
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cholera in the perspective of 1966.cholera is a disease state caused by the vibrio cholerae. the vibrios remain in the gut lumen, and the disease is atypically afebrile. the main symptom is a profuse isotonic diarrhea of rice-water character with an output rate of as much as 1 liter/hour. early signs in the untreated patient are skeletal muscle cramps (presumably due to electrolyte loss) and vomiting. mortality rate in untreated cases may be as high as 80%, and in treated cases, 20%. the u.s. navy method of treating chlera h ...19665923097
laboratory vibrio cholerae infection in the united states. 19665952839
incorporation of p-32 activity in different chemical fractions of vibrio cholerae. 19665959890
some ultrastructural aspects of vibrio cholerae. 19665961046
[a new medium for the isolation of vibrio cholera]. 19665963392
variation in a strain of classical vibrio cholerae. 19665970132
effect of nutrients on the antigenic structure of vibrio cholerae. 19665976561
effect of toluene on vibrio cholerae. 19665981465
formation of protoplasts from vibrio cholerae. 19666003986
[frequency of phage-resistant mutations and effect of the bacteriophage on the formation of resistant forms of vibrio cholera]. 19666005460
colistin disk--a differential method between vibrio cholerae and vibrio eltor. 19665324546
observations on some newer differential features of the el tor vibrio and vibrio cholerae. 19665328778
an indirect fluorescent antibody study of vibrio comma. 19665336437
detection of vibrio cholerae biotype el tor by purging.previous studies have demonstrated the value of purging in detecting inapparent cholera infection, but the technique has not been generally accepted. the present study shows that the method can be recommended as a routine procedure to determine when convalescent cholera patients should be discharged from hospital. it may also be useful in detecting carriers of vibrio cholerae and for evaluating chemotherapy. in this study, five of the eight patients who excreted vibrios after purging had been tr ...19665296396
interaction of vibrio cholerae and vibrio el tor.soon after its entry into the indo-pakistan subcontinent in 1964, cholera el tor progressively replaced classical cholera. one of the probable reasons for this was found from laboratory studies of the interaction of the two choleragenic vibrios, v. cholerae and v. el tor. it was observed, in both in vitro and in vivo experiments, that in mixed culture el tor vibrios from cholera cases are capable of outgrowing and rapidly eliminating v. cholerae. the apathogenic el tor strains from the middle ea ...19665296397
phage resistance in vibrio cholerae.mukerjee cholera phages are being extensively used in the classification of vibrios. however, the studies reported here show that phage-resistant mutants that are exactly like the parent strains in all characteristics except phage reactions can easily be obtained. for this reason phage reactions should be considered only as a marker and not as the final arbiter in vibrio classification, e.g., in attempting to identify the el tor vibrio. confirmatory evidence should always be is also sh ...19665297802
the craniopharyngeal canal. 19664959653
immunochemical investigations on polysaccharide fractions of several staphylococcus aureus strains (types 7, 8 and 15). 19664960238
observations on visna virus-infected cell cultures stained with acridine orange. 19664959372
the biological characterization of the hemolysin from the el tor variety of vibrio cholerae. 19664957316
[genetic determinism of the thymine requirement in certain bacillus subtilis mutants]. 19664956436
[metabolism of anthranilic acid and para-aminobenzoic acid in aspergillus ochraceus]. 19664961213
demonstration of human reagin in monkey tissues. 3. in vitro passive sensitization of monkey ileum with sera of atopic patients. physiologic and enhancing experiments. 19674961409
identification of host and host antibodies from mosquito blood meals. 19674962027
principles for the testing of drugs for teratogenicity. report of a who scientific group. 19674962717
principles for the testing of drugs for teratogenicity. report of a who scientific group. 19674962717
depression of the megakaryocyte-platelet system in rats by transfusion of platelets. 19674963349
studies on the cell toxicity and species specificity of purified staphylococcal toxins. 19674963586
[effect of an extract of isologous hypothalamus on the thymus, adrenal gland and ovary of the impuberal mouse]. 19674963858
[bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculosis]. 19674964394
