
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
increased corrosion of stainless steel implants in infected plated fractures.correlation has previously been observed between the incidence of metal hypersensitivity (ni, cr, co) and the incidence of infection after internal fixation of bone fractures. as there is no doubt that exposure to high concentrations of metal can cause allergy, metal levels (cr, ni, mo, co) were analyzed in implant contact tissues by ass. both the absolute concentration of the ions and the ni:cr ratio in the tissues adjacent to metal implants is greater in infected cases than in non-infected. th ...19846703879
[effect of fab-fragments of antibodies against spleen cell surface antigens on the development of antibody formation in cultures of different densities].the role of surface antigens in the density-dependent inhibition of primary immune response in mouse spleen cell cultures was investigated. for this purpose fab-fragments of rabbit igg obtained after immunization with mouse splenocytes were used. such fab-fragments alone had no effect on immune response in both optimal and dense cultures. however, successive treatment of cells with fab-fragments and with ass antibodies against rabbit igg dramatically augmented the density-dependent inhibition of ...19846704524
verminous (strongylus vulgaris) myelitis in a donkey.a fifth stage strongylus vulgaris migrated through the spinal cord of a 2-year-old, male donkey resulting in progressive paraparesis and then tetraplegia. a profound neutrophilic pleocytosis was detected on analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. the parasite appeared to have entered the mid-lumbar spinal cord, migrated to the cranial thoracic segments, exited, then re-entered the spinal cord a few segments craniad. it then traveled further cranially and was found in the third cervical spinal cord segm ...19846705537
[comparative analysis of lectin interaction with blood serum proteins in man, rodents and ungulates].studies have been made on the interaction of proteins of the blood serum of man, guinea pig, rat, donkey and ram with concanavalin a, peas lectin and phytohaemagglutinin ii. it was found that reactions of the lectins with serum proteins exhibit strictly specific pattern. on the basis of the data obtained, a discussion is made of evolutionary conformation of serum proteins and distribution of lectin receptors within the structure of their molecules.19846730802
horse haemoglobin phenotyping by agarose gel isoelectric focusing comparison of thoroughbreds with other using isoelectric focusing in thin agarose slab gels 1049 thoroughbred, 82 nooitgedachter, 45 percheron and 244 horses of other breeds were examined. the numbers of other equidae tested were 107 donkeys, 50 mules, 4 common zebras (equus burchelli boehmi) and 8 mountain zebras (equus zebra hartmannae). phenotypic data are presented for all tested animals and gene frequencies are calculated for the horses.19846742514
radioiodide uptake in brain, csf, thyroid, and salivary glands of audiogenic seizure mice.dba/2j (dba) mice are susceptible to audiogenic seizures (ass) in an age-dependent manner. anion transport as measured by radioiodide uptake was determined in thyroid gland, salivary gland, skeletal muscle, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brainstem, and csf from these mice at various ages. anion transport was also determined in c57bl/6j(c57) mice, an as-resistant strain. in thyroid, dba mice had an enhanced ability to concentrate iodide at 21 days of age when they have maximal as susceptibility, as ...19846745222
precise and accurate determination of high concentrations of sulphur by isotope-dilution thermal-ionization isotope-dilution thermal-ionization mass-spectrometric procedure has been developed for the accurate and precise determination of sulphur in steels and organic-based materials. the sample and isotopically enriched sulphur spike are dissolved in a sealed tube to prevent loss of sulphur and the sulphur isotopes are measured as ass(+) ions, with silica gel as an emitter. this technique has been applied to the determination of sulphur in 13 nbs standard reference materials ranging in concentratio ...198418963726
[strongylid infections of donkeys in germany: seasonal dynamic studies of egg output]. 19846475402
[intestinal parasites and lungworms of donkeys in germany: age-related evaluation of the extent of infections and species composition]. 19846376048
strategic use of anthelmintics in working donkeys in mediterranean climatic conditions. 19854082438
energy metabolism in the erythrocytes of donkeys. 19853940155
differentiation of raw meat from phylogenically related species by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a method, based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), has been developed for differentiating raw meat from closely related species of economic importance. by visual assessment 0·1% donkey in horse, 0·1% goat in sheep and 1% buffalo in beef may be detected. the technique is rapid and simple to perform and could be used in abattoirs and coldstores with results being available within 1 h.198522054500
serological studies on leptospirosis in livestock and chickens from grenada and trinidad.sera from 1,206 livestock animals and chickens on grenada and trinidad were tested for leptospiral antibodies by the microscopic agglutination test. 376 of the sera were positive (25% of those tested on grenada and 44% on trinidad). the positive sera were obtained from 25% of 324 cattle, 35% of 130 pigs, 35% of 146 sheep, 25% of 44 goats and 11% of 175 chickens on grenada; and 92% of 26 cattle, 53% of 122 pigs, 76% of 87 horses and donkeys and 11% of 144 chickens on trinidad. eight sera from duc ...19853832496
the clinical relevance of classes of immunoglobulins on spermatozoa from infertile and vasovasostomized males.following reversal of vasectomy, conceptions occur even when antisperm antibodies are present in the seminal plasma, but this is most unusual in men with similar titers of such antibodies who are spontaneously infertile. to clarify the differences between antisperm antibodies occurring in infertile men and those associated with vasectomy reversal, we have studied 23 spontaneously infertile men and 22 men who underwent vasectomy reversal, all of whom had antisperm antibodies detected in seminal p ...19853872817
