
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
purification and characterization of a malic enzyme from the ruminal bacterium streptococcus bovis atcc 15352 and cloning and sequencing of its gene.malic enzyme (ec, which catalyzes l-malate oxidative decarboxylation and pyruvate reductive carboxylation, was purified to homogeneity from streptococcus bovis atcc 15352, and properties of this enzyme were determined. the 2.9-kb fragment containing the malic enzyme gene was cloned, and the sequence was determined and analyzed. the enzymatic properties of the s. bovis malic enzyme were almost identical to those of other malic enzymes previously reported. however, we found that the s. b ...19968702261
rapid identification of streptococcus and enterococcus species using diffuse reflectance-absorbance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and artificial neural networks.diffuse reflectance-absorbance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ft-ir) was used to analyse 19 hospital isolates which had been identified by conventional means to one enterococcus faecalis, e. faecium, streptococcus bovis, s. mitis, s. pneumoniae, or s. pyogenes. principal components analysis of the ft-ir spectra showed that this 'unsupervised' learning method failed to form six separable clusters (one of each species) and thus could not be used to identify these bacteria base on their f ...19968764485
highly expressed human sialyl lewis antigen on cell surface of streptococcus gallolyticus. 19968602016
comparison of infective endocarditis in patients with and without previously recognized heart a consecutive series of patients with infective endocarditis, we compared the charts of 123 nonaddicted patients without previously known heart disease with those of 174 patients with native valve disease. the 2 groups were similar in age, sex, clinical findings, and mortality rates, but infective endocarditis was more often located on the aortic valve, more often due to streptococcus bovis and enterococci in patients without previously known heart disease.19968644676
effects of a strain of saccharomyces cerevisiae (levucell sc1), a microbial additive for ruminants, on lactate metabolism in vitro.the effect of levucell sc, a strain of saccharomyces cerevisiae marked as a feed additive for ruminants, was investigated in vitro on lactate metabolism by the ruminal bacteria streptococcus bovis and megasphaera elsdenii. the coculture between 10(7) live cells x ml(-1) of sc and a streptococcus bovis strain in the presence of glucose reduced lactate production by the bacterial strain. live yeast cells were able to compete with streptococcus bovis for glucose utilization in strictly anaerobic co ...19968864215
inducer expulsion is not a determinant of diauxic growth in streptococcus bovis.when streptococcus bovis jb1 was repeatedly transferred in a medium that contained the non-metabolizable glucose analog, 2-deoxyglucose, it lost its phosphotransferase system (pts) for glucose but was still able to take up glucose via a facilitated diffusion mechanism. the wild type (jb1) had an inducible enzyme ii lactose, but the mutant (jb1(2dg)) had a constitutive lactose pts. jb1(2dg) was no longer able to exclude lactose when it was provided with glucose, but it retained its ability to exp ...19968867462
inducer expulsion and the occurrence of an hpr(ser-p)-activated sugar-phosphate phosphatase in enterococcus faecalis and streptococcus pyogenes.inducer expulsion, a phenomenon in which rapidly metabolizable sugars cause cytoplasmic dephosphorylation and efflux of pre-accumulated sugar-phosphates (sugar-p), has been documented for streptococcus pyogenes, streptococcus bovis, and lactococcus lactis, but not for other gram-positive bacteria. using intact cells and membrane vesicles, we show that enterococcus faecalis exhibits both inducer exclusion and inducer expulsion, and that the latter phenomenon is dependent on the metabolite-activat ...19968868433
in vitro activity of quinupristin/dalfopristin (rp 59500) against a large collection of infrequently isolated or tested species.quinupristin/dalfopristin (rp 59500, synercid) is a parenteral streptogramin combination antimicrobial that possesses a synergistic and often bactericidal action against many grampositive species. in this study, a collection of 1270 uncommonly isolated or tested strains were evaluated for susceptibility to quinupristin/dalfopristin using agar dilution minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) methods described in the national committe for clinical laboratory standards. the greatest antimicrobial ac ...19968902412
tricuspid valve endocarditis caused by streptococcus bovis. 19968879815
characterization of proteolytic activities of rumen bacterial isolates from forage-fed cattle.the proteolytic activities of eight strains of ruminal bacteria isolated from new zealand cattle were characterized with respect to their cellular location, response to proteinase inhibitors and hydrolysis of artificial proteinase substrates. the streptococcus bovis strains had predominantly cell-bound activity, which included a mixture of serine and cysteine-type proteinases which had high activity against leucine p-nitroanilide (lpna). the eubacterium strains had a mainly cell-associated activ ...19968939033
streptococcus bovis spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (sbp) is a frequent cause of decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis. the authors describe the first two cases caused by infection with streptococcus bovis. they suggest that this microorganism may be present in the intestinal flora of these patients more frequently than assumed. furthermore, the course of sbp due to s. bovis may be particularly severe.19968864683
