dogfish (squalus acanthias).the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of endothelin-l-elicited cardiovascular events on respiratory gas transfer in the freshwater rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and the marine dogfish (squalus acanthias). in both species, endothelin-1 (666 pmol kg(-1)) caused a rapid (within 4 min) reduction (ca. 30-50 mmhg) in arterial blood partial pressure of o2. the effects of endothelin-1 on arterial blood partial pressure of co2 were not synchronised with the changes in o2 partial ...200111765971
factors influencing predictive models for toxicology.comparisons of different models to predict toxicity and evaluation of the predictive power of a model are affected by the variability of the data. we assessed this problem by considering experimental toxicity data and chemical descriptors. we evaluated several toxicological end-points (oncorhynchus mykiss, daphnia magna, acceptable daily intake, anas platyrhynchos, colinus virginianus and muridae) in the case of pesticides and also considered the availability of toxicological data. we calculated ...200111813807
the effects of exogenous extracellular carbonic anhydrase on co2 excretion in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss): role of plasma buffering capacity.the buffering capacity (beta) of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) plasma was manipulated prior to intravascular injection of bovine carbonic anhydrase to test the idea that proton (h+) availability limits the catalysed dehydration of hco3- within the extracellular compartment. an extracorporeal blood shunt was employed to continuously monitor blood gases in vivo in fish exhibiting normal plasma beta (-3.9+/-0.3 mmol 1(-1) ph unit(-1)), and in fish with experimentally (using n-[2-hydroxyethyl] ...200111585258
influence of hmb (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) on antibody secreting cells (asc) after in vitro and in vivo immunization with the anti-yersinia ruckeri vaccine of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).in practice, protection of fish against disease by immunization is of limited effectiveness. therefore, research is concentrated on how to improve the potency and efficacy of vaccines and how to optimally activate the cell-mediated immunity and the specific antibody response. in the present study, the influence of hmb (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) on the antibody secreting cells (asc) after both in vitro and in vivo immunization of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) with the anti-yersinios ...200111592618
naturalized salmonid populations occur in the presence of elevated trace element concentrations and temperatures in the firehole river, yellowstone national park, wyoming, usa.we investigated the effects of geothermally influenced waters on the distribution of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, and brown trout, salmo trutta, in the firehole river and its tributaries in yellowstone national park (wy, usa) from june 1997 to june 1998. geothermal features in the firehole river basin elevate mineral content and temperature in portions of the river and its tributaries. we found concentrations of boron and arsenic to be elevated in geothermally influenced areas compared wi ...200111596769
type ii iodothyronine deiodinase is preferentially expressed in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) liver and is well admitted that thyroid hormones (th) play a role in the development of vertebrates. the major secretory product of the thyroid is a pro-hormone, t(4), which is activated in peripheral tissues by outer ring deiodination to t(3). we have isolated from rainbow trout testis, a full length cdna encoding type ii iodothyronine deiodinase (rtd2). the cdna was 2410 nucleotides long and coded for a polypeptide of 264 amino acids including a selenocysteine residue. the predicted molecular weight ...200111599045
tissue-specific expression of two structurally different estrogen receptor alpha isoforms along the female reproductive axis of an oviparous species, the rainbow oviparous species, in addition to a full-length estrogen receptor alpha (er alpha), another er alpha isoform lacking the a domain and exhibiting a ligand-independent transactivation function has been consistently reported. although both isoforms are expressed in the liver, their respective sites of expression in other potential target tissues are unknown. in contrast to the situation in xenopus and chicken, the two isoforms of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) are generated from two classes ...200111673274
immunohistochemical localization and differential expression of cytochrome p450 3a27 in the gastrointestinal tract of rainbow mammals the cytochrome p450 3a (cyp3a) subfamily isoforms are primarily expressed in liver and intestines with lesser amounts found in other tissues. the aim of this study was to examine the cellular localization and the expression pattern of cyp3a27 in the gastrointestinal tract (gi tract) of a freshwater teleost species, the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), a fish model used extensively for toxicological and carcinogenesis research. using an avidin biotinylated enzyme complex and 3,3'-d ...200111740908