a fundamental study of the microencapsulation procedure utilizing coacervation in a polystyrene-cyclohexane solution.coacervation in polystyrene (ps)-cyclohexane solution induced by the lowering of temperature was utilized to investigate the fundamental problems involved in the microencapsulation procedure. polydispersity of ps played a vital role in determining variables at the critical state of phase separation, such as the composition of coacervate (dense) and lean phases. this also depended on temperature. observations revealed that microcapsules of glass beads consist of a wall with a thin film of ps cove ...19853880489
chemiluminescence immunoassay of plasma progesterone, with progesterone-acridinium ester used as the labeled antigen.this simple solid-phase chemiluminescence immunoassay for measurement of progesterone in extracts of venous plasma has sensitivity and precision similar to that of conventional radioimmunoassay with use of a tritiated antigen. the labeled antigen, 11 alpha-progesteryl-2-succinoyltyramine-4-(10-methyl)-acridini um-9-carboxylate, and a monoclonal antibody to progesterone-11 alpha-succinyl-bovine serum albumin are incubated with a 100-microl aliquot of plasma extract (equivalent to 20 microl of pla ...19853899408
treatment of sickle cell disease in early childhood in jamaica.the jamaican sickle cell cohort study, based on neonatal diagnosis of all cases of sickle cell disease among 100,000 consecutive births, has identified acute splenic sequestration (ass) and pneumococcal disease as the most important complications in early life. the etiology of ass is unknown and prophylaxis is therefore not possible. for first attacks, attention has been directed to parental education to achieve earlier diagnosis. recurrent attacks may be prevented by prophylactic splenectomy. a ...19853907390
sensory nerve endings in the peroneus tertius muscle of the ass and horse: a functional hypothesis.the various types of sensory nerve endings found in the peroneus tertius muscle in the ass and in the horse have been studied with ruffini's gold chloride method. free nerve endings have been described as well as encapsulated receptors. these corpuscles are classified as pacini-like, ruffini's terminations and also golgi's tendon-organs. the authors have pointed out the morphology, topography and structural characteristics of the above named nervous terminations and have hypothesized that a prob ...19853916144
inheritance of equus asinus serum albumin variants in hybrid from mule offspring of mares bred to an ai-cd jack document that the control of ai-c and ai-d zone variants in equus asinus is due to the action of autosomal, codominant alleles, aic and aid.19853980976
epidemiology of hydatid disease in kenya: a study of the domestic intermediate hosts in masailand.the results are given of a study on the epidemiological significance of cattle, sheep and goats in maintaining the life-cycle of echinococcus granulosus in masailand, kenya. a total of 134 (8.9%) of 1499 cattle, 146 (8.1%) of 1798 sheep and 144 (7.1%) of 2020 goats slaughtered in abattoirs in masailand were found to harbour hydatid cysts. the frequency distribution of the hydatid cysts in each intermediate host species was over-dispersed. of 729 cattle cysts examined 71 (9.7%) were fertile (cyst ...19854002289
contagious equine metritis: experimental infection in the donkey.contagious equine metritis (cem) was reproduced in 3 of 4 donkey mares with an irish streptomycin-resistant strain of haemophilus equigenitalis isolated from an experimental case of the disease in a pony mare. although some variability in clinical response occurred, there was no evidence that semen enhanced the clinical severity of the infection. variable amounts of vaginal discharge and associated inflammatory changes of the vagina and/or cervix, similar to those seen in the horse, were observe ...19854002608
breed and species comparison of amino acid transport variation in equine erythrocytes.the amino acid permeability of red blood cells from equus caballus (thoroughbred, arab, shire and pony), e przewalskii (przewalski's horse), e asinus (donkey and mule) and e burchelli (common or plains zebra) was measured. individual animals exhibited stable but widely differing rates of l-[u-14c]alanine uptake in the range 5 to 1554 mumol (litre cells)-1 h-1 (0.2 mm extracellular l-alanine, 37 degrees c). of the thoroughbreds tested, 30 per cent had red blood cells which were essentially imperm ...19854012037
spinal nematodosis in a donkey with posterior paresis.spinal nematodosis in a four-year-old donkey is described. the animal showed progressive hindlimb paresis of sudden onset. necropsy revealed extensive degeneration and inflammation in the lumbosacral part of the spinal cord, caused by a nematode larva of the suborder strongylina, probably l4 or l5 of strongylus vulgaris.19854013051
acute splenic sequestration in homozygous sickle cell disease: natural history and management.of a cohort of 308 children with homozygous sickle cell disease diagnosed at birth, 89 experienced 132 clinically significant attacks of acute splenic sequestration (ass) over a 10-year period. the age at first attack ranged from 3 months to 6 years. survival curve analysis of the interval until first attack indicated a cumulative probability of 0.225 by 2 years, and 0.265 by 3 years, and 0.297 by 5 years of age. thirteen events were fatal, 11 during the first attack, and all before transfusion ...19854020541
onchocerca raillieti: prevalence and pathology in sudanese donkeys.onchocerca raillieti was found to be prevalent in sudanese donkeys. the parasite was reported from central, northern, western and eastern sudan and was most predominant in the last locality. the pathological changes produced by adult worms in the ligamentum nuchae are mostly chronic and do not seem to cause any clinical manifestations. likewise, the microfilariae, though found in high densities in the skin with a "spill over" into the eyes, produce no pathological changes in either the skin or e ...19854031130
detection of staphylo-coagulase using plasmas from various animals.the effect of sources of staphylococcus aureus and plasmas, concentration of plasma, temperature and duration of incubation on coagulase-test results was evaluated. using s. aureus strains of food origin, the value of plasmas in coagulase tests was, in order of superiority, human and rabbit greater than pig greater than donkey greater than chicken greater than cattle greater than duck greater than goat greater than dog. however, with staphylococcal isolates of animal origin the order was cattle ...19854035959
male mule foal qualifies as the offspring of a female mule and jack donkey.whereas mules are normally considered sterile, reports of fertile female mules persist. however, none subjected to cytogenetical and blood typing analyses could be confirmed as having indeed been mules that transmitted maternal markers to their alleged offspring. reported here is the case of a cytogenetically verified female mule whose alleged male foal qualifies as offspring by a male donkey. the male foal is karyotypically a mule.19854056372
