
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
naturally occurring tuberculosis caused by mycobacterium bovis in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula): ii. pathology.the gross and microscopic lesions due to mycobacterium bovis infection are described in 73 brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpeculu) from population studies and from 11 terminally ill possums. subcutaneous lesions were suppurative in nature, often discharging through sinuses to the exterior. histologically, the smallest lesions comprised focal aggregations of macrophages with angulated cytoplasmic boundaries occasionally containing acid-fast organisms. larger lesions were pyogranulomatous, with ...199516031872
naturally occurring tuberculosis caused by mycobacterium bovis in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula): iii. routes of infection and excretion.mycobacterium bovis was cultured from nine of 25 (36%) tracheal washings but not from any of 38 urine and 38 faecal samples from tuberculous possums cross-sectionally sampled from the wild. one of three tracheal washings, one of three urine samples and one of three faecal samples from terminally ill possums were culture-positive. the respiratory route is implicated as the major route of excretion of mycobacterium bovis from naturally infected possums in horizontal transmission. tuberculosis was ...199516031873
a novel marsupial protein expressed by the mammary gland only during the early lactation and related to the kunitz proteinase inhibitors.a novel whey protein has been found in marsupial milk, the early lactation protein (elp). the whey of trichosurus vulpecula, the australian common brush-tailed possum, contains two forms of elp, estimated by protein electrophoresis at 8 and 16 kda. the 16-kda form contains approximately 60% n- linked carbohydrate. the elp cdna was obtained by the screening of an early lactation cdna library with an early lactation total cdna probe and random selection of strongly positive clones. the full-length ...19968651704
virus and virus-like particles observed in the intestinal contents of the possum, trichosurus vulpecula.intestinal contents derived from the australian brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula, were examined by negative stain electron microscopy for the presence of viruses. out of 100 samples, 23 contained at least one type of vertebrate virus or virus-like particle. adenovirus was identified in six samples, herpesvirus in two samples, coronavirus in four samples, and coronavirus-like particles in 14 samples. to date no viruses of the brush-tailed possum have been isolated in tissue culture but ...19968678839
molecular cloning and characterization of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) from the australian common brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.immune responses in the australian common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and in particular the role of cytokines are poorly understood. we have undertaken to isolate cytokine genes using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and in this study describe the molecular cloning of tnf-alpha. primers were designed from consensus sequences at the n-terminus end of eutherian mammalian tnf-alpha and the possum cdna, derived from spleen rna, identified by rt-pcr. the complete ...19968724002
a study of the topography of the lymphatic system of the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the superficial and deep lymphatic systems of the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) are described. in common with other marsupials studied to date and in contrast with most eutherians, there were no popliteal lymph nodes and efferent drainage from the inguinal lymph centre passed directly to the deep axillary group of lymph nodes via an inguinoaxillary trunk. efferent vessels from the tonsil passed directly to the deep cervical lymph node, which was drained by the tracheal trun ...19968763477
glycosaminoglycans of the uterine and vaginal cul-de-sac tissue in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).live-captured feral brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) received slow-release progestagen implants for 16 days after removal of pouch young. at the time of implant removal one group was injected intramuscularly with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (pmsg, 2 i.u. kg-1 in 0.2 ml saline) and another group received an equivalent volume of sterile saline. animals from each group were killed on days 0, 3, 4, 5 or 6 after implant removal (pmsg, n = 4 per day; saline controls, n = 3 per day). the ...19968870103
cloning, sequencing and expression of stem cell factor (c-kit ligand) cdna of brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).by means of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr), three stem cell factor (scf) cdnas (822-738 bp in size) were amplified from brushtail possum ovarian poly (a)+ rna. the largest and smallest of these cdnas were cloned and sequenced. characterization of these cdnas has revealed that possum scf has approximately 75% and 66% homology to scf of eutherian mammals at the nucleotide level and the predicted amino acid level respectively. nucleotide sequencing shows that the 738-bp cd ...19968870099
