
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
immunologic reactions with tobacco mosaic virus.1. antisera were produced, separately, in rabbits to normal sap from healthy turkish tobacco plants and to irus-sap from tobacco plants, affected with mosaic disease. 2. the immunologic reactions of the antisera were studied by means of: (a) alexin-fixation tests. (b) precipitation experiments, including: precipitin-absorption tests with the same tobacco virus multiplied in tobacco, tomato, pepper, and petunia plants. (c) experiments with the inactivation properties of both antisera and normal s ...192919869591
experimental pneumonia in guinea pigs : ii. effect of anti-autolysate sera on pneumococcus pneumonia in guinea pigs.1. anti-pneumotoxic sera prepared in rabbits or horses by immunization with sterile filtrates of the pneumotoxin, under certain conditions protect against the pneumonia caused by the intratracheal injections of mixtures of living pneumococci and toxic autolysates. 2. the protection against the development of pneumonia is heterologous, at least as regards type i, type ii, viz.: an anti-autolysate serum prepared by the immunization with a pneumotoxin from one type of pneumococcus will prevent the ...192919869611
the lesions in the skeletal muscles in experimental scorbutus.1. muscle degeneration was constantly found in the intercostal muscles of scorbutic guinea pigs. 2. it has likewise been found in the masseter and diaphragmatic muscles. 3. exercise will produce an identical lesion in other skeletal muscles in scorbutic animals. 4. the lesions appear to be an intrinsic part of the scorbutic process. 5. it is suggested that the tenderness over muscles in scorbutic animals and in man may be due to this myopathy.192919869623
a paralytic disease of guinea pigs due to the tubercle bacillus.the experimental data collected during this study of a transmissible type of paralysis developing in tuberculous guinea pigs indicate the condition to be a true tuberculous meningitis. we have been able to rule out the possibility that it is due to a non-tuberculous infection of the central nervous system caused by roemer's virus, or by an atypical herpes virus, or by some bacterium other than the tubercle bacillus. roemer's virus and herpes could be eliminated from consideration when berkefeld ...192919869629
the cultural and staining reactions of a strain of the tubercle bacillus producing paralysis in guinea pigs.when a strain of human tuberculosis was carried from guinea pig to guinea pig by intracerebral inoculation the bacillus of tuberculosis could be readily recovered in the semisolid "leptospira" medium of noguchi simply modified by the substitution of guinea pig for rabbit serum. whether even this modification is required remains to be determined. the tubercle bacillus in these cultures and possibly in the nervous tissue as well differed from the classical type in that it was less acid-fast and qu ...192919869630
chemo-immunological studies on conjugated carbohydrate-proteins : iii. active and passive anaphylaxis with synthetic sugar-proteins.1. guinea pigs passively sensitized with the serum of rabbits immunized with an artificially prepared sugar-protein (gluco-globulin) exhibit typical anaphylactic shock when subsequently inoculated with gluco-albumin; the serum of rabbits immunized with a second synthetic sugar-protein (galacto-globulin) similarly sensitizes guinea pigs to galacto-albumin. the reactions, in each instance, are specific and depend for their specificity on the carbohydrate component, and not on the protein fraction ...192919869646
anaphylactic shock with the partial antigen of the tubercle bacillus.1. typical lethal anaphylactic shock has been produced in guinea pigs by means of the specific carbohydrate derived from a human strain of tubercle bacillus. the phenomenon has been observed in animals both actively and passively sensitized. 2. typical contractions have been evoked in the isolated uterus of guinea pigs upon the addition of the specific carbohydrate to the bath. 3. true anaphylactic shock against the specific carbohydrate in guinea pigs sensitized with the tubercle bacillus does ...192919869663
studies on compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland: vii. a comparison between the effect of administration of thyroxin, thyroid and anterior pituitary substance on the compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland in the guinea pig. 192919969831
studies on compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland: ix. the influence of variations in size of the remaining part of the gland, in mode of administration and in quantity of potassium iodide on the hypertrophy of the thyroid in the guinea pig. 192919969832
the effect of underfeeding on the proliferative activity of the thyroid gland in the guinea pig. 192919969833
the effect of intraperitoneal injection of potassium iodide on the proliferative activity of the thyroid gland in guinea pigs. 192919969834
multiple focal splenitis of guinea pigs. 192919969859
epidemiology of typhoid fever: observations on the spontaneous seasonal recurrence of paratyphoid epidemics among guinea-pigs. 192920475019
the spermicidal powers of chemical contraceptives: i. introduction, and experiments on guinea-pig sperms. 192920475034
an analysis of the influence of irradiation by means of a mercury vapour lamp upon the health and fertility of a breeding stock of guinea-pigs and upon the health of their offspring during the first six weeks of life. 193020475057
studies on the submaxillary virus of guinea pigs: ii. the nuclear cell, nucleocytoplasmic and inclusion-nuclear indices of the affected cells. 193019969887
changes in the thyroid gland of the guinea pig following a period of administration of potassium iodide. 193019969888