a liquid-phase immunoradiometric assay (irma) for human sex hormone binding globulin (shbg).an immunoradiometric assay (irma) for sex hormone binding globulin (shbg) has been developed in which an 125i-labeled monoclonal antibody [( 125i]s1b5) and a rabbit anti-shbg antiserum (rab) are incubated in "liquid-phase" with standards or samples, and rab-bound complexes are separated using donkey anti-rabbit igg antibody-coated cellulose. this immunoassay technique is characterized by several advantages; the [125i]s1b5 imparts additional specificity and obviates the requirement for pure shbg; ...19854068705
[histochemical and ultrastructural research of the epithelium of the head of the epididymis of equus asinus]. 19854071022
neonatal type of argininosuccinate synthetase deficiency. report of two cases with autopsy findings.two autopsy cases of neonatal argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) deficiency demonstrating the particular histological changes of the liver are presented. case 1 was a female infant with elevated blood ammonia and citrulline. the patient died of sepsis at nineteen days after birth. autopsy revealed hematomas in bilateral cerebral hemispheres and a yellow liver parenchyma. histologically, the cerebrum showed diffuse astrogliosis with alzheimer type ii cell and swollen cytoplasm. status spongiosus ...19854072682
influence of airway and airspace sizes on particle deposition in excised donkey lungs.tests of aerosol deposition with breath holding and of lung function were performed on the excised lungs of three donkeys following regional in vivo radioaerosol deposition tests. corrosion casts were made of the lungs to determine the dimensions of the tracheobronchial (tb) tree, and histological sections were taken to determine average alveolar airspace size. static lung function tests, i.e., static compliance and specific compliance (cstat and cspec), agreed well with the predicted and report ...19854076059
arteria linguofacialis of the donkey (equus asinus). 19853158250
comparison of fiber types in skeletal muscles from ten animal species based on sensitivity of the myofibrillar actomyosin atpase to acid or copper.comparisons were made of the histochemical characteristics of skeletal muscle from 10 animal species. the basic comparison was made from the staining patterns for the myofibrillar actomyosin atpase produced by preincubation of fresh frozen cross-sections of muscle at alkaline ph (10.30) or acid ph (4.60) with those produced by preincubation in media containing cu2+ at alkaline ph (10.30), near neutral ph (7.40), or acid ph (4.60). muscle sections were also stained for reduced nicotinamide adenin ...19853158628
lungworms (dictyocaulus arnfieldi): prevalence in live equids in kentucky.prevalence of natural infections of the lungworm, dictyocaulus arnfieldi, was investigated in kentucky in 5,437 live equids (horses, ponies, and asses) on 91 farms by examination of fecal samples over a 15-month-period from january 28, 1983 to april 19, 1984. for the 91 farms investigated, asses only were examined on 1 farm; for the other 90 farms, examinations were made of horses on all of them, of ponies on 4 farms, and of asses on 9 farms. larvae of d arnfieldi were found in fecal samples of ...19853160271
veins of the head and neck of the donkey (equus asinus). 19853161417
[separation of rat serum antisuppressor antibodies eliminating t-suppressors and stimulating their generation in mice in vivo].immunization of rats with enriched murine specific t-suppressors (sts) permitted obtaining the antisuppressor serum (ass) which selectively inactivated in vitro the capacity of the sts to inhibit the proliferation of t-lymphocytes in a mixed lymphocyte culture in response to allo-antigens. two opposite effects of the ass in vivo were demonstrated: elimination of t-suppressors (on ass administration 4 days after immunization) and stimulation of their formation (on ass administration before immuni ...19853161559
serologic surveillance for vesicular stomatitis virus on ossabaw island, georgia.seventeen species of mammals and seven species of birds from ossabaw island, georgia, were tested for vesicular stomatitis (vs) neutralizing antibodies. seropositive results were restricted to mammals with six of 17 species testing seropositive for vs (new jersey type) neutralizing antibodies. seropositive species included: raccoons (procyon lotor), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), feral swine (sus scrofa), cattle (bos taurus), horses (equus caballus), and donkeys (equus asinus). all ...19852987546
role of complement and the fc portion of immunoglobulin g in immunity to venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus infection with glycoprotein-specific monoclonal antibodies.we have previously characterized with monoclonal antibodies (mabs) seven unique epitopes on the two envelope glycoproteins of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (vee) virus vaccine strain tc-83. the epitopes important in protection from vee virus infection were determined in passive antibody transfer studies, with virulent vee (trinidad donkey) virus as the challenge virus. selected high-avidity mabs to the three major protective epitopes (e2c, e1b, and e1d) were assayed for in vitro complement ...19852410632
the isoelectric focusing of keratins in hair followed by silver isoelectric focusing method followed by silver staining has been developed for the study of keratins which is as effective as two-dimensional electrophoresis and fluorography for hair species identification. hair from dogs, rabbits, horses, cows, guinea-pigs, donkeys, sheep and cats were successfully identified. narrow ph ranges were used to observe heterogeneity in human hair. although this heterogeneity may be affected by environmental conditions, it may be of use in criminalistics.19852416657
processing of an anglerfish somatostatin precursor to a hydroxylysine-containing somatostatin 28.a novel 28-residue somatostatin (ss) has been isolated from anglerfish pancreatic islets and characterized by complete edman degradation, peptide mapping, and amino acid analysis. the primary structure of this anglerfish ss-28 (ass-28) containing hydroxylysine (hyl) was established to be h-ser-val-asp-ser-thr-asn-asn-leu-pro-pro-arg-glu-arg-lys-ala-gly-cys- lys-asn-phe-tyr-trp-hyl-gly-phe-thr-ser-cys-oh. this sequence (with the exception of hydroxylysine-23, which is replaced by lysine) is ident ...19852857489
