Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
the influence of bee venom on the osmotic fragility of human red blood cells. | 1968 | 5690804 | |
antibacterial action of melittin, a polypeptide from bee venom. | 1968 | 4870538 | |
[the effect of x-ray irradiation on the phagocytosis of mycobacterium tuberculosis of the avian type. (an experimental study using the model of the bee moth larva)]. | 1968 | 4971002 | |
histamine release from lung tissue of rat induced by bee venom fractions and compound 48-80. | 1968 | 4175461 | |
[mcd-peptide from bee venom: isolation, biochemical and pharmacolgical properties]. | 1968 | 4235474 | |
mcl-peptide, a selectively mastocytolytic factor isolated from bee venom. | 1968 | 4239165 | |
the multiplication of sacbrood virus in the adult honeybee. | 1968 | 5684126 | |
slow and spike potentials recorded from retinula cells of the honeybee drone in response to light. | responses to light recorded by means of intracellular microelectrodes in isolated heads kept in oxygenated ringer solution consist of a slow depolarization. light adaptation increases the rates of depolarization and repolarization and decreases the amplitude of the response. qualitatively these changes are similar to those observed in limulus by fuortes and hodgkin. they are rapidly reversible during dark adaptation. in retinula cells of the drone eye a large single spike is recorded superimpose ... | 1968 | 5722083 |
microbial inhibition by prepupae of the alkali bee, nomia melanderi. | 1968 | 5716585 | |
bee stings in south africa. | 1968 | 5304107 | |
novel fatty acids from the royal jelly of honeybees (apis mellifera, l.). | three new compounds isolated from the royal jelly of honeybees (apis mellifera, l.) have been identified as 8-hydroxyoctanoic acid, 3-hydroxydecanoic acid and a dextrorotatory isomer of 3,10-dihydroxydecanoic acid. | 1968 | 17805809 |
effect of bee envenomation on local tissue response in varicella. | 1968 | 5245874 | |
the venom of the honeybee (apis mellifera): free amino acids and peptides. | 1968 | 5687646 | |
a surfactant bee venom fraction: separation on a newly devised constant-flow-rate chromatographic column and detection by changes in effluent drop volume. nrdl-tr-68-94. | 1968 | 5305442 | |
haemolymph esterases in the female larval honeybee, apis mellifera l., during caste development. | 1968 | 5725458 | |
[the problem of bacterial septicemia in the honeybee (apis mellifica) and the possibilities of an effective therapy]. | 1968 | 5696032 | |
insect pheromones. | the evidence for intraspecies chemical communication in insects is reviewed, with emphasis on those studies where known organic compounds have been implicated. these signal-carrying chemicals are known as pheromones. there are two distinct types of pheromones, releasers and primers. releaser pheromones initiate immediate behavioral responses in insects upon reception, while primer pheromones cause physiological changes in an animal that ultimately result in a behavior response. chemically identi ... | 1968 | 4882034 |
pigment studies on several eye-colour mutants of the honey bee, apis mellifera. | 1968 | 5673013 | |
[development-dependent mitochondrial enzyme activities in honey bee castes]. | 1968 | 4299692 | |
[the tick fauna of a bee colony]. | 1968 | 5753926 | |
an electron microscope study of the process of differentiation during spermatogenesis in the drone honey bee (apis mellifera l.) with special reference to centriole replication and elimination. | 1968 | 5683704 | |
effect of the time day at which honeybee colonies are first allowed flight in a new location on their choice of flower species. | 1968 | 5693045 | |
bee and wasp stings. | 1968 | 5655328 | |
[a complex method of eradication of foulbrood in bee colonies]. | 1968 | 5744213 | |
bee stings and schizophrenia. | 1968 | 5239954 | |
[on directed incorporation of biopterin into the organism. i. histoautoradiographic studiesin the honey bee (apis mellifica)]. | 1968 | 4385923 | |