iodine-131 labeling of purified microbial antigens by microdiffusion. 19674965210
[a study of the immunologic properties of the soluble antigen of rickettsia prowazekii. v. a comparative evaluation of the immunogenicity of the soluble antigen of stains e and breinl]. 19674978644
the hexamine test: a new method for the differentiation of vibrio cholerae and v. eltor. 19675299756
a controlled field trial of the effectiveness of cholera and cholera el tor vaccines in the philippines.a controlled field trial on some 584 000 people in an endemic cholera el tor area in the philippines demonstrated that cholera vaccines gave moderate protection of short duration. injection of a single dose of vaccine prepared from either vibrio cholerae or el tor vibrios gave over 50% protection for the first 2 months. the immunity conferred by the v. cholerae vaccine declined rapidly after 3 to 4 months. the effectiveness of the el tor vaccine continued for 6 months. an oil-adjuvant vaccine pr ...19675300874
preparation and laboratory tests of oil-adjuvant cholera a search for cholera vaccines of improved efficacy, agar-grown strains of classical vibrio cholerae were killed with formol and emulsified with arlacel a in mineral oil; the final vibrio concentration was adjusted to 2 x 10(9) vibrios per adult dose (equal proportions of inaba and ogawa types).there was an unexplained discrepancy between determinations of the vibrio content, by cell counting and opacity measurements, and of the antigen content, by nitrogen measurements and the complement-fixa ...19675300875
antibiotic therapy of cholera in a controlled trial of the effects of oral antibiotics in treating cholera in children in dacca, east pakistan, tetracycline was the most effective of 4 antibiotics tested in reducing stool volume, intravenous fluid requirement, and the duration of diarrhoea and positive stool culture. increasing the duration of tetracycline therapy from 2 to 4 days, or increasing the total dose administered, resulted in shorter duration of positive culture, but did not affect stool volume or duration of diarr ...19675301733
survival of vibrio cholerae biotype el tor in well water. 19675301744
culture of serum-induced spheroplasts from vibrio cholerae.spheroplasts of vibrio cholerae types inaba, hikojima, and ogawa were produced in serum. an excess of lysozyme was added to expedite transformation, and cacl(2) was used as the stabilizing agent. at the optimal time for each strain, when less than 1% classical rod forms were observed microscopically, samples were plated on both conventional and modified l-form media. no growth occurred on conventional media; l-form type colonies appeared on l-form media after 2 to 6 days of incubation. l-form co ...19676025453
method for determining antineuraminidase activity.a test was developed to screen drugs for antineuraminidase (influenza sialidase) activity in vitro. neuraminidase prepared from vibrio cholerae was added to a substrate containing ganglioside, prepared from calf brain. sialic acid is a split product in the reaction. the presence of sialic acid was detected colorimetrically by use of warren's thiobarbituric acid assay after drugs had been added to inhibit the action of neuraminidase on the calf brain substrate.19676029825
studies in immunochemistry of vibrio cholerae. vii. action of enzymes on the antigens. 19676056277
spot plate method for the detection of hemolysin and hemodigestive enzyme of vibrio cholerae. 19676064849
some observations on the metabolic activities of chicken cells agglutination positive and negative strains of vibrio cholerae. 19675595577
distribution of vibrio cholerae in the intestine. 19675596264
selective quinone requirement for a limited in vitro multiplication of m. leprae murium. 19674869833
[our experiences with heterotransplants]. 19674870240
[studies on the distribution in rats of haloperidol labelled with tritium]. 19674871476
infection with an el tor strain of vibrio cholerae belonging to heiberg group 3. 19674871710
vegetative bacteriophage lambda-dna. i. infectivity in a spheroplast assay. 19674865142
protection of the proline-and valine-activating enzymes by their amino acid substrates against thermal inactivation. 19674863604
measurement of cerebral blood flow in man. 19674864032
preparative work on pepsin-digested denatured collagen. 19674860469
relationship between indole production, nitrite production and carbohydrate fermentation in vibrio cholerae. 19674861190
control of the ovarian cycle in cattle. a review. 19674862696
[bacterial lipopolysaccharides]. 19674876684
evidence for central inhibition of retinal function. 19674889353
