
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
an enzyme from the earthworm eisenia fetida is not only a protease but also a deoxyribonuclease.the earthworm enzyme eisenia fetida protease-iii-1 (efp-iii-1) is known as a trypsin-like protease which is localized in the alimentary canal of the earthworm. here, we show that efp-iii-1 also acts as a novel deoxyribonuclease. unlike most dnases, this earthworm enzyme recognizes 5'-phosphate dsdna (5'p dna) and degrades it without sequence specificity, but does not recognize 5'oh dna. as is the case for most dnases, mg(2+) was observed to markedly enhance the dnase activity of efp-iii-1. wheth ...201121362403
evaluation of the effectiveness of various amendments on trace metals stabilization by chemical and biological methods.we evaluated the effects of five different kinds of amendments on heavy metals stabilization. the five amendments were: zero valent iron, limestone, acid mine drainage treatment sludge, bone mill, and bottom ash. to determine bioavailability of the heavy metals, different chemical extraction procedures were used such as, extraction with (ca(no(3))(2), dtpa; toxic characteristic leaching procedure (tclp), physiologically based extraction test (pbet) that simulates gastric juice, and sequential ex ...201121333442
natural variability and correlations in the metabolic profile of healthy eisenia fetida earthworms observed using ¹h nmr metabolomics.¹h nmr metabolomics can be used to assess the sub-lethal toxicity of contaminants to earthworms by identifying alterations in the metabolic profiles of contaminant- exposed earthworms in contrast to those of healthy (control) individuals. in support of this method this study sought to better characterize the baseline metabolic profile of healthy, mature earthworms of the species, eisenia fetida, which is recommended for both acute and sub-lethal toxicity testing for soil contaminants. profiles o ...201121316730
suitability of lysosomal membrane stability in eisenia fetida as biomarker of soil copper contamination.accumulated metals in soils negatively affect dwelling organisms. earthworms, which are widespread and perform various essential functions, are able to accumulate metals that can damage the coelomic cells. the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect on eisenia fetida lysosomal membrane stability both during and after copper exposure, and finally to link this to internal concentrations. e. fetida specimens were exposed to a reference soil and two cu-spiked soils (35 and 350 mg kg(-1) d.w.) fo ...201121296422
accumulation of 14c-trinitrotoluene and related nonextractable (bound) residues in eisenia determine if trinitrotoluene (tnt) forms nonextractable residues in earthworms and to measure the relative degree of accumulation as compared to tnt and its deaminated metabolites, eisenia fetida was exposed to 14c-tnt using dermal contact to filter paper or exposure to soil. nonextractable residues made up 32-68% of total body burden depending on exposure media and depuration time. parent tnt accounted for less than 3% of radioactivity, while adnts accounted for 7-38%. elimination half-lives ...201121295392
aporrectodea caliginosa, a suitable earthworm species for field based genotoxicity assessment?there is a growing interest for the application of biomakers to field-collected earthworms. therefore we have evaluated the usability of native populations of endogeic, widely distributed earthworm aporrectodea caliginosa in the assessment of soil genotoxicity using the comet assay. validation of the comet assay on earthworm coelomocytes has been established using commercially available eisenia fetida exposed to copper, cadmium, and pentachlorophenol, along with a. caliginosa exposed to copper i ...201121292364
earthworms and soil pollutants.although the toxicity of metal contaminated soils has been assessed with various bioassays, more information is needed about the biochemical responses, which may help to elucidate the mechanisms involved in metal toxicity. we previously reported that the earthworm, eisenia fetida, accumulates cadmium in its seminal vesicles. the bio-accumulative ability of earthworms is well known, and thus the earthworm could be a useful living organism for the bio-monitoring of soil pollution. in this short re ...201122247659
effects of different gamma exposure regimes on reproduction in the earthworm eisenia fetida (oligochaeta).ecological risk assessment of ionising radiation requires knowledge about the responses of individuals and populations to chronic exposures, including situations when exposure levels change over time. the present study investigated processes such as recovery and the adaptive response with respect to reproduction endpoints in the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to (60)co γ-radiation. furthermore, a crossed experiment was performed to investigate the influence of f0 parental and f1 embryonic irra ...201122033357
acute and reproductive toxicity of nano-sized metal oxides (zno and tio₂) to earthworms (eisenia fetida).an increase in nanomaterial applications will likely lead to an increased probability of environmental exposures, raising concerns regarding the safety of these materials. recent studies have indicated that manufactured nanomaterials, such as metal oxides, have the potential to be harmful to aquatic and terrestrial organisms. the majority of nano-metal oxide research addressing potential toxicological issues has been focused in aquatic environments with very little terrestrial data. this study c ...201122020256
purification and characterization of novel fibrinolytic proteases as potential antithrombotic agents from earthworm perionyx excavatus.six protease fractions, namely fi, fii, fiii-1, fiii-2, fiii-3 and fiv, were isolated from perionyx excavatus earthworm biomass by acetone precipitation, followed by serial chromatography using anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography. all fractions exhibited strong hydrolytic activity towards casein. the activity of six fractions towards fibrin, determined by fibrin plate assay, ranged from 44 to 831 plasmin and ranked as fiii-3 > fiii-2 > fi > fiii-1 ...201121961566
gene expression analysis of 4 biomarker candidates in eisenia fetida exposed to an environmental metallic trace elements gradient: a microcosm study.past activities of 2 smelters (metaleurop nord and nyrstar) led to the accumulation of high amounts of metal trace elements (tes) in top soils of the noyelles-godault/auby area, northern france. earthworms were exposed to polluted soils collected in this area to study and better understand the physiological changes, the mechanisms of acclimation, and detoxification resulting from te exposure. previously we have cloned and transcriptionally characterized potential biomarkers from immune cells of ...201121937088
uptake and toxicity of spiked nickel to earthworm eisenia fetida in a range of chinese soils.bioavailability and toxicity of metals to soil organisms varies among different soils, and knowledge of this variance is useful for the development of soil environmental quality guidelines. in the present study, laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the effects of variations in nickel (ni) uptake and toxicity on growth, cocoon output, and juvenile production in the earthworm eisenia fetida in 13 chinese soils spiked with nickel chloride. body weight development of e. fetida was ra ...201121898557
metabolic responses of eisenia fetida after sub-lethal exposure to organic contaminants with different toxic modes of action.nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr)--based metabolomics has the potential to identify toxic responses of contaminants within a mixture in contaminated soil. this study evaluated the metabolic response of eisenia fetida after exposure to an array of organic compounds to determine whether contaminant-specific responses could be identified. the compounds investigated in contact tests included: two pesticides (carbaryl and chlorpyrifos), three pharmaceuticals (carbamazephine, estrone and caffeine), two ...201121856054