[f. c. napp andj. g. mendel a contribution to the prehistory ofmendel's experiments]. | on the centenary of the death off. c. napp (22. 7. 1867), abbot of the st. thomas-monastery of old-brünn, who admittedj. g. mendel in his convent, enabled him to study natural science and to carry out his experiments, and on the centenary of the election ofmendel to succeednapp as abbot (31. 3. 1868), we take note of the relationship between these two men as it concerns the discoveries ofmendel. following a short biography ofnapp we appreciate his service to agriculture and its basic sciences. w ... | 1968 | 24442214 |
[a serious condition following a bee sting]. | 1968 | 5663848 | |
the purification and properties of chornic bee-paralysis virus. | 1968 | 4968339 | |
[microelectrophoretic studies of the hemolymph of the honeybee, as model for testing the effects of pesticides on arthropods]. | 1968 | 5719572 | |
afterpotentials of the visual cell of the honey-bee drone. | 1968 | 5719361 | |
mechanical properties of the flight muscle of the bee. 3. the reversibility of extreme degrees of stretch. | 1968 | 5711521 | |
mechanical properties of the flight muscle of the bee. ii. active isometric tension at different muscle lengths. | 1968 | 5711520 | |
[contribution to the inhalation anesthesia of the honey-bearing bee (apis mellifera l.)]. | 1968 | 5681903 | |
source of the ether-soluble organies of stings of the honey bee, apis mellifera (hymenoptera: apidae). | 1968 | 5636729 | |
comparative structural properties of honeybee and rabbit alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenases. | 1969 | 4307630 | |
release of histamine and formation of smooth-muscle stimulating principles in guinea-pig lung tissue induced by antigen and bee venom phosphatidase a. | 1969 | 4186573 | |
studies on the histamine releasing effect of bee venom fractions and compound 48-80 on skin and lung tissue of the rat. | 1969 | 4186932 | |
[adjuvant effect of bee glue in vaccine against parathyphoid in calves]. | 1969 | 4984149 | |
[on the biological activity of the bee venom melittin]. | 1969 | 4388835 | |
biochemical polymorphisms in bees (apis mellifera ligustica). | 1969 | 5791728 | |
chromatographic fractions of bee venom: cytotoxicity for mouse bone marrow stem cells. | 1969 | 5824335 | |
chemical sterilization of honey bee spermatozoa in vitro. | 1969 | 5358349 | |
[bee stings]. | 1969 | 5367278 | |
[microorganisms in bee honey and their role in foam fermentation]. | 1969 | 5372561 | |
fine structure of the visual system of the honeybee (apis mellifera). i. the retina. | 1969 | 5361611 | |
[study of a virus isolated from bee larvae with european foul-brood]. | 1969 | 5408488 | |
[study of a virus isolated from bee larvas with european foulbrood]. | 1969 | 5376151 | |
[caste-specific study of the mitochondrial cytochrome system of the honey bee (apis mellifica l)]. | 1969 | 5352313 | |
the origin of the nucleic acid bases found in the royal jelly of the honeybee. | the discovery that the royal jelly of the honeybee contains large quantities of nucleic acids raises the question, "where do these nucleic acids come from?" a review of pertinent literature strongly suggests that the same mechanism is involved as in the case of the extrachromosomal dna of amphibian oocytes. | 1969 | 16591784 |
interreceptor coupling in ommatidia of drone honeybee and locust compound eyes. | 1969 | 5350380 | |
cellular basis of colour vision in the honey bee. | 1969 | 5799543 | |
proteins in the spermathecare and haemolymph of the queen bee (apis mellifica l. var. ligustica spin.). | 1969 | 4980764 | |
[results of desensitization with allpyral extracts in bee and wasp sting allergies]. | 1969 | 5805592 | |
optics of arthropod compound eye. | the extent to which light can escape from one ommatidium into its neighbors in the compound eye has been examined by recording from single receptors during stimulation of single facets. in the "apposition" eye of the drone honeybee and locust, optical interaction is extremely small. in the "superposition" eye of the crayfish, more than half the light captured by the average cell gets in through neighboring facets, even when screening pigments are in the fully lightadapted position. | 1969 | 17840700 |