the effect of potassium iodide upon the thyroid gland of underfed guinea pigs. 193019969889
studies in tissue-immunity: cellular reactions of the skin of the guinea pig as influenced by local active immunization. 193019969940
a crystallographic study of pure carbonmon-oxide hemoglobin.1. photomicrographs of crystals of pure carbonmonoxide hemoglobin of the following species are presented; ox, sheep, hog, dog, turkey, rat, horse, chicken and guinea pig. photomicrographs of the oxyhemoglobin crystals of the following species are also shown: ox, sheep, hog, dog, rat, horse and guinea pig. the crystals were formed from the pure protein by adding a suitable amount of ethyl alcohol and maintaining a temperature of 0 degrees c., or lower. 2. in some species a sufficient difference i ...193019872525
the geotropic conduct of young guinea pigs.young guinea pigs while progressing on an inclined surface orient upward in a way such that the path of progression is at a mean angle theta to the intersection of the plane with the horizontal. the angle theta increases as the angle alpha of the inclination of the plane increases. the results of this experiment indicate that in principle the formulation of similar behavior in the cases of young rats and mice holds essentially for young guinea pigs, and further supports a general muscle tension ...193019872554
the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity : vii. the effect of local and systemic blockade on the toxic action of heterophile (forssman) sera in guinea pigs.1. guinea pigs blocked by intravenous injection of either india ink or trypan blue succumbed with fatal shock after the intravenous injection of heterophile immune serum, although the time of death was somewhat delayed as compared with normal controls. 2. local blockade of the skin of guinea pigs with trypan blue inhibited completely the development of the characteristic skin reaction following intracutaneous injection of forssman serum within the blocked area. 3. infiltration of the skin of gui ...193019869672
the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity : vi. the effect of endothelial blockade on the storage and distribution of neoarsphenamine.1. blockade of the reticulo-endothelial system by means of a single injection of india ink caused a marked retention of neoarsphenamine in the blood of guinea pigs during the first twenty minutes of observation after intravenous injection, as contrasted with the rapid disappearance of the drug from the blood of normal controls. 2. rabbits blocked by a single dose of india ink showed a slower elimination of the drug from the circulation following the first few hours after intravenous injection th ...193019869677
on the relation of the organisms in the tunica vaginalis of animals inoculated with mexican typhus to rickettsia prowazeki and to the causative agent of that disease.healthy lice became infected with rickettsia prowazeki after feeding on monkeys inoculated with a strain of mexican typhus. the same result was obtained in 100 per cent of lice by rectal inoculation of an emulsion of tunica vaginalis of guinea pigs reacting to the same strain. in the tunica vaginalis of guinea pigs and rats inoculated intraperitoneally with an emulsion of lice containing rickettsia prowazeki the intracellular organism constantly associated with the passage strain appeared regula ...193019869683
the immunological significance of colostrum : i. the relation between colostrum, serum, and the milk of cows normal and immunized towards b. coli.the protective antibody content of normal cow serum is below that of colostrum of the same animal. the method used does not permit the titration of the actual amount of the antibody in serum. quantities up to 2 cc. have no protective effect. the same limitations apply to the titration of milk owing to the introduction of large quantitites of foreign protein into the peritoneal cavity of the guinea pig. when cows were immunized and a serum of high titer obtained, the antibodies in the milk of suc ...193019869705
experimental epidemiology of tuberculosis : the effect of crowding upon tuberculosis in guinea pigs, acquired by contact and by inoculation.1. if normal guinea pigs are confined with an equal number of tuberculous cage mates the incidence of "contact" tuberculosis is increased by crowding. this is probably due largely to an increase in the amount of tubercle bacilli available in the more crowded cages, although no constant relationship could be established between the intensity of the exposure and the incidence of tuberculosis acquired by contagion. other factors must be determined. 2. if guinea pigs are inoculated intraperitoneally ...193019869723
experimental epidemiology of tuberculosis : air-borne contagion of tuberculosis in an animal room.1. guinea pigs living in the same room but not in the same cage with tuberculous animals acquire tuberculosis, characterized by a chronic course, a marked involvement of the lungs, often with cavity formation and a massive tuberculosis of the tracheobronchial nodes; the mesenteric and cervical nodes are slightly or not at all affected. 2. the route of infection in these guinea pigs is almost always the respiratory tract. 3. of 103 guinea pigs exposed for a period of up to 32 months 15 or 14.5 pe ...193019869724
experimental epidemiology of tuberculosis : the effect of eliminating exposure to enteric infection on the incidence and course of tuberculosis acquired by normal guinea pigs confined with tuberculous cage these studies normal guinea pigs were exposed to tuberculous cage mates in two different degrees of crowding, some in ordinary cages, where the food became contaminated with the excreta, laden with tubercle bacilli, of the inoculated animals, and some in special cages with wire-mesh floors, where these excreta were largely excluded as a source of contagion. the results are summarized in table v. in all these experiments crowding has always increased the incidence of the disease both in the or ...193019869725