enhancement of rural domestic sewage treatment performance, and assessment of microbial community diversity and structure using tower vermifiltration.the performance of a novel three-stage vermifiltration (vf) system using the earthworm, eisenia fetida, for rural domestic wastewater treatment was studied during a 131-day period. the average removal efficiencies of the tower vf planted with penstemon campanulatus were as follows: chemical oxygen demand, 81.3%; ammonium, 98%; total nitrogen, 60.2%; total phosphorus, 98.4%; total nitrogen, mainly in the form of nitrate. soils played an important role in removing the organic matter. the three-sec ...201121852122
avoidance, weight loss, and cocoon production assessment for eisenia fetida exposed to c₆₀ in soil.eisenia fetida was used as a model terrestrial organism to assess the potential ecotoxicity of molecular pristine c₆₀ in soil. reproduction (assessed by counting cocoon numbers) was hindered only at very high c₆₀ concentrations (5% by weight), and c₆₀ (up to 1%) was not avoided and did not hinder earthworm growth. this suggests that e. fetida is unlikely to experience acute toxicity as a result of c₆₀ occurrence in soil. whether sublethal toxicity may decrease earthworm populations that are chro ...201121842489
influence of activated carbon amendment on the accumulation and elimination of pcbs in the earthworm eisenia this study we investigated the use of activated carbon (ac) as a soil amendment for reducing bioavailability of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) to the earthworm eisenia fetida. artificial soil was contaminated with pcbs and used in bioaccumulation experiments fresh or after aging for 19 months. pcb bioaccumulation in earthworms was reduced by 68% when ac was placed as a layer without mixing and by 94% when ac was manually mixed into the soil. aging of the same ac mixed soil for 19 months res ...201121840094
comparing the sensitivity of soil invertebrates to pesticides with that of eisenia fetida.the sole routine testing of the standard earthworm eisenia fetida for the terrestrial risk assessment of pesticides has been under much debate since other soil invertebrates may be more sensitive than this standard test species. however, the very low availability of laboratory toxicity data for taxa other than e. fetida has greatly hampered sensitivity comparisons. in the present study, the relative tolerance (t(rel)) approach was used to enable comparing toxicity thresholds obtained from the us ...201121840031
analysis of genetic diversity in earthworms using dna markers.earthworms are one of the most important and beneficial macrofauna, and are used extensively in organic farming. earthworms mediate soil biological regulation systems, and produce biogenic structures. they help to maintain soil structure, water infiltration, and regulate the availability of nutrients assimilated by plants. the objectives of this study were to perform morphological and molecular characterizations of 24 earthworm individuals collected from geographically diverse locations to asses ...201121186943
using estimates of metal bioavailability in the soil and genetic variation of allozymes to investigate heavy metal tolerance in the earthworm eisenia fetida (oligochaeta).in a recent study, we showed that the earthworm species eisenia fetida, inhabiting an extremely high metal polluted compost heap on a wine farm, did not have elevated body loads of the metals but exhibited genotoxic tolerance when exposed to cd in the laboratory (voua otomo and reinecke, 2010). to unravel the mechanism behind the surprisingly low metal body burdens on one hand and genotoxic tolerance on the other hand, we investigated the estimated bioavailability of these metals (cu, zn, pb and ...201121831430
induction and repair of dna strand breaks and oxidised bases in somatic and spermatogenic cells from the earthworm eisenia fetida after exposure to ionising radiation.methods for analysing oxidised dna lesions [formamidopyrimidine glycosylase (fpg)-sensitive sites] in coelomocytes and spermatogenic cells from the earthworm eisenia fetida using the fpg-modified comet assay were established. the dna integrity (ssbs = strand breaks plus alkali labile sites and fpg-sensitive sites) in cells from e. fetida continuously exposed to (60)co gamma-radiation (dose rates 0.18-43 mgy/h) during two subsequent generations (f0 and f1) were measured and related to effects on ...201121825113
individual and combined toxic effects of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos on earthworm.toxicities were assessed for a pyrethroid (cypermethrin) and an organophosphate insecticide (chlorpyrifos) individually and in combination. a series of tests were conducted on different responses (acute, chronic, behavioral) of earthworms of species eisenia fetida andrei in the ecological risk assessment of these pesticides. the results showed that the toxicity of the mixture of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos was significantly higher than either of these pesticides individually, especially on the ...201121793412
[mild solvent extraction technique for the evaluation of pahs bioavailability].n-butanol and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (hpcd) were used to extract polyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from 9 aged agricultural fields and to assess the pahs bioavailability to earthworm (eisenia fetida). it was demonstrated that the high molecular weight (hmw) pahs (> or = 4 rings) contribute the largest proportions (4-ring pahs: 34.06%, 5-6 rings: 34.09%) to the contaminants in long-term aged field soils. moreover, the light molecular weight pahs were easily accumulated in the earthworm,whil ...201122619979
changes in fungal population of fly ash and vinasse mixture during vermicomposting by eudrilus eugeniae and eisenia fetida: documentation of cellulase isozymes in ash (fa) and vinasse (vn), two industrial wastes, are generated in huge amounts and cause serious hazards to the environment. in this experiment, different proportions of these two wastes were used as food for two epigeic earthworms (eisenia fetida and eudrilus eugeniae) to standardize the recycling technique of these two wastes and to study their effect on fungal especially cellulolytic fungal population, cellulase activity and their isozyme pattern, chitin content and microbial biomass of ...201121277188
acute toxicity, biochemical and gene expression responses of the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to polycyclic musks.ahtn (tonalide) and hhcb (galaxolide) are recognized as ubiquitous contaminants in soil and have potential adverse impacts on soil organisms. the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of ahtn and hhcb on the earthworm (eisenia fetida) as an important soil animal with attention to the acute toxicity, biochemical and transcriptional changes of representative antioxidant enzymatic (sod, cat) and stress-response gene (hsp70). the 48 h-lc(50) value was 20.76 µg cm(-2) for ahtn and 11.87 µg ...201121281957
effects of phenanthrene on the mortality, growth, and anti-oxidant system of earthworms (eisenia fetida) under laboratory assess the toxic effects of phenanthrene on earthworms, we exposed eisenia fetida to artificial soils supplemented with different concentrations (0.5, 2.5, 12.5, mgkg(-1) soil) of phenanthrene. the residual phenanthrene in the soil, the bioaccumulation of phenanthrene in earthworms, and the subsequent effects of phenanthrene on growth, anti-oxidant enzyme activities, and lipid peroxidation (lpo) were determined. the degradation rate of low concentrations of phenanthrene was faster than it was ...201121296377
