
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cytologic features of cerebrospinal fluid in lyme disease.the cytomorphologic findings in the cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of four patients with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (lyme disease) related to a tick bite (due in at least two cases to borrelia burgdorferi) are reported. in all cases, the may-grünwald-giemsa-stained centrifuge preparations of the csf showed a cellular pattern consisting of a lymphocytic pleocytosis composed mainly of immunoblasts and plasma cells associated with numerous foamy macrophages. direct immunofluorescence studies in one ...19873604539
lyme disease ecology in wisconsin: distribution and host preferences of ixodes dammini, and prevalence of antibody to borrelia burgdorferi in small mammals.lyme disease recently has been recognized in wisconsin. trapping studies were conducted at four geographically separate and ecologically distinct regions in wisconsin to elucidate the distribution and host preferences of ixodes dammini on small and medium sized mammals, and the occurrence of antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in these wild mammals. peak i. dammini larval activity occurred from june-september. nymphs were most active from may-august. white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) and ch ...19873605501
transovarial and transstadial passage of borrelia burgdorferi in the western black-legged tick, ixodes pacificus (acari: ixodidae).transovarial and transstadial passage of borrelia burgdorferi was demonstrated for the first time in the western black-legged tick, ixodes pacificus. one of three field-collected females with spirochetes in ovarial tissues produced 100% infected progeny that maintained the spirochetes transstadially and in 4 of 5 cases passed them via eggs to as many as 97% of f2 filial ticks. the progeny infected ovarially and by subsequent transstadial passage had generalized tissue infections that exhibited r ...19873605502
electron microscopy studies of human intestinal spirochetes.the ultrastructure of twenty human intestinal spirochetes was analyzed using the electron microscope. negatively stained cells were generally found to be loosely and irregularly waved. the isolates had cell dimensions ranging from 0.18-0.35 micron in width and from 3.9-14.2 micron in length. twin bundles of flagella were present in the space between the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane. the majority of isolates had five flagella inserted sub-terminally at each cell end. human intestin ...19873609249
isolation of borrelia spirochetes from patients in texas.the texas department of health laboratory began culturing the lyme disease spirochete borrelia burgdorferi in 1985. this organism was subsequently isolated from blood, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluid, skin, bone, and autopsy tissues from humans. fluorescent-antibody tests with murine monoclonal antibodies confirmed that seven of these isolates were b. burgdorferi and that two others belonged to the genus borrelia.19873611307
[lyme disease]. 19873614394
[meningoradiculitis after a tick bite. study of 31 cases].a retrospective study covering a period of 20 years identified reports on 31 cases of meningoradiculitis of the garin-bujadoux-bannwarth type (mrgbb). clinical, biological, electromyographic characteristics and course of the disease were studied. the most recent cases (n = 8) in 1984 and 1985 had serological tests for borrelia burgdorferi and half of the cases had negative results. conversely, in some patients with meningoradiculitis, even in the absence of a tick bite or of migrating chronic er ...19873616364
[anti-cardiolipin antibodies in lyme disease]. 19873616457
[lyme disease from the neurologist's viewpoint].the gamut of neurological symptoms observed in lyme disease is outlined on the basis of 45 case histories. the borrelia infection of the nervous system manifests itself primarily at the spinal roots and the cranial nerves. signs of spinal cord and brain involvement were found in well over a third of the patients studied. these may be taken as the result of the infection spreading to parenchymatous structures or as vessel reactions and infections. long-lasting exhaustion and residual focal defici ...19873616582
[epidemiology of ixodes-borreliosis in southern germany].intimate adaptation occurs between european strains of borrelia burgdorferi and the local hard tick ixodes ricinus. i. dammini, the important vector in usa, could not be infected experimentally with a strain of the lyme spirochete from southern germany. other species of blood suckers are sometimes able to maintain uptaken spirochetes for a few days, but never to compensate the tick vector. man seems to be a good host for b. burgdorferi but without epidemiological significance due to his poor vec ...19873623604
absence of lipopolysaccharide in the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi.we were unable to demonstrate the presence of the classic enterobacterium-type lipopolysaccharide in the cells of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi b31. this finding was primarily based on chemical analysis and the absence of free lipid a upon mild acid hydrolysis of the appropriate cell extracts. these results do not preclude the possible existence of an unusual lipopolysaccharide-like compound(s) in b. burgdorferi.19873623705
