
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
the influence of the "diaplyte" antigen of dreyer on tuberculosis of the guinea pig.we have prepared "diaplyte" antigen according to dreyer's procedure and have studied its therapeutic and prophylactic value in experimental tuberculosis of guinea pigs. in our hands it has failed to yield beneficial effects. the animals treated with the antigen tended in general to develop lesions more quickly and to die earlier than the controls.192519868986
allergic irritability : ii. anaphylaxis in the guinea pig as affected by the inheritance.inbred lines of guinea pig which have previously been observed to differ in their susceptibility to tuberculosis differ in their anaphylactic responses as well. the families that are relatively resistant to tuberculosis appear also to be somewhat more resistant to some one or more of the phases of the anaphylactic reaction complex.192519868991
on bimolecular layers of lipoids on the chromocytes of the blood.we have examined the blood of man and of the rabbit, dog, guinea pig, sheep, and goat. there exists a great difference in the size of the red blood cells of these animals, but the total surfaces of the chromocytes see pdf for structure from 0.1 cc. blood do not show a similarly great divergence, because animals having very small cells (goat and sheep) have much greater quantities of these cells in their blood than animals with blood cells of larger dimensions (dog and rabbit). we give all the re ...192519868999
the effect of certain metabolic changes upon the aorta of rabbits and guinea pigs. 192519969661
autotransplantation and homoiotransplantation of cartilage in the guinea-pig. 192619969691
further observations on autotransplantation and homoiotransplantation of thyroid gland in the guinea-pig. 192619969698
an experimental analysis of bacterial allergy.our experiments have confirmed the fact that the so called bacterial allergies are dependent upon a mechanism which differs materially from that determining true protein anaphylaxis. anaphylaxis to protein substances of the bacteria probably occurs but plays a relatively unimportant rôle in the phenomena of infection. the bacterial allergies, however, are of great importance since they develop rapidly and render the infected animal highly vulnerable to products of the bacterial growth which are ...192619869221
a filterable virus present in the submaxillary glands of guinea the lesions of herpes simplex and similar conditions due to filterable viruses, cells are present which show characteristic alterations, particularly in the nucleus. the nucleus of these cells contains a mass which stains with acid dyes. surrounding this mass is a clear space or halo, within which there are large granules staining with basic stains. these cells are little if at all enlarged. in a few human cases, especially in infants, enlarged cells have been found which contain nuclei showi ...192619869228
the survival of the tubercle bacillus in suspension in physiological salt solution.three suspensions of tubercle bacilli in physiological salt solution were still virulent for guinea pigs after 310, 325, and 330 days at refrigerator temperature. one of these cultures on which recent tests had been made had lost very little, if any, of its virulence for guinea pigs in 325 days.192619869211
the behavior in vivo of certain relatively pure antigens.the experiments are of interest in several respects. it is clear that crystallized egg albumen is rapidly eliminated from the circulation and in the experiments cited it could no longer be detected after 18 or 19 hours. a considerable portion of it rapidly passes through the kidney in an apparently unaltered state. evidently this passage begins almost at once and may continue for a day or two. in an experiment not reported in this paper, egg albumen appeared in naturally voided urine 2 hours fol ...192619869212
the relation of the thyroid gland to the surface tension of the blood plasma : ii. the effect of the administration of thyroid extract and thyroxin.1. determinations of the surface tension of blood plasma from guinea pigs, before and after feeding thyroxin, showed in most cases a definite decrease. out of twenty-seven experimental animals, twenty showed a depression in the surface tension which ranged from 1.9 to 13.9 dynes, with an average of 5 dynes. six animals showed variations hardly exceeding the limits of experimental error, while one showed an elevation of 1.1 dynes. 2. six normal control animals, bled on the same days and kept unde ...192619869115
the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity : ii. the complement titer after blockade and the physiological regeneration of the reticulo-endothelial system as measured by reduction tests.1. intravenous injections of india ink into guinea pigs caused a decided drop in the complement titer which set in as early as 15 minutes after the injection, but did not reach its maximum for 3 hours. this drop was followed by a return to normal within the first 24 hours following the injection. 2. india ink mixed in vitro with guinea pig serum adsorbs the complement almost immediately to its full extent. 3. by means of reduction tests (methylene blue and nitroanthraquinone) it was shown that t ...192619869161
the relation of bacillus abortus from bovine sources to malta fever.1. comparative tests on guinea pigs with b. abortus yield the best results when minute doses are injected subcutaneously and the animal kept at least 4 weeks. 2. b. abortus gradually loses its virulence for guinea pigs under artificial cultivation. 3. two cultures resembling b. abortus from cattle, isolated from human cases of so called malta fever, are shown to be in their effect on guinea pigs not identical with the bovine strains. 4. the results of studies of b. abortus from swine indicate a ...192619869116
the relation of the thyroid gland to the surface tension of the blood plasma : i. the effect of thyroidectomy.1. following thyroidectomy in guinea pigs, there is a gradual elevation of the surface tension of the blood plasma which reaches its height in from 19 to 22 days after operation. this elevation is probably permanent, since we have found it to persist for as long as 120 days. 2. in our experiments, we found a few thyroidectomized animals in which the surface tension of the plasma was still within normal limits 24 and 120 days after operation. we suggest that these exceptions are due to three poss ...192619869114