vermicomposting--an effective tool for the management of invasive weed parthenium hysterophorus.this study reports the results of vermicomposting with eisenia fetida of parthenium hysterophorus mixed with cow dung in different ratios (25%, 50% and 75%) in a 18 weeks experiment. in all the treatments, a decrease in ph, oc(total) and c:n ratio, but increase in ec, n(total), p(aval), ca(total), k(total) and heavy metals was recorded. the cocoons production and growth rate (biomass gain worm(-1) day(-1)) were maximum in 100% cow dung. the results indicated that parthenium can be a raw material ...201121392980
toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the earthworm, eisenia fetida and subcellular fractionation of zn.the extensive use of nanoparticles (nps) in a variety of applications has raised great concerns about their environmental fate and biological effects. this study examined the impact of dissolved organic matter (dom) and salts on zno np dispersion/solubility and toxicity to the earthworm eisenia fetida. to be able to better evaluate the toxicity of nps, exposure in agar and on filter paper was proposed for enabling a comparison of the importance of different uptake routes. a dose-related increase ...201121402408
hydroxyl radical generation and oxidative stress in earthworms (eisenia fetida) exposed to decabromodiphenyl ether (bde-209).antioxidant responses induced by decabromodiphenyl ether (bde-209) in the earthworms (eisenia fetida) were studied after 7 days of exposure. electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spectra indicated that hydroxyl radicals (•oh) in earthworms were significantly induced by 0.01-10 mg/kg of bde-209. malondialdehyde (mda) and protein carbonyl (pco) were stimulated at 0.5-10 mg/kg and 1-10 mg/kg, respectively. the reduced glutathione (gsh) was inhibited at 1-10 mg/kg while oxidized glutathione (gssg) a ...201121424720
conserved toxic responses across divergent phylogenetic lineages: a meta-analysis of the neurotoxic effects of rdx among multiple species using military training sites, a variety of pollutants such as hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (rdx), may contaminate the area originating from used munitions. studies investigating the mechanism of toxicity of rdx have shown that it affects the central nervous system causing seizures in humans and animals. environmental pollutants such as rdx have the potential to affect many different species, therefore it is important to establish how phylogenetically distant species may respond to these ...201121516383
on site domestic organic waste treatment through vermitechnology using indigenous earthworm india the exotic epigeic species, eisenia fetida is mostly used for vermicomposting. the introduction of exotic species into local bio system may affect the indigenous earthworm species population. a comparative study between exotic species (eisenia fetida) and indigenous species perionyx sansibaricus and perionyx excavates was performed to determine the potential of indigenous species of the area vis-à-vis the exotic species for composting of domestic organic waste blended with cattle manure ...201121628345
use of organic amendments as a bioremediation strategy to reduce the bioavailability of chlorpyrifos insecticide in soils. effects on soil biology.the sorption capacity of both an organic municipal solid waste by-product (msw) and a cow manure (cm) in a soil polluted with chlorpyrifos, as well as its effect on soil microbial activity, and weight, reproductive parameters and glutathione-s-transferase activity of two earthworm species (eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris) were studied. chlorpyrifos was added at the recommended application rate (5lha(-1); 768mg chlorpyrifos kg(-1)) and treated with msw at a rate of 10% and cm at a rate of ...201121813178
earthworms use odor cues to locate and feed on microorganisms in soil.earthworms are key components of temperate soil ecosystems but key aspects of their ecology remain unexamined. here we elucidate the role of olfactory cues in earthworm attraction to food sources and document specific chemical cues that attract eisenia fetida to the soil fungi geotrichum candidum. fungi and other microorganisms are major sources of volatile emissions in soil ecosystems as well as primary food sources for earthworms, suggesting the likelihood that earthworms might profitably use ...201121799756
multilevel ecotoxicity assessment of polycyclic musk in the earthworm eisenia fetida using traditional and molecular endpoints.the ecotoxicity assessment of galaxolide (hhcb) and tonalide (ahtn) was investigated in the earthworm eisenia fetida using traditional and novel molecular endpoints. the median lethal concentration (lc(50)) for 7-day and 14-day exposures was 573.2 and 436.3 µg g(-1) for ahtn, and 489.0 and 392.4 µg g(-1) for hhcb, respectively. there was no observed significant effect on the growth rate of e. fetida after a 28-day exposure except that at the highest concentration (100 µg g(-1)) of ahtn and hhcb, ...201121789675
verminephrobacter eiseniae type iv pili and flagella are required to colonize earthworm nephridia.the bacterial symbiont verminephrobacter eiseniae colonizes nephridia, the excretory organs, of the lumbricid earthworm eisenia fetida. e. fetida transfers v. eisenia into the egg capsule albumin during capsule formation and v. eiseniae cells migrate into the earthworm nephridia during embryogenesis, where they bind and persist. in order to characterize the mechanistic basis of selective tissue colonization, methods for site-directed mutagenesis and colonization competence were developed and use ...201122170422
novel modular endo-β-1,4-xylanase with transglycosylation activity from cellulosimicrobium sp. strain hy-13 that is homologous to inverting gh family 6 enzymes.the gene (2304-bp) encoding a novel xylanolytic enzyme (xylk2) with a catalytic domain, which is 70% identical to that of cellulomonas flavigena dsm 20109 gh6 β-1,4-cellobiohydrolase, was identified from an earthworm (eisenia fetida)-symbiotic bacterium, cellulosimicrobium sp. strain hy-13. the enzyme consisted of an n-terminal catalytic gh6-like domain, a fibronectin type 3 (fn3) domain, and a c-terminal carbohydrate-binding module 2 (cbm 2). xylk2δfn3-cbm 2 displayed high transferase activity ...201122230776
Verminephrobacter aporrectodeae sp. nov. subsp. tuberculatae and subsp. caliginosae, the specific nephridial symbionts of the earthworms Aporrectodea tuberculata and A. caliginosa.Clone library-based studies have shown that almost all lumbricid earthworm species harbour host-specific symbiotic bacteria belonging to the novel genus Verminephrobacter in their nephridia (excretory organs). To date the only described representative from this genus is Verminephrobacter eiseniae, the specific symbiont of the earthworm Eisenia fetida. In this study two novel rod-shaped, non-endosporeforming, betaproteobacterial symbionts were isolated from the nephridia of two closely related ea ...201122041977
The presence of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) protein in earthworms Eisenia fetida has no deleterious effects on their growth and reproduction.Earthworms Eisenia fetida, bred in substances with stover of two genetically-engineered Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corns (5422Bt1 (Event Bt11) and 5422CBCL (MON810)) expressing Cry1Ab and their near-isogenic non-Bt corn (5422), were used to investigate the non-target effects of Bt corn on soil-dwelling organisms. Cry1Ab concentrations in substances, casts and guts of E. fetida were also investigated by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). More than 90% individuals of E. fetida survived ov ...201121955355
