
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
experimental dosing of wetlands with coagulants removes mercury from surface water and decreases mercury bioaccumulation in fish.mercury pollution is widespread globally, and strategies for managing mercury contamination in aquatic environments are necessary. we tested whether coagulation with metal-based salts could remove mercury from wetland surface waters and decrease mercury bioaccumulation in fish. in a complete randomized block design, we constructed nine experimental wetlands in california's sacramento-san joaquin delta, stocked them with mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), and then continuously applied agricultural ...201525893963
effects of ration levels on growth and reproduction from larvae to first-time spawning in the female gambusia affinis.somatic growth and reproduction were examined in individual laboratory-grown female gambusia affinis fed with high (h), medium (m) and low (l) ration levels from birth to the first-time spawning. results showed that the body length and weight, condition factor (cf), wet weight gain (wg(w)), specific growth rate in wet weight (sgr(w)) and ration levels in terms of energy (rl(e)) decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with decreasing ration levels from birth to first-time spawning. on the contrary, th ...201525768343
a transcriptome derived female-specific marker from the invasive western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).sex-specific markers are a prerequisite for understanding reproductive biology, genetic factors involved in sex differences, mechanisms of sex determination, and ultimately the evolution of sex chromosomes. the western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, may be considered a model species for sex-chromosome evolution, as it displays female heterogamety (zw/zz), and is also ecologically interesting as a worldwide invasive species. here, de novo rna-sequencing on the gonads of sexually mature g. affini ...201525707007
physiological effects and reduced tolerance following maternal metal exposure in the live-bearing fish gambusia affinis.the present study assessed the effects of maternal copper or cadmium exposure in a live-bearing fish. after a 10-d exposure to background levels (control) or 0.15 μm copper or cadmium, gravid females were transferred to clean water. once a female gave birth, the authors analyzed her newborn offspring for lipid peroxidation, elemental composition (copper, cadmium, and calcium), and metal tolerance. the authors raised other offspring until sexual maturity and analyzed their growth rate, incidence ...201525663450
effects on life history variables and population dynamics following maternal metal exposure in the live-bearing fish gambusia affinis.this study investigated the effect of maternal copper and maternal cadmium exposure on life history variables and population dynamics in a live-bearing fish species. gravid females were exposed to copper, cadmium, or background metal levels (control); maternal transfer of the metals was previously demonstrated using the exact same design. each female's first brood, born after the exposure, was subdivided into two groups. one group was raised in the laboratory, to assess time-to and size-at sexua ...201525564012
suitability of enzymatic markers to assess the environmental condition of natural populations of gambusia affinis and daphnia magna--a case recent years, the use of biochemical markers, especially in the assessment of toxic effects and modes of action, under controlled laboratory conditions has increased. however, transposing their use to in situ monitoring or risk assessment evaluations has encountered barriers, mainly related to the difficulty in interpreting the meaning of biochemical variation. in this work, we aimed at understanding if biochemical marker activities (cholinesterase, glutathione s-transferase and lactate dehyd ...201525805370
effects of fish cues on mosquito larvae development.we investigated the effects of predator-released kairomones on life history traits of larval culex pipiens (linnaeus). we compared the development time and survival of sibling larvae, reared in either water conditioned by the presence of gambusia affinis (baird and girard) or fishless control-water. our results indicate that larvae developing in fish-conditioned water (fcw) pupated faster than larvae in fishless-control water. the effect of fcw on larval survival was evident only in females. sur ...201526259816
parathion and methyl parathion toxicity to insecticide-resistant and susceptible mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 20154433817
the host effects of gambusia affinis with an antibiotic-disrupted microbiome.while serving as critical tools against bacterial infections, antimicrobial therapies can also result in serious side effects, such as antibiotic-associated entercolitis. recent studies utilizing next generation sequencing to generate community 16s gene profiles have shown that antibiotics can strongly alter community composition and deplete diversity. however, how these community changes in the microbiota are related to the host side effects is still unclear. we have used the freshwater western ...201526475244
a novel biopesticide ponneem to control human vector mosquitoes anopheles stephensi l. and culex quinquefasciatus say.organophosphate pesticides are widely used in vector mosquito management and agricultural pest management. these chemicals enter into natural water bodies and soil and cause hazards to the environment. the objective of this study was to prepare a natural pesticide which will not harm the environment and yet control vector mosquitoes. ponneem, a novel biopesticide, patented and prepared from the oils of azadirachta indica and pongamia glabra, was tested against anopheles stephensi and culex quinq ...201525929457