experimental epidemiology of tuberculosis : the route of infection in naturally acquired tuberculosis of the guinea pig.under conditions closely simulating the natural modes of tuberculous infection in man normal guinea pigs have acquired tuberculosis by being exposed under two degrees of crowding to tuberculous cage mates in ordinary cages, where the food became soiled with excreta, bearing tubercle bacilli, and in special cages, with wire-mesh floors, where this source of infection was almost entirely eliminated. guinea pigs were also exposed in the same room but not in the same cage with tuberculous animals. i ...193019869726
studies on mexican typhus fever. i.the preceding studies on typhus fever, chiefly done with a mexican strain obtained from dr. mooser, concern themselves largely with reinvestigations of some of the fundamental problems of this disease. filtration experiments carried out with methods almost regularly successful with true filterable viruses, in regard to material, suspension fluid, reaction, nature of filters and pressure employed for filtration, indicate that the virus is not filterable in the ordinary sense in which this express ...193019869731
tooth growth in experimental scurvy.1. the incisor teeth of guinea pigs have a constant rate of growth in health. 2. deprivation of vitamin c causes the teeth to cease growing. readministration of the vitamin restores the growth. 3. administration of small amounts of antiscorbutic substance results in rates of growth roughly proportional to dosage. 4. under standard experimental conditions used in the testing of foodstuffs for antiscorbutic value, the rate of tooth growth would appear to be a precise indication of the degree of sc ...193019869749
a study of the relationship of the scrotal swelling and rickettsia bodies to mexican typhus fever.the experiments recorded above have demonstrated the following points: 1. scrotal swelling can appear in guinea pigs directly inoculated from a human case of mexican typhus fever. 2. in certain strains of this disease, a number of generations of guinea pigs may show absolutely no scrotal swelling, which, however, may reappear in subsequent animals, suggesting-though not absolutely proving-that the scrotal swelling is an integral part of the disease and is not due to an incidental accompanying or ...193019869758
a type specific substance distinct from the specific carbohydrate in pneumococcus type i.1. evidence has been presented for the existence of a substance distinct from the specific carbohydrate in the autolytic products of pneumococcus type i. 2. the substance reacts specifically by precipitating homologous antiserum which either occurs naturally without antibody against the specific carbohydrate or has been deprived of that antibody artificially. 3. in guinea pigs passively sensitized with such antisera the homologous autolysate containing the substance alone produces typical lethal ...193019869762
studies on typhus fever : ii. studies on the etiology of mexican typhus fever.we have adduced strong evidence in favor of identifying the virus of mexican typhus fever with the rickettsiae, or mooser bodies, observed in the tunica lesions of mexican typhus guinea pigs. were it not for the possible presence of a few remaining cell fragments in the washings we would consider this evidence crucial proof.193019869794
studies on typhus fever : iii. studies of lice and bedbugs (cimex lectularius) with mexican typhus fever virus.our experiments have shown that the mooser bodies or rickettsiae derived from guinea pigs with mexican typhus fever can survive in bedbugs after intra-coelomic injection for 10 days, remaining capable of infection. we have also succeeded in similarly infecting bedbugs by allowing them to feed on benzolized rats in whose blood rickettsiae had been shown to be present. injection of the organs of such bedbugs 5 days after the last, 9 days after the first infectious feeding into guinea pigs produced ...193019869795
further experiments in typhus fever : iv. infection with washed mexican rickettsiae and immunity to european typhus.precise interpretation of our experiments seems to impose the following conclusions: guinea pigs inoculated with washed rickettsiae from mexican typhus fever develop a disease identical with that resulting from inoculations with whole tunica scrapings, blood or other virulent material, and become thereby immunized to european typhus fever. the etiological agent of mexican typhus fever is the rickettsia body of the type described by mooser (5) in the tunica vaginalis of infected guinea pigs; and ...193019869809
a comparative biometric study of albino and coloured guineapigs from the point of view of their suitability for experimental use. 193020475067
the effect of testicular extract on filterable viruses.the reynals factor promotes the pathogenic action of the viruses of herpes, vesicular stomatitis of horses, borna disease, and vaccinia. the heightening of virulence is revealed in various ways. the effects of the viruses may be accentuated; or a weak strain converted into a strong one, as in the case of the f. strain of herpes virus; or the power acquired to infect resistant species or tissues, as, e.g., rabbits and the abdominal skin of guinea pigs, with acute vesicular stomatitis. the reynals ...193119869827
a study of the toxic properties of tuberculo-proteins and polysaccharides.the temperature reaction in tuberculous and normal guinea pigs and rabbits is elicited by the tuberculo-protein and probably not at all by the polysaccharides. the polysaccharides may have some killing power under certain conditions, but this is not as consistently related to dosage as in the case of the proteins. both proteins and polysaccharides cause a change in the white blood cells when introduced by any route.193119869828