[Effects of Bt corn straw insecticidal proteins on enzyme activities of Eisenia fetida].Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins released from Bt corn can enter soil ecosystem via returning straw into field, root exudation, and pollen fluttering-down. In this study, the straws of Bt corn and its near-isogenic non-Bt line were added into soil with an application rate of 5% and 7.5% to breed Eisenia fetida, and the total protein content and the activities of acetylcholine esterase (AchE), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in E. fetida were de ...201122097378
culture-based and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the bacterial community structure from the intestinal tracts of earthworms(eisenia fetida).the bacterial communities in the intestinal tracts of earthworm were investigated by culture-dependent and - independent approaches. in total, 72 and 55 pure cultures were isolated from the intestinal tracts of earthworms under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively. aerobic bacteria were classified as aeromonas (40%), bacillus (37%), photobacterium (10%), pseudomonas (7%), and shewanella (6%). anaerobic bacteria were classified as aeromonas (52%), bacillus (27%), shewanella (12%), paeni ...201121952364
cloning and characterization of a modular gh5 ß-1,4-mannanase with high specific activity from the fibrolytic bacterium cellulosimicrobium sp. strain hy-13.the gene (1272-bp) encoding a ß-1,4-mannanase from a gut bacterium of eisenia fetida, cellulosimicrobium sp. strain hy-13 was cloned and expressed in escherichia coli. the recombinant ß-1,4-mannanase (rmanh) was approximately 44.0kda and has a catalytic gh5 domain that is 65% identical to that of the micromonospora sp. ß-1,4-mannosidase. the enzyme exhibited the highest catalytic activity toward mannans at 50°c and ph 6.0. rmanh displayed a high specific activity of 14,711 and 8498iumg(-1) towar ...201121767948
vermicomposting of tannery sludge mixed with cattle dung into valuable manure using earthworm eisenia fetida (savigny).the present study revealed the role of earthworm in converting tannery sludge into a valuable product. tannery sludge was toxic to earthworm, therefore it was mixed with cattle dung in different proportions viz. 0:100 (t(0)), 10:90 (t(10)), 25:75 (t(25)), 50:50 (t(50)) and 75:25 (t(75)) on dry weight basis. the minimum mortality and highest population buildup of worms was in t(0) mixture. nitrogen, sodium, phosphorus and ph increased from initial in the range of 7.3-66.6%, 16.90-70.58%, 8.57-44. ...201121676611
Bacillus eiseniae sp. nov., a swarming and moderately halotolerant bacterium isolated from the intestinal tract of an earthworm (Eisenia fetida L.).A novel swarming and moderately halotolerant bacterium, designated as strain A1-2, was isolated from the intestinal tract of earthworm (Eisenia fetida L.). Cells of the isolate were rod shaped and endospore forming. Strain A1-2 was facultatively anaerobic, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, and motile with peritrichous flagella. The optimal growth conditions of the strain were a temperature of 30 °C and a pH of 7.0. Its growth was inhibited by 10% (w/v) NaCl concentration. Phylogenetic analysi ...201122021583
A highly active endo-ß-1,4-mannanase produced by Cellulosimicrobium sp. strain HY-13, a hemicellulolytic bacterium in the gut of Eisenia fetida.A xylanolytic gut bacterium isolated from Eisenia fetida, Cellulosimicrobium sp. strain HY-13, produced an extracellular glycoside hydrolase capable of efficiently degrading mannose-based substrates such as locust bean gum, guar gum, mannotetraose, and mannopentaose. The purified mannan-degrading enzyme (ManK, 34,926Da) from strain HY-13 was found to have an N-terminal amino acid sequence of DEATTDGLHVVDD, which has not yet been identified. Under the optimized reaction conditions of 50°C and pH ...201122112951
effect of enzyme producing microorganisms on the biomass of epigeic earthworms (eisenia fetida) in vermicompost.we analyzed the bacterial community structure of the intestines of earthworms and determined the effect of enzyme producing microorganisms on the biomass of earthworms in vermicompost. fifty-seven bacterial 16s rdna clones were identified in the intestines of earthworms by using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (pcr-dgge) analysis. entomoplasma somnilux and bacillus licheniformis were the dominant microorganisms; other strains included aeromonas, bacillus, clostr ...201121421302
coelomocyte biomarkers in the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (tnt).contamination by 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (tnt) is a global environmental problem at sites of former explosive production, handling, or storage, and could have deleterious consequences for human and ecological health. we investigated its sublethal effects to eisenia fetida, using two nonspecific biomarkers. in coelomocytes of earthworms exposed 24, 48, or 72 h, we evaluated dna damage (comet assay) and neutral red retention time (nrrt), using the filter paper contact test. both percentage of damage ...201120512622
impact of imidacloprid residues on the development of eisenia fetida during vermicomposting of greenhouse plant waste.pesticide application in agriculture causes residues in post-harvest plant waste at different concentrations. knowledge concerning how pesticide concentrations in such waste affect earthworms is essential for recycling greenhouse plant debris through vermicomposting. here, we have evaluated the effects of imidacloprid (imd) residues on earthworms (eisenia fetida) during the vermicomposting of plant waste from greenhouse crops in spain. before, the effect of different imd concentrations on earthw ...201121775059
ecotoxicological responses of the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to soil contaminated with hhcb.although polycyclic musks have been shown to cause lethal and sub-lethal effects on organisms, their biochemical toxicity to earthworms is not well understood. in the current study, we investigated the responses of antioxidant systems and lipid peroxidation after exposing eisenia fetida to soil contaminated with 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethyl-cyclopenta-?-2-benzopyran (hhcb). significant increase in lipid peroxidation level was observed on day 14 at two high concentrations, 50 and ...201121334043
vermicomposting of source-separated human faeces by eisenia fetida: effect of stocking density on feed consumption rate, growth characteristics and vermicompost production.the main objective of the present study was to determine the optimum stocking density for feed consumption rate, biomass growth and reproduction of earthworm eisenia fetida as well as determining and characterising vermicompost quantity and product, respectively, during vermicomposting of source-separated human faeces. for this, a number of experiments spanning up to 3 months were conducted using soil and vermicompost as support materials. stocking density in the range of 0.25-5.00 kg/m(2) was e ...201121377345
influence of plant-earthworm interactions on som chemistry and p,p'-dde bioaccumulation.laboratory experiments assessed how bioaccumulation of weathered p,p'-dde from soil and humic acid (ha) chemistry are affected by interactions between the plants cucurbita pepo ssp. pepo and ssp. ovifera and the earthworms eisenia fetida, lumbricus terrestris, and apporectodea caliginosa. total organochlorine phytoextraction by ssp. pepo increased at least 25% in the presence of any of the earthworm species (relative to plants grown in isolation). uptake of the compound by ssp. ovifera was unaff ...201121421253