a role for fructose 1,6-diphosphate in the atpase-mediated energy-spilling reaction of streptococcus bovis.the amount of atp produced by streptococcus bovis was larger than the amount that could be attributed to growth and maintenance, and even glucose-limited continuous cultures used atp inefficiently (spilled atp). rapid-dilution-rate cultures always spilled more atp than those growing at slow dilution rates, but rates of atp spilling could also be enhanced by amino acid deprivation (with only ammonia as a nitrogen source). energy spilling and intracellular atp were not correlated, but energy spill ...199616535338
peptidases of the rumen bacterium, prevotella ruminicola.prevotella (formerly bacteroides) ruminicola is a numerous rumen bacterium which plays a significant role in the metabolism of proteins and peptides in the rumen. measurement of the hydrolysis of synthetic aminopeptidase substrates by sonicated extracts and whole cells of different species of rumen bacteria indicated that p. ruminicola had the greatest range and specific activity of dipeptidyl peptidases among the species tested. streptococcus bovis hydrolysed some dipeptidyl peptidase substrate ...199716887560
streptococcus bovis infection in turkey poults.increased mortality associated with streptococcus bovis infection occurred on three independent turkey facilities in california. the age of the flocks during these outbreaks ranged from 1 to 3 weeks of age. gross lesions included extensive pale foci in the pectoral muscles, markedly enlarged, dark and friable or mottled spleens, and swollen livers. histopathology revealed multifocal necrosis in the spleen and kupffer cell hypertrophy with necrosis of macrophages. electron microscopy of liver sho ...199718483919
regulation of lactate dehydrogenase synthesis in a ruminal bacterium, streptococcus bovis.lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) was purified from three strains of streptococcus bovis, and the gene ldh was cloned and sequenced. the ldh of s. bovis from a goat (th1) was different from the ldhs of two other strains from cattle (th2, jb1) in that asp(220) was substituted for glu. northern blot analysis revealed that the ldh-mrna of s. bovis was approximately 1.0 kbp, which was transcribed in a monocistronic fashion. when cells were grown at ph 6.9 in a batch culture, the level of ldh transcript de ...199712501303
fatal streptococcus bovis sepsis in an infant on peritoneal dialysis. 19979203204
gene knockout of the intracellular amylase gene by homologous recombination in streptococcus bovis.streptococcus bovis expresses two different amylases, one intracellular and the other secreted. a suicide vector containing part of the intracellular alpha-amylase gene from streptococcus bovis wi-1 was recombined into the s. bovis wi-1 chromosome to disrupt the endogenous gene. recombination was demonstrated by southern blot, and zymogram analysis confirmed the loss of the intracellular amylase. amylase activity in cell-free extracts of the recombinant grown in the presence of 1% starch was onl ...19979236293
liver biopsy as a cause of streptococcus bovis peritonitis. 19979252867
lateral neck abscess caused by streptococcus bovis in a patient with undiagnosed colon cancer.bacteraemia or endocarditis caused by streptococcus bovis, a non-enterococcal group d streptococcus, is a very common finding in patients suffering from intestinal tumours or other colon diseases. a case of a patient with a laternal neck abscess caused by s. bovis is reported. during the treatment the patient was found to have colonic malignant lesions. the problems in the appropriate diagnosis and the possible correlation between these two clinical entities are presented and discussed.19979282212
emergence of vancomycin resistance in the genus streptococcus: characterization of a vanb transferable determinant in streptococcus bovis.streptococcus bovis nem760 was isolated from a stool swab collected on admission from a patient as surveillance for vancomycin-resistant enterococci. strain nem760 was identified as s. bovis by conventional biochemical methods and partial sequence analysis of its 16s rrna. this strain was resistant to a low level of vancomycin (mic, 64 micrograms/ml) but was susceptible to teicoplanin (mic, 1 micrograms/ml), and vancomycin induced resistance to both glycopeptides. the presence of a vanb-related ...19978980749
purification, characterization, and nucleotide sequence of an intracellular maltotriose-producing alpha-amylase from streptococcus bovis intracellular alpha-amylase from streptococcus bovis 148 was purified and characterized. the enzyme was induced by maltose and soluble starch and produced about 80% maltotriose from soluble starch. maltopentaose was hydrolyzed to maltotriose and maltose and maltohexaose was hydrolyzed mainly to maltotriose by the enzyme. maltotetraose, maltotriose, and maltose were not hydrolyzed. this intracellular enzyme was considered to be a maltotriose-producing enzyme. the enzymatic characteristics and ...19979406414
[infection by strongyloides stercoralis in the county of safor, spain].strongyloides stercoralis is an endemic nematode in tropical and subtropical regions, but almost unknown in spain.19979289550
streptococcus bovis infection of the central nervous system: report of two cases and review.streptococcus bovis is an uncommon cause of meningitis and subdural empyema. we report one case each of meningitis and subdural empyema in which s. bovis biotype ii was isolated from both the spinal fluid and blood. in one case, the organisms were seen on a gram-stained preparation of cerebrospinal fluid. the first patient presented with gastrointestinal symptoms of unknown etiology, was immunosuppressed, and recovered. the second patient presented with syncope, developed a subdural empyema, and ...19979356795
polymicrobial brain abscess in a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus.although intracranial mass lesions that occur as a result of infection have commonly been reported in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus, polymicrobial pyogenic brain abscess has not been described in this setting. we report the first case of a patient with a polymicrobial brain abscess involving streptococcus bovis, fusobacterium necrophorum, peptostreptococcus, and group g streptococcus, and we review the relevant world literature.19979114198
