
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a unique hav strain circulated in patients with acute hav infection with different risk exposures in tuscany, italy.acute hepatitis a virus (hav) is reported to be an emergent problem in several developed countries.201021094625
heat inactivation of hepatitis a virus and a norovirus surrogate in soft-shell clams (mya arenaria).the effectiveness of different thermal treatments for inactivating two viruses in clams was evaluated. soft-shell clam digestive glands experimentally contaminated with hepatitis a virus (hav) or murine norovirus (mnv) were heated for 90, 180, or 300 seconds at 85°c or 90°c in glass vials or plastic bags with 200 g of soft-shell clam meat. inactivation was measured by plaque assay and real-time reverse-transcription (rt)-polymerase chain reaction assay. measured inactivation was similar using bo ...201021126194
simultaneous recovery of bacteria and viruses from contaminated water and spinach by a filtration method.water and leafy vegetables eaten fresh are increasingly reported as being involved in food-borne illness cases. the pathogenic agents responsible for these infections are mainly bacteria and viruses and are present in very small quantities on the contaminated food matrices. laboratory techniques used to isolate or detect the contaminating agent differ enormously according to the type of microorganisms, generating time and economical losses. the purpose of this study was to optimize a single meth ...201021131086
prevalence of igg anti-hav in patients with chronic hepatitis b and in the general healthy population in korea.few studies have investigated hepatitis a virus (hav) seroepidemiology in koreans with chronic liver disease (cld). this study compared the prevalence of igg anti-hav between the general healthy population and patients with hepatitis b virus-related cld (hbv-cld), with the aim of identifying predictors of hav prior exposure.201021415579
[new guidelines for investigating and evaluating the virucidal activity of disinfectants].the diversity of viruses that cause human infectious diseases and problems in culturing some of them, such as hepatitis a, b, and c viruses and hiv, necessitate a search for test viruses that are closely resistant to disinfectants. the early methodical documents and the new one "guidelines for investigating and evaluating the virucidal activity of disinfectants" (my 3.5.2431-08) include poliovirus (vaccine strain) as one of the test viruses. adenovirus and thermoresistant parvovirus are addition ...201021344697
meeting vaccination quality measures for hepatitis a and b virus in patients with chronic hepatitis c infection.coinfection with hepatitis a virus (hav) or hepatitis b virus (hbv) in patients with chronic hepatitis c virus (hcv) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. the center for medicare and medicaid services has identified hav and hbv vaccination as a priority area for quality measurement in hcv. it is unclear to what extent patients with hcv meet these recommendations. we used national data from the department of veterans affairs hcv clinical case registry to evaluate the prevalence an ...201021254161
risk factors and immune response to hepatitis e viral infection among acute hepatitis patients in assiut, egypt.hepatitis e virus (hev) infection is a common cause of acute viral hepatitis (avh) in egypt. we aimed to identify risk factors of hev among acute hepatitis cases, measure hev specific immune response to differentiate between symptomatic and asymptomatic infections. the study included symptomatic acute hepatitis (ah) patients (n = 235) and asymptomatic contacts (n = 200) to hev cases. they completed a lifestyle questionnaire, screened for common hepatotropic viruses. blood and serum samples were ...201022053611
hepatitis a - prevention in travellers.hepatitis a is the second most common vaccine preventable infection in travellers. highly effective vaccines exist for its prevention for travellers from 12 months of age, including last minute travellers and those in special risk groups.201021301672
inactivation of hepatitis a virus and norovirus surrogate in suspension and on food-contact surfaces using pulsed uv light (pulsed light inactivation of food-borne viruses).this study was conducted to evaluate the inactivation of murine norovirus (mnv-1) and hepatitis a virus (hav) by pulsed ultraviolet (uv) light. mnv-1 was used as a model for human norovirus. viral suspensions of about 10(6) pfu/ml were exposed to pulses of uv light for different times and at different distances in a xenon steripulse device (model rs-3000c). inactivation studies were also carried out on 1-cm(2) stainless steel and polyvinyl chloride disks with 10(5) pfu/ml. inactivation of mnv-1 ...201021356466
a woman with recent jaundice and pruritus.a middle-aged woman suffering from jaundice and pruritus that had begun a month previously was presented to a the first assessment, laboratory findings had revealed a cholestatic pattern and serologic tests for hepatitis b virus (hbv), hepatitis c virus (hcv) and hepatitis a virus (hav) were negative. normal findings of abdominal computed tomography (ct) scan and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ercp) ruled out extrahepatic causes of cholestasis. a liver biopsy was do ...201022308126
hepatitis a with pleural effusion, ascites and acalculous cholecystitis.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection constitutes an important health problem in developing countries. it is usually a benign self-limiting disease, but may present with atypical clinical findings.201023056750
significant loss of hepatitis a ab after allogeneic hematopoietic sct in pediatric patients.loss of specific immunity after hematopoietic sct (hsct) is well documented for polio, measles, mumps and tetanus. there are limited studies reporting the loss of hepatitis a virus immunity and no reports evaluating the effect of donor immunity on hepatitis a virus (hav) immunity loss after hsct. a total of 49 of the 81 patients who received hsct at the ankara university pediatric hsct unit from january 1997 to december 2006 had hav serology tested before hsct and were evaluated for seroprevalen ...201019465941
[safety and immunogenicity of combined hepatitis a and hepatitis b vaccine according to 0 and 6 months schedule in healthy children].to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the bilive(tm) combined hepatitis a and hepatitis b vaccine in healthy children.201020388338