ecotoxicity of cyanide complexes in industrially contaminated soils.this study deals with acute and chronic ecotoxicity of leachates from industrially contaminated soils. analyses focused on cyanides (complex and free forms) to study their possible involvement in leachates toxicity. no acute toxicity on the microtox and 48 h-daphnia magna tests was found in leachates collected over 18 months, but a high chronic toxicity was recorded on the reproduction of ceriodaphnia dubia (ec50-7d=0.31±0.07%) and on the algal growth of pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (ec50-72 ...201122018867
toxicity of sodium tungstate to earthworm, oat, radish, and lettuce.due to unknown effects of the potential exposure of the terrestrial environment to tungsten substances, a series of toxicity studies of sodium tungstate (na(2) wo(4) ) was conducted. the effect on earthworm (eisenia fetida) survival and reproduction was examined using organisation for economic co-operation and development (oecd) guideline 222. no effect on either endpoint was seen at the highest concentration tested, resulting in a 56-d no-observed-effect concentration (noec) of ≥586 mg tungsten ...201121805499
terrestrial toxicity evaluation of decabromodiphenyl ethane on organisms from three trophic levels.decabromodiphenyl ethane (dbdp-ethane) was evaluated for its potential to effect sewage sludge respiration, soil nitrification, survival and reproduction in eisenia fetida, and seedling emergence and growth in zea mays, lolium perenne, glycine max, allium cepa, lycopersicon esculentum, and cucumis sativa. the no observed effect concentrations (noecs) were identified at the limit concentration level for sewage sludge respiration (>10 mg dbdp-ethane/kg dry soil), >2500 mg/kg dry soil for soil nitr ...201121111479
refnetbuilder: a platform for construction of integrated reference gene regulatory networks from expressed sequence tags.gene regulatory networks (grns) provide integrated views of gene interactions that control biological processes. many public databases contain biological interactions extracted from experimentally validated literature reports, but most furnish only information for a few genetic model organisms. in order to provide a bioinformatic tool for researchers who work with non-model organisms, we developed refnetbuilder, a new platform that allows construction of putative reference pathways or grns from ...201122166047
in vitro generation of reactive oxygen species by free coelomic cells of the annelid eisenia fetida andrei: an analysis by chemiluminescence and nitro blue tetrazolium reduction.coelomocytes of the earthworm eisenia fetida andrei were activated in vitro with various stimulants in order to investigate their capacity to produce reactive oxygen species. analysis by luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence and nitro blue tetrazolium reduction suggests the production in vitro of reactive oxygen species by both categories of free coelomocytes, leucocytes and chloragocytes, while affecting different modalities: a respiratory burst-like reaction is exhibited by leucocytes in the pres ...20118595818
surfactant-facilitated remediation of metal-contaminated soils: efficacy and toxicological consequences to earthworms.the effectiveness of surfactant formulations to remove aged metals from a field soil and their influence on soil toxicity was investigated. batch studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of cationic (1-dodecylpyridinium chloride; dpc), nonionic (oleyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; trade name ammonyx kp), and anionic (rhamnolipid biosurfactant blend; trade name jbr-425) surfactants for extracting zn, cu, pb, and cd from a soil subjected to more than 80 years of metal deposition. all t ...201120853447
assessment of pyrene bioavailability in soil by mild hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin extraction.bioavailability of organic pollutants in soil is currently a much-debated issue in risk assessment of contaminated sites. ecorisk of an organic pollutant in soil is strongly influenced by the properties of the soil and its contamination history. to evaluate the effect of aging on the availability of pyrene, earthworm (eisenia fetida) accumulation and chemical extraction by exhaustive and nonexhaustive techniques in soil spiked with a range of pyrene levels (1.07, 9.72, 88.4, 152, and 429 μg g⁻¹ ...201120437042
cloning, expression and characterization of a gene from earthworm eisenia fetida encoding a blood-clot dissolving protein.a lumbrokinase gene encoding a blood-clot dissolving protein was cloned from earthworm (eisenia fetida) by rt-pcr amplification. the gene designated as cst1 (genbank no. ay840996) was sequence analyzed. the cdna consists of 888 bp with an open reading frame of 729 bp, which encodes 242 amino acid residues. multiple sequence alignments revealed that cst1 shares similarities and conserved amino acids with other reported lumbrokinases. the amino acid sequence of cst1 exhibits structural features si ...201223300872
vermicomposting of milk processing industry sludge spiked with plant wastes.this work illustrates the vermistabilization of wastewater sludge from a milk processing industry (mpis) unit spiked with cow dung (cd), sugarcane trash (st) and wheat straw (ws) employing earthworms eisenia fetida. a total of nine experimental vermibeds were established and changes in chemical parameters of waste material have been observed for 90 days. vermistabilization caused significant reduction in ph, organic carbon and c:n ratio and substantial increase in total n, available p and exchan ...201222609678
changes in the chemical characteristics of water-extracted organic matter from vermicomposting of sewage sludge and cow dung.the chemical changes of water-extractable organic matter (weom) from five different substrates of sewage sludge enriched with different proportions of cow dung after vermicomposting with eisenia fetida were investigated using various analytical approaches. results showed that dissolved organic carbon, chemical oxygen demand, and c/n ratio of the substrates decreased significantly after vermicomposting process. the aromaticity of weom from the substrates enhanced considerably, and the amount of v ...201222230755
bioremediation of polluted soil through the combined application of plants, earthworms and organic matter.two plant species (paulownia tomentosa and cytisus scoparius), earthworms (eisenia fetida), and organic matter (horse manure) were used as an ecological approach to bioremediate a soil historically contaminated by heavy metals and hydrocarbons. the experiment was carried out for six months at a mesoscale level using pots containing 90 kg of polluted soil. three different treatments were performed for each plant: (i) untreated planted soil as a control (c); (ii) planted soil + horse manure (20:1 ...201222911348
the use of biochar to reduce soil pcb bioavailability to cucurbita pepo and eisenia fetida.biochar is a carbon rich by-product produced from the thermal decomposition of organic matter under low oxygen concentrations. currently many researchers are studying the ability of biochar to improve soil quality and function in agricultural soils while sustainably sequestering carbon. this paper focuses on a novel but complimentary application of biochar - the reduced bioavailability and phytoavailability of organic contaminants in soil, specifically polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs). in this g ...201222922132