a disease of the honey bee causing behavioral changes and mortality. | 1969 | 5816958 | |
respiration of queen and worker honeybee larvae on differentially labelled glucose-c14. | 1969 | 5804472 | |
a surfactant bee venom fraction: separation on a newly devised constant flow rate chromatographic column and detection by changes in effluent drop volume. | 1969 | 5791469 | |
the structural basis of the elastic properties in the flight muscle of the bee. | 1969 | 4896034 | |
bee and wasp stings. | 1969 | 4389592 | |
[amino acid sequence of mcd-peptide, a specific mast cell-degranulating peptide from bee venom]. | 1969 | 5789872 | |
effects of sodium, potassium, and calcium ions on slow and spike potentials in single photoreceptor cells. | the influence of changes in the ionic composition of the bathing medium on responses of the retinula cell of the honeybee drone to light was examined by means of intracellular microelectrodes. the resting potential of the cell was influenced mainly by the concentration of k. the peak of the receptor potential (the transient), which in a normal solution and with strong light approaches zero membrane potential, overshot this level in a k-rich solution. an increase in the concentration of k also ra ... | 1969 | 5769421 |
[death due to bee sting]. | 1969 | 5368857 | |
brood care in halictine bees. | four species of the halictine bee genus evylaeus keep their brood cells open during most or part of the development of the larvae. in the colonial summer phase, house bees care for the young and keep brood cells clean from feces and exuviae. progressive feeding of nector is present at least in evylaeus malachurus, whose fully fed larvae are, on an average, 60 percent heavier than the egg-and-pollen stage. interactions between the two generations of social halictinae are of general occurrence, an ... | 1969 | 5777212 |
honey bee recruitment to food sources: olfaction or language? | honey bee recruits locate food sources by olfaction and not by use of distance and direction information contained in the recruitment dance. recruitment efficiency increases as odor of the food source accumulates in the hive, from hour to hour and from day to day. flight patterns, landing patterns, bee odor, and nassanoff secretion apparently do not aid in recruitment of bees. | 1969 | 5773718 |
occurrence of octadeca-trans-2,cis-9,cis-12-trienoic acid in pollen attractive to the honey bee. | 1969 | 5769090 | |
chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide inhibition of cockroach and honey bee atpases. | 1969 | 4238469 | |
evidence for extracellular space in the rhabdome of the honeybee drone eye. | 1969 | 5765767 | |
[insects (hymenoptera) allergy. 2. common antigenicity of bee antigen]. | 1970 | 4988969 | |
[insects (hymenoptera) allergy. 3. immunological evaluation on antigenic substance in the bee]. | 1970 | 4988970 | |
flagellar bundles of the honeybee pathogen, bacillus larvae; their occurrence, size, and development in vivo and in vitro. | 1970 | 5423288 | |
total hemocyte counts of honey bee larvae (apis mellifera l.) from various elevations. | 1970 | 5483357 | |
comparison of hemorrhagic factors of the venoms of naja naja, agkistrodon piscivorus and apis mellifera. | 1970 | 5315472 | |
unusual kinetic transition in honeybee glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase. | 1970 | 4321369 | |
[sudden death after a bee sting (expert testimony considerations)]. | 1970 | 5504421 | |
phenylthioacetate: a useful substrate for the histochemical and colorimetric detection of cholinesterase. | cholinesterase from frozen sections of honey bee (apis mellifera, l.) brain hydrolyzes phenylthioacetate and acetylthiocholine to give virtually identical patterns of enzyme distribution with and without the use of paraoxon. in addition, phenylthioacetate is an economical substrate for in vitro and in vivo studies of cholinesterase. phenylthioacetate offers the advantages of being easily synthesized and lipoid soluble, and appears to penetrate membranes easily. | 1970 | 5460073 |