cloning, sequence, and expression of the l-(+) lactate dehydrogenase of streptococcus bovis.the ldh gene encoding the fructose-1,6-diphosphate-dependent l-(+) lactate dehydrogenase from the ruminal bacterium streptococcus bovis was cloned and sequenced. a genomic library of s. bovis jb1 dna was constructed in lambda zap ii and screened by use of a heterologous probe derived from the cloned streptococcus mutans ldh gene. several clones were isolated that contained a common 2.9-kb fragment as determined by restriction analysis. nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a 987-bp open reading ...19979142744
isolated septic arthritis due to streptococcus bovis. 19979142824
ocular manifestations of disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 19979152141
activity of h(+)-atpase in ruminal bacteria with special reference to acid tolerance.batch culture experiments showed that permeabilized cells and membranes of ruminococcus albus and fibrobacter succinogenes, acid-intolerant celluloytic bacteria, have only one-fourth to one-fifth as much h(+)-atpase as megasphaera elsdenii and streptococcus bovis, which are relatively acid tolerant. even in the cells grown in continuous culture at ph 7.0, the acid-intolerant bacteria contained less than half as much h(+)-atpase as the acid-tolerant bacteria. the amounts of h(+)-atpase in the aci ...19979172333
isolated tricuspid valve endocarditis in nonaddicted patients: a diagnostic challenge.isolated native nonrheumatic tricuspid valve endocarditis rarely is described in the absence of intravenous drug use, intracardiac catheters, or cardiac anomalies. we diagnosed tricuspid valve endocarditis in two elderly nonaddicted patients with recurrent pulmonary infiltrates, anemia, and microscopic hematuria that occurred during several months and was caused by gemella morbillorum and candida glabrata, respectively. we have reviewed 27 other cases of nonaddicted patients with tricuspid valve ...19979298048
application of the extracellular alpha-amylase gene from streptococcus bovis 148 to construction of a secretion vector for yogurt starter strains.streptococcus thermophilus atcc 19258, lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus t-11, and lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis il1403 were transformed with the alpha-amylase gene (amya) from streptococcus bovis 148 by using a wide host-range vector, and all the transformants secreted the alpha-amylase successfully. since the promoter and the secretion signal of the amya gene were functional in these strains, we constructed a secretion vector using the expression elements of amya. trials to secret ...19979361445
coronary embolism complicating aortic valve endocarditis: treatment with placement of an intracoronary stent.a 37-year-old man, who had received 3 weeks of antimicrobial therapy for aortic value endocarditis, presented with an acute anteroseptal wall myocardial infarction. coronary angiography demonstrated occlusion of the mid left anterior descending artery, thought to have been caused by embolization of a sterile vegetation. following failure of balloon dilation to achieve vessel patency, this was achieved by placement of an intracoronary stent.19979377827
isolation and overexpression of a gene encoding an extracellular beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase from streptococcus bovis jb1.streptococcus bovis jb1 was found to produce a 25-kda extracellular enzyme active against beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucans. a gene was isolated encoding a specific beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase that corresponds to this size and belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 16. a 4- to 10-fold increase in supernatant beta-glucanase activity was obtained when the cloned beta-glucanase gene was reintroduced into s. bovis jb1 by use of constructs based on the plasmid vector ptrw10 or pil253. the beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase g ...19979327538
biotype distribution of enterococci and group d streptococci recovered from clinical material. 19979331654
use of the malthus conductance growth analyser to determine numbers of thermophilic streptococci on stainless steel.the use of the malthus conductance growth analyser for the detection of streptococcus bovis attached to stainless steel surface was evaluated. a comparison between the results from acridine orange epifluorescence direct counts, swab recovery viable count and conductance estimates of attached cell concentrations, based on calibrations for planktonic cells, showed that the conductance results were up to 2 log10 greater than the epifluorescence results and the swab counts. the growth rates of plank ...19979351213
[streptococcus bovis bacteremia in a patient with alcoholic hepatopathy without colonic pathology]. 19979445550
extracellular proteins and virulence in streptococcus bovis isolates from pigeons.the association between virulence and the occurrence of the extracellular proteins a, t1, t2 and t3 in the culture supernatant of pigeon streptococcus bovis strains, was examined in experimental infection studies. fourteen groups of 10-17 pigeons were inoculated intravenously with 1 x 10(9) cfu of s. bovis strains that belonged to the phenotypes a + t1, a - t1, a + t2, a - t2, a + t3 and a - t3, respectively. the overall postinoculation morbidity in the phenotype groups was 85%, 87%, 70%, 5%, 10 ...19979460197
comparative in-vitro activities of quinupristin-dalfopristin against gram-positive bloodstream isolates.the in-vitro activity of quinupristin-dalfopristin was compared with those of vancomycin, teicoplanin, erythromycin, clarithromycin, rifampicin, imipenem, meropenem, ciprofloxacin and sparfloxacin against 414 bloodstream isolates of gram-positive cocci. quinupristin-dalfopristin inhibited strains of streptococcus pyogenes and streptococcus agalactiae at 0.12 mg/l, methicillin- and/or erythromycin-resistant staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis at 0.5 mg/l, staphylococcus haemolyti ...19979301986