a rapid method for the isolation of bacillus abortus from uterine exudate and diseased placenta.a rapid method is described for the isolation of bacillus abortus from the peritoneal cavity of the guinea pig following the injection of uterine exudate or placental tissue.192619869126
the immunity produced by the growth of tetanus bacilli in the digestive tract.1. a method for the production of tetanus by the injection of a fixed number of spores is described together with the tests made in selecting animals for experimental work. 2. guinea pigs fed a single serological type of tetanus bacilli will, after 6 months, show considerable amounts of antitoxin in their sera and will manifest immunity to the type fed. to other types they are just as susceptible as are controls. 3. animals fed several types are immunized to each of these types. it is pointed ou ...192619869129
cultivation of rickettsia-like microorganisms from the rocky mountain spotted fever tick, dermacentor andersoni.a systematic study of 74 ticks, the infectivity or non-infectivity of which was determined by biting experiments, inoculation of emulsions, and specific immunity tests, showed the presence in some instances of several types of microorganisms morphologically resembling the inciting microorganism of spotted fever. the most frequently isolated was b. rickettsiformis, n. sp., those less commonly encountered were b. pseudoxerosis, n. sp., and b. equidistans, n. sp. these organisms are non-pathogenic ...192619869142
the relation of bacterium pneumosintes to influenza: a study with a strain of the organism derived from the nasopharyngeal washings of a case of influenza.nasopharyngeal washings from a case of epidemic influenza have proven capable of initiating a pathological change in rabbits and in guinea pigs characterized after an incubation period of 1 or 2 days, by some elevation of temperature, reduction in the number of circulating leucocytes, especially of the mononuclears, and by a pulmonary lesion during the period of reaction, which is distinguishable from those accidentally incurred at the time of death. from one such animal, in the second passage o ...192619869205
etiology of oroya fever : iv. the effect of inoculation of anthropoid apes with bartonella bacilliformis.the inoculation of a chimpanzee with cultures and a passage strain of bartonella bacilliformis induced local reactions which, while definite and characteristic, progressed less rapidly and were much less striking than those in the control rhesus monkey. bartonella bacilliformis was demonstrated in the blood corpuscles with difficulty, and the fever was slight compared with the high and persistent fever of the rhesus monkey. in both the swelling of the lymph glands was an early symptom and consta ...192619869218
the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity : i. the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in the production of diphtheria antitoxin.1. following massive doses of india ink injected intravenously into guinea pigs before a subcutaneous injection of diphtheria toxin-antitoxin mixture, no antitoxin was found in the blood serum for 3 weeks, as indicated by intracutaneous tests, whereas an appreciable amount could be detected in non-blocked, immunized control animals. 2. during the 4th week following immunization, the titer of the serum of blocked animals equaled that of non-blocked controls within the limits of the intracutaneous ...192619869148
the production of purpura by derivatives of pneumococcus : i. general considerations of the reaction.1. pneumococcus extracts have been shown to be capable of producing hemorrhagic purpura in white mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs. 2. the purpura-producing principle resists heating to 100 degrees c. for 10 minutes; it resists oxidation; it is filter-passing; its activity is destroyed by digestion with trypsin; it is obtained from pneumococcus extracts by full saturation with (nh(4))(2)so(4), after the acetic acid-precipitable substances have been removed from the extracts. 3. the purpura-producin ...192619869108
a filter-passing virus obtained from dermacentor invisible, filter-passing virus, pathogenic for the guinea pig, and capable of cultivation on special media for at least seven generations, has been isolated from a tick of the species dermacentor andersoni. one of two monkeys (macacus rhesus) inoculated became infected, and in one rabbit the result was negative. the virus has been transmitted from infected guinea pigs to ticks as also in one instance by tick feeding from an infected tick to a guinea pig the presence of the virus in the tick ...192619869167
the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity : iii. the production of active and passive anaphylaxis in the blocked animal.1. guinea pigs injected intravenously with massive doses of india ink before active sensitization exhibited occasionally a more or less marked, decreased sensitiveness to the reinjection of the antigen. 2. the serum of rabbits which had received massive doses of india ink before the sensitizing injections, showed approximately the same titer of anaphylactic antibodies as that of sensitized normal control animals, as demonstrated by the degree of passive sensitization induced in guinea pigs. 3. t ...192619869170
allergic irritability : iii. the influence of chronic infections and of trypan blue on the formation of specific antibodies.1. the allergic irritability of the guinea pig (capacity of the animal to react to antigenic substances) is increased by infection with bacillus abortus and a streptococcus, by the dead tubercle bacillus, and by intensive treatment with trypan blue, respectively. the effect of these influences, while definite, is less pronounced than that previously found for infection with the tubercle bacillus. the production of anti-sheep hemolytic amboceptor was used as the test reaction in these cases. 2. t ...192619869120