glucagon effects on brain carbohydrate and ketone body metabolism of rainbow trout.the levels of glycogen in brain, lactate and acetoacetate in brain and plasma, glucose in plasma and the activities of brain key enzymes of glycogen metabolism (glycogen phosphorylase, gpase, glycogen synthetase, gsase), gluconeogenesis (fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, fbpase), and glycolysis (6-phosphofructo 1-kinase, pfk) were evaluated in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, from 0.5 to 3 hr after intraperitoneal injection of 1 ml/kg(-1) body weight of saline alone (controls) or containing bovine ...200111748615
incorporation, distribution, and metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the pineal gland of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in vitro.the in vitro incorporation of 3h-radio-labeled arachidonic (20:4n-6) and docosahexaenoic (22:6n-3) acids by the photosensitive trout pineal gland was visualized using photon and electron microscopy. after 6 hr of incubation, 3h-20:4n-6 appeared distributed in photoreceptors, as well as in glial cells, whereas 3h-22:6n-3 was preferentially taken up by photoreceptors, mainly in the apical part (including the photoreceptive outer segment). radioactivity was mainly seen over membranes of glia when t ...200111555168
effects of nonylphenol on estrogen receptor conformation, transcriptional activity and sexual reversion in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).estrogenic potency of 4-n-nonylphenol diethoxylate, 4-n-nonylphenol (np) and metabolites were tested using two bioassays: rainbow trout hepatocyte culture and recombinant yeast stably expressing rainbow trout estrogen receptor (rter) and containing estrogen-dependent reporter genes. since np was the only compound active in both systems, its interaction with rter was studied in more detail. qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in the presence of 17beta-estradiol (e2) or np when ...200111408078
protection of rainbow trout against infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus four days after specific or semi-specific dna vaccination.a dna vaccine against a fish rhabdovirus, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv), was shown to provide significant protection as soon as 4 d after intramuscular vaccination in 2 g rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) held at 15 degrees c. nearly complete protection was also observed at later time points (7, 14, and 28 d) using a standardized waterborne challenge model. in a test of the specificity of this early protection, immunization of rainbow trout with a dna vaccine against another f ...200111427277
cortisol modulates hsp90 mrna expression in primary cultures of trout hepatocytes.the objective of the present study was to understand the role of cortisol in the cellular stress response process in fish. specifically, our studies addressed whether cortisol exposure modified heat shock protein 90 (hsp90) mrna expression in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes maintained in primary culture. we also subjected these hepatocytes to heat shock (hs) in order to examine the role of cortisol on hs-induced hsp90 mrna expression. a cdna fragment of 500 bp was cloned from tro ...200111399505
a monoclonal antibody recognising a surface marker on rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) monocytes.the characterisation of a monoclonal antibody (mab 45) reacting with phagocytic leucocytes isolated from blood and spleen of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) is described. the surface marker labelled by this mab is expressed at relative low levels on the membrane of large, nearly nongranulated trout leucocytes, and having the typical morphology of monocytes in flow cytometry (kfoury et al., 1999, fish pathology, 34, 1-6). no reaction of mab 45 with granulocytes, lymphocytes or thromb ...200111308075
thyroxine induces transitions in red muscle kinetics and steady swimming kinematics in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).during normal development, rainbow trout undergo a shift in red muscle contraction kinetics and swimming kinematics. young trout parr have faster muscle kinetics and faster tailbeat frequency during swimming than older, larger juvenile trout. in this study, the thyroid hormone thyroxine (t(4)) was used to induce these changes in trout parr. this allowed a comparison of swimming kinematics, through the use of video analysis and electromyography, and red muscle contractile properties, through the ...200111471141
recovery of streptococcus iniae from diseased fish previously vaccinated with a streptococcus vaccine.streptococcus iniae was recovered from diseased rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) previously vaccinated against streptococcosis. pcr and serological methods indicate the presence of a new serotype in the diseased fish.200111472962