vermicomposting of herbal pharmaceutical industry waste: earthworm growth, plant-available nutrient and microbial quality of end materials.efforts were made to decompose herbal pharmaceutical industrial waste (hpiw) spiked with cow dung (cd) using eisenia fetida. a total of five vermibeds: t(1) - hpiw (0%+cd 100%, control), t(2) - hpiw (25%), t(3) - hpiw (50%), t(4) - hpiw (75%) and t(5) - hpiw (100%) were used for vermicomposting. the changes in biology and chemistry of vermibeds were measured after ten days interval. e. fetida showed high growth and cocoon production rate in all vermibeds. the vermicomposted material contained gr ...201222440575
species-specific effects of epigeic earthworms on microbial community structure during first stages of decomposition of organic matter.epigeic earthworms are key organisms in organic matter decomposition because of the interactions they establish with microorganisms. the earthworm species and the quality and/or substrate availability are expected to be major factors influencing the outcome of these interactions. here we tested whether and to what extent the epigeic earthworms eisenia andrei, eisenia fetida and perionyx excavatus, widely used in vermicomposting, are capable of altering the microbiological properties of fresh org ...201222363763
biotoxicity assessment of pyrene in soil using a battery of biological assays.a test battery, composed of a range of biological assays, was applied to evaluate the ecological health of soil aged for 69 days and spiked with a range of pyrene levels (1.04, 8.99, 41.5, 72.6, 136, and 399 μg g(-1) dry soil; soxhlet-extracted concentrations after 69 days of aging). chinese cabbage (brassica rapa), earthworm (eisenia fetida), and bacteria (vibrio fischeri) were used as test organisms to represent different trophic levels. among the acute ecotoxicity bioassays used, the v. fisch ...201222941450
Molecular cloning, characterization of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase and expression analysis of stress-responsive genes from Eisenia fetida against dietary zinc oxide.The full length cDNA of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) from Eisenia fetida (E. fetida) was cloned (GenBank accession no. JN579648). Sequence characterization revealed that the cDNA contained characteristic Cu/Zn-SOD family signatures ((45)GFHVHEFGDNT(55) and (138)GNAGGRLACGVI(149)), cysteines (Cys-58 and-146) predicted to form one disulphide bond, Cu-binding (His-47, -49, -64 and -120) and Zn-binding (His-64, -72, -81 and Asp-84). They were essential for the structure and function ...201222137962
a contribution towards the risk assessment of soils from the são domingos mine (portugal): chemical, microbial and ecotoxicological indicators.this study is a contribution towards a risk assessment of the são domingos mine area (portugal), integrating information from: soil physicochemical characteristics, pseudo-total and bioavailable trace elements (as, cd, cr, cu, ni, pb and zn), ecotoxicological evaluation, and microbial indicators. the bioassays using soil eluates (seed germination, luminescent inhibition of vibrio fischeri and daphnia magna immobilization) confirmed the soil toxicity categorization obtained with the bioassays usi ...201222230067
[biological safety of the molluscicidal ingredient from aspergillus fumigatus sl-30 isolated from rhizosphere of phytolacca acinosa].to study biological safety of the molluscicidal ingredient (mi, a kind of diketopiperazines) in the exocellular broth of aspergillus fumigatus sl-30' which was isolated from the rhizosphere of phytolacca acinosa.201223484258
non-hazardous anticancerous and antibacterial colloidal 'green' silver nanoparticles.poly(ethylene glycol) stabilized colloidal silver nanoparticles were prepared using the reductive potency of the aqueous extract of thuja occidentalis leaves under ambient conditions. the nanoparticles were well dispersed within a narrow size spectrum (7-14 nm) and displayed characteristic surface plasmon resonance peak at around 420 nm and bragg's reflection planes of fcc structure. mtt assay revealed the dose-dependent cytocompatibility and toxicity of the nanoparticles with the l929 normal ce ...201223352940
isolation and characterization of aerobic microorganisms with cellulolytic activity in the gut of endogeic earthworms.the ability of earthworms to decompose lignocellulose involves the assistance of microorganisms in their digestive system. while many studies have revealed a diverse microbiota in the earthworm gut, including aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, it remains unclear which of these species contribute to lignocellulose digestion. in this study, aerobic microorganisms with cellulolytic activity isolated from the gut of two endogeic earthworms, amynthas heteropoda (megascolecidae) and eisenia fetida ...201223847816
combined toxicity of cadmium and lead on the earthworm eisenia fetida (annelida, oligochaeta).cadmium (cd) and lead (pb) in soil have received extensive attention due to their potential toxicological effects. this study analyzed the combined toxicity of cd and pb on the earthworm eisenia fetida. cellulase activity and dna damage were chosen as toxic endpoints. factorial analysis was applied to identify the interaction of cd and pb. the results showed that single pb and cd could increase the cellulase activity and dna damage of coelomocytes. the combination of both metals could significan ...201222608004
ecotoxicological effects on earthworms of fresh and aged nano-sized zero-valent iron (nzvi) in soil.although nano-sized zero-valent iron (nzvi) has been used for several years for remediation of contaminated soils and aquifers, only a limited number of studies have investigated secondary environmental effects and ecotoxicity of nzvi to soil organisms. in this study we therefore measured the ecotoxicological effects of nzvi coated with carboxymethyl cellulose on two species of earthworms, eisenia fetida and lumbricus rubellus, using standard oecd methods with sandy loam and artificial oecd soil ...201222595530
[antioxidant enzyme gene expression as molecular biomarkers of exposure to polycyclic musks].the objective of this study was to investigate the molecular toxicological effects of low level synthetic musks exposure on the earthworm eisenia fetida. the method of sybr green i real time quantitative pcr (rt-qpcr) for detecting gene expression level was established. sod (superoxide dismutase) and cat (catalase) mrna expression levels were measured after 28 days. of ahtn and hhcb exposure. the analysis results of both sequence alignment and melting curve demonstrated that the selected primers ...201223213915
evaluation of erod and cyp3a4 activities in earthworm eisenia fetida as biomarkers for soil heavy metal this study, the effects of heavy metals (cd, cu, pb, zn) on erod and cyp3a4 activities in the earthworm eisenia fetida were evaluated to find out their possible induction and potential as biomarkers for soil heavy metal contamination. the earthworms were exposed to increasing concentrations of cd (0.1-8 mg l(-1)), cu (10-200 mg l(-1)), pb (20-400 mg l(-1)) or zn (50-400 mg l(-1)) in filter papers for 48 h. erod activity was significantly changed in dose-dependent manners after exposure to eac ...201223127277
vermicomposting of food waste: assessing the stability and maturity.the vermicompost using earthworms (eisenia fetida) was produced from food waste and chemical parameters (ec, ph, carbon to nitrogen contents (c/n)) and germination bioassay was examined in order to assess the stability and maturity indicators during the vermicomposting process. the seed used in the germination bioassay was cress. the ranges of ec, ph, c/n and germination index were 7.5-4.9 ms/cm, 5.6-7.53, 30.13-14.32% and 12.8-58.4%, respectively. the germination index (gi) value revealed that ...201223369642