studies on typhus fever : v. active immunization against typhus fever with formalinized virus.we have adduced evidence that guinea pigs can be completely or partially protected by three injections of typhus tunica material in which there are moderate numbers of rickettsiae, treated for from 24 to 48 hours with a 0.2 per cent formalin solution. we believe that the immunization is due to the presence of the rickettsiae, since in our preceding experiments we have satisfied ourselves that these organisms are the true etiological factors of the disease. for the reasons stated above, we believ ...193119869846
studies on typhus fever : vi. reduction of resistance by diet deficiency.the above experiments demonstrate that guinea pigs and rats subjected to vitamin-deficient diets to a point at which deficiency symptoms appear, and then inoculated with typhus virus, exhibit clinical pictures which indicate a far more severe infection than that observed in normal animals after inoculation. there is also a wider distribution of rickettsiae and a concentration of organisms which, in pleural and peritoneal exudates, amounts to almost cultural proportions. important from our point ...193119869847
further experiences with non-specific local cutaneous immunity to staphylococcus aureus : local non-specific protection.1. many substances besides the specific broth filtrates of besredka can be utilized as topical applications to protect guinea pigs from the effects of massive doses of staphylococcus given subcutaneously. (plain broth, peptone 10 per cent, peptone 1 per cent, liebig's meat extract, mustard plaster and normal horse serum.) 2. where such protection occurs, no matter what the stimulus is, the local skin reaction microscopically is the same as that previously described for broth compresses. 3. many ...193119869849
the skin reactions produced by alternations of heat and x-ray at various time intervals.areas on the abdomen of the same guinea pig were exposed to suberythemal doses of soft x-rays, to heat of an intensity below the critical dose for the production of burns, and to both radiations in sequence with various time intervals between the exposures. the only effect of exposure to x-ray or heat alone was a slight scaling of the skin. the areas exposed to heat and x-radiation developed well-marked and persistent burns when the exposure to one agent was made within 3 hours of the other. sca ...193119869853
studies on typhus fever : vii. active immunization against mexican typhus fever with dead virus.guinea pigs can be immunized against mexican typhus virus by peritoneal injections of formalinized rickettsia material, provided sufficient amounts of the organisms are used. our results in this respect are analogous to those of spencer and parker with carbolized virus of rocky mountain spotted fever. the rickettsia suspensions appear to possess considerable toxicity. we do not wish to be misunderstood as implying that the results in guinea pigs offer anything more than a demonstration of the pr ...193119869859
congenital protein hypersensitiveness in two generations.hypersensitivity actively induced in utero is shown to persist for a longer period than passive sensitization. the degree of hypersensitivity, its duration, and its transmissibility appear to be influenced by the time elapsing between the original injection of the parent and parturition. a pregnant guinea pig receiving a parenteral injection of antigen 2 to 4 days prior to parturition transmits a state of hypersensitivity to two succeeding generations. the sensitization of the f(i) generation is ...193119869873
hypersensitiveness to soluble specific substances from yeast-like fungi : i. anaphylaxis.1. the polysaccharide fractions from each of five yeast-like fungi produce rapid, fatal anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs passively sensitized with antiserum from rabbits immunized against the killed organisms. 2. cross-anaphylactic reactions with heterologous polysaccharide fractions are frequent. they parallel closely the cross-precipitin reactions, thus adding evidence in favor of the identity of precipitin and sensitizing antibody. 3. the polysaccharide fraction from monilia psilosis produce ...193119869881
the neutralization or destruction of diphtheria toxin by determined by the intracutaneous test in guinea pigs, diphtheria toxin is not altered in the presence of cardiac tissue obtained from the fetal or from the adult heart of the guinea pig. tissue cultures were apparently uninjured by the presence of the toxin in the dilutions used in these experiments, and, when washed with embryo extract after removal of the diluted toxin, continued to grow. embryonic guinea pig cardiac muscle tissue growing in cultures in vitro possesses the power of neutrali ...193119869883
psittacosis : iii. experimentally induced infections in rabbits and guinea pigs.1. rabbits and guinea pigs are susceptible to psittacosis virus introduced intracerebrally. by means of brain to brain passages in these animals the active agent is capable of propagation indefinitely. 2. serial passages of the virus through rabbits and guinea pigs do not cause the active agent to lose its pathogenicity for parrots and mice. 3. the chief clinical evidences of infection in rabbits and guinea pigs following intracranial inoculation of the virus are fever and loss of weight. the pa ...193119869897