the complete genome sequence and molecular analysis of human hepatitis e virus genotype iv identified from a korean patient.hepatitis e virus (hev) was originally identified as the etiological agent of non-hav enterically transmitted hepatitis. one hev strain (fj763142) was identified from an acute viral hepatitis e patient with igm anti-hev in korea. the complete genome sequence consisted of 7,238 nucleotides (nt) plus a 22-nt poly(a) tail. the strain belongs to genotype iv, with 91% homology compared with ab197674, which was found in a japanese patient who had traveled to china. this finding suggests that hev genot ...201020390311
are pei-coated swcnts conjugated with hepatitis a virus? a chemical study with sem, z-potential, edxd and rt-pcr.the conjugation between nanotubes, coated with different doses of polyethylene imine (pei) and hepatitis a virus (hav) was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, z-potential, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray diffraction (edxd) and reverse transcript polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). for the first time, to our knowledge, evidence is obtained that conjugation between the nanotubes and the hav occurs and that it ...201020404402
the evaluation of the microbial safety of fresh ready-to-eat vegetables produced by different technologies in italy.the study was performed to evaluate the safety of whole and rte vegetables and to investigate the effectiveness of different preventive strategies for the quality assurance of rte vegetables collected from three italian production systems. producer 1, applied a strict system in compliance with gap- gmp - haccp, producer 2 used chlorine disinfection at a second washing step, and producer 3 using a physical microbial stabilization.201020408920
safety and immunogenicity of the hpv-16/18 as04-adjuvanted vaccine: a randomized, controlled trial in adolescent girls.immunization of girls against oncogenic human papillomavirus (hpv) types before sexual debut is important for cervical cancer prevention. this phase iii blinded, randomized, controlled trial in adolescent girls assessed safety of the hpv-16/18 as04-adjuvanted vaccine.201020413076
[detection of enteric viruses in wastewater of monastir region by rt-pcr method].wastewater frequently has been contaminated by enteric viruses, which can cause gastroenteritis, hepatitis, and other viral diseases. since current water treatments do not ensure their complete removal and they become contaminants of the water environment.201020415161
99th dahlem conference on infection, inflammation and chronic inflammatory disorders: controversial aspects of the 'hygiene hypothesis'.the 'hygiene hypothesis' proposes that the epidemic of allergic and autoimmune diseases is due to changes in the interactions between humans and the microbes of their ecosystem. this theory apparently does not explain (i) why allergic asthma is rising in 'unhygienic' american inner cities; (ii) why allergic diseases are less prevalent among migrants' children living in european big cities; (iii) why infections with airborne viruses do not 'protect' from allergic sensitization; (iv) why the inver ...201020415858
99th dahlem conference on infection, inflammation and chronic inflammatory disorders: microbes, apoptosis and tim-1 in the development of asthma.asthma is a complex disorder which has increased dramatically in prevalence over the past three decades. current therapies, based on the t helper type 2 (th2) paradigm, have not been able to control this disease. epidemiological studies have demonstrated an association between infection with the hepatitis a virus (hav) and protection against the development of asthma, and genetic studies have shown that the hav receptor, tim-1 (t cell, immunoglobulin domain and mucin domain), is an important ato ...201020415862
longer duration of viremia and unique amino acid substitutions in a hepatitis a virus strain [corrected] associated with guillain-barré syndrome (gbs).the molecular characteristics of hepatitis a virus (hav) have been studied widely though there is a paucity of data on the correlation with virological and serological findings. in the present study, the whole genome of an indian hav strain associated with guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) was characterized vis-à-vis two other indian hav genotype iiia strains, associated with a self-limiting disease. the percentage nucleotide divergence displayed by the indian strains (cp-ind, pn-ind, and gbs-ind) v ...201020419803
epidemiology of hepatitis a in finland in 1990-2007.the seroepidemiology of hepatitis a virus (hav) for the period 1990-2007 and the molecular epidemiology for the period 1994-2007 in finland were studied. the incidence of hepatitis a has been very low since 1990, at 0.3-3.6/100,000 inhabitants, excluding two outbreaks in 1994-1995 and 2002-2003, both of which were connected to intravenous drug use. serum samples (3,217) collected in the period 1997-1998 were tested for hepatitis a antibodies to assess the percentage of seropositive finns. more t ...201020419806
[acute myelitis related to hepatitis a after travel to senegal].neurological complications are rare following hepatitis a. acute myelitis is even more uncommon. the purpose of this report is to describe a case of acute myelitis related to hepatitis a virus (hav) in a 43-year-old-woman returning from senegal. diagnosis of myelitis was confirmed by spinal mri and detection of anti-hav ig m antibodies in serum. the patient made a spontaneous clinical recovery in one month. spinal mri findings were normal at three months. hepatitis a should be considered in the ...201020337107
the detection of enteric viruses in selected urban and rural river water and sewage in kenya, with special reference to determine the occurrence of eight human enteric viruses in surface water and sewage samples from different geographical areas in kenya.201020337763
a possible foodborne outbreak of hepatitis a in the netherlands, january-february of 1 march 2010, a total of 11 primary cases with onset of symptoms between 31 december 2009 and 10 february 2010, have been identified with identical hepatitis a genotype ib strains in the netherlands. a relation with australian and french foodborne outbreaks occurring in 2009 and 2010 is suspected. ten of the 11 primary cases indicated that they had consumed one or more products containing semi-dried tomatoes during their incubation period.201020338146