isolation and comparative analysis of diaminopimelate decarboxylase from streptococcus bovis and bacillus subtilis. 19979044297
characterization of the l-malate permease gene (maep) of streptococcus bovis atcc 15352.a gene which was shown to be cotranscribed with the nad+-dependent malic enzyme gene (maee) of streptococcus bovis atcc 15352 was revealed to encode l-malate-specific permease (maep), which showed high activity at low phs (ph 5.1 to 5.9). maep was strongly inhibited by the ionophores nigericin and valinomycin.19979190827
perforated cecal adenocarcinoma presenting as a thigh abscess.complicated colorectal carcinoma has several symptoms, the most common being bleeding and obstruction. occasionally it will cause perforation, which carries a worse prognosis. we report a case of perforated adenocarcinoma of the cecum that presented as an abscess of the thigh. we also present a review of the literature on this subject.19979305311
[combination of colorectal tumor and streptococcus bovis endocarditis. apropos of 3 cases].the authors report about 3 cases of bovis endocarditis revealing a colic carcinoma. this morbidity confirms the need for routine digestive investigations in endocarditis due to group d streptococci and eventually a liver disease.19979378787
[native valve infective endocarditis caused by streptococcus bovis. efficacy of short-term antibiotic therapy and usefulness of serial echocardiographic evaluation].we report a case of infective endocarditis on native valve, due to streptococcus bovis, treated successfully with short time antibiotic therapy (10 days versus minimum suggested treatment of two weeks) by using penicillin g together with streptomycin (six days), followed, by treatment with imipenem (four days) because of allergic reactions. diagnosis was simpler thanks to durack's new criteria that include positive echocardiographic findings (valvular vegetations) within major clinical criteria ...19979446156
the ability of 2-deoxyglucose to promote the lysis of streptococcus bovis jb1 via a mechanism involving cell wall stability.the non-metabolizable glucose analog, 2-deoxyglucose (2-dg), decreased the growth rate and optical density of streptococcus bovis jb1 20%, but it had an even greater effect on stationary phase cultures. control cultures receiving only glucose (2 mg/ml) lysed very slowly (<5% decline in optical density in 48 h), but cultures that had been grown with glucose and 2-dg (2 mg/ml each) lysed much faster (>85% decline in optical density in 48 h). cultures that were treated with inhibitors that decrease ...19979462960
in-vitro activity of quinupristin/dalfopristin compared with other widely used antibiotics against strains isolated from patients with endocarditis.the activity of quinupristin/dalfopristin was compared with that of other widely used antibiotics against 355 strains isolated from patients with endocarditis. mics were determined by a standard agar dilution method. quinupristin/dalfopristin was inhibitory at 1 mg/l for all coagulase-negative staphylococci (n = 36) and for the majority of staphylococcus aureus strains (n = 87). the activity of quinupristin/dalfopristin against 186 viridans streptococci was somewhat dependent on the species, wit ...19979511068
streptococcus infantarius sp. nov. related to streptococcus bovis and streptococcus equinus. 19979331678
efficacy and safety of vancomycin constant-rate infusion in the treatment of chronic gram-positive bone and joint infections.objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of vancomycin constant-rate infusion over 24 h in the treatment of gram-positive bone infections, methods: vancomycin (40 mg/kg/day) was administered without a loading dose to 15 patients (12 male, three female) aged 23--90 years, weighing 46--85 kg, with postoperative chronic bone and joint infections. the 24-h dose was adjusted to maintain plasma levels between 25 and 35 mg/l. mean duration of therapy was 6.2 months (4--8.5) via a portable infusio ...199711864154
isolated pulmonary valve endocarditis caused by streptococcus bovis: case report and review. 199811864250
pacemaker-related endocarditis. report of 7 cases and review of the literature.we report on 7 patients with pacemaker endocarditis diagnosed during the workup of long-standing fever. persistent positive blood cultures and echocardiography led to the diagnosis in 6 patients whereas autopsy was diagnostic in another. causative microorganisms were staphylococcus epidermidis (3), staphylococcus lugdunensis (1), pseudomonas aeruginosa (1), streptococcus bovis (1), and streptococcus mitis-streptococcus sanguis (1). pulmonary embolism was present in nearly 50% of the cases, a fig ...199810085483
intracellular alpha-amylase of streptococcus mutans.sequencing upstream of the streptococcus mutans gene for a ccpa gene homolog, regm, revealed an open reading frame, named amy, with homology to genes encoding alpha-amylases. the deduced amino acid sequence showed a strong similarity (60% amino acid identity) to the intracellular alpha-amylase of streptococcus bovis and, in common with this enzyme, lacked a signal sequence. amylase activity was found only in s. mutans cell extracts, with no activity detected in culture supernatants. inactivation ...19989721315
streptococcus bovis and its association with bowel cancer. 19989669373
de novo synthesis of amino acids by the ruminal bacteria prevotella bryantii b14, selenomonas ruminantium hd4, and streptococcus bovis es1.the influence of peptides and amino acids on ammonia assimilation and de novo synthesis of amino acids by three predominant noncellulolytic species of ruminal bacteria, prevotella bryantii b14, selenomonas ruminantium hd4, and streptococcus bovis es1, was determined by growing these bacteria in media containing 15nh4cl and various additions of pancreatic hydrolysates of casein (peptides) or amino acids. the proportion of cell n and amino acids formed de novo decreased as the concentration of pep ...19989687438