direct and indirect effect of predators on anopheles gambiae sensu stricto.the increased insecticides resistance by vectors and the ecological harm imposed by insecticides to beneficial organisms drawback mosquitoes chemical control efforts. biological control would reduce insecticides tolerance and yet biodiversity friend. the predatory and non-predatory effects of gambusia affinis and carassius auratus on gravid anopheles gambiae sensu strict and larvae survivorship were assessed. in determining predation rate, a single starved predator was exposed to third instar la ...201525438260
eco-friendly control of malaria and arbovirus vectors using the mosquitofish gambusia affinis and ultra-low dosages of mimusops elengi-synthesized silver nanoparticles: towards an integrative approach?mosquito-borne diseases represent a deadly threat for millions of people worldwide. however, the use of synthetic insecticides to control culicidae may lead to high operational costs and adverse non-target effects. plant-borne compounds have been proposed for rapid extracellular synthesis of mosquitocidal nanoparticles. their impact against biological control agents of mosquito larval populations has been poorly studied. we synthesized silver nanoparticles (agnp) using the aqueous leaf extract o ...201526300364
quantification of vitellogenin mrna induction in mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) by reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr).a method to quantify induction of vitellogenin (vtg) mrna in adult male mosquitofish was developed. male mosquitofish were exposed to 0, 1, 20 and 250 ng l(-1) 17beta-oestradiol (e(2)) for 4 and 8 days in static exposures, and liver vtg mrna and 18s rrna expression were quantified in duplex rt-pcr. liver 18s rrna expression was very consistent among individuals, and there was a highly significant increase in vtg mrna expression after exposure of mosquitofish for just 4 days at 250 ng l(-1) e(2). ...201516308267
molecular evidence for the predation of critically endangered endemic aphanius transgrediens from the stomach contents of world wide invasive gambusia affinis.predation and competition among native and invasive species are difficult to study in aquatic environments. identification of preys from semi-digested body parts sampled from stomach contents of the predator is very challenging. recent studies were mainly based on use of dna extracted from stomach content to identify the prey species. this study presents the molecular evidence that reveals the predation of critically endangered aphanius transgrediens by world-wide invasive gambusia affinis for a ...201625082451
two new myxosporida, henneguya gambusi sp. n. and myxosoma pharyngeus sp. n., in the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis (baird and girard). 20165003274
artemisia absinthium-borne compounds as novel larvicides: effectiveness against six mosquito vectors and acute toxicity on non-target aquatic organisms.the eco-friendly control of mosquito vectors is a crucial challenge of public health importance. here we evaluated the larvicidal potential of artemisia absinthium essential oil (eo) and its three major chemical constituents against six mosquito vectors: anopheles stephensi, anopheles subpictus, aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, culex quinquefasciatus, and culex tritaeniorhynchus. the eo was obtained by leaf hydro-distillation. its chemical composition was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass s ...201627630101
eco-friendly larvicides from indian plants: effectiveness of lavandulyl acetate and bicyclogermacrene on malaria, dengue and japanese encephalitis mosquito vectors.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are a key threat for millions of people and animals worldwide, since they act as vectors for devastating pathogens and parasites, including malaria, dengue, japanese encephalitis, filiariasis and zika virus. mosquito young instars are usually targeted using organophosphates, insect growth regulators and microbial agents. indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets are also employed. however, these chemicals have negative effects on human health and t ...201627504617
single-step biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using zornia diphylla leaves: a potent eco-friendly tool against malaria and arbovirus vectors.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are vectors of important pathogens and parasites, including malaria, dengue, chikungunya, japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis and zika virus. the application of synthetic insecticides causes development of resistance, biological magnification of toxic substances through the food chain, and adverse effects on the environment and human health. in this scenario, eco-friendly control tools of mosquito vectors are a priority. here single-step fabrication of sil ...201627318605
facile fabrication of eco-friendly nano-mosquitocides: biophysical characterization and effectiveness on neglected tropical mosquito vectors.mosquito (diptera: culicidae) vectors are solely responsible for transmitting important diseases such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya, japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis and zika virus. eco-friendly control tools of culicidae vectors are a priority. in this study, we proposed a facile fabrication process of poly-disperse and stable silver nanoparticles (ag nps) using a cheap leaf extract of ichnocarpus frutescens (apocyanaceae). bio-reduced ag nps were characterized by uv-vis spectropho ...201627866611
learned orientation in the predator avoidance behavior of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. 20164707170