[seroprevalence of igg anti-hav in hospital employees below 40 years old].hepatitis a is an acute infectious disease transmitted by fecal-oral route. as the incidence of hepatitis a has been increased in gwangju and chonnam province of korea recently, the number of hepatitis a patients in hospital employees has also increased. thus, we investigated the seroprevalence of igg anti-hav in hospital employees below 40 years old.201020357529
[a case of pleural effusion associated with acute hepatitis a].hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is common in developing countries, including korea. it can be accompanied by extrahepatic complications such as renal failure, arthritis, and vasculitis. pleural effusion is a very rare complication of hav infection, which has been reported usually in children, and has benign clinical courses. here we report a case of pleural effusion with ascites which occurred in an adult hepatitis a patient. a 26-year-old-woman presented generalized myalgia and fever and was ...201020357532
predictors of hepatitis knowledge improvement among methadone maintained clients enrolled in a hepatitis intervention program.this randomized, controlled study (n = 256) was conducted to compare three interventions designed to promote hepatitis a virus (hav) and hepatitis b virus (hbv) vaccination completion, among clients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment (mmt) in los angeles and santa monica. the participants were randomized into three groups: motivational interviewing-single session (mi-single), motivational interviewing-group (mi-group), or nurse-led hepatitis health promotion (hhp). all three treatment gr ...201020358265
[complete genomic sequence of rapidly replicating strain mb-7 of hepatitis a virus and its characterization in comparison with nucleotide sequences of other hepatitis a virus strains].complete nucleotide sequence of genomic rna of hepatitis a virus (hav) rapidly replicating strain mb-7 was determined. comparison of nucleotide and deduced amino-acid sequences demonstrated the highest level of identity of mb-7 with strain has-15 (above 99%) and high homology with other hav strains (hm 175/7, cr326, and gbm/hfs) used in production of anti-hepatitis a vaccines. mb-7 was classified as subgenotype ia. phylogenetic analysis showed that mb-7 is most closely related to the strain has- ...201020361667
[clinical features of patients with fulminant hepatitis a requiring emergency liver transplantation: comparison with acute liver failure due to other causes].according to recent prevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection, acute liver failure (alf) due to hav infection is observed frequently in parallel. the aim of this study was to elucidate the clinical, laboratory, and pathologic features of patients who have undergone emergency liver transplantation (lt) due to fulminant hav infection.201020375639
[a case of hemophagocytic syndrome complicated by acute viral hepatitis a infection].hemophagocytic syndrome (hps) is a rare but serious condition that is histopathologically characterized by activation of macrophage or histiocytes with hemophagocytosis in bone marrow and reticuloendothelial systems. clinically it presents with high fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, liver dysfunction, and hyperferritinemia. hepatitis a virus is a very rare cause of secondary hps. we report a case of a 22-year-old woman infected by hepatitis a virus who was consequently complicated with hp ...201020375646
the infective causes of hepatitis and jaundice amongst hospitalised patients in vientiane, laos.there is little information on the diverse infectious causes of jaundice and hepatitis in the asiatic tropics. serology (hepatitis a, b, c and e, leptospirosis, dengue, rickettsia), antigen tests (dengue), pcr assays (hepatitis a, c and e) and blood cultures (septicaemia) were performed on samples from 392 patients admitted with jaundice or raised transaminases (> or =x3) to mahosot hospital, vientiane, laos over 3 years. conservative definitions suggested diagnoses of dengue (8.4%), rickettsios ...201020378138
interaction between single wall carbon nanotubes and a human enteric virus.activated single wall carbon nanotubes have been used for biomedical purposes as carriers for drugs, peptides, proteins and nucleic acids. a large volume of data speaks to their suitability to act as a carrier. the ability of two differently activated swnts (with carboxyl groups or with carboxyl groups and polyethylenimine (pei)) to form a complex with the hepatitis a virus was evaluated. both types of activations permitted the formation of a virus-swnt complex. however, their patterns were diff ...201020381533
long-term immunity after two doses of inactivated hepatitis a vaccine, in argentinean children.we examined long-term anti-hepatitis a virus antibody persistence in argentinean children 10 years after the initial study in which they received 2 doses of inactivated hepatitis a vaccine (avaxim 80u). of the 111 children, 48 from the initial trial were enrolled. of 48, 47 (97.9%) participants had serum anti-hepatitis a virus antibody titers > or =20 miu/ml, with the geometric mean concentration of 390.91 (+/-370.14) miu/ml; (95% confidence interval, 282.2-499.5 miu/ml), range, 36 to 1860.201020195189
[evaluation of the virus-elimination efficacy of nanofiltration (viresolve nfp) for the parvovirus b19 and hepatitis a virus].the safety of plasma derivatives has been reinforced since 1980s by variable pathogen inactivation or elimination techniques. nucleic acid amplification test (nat) for the source plasma has also been implemented worldwide. recently nanofiltration has been used in some country for ensuring safety of plasma derivatives to eliminate non-enveloped viruses such as parvovirus b19 (b19v) and hepatitis a virus (hav). we evaluated the efficacy of nanofiltration for the elimination of b19v and hav.201020197722
genome-based expression profiling study of hunner's ulcer type interstitial cystitis: an array of 40-gene model.the aim of this study was to explore potential molecular mechanisms contributing to the pathogenesis of hunner's ulcer type interstitial cystitis (ic).201020204322
laboratory characteristics of recent hepatitis a in korea: ongoing epidemiological evaluate seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) antibody and investigate demographic, clinical, and laboratory features of recent cases in korea.201020205283