dietary organic chromium supplementation and its effect on the immune response of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).recently, there has been an increasing interest in the potential effect of dietary chromium on the health of fish, particularly with respect to their metabolism and growth. information as to the role of this mineral on their immune response, is limited however, so the aim of this study was to assess the effects of dietary chromium yeast supplementation on the immune response of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). juvenile rainbow trout (56 g average weight) were fed three semipurified diets con ...200111478514
in vitro interactions between rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) macrophages and vibrio anguillarum serogroup o2a.the sensitivity of vibrio anguillarum serogroup o2a to killing by rainbow trout macrophages in the presence or absence of specific antibodies and complement components was evaluated using an in vitro assay. fluorescence microscopy revealed that v. anguillarum serogroup o2a was phagocytosed by rainbow trout macrophages. in the absence of specific antibodies and complement components the bacteria were killed to a limited extent by the macrophages and there was no increased killing if the bacteria ...200111478517
effects of trout endothelin on the motility of gastrointestinal smooth muscle from the trout and rat.trout endothelin (et), previously isolated from the kidney of the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss, contains four amino acid substitutions at residues 4-7 compared with rat et-1. trout et produced sustained and concentration-dependent contractions of strips of longitudinal smooth muscle from trout stomach (pd(2) = 7.52 +/- 0.06) and proximal small intestine (pd(2) = 7.80 +/- 0.10) and from rat fundus (pd(2) = 7.78 +/- 0.14). rat et-1 was equipotent with trout et for contraction of rat fundus an ...200111482936
the production and bioactivity of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) recombinant il-1 beta.the predicted rainbow trout mature interleukin-1 beta (il-1 beta) peptide has been produced as a recombinant protein in e. coli. the bioactivity of this molecule has been studied using trout head kidney cell preparations and a trout macrophage cell line (rts11). trout ril-1 beta was shown to increase the expression level of il-1 beta, cyclooxygenase (cox2) and mhc class ii beta chain transcription, as determined by northern blot analysis. stimulatory doses of ril-1 beta were typically > or =10 n ...200111498242
effects of arginine on pancreatic hormones and hepatic metabolism in rainbow trout.arginine (arg), injected intraperitoneally into rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), increases plasma concentrations of glucagon, glucagon-like peptide-1 (glp-1), and insulin by three- to 10-fold. resulting ratios of glucagon and glp-1 over insulin are unchanged in 20-d food-deprived fish (saline, 1.28 vs. arg, 0.93; not significant) while slightly increased in feeding trout (saline, 0.70 vs. arg, 0.92; p<0.05). in food-deprived juveniles, arg injection leads to significant decreases in plasma f ...200111517452
are chemical alarm cues conserved within salmonid fishes?a wide diversity of fishes possess chemical alarm signalling systems. however, it is not known whether the specific chemicals that act as alarm signals are conserved within most taxonomic groups. in this study we tested whether cross-species responses to chemical alarm signals occurred within salmonid fishes. in separate laboratory experiments, we exposed brook charr (salvelinus fontinalis), brown trout (salmo trutta), and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) to chemical alarm signals from each o ...200111521402
biochemical and functional analysis of a conserved igf-binding protein isolated from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatoma cells.rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) serum contains several igf-binding proteins (igfbps) that specifically bind to igfs. the structures of these fish igfbps have not been determined and their physiological functions are poorly defined. in this study, we identified a 30 kda igfbp present in rainbow trout serum and secreted by cultured trout hepatoma cells. this igfbp binds to igfs but not to insulin. this igfbp was purified to homogeneity using a three-step procedure involving phenyl-sepharose ch ...200111524242
molecular cloning, gene organization and expression of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) gene.a full-length inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) gene has been sequenced for the first time outside the mammals, and the gene organization compared with that already determined for human inos. while there are some differences from the human gene, overall the exons show remarkable conservation in sequence and organization. as in human, the trout inos gene has 27 exons, with 18 of the trout exons being identical in size with the equivalent human exons. the cofactor-binding domains are found in ...200111535135
downstream changes in the composition of the parasite community of fishes in an appalachian stream.the spatial distribution of 6 parasite species (myxobolus sp., dactylogyrus sp., sterliadochona ephemeridarum, plagioporus sinitsini, allopodocotyle chiliticorum, allocreadium lucyae) was studied in 5 species of fishes (oncorhynchus mykiss, clinostomus funduloides, notropis chiliticus, rhinichthys atratulus, semotilus atromaculatus) in basin creek, an appalachian stream in north carolina. nonmetric multidimensional scaling and vector fitting were used to determine if the proximity of sampling si ...200111318552