seasonal prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi in natural populations of white-footed mice, peromyscus leucopus.borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease, was isolated from 111 of 237 peromyscus leucopus captured during all seasons of the year. borreliae were cultured from tissues of the spleen (101 mice), left kidney (76 mice), and right kidney (73 mice), from blood (12 mice), and from one fetus. mice were infected during the winter, when immature ixodes dammini were inactive. the prevalence of infection during the winter (less than or equal to 33%) was more than twofold lower than that d ...19873624451
experimental infections of mosquitoes with borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease. 19873624914
selected arthropod-borne diseases. plague, lyme disease, and babesiosis.the incidence of plague, one of the oldest arthropod-borne diseases, has increased during the past 10 years in the united states. domestic carnivores are playing an increased role in the occurrence of human cases. the cat is now the principal cause of primary human pneumonic plague in the united states. lyme disease and babesiosis, which were initially thought to be limited to specific local regions, are much more widespread than originally thought.19873551304
an interlaboratory study of antibody to borrelia burgdorferi. 19873553353
early detection and persistence of antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in persons with lyme indirect immunofluorescence antibody (ifa) test and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) were used during 1984 to detect total immunoglobulins (ig) or igm and igg antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi. of the 139 serum samples tested by ifa, representing 110 persons with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm), 84 (60%) had either or both class-specific immunoglobulins. serologic confirmation was made for 64 (58%) patients; serum specimens from 54 (49%) of these had elevated levels of igm antib ...19873296563
the significance of controls in lyme arthritis of order to better define the specificity of lyme disease (ld) seropositivity and seronegativity during a study of lyme arthritis in a pediatric rheumatology population, three groups of controls are in the process of being developed. children with other rheumatic disorders. siblings and parents of children with lyme arthritis. individuals with intense environmental exposure to ld. sera from each have been tested for antibody to borrelia burgdorferi (bb), by indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa ...19873296564
antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi in bavarian forest workers.the sera of 496 forest workers (fw), 44 customs officials and 20 other persons in outdoor professions from different areas of bavaria were tested for antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi (strain b 31) by indirect immunofluorescence. in sera previously absorbed with treponema phagedenis ultrasonicate, significantly elevated igg antibody titers were found in 69 cases, in 68 fw (13.7%) and 1 custom agent. in accordance with previous observations the distribution of positive results showed a dist ...19873296565
serodiagnostic of erythema chronicum migrans (lyme disease) in cases initially suspected as caused by arboviruses. 19873296567
cross-reactivity in serological tests for lyme disease and other spirochetal infections.serum specimens from 163 persons with lyme disease, tick-borne or louse-borne relapsing fever, yaws, syphilis, leptospirosis, or rocky mountain spotted fever were analyzed to assess the specificity of indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) tests, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), and microscopic agglutination (ma) procedures. strong cross-reactivity occurred when sera from individuals with lyme disease, tick-borne relapsing fever, and louse-borne relapsing fever were tested against hete ...19873298452
prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi in white-footed mice and ixodes dammini at fort mccoy, wis.borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, was isolated from 15 of 17 white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) and 54 of 82 subadult ixodes dammini from fort mccoy, wis. of the 47 isolates tested, all reacted in indirect fluorescent-antibody tests with monoclonal antibodies directed against a surface protein of b. burgdorferi (approximate molecular weight, 31,000) and flagellins that are common to all borrelia species. indirect fluorescent-antibody reactions were variable when an ...19873305566
localized scleroderma (morphea) and antibody to borrelia burgdorferi.enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and immunofluorescence assay (ifa) were performed in 25 and 32 cases of morphea, respectively. the more sensitive and specific elisa was positive in only 1 of 25 cases and the mean value was lower in cases of morphea than in controls. ifa showed minimally reactive titers in 6 (19%) of 32 cases. there were an additional six cases with borderline titers. these data indicate that there is no specific association between borrelia burgdorferi infection and mo ...19873308981