a method for the selective enumeration and isolation of ruminal lactobacillus and streptococcus.ruminal lactic acid-producing bacteria were selectively isolated and enumerated using a one hour aerobic exposure prior to incubation on a semi-selective lactobacillus medium, mrs, under anaerobic conditions. the technique allowed growth of pure cultures of ruminal lactobacillus spp. and streptococcus bovis without supporting the growth of pure cultures of any of the prominent ruminal bacterial species. in mixed cultures, the one hour aerobic pre-incubation inhibited the growth of the obligate a ...19989633088
[infectious endocarditis on permanent endocavitary stimulation leads: apropos of 2 cases].permanent endocavitary pacemaker lead infectious endocarditis is rare. two new cases are reported.19989775114
[the microbiology of infectious endocarditis].if streptococci and staphylococci remain the main bacteria responsible for infective endocarditis (80%), the emergence of streptococcus bovis associated with intestinal lesions, the confirmation of the role of coxiella burnetii, and the discovery of the responsibility of bartonella sp in case of negative blood culture endocarditis have been the principal microbiological modifications during the last few years. blood cultures performed under the best technical conditions and the examination and c ...19989781112
strategies that ruminal bacteria use to handle excess carbohydrate.when ruminal bacteria have insufficient nitrogen and other nutrients, excess carbohydrate can be toxic. pure cultures that are nitrogen-limited can convert only some of the excess carbohydrate to intracellular polysaccharide, but this pool can be quickly saturated. fibrobacter succinogenes cultures that have excess cellobiose secrete glucose and cellotriose into the culture medium, and prevotella ruminicola produces methylglyoxal, a highly toxic substance that causes a dramatic decrease in viabi ...19989690652
a bacteriocin-mediated antagonism by enterococcus faecium bc25 against ruminal streptococcus bovis.a bacteriocin-like activity produced by enterococcus faecium bc25, isolated from the the rumen of a cow, was partially purified and characterized. the active substance was prepared by ammonium sulfate and chloroform/methanol precipitation of culture supernatant. the bacteriocin was a protein of molecular mass 17.5 kda. activity was inactivated by trypsin and proteinase k. the bacteriocin bc25 inhibited growth of amylolytic ruminal strains of streptococcus bovis, including s. bovis ao 24/85. resu ...19989880931
infective endocarditis in a tertiary-care hospital in southern israel.during the years 1980-1994, 84 patients were treated in our institution due to suspected infective endocarditis (ie). seventy-one of these episodes occurring in 71 patients, classified definite or possible according to the duke criteria, were retrospectively analyzed in this study. there were 52 cases of native valve endocarditis, 7 cases of early prosthetic valve endocarditis, and 12 cases of late prosthetic valve endocarditis. the incidence of ie did not change significantly during the study p ...199810641529
[meningitis due to streptococcus bovis in a healthy woman]. 19989522587
bile-esculin test for presumptive identification of enterococci and streptococci: effects of bile concentration, inoculation technique, and incubation time.the bile-esculin test is used to differentiate enterococci and group d streptococci from non-group d viridans group streptococci. the effects on test performance of the concentration of bile salts, inoculum, and duration of incubation were examined with 110 strains of enterococci, 30 strains of streptococcus bovis, and 110 strains of non-group d viridans group streptococci. optimal sensitivity (> 99%) and specificity (97%) of the bile-esculin test can be obtained with a bile concentration of 40% ...19989542954
lack of surface receptors not restriction-modification system determines f4 phage resistance in streptococcus bovis ii/1.the resistance of streptococcus bovis strain ii/1, the producer of sbvi restriction endonuclease, to f4 phage infection was demonstrated by the double-agar-layer method. despite the presence of restriction endonuclease sbvi which can cleave f4 phage dna to numerous fragments in vitro, the evidence that adsorption inhibition is the most important defence mechanism in phage resistance of s. bovis ii/1 strain was obtained by adhesion experiments in vivo. electron microscopy of phage-host mixtures s ...19989569625
inhibition effect of enterocin ccm 4231 in the rumen fluid environment.enterocin ccm 4231 is a bacteriocin with a broad antimicrobial spectrum produced by the ruminal strain enterococcus faecium ccm 4231. its inhibitory effect towards enterococci, ent. faecium ef 26/42, staphylococci, streptococcus bovis ao 24/85 and escherichia coli, as well as towards listeria monocytogenes ohio strain, in the rumen fluid environment was studied during culture at 37 and 30 degrees c for 24 h and 20 days. enterocin ccm 4231 was added to the samples at a concentration of 3200 au ml ...19989569712
effects of chlorhexidine diacetate on ruminal microorganisms.the objectives of this study were to examine the effects of chlorhexidine diacetate on growth and l-lactate production by streptococcus bovis jb1 as well as the effects of this antimicrobial compound on the mixed ruminal microorganism fermentation. addition of 1.8 microm chlorhexidine diacetate to glucose medium resulted in a lag in growth by s. bovis jb1, and growth was completely inhibited in the presence of 3.6, 9.0, and 18 microm chlorhexidine. when 6.2 microm chlorhexidine diacetate was add ...19989608746
the diversion of lactose carbon through the tagatose pathway reduces the intracellular fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and growth rate of streptococcus bovis.twenty strains of streptococcus bovis grew more slowly on lactose (1.21 +/- 0.12 h-1) then than on glucose (1.67 +/- 0.12 h-1), and repeated transfers or prolonged growth in continuous culture (more than 200 generations each) did not enhance the growth rate on lactose. lactose transport activity was poorly correlated with growth rate, and slow growth could not be explained by the atp production rate (catabolic rate). batch cultures growing on lactose always had less intracellular fructose 1,6-bi ...19989650258