plasma cortisol concentrations before and after social stress in rainbow trout and brown trout.two related experiments examined the relationship between plasma cortisol concentrations and the development of social hierarchies in fish. in the first, rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, and brown trout, salmo trutta, were observed for dominance interactions when confined within single-species pairs for 4, 48, or 168 h. subordinate members of a pair exhibited significantly higher cortisol concentrations than dominant and single fish, but the pattern of cortisol elevation differed between the ...200111331510
mesophilic aeromonads in wild and aquacultured freshwater fish.numbers and species of motile aeromonas were determined in freshly caught freshwater fish, in the surrounding environment, and also during iced chilled storage of fish specimens. although no significant differences were observed in water samples, initial levels for skin, gill, and intestines were significantly lower in farmed rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) than in wild brown trout (salmo trutta) and pike (esox lucius). during storage of wild specimens, naturally occurring aeromonads grew fa ...200111348001
cloning and purification of the rainbow trout fifth component of complement (c5).to gain further insight into the evolutionary history of the complement proteins c3, c4, and c5 we have now cloned the fifth component of complement from a rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) liver cdna library; this is the first report of c5 cloning in a species other than human and mouse. the deduced amino acid sequence of a partial cdna clone (2.25kb), representing approximately 44% of the coding sequence, showed 60 and 58% similarity to human and mouse c5, respectively. to validate the molec ...200111356221
quantitative trait loci (qtls) associated with resistance/susceptibility to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (ipnv) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).infectious pancreatic necrosis (ipn) is a well-known acute viral disease of salmonid species. we have identified quantitative trait loci (qtls) associated with resistance to this disease in rainbow trout. we searched for linkage among 51 microsatellite markers used to construct a framework linkage map in backcross families of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), produced by crossing ipn-resistant (yn-rt201) and -susceptible (yk-rt101) strains. two putative qtls affecting disease resistance were ...200111370869
morphological organ alterations and infectious diseases in brown trout salmo trutta and rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss exposed to polluted river water.poor water quality is discussed as a major factor causing a decline of brown trout populations in swiss rivers. for our study we have chosen a river in the swiss midlands, where the brown trout population has decreased dramatically during the last 10 yr and where feral fish have shown distinctive pathological alterations. the objective of our study was to investigate whether river water may be responsible for impaired fish health leading to an increased mortality in the river. in an active monit ...200111383563
cloning, characterization and genomic structure of the natural killer cell enhancement factor (nkef)-like gene from homozygous clones of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).natural killer cell enhancement factor (nkef) belongs to the antioxidant protein family. in the human, nkef has the ability to enhance natural killer cell cytotoxic activity in vitro. in the present work, the cdnas of nkef from three strains of homozygous clones of rainbow trout were cloned from the splenic cdna library of one of the strains, osu142, and then by rt-pcr for the hot creek (hc) and arlee (ar) strains. the hc sequence has 99% sequence identity with both osu142 and ar. osu142 and ar ...200110980317
detection of yersinia ruckeri in rainbow trout blood by use of the polymerase chain reaction.we evaluated a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) method for detecting yersinia ruckeri, the bacterial pathogen causing enteric redmouth disease (erm), in blood of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. identification of the pcr product was confirmed by southern blot hybridization with a 32p-labeled oligonucleotide probe matching a sequence within the small subunit ribosomal rna gene of y. ruckeri. following a 1 h immersion of rainbow trout in water with 4.5 x 10(6) colony-forming units of y. ruckeri l ...200111253871
acute and chronic influence of temperature on red blood cell anion exchange.unidirectional (36)cl(-) efflux via the red blood cell anion exchanger was measured under cl(-) self-exchange conditions (i.e. no net flow of anions) in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and red-eared freshwater turtle trachemys scripta to examine the effects of acute temperature changes and acclimation temperature on this process. we also evaluated the possible adaptation of anion exchange to different temperature regimes by including our previously published data on other animals. an acute tem ...200111104709