effect of hypothalamic ventromedial lesions on plasma growth hormone response to growth hormone-releasing factor in rats.the effect of ventromedial-arcuate (vmh-arc) nuclei lesions on plasma growth hormone (gh) response to human growth hormone-releasing factor (grf, 1 microgram/kg b.wt., i.v.) was studied in conscious rats after they had received chlorpromazine (cpz) or cpz plus antiserum against somatostatin (ass). when rats were pretreated with cpz alone, there was no difference in basal plasma gh level between vmh-arc lesioned rats and controls. the magnitude of plasma gh response to grf in 5 out of 6 vmh-arc l ...19852864981
experimental infection of the domestic donkey (equus asinus asinus) with a goat strain of sarcoptes scabiei, and treatment with ivermectin.donkeys were experimentally infected with sarcoptes scabiei from goats, proving that this mite is not completely host specific. the lesions produced on the donkeys were characterized by extensive areas of alopecia, covered with thin crusts and bran-like scales. the skin had many excoriations but showed no cracks or fissures. skin scrapings from the experimental lesions in donkeys contained numerous mites of all stages and skin sections showed severe histopathological changes, proving that the go ...19852865877
hormonal regulation of four urea cycle enzymes in postnatal rat liver in organ culture.the administration of hydrocortisone to 3- to 15-day-old rats increased the levels of hepatic argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) and arginase. in 13-day-old rat liver explants maintained in organ culture, ornithine carbamoyltransferase (otc), carbamoylphosphate synthetase (cps) and arginase were stimulated by betamethasone. actinomycin d prevented the responses of the latter two enzymes. dibutyryl cyclic amp raised otc, cps, ass and arginase in vitro. the responses of the latter three enzymes we ...19853013609
effects of pancreatic hormones and glucocorticosteroids on argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinase activities of rat liver during the perinatal period: in vivo and in vitro studies.the activity changes of two urea cycle enzymes, argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) and argininosuccinase (asl), were followed after corticosteroid and pancreatic hormone treatments in utero and in primary cultured fetal hepatocytes. the asl activity which was induced by glucagon or by (bu)2camp administration was enhanced by a treatment with streptozotocin for 2 days, although ass was not changed under these conditions. the activity of both enzymes was enhanced by cortisol administration in uter ...19863015569
poxvirus infection in a donkey. 19863022455
isolation of a physiologically active and a physiologically inactive mitochondrial nadh-ubiquinone reductase (complex i) from donkey hearts.the method described for the isolation of mitochondrial complex i (nadh-ubiquinone reductase) from bovine hearts could not be applied to donkey hearts as unacceptably large losses in enzyme activity occurred. this method was modified for the isolation of complex i using donkey hearts and two complexes were obtained: complex ia which was physiologically inactive and complex ib which was physiologically active as it catalyzed the reaction from nadh to ubiquinone. both complexes had relatively low ...19863085542
nucleotide sequence of the 26 s mrna of the virulent trinidad donkey strain of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus and deduced sequence of the encoded structural proteins.a cdna clone containing all of the 26 s mrna coding region of the rna genome of venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) virus, virulent strain trinidad donkey (trd), has been constructed and sequenced. the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the 26 s rna of vee virus conform to the general organization of the alphavirus subgenomic mrna. excluding the poly(a) tail, the vee 26 s rna is 3913 nucleotides long with a protein coding region of 3762 nucleotides. codon usage in the translated reg ...19863088830
[effects of dtt and thioredoxins on rat argininosuccinate synthetase activity in vitro].argininosuccinate synthetase (ass, ec, the third enzyme of urea-cycle, was studied in desactivated extracts of rat liver. the enzyme is activated, in vitro, by mg2+ ions (5 mm) and dithiothreitol (dtt: 10 mm). after reduction by dtt, thioredoxins isolated from rat liver were able to activate ass by 370%.19863091197
the effect of glucose and free fatty acids on growth hormone (gh)-releasing factor-mediated gh secretion in rats.we have examined the effect of glucose and ffa on gh-releasing factor (ghrf)-mediated gh secretion in rats under pentobarbital anesthesia. hyperglycemia did not affect gh secretion induced by administration of 20, 100, and 200 ng ghrf/100 g body weight. in contrast, gh response to 50 ng ghrf/100 g body weight in lipid heparin-treated rats, which showed high plasma ffa levels, was significantly suppressed compared with the control group (plasma peak gh: control, 1526 +/- 263 ng/ml; lipid-heparin ...19862870916
comparison of the measurement of plasma testosterone and plasma oestrogens for the diagnosis of cryptorchidism in the horse.the results of performing 1720 blood tests for equine cryptorchidism are described. using the paired sample human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg) stimulation test and measuring testosterone, 6.7 per cent of tests did not give a clear result. if only the testosterone concentration in the pre-hcg blood sample was used, this percentage rose to 14 per cent. the paired sample hcg stimulation test was 94.6 per cent accurate. a comparison was made between the paired hcg stimulation test and the measureme ...19862874021
effects of somatocrinin and a somatostatin antiserum on body and organ growth in the rat.chronic treatment with rgrf for 14 days with or without a specific antibody against somatostatin-14 were performed on 24-day old male sprague-dawley rats. serum gh concentrations were significantly increased at the time of sacrifice while growth was not affected. rgrf, possibly through its effect on gh release, stimulated lung and kidney weights, increasing water content of the latter. muscle and testes remained insensitive to grf while the heart showed signs of reduced growth. liver growth resp ...19862879776
vector potential of culicine mosquitoes in faiyum governorate, egypt.culicine mosquito populations were studied for 1 year in 2 neighboring villages in faiyum governorate, egypt. dominant species in larval collections included culex pipiens, cx. univitattus, cx. antennatus, aedes caspius and uranotaenia unguiculata; culiseta longiareolata was less common. culex pipiens accounted for 98% of 3,743 mosquitoes captured in human-biting collection (164 man-nights), 96% of 1,136 mosquitoes collected inside houses and animal sheds (396 inspections), and 98% of 15,000 mos ...19862906968