pharmacokinetics and efficacy of amoxycillin in the treatment of an experimental streptococcus bovis infection in racing pigeons (columba livia).the pharmacokinetics of amoxycillin in pigeons (columba livia) and the efficacy of amoxycillin treatment in pigeon streptococcosis, were investigated. after intravenous administration of 150 amoxycillin, the drug plasma concentration-time profile fitted an open two-compartment model. amoxycillin was quickly cleared from the circulation with a mean half-life of 66 min and showed a distribution volume of 0.9 the absolute oral bioavailability of amoxycillin was 50.1%. a 5-day drinki ...19989691852
a review of bloat in feedlot cattle.improvements in feedlot management practices and the use of various feed additives have reduced, but not eliminated, the occurrence of bloat in feedlot cattle. feedlot bloat reduces the profitability of production by compromising animal performance and more directly by causing fatalities. in feedlots, bloat is associated with the ingestion of large amounts of rapidly fermented cereal grain and destabilization of the microbial populations of the rumen. an abundance of rapidly fermented carbohydra ...19989464911
streptococcus sanguis bacteremia and colorectal cancer.streptococcal bacteremia is an uncommon presentation for colorectal malignancy, yet most physicians are aware of the association between streptococcus bovis infection and these malignancies. many are unaware, however, that other streptococcal species are associated with colon and rectal cancers. in this case report and brief review, we highlight this association and discuss a case of streptococcus sanguis bacteremia associated with an early invasive rectal cancer.19989496877
relationship between intracellular phosphate, proton motive force, and rate of nongrowth energy dissipation (energy spilling) in streptococcus bovis jb1.when the rate of glucose addition to nongrowing streptococcus bovis cell suspensions was increased, the fermentation was homolactic, fructose-1,6-diphosphate (fdp) increased, intracellular inorganic phosphate (p(i)) declined, and the energy-spilling rate increased. atp and adp were not significantly affected by glucose consumption rate, but the decrease in p(i) was sufficient to cause an increase in the free energy of atp hydrolysis (delta g'p). the increase in delta g'p was correlated with an i ...19989501437
phenotypic and phylogenetic characterization of ruminal tannin-tolerant bacteria.the 16s rrna sequences and selected phenotypic characteristics were determined for six recently isolated bacteria that can tolerate high levels of hydrolyzable and condensed tannins. bacteria were isolated from the ruminal contents of animals in different geographic locations, including sardinian sheep (ovis aries), honduran and colombian goats (capra hircus), white-tail deer (odocoileus virginianus) from upstate new york, and rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) from oregon. nearly compl ...19989758806
a prospective controlled study of the association of streptococcus bovis with colorectal investigate the ability of streptococcus bovis to colonise colorectal cancers.19989771449
effects of laidlomycin propionate and monensin on glucose utilization and nutrient transport by streptococcus bovis and selenomonas ruminantium.the objective of this study was to compare the effects of laidlomycin propionate and monensin on cell growth, glucose fermentation, and glucose uptake in streptococcus bovis strain jb1 and selenomonas ruminantium strain hd4. experiments were also conducted to compare the effects of both ionophores on sodium-dependent serine transport and cell yield in s. bovis. batch cultures (500 ml) of each bacterium were grown on 3.6 g/l d-glucose in semidefined medium and treated with either 5 ppm monensin o ...19989814916
identification of streptococci from greek kasseri cheese and description of streptococcus macedonicus sp. nov.taxonomic studies were performed on some streptococcus-like organisms isolated from naturally fermented greek kasseri cheese. by sds-page analysis of whole-cell proteins the group was found to be quite different from streptococcus thermophilus. comparative 16s and 23s rrna sequence analyses showed that the isolates represent a new species within the genus streptococcus, where they are most closely related to the streptococcus bovis cluster. on the basis of these phylogenetic results and some phe ...19989731293
differentiation between streptococcus gallolyticus strains of human clinical and veterinary origins and streptococcus bovis strains from the intestinal tracts of ruminants.strains formerly identified as streptococcus bovis were allotted to two groups by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of whole-cell proteins. strains from humans with infections, mostly patients with endocarditis, and strains from pigeons with septicemia clustered with the recently described species streptococcus gallolyticus. the original s. bovis type strain and strains exclusively from ruminants formed the second cluster. the findings indicate that s. gallolytic ...19989817865
bacterial endocarditis associated with crescentic glomerulonephritis in a kidney transplant patient: first case report.endocarditis-induced crescentic glomerulonephritis is a well-described complication in nontransplant patients. its occurrence in transplant patients has not been reported to date.19989753349