streptococcus agalactiae and streptococcus difficile 16s-23s intergenic rdna: genetic homogeneity and species-specific pcr.streptococcus difficile is a non-hemolytic gram-positive bacterial coccus that causes septicemia and meningoencephalitis in farmed tilapia (oreochromis sp.) and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). recent studies have demonstrated s. difficile to be a group b, type ib streptococcus with a whole cell protein electrophoretic profile indistinguishable from s. agalactiae and a biochemical profile similar to that observed for other group b, type ib streptococci isolated from fish and frogs. the aim o ...200111163706
redescription of gyrodactylus teuchis lautraite, blanc, thiery, daniel & vigneulle, 1999 (monogenea: gyrodactylidae); a species identified by ribosomal rna sequence.molecular and morphological features of gyrodactylus specimens from oncorhynchus mykiss, salmo trutta and salmo salar were examined. sequences from variable region v4 of the small subunit ribosomal rna gene and the ribosomal rna internal transcribed spacers, produced by the frs marine laboratory, revealed that these were not the same as other well-characterised gyrodactylus that are common on european salmonids and were in fact a distinct species. initial morphological examination of the opistha ...200111252277
characterization of rainbow trout cell lines using microsatellite dna profiling.ten microsatellite loci (omy27du,omy325(a3)uog, omyfgt5tuf,omyfgt14tuf, omyfgt15tuf,omyfgt23tuf, omy77du,ssa20.19nuig, ots1bml, andone18asc) were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction to create genetic profiles for nine cell lines (rtg-2, rth-149,rtl-w1,rtgill-w1, rts-11, rts-34st, rtp-2, rtp-91e and rtp-91f) from rainbow trout(oncorhynchus mykiss) and one cell line (chse-214) from chinook salmon (o. tschawytscha). a cell line (phl) from anon-salmonid, the pacific herring (clupea harengu ...200119002917
involvement of gonadotropin in the uptake of vitellogenin into vitellogenic oocytes of the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.the effects of two fully characterized, structurally distinct gonadotropins, gth i and gth ii, on the uptake of vitellogenin (vtg) into oocytes of the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, were investigated both in vivo and in vitro. gth i, injected into maturing vitellogenic females at a dose of 10 body wt-1, increased the rate of [3h]vtg uptake into oocytes by more than two-fold, effectively doubling their rate of growth. ovaries from females similarly treated with gth ii sequester ...20011783274
[stress produced by contaminated sediments with nickel in a pond with rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (pisces: salmonidae)].previous studies indicated the presence of high concentrations of nickel in the "el truchón" ponds (in méxico), so it was necessary to find a possible correlation between sediment physicochemical properties of this water body and the damage that could be produced on the rainbow trout which culture is done in a rustic reservoir. the study was initiated with the determination of the physicochemical properties of the trout farm sediments, which are; granular composition, total nitrogen percentage, ...200212956103
trickle and single infection with discocotyle sagittata (monogenea: polyopisthocotylea): effect of exposure mode on parasite abundance and development.experimental infection of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum) with the monogenean discocotyle sagittata (leuckart, 1842) allowed comparison between trickle and single exposure, two infection modes demonstrated to occur in the wild. both types of infection resulted in mean larval attachment success around 50%, which was significantly dependent on dose of infective larvae used (p < 0.0001), but was not affected by mode of infection (p = 0.244). worms recovered from fish exposed to the same ...200212641200
possible role of ltb4 in the antiviral activity of turbot (scophthalmus maximus) leukocyte-derived supernatants against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv).turbot (scophthalmus maximus) blood leukocyte-derived supernatants were tested for antiviral activity against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv). the assays were performed by quantifying the effect of the supernatants on the replication of vhsv in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) cell line, rtg-2. supernatants were obtained by incubating the leukocytes for 17 h at 18 degrees c in l-15 medium supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum (fcs). testing of leukocyte supernatants indicated th ...200211755677
the effect of acclimation temperature on the fusion kinetics of lipid vesicles derived from endoplasmic reticulum membranes of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) liver.membrane fusion is an obligatory step in many vital cellular processes. the well-established enrichment of bilayer-destabilizing lipids in membranes of poikilotherms subjected to growth at low temperatures leads to the prediction that such membranes will possess a greater propensity to undergo fusion. this hypothesis was explicitly tested in the present study by determining the kinetics of fusion between small unilamellar vesicles (suvs) prepared from endoplasmic reticulum (er) membranes of ther ...200211818217