mutational mosaic coat patterns of the guinea pig. 192617246459
cod-liver oil for "snuffles" in rabbits and pneumonia in guinea-pigs. 192717771620
balantidia from pigs and guinea-pigs: their viability, cyst production and has been shown that trophozoites of balantidia from the pig are normal in appearance and reactions when the medium is cooled to room temperature. they may live at room temperature for ten days. trophozoites that infect the pig may pass through the stomach of the guinea-pig and reach the cecum, where they are normal after eighteen hours. trophozoites are frequently passed in feces by the pig but cyst production is irregular and determined by unknown factors as in monkeys, guinea-pigs and man. ...192717802389
the fibrillar structure of the dental enamel matrix of the guinea pig. 192717818696
on the transplantation of the guinea pig suprarenal and the functioning of the grafts.1. the suprarenal cortex of the guinea pig can be transplanted autoplastically into the abdominal wall and may remain for months, growing to fairly large size. 2. the suprarenal cortex of the guinea pig can be transplanted homoplastically but these transplants usually degenerate after a few months. 3. small autoplastic transplants are capable of maintaining the life of a completely suprarenalectomized guinea pig for weeks and large transplants maintain the animal indefinitely in good condition. ...192719869274
bacterium lepisepticum infection : its mode of spread and this paper we have attempted to describe the manner of spread of an endemic, native, respiratory infection and a method for its control. the essential factor determining the prevalence of such an endemic disease is, we believe, host susceptibility, which is controlled by hereditary and environmental influences. furthermore, it seems probable that the amount of this population susceptibility determines the dosage of specific microbes available to the population. an increase in dosage in the he ...192719869298
experimental epidemiology of tuberculosis : the elimination of tubercle bacilli in the feces, bile, and urine of infected guinea pigs.1. after intraperitoneal inoculation of guinea pigs with tubercle bacilli, the microorganisms may appear in the feces and elimination may persist during 1 week. subsequently during several weeks no tubercle bacilli can be recovered from the feces. 2. when tuberculosis is widely disseminated in the body of guinea pigs, tubercle bacilli are discharged with the feces. 3. tubercle bacilli are occasionally eliminated in the bile of guinea pigs immediately after inoculation but are almost constantly f ...192719869302
studies on the physical and chemical properties of the virus of foot-and-mouth disease : iii. resistance to chemicals.the virus of foot-and-mouth disease exhibits a remarkable resistance to such bactericidal agents as the narcotic solvents (alcohol, ether, chloroform), or such antiseptics as phenol, bichloride of mercury, or cresol, as shown by tests made by others and ourselves. we have shown, however, that the resistance of the incitant to these chemicals is really masked. it is due to the fact that the reagents coagulate the proteins of the medium in which the virus is, as a rule, suspended. as a result the ...192719869292
studies on the physical and chemical properties of the virus of foot-and-mouth disease : i. description of the strain of virus used. titration and centrifugation experiments.a strain of foot-and-mouth disease virus was recovered from a cow at the height of the disease, and was propagated through at least 261 passages in the guinea pig. considerably over 2000 animals proved susceptible to the virus, and the virus could be transferred at will back to cattle and hogs, and then again returned to guinea pigs. no natural immunity was discovered in guinea pigs. secondary lesions were easily and regularly induced, thus making this strain particularly favorable to experiment ...192719869281
an infectious granular vaginitis of cows.a disease of cows characterized by swelling of the vulva, acute inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by a more or less profuse mucopurulent exudate is described. after the acute inflammation subsides the mucosa becomes studded with tiny, round, raised, red nodules which persist 2 or 3 months or longer. the acute lesion consists in necrosis of the epithelium and accumulations of leucocytes and round cells in the edematous submucosa. the nodules in the later stages are made up of densel ...192719869269
studies on a paratyphoid infection in guinea pigs : i. report of a natural outbreak of paratyphoid in a guinea pig population.the course of a natural outbreak of paratyphoid in a normal guinea pig population is outlined. a description is given of the gross pathology of the disease. the bacteriology of the causal organism is discussed with particular reference to its agglutinative affinities.192719869256
studies on a paratyphoid infection in guinea pigs : ii. factors involved in the transition from epidemic to endemic phase.factors bearing on the maintenance of paratyphoid in an endemic state are discussed. there was no evidence of any increase nor any dearly demonstrable proof of a decline in virulence of the causative organism. this persisted within the breeding stock and it is suggested that the sows constituted the chief focus for dissemination of the organism to their young and from these to the population at large. evidence is presented that the carriage of b. paratyphi in the feces was of relatively short du ...192719869257
the biological characters of a mucoid variant of bacillus paratyphi from guinea pigs.the biological characters of two mucoid variants of b. paratyphi isolated from guinea pigs have been studied and compared with those of the normal type. the possible origin of the mucoid type is discussed.192719869258