[streptococcus bovis endocarditis. clinical and microbiological observations and review of the literature].fourteen patients (11 men and 3 women) with streptococcus bovis infective endocarditis have been observed by the infectious disease section of our department of clinical medicine between the years 1988-1998. the mean age was 63.2 years (range 35-85 years); 5 patients previously suffered valvular disease or had a valvular prosthesis, the infection involved the mitral valve in 6 patients, the aortic in 8, the prosthetic valve in 1. no patient developed cardiac failure or died during hospitalizatio ...19989844439
ruminal microbial and fermentative changes associated with experimentally induced subacute acidosis in steers.we used six ruminally cannulated steers in a two-period crossover design to study ruminal fermentative and microbial changes associated with induced subacute acidosis. steers were adapted to either an 80% alfalfa hay (hay-adapted)- or corn grain (grain-adapted)-based concentrate diet. after feed was withheld for 24 h, steers were overfed with an all-grain diet at 3.5 x nem daily for 3 d. ruminal contents and jugular blood samples were collected before withholding feed and at 0 and 12 h daily for ...19989464904
streptococcus bovis bacteremia: unusual complications.streptococcus bovis bacteremia is known to be related to neoplastic lesions of the colon. we describe a patient with several complications of s bovis bacteremia and adenocarcinoma of the colon--endocarditis, spondylodiskitis, and splenic abscess. we believe this is the eighth known case of endocarditis and diskitis caused by s bovis and the third case of endocarditis and splenic abscess by s bovis in a patient with adenocarcinoma of the colon.19989853733
hydration of linoleic acid by bacteria isolated from ruminants.two strains of enterococcus faecalis isolated from the ovine rumen and known to hydrate oleic acid were shown to transform linoleic acid by hydration into two products. the products, identified as 10-hydroxy-12-octadecenoic acid and 13-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid, were formed during stationary phase in yields of 13% and 6% respectively. yields increased to 22% and 14% when culture conditions were optimised. to our knowledge, this is the first report of 13-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid production b ...19989868771
clinical and morphological characteristics in streptococcus bovis endocarditis: a comparison with other causative microorganisms in 177 compare the clinical and morphological characteristics of patients with streptococcus bovis endocarditis with those of patients with endocarditis caused by other microorganisms.19989875088
manipulation of ruminal fermentation with organic acids: a review.the dicarboxylic acids aspartate, fumarate, and malate stimulate lactate utilization by the predominant ruminal bacterium, selenomonas ruminantium. malate stimulates lactate uptake by s. ruminantium more than does aspartate or fumarate, and it seems that malate and sodium are involved in stimulating lactate utilization by this bacterium. based on the ability of s. ruminantium to grow on malate in the presence of extracellular hydrogen and produce succinate, malate may be acting as an electron si ...19989928618
streptococcus equinus peritonitis in a capd patient. 19989932668
[streptococcus bovis endocarditis and colonic involvement].mcneal and blevins published the first report of streptococcus bovis infective endocarditis in 1945. in 1951, mccoy suggested, for the first time, that an association could exist between group d streptococcus infective endocarditis and colon carcinoma; this association would be demonstrated later (1977) by klein and unquestionably confirmed by several posterior works. due to a clinical case of streptococcus bovis infective endocarditis, which we had the opportunity of diagnosing, a review is mad ...19989973864
streptococcus bovis clone causing two episodes of endocarditis 8 years apart.a patient had endocarditis caused by streptococcus bovis twice 8 years apart. according to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) the two isolates were identical. seven unrelated blood isolates of s. bovis yielded unique pfge patterns. considering this heterogeneous population structure our findings demonstrate the long-term persistence of an s. bovis clone in a patient with recurrent endocarditis.19999986877
a case of streptococcus bovis bacteremia and endocarditis. 19999989185
[bacteremia by streptococcus bovis in a patient with chronic liver disease without colon disease]. 199910193099
structure and transcriptional regulation of the gene encoding pyruvate formate-lyase of a ruminal bacterium, streptococcus bovis.the gene (pfl) encoding pyruvate formate-lyase (pfl) from streptococcus bovis was sequenced. the deduced amino acid sequence of pfl was similar to streptococcus mutans pfl, and included the conserved regions necessary for free-radical formation and a catalytic site. the pfl of s. bovis appeared to be a free-radical-containing enzyme because of its dioxygen sensitivity and its amino acid sequence similarity with the escherichia coli enzyme. the pfl mrna of s. bovis was approximately 2.3 kb and wa ...199910206694
subarachnoid hemorrhage due to septic embolic infarction in infective endocarditis.during antibiotic therapy, a 56-year-old man with a streptococcus bovis endocarditis developed an infarction of the right middle cerebral artery (mca). thirty hours after stroke onset, cranial computed tomography controls demonstrated a secondary subarachnoid hemorrhage, marked in the cistern of the right mca. the latent period, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, angiographic and pathologic findings favor the assumption of a pyogenic arterial wall necrosis of the mca due to a septic embolus. this pat ...199910207213
streptococcus bovis bacteremia in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus: case reports and literature review. 199910219582
streptococcus waius sp. nov., a thermophilic streptococcus from a biofilm.thermophilic streptococci were isolated from biofilms on stainless steel samples exposed to pasteurized skimmed milk and from dairy products from a dairy manufacturing plant. the phenotypic characters of these isolates were distinct from those of other thermophilic streptococci of dairy origin (streptococcus thermophilus and streptococcus bovis). genotypic data [restriction endonuclease analysis, ribotyping, random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) profiles, dna-dna hybridization and g + c conten ...199910319500