concurrent reactivation of latent ebv with hepatitis a can affect clinical feature of childhood hepatitis.some children with acute hepatitis a virus (hav) infection have concurrent epstein-barr virus (ebv) reactivation serologically. we studied the frequency of ebv reactivation during hav infection and determined whether simultaneous occurrence of ebv reactivation and hav infection affected the clinical features of hav infection.201020219034
fine-tuning translation kinetics selection as the driving force of codon usage bias in the hepatitis a virus capsid.hepatitis a virus (hav), the prototype of genus hepatovirus, has several unique biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the picornaviridae family. among these, the need for an intact eif4g factor for the initiation of translation results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a mechanism similar to that of other picornaviruses. consequently, hav must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in ...201020221432
viral hepatitis.key findings: the prevalence of hepatitis a antibody, which is indicative of immunity to hepatitis a virus, increased among u.s. born persons aged 6-19, but decreased among persons aged 40 years and over. hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection among persons aged 6-19 has decreased in recent years. by 2003-2006, over 90% of children had received at least one dose of the recommended three-dose series of hepatitis b vaccine. prevalence of infection with hepatitis c virus (hcv) decreased among those at h ...201020223109
establishment of a biological reference preparation for hepatitis a vaccine (inactivated, non-adsorbed).a reference standard calibrated in international units (iu) is needed for the in vitro potency assay of hepatitis a vaccines prepared by formalin-inactivation of purified hepatitis a virus grown in cell cultures. thus, a project was launched by the european directorate for the quality of medicines & healthcare (edqm) to establish one or more non-adsorbed inactivated hepatitis a vaccine reference preparation(s) as working standard(s), calibrated against the 1st international standard (is), for th ...201020223187
simultaneous separation and detection of hepatitis a virus and norovirus in produce.two sample preparation methods based on electrostatic binding were tested to simultaneously separate different viral particles from different food surfaces (lettuce, strawberry, raspberries and green onions). both methods were evaluated using a multiplex real-time pcr assay designed for detection of hepatitis a virus and norovirus gi and gii. single and multiplex detection limits were determined as 10(1) viral particles for hav and norovirus gii, and 10(2) viral particles for norovirus gi using ...201020223543
environmental surveillance and molecular characterization of human enteric viruses in tropical urban study the prevalence and genotypes of waterborne pathogenic viruses in urban wastewaters in the tropical region.201020233263
early days of food and environmental july 1962, the author joined the food research institute (fri), then at the university of chicago, to become its food virologist. there was a limited record of waterborne viral disease outbreaks at the time; recorded data on foodborne outbreaks were fewer still. laboratory environmental (water and wastewater) virology was in its infancy, and food virology was in gestation. detection of viruses was most often attempted by inoculation of primary primate cell cultures, with observation for plaqu ...201020234839
predictors of hav/hbv vaccination completion among methadone maintenance clients.this randomized, controlled study (n = 256) was conducted to compare three interventions designed to promote hepatitis a virus (hav) and hepatitis b virus (hbv) vaccination completion among clients undergoing methadone maintenance (mm) treatment. participants were recruited from five mm treatment sites in southern california and randomized into three groups: motivational interviewing-single (mi-single), motivational interviewing-group (mi-group); and nurse-led hepatitis health promotion (hhp). a ...201020143328
detection and phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis a virus and norovirus in marine recreational waters of investigation was conducted to determine hepatitis a virus (hav) and norovirus (nv) presence in marine recreational waters (mrws) from two mexican tourists beaches (altata and mazatlan), located at the northwestern state of sinaloa, mexico. also, binary logistic regression (blr) analyses were conducted between physicochemical parameters (temperature, turbidity and salinity) and viral organisms (hav and nv). a total of 32 mrws samples were collected from april to july of 2006. samples were pro ...201020154390
analysis of the evolution in the circulation of hav and hev in eastern spain by testing urban sewage samples.the aim of the study was to analyse the evolution of the prevalence of hav and hev in the population of eastern spain by analysing the viruses excreted in urban sewage. raw urban sewage samples were collected and analysed during several years using rt-pcr techniques and sequencing analysis. two limiting regions were analysed, one of them having implemented hav vaccination programs. acute symptomatic hev cases were also examined. results were compared with those from previous studies in the area ...201020154397
transcriptional analysis of kidneys during repair from aki reveals possible roles for ngal and kim-1 as biomarkers of aki-to-ckd transition.acute kidney injury (aki) is being increasingly shown to be a risk factor for chronic kidney disease (ckd), but little is known about the possible mechanistic links. we hypothesized that analysis of the genomic signature in the repair stage after aki would reveal pathways that could link aki and ckd. unilateral renal pedicle clamping for 45 min was performed in male c57bl/6j mice. mice were euthanized at 3, 10, and 28 days after ischemia-reperfusion injury (iri). total rna was isolated from kidn ...201020181666
evaluation of adenovirus and e. coli as indicators for human enteric viruses presence in mussels produced in la spezia gulf (italy).the purpose of this work was to verify whether e. coli is a good indicator of viral contamination in mussels and adenovirus could represent a better alternative as indicator organism of viral presence to guarantee consumer health protection.201020184672
seroprevalence and risk factors of hepatitis a virus infection in iran: a population based older studies, the seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus infection has been reported to be over 95% in iranians. most of these studies were performed on volunteer blood donors. studies on the general population are sparse. the purpose of this study was to determine the current seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus infection in the general population of iran.201020187662