experimental hyperthyroidism and its effect upon the myocardium in guinea pigs and rabbits.a study has been made of the pathological changes in the hearts and other tissues of animals rendered hyperthyroid with thyroxine. forty-four rabbits and seventeen guinea pigs were given intramuscular injections of thyroxine every other day and sacrificed at varying intervals. tissues from a series of normal animals (twenty guinea pigs and forty-three rabbits) were examined as a control. the changes in the heart and other tissues of hyperthyroid animals were insignificant and varied but little f ...193119869899
nutritional muscular dystrophy in the guinea pig and rabbit.a diet is described, which leads to a progressive, highly selective, and ultimately fatal dystrophy of the voluntary muscles. guinea pigs and rabbits are susceptible, rats resistant. the diet used is complete in known requirements, except for vitamin e; the addition of this factor, however, does not prevent the development of the disease. the lesions are not due to inanition, infection, or scurvy, and must be referred to some still unknown factor.193119869905
nerve endings in nutritional muscular dystrophy in guinea pigs.the nutritional muscle dystrophy of guinea pigs and rabbits is primarily a degeneration of the muscle fibers and is not associated with visible alterations of the peripheral nerves or their motor terminals.193119869906
typhus fever : i. comparative study of european and american typhus in laboratory of two strains of epidemic (european) typhus and two strains of endemic (american) typhus in laboratory animals has shown their essential identity. .the characteristic typhus brain lesions can be shown to occur in all four strains after subcutaneous inoculation and rickettsiae-filled cells can be found in the scrotal sac in all four strains after intraperitoneal inoculations. a strain of european typhus, which for 8 years has yielded no obvious scrotal reaction in guinea pigs, afterwards g ...193119869908
typhus fever : ii. cytological studies of the scrotal sac exudate in typhus-infected guinea pigs.1. a satisfactory method is described for the topographical study of rickettsia prowazeki in sections of the scrotal sac of typhus-infected guinea pigs. 2. in such sections rickettsiae are always intracellular. 3. typhus rickettsiae multiply luxuriantly in the serosal cells and produce great distention of these cells. 4. rickettsiae may be found in small numbers in the endothelial cells lining the underlying capillaries in the testes and scrotum, but are not seen in perivascular macrophages, con ...193119869909
the effect of testicle extract on red blood cells in vitro.testicle extract possesses a notable power to increase red cell fragility. testicle extracts of the rat, rabbit and guinea pig all exhibit this property, which is most pronounced with the extract from the rat and least so with that from the guinea pig. splenic extract does not possess the property, or possesses it only to a very slight degree. these results support the hypothesis that the factor in testicle extract which enhances infections (the reynals factor) does so by altering the permeabili ...193119869910
an experimental study of "mad itch" with especial reference to its relationship to pseudorabies.the clinical picture and gross pathology of spontaneous and experimental "mad itch" have been described and the inciting agent has been shown to be a filtrable virus. it has been possible to prepare virucidal serum capable of neutralizing the virus. fatal infections are regularly produced in rabbits when the virus is administered subcutaneously, intracerebrally, intravenously, intratesticularly, intraperitoneally, intranasally, or when it is dropped on a scarified area of skin. its infectivity f ...193119869913
local organ hypersensitiveness : iii. further observations on its experimental production in the rabbit eye.1. rabbit eyes sensitized with guinea pig red blood cells or fresh egg white respond with an inflammatory reaction following the intravenous injection of the homologous antigen, but not the heterologous. 2. two-tenths of 1.0 cc. of a multiple antigen containing ten separate ingredients, or in other words, 0.02 cc. of each foreign protein, when introduced into the rabbit's anterior chamber, is sufficient to produce an altered ocular reactivity such that when 1 cc. of one of the ten antigens is in ...193119869914
typhus fever : iii. the behavior of rickettsia prowazeki in tissue cultures.typhus rickettsiae are found in large numbers in sections of tissue cultures of scrotal sac exudate. extensive multiplication of the organisms occurs, and new cells become infected. organisms are seen in cells undergoing mitotic division. the organisms usually become less numerous after the 6th day in vitro, but in one instance organisms were extremely numerous on the 16th and 21st days. rickettsiae in tissue cultures retain their intracellular location, even when infection is very heavy. they m ...193119869918
swine influenza : ii. a hemophilic bacillus from the respiratory tract of infected swine.1. a hemophilic bacillus has been regularly obtained in culture from the respiratory tract of a series of swine experimentally infected with swine influenza and from a small number of spontaneous field cases of the disease. it has not been observed in respiratory tract cultures from a group of swine free from influenza. 2. the cultural and morphological characters of the organism have been described and the name hemophilus influenzas (variety suis) suggested. the organism exhibits marked serolog ...193119869923
the specific cytotoxic action of tuberculin in tissue culture.tuberculin from the human and from the bovine type of tubercle bacilli inhibits the growth of cells from explants of bone marrow, spleen and testes of tuberculous guinea pigs, and is toxic for these cells, but has no effect on explants of the same tissues from non-tuberculous animals. "tuberculin" from other acid-fast bacteria has no inhibitory or toxic action on explants of tissues from either tuberculous or non-tuberculous guinea pigs. tuberculins from the avian, bovine and human types of tube ...193119869925