histological evidence for spirochetal origin of morphea and lichen sclerosus et order to elucidate the possible spirochetal origin of morphea and lichen sclerosus et atrophicans (lsa), we investigated biopsy specimens from 13 patients with morphea and 13 patients with lsa. four patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (aca), three with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm), and 11 patients with other inflammatory dermatoses served as controls. formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections were stained by an avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase method, using serum of a patient ...19873318532
clinical and serologic studies of canine borreliosis.during 1984 and 1985, blood samples were obtained from 271 dogs that were suspected of having borreliosis. the dogs lived in areas known to be infested with ticks and had been examined because of limb/joint disorders or for unknown illnesses marked by fever, anorexia, or fatigue. lameness had been the most frequently reported clinical manifestation. analyses of serum specimens, by an indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) method or by an elisa, detected antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi, the etiol ...19873319989
evaluation of a quantitative fluorescence immunoassay (fiax) for detection of serum antibody to borrelia burgdorferi.a quantitative, indirect, fluorescence immunoassay (fiax; whittaker bioproducts, inc.) was compared with the conventional indirect fluorescent-antibody test for detection of serum antibody to borrelia burgdorferi. fiax correlated well with the indirect fluorescent-antibody test (r = 0.72). fiax is a convenient and dependable means of measuring serum antibody to b. burgdorferi.19873320090
characterization of borrelia burgdorferi strains isolated from ixodes pacificus ticks in a survey of 1,714 adult ixodes pacificus ticks collected in northern california, 24 (1.4%) were found to be infected with spirochetes that reacted with an anti-borrelia burgdorferi polyvalent conjugate in direct immunofluorescence tests. eleven isolates of b. burgdorferi from these ticks were characterized by monoclonal antibody, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and western blot (immunoblot) analyses. ten of the isolates had molecular and antigenic characteristics similar to those of other ...19873323225
[a current infection: lyme disease]. 19873423471
[tick bite meningoradiculitis and other neurological aspects of lyme disease].in the majority of cases, meningoradiculitis consecutive to tick bite most probably belongs to lyme disease caused by borrelia burgdorferi. the disease may be limited to the primary, though inconstant, stage of cutaneous migratory erythema, or it may develop into cardiac and, mostly, neurological disorders. the nervous system involvement, which we observed in 7 patients, mainly consists of peripheral motor neuropathy of moderate severity and sometimes limited to the cranial nerves, associated wi ...19873423473
lyme disease during pregnancy. 19873425250
[serologic diagnosis of borrelia burgdorferi infection]. 19873433272
lymphocytic meningoradiculitis and encephalomyelitis due to borrelia burgdorferi: a clinical and serological study of 18 cases.clinical features of 18 patients with either lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (n = 17) or chronic encephalomyelitis (n = 1) due to borrelia burgdorferi are reported. arthropod bites were recorded in only seven patients. high titres of anti b burgdorferi antibodies were detected in sera from all patients and in csf from 12 out of 17 patients tested. all patients had csf abnormalities especially pleocytosis and oligoclonal bands. a falsely positive syphilitic serology was observed in the csf from th ...19873437290
cerebral angiopathy and recurrent strokes following borrelia burgdorferi infection. 19873437311
[a case of lyme disease due to tick bite]. 19873441026
[the tick ixodes persulcatus schulze--a new vector of borrelia burgdorferi]. 19873446473
erythema chronicum migrans: evidence for cellular immune reaction in the skin biopsy specimens from 9 patients with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) were studied immunohistochemically using a series of monoclonal antibodies. in biopsy specimens taken from the erythematous peripheral portion of ecm the perivascular infiltrates were composed predominantly of leu-4+ t cells. leu-3a + helper/inducer t cells were more numerous than leu-2a + cytotoxic/suppressor t cells. of particular interest was the high number of leu-6+ langerhans cells in the epidermis and dermis of sp ...19873493926
lyme disease.lyme disease is a complex multisystem disorder recognized on three continents, which is epidemic in some regions during spring, summer, and fall seasons. it primarily affects skin, nervous system, heart, and joints. it is an infectious disease caused by a spirochete borellia burgdorferi, which is transmitted chiefly by ixodes dammini and pacificus ticks in the united states and ixodes ricinus in europe. diagnosis is based on patient contact with an endemic area, one or more characteristic clinic ...19873332882