electron microscopic studies on vibrio cholerae: an up-to-date review. 19674893086
[effects of various drugs on the contraction of the excised vas deferens by hypogastric nerve and transmural stimulations in guinea pigs]. 19674384694
drug effects on cardiac myosin adenosine triphosphatase activity. 19674294509
drug effects on cardiac myosin adenosine triphosphatase activity. 19674294509
[preliminary findings, in the dog, on the histochemical state of the preserved and perfused liver]. 19674294638
differentiation between vibrio cholerae and vibrio cholerae biotype el tor by the polymyxin b disc test: comparative results with tcbs, monsur's, mueller-hinton and nutrient agar media. 19674295003
relation of renal arterial pressure to activity of renin-angiotensin system in renal hypertension. 19674290949
relation of renal arterial pressure to activity of renin-angiotensin system in renal hypertension. 19674290949
homotypic and heterotypic antibody response in infants to adenovirus vaccine. 19674300740
homotypic and heterotypic antibody response in infants to adenovirus vaccine. 19674300740
physical and chemical reactions of phosphates in red cell membranes in relation to active transport.1. a study has been made of the chemical reactions associated with the active transport of sodium and potassium in human red cells, with special reference to the action of oligomycin and the labelling of cell membranes by radioactive atp.2. oligomycin had the same effects as ouabain on the various aspects of active transport in red cells. it inhibited sodium and potassium transport, the transport atpase, and the lactate production that is controlled by the sodium pump.3. when cell membranes were ...19674229083
studies of escherichia coli in gnotobiotic pigs. iv. comparison of enteropathogenic and nonenteropathogenic strains.four gnotobiotic pigs were infected with an enteropathogenic strain of escherichia coli, and 4 were infected with a nonenteropathogenic strain of e. coli. pigs killed in pairs at 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours pi. four pigs were maintained as germfree controls. the discussions were based on the results of 1) clinical observations, 2) necropsy observations, 3) counts of viable e. coli in segments of the small intestine, 4) attempts to isolate e. coli from the heart, liver, and bile, 5) microscopic exami ...19674229183
[sulfur dioxide influence on amino acid concentration in the plasma of rabbits]. 19674232259
[rat-flea index in plague control campaigns]. 19674235703
sequence of igm and igg antibody synthesis in mice. 19674167408
fixation of aortic valve homografts with metal rings. 19674168689
electron microscopic observations on the excretion of cell-wall material by vibrio cholerae. 19674168882
multiple serotypes of vibrio cholerae isolated from a case of cholera. evidence suggesting in-vivo mutation. 19674163924
frequency-dependent potentiation by various drugs of the chronotropic response of isolated cat atria to sympathetic nerve stimulation. 19674383093
[effect of substances related to catecholamine on free amino acids and ammonium in the brain under cold stress]. 19674383571
infection with bacteria, mycoplasma, and viruses in acute respiratory illness. 19674383963
infection with bacteria, mycoplasma, and viruses in acute respiratory illness. 19674383963
[evaluation of systolic and diastolic left ventricular function in acute myocardial infarction by aortic echogram].a noninvasive method for the measurement of the cardiac output and diastolic ventricular function was evaluated by aortic echogram in a group of patients with acute myocardial infarction (ami). the following parameters were employed: average of initial and late aortic cusp separation (acs), left ventricular ejection time (ep) and amplitude of aortic posterior wall during ejection (aa). the following formula was used: cardiac output (co) = (acs x ep) x 100 + aa x hr. diastolic ventricular functio ...19672130226
hypertension control in occupational setting. review. 1967276668
[sensitive method for continuous detection of peptides and proteins using the biuret reaction and a copper-sephadex reactor (author's transl)].we describe a detection method relying both on the copper displacement from a sephadex gel by peptides and proteins, and on the subsequent colorimetric determination of the complexed copper. the system described is fully automated and it permits a continuous analysis of column effluents. the choice of cuprizone as a detecting reagent for copper, enables one to bring the detection limit down to 200 ng for albumin and 60 ng for alanylglycylglycin. the specificity of the method is the same as the b ...1967546885