a bacteriological study of infectious laryngotracheitis of chickens.1. the causative agent of infectious laryngotracheitis of chickens was found to be present in bacteriologically sterile tracheal exudate, spleens, and livers of diseased fowls. 2. the causative agent was present regularly in the tracheal exudate, in the spleens of about 60 per cent, and in the livers of about 30 per cent of chickens with active laryngotracheitis infection. 3. suspensions of the spleen and liver were less effective in inducing the disease than those made from the tracheal exudate ...193119869960
histopathology of infectious laryngotracheitis in chickens.1. the characteristic lesions of infectious laryngotracheitis are ordinarily restricted to the respiratory tract and are most pronounced in the larynx and trachea. sometimes the eyelids are affected. a certain percentage of the cases are associated with bronchitis and peribronchitis, pneumonic areas and hemorrhages in the lung, while the involvement of the nasal passages, communicating sinuses, and eyes seems to be dependent upon the mode of infection and the course of the disease. 2. the virus ...193119869962
discussion on the pathology and treatment of haemopathies, including leukaemias, of man and animals: the haemopathies of laboratory animals.the difference between haemopathies (which originate in the blood-forming tissues) and blood-diseases (which develop in the blood-stream) is explained and illustrated by examples and specimens.primary anaemia caused by the hyperplasia of the erythroblastic tissues in the marrow occurs in fowls as erythromyelosis. this condition can be experimentally transmitted, though inoculation in fowls may reproduce the anaemic disease, or give rise to a persistent polyerythrocythaemia. on farms erythromyelo ...193119988216
experimental dust inhalation in guinea-pigs. 193120475084
discussion on the pathology and treatment of hæmopathies, including leukæmias, of man and animals: the hæmopathies of laboratory animals.the difference between hæmopathies (which originate in the blood-forming tissues) and blood-diseases (which develop in the blood-stream) is explained and illustrated by examples and specimens.primary anæmia caused by the hyperplasia of the erythroblastic tissues in the marrow occurs in fowls as erythromyelosis. this condition can be experimentally transmitted, though inoculation in fowls may reproduce the anæmic disease, or give rise to a persistent polyerythrocythæmia. on farms erythromyelosis ...193120912613
metabolism in scurvy: the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus by guinea-pigs. 193116744620
the effect of temperature on the frequency of heart and respiration in the guinea-pig and cat. 193116994185
spirella sp.? isolated from the guinea pig. 193216559547
the origin of the cellular debris in vaginal smears of the guinea-pig. 193217771638
the spermicidal powers of chemical contraceptives: v. a comparison of human sperms with those of the guinea-pig. 193220475159
the effect of added loads upon the geotropic orientation of young guinea has been found that young guinea pigs when progressing over a surface inclined at an angle alpha with the horizontal, orient upward in a way such that the path described by an oriented animal is at a mean angle theta with the base of the inclined surface. the magnitude of mean theta increases as the angle of inclination alpha increases. the function relating theta and alpha is compound, being made up of two sections with a break which corresponds to a change in the mode of progression of an a ...193219872649
the influence of age and of duration of treatment on the production and repair of bone lesions in experimental hyperparathyroidism.these studies have shown that the bones of guinea pigs given daily injections of parathormone from the age of 2 to 7 days to the age of 110 to 120 days, show relatively very little effect after receiving 20 units daily during the last 65 to 87 days of treatment. but it is probable that their bones underwent decalcification early in the treatment and that subsequently the parathormone, continued at the same dosage, did not maintain the effects on the bones. healing finally occurred despite it. th ...193219869973
brain to brain transmission of the submaxillary gland virus in young guinea pigs.the submaxillary gland virus of guinea pigs was serially transmitted from brain to brain in young guinea pigs. the source of virus was the submaxillary glands of six groups of stock animals. brain to brain transfer was effected in two series, in one to the second generation and in the other to the third. the transmission was evidenced by the presence of nervous symptoms and death and by a typical microscopic pathology of the brain. only certain attempts were successful, ten of twenty-three brain ...193219869999
the effects of parathormone and ammonium chloride on the bones of rabbits.1. a very large single dose of parathormone produced rapid and extensive decalcification of the bones of a young rabbit. 2. gradually increased doses of parathormone failed to produce significant changes in the bones of young and fully grown adult rabbits. 3. ammonium chloride, administered by stomach tube was without effect on the bones, when given to rabbits treated with parathormone or to otherwise untreated rabbits. 4. calcium lactate did not promote the appearance of signs of parathormone o ...193219870023