enantioselective effects of methamidophos on the coelomocytes lysosomal membrane stability of eisenia fetida.many of organophosphorous insecticides are chiral compounds. in this study, the enantioselective effects of organophosphate insecticide methamidophos on the coelomocytes lysosomal membrane stability of earthworm eisenia fetida were studied: (1) the enantiomers of methamidophos were absolutely separated by high-performance liquid chromatography with a commercial chiral column; (2) the neutral red retention assay was used to judge the lysosomal membrane stability. the results showed that with the ...201223073740
potential negative effects of earthworm prey on damage to turfgrass by omnivorous mole crickets (orthoptera: gryllotalpidae).the severity of damage to host plants by omnivorous pests can vary according to the availability of plant and animal prey. two omnivorous mole crickets, scapteriscus vicinus scudder and s. borellii giglio-tos, were used to determine if the availability of prey influences damage to hybrid bermudagrass by adult mole crickets. experiments were conducted in arenas with either grass alone (control), grass plus one mole cricket, grass plus earthworms (eisenia fetida savigny), or grass with earthworms ...201223068170
enzymatic biomarkers of earthworms eisenia fetida in response to individual and combined cadmium and pyrene.the responses of enzymatic biomarkers of earthworms eisenia fetida to low-level exposures of cadmium (cd) (2.50mg kg(-1)), pyrene (0.96mg kg(-1)) or their combination were investigated in this study. a set of enzymatic biomarkers, namely, cytochrome p450 (cyp) as a family of phase i enzymes, glutathione-s-transferase (gst) as one of phase ii enzymes and antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (sod) and catalase (cat) ), was selected to evaluate the responses of the earthworms in a period upto ...201223063078
biochemical responses of earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to cadmium-contaminated soil with long duration.the biochemical responses of the earthworms, eisenia fetida, exposed to a series of cd concentrations (0.00, 1.25, 2.50, 5.00 and 10.00 mg cd(2+) kg(-1) soil) for up to 8 weeks were investigated, aiming to evaluate the sublethal effects of cd with long exposure and to explore the potential for applying these responses as biomarkers to indicate the cd-contaminated soil. the following biochemical parameters were determined: cytochrome p450 (cyp) contents and activities of superoxide dismutase (sod ...201223052576
does glyphosate impact on cu uptake by, and toxicity to, the earthworm eisenia fetida?glyphosate (gps) is a wildly-used pesticide throughout the world. it affects metal behaviors in soil-water system as its functional groups such as amine, carboxylate and phosphonate can react with metal ions to form metal complexes. the reaction will result in the decreasing of heavy metal bioavailability. a laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the interactions between gps and copper (cu) on the acute toxicity of soil invertebrate earthworm (eisenia fetida), which was exposed to aq ...201222975893
short-term molecular-level effects of silver nanoparticle exposure on the earthworm, eisenia fetida.short-term changes in levels of expression of nine stress response genes and oxidative damage of proteins were examined in eisenia fetida exposed to polyvinylpyrrolidone (pvp) coated ag nanoparticles (ag-np) and agno(3) in natural soils. the responses varied significantly among days with the highest number of significant changes occurring on day three. similarity in gene expression patterns between ag-nps and agno(3) and significant relationships of expression of cat and hsp70 with ag soil conce ...201222960366
trophic transfer of au nanoparticles from soil along a simulated terrestrial food determine if nanoparticles (nps) could be transferred from soil media to invertebrates and then to secondary consumers, we examined the trophic transfer of au nps along a simulated terrestrial food chain. earthworms (eisenia fetida) were exposed to au nps in artificial soil media and fed to juvenile bullfrogs (rana catesbeina). earthworm au concentrations were continuously monitored so that the cumulative dose to bullfrogs could be accurately estimated throughout the experiment. we exposed a ...201222897478
fate and bioavailability of ¹⁴c-pyrene and ¹⁴c-lindane in sterile natural and artificial soils and the influence of aging.soil organic matter is used to extrapolate the toxicity and bioavailability of organic pollutants between different soils. however, it has been shown that other factors such as microbial activity are crucial. the aim of this study was to investigate if sterilization can reduce differences in the fate and bioavailability of organic pollutants between different soils. three natural soils with increasing total organic carbon (toc) content were collected and three artificial soils were prepared to o ...201222892571
physiological and molecular responses of the earthworm (eisenia fetida) to soil chlortetracycline contamination.this study aims to evaluate toxic effects of exposure to chlortetracycline (ctc) in soil on reproductive endpoints (juvenile counts and cocoon counts), biochemical responses, and genotoxic potentials of the earthworm eisenia fetida. results showed that juvenile counts and cocoon counts of the tested earthworms were reduced after exposure to ctc. the effective concentrations (ec(50) values) for juvenile and cocoon counts were 96.1 and 120.3 mg/kg, respectively. treatment of earthworms with ctc si ...201222868346
a diversified approach to evaluate biostimulation and bioaugmentation strategies for heavy-oil-contaminated soil.a diversified approach involving chemical, microbiological and ecotoxicity assessment of soil polluted by heavy mineral oil was adopted, in order to improve our understanding of the biodegradability of pollutants, microbial community dynamics and ecotoxicological effects of various bioremediation strategies. with the aim of improving hydrocarbon degradation, the following bioremediation treatments were assayed: i) addition of inorganic nutrients; ii) addition of the rhamnolipid-based biosurfacta ...201222858534
earthworm bioassays and seedling emergence for monitoring toxicity, aging and bioaccumulation of anthropogenic waste indicator compounds in biosolids-amended application of biosolids (treated sewage sludge) can be an important route for introducing xenobiotic compounds into terrestrial environments. there is a paucity of available information on the effects of biosolids amendment on terrestrial organisms. in this study, the influence of biosolids and biosolids aging on earthworm (eisenia fetida) reproduction and survival and lettuce (lactuca sativa) seedling emergence was investigated. earthworms were exposed to soils amended with varying quanti ...201222832088
structures of lysenin reveal a shared evolutionary origin for pore-forming proteins and its mode of sphingomyelin recognition.pore-forming proteins insert from solution into membranes to create lesions, undergoing a structural rearrangement often accompanied by oligomerization. lysenin, a pore-forming toxin from the earthworm eisenia fetida, specifically interacts with sphingomyelin (sm) and may confer innate immunity against parasites by attacking their membranes to form pores. sm has important roles in cell membranes and lysenin is a popular sm-labeling reagent. the structure of lysenin suggests common ancestry with ...201222819216
antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethyl-cyclopenta-γ-2-benzopyran.polycyclic musks have been indicated to cause lethal and sublethal effects on exposed biota. however, knowledge about the effect of polycyclic musks on the antioxidant defense system in earthworms is vague. in this work, the activities of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (sod), peroxidase (pod), catalase (cat), and malondialdehyde (mda) exposed to 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethyl-cyclopenta-γ-2-benzopyran (hhcb) were systematically investigated. the investigation s ...201222764077