bacterial complications of strongyloidiasis: streptococcus bovis meningitis.we report the case of a 64-year-old veteran who had streptococcus bovis meningitis as a result of a long latent strongyloides infection that became acute when he was treated with prednisone. we reviewed 38 reported cases of serious bacterial infections associated with strongyloidiasis. patients most frequently had nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. of these 38 patients, 21 (55%) had meningitis, and 28 (73%) had bacteremia that was polymicrobial in 3 cases (8%). other sites of infection inclu ...199910414486
bacteremia complicated by vertebral osteomyelitis due to streptococcus bovis.the diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis is easily missed, especially in the elderly in whom clinical signs of bacteremia might not be manifest. spontaneously occurring disc-space infection in adults often has an insidious presentation. the infecting microorganism can be difficult to identify. although discitis due to streptococcus bovis is occasionally found, it is often difficult to fully confirm the diagnosis. here, a case of vertebral osteomyelitis due to this microorganism is reported.199910421046
immunisation against lactic acidosis in cattle.the present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of control of lactic acidosis by immunisation against lactic acid-producing bacteria, streptococcus bovis and lactobacillus. ten steers were allocated to two treatment groups. one group was immunised with a vaccine containing s. bovis (strain sb-5) and lactobacillus (lb-27) cells, and the other was a non-immunised control group. the vaccine, using freund's complete adjuvant for primary immunisation and freund's incomplete adjuvant for bo ...199910425243
spontaneous peritonitis due to streptococcus bovis. 199910445588
use of corticosteroids in glomerulonephritis related to infective endocarditis: three cases and review.we report the cases of three patients treated for infective endocarditis (ie) for whom corticosteroids were added to the antibiotic treatment. they all had clinical and biological evidence of immune-mediated glomerulonephritis. the microorganisms responsible for ie were coxiella burnetii, streptococcus bovis, and cardiobacterium hominis. median duration of ie before antimicrobial therapy was 7 months. in all patients, renal function deteriorated despite appropriate antimicrobial treatment for a ...199910452634
streptococcal meningitis in adult patients: current epidemiology and clinical spectrum.streptococci other than streptococcus pneumoniae are a rare cause of bacterial meningitis in adults. we report 29 cases of streptococcal meningitis (1977-1997). the patients comprised 19 men and 10 women, with a mean age +/- standard deviation of 47 +/- 18 years. nine cases were secondary to neurosurgical procedures, seven to brain abscess, five to cerebrospinal fluid pericranial fistula, and three to endocarditis. causative microorganisms included the following: viridans group streptococci, 20 ...199910452643
polytopic spondylodiscitis secondary to streptococcus bovis endocarditis. 199910461490
effect of virginiamycin on ruminal fermentation in cattle during adaptation to a high concentrate diet and during an induced acidosis.the objective of exp. 1 was to compare the effects of virginiamycin (vm; 0, 175, or 250 mg x animal(-1) x d(-1)) and monensin/tylosin (mt; 250/ 90 mg x animal(-1) x d(-1)) on ruminal fermentation products and microbial populations in cattle during adaptation to an all-concentrate diet. four ruminally cannulated, holstein steers were used in a 4x4 williams square design with 21-d periods. steers were stepped up to an all-concentrate diet fed at 2.5% of bw once daily. ruminal ph, protozoal counts, ...199910462007
[streptococcus bovis sepsis, purulent meningitis and colonic diverticulosis]. 199910481346
proteolytic activities of the starch-fermenting ruminal bacterium, streptococcus bovis.the objective of this study was to characterize the extracellular proteolytic activity of streptococcus bovis. strains keg, jb1, ncfb 2476, and k11.21.09.6c produced very similar large molecular weight (160-200 kda) extracellular proteases that were specifically inhibited by pmsf, a serine protease inhibitor. further experiments with s. bovis keg indicated that cultures grown with casein as the sole added n source produced the greatest level of proteolytic activity, and the level of proteolytic ...199910486052
the ability of "low g + c gram-positive" ruminal bacteria to resist monensin and counteract potassium depletion.gram-negative ruminal bacteria with an outer membrane are generally more resistant to the feed additive, monensin, than gram-positive species, but some bacteria can adapt and increase their resistance. 16s rrna sequencing indicates that a variety of ruminal bacteria are found in the "low g + c gram-positive group," but some of these bacteria are monensin resistant and were previously described as gram-negative species (e.g., selenomonas ruminantium and megasphaera elsdenii). the activity of mone ...199910486059
genetic homogeneity and phage susceptibility of ruminal strains of streptococcus bovis isolated in australia.the genetic homogeneity of 37 strains of ruminal streptococci was investigated by comparing dna fragment profiles on agarose gels following restriction endonuclease digestion with hae iii, cfo i and msp i. thirty strains were indistinguishable from streptococcus bovis strains, 2b, h24 and ar3. the remaining three strains were similar but not identical to a ruminal strain of strep. intermedius (ar36). in addition, the susceptibility of these strains to infection by five bacteriophages was examine ...199910499298
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 1218