studies on pathogenic b. coli from bovine sources : ii. mutations and their immunological significance.on agar plates certain strains of b. coli from the ileum of calves suffering from diarrhea or scours promptly mutate and give rise to forms which have lost capsular substance, whose virulence has been greatly reduced, and which have gained very greatly in agglutinability and in being taken up by leucocytes. the original characters are not regained in cultures kept in the cold after development, nor in rapid transfers in bouillon, nor in passages through the peritoneal cavity of guinea pigs. filt ...192719869320
studies on pathogenic b. coli from bovine sources : iii. normal and serologically induced resistance to b. coli and its mutant.the interrelations between bacterial toxins, bacterial capsular (mucoid, viscid) substance, and certain normal protective factors in the guinea pig are studied with the aid of bacterial mutants and immune serum, and the results formulated in an hypothesis.192719869321
the quantity of cholesterol in the blood serum of the guinea pig as an inherited character; its relation to natural resistance to tuberculosis, and to tuberculosis infection.1. infection with tubercle bacilli of bovine type produced no alteration in the serum cholesterol content in guinea pigs. 2. certain controlled variations in diet produced no changes in the serum cholesterol content in guinea pigs. 3. inbred families of guinea pigs known to manifest differing resistances to tuberculosis gave differing serum cholesterol values, but no direct relationship between the two sets of phenomena could be established. 4. it seems probable that in the guinea pig the choles ...192719869241
studies on pathogenic b. coli from bovine sources : i. the pathogenic action of culture filtrates.the relatively young bouillon filtrates, 24 and 48 hours old, of certain strains of b. coli obtained directly from the ileum of scouring calves, were highly toxic for calves about 1 month old, as well as for older calves and cows when given into a vein. the symptoms, of panting followed by dyspneic and jerky respiration, indicate some at first obstructive action upon the alveolar and endothelial cells, followed by a greater permeability and eventual filling up of the air spaces with a serous, fi ...192719869318
the occurrence of degraded pneumococci in is conceivable that a change from the virulent, non-phagocytable s form of pneumococcus to the avirulent phagocytable r form may take place in pneumococcus disease, but the experiments here reported do not settle the question whether or not this is an important factor in determining the outcome in natural infection. it has been shown experimentally that the degradation from the s form to the r form actually does take place in cultures of pneumococcus growing in agar subcutaneously embedded in ...192719869291
oxygen poisoning in mammals.1. oxygen in concentrations of over 70 per cent of an atmosphere is poisonous to dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs and mice. 2. the poisonous effects manifest themselves in drowsiness, anorexia, loss of weight, increasing dyspnea, cyanosis and death from oxygen want. 3. the cause of oxygen want is a destructive lesion of the lungs. 4. the lesion may be characterized grossly as an hemorrhagic edema. microscopically there is to be seen in varying degrees of intensity (a) capillary engorgement with hemorr ...192719869294
experimental epidemiology of tuberculosis.1. normal guinea pigs exposed to tuberculous cage mates infected intraperitoneally and with no cutaneous ulceration readily contract spontaneous tuberculosis. 2. the incidence of spontaneous tuberculosis increases with the intensity and with the duration of exposure. 3. spontaneous tuberculosis acquired from infected cage mates has with few exceptions the characters of an infection which has entered by way of the digestive tract, disease of mesenteric and cervical lymph nodes being conspicuous. ...192719869247
studies on a paratyphoid infection in guinea pigs : iii. a second type of salmonella naturally appearing in the endemic stage.the spontaneous appearance of a second paratyphoid infection in a guinea pig population during the endemic stage of an earlier epidemic is reported. a comparative study of the gross pathology of the two infections indicated a difference in the loci of development of the respective organisms in the animal host. the two types were readily differentiated by direct agglutination with specific immune serums. from its agglutinative affinities the second organism was judged to be an aertrycke type of b ...192719869353
the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity : iv. the action of diphtheria toxin in splenectomized and blocked mice.1. the minimum amount of diphtheria toxin which killed normal mice of from 24 to 30 gm. in weight upon intravenous injection, was found to be between 75 and 100 times the m.f.d. for the guinea pig. when given intraperitoneally, the fatal dose for mice was as high as 200 m.f.d. 2. there was no significant difference in the lethal action of diphtheria toxin for normal mice and mice in which an elimination of the reticulo-endothelial system had been attempted by means of blocking injections of indi ...192719869360
further studies concerning the filtrable virus present in the submaxillary glands of guinea pigs.1. it has been shown that the guinea pig virus localizes in the submaxillary glands of young guinea pigs following subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, or intravenous injection of active material, and that the specific lesion is demonstrable in the glands in 12 to 15 days. when an active infection of the gland has been produced in this way, the guinea pigs are refractory to intracerebral inoculation of the virus. 2. no lesion develops in the submaxillary glands of young guinea pigs injected subcutaneo ...192719869384
studies on pneumococcus growth inhibition : vii. the relation of opsonins to natural resistance against pneumococcus infection.a study was made of the pneumococcidal action of serum-leucocyte mixtures of pneumococcus-resistant animals with a view to determining whether this property of the blood is to be accounted for by the presence of certain serum constituents or by cellular characteristics which are lacking in the blood of susceptible animals. by means of a method specially developed for this purpose, it was found that, after adequate contact with the serum of pneumococcus-resistant animals, virulent pneumococci wer ...192719869336