the purification and concentration of diphtheria precipitation with acetone at 4 degrees c. a refined diphtheria toxoid was obtained as a dry powder, readily soluble in aqueous solutions. the powder itself appears to be stable. when dissolved in half the original volume of physiological salt solution, the toxoid remained stable, in the cold room, for a period of 7 months. only toxoids should be used which have been completely detoxified by the treatment with formalin. the formalin is immediately and completely removed by precipitation with ...193219870033
the anemia of scurvy : effect of vitamin c diet on blood formation in experimental scurvy of guinea pigs.1. weight loss, progressive anemia, and a moderate increase in reticulated red blood cells occurred in seventeen guinea pigs on a diet deficient in vitamin c. 2. the histological changes of the bone marrow removed from guinea pigs with scurvy showed large numbers of erythrogenic cells, but scant evidence of active maturation to the adult erythrocyte. 3. a reticulocyte response was induced in guinea pigs with scurvy when fed orange juice daily. 4. the histological changes of the bone marrow remov ...193219870045
studies on virulence : iv. influence on virulence of pneumococci of growth on various media.from the study of different tissue extracts as media for the growth of pneumococci used in an automatic transfer device, certain inferences are warranted: 1. media made from calf lung or heart, or from horse skeletal muscle maintain virulence over a long period of time. conversely, media made from calf spleen lead to a decrease in virulence. 2. lung medium causes an increase in virulence of seven strains of pneumococci. 3. virulence is maintained in normal horse serum; but, it rapidly decreases ...193219870049
typhus fever : v. the effect of temperature on the multiplication of rickettsia prowazeki in tissue culture.the temperature at which tissue cultures infected with typhus rickettsiae are incubated has been shown to exert a marked influence on the intracellular multiplication of rickettsia prowazeki. at 41 degrees c. the organisms were not found in the cultures histologically on and after the 2nd day in vitro, and the cultures were non-virulent on and after the 3rd day in vitro, in spite of good preservation and growth of the cells. at 37.5 degrees c. organisms were absent from the cultures histological ...193219870051
studies on virulence : v. the effect of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide on the virulence of growing pneumococci.the growth of a virulent type i pneumococcus in an automatic transfer device on a medium which aerobically maintains virulence results in a decrease in the presence of pure oxygen or pure carbon dioxide, but in no change in the presence of nitrogen. whereas partial pressures of oxygen, that is 5 parts with 95 parts nitrogen by volume, and 10 parts with 90 parts nitrogen, resulted in a decrease in virulence, with 20 parts oxygen and 80 parts nitrogen, the decrease was almost negligible. media whi ...193219870053
studies on typhus fever : ix. on the serum reactions of mexican and european typhus rickettsia.1. the blood of guinea pigs convalescent from old world and new world typhus infection develops agglutinating properties for the tunica and rat rickettsiae of the new world diseases and for the louse rickettsia of the old world disease. 2. the two microorganisms are closely related, though probably not identical. 3. human convalescents of both varieties of typhus develop agglutinins for both types of rickettsiae. such rickettsia-agglutinating properties are parallel with the weil-felix reaction ...193219870078
the formation of macrocytes and microcytes from red corpuscles in hanging drop hanging drop preparations of normal blood from various species of animals including man, the following processes were directly observed for the first time: 1. the process of fusion between two red corpuscles so as to form a round or slightly oval macrocyte with normal hemoglobin content, a diameter of 10micro+/- and no delle. these macrocytes appear to be slightly thicker in the centre than at the periphery. no thickness measurements could be made. 2. the process of fusion between two microcy ...193219870085
the etiology of bartonella muris anemia of the albino rat : the isolation of bartonella muris.1. bartonella muris has been isolated in pure culture on noguchi's leptospira medium from the blood of the splenectomized adult rat suffering with bartonella muris anemia. 2. bartonella muris is a small, actively motile, gram-negative bacillus. it grows best on media containing blood and on noguchi's leptospira medium. the optimal temperature for growth is 20-25 degrees c. it produces neither gas nor acid on media containing sugars. it does not hemolyze blood in artificial media. viability of th ...193219870100
a transmissible tumor-like condition in rabbits.a tumor-like condition has been observed in a wild cottontail rabbit and has been found to be transmissible to both wild and domestic rabbits but not to guinea pigs, white rats, white mice, or chickens. the clinical picture of the experimentally produced condition and the pathological picture of the original and experimentally produced tumors have been described. the tumor has the general appearance of a fibroma. methods used in transmitting the condition and satisfactory routes of inoculation h ...193219870103
studies on typhus fever : x. further experiments on active immunization against typhus fever with killed rickettsia.1. vaccines consisting of formalinized rickettsiae of mexican typhus fever, obtained by our x-ray rat method, produce definite resistance in guinea pigs to subsequent infection with the virus of this disease. 2. the resistance so produced amounts to complete immunity when the subsequent infectious dose is moderate-that is, consists of typhus blood or of tunica material in reasonable amounts (not more than one-quarter of a tunica-i.e., roughly 100 to 250 infectious doses). when, as in the first e ...193319870137