duplex real-time qrt-pcr for the detection of hepatitis a virus in water and raspberries using the ms2 bacteriophage as a process control.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is the leading worldwide cause of acute viral hepatitis. an important aspect of viral control is rapid diagnosis. epidemiological studies have linked hepatitis a outbreaks to the consumption of drinking water or soft fruits exposed to faecal contamination. real-time reverse transcriptase pcr (qrt-pcr) is now widely used for detecting rna viruses in food samples. efficiency of viral concentration, nucleic acid extraction and the presence of potential inhibitors o ...201020188760
bacterial and viral pathogens in live oysters: 2007 united states market survey.two samples of market oysters, primarily from retail establishments, were collected twice each month in each of nine states during 2007. samples were shipped refrigerated overnight to five u.s. food and drug administration laboratories on a rotating basis and analyzed by most probable number (mpn) for total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus numbers and for the presence of toxigenic v. cholerae, salmonella spp., norovirus (nov), and hepatitis a virus (hav). levels of indica ...201020190085
the outcome of a rapid hepatitis b vaccination programme in a methadone treatment clinic.injecting drug users are a high-risk population for hepatitis b (hbv), but are difficult to engage in vaccination programmes. this study examines the completion rates of a hbv vaccination schedule and seroconversion in a group of patients in methadone maintenance treatment.201020078489
a fluorescent protein-based biological screen of proteinase activity.a cell-based fluorescent protein reporter assay for proteinase activity amenable to high-throughput applications was developed. this assay is based on förster resonance energy transfer (fret) between 2 variants of the green fluorescent protein connected by a short cleavable linker and expressed in escherichia coli as tagged proteins. a library to assay proteinase specificity was generated by randomizing a portion of the linker using pcr. the library could be grown in microplates, allowing cells ...201020086215
[44 year old gardener with lower back pain, myalgia and fever].we report the case of a 44 year old female gardener who presented to our emergency ward with lumbago, myalgia and fever of 39 degrees celsius. she also reported acholic stools, darker looking urine and ikteric skin complexion. the patient was suffering from acute hepatitis a virus induced liver failure and was rapidly announced to a liver transplant centre. in the course of the illness the condition of the patient improved spontaneously and the serious hepatitis resolved and was self limiting. a ...201020087833
experimental hepatitis a virus (hav) infection in cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis): evidence of active extrahepatic site of hav replication.this work studied the replication sites of hepatitis a virus (hav) in cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis) after intravenous inoculation. the cynomolgus monkeys were inoculated with the brazilian hepatitis a virus strain (haf-203). monkeys were euthanized on days 15, 30, 45 and 60 postinoculation (pi). liver samples, submandibular salivary gland, mesenteric lymph node and tonsils were removed for virological and pathological evaluation. immunofluorescence analyses on liver and salivary gland ...201020096073
molecular characterization of sewage-borne pathogens and detection of sewage markers in an urban stream in caracas, venezuela.molecular characterization of two sewage-borne pathogens identified hepatitis a virus (hav) subgenotype ia and giardia duodenalis assemblages a and b as predominant genotypes circulating in an urban area of venezuela. this study reveals epidemiological features of human pathogens of worldwide distribution and the efficacy of molecular methods for accurate assessment of sewage pollution.201020097824
comparison of different concentration methods for the detection of hepatitis a virus and calicivirus from bottled natural mineral waters.viral contamination of drinking water is frequently reported as the primary source of gastroenteritis or hepatitis outbreaks. the presence of viruses at low concentration levels in most environmental water poses major analytical problems when determining their concentration. to evaluate the efficiency of different recovery methods of viral rna from bottled water, a comparison was made of 2 positively and 2 negatively charged membranes that were used for absorbing and releasing hav virus particle ...201020100516
clinical implications of hepatitis a virus ribonucleic acid detection and genotyping in acute liver failure in children in investigate the detection of hepatitis a virus ribonucleic acid in patients with acute liver failure and to assess if the results have any clinical implications for the evolution of acute liver failure in children. hepatitis a infection, a vaccine-preventable disease, is an important cause of acute liver failure in children in argentina. universal vaccination in 1-yr-old children was implemented in june 2005.201020101195
detection of enteric viruses in sewage sludge and treated wastewater effluent.sewage sludge and treated wastewater when contaminated with enteric virus and discharged into the environment, could pose a human health risk. the aim of study was to verify the presence and viability of enteric viruses in sewage sludge and treated wastewater at a local sewage plant in florianopolis city, brazil. sewage sludge was concentrated by organic flocculation and polyethylene glycol precipitation and wastewater by electronegative membrane filtration and ultrafiltration by centriprep conc ...201020107281
generation and characterization of a scfv against recombinant coat protein of the geminivirus tomato leaf curl new delhi virus.we report the establishment of a hybridoma cell line secreting the monoclonal antibody (mab) hav, which recognizes the coat (av1) protein of tomato leaf curl new delhi virus (tolcndv), a begomovirus. the cell line was obtained following immunization of mice with purified recombinant av1 fused to glutathione s-transferase (gst). a single-chain variable fragment (scfv-sav) was assembled from hybridoma cdna, but sequence analysis revealed a single nucleotide deletion causing a frame shift that resu ...201020107847