earthworm-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles: a potent tool against hepatocellular carcinoma, plasmodium falciparum parasites and malaria mosquitoes.the development of parasites and pathogens resistant to synthetic drugs highlighted the needing of novel, eco-friendly and effective control approaches. recently, metal nanoparticles have been proposed as highly effective tools towards cancer cells and plasmodium parasites. in this study, we synthesized silver nanoparticles (ew-agnp) using eudrilus eugeniae earthworms as reducing and stabilizing agents. ew-agnp showed plasmon resonance reduction in uv-vis spectrophotometry, the functional groups ...201626873539
chemical composition, toxicity and non-target effects of pinus kesiya essential oil: an eco-friendly and novel larvicide against malaria, dengue and lymphatic filariasis mosquito vectors.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are vectors of important parasites and pathogens causing death, poverty and social disability worldwide, with special reference to tropical and subtropical countries. the overuse of synthetic insecticides to control mosquito vectors lead to resistance, adverse environmental effects and high operational costs. therefore, the development of eco-friendly control tools is an important public health challenge. in this study, the mosquito larvicidal activity of pinus ke ...201626995063
larvicidal and repellent potential of zingiber nimmonii (j. graham) dalzell (zingiberaceae) essential oil: an eco-friendly tool against malaria, dengue, and lymphatic filariasis mosquito vectors?mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are important vectors of terms of public health relevance, especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions. the continuous and indiscriminate use of conventional pesticides for the control of mosquito vectors has resulted in the development of resistance and negative impacts on non-target organisms and the environment. therefore, there is a need for development of effective mosquito control tools. in this study, the larvicidal and repellent activity of zingiber ni ...201626792432
facile synthesis of mosquitocidal silver nanoparticles using mussaenda glabra leaf extract: characterisation and impact on non-target aquatic organisms.plant-borne compounds have been proposed for extracellular synthesis of mosquitocidal nanoparticles. however, their impact against mosquito natural enemies has been scarcely studied. here, we synthesised silver nanoparticles (ag nps) using mussaenda glabra leaf extract as reducing and stabilising agent. biofabricated ag nps were characterised by uv-vis spectrophotometry, x-ray diffraction, fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem) and transmission electro ...201627209898
α-humulene and β-elemene from syzygium zeylanicum (myrtaceae) essential oil: highly effective and eco-friendly larvicides against anopheles subpictus, aedes albopictus, and culex tritaeniorhynchus (diptera: culicidae).mosquitoes transmit serious pathogens and parasites to humans and animals, including malaria, dengue, japanese encephalitis and filariasis. the extensive use of chemical pesticides leads to the development of resistance in mosquito vector populations and serious non-target effects on human health and the environment. myrtaceae plants can be a useful reservoir of natural products effective against culicidae young instars. in this research, we evaluated the mosquitocidal potential of the essential ...201627026503
facile biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using barleria cristata: mosquitocidal potential and biotoxicity on three non-target aquatic organisms.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) act as vectors of important pathogens and parasites, such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya, japanese encephalitis and lymphatic filariasis. the use of synthetic mosquitocides often leads to high operational costs and adverse non-target effects. recently, plant-borne compounds have been proposed for rapid extracellular biosynthesis of mosquitocidal nanoparticles. however, the impact of these nanomosquitocides against biological control agents of mosquito larval popu ...201626555876
towards green oviposition deterrents? effectiveness of syzygium lanceolatum (myrtaceae) essential oil against six mosquito vectors and impact on four aquatic biological control agents.essential oils (eos) from plants may be alternative sources of molecules toxic against mosquito vectors of public health relevance. most of researches in this field focused on eos as larvicides or ovicides, while limited efforts focused on the exploitation of eos as oviposition deterrents. in the present study, the larvicidal and oviposition deterrent activity of syzygium lanceolatum leaf eo was evaluated against six mosquito species, anopheles stephensi, an. subpictus, aedes aegypti, ae. albopi ...201627921244
single-step biological fabrication of colloidal silver nanoparticles using hugonia mystax: larvicidal potential against zika virus, dengue, and malaria vector mosquitoes.mosquito control is facing key challenges, including outbreaks of new arbovirus threats. we proposed an eco-friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) employing a low-cost extract of hugonia mystax. agnps were specified by uv, xrd, ftir and edx spectroscopy, sem and tem. agnps were more toxic to anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti, and culex quinquefasciatus larvae (lc50: 14.45, 15.86, and 17.46 μg/ml) if compared to aquatic biocontrol organisms gambusia affinis, diplonychus indicus, and ...201627611658