the effect of heat on is possible by means of curves to depict graphically the behavior of the various antibodies under various conditions. logarithmic curves based on the data presented in the tables are submitted in text-fig. 1. in general it is evident that antibody destruction goes on gradually as the temperature is increased. thus 65 degrees c. for 20 minutes diminishes the activity of all the antibodies with the exception of red cell agglutinin, and in this case although the final titer was the same evidentl ...192719869339
on the mechanism of the serum sensitization of acid-fast bacteria.serum sensitization of the acid-fast bacteria causes two definite and directly observable changes in the bacterial surface: 1. a change from a surface readily wet by oil to a surface more readily wet by aqueous salt solution than by oil. this change is observed by microscopic examination of the bacteria in a saline-oil interface; thus detected, the surface alteration is said to constitute a "positive interface reaction." 2. an increased cohesiveness of the sensitized bacteria. this may be detect ...192719869324
syngenesiotransplantation in the guinea pig. 192719969727
transplantation and individuality differentials in inbred families of guinea pigs. 192719969745
the effect of age of the host on the fate of transplants of thyroid glands in guinea pigs. 192719969763
epidemic encephalitis and simple herpes.the purpose of this paper is to explain the state of our knowledge of the etiology of epidemic encephalitis, and especially to draw a line of demarcation between the established virus of simple herpes and the hypothetical virus of epidemic encephalitis. it had already been shown that the experimental observations on rabbits do no suffice to prove the identity of the herpes with the encephalitis virus. the discussion of the subject in this paper shows that identity cannot be postulated on the bas ...192719872225
the prenatal growth of the mouse.1. the general course of prenatal growth in the mouse, the guinea pig, and the chick can be expressed by straight line relations between the logarithms of the weight and age only when age is counted from the beginning of the embryo proper. 2. this is interpreted as showing that the manner of growth before the beginning of the embryo proper is essentially different from that after this time. 3. the velocity constants for the animals mentioned are similar; the major differences in their curves dep ...192719872379
the effects produced by the inhalation of haematite and iron dusts in guinea-pigs. 192720474928
the effect of the oral administration of potassium iodide and thyroid substance on the mitotic proliferation and structure of acini in the thyroid gland in guinea pigs. 192819969794
a dermoid of the cornea in a guinea pig. 192819969804
the effect of feeding potassium iodide on the proliferative activity of the thyroid gland in guinea pigs. 192819969824
the antigenic complex of streptococcus haemolyticus : v. anaphylaxis with the type-specific substance.1. type-specific anaphylactic shock was produced with hci extracts of streptococcus haemolyticus in guinea pigs passively sensitized with antibacterial sera. 2. with occasional sera and certain hcl extracts, type-specific shock was not produced unless the serum was first absorbed with heterologous bacteria or unless the guinea pigs were desensitized with heterologous extracts before testing with the homologous extract. the findings indicated that this was due to the presence of the non-type-spec ...192819869450
is there an immunological relationship between horse serum and horse dander?evidence has been submitted of the existence of a common antigenic substance in horse dander and horse serum. this evidence has been derived from three lines of study: (a) cross-precipitation tests involving (1) the titration of antisera against horse serum with saline extract of horse dander and (2) titration of antisera against horse dander with normal horse serum. (b) cross-anaphylactic tests by the uterine strip method of dale. (c) cross-anaphylactic tests in living guinea pigs by the usual ...192819869453
recent studies on methods of isolating a bacteriophage for bacillus diphtheriae.of the attempts to isolate an antidiphtheria phage (1) from stools collected daily during the course of a case of the disease, (2) from a 33 day old broth culture of b. diphtheriae, (3) from intestinal contents and peritoneal washings of guinea pigs inoculated with three different toxic strains of b. diphtheriae, none yielded an antidiphtheria phage. however of eleven specimens of feces collected from eleven antitoxin horses one was found to contain a bacteriophage active against b. diphtheriae. ...192819869392
etiology of oroya fever : ix. bacterium peruvianum, n. sp., a secondary invader of the lesions of verruga peruana.a minute, pleomorphic, motile, gram-negative bacterium has been isolated from two specimens of nodular tissue from human verruga. in films and sections of the original tissues the organism in question is difficult to distinguish from bartonella bacilliformis, with which it was associated, and even in pure culture it has a number of properties in common with that parasite. no sugars are fermented by it, it is an obligate aerobe, the optimum temperature for its growth is 25 degrees c., and it has ...192819869395
the production of skin necrosis by certain autolysates of pneumococcus (types i and ii).1. certain pneumococcus autolysates produce necrosis when injected into the skin of guinea pigs. 2. the necrosis-producing principle can be filtered through a berkefeld n filter, is extremely thermolabile, and is very sensitive to oxidation. 3. the necrotizing poison can be separated from the pneumococcus hemotoxin by adsorption with red cells. this removes the hemotoxin and leaves the necrosis-producing principle unaffected. 4. the necrotizing substances obtained from pneumococcus types i and i ...192819869429