oligoclonal antibodies in csf of patients with meningopolyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth: ig class, light chain type and specificity.detection of intrathecally produced antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of patients with meningopolyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth (mpn-gbb) is well documented. analysis of csf has revealed the oligoclonal nature of these antibodies. we investigated oligoclonal antibodies (oa) in csf and serum of mpn-gbb patients with regard to immunoglobulin class, light chain type and specificity and compared the findings with those in other neurological diseases (ond). for this purpose an immunofixatio ...19873109143
treatment and course of erythema chronicum migrans.72 patients with erythema chronicum migrans were treated with phenoxymethyl penicillin, 1,5 mill. iu p.o. three times a day for 14 days. two children got the same therapy, but in a dosage of 400,000 iu three times a day for 10 days. in three of 15 skin samples, taken from the periphery of ecm lesions, spirochetal organisms were isolated. of the 72 patients 16 had raised igg (greater than or equal to 128) and 9 had raised igm (greater than or equal to 64) titers to borrelia burgdorferi. under tre ...19873109145
effectiveness of two insecticides in controlling ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) following an outbreak of lyme disease in new jersey. 19873114494
emerging pattern of lyme disease in the united kingdom and irish the past year there have been 68 cases of lyme disease in the united kingdom and republic of ireland. 41 patients had erythema chronicum migrans, and 8 of them had associated neurological disease. 13 further patients presented with neurological disease without a preceding skin lesion. myocarditis was present in 1 patient. ixodes ricinus was confirmed as the vector for lyme disease. in two areas deer were found to be infected by borrelia burgdorferi, the causative organism of lyme disease. 86% ...19872880076
antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi and localised scleroderma. 19872882098
horse reservoir for borrelia burgdorferi? 19872882362
shulman syndrome, a scleroderma subtype caused by borrelia burgdorferi? 19872885476
lyme disease in europe. 19872886728
borrelia burgdorferi antibodies and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 19872886788
borrelia burgdorferi and shulman syndrome. 19872887905
[borrelian meningoencephalomyelitis. a case].a 22-year old man had spastic paraparesis and cerebellar syndrome of 5 months duration. csf showed lymphocytosis, elevated protein content, hypoglycorachia, hypochlorurachia and oligoclonal banding. ct scan and mri were normal. extensive laboratory procedures disclosed no bacterial, viral, fungic, parasitic or inflammatory disease. anti-borrelia burgdorferi antibodies were present in blood (1/4000) and in csf (1/1024). with antibiotics (penicillin g 20 millions units per day for 10 days, followe ...19872962086
[multiple plaque scleroderma with seroconversion for borrelia burgdorferi]. 19872962112
molecular cloning of treponema pallidum outer envelope fibronectin binding proteins, p1 and p2.phages directing the synthesis of treponema pallidum fibronectin binding adhesin proteins, p1 and p2, were isolated from an embl-3 bacteriophage lambda library of t pallidum deoxyribonucleic acid (dna). the recombinant phages were identified using antisera generated to treponemal proteins purified in fibronectin-sepharose. recombinant p1 and p2 proteins possessed the same relative molecular weights as the native surface polypeptides of spirochaetes. the structural genes for these proteins were s ...19872962928
lyme disease. a neuro-ophthalmologic view.lyme borreliosis is a spirochetal infection with a potential to produce a clinical disease in the human host with protean manifestations as diverse as the spectrum of disease caused by treponema pallidum. neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of lyme borreliosis are emphasized in this short review. a brief historical chronicle of lyme disease is offered. potential pitfalls in the diagnosis of lyme disease with an emphasis on false negative serology and currently available diagnostic modalities are ...19872963023
acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans in association with lichen sclerosus et atrophicans: tubulo-interstitial nephritis and urinary excretion of spirochete-like organisms.we report about a 38-year-old male patient with coexisting acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, lichen sclerosus et atrophicans and recurrent diabetic metabolic disorders since 9 years. serologically igg antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi could be detected. moveless winded structures, morphologically resembling borreliae could be demonstrated in the urine sediment by dark field microscopy. additionally a tubulo-interstitial nephritis was diagnosed by the presence of a dysmorphic hematuria, ...19872436416
[european aspects of lyme disease. 8 cases].a case of meningo-radiculitis consecutive to tick bite with isolation, for the first time in france, of a borrelia burgdorferi strain prompted us to review the records of patients admitted to our hospital department with lyme disease. meningo-radiculitis was the predominant feature of the clinical syndrome. it seems to be one of the usual forms of lyme disease in europe.19872949308