factors for predicting positive results for anti-hav igm retesting among initially seronegative patients.the standard diagnostic tool for acute hepatitis a is detection of anti-hepatitis a virus (hav) immunoglobulin m (igm). however, a negative result for anti-hav igm can be obtained in the early phase of infection. among clinically suspicious seronegative patients, diagnosis of hepatitis a is sometimes recorded on retesting.201020108041
[indication of determination of antibodies against hepatitis c and a viruses in the protocol for the care of young immigrants].to evaluate systematic determination of antibodies against hepatitis c virus (hcv) and hepatitis a virus (hav) within the protocols for the care of young immigrants (pcyi).201020053479
genotyping of hepatitis a virus detected in bivalve shellfish in galicia (nw spain).hepatitis a virus (hav) represents a significant public health problem due to its high persistence in the environment and its transmission through contaminated water and food. bivalve shellfish are filter feeders that can bioaccumulate human pathogens found in contaminated waters, their consumption being a potential cause of hepatitis a outbreaks. in this work, cultured and wild bivalve shellfish from the ría de vigo (galicia, nw spain) were analysed for the presence and genotyping of hav. a tot ...201020057087
is there a link between seropositivity to helicobacter pylori and hepatitis a virus? a systematic review.since hepatitis a virus (hav) is acquired primarily through the fecal-oral pathway, several investigators have used hav seropositivity as a proxy for exposure to this pathway. this paper is a critical review of the evidence relevant to the association between seropositivity to hav and helicobacter pylori, and considers the validity of comparisons for testing the hypothesis that h. pylori spreads by the fecal-oral route.201020060352
increasing incidence of hepatitis a in korean adults.hepatitis a infection is caused by the hepatitis a virus (hav), which is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. lifelong protective antibodies are present after infection. the number of cases of adult hepatitis a has progressively been increasing during the last several decades in korea. in addition, the pattern of age-specific seroprevalence of anti-hav has changed with economic growth. the prevalence of anti-hav in the 10-50-year age range has declined rapidly during the last 3 decades. as ...201020068335
hepatitis a: clinical manifestations and management.due to improved living conditions and subsequent changes in hepatitis a epidemiology, the disease burden of hepatitis a is increasing in many regions. recently, korea has faced a large, community-wide outbreak of hepatitis a, which has prompted a vaccination program. the clinical spectrum of hepatitis a virus infection ranges from asymptomatic infection to fulminant hepatitis. clinical manifestations depend on the age of the host: less than 30% of infected young children are symptomatic, while a ...201020068336
an outbreak of hepatitis a in roma populations living in three prefectures in outbreak of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection affected roma populations living in three prefectures of northeastern greece. between july and november 2007, 124 cases were reported. we carried out investigations to characterize the pathogen, to identify the source of infection and the route of transmission. using the rt-pcr technique, hav strains of the same genotype were detected in all sera from a subset of patients with acute disease. these showed more than 99.8% identity, suggesting a comm ...201019941688
preserving lessons learned in disease outbreaks and other emergency responses.public health departments often miss the opportunity to both learn from outbreaks and disasters and share any 'lessons learned' with other public health partners. these missed opportunities inhibit the public health system's ability to improve, change and adapt in an organized way.201020007745
hepatitis a virus antibodies in immunoglobulin preparations.persons with primary immune deficiency receive intravenous immunoglobulin (ivig) as antibody replacement therapy. these patients depend on the presence of protective antibody levels against circulating pathogens in ivig.201019962745
presence of pathogens and indicator microbes at a non-point source subtropical recreational marine beach.swimming in ocean water, including ocean water at beaches not impacted by known point sources of pollution, is an increasing health concern. this study was an initial evaluation of the presence of indicator microbes and pathogens and the association among the indicator microbes, pathogens, and environmental conditions at a subtropical, recreational marine beach in south florida impacted by non-point sources of pollution. twelve water and eight sand samples were collected during four sampling eve ...201019966020
fast, broad-range disinfection of bacteria, fungi, viruses and prions.effective disinfectants are of key importance for the safe handling and reprocessing of surgical instruments. this study tested whether new formulations containing sds, naoh and 1-propanol (n-propanol) are simultaneously active against a broad range of pathogens including bacteria, fungi, non-enveloped viruses and prions. inactivation and disinfection were examined in suspension and on carriers, using coagulated blood or brain homogenate as an organic contaminant. coomassie blue staining was use ...201019864502
hepatitis e virus-based evaluation of a virion concentration method and detection of enteric viruses in environmental samples by multiplex nested rt-pcr.the prevalence of enteric viruses in drinking and river water samples collected from pune, india was assessed. during an outbreak of hev in a small town near pune, water samples were screened for enteric viruses.201019878363
hepatitis a virus (hav) proteinase 3c inhibits hav ires-dependent translation and cleaves the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is still an important issue worldwide. a distinct set of viruses encode proteins that enhance viral cap-independent translation initiation driven by an internal ribosome entry site (ires) and suppress cap-dependent host translation. unlike cytolytic picornaviruses, replication of hav does not cause host cell shut off, and it has been questioned whether hav proteins interfere with its own and/or host translation. hav proteins were coexpressed in huh-7 cells with ...201019889140