acute toxicity and repellent activity of the origanum scabrum boiss. & heldr. (lamiaceae) essential oil against four mosquito vectors of public health importance and its biosafety on non-target aquatic organisms.the recent outbreaks of dengue, chikungunya, and zika virus highlighted the pivotal importance of mosquito vector control in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. however, mosquito control is facing hot challenges, mainly due to the rapid development of pesticide resistance in culicidae and the limited success of biocontrol programs on aedes mosquitoes. in this framework, screening botanicals for their mosquitocidal potential may offer effective and eco-friendly tools in the fight against mo ...201627604128
one-step synthesis of polydispersed silver nanocrystals using malva sylvestris: an eco-friendly mosquito larvicide with negligible impact on non-target aquatic organisms.the synthesis of eco-friendly nanoparticles is evergreen branch of nanoscience with a growing number of biomedical implications. in this study, we investigated the synthesis of polydisperse and stable silver nanoparticles (agnp) using a cheap leaf extract of malva sylvestris (malvaceae). bio-reduced agnp were characterized by uv-visible spectrophotometry, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir), x-ray diffraction analysis (xrd), atomic force microscopy (afm), scanning electron microscopy ...201627075309
one-pot biogenic fabrication of silver nanocrystals using quisqualis indica: effectiveness on malaria and zika virus mosquito vectors, and impact on non-target aquatic organisms.currently, mosquito vector control is facing a number of key challenges, including the rapid development of resistance to synthetic pesticides and the recent spread of aggressive arbovirus outbreaks. the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) is currently considered an environmental friendly alternative to the employ of pyrethroids, carbamates and microbial agents (e.g. bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis), since agnps are easy to produce, effective and stable in the aquatic environmen ...201627491031
the first record of centrocestus formosanus (nishigori, 1924) (digenea: heterophyidae) in egypt.the life cycle of centrocestus formosanus (digenea: heterophyidae) was to be successfully completed in the laboratory in the present study. hundreds of the thiarid snail, melanoides tuberculata, were collected from the main water course mansouriya canal, giza governorate, egypt. the snails were individually exposed to artificial light to determine possible infection with trematode larvae. fifteen snails were found infected with opthalmopleurolophocercous cercariae (infection index of 1.97). thes ...201627328972
differential sensitivity to estrogen-induced opsin expression in two poeciliid freshwater fish species.the sensory system shapes an individual's perception of the world, including social interactions with conspecifics, habitat selection, predator detection, and foraging behavior. sensory signaling can be modulated by steroid hormones, making these processes particularly vulnerable to environmental perturbations. here we examine the influence of exogenous estrogen manipulation on the visual physiology of female western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) and sailfin mollies (poecilia latipinna), two p ...201628013033
[effects of starvation on the consumption of energy sources and swimming performance in juvenile gambusia affinis and tanichthys albonubes].to explore the consumption of energy sources and swimming performance of juvenile gambusia affinis and tanichthys albonubes after starvation, contents of glycogen, lipid and protein, burst swimming speeds (uburst), and critical swimming speeds (ucrit) at different starvation times (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 days) were evaluated. the results showed that, at 0 day, contents of glycogen and lipid were significantly lower in g. affinis than those in t. albonubes, whereas no significant difference in cont ...201627228620
exploratory behaviour and novel predator recognition: behavioural correlations across was hypothesized that the exploratory behaviour of an individual measured in a novel environment could predict its behaviour in response to a novel predator. this study examined novel predator recognition in the western mosquitofish gambusia affinis, a species with individual differences in risk-taking, activity and exploration in novel environments. prey responded with characteristic shoaling and avoidance in response to native predators, but did not show characteristic antipredator behaviou ...201627220896
multi-biomarker responses as indication of contaminant effects in gambusia affinis from impacted rivers by municipal effluents.this study investigated toxic effects in mosquitofish from two urban rivers of south china impacted by municipal effluents by using multiple biomarkers including fish morphology, biochemical indicators and transcriptional responses, and explored potential cause-effect relationship with a list of chemicals (metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) and pesticides). the results showed significant alterations in metallothionein (mt) protein and mrna expression in mosquitofish collected from t ...201627135591
bioaccumulation and bioconcentration of carbamazepine and other pharmaceuticals in fish under field and controlled laboratory experiments. evidences of carbamazepine metabolization by fish.there is a growing interest in evaluating the presence of pharmaceutical residues and their metabolites in aquatic biota. in this study, twenty pharmaceuticals, including carbamazepine (cbz) and two metabolites, were analyzed in homogenates of two fish species (gambusia affinis and jenynsia multidentata) captured in polluted areas of the suquía river (córdoba, argentina). the twenty target pharmaceuticals were found in g. affinis, while only fifteen were detected in j. multidentata. we observed ...201626994794