the fate of human and bovine tubercle bacilli in various organs of the this study the attempt has been made to follow the fate of tubercle bacilli in the lung, liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow of rabbits infected intravenously with large and small doses of human and bovine tubercle bacilli by determining the number of colonies recoverable from similar quantities of tissue on egg media at varying intervals during the course of infection. this method offers certain possibili-ties for the elucidation of this problem precluded by the modes of attack used hither ...192819869474
studies on a paratyphoid infection in guinea pigs : iv. the course of a second type of salmonella infection naturally appearing in the endemic stage.the course is considered of a second type of salmonella infection naturally appearing in a guinea pig population during the endemic stage of an earlier outbreak. after a quiescent period of 5 months the percentage mortality increased abruptly; fluctuated, with a second rise during the 9th month; and then declined. with the exception of a high rate during the 2nd month the percentage mortality from the initial infection tended to remain on a low level. the spread of infection in the cages of the ...192819869407
etiology of oroya fever : xi. comparison of bartonella bacilliformis and bartonella muris. cultivation of bacterium murium, n. sp.bartonella muris appeared in the blood of all white rats, wild rats, chinese hamster, and mice, from which the spleen was removed, but did not appear in that of splenectomized monkeys, rabbits, or guinea pigs. it has not been possible to transmit b. muris to normal rats, monkeys, rabbits, or guinea pigs, by intraperitoneal, intradermal, or intravenous injection of blood containing b. muris from splenectomized rats. in two instances an acute orchitis was induced in normal rats by injection direct ...192819869409
a comparison of the spirochete of yellow fever (leptospira icteroides noguchi) with the leptospira of weil's disease.the most noteworthy point observed in our studies is the extraordinary duration of life and the relatively meagre requirements for sustenance of leptospira icteroides. it is conceivable that under natural conditions opportunities might arise for the prolonged existence of leptospira icteroides, so that possibly after a lapse of years, the disease might reappear without introduction from outside. at any rate, the great viability of leptospira icteroides must be considered in this connection. a de ...192819869411
allergic irritability : iv. the capacity of guinea pigs to produce antibodies as affected by the inheritance and as related to familial resistance to tuberculosis.the allergic irritability of closely inbred guinea pigs as represented by their capacity to produce hemolytic antibodies for beef and sheep corpuscles, and agglutinins for bacillus typhosus and bacillus abortus (bang) differs by families and therefore is at least partly dependent on inherited characteristics. these differences show an imperfect but suggestive correlation with the differences in resistance of the same families to inoculation tuberculosis as previously determined by wright and lew ...192819869422
ulcerative types as determined by inheritance and as related to natural resistance against tuberculosis: an experimental study on inbred guinea pigs.five families of strictly inbred guinea pig whose general resistance to experimental tuberculosis had previously been determined by wright and lewis have now been studied with reference to the characteristics of the local lesion produced by intracutaneous inoculation with the tubercle bacillus. it is found that there are clearly recognizable familial types based on the size and quality of the nodular lesion, the ulcerative lesion consecutive to this and the general effectiveness of the healing p ...192819869423
studies upon the physiological action of hematoporphyrin.the results of these observations may be briefly summarized as follows: feeding of hematoporphyrin to white mice over long periods of time produced no apparent changes in these animals and had no effect upon their sensitivity to light. albino and slightly pigmented mice and rats injected with hematoporphyrin were protected from the rays of the sun by staining them a blue-black color with verhoeff's hematoxylin. the dioxyphenylalanine (dopa) reaction revealed no changes in the cutaneous pigment o ...192819869433
photosensitization of animals after the ingestion of buckwheat.the chief points presented in this paper are: 1. following the ingestion of buckwheat (plant or seed) varicolored guinea pigs, white swine and goats exhibited symptoms of photosensitization, the degree of sensitization being in the order given. 2. rabbits, dogs, white mice and rats did not manifest symptoms of photosensitization. 3. the symptoms and reactions were: agitation, itching, scratching of the ears, weakness, urticaria with sloughing and symptoms similar to those in anaphylaxis. 4. micr ...192819869446
effect of formalin on the virus of vesicular stomatitis of horses.the virus of vesicular stomatitis is not readily killed by formalin. this chemical is one of a group which coagulates the proteins of the medium in which the virus is usually contained. it has already been found(7) that other reagents of the protein-coagulating group are not actively virucidal) and the effect of formalin in this instance is therefore characteristic of the group. the so called formalinized vaccines which give rise to immunity can be shown to have done so because of the presence o ...192819869448
the role of clasmatocytes and connective tissue cells in non-specific local cutaneous immunity to staphylococcus.1. plain broth is just as effective as specific broth filtrate if used as a skin compress for the protection of guinea pigs against a subcutaneous injection of staphylococcus aureus. 2. plain broth compresses applied for 48 hours previous to bacterial injection sometimes prevent the death of the animal and practically always alter the inflammatory reactions. 3. this protection is not specific and is localized to the area "compressed." 4. the protection lasts at least 24 hours after removal of th ...192819869436