wasp and bee stings in children. | 1970 | 5494084 | |
[learning and memory--experiments with the honey bee]. | 1970 | 5481361 | |
solubilization, purification, and some properties of trehalase from honeybee (apis mellifera). | 1970 | 4990623 | |
coagulation of hemolymph of the larval honey bee (apis mellifera l.). | 1970 | 5452036 | |
induction of motility in honey bee (apis mellifera l.) spermatozoa by sugars. | 1970 | 5452015 | |
communication of direction by the honey bee. | in the presence of controls for site- and path-specific odors, observer and food-source scents, nasanov gland and alarm odors, visual cues, wind, and general site taxis, recruited bees were able to locate the food source indicated by the dances of returning foragers in preference to a food source located at an equal distance in the opposite direction. this was true even when foragers were simultaneously dancing to indicate two different stations. recruitment in the absence of dancing was very lo ... | 1970 | 5426774 |
the prevalence of bee sting allergy in an allergic population. | 1970 | 5536235 | |
prevalence of bee sting allergy in 4,992 boy scouts. | 1970 | 5536234 | |
[allergy to bee and wasp bites]. | 1970 | 5495030 | |
[a thin-layer chromatographic enzymatic method for semi-quantitative determination of carbaryl in dead bees using enzymes of bee brain]. | 1970 | 5481029 | |
cis-9-oxo-2-decenoic acid: synthesis and evaluation as a honey bee pheromone and masking agent. | 1970 | 5449401 | |
[comparative analysis of carbohydrate metabolism in castes of honeybee, apis mellifera]. | 1970 | 5432377 | |
presence of n-formyl- and n-acetyl-methionine in the proteins of honey bee thorax. | 1970 | 5421951 | |
[bee venom poisoning after bites by more than 500 bees]. | 1970 | 5447646 | |
[biosynthesis of cytochrome c. i. in vivo incorporation of radioactive iron (divalent 59fe) and (14c) lysine into cytochrome c of the honey bee]. | 1970 | 5446645 | |
light refractive emergence rhythm in the leafcutter bee, megachile rotundata (f.) (hymenoptera: apoidea). | 1970 | 5439604 | |
fine structure of the visual system of the honey bee (apis mellifera). ii. the lamina. | 1970 | 5442605 | |
the optics of the compound eye of the honeybee (apis mellifera). | the optical system of the compound eye of the worker honeybee, as a representative of the closed-rhabdom type of eye, was investigated and its function analyzed. measurements of refractive indices of the elements of the optical system were made with an interference microscope. with the use of the resulting measurements, the optical system was analyzed by means of a ray-tracing procedure implemented for the ibm 7094 digital computer, and by means of the gaussian thick lens formulae. the more deta ... | 1970 | 5520506 |
[radioprotection by bee venom]. | 1970 | 5266622 | |
sex control by bees: a voluntary act of egg fertilization during oviposition. | the alfalfa leaf-cutter bee, megachile rotundata, stops abdominal contractions briefly during oviposition of female eggs but not during oviposition of male eggs. sperm stored in the spermatheca probably is pumped onto the micropyle of the egg during this pause. the stimulus inducing fertilization seems to be associated with the depth of the nesting tunnel. | 1970 | 5409486 |
[use of enzymes from bee brain for semi-quantitative thin-layer chromatography and enzymatic determination of insecticide organophosphate in poisoned bees]. | 1970 | 5512684 | |
[effect of food-juice of the queen bee (royal jelly) on the peripheral blood and the survival rate of mice after whole body x-irradiation]. | 1970 | 5508605 | |
isolation of the mucin binding glycoprotein from royal jelly of bee. | 1970 | 5506587 | |
[unified system of reflecting spatial relations in the outside world by the honey bee apis mellifera l]. | 1970 | 5472860 |