effects of roundup formulations, nutrient addition, and western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) on aquatic communities.aquatic communities can be affected by herbicides, nutrient addition, and non-native fish species. we conducted a mesocosm experiment to examine the direct and interactive effects of three stressors: (1) roundup formulations (roundup weed and grass killer(®) and roundup poison ivy and tough brush killer plus(®)), (2) nutrient addition, and (3) the presence of the non-native western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), on experimental pond communities. roundup formulations had the most widespread eff ...201626944427
feminization and masculinization of western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) observed in rivers impacted by municipal wastewaters.municipal wastewaters have been known to contain various estrogens and androgens. little is known about the joint action of these chemicals from wastewaters on fishes in the aquatic environment. the objectives of this study were to investigate the estrogenic and/or androgenic effects in wild mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) of two effluent-impacted rivers in south china by determining morphological changes and hepatic mrna expression levels of relevant genes such as vitellogenin (vtg), estrogen r ...201626876344
[morphological study of the epiphyseal region of gambusia affinis holbrooki g. histological incidences of certain factors on the diencephalic tectum]. 20165774459
partial gene sequencing of cyp1a, vitellogenin, and metallothionein in mosquitofish gambusia yucatana and gambusia sexradiata.ground characteristics in the yucatan peninsula make recovery and treatment of wastewater very expensive. this situation has contributed to an increase of pollutants in the aquifer. unfortunately, studies related to the effects of those pollutants in native organisms are scarce. the aim of this work was to obtain partial sequences of widely known genes used as biomarkers of pollutant effect in gambusia yucatana and gambusia sexradiata. the studied genes were: cytochrome p450 1a (cyp1a); vitellog ...201727913826
microhabitat selection and eyefluke infection levels in the western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).several trematode species infect the eyes of fish as second intermediate hosts. in most cases the definitive host is a piscivorous bird. studies of a few species have shown an increase in transmission due to decreased visual acuity of the fish host. however, this may vary depending on trematode microhabitat choice within the eye. some trematode species are found in the lens, some are found in the vitreous humor, and others have been reported from the retina. here we report 3 genera of eyeflukes ...201727723428
differences in swimming ability and its response to starvation among male and female gambusia explore the differences in the swimming ability and environmental adaptive abilities between male and female gambusia affinis, we assessed the differences in burst swimming speeds (uburst), critical swimming speeds (ucrit) and their related fin areas, and consumption of energy substances after starvation at 0 (control group), 15, 30, 45, and 60 days, respectively. the results showed that the pectoral and caudal fin areas did not differ significantly between male and female g. affinis however, ...201728396491
examination of host phenotypes in gambusia affinis following antibiotic treatment.the commonality of antibiotic usage in medicine means that understanding the resulting consequences to the host is vital. antibiotics often decrease host microbiome community diversity and alter the microbial community composition. many diseases such as antibiotic-associated enterocolitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and metabolic disorders have been linked to a disrupted microbiota. the complex interplay between host, microbiome, and antibiotics needs a tractable model for studying host-microbi ...201728287527
increasing agricultural land use is associated with the spread of an invasive fish (gambusia affinis).land-use change and invasive species pose major threats to ecosystems globally. these stressors can act together, with disturbance due to changes in land-use facilitating invasion. we examined the potential for agricultural land use to facilitate the establishment and population growth (abundance) of a globally invasive fish (gambusia affinis). to achieve this we examined gambusia presence, abundance, and life history traits in 31 streams spanning an agricultural land use gradient in the north i ...201728214124
acute exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol alters aggressive behavior of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) toward japanese medaka (oryzias latipes).behavior of the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) toward the japanese medaka (oryzias latipes) was tested under exposure to environmental 17α-ethinylestradiol (ee2), a synthetic derivative of natural estrogen, estradiol. the mosquitofish were exposed to ee2 at different concentrations-0, 0.5, 5.0, and 50.0 ng/l-for 2 days, before their behavioral changes toward the medaka were observed. results indicate that female mosquitofish became more aggressive at the high level of ee2 (50 ng/l), in terms of ...201728160040
the effect of chronic silver nanoparticles on aquatic system in microcosms.silver nanoparticles (agnps) inevitably discharge into aquatic environments due to their abundant use in antibacterial products. it was reported that in laboratory conditions, agnps display dose-dependent toxicity to aquatic organisms, such as bacteria, algae, macrophytes, snails and fishes. however, agnps could behave differently in natural complex environments. in the present study, a series of microcosms were established to investigate the distribution and toxicity of agnps at approximately 5 ...201728117183
Displaying items 301 - 347 of 347