[effects of dithiothreitol and thioredoxines on the in vitro activity of enzymes of the urea cycle in rats].the five urea cycle enzymes were studied in desactivated extracts of rat liver. after reduction by dithiothreitol (dtt) and in presence of mg2+ ions, thioredoxines isolated from rat liver were able to activate carbamyl phosphate synthetase-i (cps-i) and argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) respectively by 468% and by 370%. thioredoxines were purified from adult rat liver and an antiserum was raised to these proteins. after immunologic quantitation, their level in adult rat was 0.103 mg/g liver.19862948627
effect of somatocrinin and a somatostatin antiserum on duodenal and gastric growth in the rat.this study examines the effects of somatocrinin (grf) and somatostatin antiserum (ass), jointly and separately on gastric and duodenal growth. 24-day-old rats received twice daily sc injections of saline or grf (4 and 20 micrograms x kg-1) for 14 days. ass was given ip every 2 days. alone, grf increased gastric fundus weight concomitantly with dna, rna and protein contents producing hyperplasia and hypertrophy within this gland. alone, ass increased rna and protein cellular concentrations. joint ...19862433713
effect of somatocrinin with or without a somatostatin antiserum on pancreatic growth.the current study examines the effects of somatocrinin (grf) and somatostatin antiserum (ass) alone and in combination on pancreatic growth. twenty-four-day-old rats were injected daily s.c. at 10:00 and 16:30 h for 14 days with either saline or grf (4 and 20 micrograms x kg-1). ass was given i.p. every other day. pancreatic weights and dna, rna, protein, amylase, and chymotrypsin total contents and concentrations were evaluated at the end of treatment. grf alone was associated with significant ...19862437558
replication of alphaviruses in cultures of donkey monocytes.representative strains of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (veev) and eastern equine encephalitis virus (eeev) were compared for their ability to grow in cultures of unstimulated leucocytes and monocytes derived from donkey peripheral blood. replication of epizootic and vaccine strains of veev, but not of enzootic strains was observed in this system. only a minority of monocytes supported virus replication as detected by immunofluorescence, electron microscopy and infectious center assays. e ...19863004384
xenobiotic-metabolizing enzyme activity in human non-small-cell derived lung cancer cell lines.human lung cancer cell lines in culture were investigated for the expression of monooxygenase and other xenobiotic-metabolizing enzyme activities. two bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma derived cell lines (nci-h322 and nci-h358) and two small-cell carcinoma derived cell lines (nci-h128 and nci-h69) were used. previous work has shown that nci-h322 has ultrastructural features of clara cells while nci-h358 shows characteristics of alveolar type ii cells [schuller et al., proc. am. ass. cancer res. 26, ...19863004505
studies of ebv-lymphoid cell interactions in two patients with the x-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome: normal ebv-specific hla-restricted cytotoxicity.two x-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (xlp) patients with the hypogammaglobulinemia phenotype were investigated at a time remote from their primary infection with the epstein-barr virus (ebv). the lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from these patients expressed the phenotypic markers characteristic of normal mature b lymphocytes and produced normal levels of immunoglobulins (ig). these observations imply that at least some of their b cells are phenotypically normal. the natural killer (nk) ac ...19863009061
staphylococcus hyicus in donkeys. 19863513432
apgar scores and asphyxia. results of a study and proposal for a clinical grading system.the apgar score (as) was devised in 1953 as a simple system for classifying neonatal condition at 1 minute and was later modified to include status at 5 minutes. however, studies have documented pitfalls, e.g. a poor correlation between as and acid-base status. we studied 35 infants born at term. ass were assigned by two nurses not involved in the delivery, and antepartum and postpartum events were noted. we confirmed the following: (i) labour ward staff tend to overestimate ass; (ii) there is a ...19863518083
visuomotor properties of neurons of the anterior suprasylvian gyrus in the awake cat.single cell activity was recorded from the anterior suprasylvian (ass) gyrus of cats trained to orient their gaze toward visual or auditory stimuli. sixty-five fixation cells were activated or suppressed as long as the animals were attentive to a particular region of space in the tangential or in the radial direction. most of these fixation cells were neither light nor sound sensitive. fifty-five cells were activated in relation to saccades. fourteen neurons were active before and 41 after the o ...19863519268
immunoassays for low concentrations of albumin in urine.we have developed and validated simple, rapid immunoassays to measure concentrations of albumin in urine ranging from 5 to 200 mg/l. we use antiserum to human albumin, raised in sheep, and we separate the antibody-bound and free fractions of albumin by using a second antiserum, produced in donkeys, against the fc fragment of sheep igg. these two antisera can be mixed and added to assay tubes as a single reagent without inhibiting antigen binding. samples or standards are incubated for at least 3 ...19863521940
[natural infection of equus asinus by leishmania braziliensis braziliensis-bahia, brazil].in corte de pedra, valença, state of bahia, a donkey, equus asinus, was found naturally infected with leishmania braziliensis braziliensis. the parasite was isolated from a lesion located on a castration scar, and identified by means of monoclonal antibodies.19863587004
[cutaneous leishmaniasis in a mule (equus caballus x equus asinus) in an endemic area of the state of rio de janeiro]. 19863587005
games nurses play. part 4. pin the tail on the donkey and war. 19863639697