studies on typhus fever : xi. a report on the properties of the serum of a horse immunized with killed formalinized rickettsia.the experiments recorded above demonstrate that the systematic treatment of a horse with formalin- and phenol-killed rickettsiae obtained from the mexican virus by our x-ray rat technique induces the development of properties in the horse's serum which may be described as follows: 1. an original agglutinating potency for proteus x-19 (weil-felix reaction) not exceeding dilutions of 1-40 was enhanced to a potency of 1-160 and, feebly, 1-320. 2. the horse's serum, after immunization, exerts distin ...193319870138
modification of the pathogenicity of pseudorabies virus by animal passage.pseudorabies virus, iowa strain ("mad itch"), after passage through guinea pig brain, fails to produce infection in guinea pigs when injected subcutaneously unless enormous doses are employed. such virus is still pathogenic for rabbits when given subcutaneously and for rabbits and guinea pigs intracerebrally. comparison of the amounts of virus present in the brains of rabbits and guinea pigs following fatal cerebral infection shows that the latter contain, per gram, only approximately one-tenth ...193319870170
vaccination with heat-killed and formalinized tubercle bacilli in experimental tuberculosis.1. rabbits vaccinated with tubercle bacilli killed by exposure to formalin (0.4 per cent) did not show any acquired resistance to subsequent infection with bovine tubercle bacilli, while rabbits vaccinated with tubercle bacilli which had been killed by heating to 70 degrees for 1 hour survived more than half as long again as their controls. 2. intraperitoneal injection of either the formalin-killed vaccine or the heat-killed vaccine into guinea pigs made them skin-sensitive to tuberculoprotein m ...193319870191
the resistance of rabbits to tuberculosis after vaccination with partially defatted tubercle bacilli.1. a vaccine prepared from partially defatted bovine tubercle bacilli influenced favorably the survival time after inoculation with living virulent bovine tubercle bacilli. 2. accompanying this increased resistance was a sustained lymphocytosis in the vaccinated animals. 3. the vaccine induced a transitory anemia and leucopenia. 4. a similar preparation of partially defatted human tubercle bacilli possessed the power to sensitize guinea pigs to tuberculo-protein.193319870199
function of the gall bladder epithelium as an osteogenic stimulus and the physiological differentiation of connective tissue.evidence is presented that the proliferating gall bladder epithelium in the dog and guinea pig is capable of stimulating bone formation in certain connective tissues such as the abdominal wall. other connective tissue areas such as the subepithelial connective tissue of the gall bladder and urinary bladder do not share in this tissue reaction and resist the bone stimulus of the epithelium. the formation of bone in these circumstances is thus biphasic. a difference between connective tissues morp ...193319870204
studies on pseudorabies (infectious bulbar paralysis, mad itch) : i. histology of the disease, with a note on the symptomatology.the histology of pseudorabies differs materially in various animal species. in the rabbit, subcutaneous, intradermal or intramuscular inoculation leads to local inflammation and necrosis. the infection ascends the peripheral nerve (possibly both interstitially and by the axis-cylinders) to the corresponding spinal ganglia and segments of the spinal cord, where primary degeneration of nerve and glial cells takes place. the nerve cell changes are probably responsible for the cardinal symptom of th ...193319870206
the relation of vitamin c deficiency to intestinal tuberculosis in the guinea pig.1. seventy-two adult guinea pigs were fed tuberculous sputum daily for periods ranging from 6 weeks to 4 months. 2. thirty-seven of these were maintained on a diet partially deficient in vitamin c; twenty-six developed ulcerative intestinal tuberculosis. 3. in the remaining thirty-five animals whose diet was supplemented by an adequate amount of vitamin c only two developed tuberculous ulcers in the intestines. 4. from these studies we conclude that the ingestion of tubercle bacilli by the guine ...193319870211
cultivation of pseudorabies virus.pseudorabies virus has been cultivated in series in rabbit testicle, guinea pig testicle, and chick embryo media, and its growth requirements have been studied. intranuclear inclusions, similar to those produced by pseudorabies virus in vivo, have been found in rabbit testicle cultures. the virus has not changed its pathogenic properties for rabbits, guinea pigs, or mice during the course of cultivation.193319870223
the incisor teeth of albino rats and guinea pigs in vitamin a deficiency and repair. 193319970070
the effects of colloidal silica on experimental tuberculosis in guinea-pigs. 193320475185
animal paratyphoid in guinea-pigs. 193329009411
epizootic hepato-enteritis in guinea pigs. 193316559611
the normal behaviour of the isolated uterus of the guinea-pig, and its reactions to oestrin and oxytocin. 193316994464
vitamin c and the suprarenal cortex: loss of potency of guinea-pig suprarenals in scurvy. with notes on a method for determining antiscorbutic activity (hexuronic acid) by chemical means. 193316745086
the sensitization of guinea pigs to poison ivy. 193417780062
mechanisms in the development of an active resistance to the effects of substances stimulating the thyroid gland in the guinea pig. 193417800858
prevention of experimental equine encephalomyelitis in guinea pigs by means of virus adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. 193417821750
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 99137