current issues in the management of paediatric viral hepatitis.viral hepatitis poses important problems for children. in preschoolers, hepatitis a virus (hav) infection frequently causes acute liver failure. vaccinating toddlers against hav in countries with high endemicity is expected to decrease mortality. hav vaccine demonstrates efficacy (comparable to immunoglobulin) as post-exposure prophylaxis. a recently developed vaccine against hepatitis e virus (hev) may benefit fetal health, because pregnant women are most prone to acute liver failure as a resul ...201019840256
duplex real time pcr for the detection of hepatitis a virus in shellfish using feline calicivirus as a process control.the consumption of bivalve shellfish is a common cause of foodborne outbreaks of viral origin. the evaluation of the sanitary quality of these products, however, is still based on bacterial indicators of fecal contamination (reg. (ec) no. 2073/2005 and no.1441/2007) even if it is known that they are not reliable indicators of viral contamination. in this study a duplex real time pcr method for quantitative detection of hepatitis a (hav) in shellfish was developed. feline calicivirus (fcv) was us ...201019755130
viral and bacterial contamination in recreational waters: a case study in the lisbon bay assess the presence of viral pathogens in bathing water samples and to evaluate the interdependency of bacterial indicator counts and viral detection.201019761463
high prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis a virus among captive nonhuman primates.hepatitis a virus (hav) can infect not only humans but also several other nonhuman primates. this study has been conducted to evaluate the comprehensive anti-hav seroprevalence in captive nonhuman primate populations in thailand. the prevalence of antibodies against hav in 96 captive nonhuman primates of 11 species was evaluated by competitive enzyme immunoassay (eia). hav antibodies were found in 64.7% (11/17) of macaques, 85.7% (6/7) of langurs, 28.4% (10/35) of gibbons, and 94.6% (35/37) of o ...201019821010
clinical features of acute renal failure associated with hepatitis a virus infection.acute hepatitis a (aha) is one of the most common infectious diseases; it is usually a self-limiting disease affecting the liver. although extrahepatic manifestations are not common, some cases have been reported associated with acute renal failure. we reviewed the clinical features of patients with aha complicated by acute renal failure (arf group) and compared them with patients with noncomplicated aha (non-arf group). the medical records of 208 consecutive patients with aha who were diagnosed ...201019824944
co-localized crassostrea virginica and crassostrea ariakensis oysters differ in bioaccumulation, retention and depuration of microbial indicators and human evaluate the bioaccumulation, retention and depuration rates of nine pathogens and surrogates when two oyster species were co-localized in tanks of seawater.201019735333
quantitative detection of merkel cell virus in human tissues and possible mode of transmission.merkel cell virus (mcv) is a newly discovered polyomavirus, recently found in a rare skin cancer, merkel cell carcinoma (mcc). however, mcv has also been detected in some normal tissue samples. we tested and compared the relative quantity of the mcv in a set of diverse human tissue samples with the mcc samples. the levels of mcv in mccs were over 60 times higher than the highest values in all other tissues. low quantities of mcv were detected in diverse tissue samples independently of malignant ...201019588496
incidence trends of viral hepatitis a, b, and c seropositivity over eight years of surveillance in saudi saudi arabia, viral hepatitis ranked the second most common reportable viral disease in 2007, with almost 9000 new cases diagnosed in that year. the objective of this study was to determine the incidence trends of viral hepatitis seropositivity among the population served by the national guard health affairs (ngha) hospitals in the central, eastern, and western saudi arabia regions.201019540786
characterization of outbreak hepatitis a isolates in five tunisian childcare the present study, epidemiological survey and molecular characterization of hepatitis a virus during an outbreak in five tunisian childcare centers in el-mahres during october and november 2006 were carried out. five well-water and five drinking water samples were included in the present study. serological investigation and molecular characterization were carried out. all patients were igm seropositive and the viral genome was detected in all clinical and well-water samples whereas it was not ...201124031743
encephalitis associated with acute hepatitis a.encephalitis is caused by multiple organisms, but rarely by the hepatitis a virus. a 27-year-old man visited our hospital because of fever, altered consciousness, and seizures. on physical exam, a stuporous mentality and neck stiffness were found. on laboratory exam, elevated liver enzymes and cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities, including pleocytosis and elevated protein levels were observed. the hepatitis a virus (hav) igm antibody was also detected. we conclude that these findings were compatib ...201124649441
decline in hav-associated fulminant hepatic failure and liver transplant in children in argentina after the introduction of a universal hepatitis a vaccination program.hepatitis a virus (hav) infection is a vaccine-preventable disease. the most severe complication in children is fulminant hepatic failure (fhf), estimated to occur in 0.4% of cases; patients with fhf often require a liver transplant (lt). following another outbreak of hav infection in argentina during 2003-2004, a one-dose hav universal immunization (ui) program was started in 2005, resulting in a reduction in the incidence of hav infection. we have investigated the impact of hav ui on the trend ...201124367225
seroprevalence of hepatitis a and e viruses based on the third korea national health and nutrition survey in korea.the purpose of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus (hav) and hepatitis e virus (hev) in korea during 2005.201124159450