an anatomical and endoscopic study of the nasopharynx and larynx of the donkey (equus asinus).using histological techniques, anatomical dissection, fibre optic endoscopy and radiography, the nasopharynx and larynx of the donkey were examined and described. compared with horses, donkeys have a much deeper pharyngeal recess extending 4.0-6.0 cm caudally from a constricted orifice, through which it communicates with the nasopharynx. movements of the membranous lining of the recess reflect pressure changes in the upper airways. a shallow, thumb shaped depression on the rostral face of each v ...19863693039
fungi on the hair of large mammals in egypt.the frequency of occurrence of fungi in 260 hair samples of dog, donkey and cow collected from veterinary medicine hospital of assiut university was determined. twenty-three species which belong to fifteen genera were collected. in low frequency, several dermatophytes (chrysosporium, microsporum, arthroderma and trichophyton) were found as well as some other fungal species pathogenic to man and animals (aspergillus fumigatus, stachybotrys chartarum, scopulariopsis brevicaulis and cephalosporium ...19863713793
quantitation of serum amyloid p component by an enzyme-linked immunoassay.a solid phase enzyme-linked immunoassay (elisa) for the murine acute-phase reactant, serum amyloid p component (sap), was developed. the assay is based on our finding of a calcium-dependent binding of sap to trinitrophenyl-conjugated proteins. the wells of polystyrene microtiter plates are coated with trinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (tnp-klh), then incubated with sap-containing samples. the amount of sap is determined by indirect elisa, wells being sequentially incubated with rabbit ...19863722822
citrullinemia: quantitative deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase in the liver.two cases of citrullinemia were reported. case 1 was an one month old female. her clinical course and findings were different from the fulminant type of neonatal citrullinemia reported in predominantly caucasian countries. our patient was well controlled under a low protein diet and essential amino acids till 9 months of age, but unfortunately she died of reye's like syndrome. case 2 was 31 year old male (at the time of death). he was admitted to our hospital because of hyperammonemia and mental ...19863738904
molecular determinants of alphavirus neurovirulence: nucleotide and deduced protein sequence changes during attenuation of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the structural proteins of the tc-83 vaccine strain of venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) virus have been determined from a cdna clone containing the 26s mrna coding region. a cdna clone encoding the equivalent region of the virulent parent vee virus [trinidad donkey strain (trd)] has been sequenced previously. comparison of the sequences of the tc-83 and trd cdna clones revealed 13 nucleotide differences. neither the organization of the struc ...19863755750
characteristics of cells derived from the girdle region of the pre-implantation blastocyst of the donkey.the establishment of a monolayer culture of cells derived from the girdle region of a 34-day-old donkey conceptus is described. these cells have had over 100 repeated passages in culture. low levels of pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (pmsg, ecg) could be detected in the cells by indirect immunofluorescence using some monoclonal anti-ecg antibodies, but the cells did not secrete ecg as measured by radioimmunoassay or inhibition of haemagglutination. there was marked nuclear polymorphism with ...19863779812
gastro-intestinal helminths of donkeys in burkina faso.thirty adult donkeys from burkina faso were necropsied and their gastro-intestinal worm burdens counted and determined. the strongylids were the most abundant species with a prevalence of 100% for strongylus vulgaris. four species of strongylus, two of triodontophorus and six of the cyathostominae were recovered. all of the animals were also infested with habronematid nematodes, but oxyurid and ascaridid nematodes were found in low numbers. in addition to the nematodes, the paramphistomid tremat ...19863799012
dourine in southern africa 1981-1984: serological findings from the veterinary research institute, onderstepoort.the distribution of positive dourine cases found on the complement fixation test at the veterinary research institute, onderstepoort from 1981 to 1984, is recorded. within the republic of south africa, foci of infection occurred in the johannesburg, pretoria, potchefstroom, rustenburg, upington, lichtenburg, kroonstad, louis trichardt, middelburg (cape) and mossel bay state veterinary districts. in bophuthatswana, transkei, lesotho, south west africa and swaziland, positive cases were also recor ...19863806561
[normal values of the hematological, biochemical and enzymological indices of the donkey].studied were a total of 85 (33 male and 52 female) donkeys of the martina franca breed of the domestic ass, aged from one to twelve years. stated are the results for the normal values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, esr, total erythrocyte and leukocyte counts, leukocyte formula, blood sugar, cholesterin, urea, total protein and protein fractions, some micro- and macroelements, and enzymes as tabulated in four diagrams. no differences have been established with regard to sex. it has been found that wi ...19863811208
species-specific non-expression of ribosomal rna genes in a mammalian hybrid, the mule.the expression of nucleolus organizer activity in diploid cells was investigated in a model system for mammalian hybrids, the horse-ass cross (mule), by means of sequential ag-nor and chromomycin a3/distamycin a-dapi (cdd) staining in lectin-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl). as a rule we found species-specific non-expression of the horse-derived nor chromosomes in the mule, whereas the ass-derived nor chromosomes were active. the results of pbl interphase studies were compatible wit ...19863829827
messenger rna coding for argininosuccinate synthetase in citrullinemia.messenger rna coding for argininosuccinate synthetase (ass), extracted from the livers of some patients with citrullinemia, was analyzed using a cell-free translation system and dot and northern blot hybridization with cdna probe for ass. in patients with quantitative-type citrullinemia, called type ii here, previous studies have demonstrated that the hepatic content of the enzyme was about 10% of the control value, whereas the translatable mrna level for the enzyme was similar to that of contro ...19863459354