the antigenic complex of streptococcus haemolyticus : iv. anaphylaxis with two non-type-specific fractions.the anaphylactic reactions of two non-type-specific fractions of hemolytic streptococcus extracts parallel the precipitin reactions. the nucleoprotein, p, is a true antigen, in that it stimulates antibody production in rabbits, as shown before, and produces anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs actively as well as passively. the probable carbohydrate, c, on the other hand, does not induce antibody formation in rabbits, so far as known at present, but does produce typical anaphylactic shock in guinea ...192819869449
contributions to the pathology of experimental virus encephalitis : v. herpes virus encephalitis in the guinea pig.the guinea pig is subject to cerebral and corneal inoculation of the herpes virus. the effects of the inoculations vary with the strength or degree of virulence of the virus. weak strains of the virus are implanted on the cerebrum with difficulty and strong strains with ease. weak strains are quickly suppressed by the brain and strong strains may be passed indefinitely from brain to brain of the guinea pig. strains of intermediate potency can be passed for a limited number of times only. weak st ...192819869397
the production of experimental typhoid fever in the guinea pig with an in vivo prepared toxic filtrate of b. typhosus.when the typhoid bacillus is injected into the peritoneal cavity of guinea pigs acute peritonitis and death are produced. the character of the exudate is variable as to the elements present but is usually of a serous type with slight clouding due to the presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, mononuclear cells and bacteria. when the berkefeld filtrate of this exudative material is inoculated into normal guinea pigs either subcutaneously, intraperitoneally or intracardially, the character of r ...192819869529
the autoplastic transplantation of tissues into the bone marrow cavity : i. the thymus.when the thymus is autoplastically transplanted into the marrow cavity of the tibia of a guinea pig, the transplant degenerates, regenerates, and finally atrophies. the degeneration and regeneration of the thymus when so transplanted are similar to the homologous changes occurring when it is autoplastically transplanted into the abdominal wall. for comparative study the material used in previously published work on transplantation into the abdominal wall was reviewed. a difference in the final r ...192819869460
surface tension of serum of the sensitized guinea pig : i. surface tension changes incident to the process of sensitization.the change in surface tension behavior in the serum of sensitized guinea pigs is, as du noüy has concluded for immunized rabbit serum, not referable to an antibody content, since we know that the capacity for transfer of sensitization remains in the serum indefinitely, while the increased time-drop phenomenon is a transitory manifestation. that this phenomenon cannot be invoked by a new antigen capable of calling out its specific antibody would seem to make this response one due to some basic st ...192819869461
surface tension of serum of the sensitized guinea pig : ii. surface tension changes in the blood in anaphylactic shock.the primary change in surface tension of serum incident to anaphylactic shock is probably due to a lowering of the surface tension of the serum by the addition of the antigen serum. but this may be followed by further decrease or by an increase depending on the intensity and duration of certain secondary tissue changes.192819869462
studies upon the effect of light on blood and tissue cells : i. the action of light on white blood cells in vitro.1. an extreme and rapid degeneration which occurred in tissue cultures of leucocytes from the blood of cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits, is described in detail. 2. this degeneration was found to appear in the culture when the cells were planted in any of the culture media tried, some of which were autogenous heparin plasma, autogenous plasma, autogenous serum, tyrode solution, and mixtures of these with embryo juice. 3. the specific cellular changes which occurred are described for the different l ...192819869498
experimental pneumonia in guinea pigs : i. the effect of certain toxic autolysates of pneumococci.1. anaerobic autolysates of pneumococci, prepared according to the method described, are highly toxic for guinea pigs when injected intratracheally in dosage of 0.2 cc. death occurs either within a few hours (36 per cent) or within 3 days. in the early deaths there is intense hemorrhagic edema of the lungs with beginning inflammatory reaction; in animals surviving for 18 hours or longer extensive areas of pneumonia are produced. 2. the intratracheal injection of virulent living pneumococci is fo ...192819869515
the influence of cholesterol on experimental tuberculosis.1. cholesterol, administered intraperitoneally, in these experiments definitely prolonged the lives of tuberculous guinea pigs when the infection was of an acute type produced by inoculation with a small dose of very virulent human type organisms. 2. intraperitoneally administered cholesterol did not definitely prolong the lives of tuberculous guinea pigs when the infection was of the chronic type produced by the injection of a small dose of human type tubercle bacilli of relatively low virulenc ...192819869487
the action of the levaditi strain of herpes virus, and of vaccine virus in the guinea pig : single and combined effects.a number of methods have been employed in attempts to induce encephalitis in guinea pigs with the levaditi c strain of herpes virus. some of these consisted of different modes of inoculation of the virus itself and others of different ways of combining it with vesicular stomatitis and neurovaccine viruses so as to obtain the concomitant effects of both. in still another test the levaditi virus was combined with the neurovaccine in a manner calculated to bring about the maximum action of each at ...192819869492