evaluation of liver transplant recipients.the outcome of liver transplantation (lt) is dependent on many factors including graft quality, surgical techniques, postoperative care, immunosuppressive regimens and most importantly, careful pre-transplant recipient evaluation and selection. currently, the expected 1-year and 5-year survival rates after lt are 85-95% and 75-85%, respectively. the improvement in outcomes and better awareness has resulted in an increasing demand for lt around the world including india. transplant physicians hav ...201125755386
hepatitis a seroprevalence in a population of immigrants at a french vaccination center.hepatitis a vaccination is recommended to people traveling to countries where the disease is endemic. until recently, people originating from developing countries were considered to be "naturally" immunized. because of improving socioeconomic conditions, hepatitis a incidence has decreased in most previously highly endemic countries during the last three decades, especially in the younger age groups.201121366797
antibody persistence and immune memory 4 years post-vaccination with combined hepatitis a and b vaccine in adults aged over 40 years.persistence of immune response was assessed in adults aged >40 years (n = 596) following primary vaccination with combined hepatitis a/b vaccine or concomitant monovalent hepatitis a and b vaccines. anti-hepatitis a virus antibody responses persisted for at least 4 years regardless of the vaccine used, with anti-hepatitis b surface antibody responses higher and more sustained in subjects who received the combined hepatitis a/b vaccine. response rates to an additional dose of the same vaccine(s) ...201121366801
impact of acute hepatitis a virus (hav) infection on hiv viral load in hiv-infected patients and influence of hiv infection on acute hav assess the effect of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection on hiv viral load (vl) and the influence of hiv on the clinical expression of hav infection.201121368013
prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis a among blood donors in qazvin, central iran.introduction: the hepatitis a virus (hav) is a major global health problem, especially in developing countries. althrough children aged 5-14 years are the most infected age group, all age groups are equally affected in an hav epidemic. the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and related risk factors of hav among blood donors in qazvin, central iran. methods: a cross-sectional study was performed in april 2008 on a total of 351 blood donors aged 17 to 60 years. information on demogr ...201121373737
update on available vaccines in india: report of the appa vu 2010: i.the asia pacific pediatric association vaccinology update 2010 was held in mumbai on november 13-14, 2010 to discuss the latest information on burden of infectious diseases, recent developments in vaccines and their impact on immunization practices against infectious diseases occurring in indian children. during the conference the importance of including conjugate haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine and anti-rabies vaccines in routine immunization was stressed. also, the need for giving a seco ...201121373831
presence of enteric hepatitis viruses in the sewage and population of greater egypt, the disease burden of viral hepatitis is one of the heaviest worldwide. we conducted a survey of hepatitis a virus (hav) and hepatitis e virus (hev) in patients and sewage in cairo. our data showed that hav (genotype ib) was predominant over hev (genotype 3) and was circulating in the population and the environment.201121375654
havcr-1 reduces the integrity of human endothelial tight junctions.hepatitis a virus cellular receptor-1 (havcr-1) is the cellular receptor for hepatotropic picornavirus. although havcr-1 is expressed in every human organ, its natural function remains unknown. this study investigated the location, association and functionality of havcr-1 in human endothelial cells.201121378325
hepatitis a associated with semidried tomatoes, france, 2010. 201121392466
hepatitis a outbreak predominantly affecting men who have sex with men in northern ireland, october 2008 to july 2009.we describe an outbreak of hepatitis a which evolved in northern ireland between october 2008 and july 2009, against a background of large concurrent hepatitis a outbreaks in various parts of europe. thirty-eight cases were defined as outbreak cases using a stratified case definition; 36 were males with a median age of 29 years and of the 28 males whose sexual orientation was known, 26 were men who have sex with men(msm). detailed descriptive epidemiology data collected through standardised ques ...201121392487
use of a catalytic model to estimate hepatitis a incidence in a low-endemicity country: implications for modeling immunization policies.background: evaluating the cost-effectiveness of vaccine programs with dynamic modeling requires accurate estimates of incidence over time. because infectious diseases are often underreported, supplementary data and statistical analyses are required to estimate true incidence. this study estimates the true incidence of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection in canada using a catalytic model. methods: a catalytic model was used to reconcile hav seroprevalence data with the corresponding true cumulativ ...201121393559
[hiccups and acute hepatitis a virus.] 201121397920
gene-trap mutagenesis identifies mammalian genes contributing to intoxication by clostridium perfringens e-toxin.the clostridium perfringens e-toxin is an extremely potent toxin associated with lethal toxemias in domesticated ruminants and may be toxic to humans. intoxication results in fluid accumulation in various tissues, most notably in the brain and kidneys. previous studies suggest that the toxin is a pore-forming toxin, leading to dysregulated ion homeostasis and ultimately cell death. however, mammalian host factors that likely contribute to e-toxin-induced cytotoxicity are poorly understood. a lib ...201121412435
exposure to multiple subgenotypes of hepatitis a virus during an outbreak using matched serum and saliva specimens.matched serum and saliva samples were collected simultaneously from 124 subjects exposed during a hepatitis a virus (hav) outbreak at a daycare center in rio de janeiro, brazil. all samples were tested for igm and total anti-hav antibodies by enzyme immunoassay (eia). hav was detected by nested pcr in serum, saliva, and water samples employing primers for the vp1/2a region of the viral rna; all positive products were then sequenced. the viral load of the matched samples was determined by real-ti ...201121412786
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