[optimal c/n ratio of pig manure-rice straw mixture for its composting with earthworm and maturity assessment of the mixture compost].taking the pig manure-rice straw mixtures with different c/n ratios (20, 25, 30, and 35) as the feed of earthworm (eisenia fetida), a 90-day incubation test was conducted to study the growth and reproduction of e. fetida, with the average body mass, daily body mass increase, daily cocoon production, and accumulated cocoon production as the indicators. in the meantime, a 35-day composting experiment was arranged to assess the maturity of the same mixtures with c/n 25, 30, and 35, using ph, dissol ...201222720623
cold-stress induced formation of calcium and phosphorous rich chloragocyte granules (chloragosomes) in the earthworm eisenia fetida.the cytochemical and functional characteristics of chloragocytes of both 'control' and cold-stressed eisenia fetida were examined. flow cytometry revealed the heterogeneity of chloragocytes: the first group was characterized by low, the second one by high acid phosphatase (acp) content. in 'control' animals the former, in cold-stressed ones the latter type were the dominant form. the elevated acp-activity correlated with the accumulation of autophagic vacuoles (avs) in chloragocytes. both avs an ...201222710253
biochemical and genotoxic effect of triclosan on earthworms (eisenia fetida) using contact and soil tests.triclosan (tcs) is a broad-spectrum bactericide that is used for a variety of antimicrobial functions. tcs is frequently detected in the terrestrial environment due to application of sewage sludge to agricultural land. in the present study, 48-h paper contact and 28-day spiked soil tests were conducted to examine the toxic effects of tcs on the antioxidative and genetic indices of earthworms (eisenia fetida). the activity of antioxidative enzymes (superoxide dismutase, sod; catalase, cat) and th ...201222707219
the combined stress effects of atrazine and cadmium on the earthworm eisenia assess the combined toxic effects of atrazine and cadmium on earthworms, specimens of eisenia fetida were exposed in artificial soil to three concentrations of atrazine (0, 0.5, and 2.5 mg kg(-1)) and a range of concentrations of cadmium (cd; 0, 0.03, 0.3, and 3.0 mg kg(-1)) both singly and as mixtures. the dna damage and internal atrazine and cadmium concentrations were assessed in earthworms on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 of the treatment. the results showed that the olive tail moments (otms) at ...201222653482
dna damage and biochemical toxicity of antibiotics in soil on the earthworm eisenia fetida.dna damage and changes in enzyme activities were used as biomarkers to evaluate the genotoxicity and oxidative stress of tetracycline and chlortetracycline on the earthworm eisenia fetida. the results showed that both antibiotics induced significant genotoxicity on earthworms in a dose-dependent manner (p<0.01) with chlortetracycline having a stronger effect than tetracycline in the short term. the tests on the activities of superoxide dismutase (sod) and catalase (cat) enzymes further indicated ...201222647195
estimating the toxicity of the weak base carbendazim to the earthworm (eisenia fetida) using in situ pore water concentrations in different soils.both sorption by soil and uptake by organisms of ionizable organic pollutants depend on their speciation (i.e., neutral and ionized forms); thus, the bioavailability of ionizable organic pollutants is more complicated than that of neutral organic pollutants in soil. the toxicity of the weak base carbendazim to earthworms (eisenia fetida) was estimated using soxhlet extracted concentrations (c(se)), an excess of water extracted concentrations (c(eew)), ex situ pore water concentrations (c(epw)) a ...201222960505
an extract from the earthworm eisenia fetida non-specifically inhibits the activity of influenza and test the in vitro antiviral activity of a crude tissue extract (cte) from the earthworm eisenia fetida, determine any effective components in the cte, and elucidate possible mechanisms of action.201223427406
building quantitative prediction models for tissue residue of two explosives compounds in earthworms from microarray gene expression data.soil contamination near munitions plants and testing grounds is a serious environmental concern that can result in the formation of tissue chemical residue in exposed animals. quantitative prediction of tissue residue still represents a challenging task despite long-term interest and pursuit, as tissue residue formation is the result of many dynamic processes including uptake, transformation, and assimilation. the availability of high-dimensional microarray gene expression data presents a new op ...201221776976
cloning and identification of micrornas in earthworm (eisenia fetida).micrornas (mirnas) (noncoding rnas of 20-25 nucleotides) play important roles in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in various eukaryotes and prokaryotes. piwi-interacting rnas function by combining with piwi proteins to regulate protein synthesis and to stabilize mrna, the chromatin framework, and genome structure. this study investigates the role of mirnas in regeneration. a scrdna library was constructed, and 17 noncoding rnas from eisenia fetida (an optimal model for the ...201221874588
assessment of phenanthrene bioavailability in aged and unaged soils by mild has become apparent that the threat of an organic pollutant in soil is directly related to its bioavailable fraction and that the use of total contaminant concentrations as a measure of potential contaminant exposure to plants or soil organisms is inappropriate. in light of this, non-exhaustive extraction techniques are being investigated to assess their appropriateness in determining bioavailability. to find a suitable and rapid extraction method to predict phenanthrene bioavailability, mult ...201221866434
reproductive and behavioral responses of earthworms exposed to nano-sized titanium dioxide in soil.nanometer-sized titanium dioxide (nano-tio(2) ) is found in a number of commercial products; however, its effects on soil biota are largely unknown. in the present study, earthworms (eisenia andrei and eisenia fetida) were exposed to three types of commercially available, uncoated tio(2) nanomaterials with nominal diameters of 5, 10, and 21 nm. nanomaterials were characterized for particle size, agglomeration, surface charge, chemical composition, and purity. standard lethality, reproduction, an ...201221993953
effects of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene on the enzyme activities and ultrastructure of earthworm eisenia eisenia fetida earthworms were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene to assess the toxicity of contaminated soils. the lc₅₀ of 1,2,4-tcb at 7 and 14 d were 945±175 and 890±169 mg kg⁻¹. a lower dose of 1,2,4-tcb (25 mg g⁻¹) had stimulatory effects on sod and ache activities, but ache activities were significantly inhibited at higher treatment levels (100 and 400 mg g⁻¹). sod activities increased after 2, 7, and 14 d of exposure, but ache activities were significantl ...201221962413
comparative acute toxicity of twenty-four insecticides to earthworm, eisenia this study, we used two different types of bioassay, a contact filter paper toxicity bioassay and a soil toxicity bioassay, to compare the acute toxicity of twenty-four insecticides belonging to six chemical categories on earthworm species, eisenia fetida. results of the contact filter paper toxicity bioassay indicated that neonicotinoids were super toxic to e. fetida (48 h-lc(50) value ranged from 0.0088 to 0.45 μg cm(-2)), pyrethroids were very toxic (48 h-lc(50) values ranged from 10.55 to ...201222244824
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 866