macroscopic organization and sensitive innervation of the tendinous intersection and the lacertus fibrosus of the biceps brachii muscle in the ass and horse.the most developed and organized lamina running trough the biceps brachii muscle belly forms a well-marked tendinous intersection connecting the proximal tendon with the distal one. moreover, the lacertus fibrosus arises from this lamina close to the distal tendon and blends with the fascia of the forearm and joins the extensor carpi radialis muscle. the nerve supply for the biceps tendinous intersection arises from the intramuscular rami of the musculo-cutaneous nerve, whereas the lacertus fibr ...19863153560
[note on gasterophilosis in donkeys in burkina faso]. 19863589069
[establishment of a re-entrant ileo-cecal fistula in equidae].a re-entrant cannulation of the digestive tract was performed in equidae (ponies and donkeys) between the distal extremity of the ileum and the base of the caecum. the operative technique was conceived to avoid risks of infection of the peritoneal cavity: the openings of the ileum and of the caecum were achieved only after the closure of the abdominal wall incision. two donkeys were still alive ten months after the operation. this method can provide a convenient model for digestibility studies i ...19873579180
extraspecific donkey-in-horse pregnancy as a model of early fetal death.transfer of donkey embryos to horse mares provides a useful model of early fetal death. endometrial cups do not develop in this one type of extraspecific pregnancy and 80% of donkey fetuses are aborted between days 80 and 100 of gestation in conjunction with abnormal implantation and an intense accumulation of leucocytes in the endometrium of the surrogate mare. treatment of mares carrying donkey conceptuses with progestagen (allyl trenbolone) or purified horse chorionic gonadotrophin does not p ...19873479576
clinical and endocrine aspects of the oestrous cycle in donkeys (equus asinus).oestrous behaviour and occurrence of ovulation was studied in 13 jenny asses (3-18 years) during a 15-month period. teasing was performed daily and follicular growth, ovulation and changes of the genitalia were checked every other day by rectal palpation during dioestrus or the anovulatory season or daily during oestrus and when a follicle greater than or equal to 3 cm in diameter was present. plasma oestrogens and progesterone levels were measured by radioimmunoassay (ria). of the 13 jennies, 6 ...19873479584
anti-antibody enhancement of iodine-131 anti-cea radioimmunodetection in experimental and clinical studies.imaging of tumors with radiolabeled antibodies, especially when located in the blood-rich visceral organs, may be improved through administration of a second antibody directed against the primary tumor-associated antibody. in hamsters bearing a human colonic carcinoma xenograft producing carcinoembryonic antigen (cea), we injected donkey anti-goat igg 24 hr after administration of 131i-labeled goat anti-cea igg and achieved enhanced tumor imaging 24-48 hr later, with a significant relative decre ...19873498807
evolution of nuclear gene families in primates. copy-number variation in the argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) pseudogene family and the anonymous dna sequence, d1s1.changes in the copy number of nuclear genes provide the raw material for the creation of new gene functions. to better understand the mechanisms for such events, and their physiologic and evolutionary consequences, it is valuable to study a well characterized and closely related group of species such as primates. fortuitously, most of the powerful molecular techniques and dna probes developed for research in humans are equally applicable to non-human primates. we review what is known of copy num ...19873505891
a technique for elective splenectomy of equidae using a transthoracic approach.splenectomy was performed electively on 80 ponies, horses, and donkeys for preparation in collecting babesia antigens. access to the abdomen was by resection of the sixteenth left rib and incision of the diaphragm. the technique afforded good exposure of the splenic vessels and attachments. closure was facilitated by preservation of the periosteum of the resected rib. difficulty was encountered both in surgical technique and postoperative complications in obese animals. the transthoracic approac ...19873507171
overwintering of non-migrating strongyles in donkeys in the highveld of zimbabwe.three two-year-old male donkeys from a communal area in the highveld of zimbabwe were necropsied in july, the middle of the dry season. the strongylid populations of the three animals were very similar. approximately 80 per cent of these populations consisted of adult worms and only just over 10 per cent were early third stage larvae. the most common species were cylicostephanus minutus, cyathostomum montgomeryi, cylicocyclus nassatus and cylicocyclus auriculatus. nine other species of non-migra ...19873589174
the application of a simple ria technique for the detection of 19-oh f1 alpha/f2 alpha prostaglandin, a specific semen marker, in semen contaminated vaginal swabs: time since intercourse studies.the specificity of the 19-oh f1 alpha/f2 alpha prostaglandin antisera for the detection of semen in seminal/vaginal mixtures, has been evaluated. using a parallel curve test we found that the antibody showed a high specificity for these seminal prostaglandins in seminal/vaginal mixtures at concentrations of between 2 pg and 40 pg/100 microliter. the precision of the assay has been improved by the use of a donkey-anti-rabbit ferritin-bound second antibody. the application of this detection system ...19873596402
successful transfer of the embryos of przewalski's horses (equus przewalskii) and grant's zebra (e. burchelli) to domestic mares (e. caballus).blastocysts were collected non-surgically from 2 przewalski's horse and 2 grant's zebra mares and transferred extra-specifically to domestic horse and donkey recipients. nine przewalski's horse embryos were transferred surgically, and 2 non-surgically, to domestic welsh-type pony mares. after surgical transfer, 7 (77.8%) pregnancies were established and 4 foals were born. twelve grant's zebra embryos were transferred surgically to 5 pony and 7 domestic donkey recipients respectively and 1 non-su ...19873598950
tick infestations on livestock in the yemen arab republic and their potential as vectors of livestock diseases.a survey of ticks on cattle, camels, sheep, goats and donkeys in four different geographical locations of the yemen arab republic (yar) was carried out to provide more information on the possible risk of tick-borne diseases to imported exotic cattle included in the yar's plans for livestock development. the most abundant ticks were hyalomma spp. particularly on camels. ticks found on cattle included hyalomma spp., amblyomma variegatum, boophilus annulatus and rhipicephalus spp. in general with t ...19873603710