[neurologic aspects of lyme disease].the neurological manifestations of lyme disease--a condition caused by a spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi) and transmitted by a tick ixodes dammini)--consist of chronic lymphocytic meningitis, cranial neuritis and radiculoneuritis associated to varying degrees. the tick-borne meningoradiculitis well known in europe (garin-bujadoux-bannwarth syndrome) appears, with very slight differences, as equivalent to the neurological manifestations of lyme disease. lesions of the central nervous system, whi ...19872949311
[lyme disease: diagnostic value of quantitative determination of antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid]. 19872950472
unusual manifestations of nervous system borrelia burgdorferi infection.borrelia burgdorferi infection may show disease manifestations in different organ systems, including the skin, heart, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and joints. we report two hitherto unknown (to our knowledge) disease manifestations, an arteritis in the central nervous system, and a neuromyopathy of 11 years' duration. diagnoses were made by demonstrating specific antibodies against b burgdorferi in the cerebrospinal fluid, and elevated specific antibody index. both patients ...19873036051
absence of spirochaetes (borrelia burgdorferi) and piroplasms (babesia microti) in deer ticks (ixodes dammini) parasitized by chalcid wasps (hunterellus hookeri).an entomophagous wasp (hunterellus hookeri howard) parasitizes about a third of the host-seeking nymphal ixodes dammini spielman et al. ticks on naushon island in massachusetts (u.s.a.) where the agents of lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi johnson et al.) and human babesiosis (babesia microti franca) are enzootic. following blood-feeding, wasp-parasitized ticks are destroyed by the developing wasp. the prevalence of either human pathogen in host-seeking ticks collected in wasp-infested sites is ...19872979518
[isolated meningoencephalitis in lyme disease]. 19873579101
[tick-borne erythematous spirochetosis (tick-borne annular erythema. bannwarth syndrome, lyme disease)]. 19873554857
lyme disease: a review. 19873468679
[pericardial manifestations of lyme disease].among cardiac manifestations of lyme disease, pericardic involvement, as the main symptom, seems to be exceptional. we report two cases of pericarditis with typical clinical features. in both cases, pericarditis was the only clinical sign of the disease. diagnosis was based on significant high serological antibodies levels with no evidence of any other etiological factor. penicillin was administered and lead in one case to negativation of the serology. as cardiac involvement can occur without an ...19873450205
[cases of borreliosis (lyme disease) in western pomerania]. 19873432570
lyme disease: a rare cause of arthritis? 19873153609
[results of the detection of lyme disease in the central bohemian region. preliminary report]. 19872961474
[inflammatory polyenthesopathy, an unusual manifestation of lyme disease]. 19872962148
lyme disease: cause of a treatable peripheral neuropathy.peripheral nerve dysfunction was demonstrated in 36% of patients with late lyme disease. of 36 patients evaluated, 14 had prominent limb paresthesias. thirteen of these had neurophysiologic evidence of peripheral neuropathy; neurologic examinations were normal in most. repeat testing following treatment documented rapid improvement in 11 of 12. we conclude that this neuropathy, which is quite different from the infrequent peripheral nerve syndromes previously described in this illness, is common ...19873670609
lyme disease misdiagnosed as a brown recluse spider bite. 19873662296
the clinical evolution of lyme determine the clinical evolution of lyme arthritis, 55 patients who did not receive antibiotic therapy for erythema chronicum migrans were followed longitudinally for a mean duration of 6 years. of the 55 patients, 11 (20%) had no subsequent manifestations of lyme disease. from 1 day to 8 weeks after disease onset, 10 of the patients (18%) began to have brief episodes of joint, periarticular, or musculoskeletal pain for as long as 6 years, but they never developed objective joint abnormalitie ...19873662285
stillbirth following maternal lyme disease. 19873480464
[lyme disease disclosed by urticaria]. 19872959929
lyme disease. 198718750334
[acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans and lyme disease]. 19873316103
lyme disease and hla-dr antigens. 19873120351
granulomatous hepatitis associated with lyme disease. 19872887904
seed ticks.seed ticks, the first-stage larvae of hard ticks, are not always recognized. they are tiny (0.6 mm) and have six legs, rather than the eight legs found on nymphal and adult ticks. seed ticks may transmit rocky mountain spotted fever, tularemia, babesiosis and lyme disease. pediculocides are effective in removing the larvae.19873630877
[lyme disease]. 19873579490
eye findings in lyme disease. 19873568649
three further cases of lyme disease. 19873103771
from new to old england: the progress of lyme disease. 19873103755
a case of lyme disease in a 9-year-old black male. 19873827964