rainbow trout eyed-stage embryos demonstrate melatonin rhythms under light-dark conditions as measured by a newly developed time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay.melatonin contents in eyed-stage embryos of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were measured by a newly developed, highly sensitive, and nonisotopic immunoassay method: time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (tr-fia). the melatonin-bovine serum albumin (bsa) conjugate was immobilized by physical adsorption to the wells of microtiter plates. a competitive assay using two antibodies was performed among melatonin-bsa in the solid phase, samples, melatonin antibodies, and europium-labeled secondary antibo ...200211825033
host specificity dynamics: observations on gyrodactylid monogeneans.the directly transmitted viviparous gyrodactylids have high species richness but low morphological and biological diversity, and many species are recorded from only a single host. they therefore constitute a guild of species ideal for studies of the evolutionary significance of host specificity. the group has the widest host range of any monogenean family, being found on 19 orders of bony fish. however, individual species range from narrowly specific (71% of 402 described species recorded from a ...200211835970
determining patterns of motor recruitment during locomotion.motor units are the functional units of muscle contraction in vertebrates. each motor unit comprises muscle fibres of a particular fibre type and can be considered as fast or slow depending on its fibre-type composition. motor units are typically recruited in a set order, from slow to fast, in response to the force requirements from the muscle. the anatomical separation of fast and slow muscle in fish permits direct recordings from these two fibre types. the frequency spectra from different slow ...200211854372
temperature dependent activation of leucocyte populations of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, after intraperitoneal immunisation with aeromonas salmonicida.the temperature dependence of in vivo activation of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss, leucocyte populations after intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) of fish with a t-cell independent antigen aeromonas salmonicida (strain mt423) was investigated using a proliferation assay and flow cytometric analysis with mab specific for trout leucocyte surface markers. in trout kept at 15-17 degrees c a prominent activation of blood and spleen leucocytes was found. also, drastic changes of the percentage of the ...200211866129
development and application of a nested pcr to monitor brood stock salmonid ovarian fluid and spleen for detection of the fish pathogen flavobacterium develop a nested pcr to detect flavobacterium psychrophilum based on the intergenic spacer region 16s-23s rrna and in 16s rrna for analysis of brood stock salmonid fish samples.200211872127
cloning of a novel rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) cc chemokine with a fractalkine-like stalk and a tnf decoy receptor using cdna fragments containing au-rich activation-specific cdna library was made from phytohaemagglutinin (pha)-activated haematopoietic cells of the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) using the technique of suppression subtractive hybridization. several immune system genes were identified, including an interleukin (il)1 receptor related protein and two invariant chain-like proteins. many clones showed no similarity by blast search, but had au-rich elements. these fragments were labelled and used for hybridization with a pha-acti ...200211886174
survival of flavobacterium psychrophilum in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) serum in vitro.virulent and non-virulent strains of flavobacterium psychrophilum of different serotypes were examined for survival and growth in non-immune and immune rainbow trout serum, in vitro. a majority of the examined strains consumed complement of non-immune serum, but the complement cascade was not able to cause an immediate (after 3 h incubation) notable reduction in viability of the inoculated cells. after 24 h incubation a more pronounced reduction in the number of viable bacteria was observed in u ...200211911675
resistance to serum killing may contribute to differences in the abilities of capsulate and non-capsulated isolates of lactococcus garvieae to cause disease in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss l.).three capsulated and two non-capsulated isolates of lactococcus garvieae were investigated in terms of their wall proteins, virulence and interactions with rainbow trout immunoglobulin (ig). all isolates were similar in integral membrane protein profile, and all were able to bind non-immune rainbow trout ig, although different proteins appeared to be involved in ig binding. however, whilst capsulated isolates were highly virulent, non-capsulated isolates were avirulent. this appeared to correlat ...200211911676