studies on a paratyphoid infection in guinea pigs : v. the incidence of carriers during the endemic stage.a group of 105 breeders and 36 unweaned guinea pigs was tested to determine the extent of specific fecal excretion and the proportion of serum reactors in a population naturally infected with two types of b. paratyphi. the second, more recent type of organism was isolated from the feces of 3 breeders and 3 young. no carriers of the first type were detected. 86 per cent of the breeders and 72 per cent of the unweaned guinea pigs agglutinated the second type of b. paratyphi in dilutions ranging fr ...192819869511
an eight-factor cross in the guinea pig. 192817246564
on the question of the interpretation of the structural features of the early blastocyst of the guinea-pig. 192817104199
metabolism in scurvy: the lactic acid excretion of scorbutic guinea-pigs. 192816744035
metabolism in scurvy. ii: the nitrogen absorption and retention of guinea-pigs. 192816744163
functional disturbances of hearing in guinea pigs after long exposure to an intense tone. 192916577183
the relationship between haemolytic complement of guinea-pig serum and lipase. 192916744260
studies on the sensitizing properties of the bacteriophage.1. marked specific contractions of the uterine horns of guinea pigs, actively sensitized, to phage-lysed flexner bacilli or to colon bacilli, lysed by the same bacteriophage, occurred on testing either series for anaphylaxis with the homologous phage lysates. these reactions, however, were not due to an antigenic function of the bacteriophage itself, because no reaction whatsoever occurred when the same bacteriophage, propagated on the heterologous organisms, was substituted in the anaphylactic ...192919869532
studies in asthma : vii. the pulmonary circulation in the guinea pig during anaphylactic shock.1. sheep serum in doses below 0.3 cc. intravenously produces no pulmonary vasoconstriction in the guinea pig. guinea pigs have consequently been sensitized with this substance and anaphylactic shock produced by doses of o.1 and 0.2 cc. 2. pressure in the pulmonary artery has been measured by the method of drinker and went (2) and recorded photographically in a new and convenient manner. 3. at a very early stage in anaphylactic shock the pulmonary arterial pressure falls markedly and this fall se ...192919869534
the lesions in the skeletal muscles in experimental scorbutus.1. muscle degeneration was constantly found in the intercostal muscles of scorbutic guinea pigs. 2. it has likewise been found in the masseter and diaphragmatic muscles. 3. exercise will produce an identical lesion in other skeletal muscles in scorbutic animals. 4. the lesions appear to be an intrinsic part of the scorbutic process. 5. it is suggested that the tenderness over muscles in scorbutic animals and in man may be due to this myopathy.192919869623
a paralytic disease of guinea pigs due to the tubercle bacillus.the experimental data collected during this study of a transmissible type of paralysis developing in tuberculous guinea pigs indicate the condition to be a true tuberculous meningitis. we have been able to rule out the possibility that it is due to a non-tuberculous infection of the central nervous system caused by roemer's virus, or by an atypical herpes virus, or by some bacterium other than the tubercle bacillus. roemer's virus and herpes could be eliminated from consideration when berkefeld ...192919869629
the toxicity of human serum for the guinea pig.from the foregoing study there are indications: 1. of toxicity in all fresh human serum for the guinea pig; this toxicity tends to disappear after 48 hours after bleeding, and its manifestations are strikingly similar to those of the heterophilic antibody in immune rabbit serum. 2. of an increased toxicity in the serum of antisera-treated human cases; this is usually coexistant with the production of other antibodies; it tends likewise to disappear in time after treatment; differential absorptio ...192919869559
experimental pneumonia in guinea pigs : ii. effect of anti-autolysate sera on pneumococcus pneumonia in guinea pigs.1. anti-pneumotoxic sera prepared in rabbits or horses by immunization with sterile filtrates of the pneumotoxin, under certain conditions protect against the pneumonia caused by the intratracheal injections of mixtures of living pneumococci and toxic autolysates. 2. the protection against the development of pneumonia is heterologous, at least as regards type i, type ii, viz.: an anti-autolysate serum prepared by the immunization with a pneumotoxin from one type of pneumococcus will prevent the ...192919869611
a strain of bacillus abortus from swine.the outbreak of infectious abortion in swine, probably the first reported from the eastern united states, was associated with a strain of bacillus abortus growing rapidly on ordinary nutrient agar slopes without seal and presenting certain slight pathological deviations from the bovine form of disease in guinea pigs such as the occurrence of necrotic, suppurating foci in spleen and lymph nodes. agglutination tests, comprising both cross-agglutination and absorption procedures failed to distingui ...192919869572
differentiation between some toxic substances in anaerobically produced autolysates of pneumococci (types i and ii).the necrotizing and lung-toxic principles present in certain anaerobically prepared autolysates of pneumococcus types i and ii are similar in respect to extreme sensitiveness to heat and to oxidation, and to their ability to be neutralized by the same anti-autolysate serums. these two poisons differ, however, in their ability to be adsorbed or inactivated by red cells; the lung-toxic principle being adsorbed or inactivated by such procedure while the necrotizing principle is not. since pneumococ ...192919869574
blood calcium distribution in anaphylaxis in the guinea pig.the results above reported for total calcium and the membrane-diffusible fraction in the serum of the guinea pig, taken at various intervals during anaphylactic shock, confirm the findings of previous workers that the total calcium is essentially unchanged. there is, however, the further finding that the diffusible fraction is considerably increased over that found for the animal similarly treated but not manifesting characteristic symptoms.192919869576
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 99137