effects of adenosine analogues on basal, prostaglandin e1- and forskolin-stimulated cyclic amp formation in intact neuroblastoma cells.we have examined the effects of r-phenylisopropyladenosine (r-pia) and other adenosine analogues on basal, prostaglandin e1 (pge1)- and forskolin-stimulated cyclic amp (camp) formation in intact n1e-115 neuroblastoma cells, to determine whether the cells contain a1 adenosine receptors that are negatively coupled with adenylate cyclase. basal levels of camp (68 +/- 7 pmol/mg protein; mean +/- se, n = 15) were not altered by low concentrations of r-pia. the apparent lack of inhibition was not due ...19672554919
evidence for site-specific absorption of a novel ace inhibitor.moexipril [2-[(1-ethoxycarbonyl)-3-phenylpropyl]amino-1-oxopropyl]-6, 7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid (s,s,s)], an ester prodrug of an ace inhibitor, was formulated in controlled-release preparations with a range of in vitro release rates, to provide a prolonged input of drug in vivo. however, pharmacokinetic studies with the controlled-release dosage forms in humans produced plasma profiles with the same characteristics and time to peak as an immediate-release capsu ...19672554270
red krypton and blue-green argon laser diabetic panretinal photocoagulation.eyes with three or four diabetic retinopathy risk factors received laser panretinal photocoagulation with random selection of either blue-green argon (42 eyes) or red krypton (40 eyes) laser to determine if one laser was superior to the other. after 6 months, visual acuity preservation or improvement was obtained in 33 (79%) argon- and 34 (84%) krypton-treated eyes. peripheral iv-4e visual field constriction of 7% occurred with argon and 10% with krypton. vitreous hemorrhaging after treatment oc ...19672476366
attenuation of virulence in vibrio cholerae. 196720475875
drugs in current use. the burn wound: topical therapy for infection control. 1968252427
[modified team nursing in a psychiatric department. 1. we have found ourselves ahead of the theories behind this form of nursing]. 1968252262
[physiological tests of importance for diagnosis]. 1968297273
[retinal vein thrombosis]. 1968252174
existence of a natural killer (nk) cell repertoire for (allo)antigen recognition: definition of five distinct nk-determined allospecificities in humans. 19681409338
nursing care study. hydrocephalus and blocked shunt: and mother came too. 1968252068
[assessment of an analysis of the connections of nutrition with risk factors for ischemic heart disease in a one-time epidemiologic study].nutrition of 908 males aged 20-54 years, living in tallinn, was studied in simultaneous population investigation by the method of one-day questioning. it was found that subjects with excessive body mass (ebm) and coronary heart disease (chd), who did not keep to a diet, reduced their ration calorific value, consumption of saturated fatty acids, sugar, and increased consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and food fibres. no relations were detected between nutrition and chd risk factors in the ...19682554595
cell proteins bind to multiple sites within the 5' untranslated region of poliovirus rna.the 5' noncoding region of poliovirus rna contains sequences necessary for translation and replication. these functions are probably carried out by recognition of poliovirus rna by cellular and/or viral proteins. using a mobility-shift electrophoresis assay and 1,10-phenanthroline/cu+ footprinting, we demonstrate specific binding of cytoplasmic factors with a sequence from nucleotides 510-629 within the 5' untranslated region (utr). complex formation was also observed with a second sequence (nuc ...19682554308
[diagnosis and radiotherapy of cancer of the esophagus. apropos of 58 cases]. 1968547466
a new tracheal strip preparation for the evaluation of beta-adrenergic activity. 19684384157
the influence of anesthesia on baroreceptor reflexes. 19684390201
vibriocidal activity, immune globulin producing cells and immune globulin levels in theropithecus gelada after administration of a vibrio cholerae antigen. 19684170509
effect of the route of administration on the neutralizing potency of antivenins. 19684170738
studies on the binding of testosterone to human plasma. 19684172115
changes of the oxidation-reduction potential in cultures of a thermophilic strain of bacillus subtilis. 19684172272
mouse serum as an environment for the growth of trypanosoma lewisi. 19684172378
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 24874