the outer membrane fraction of flavobacterium psychrophilum induces protective immunity in rainbow trout and ayu.flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of coldwater disease, which is responsible for serious losses in fish aquaculture in several parts of the world. no commercial vaccines are currently available for the prevention of coldwater disease. the present study sought to assess the efficacy of a f. psychrophilum vaccine based on the antigenic outer membrane fraction (omf). this fraction induced significantly higher protection against coldwater disease in both rainbow trout (oncorhynchus ...200211911677
antibody increases phagocytosis and killing of lactococcus garvieae by rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, l.) macrophages.the present study reports that specific antibody increased the bactericidal activity of rainbow trout head-kidney macrophages against virulent capsulated lactococcus garvieae in the absence of complement. the observed increased bactericidal activity appeared to result from increased phagocytosis of capsulated l. garvieae in the presence of specific antibody and may in part explain the protective effect of antibody previously reported against this disease.200211911678
the acute phase response of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) plasma proteins to viral, bacterial and fungal inflammatory agents.the innate arm of the immune system responds to inflammatory stimuli by the activation of phagocytes, and by altered levels of several plasma proteins. these changes in plasma proteins comprise a major component of the acute phase response, which is thought to be an adaptive response that contributes to regaining homeostasis after tissue injury or infection. in this study, rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were injected with a variety of potential inflammatory agents, and changes in the concen ...200211931018
immunostimulation in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) following intraperitoneal administration of ergosan.the present work provides information concerning the immunostimulatory activity of ergosan, an algal based product, injected intraperitoneally in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). ergosan is composed of 0.002% unspecified plant extract, 1% alginic acid from laminaria digitata, and 98.998% algal based carrier. migration of leucocytes into the peritoneal cavity was stimulated at doses > or =1 mg ml(-1). a single dose of 1mg significantly augmented the proportion of neutrophils, degree of ph ...200211943333
molecular cloning and expression during spermatogenesis of a cdna encoding testicular 11beta-hydroxylase (p45011beta) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).cytochrome p450 1beta-hydroxylase (p450(11beta)) is an important steroidogenic enzyme for glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid production in vertebrates. in teleosts, p450(11beta) also plays a role in the production of 11-ketotestosterone (11-kt), the predominant androgen in male fish. in this study, we cloned a cdna encoding rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) testicular p450(11beta). the cdna contains 1,740 nucleotides that encode a protein of 551 amino acids which shares 65.2% homology with t ...200212112578
response of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss to exposure to myxobolus cerebralis above and below a point source of infectivity in the upper colorado river.we exposed 9 wk old rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss to ambient levels of myxobolus cerebralis infectious stages at 4 sites of suspected differing infectivity in the colorado river. exposure was estimated by periodic filtration of river water at each exposure location. after a 32 d exposure, the fish were held in the colorado river at a common site for over a year. resulting infection was evaluated by the presence of clinical signs (whirling behavior, cranial deformity/exophthalmia, and black t ...200212113302
rhamnose-binding lectins from steelhead trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs recognize bacterial lipopolysaccharides and lipoteichoic acid.the interaction between bacteria and three l-rham-nose-binding lectins, named stl1, stl2, and stl3, from steelhead trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs was investigated. although stls bound to most gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, they agglutinated only escherichia coli k-12 and bacillus subtilis among the bacteria tested. the binding was inhibited by l-rhamnose. stls bound to distinct serotypes of lipopolysaccharides (lpss), and showed much higher binding activities to smooth-type lpss of ...200212005056
studies on pathogenesis following single and double infection with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus and infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were bath challenged with viral hemorrhagic septicemia (vhs) virus or infectious hematopoietic necrosis (ihn) virus or with both viruses simultaneously. the viral distribution and development of histologic lesions were examined using immunohistochemistry, while virus titer in kidney was determined by viral titration in cell culture. single infections with vhs virus and ihn virus showed similar distributions of virus in internal organs. the early identification ...200212009056
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