[lyme disease--a new nosologic unit]. 19873824941
lyme disease in france. 19873591099
lyme disease in italy.we present the first cases of lyme disease found in italy. the diagnosis was based on clinical and laboratory data. the antigen used for indirect immunofluorescence (i.i.f.) was kindly supplied to us by prof. r. ackermann (köln). reciprocal titer was 64 in five patients, 128 in six, 256 in three and 512 in one. the patients came either from the eastern ligurian coast or the trieste karst: these are consequently the first two italian areas where lyme disease has been recognized up to the present.19873591098
electrophysiologic findings in meningopolyneuritis of garin-bujadoux-bannwarth.previous reports on neuropathy in lyme disease and related disorders suggest predominant demyelination in most of the few cases investigated. we analysed retrospectively electrophysiologic data in 29 patients with mpn-gbb. in peripheral nerve involvement slowed ncv and/or prolonged dl was the prominent finding, concordant with primary demyelination. distribution of pathology resembles mononeuritis. facial nerve palsy was common and often bilateral.19873591082
cerebrospinal fluid findings in neurological manifestations of lyme disease.the cerebrospinal fluid (csf) findings in 21 patients with different manifestations of lyme disease are presented. 15 patients exhibited csf changes including a lymphoplasmocytic pleocytosis and a csf protein profile indicating a barrier leakage combined with an intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis. six patients-mainly suffering from cranial neuritis-had a normal csf.19873591080
treatment of lyme disease.we compared phenoxymethyl penicillin, erythromycin, and tetracycline, in each instance 250 mg four times a day for 10 days, for the treatment of early lyme disease (stage 1). none of 39 patients given tetracycline developed major late complications compared with 3 of 40 penicillin-treated patients and 4 of 29 given erythromycin (p = 0.07). however, with all three antibiotic agents, nearly half of patients had minor late symptoms. for neurologic abnormalities (stage 2), 12 patients were treated w ...19873109144
lyme disease presenting as recurrent acute meningitis. 19873115452
intrathecal igm synthesis in patients with lyme disease. 19873662458
lyme disease: an increasing health risk for school-age children.lyme disease, a bacterial infection with noticeable short-term and serious long-term consequences, is the most common tick-borne disease. first described in 1977, lyme disease poses a significant health threat to school-age children exposed to the tick vector primarily in three specific regions of the united states. this article describes lyme disease and its clinical signs and symptoms, and discusses the school nurse's role in identification, management, and prevention of this new health risk.19873650594
lyme disease as cause of childhood arthritis. 19873631012
skin and nail changes in the arthritic foot.the arthritic process is unlikely to be confined to the foot; similarly the cutaneous lesions associated with the arthritic foot are often widespread. careful examination of the skin and nails, particularly the finger nails, may be helpful in the differential diagnosis when the patient presents with a painful foot joint. conversely, certain cutaneous lesions may alert the physician to the possibility of joint disorders presenting at some later date. in this chapter, it is not possible to mention ...19873331326
cutaneous manifestations of neurologic infections in children.neurologic infections in children are frequently accompanied by cutaneous findings that may direct the physician toward the correct diagnosis. in some instances, the appearance of an eruption (such as erythema chronicum migrans and lyme disease) is specific or a rapid bedside diagnostic test (tzanck preparation for herpes simplex) is extremely helpful in sorting out the differential diagnosis of a child's illness. in this article, cutaneous clues to some of the more important childhood infection ...19873306337
[lyme disease: an infection with localization in various organs]. 19872821410
serologically substantiated case of lyme disease and potential tick vectors in alabama. 19873661896
[lyme disease: a recently known multiple systemic disease]. 19873322709
lyme meningoencephalitis: report of a severe, penicillin-resistant case.although lyme disease frequently attacks the central nervous system, this involvement is rarely severe, and high-dose intravenous penicillin usually is adequate treatment. the patient we describe developed severe lyme meningoencephalitis despite receiving a full course of penicillin, and his condition continued to deteriorate after reinstitution of this treatment. intravenous chloramphenicol was used successfully and resulted in a substantial improvement.19873649235
lyme carditis: high-grade heart block in lyme disease. 19873600577
ceftriaxone as effective therapy in refractory lyme disease. 19873572042
[lyme disease. unfavorable course after treatment with amoxicillin]. 19872955311
lyme disease. 19873109587
tick-borne lymphocytic meningoradiculitis in ireland: bannwarth's syndrome/lyme disease. 19873597040
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 15661