liquid and solid two-phase radioimmunoassay--simultaneous measurement of levels of triiodothyronine and thyroxine of human serum in a single specimen.the principle of the liquid and solid two-phase radioimmunoassay and its application to measuring the concentrations of triiodothyronine and thyroxine of human serum in a single sample at the same time are described in this paper. rabbit anti-triiodothyronine antiserum was immobilized on the inner surface of a plastic tube as solid-phase radioimmunoassay system of testing triiodothyronine and donkey anti-rabbit gamma globulin antiserum was used to separate immunocomplex in liquid-phase radioimmu ...19873616602
anaerobic bacteria associated with dental abscesses in the horse and donkey. 19873622470
development of a noncompetitive, solid phase, bridged biotin-avidin enzyme immunoassay for measurement of human leukocyte microsomal hmg-coa reductase protein concentration.methods were developed for determination of human mononuclear leukocyte hmg-coa reductase protein concentration by a noncompetitive, solid phase, bridged biotin-avidin enzyme immunoassay procedure. leukocyte microsomal hmg-coa reductase, first immobilized onto a nitrocellulose filter, is sequentially reacted with 1) monospecific, polyclonal rabbit anti-rat liver hmg-coa reductase antiserum, which crossreacts with the human liver and leukocyte enzymes; 2) biotinylated donkey anti-rabbit immunoglo ...19873553404
incidence and monthly prevalence of gasterophilus spp. larvae (diptera: gasterophilidae) in the stomach of donkeys (equus asinus) in egypt.the stomachs of 118 donkeys were examined at postmortem during the period from march 1982 to february 1983 for gasterophilus spp. larvae. g. intestinalis larvae clustered in groups near the boundary of the glandular and non-glandular epithelium of the stomach and infested 98.3% of the donkeys with highest numbers in july and lowest numbers in october. g. nasalis larvae were mainly attached near the pylorus and first part of the duodenum and infested 87.3% of donkeys with highest incidence in dec ...19873564358
long-term circulatory and respiratory support using two artificial ventricles and a fluorocarbon oxygenator.using a new heart-lung machine developed at our institute, experiments were conducted on dogs, donkeys, and monkeys, providing complete and assisted artificial circulation, assisted oxygenation, and perfusion preservation of the heart. the new apparatus consists of two sequentially mounted artificial ventricles working in an antiphase mode; blood oxygenation is accomplished by a reusable oxygenator with a fluorocarbon preoxygenator. experimental results indicate that clinical use of the apparatu ...19873566581
five cases of psoroptic mange in the domestic donkey (equus asinus asinus) and treatment with ivermectin. 19873569197
structure of an abnormal messenger rna for argininosuccinate synthetase in citrullinemia.the structural abnormality of mrna for argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) and the structure of immune cross-reactive material for ass (ass-crm) in the liver of a patient with type iii citrullinemia were analyzed using dot and northern blot hybridization, s1 nuclease analysis, and a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. the patient's liver contained no detectable ass activity, the ass-crm content was about 0.5% of that in the control and the ass mrna content was almost normal. the ass mrna ...19873570300
molecular basis of enzyme abnormalities in urea cycle disorders. with special reference to citrullinemia and argininosuccinic aciduria.this paper deals with enzymological, immunochemical and molecular genetic analyses of citrullinemia and argininosuccinic aciduria. citrullinemia has been classified by saheki et al. [j. inher. metab. dis. 8: 155-156, 1985] into three types from the properties of the deficient argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) of the patients. analysis of hepatic mrna coding for ass revealed certain characteristics in type ii and iii citrullinemic patients whose hepatic ass protein was low. a newly developed enz ...19873440446
the transstadial transmission of babesia caballi by rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi.rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi larvae were fed on the ears of rabbits. seven days after larval infestation, unfed, newly moulted nymphae were manually removed to infest a splenectomized donkey showing a patent babesia caballi infection. engorged nymphae were collected from the donkey and the ensuing adult ticks were placed on a susceptible horse. the horse contracted a b. caballi infection showing a prepatent period of 19 days after tick infestation. a very low parasitaemia, (highest score 2), wh ...19873444624
phase-derivative imaging. i: methods and stabilization analysis.the potential of using the phase derivative (pd) for echographic imaging was investigated. the pd data were calculated by four methods: zero crossing (zcs) with squelch addition, analytic signal either with squelch addition (ass) or with employment of a wiener kernel (asw), and unwrapped phase (uwp). the large peaks which occur in an unprocessed pd signal were "stabilized" by some kind of smoothing algorithm. the effects of the amplitude of the squelch signal and of the degree of smoothing were ...19873445400
[frequency of the isolation of staphylococci from domestic animals and strain identification].staphylococci occur in donkeys more frequently than in other animals, and only from donkeys coagulase-negative staphylococci, characteristic of humans (s. hominis, s. capitis, s. cohnii), were isolated. least frequently staphylococcal carrier state was registered in cats; in these animals only coagulase-negative strains were found to occur. from 30 donkeys coagulase-positive staphylococci belonging to 47 s. aureus strains were isolated. these strains differed from known ecological variants in th ...19873445728
clinical application of enzyme immunoassay in the analysis of citrullinemia.we have developed a sensitive enzyme immunoassay (eia) for the quantification of argininosuccinate synthetase (ass) in the range of 0.05-1 ng/tube using a fab'-peroxidase conjugate prepared with maleimide compound devised by ishikawa et al. amounts of hepatic ass in control subjects were determined by this method with the purified enzyme as a standard and their specific activities were calculated to be 1.3-1.4 mumol product/min (u)/mg of ass, which was quite similar to that of the purified enzym ...19873297428
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