a light microscopic study of oogenesis in the brushtail possum trichosurus vulpecula.ovaries from young of the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, were examined histologically and histochemically to determine stages of oogenesis. groups of dividing oogonia were first present in a 13-day-old pouch young, with extensive oogonial proliferation after about 23 days of age. meiosis was initiated in some oogonia by 48 days of age, and by 88 days numerous early primordial follicles were present. the first primary follicles had formed by 103 days of age. in oocytes of quiescent prim ...19968870079
development of the ovary in the brushtail possum trichosurus vulpecula (marsupialia).the urogenital region of 25 fetuses and 75 pouch young, ranging in age from newborn to 103 days (d) in development, was examined in serial histological sections. the rete ridges formed the anterior extensions of the gonadal ridges and gave rise to the rete system and gonads respectively. sexual differentiation of the ovary commenced 2.5 d after birth, when 2 cell types appeared: the larger of these then clumped together to form the medullary cords, while the smaller cells gave rise to the stroma ...19968982841
a morphometric study of early ovarian development in pouch young of the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).although the pattern of gonadal differentiation in marsupials is well documented, there is little information available on germ cell initiation and development. furthermore, neither parameter has been well described for the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).19968888964
cytoplasmic maturation of the marsupial oocyte during the periovulatory period.during the period immediately before ovulation, the oocytes of most eutherian and marsupial mammals complete the first meiotic maturation division and extrude the first polar body. in marsupials, this phase of nuclear maturation is accompanied by an increase in size of the egg and maturation of cytoplasmic components. oocytes from at least four marsupial species, trichosurus vulpecula, macropus eugenii, bettongia penicillata and monodelphis domestica, continue to grow after formation of the foll ...19968870076
pellet-freezing spermatozoa of two marsupials: the tammar wallaby, macropus eugenii, and the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.a protocol was developed for pellet-freezing spermatozoa of the tammar wallaby and the brushtail possum. seren was collected by electro-ejaculation and wallaby spermatozoa were washed by 'swim-up' into phosphate-buffered saline (pbs), whereas possum spermatozoa were not washed. wallaby spermatozoa were screened for toxicity in diluents containing a range of cryoprotectants (0-10%): dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso), ethylene glycol and propanediol. possum spermatozoa were tolerant of diluents containing ...19968870090
histological and immunohistological investigation of alimentary tract lymphoid tissue in the koala (phascolarctos cinereus), brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and ringtail possum (pseudocheirus peregrinus).the histological appearance and distribution of t cells, b cells and plasma cells were investigated for oropharyngeal tonsils, small intestinal lymphoid aggregations (peyer's patches), caecocolic lymphoid patches and mesenteric lymph nodes of koalas (phascolarctos cinereus), common brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) and common ringtail possums (pseudocheirus peregrinus). the histological organisation and distribution of lymphoid cell subpopulations of these tissues were similar to those d ...19968621326
the distribution of organised lymphoid tissue in the alimentary tracts of koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) and possums (trichosurus vulpecula and pseudocheirus peregrinus).the anatomical arrangement of organised lymphoid tissues of the alimentary tract for 3 australian marsupials, the koala (phascolarctos cinereus), the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula and the common ringtail possum (pseudocheirus peregrinus), was determined by gross dissection and acetic acid treatment. oropharyngeal tonsils were consistently found in the dorsolateral wall of the caudal oropharynx in all 3 species and additionally in the ventral soft palate of the koala. aggregated ...19968621325
egg maturation and fertilization in marsupials.this brief review summarizes our knowledge of the morphological events that are associated with oocyte maturation and fertilization in marsupials in which it has been suggested that there are marked differences from eutherians in both the developmental timetable of oocyte maturation and in some of the processes associated with sperm-egg interaction. most of the data have been obtained from studies on four species: monodelphis domestica, sminthopsis crassicaudata, sminthopsis macroura, and tricho ...19968870085
atomic force microscopy and cytochemistry of chromatin from marsupial spermatozoa with special reference to sminthopsis crassicaudata.atomic force microscopy (afm) of the nuclear topology of spermatozoa from two marsupial species, smithopsis crassicaudata and trichosurus vulpecula was investigated to determine the structural organisation of the chromatin subunits. that of the former species is of special interest as it has a peripheral nucleohistone region (c2) as well as a nuclease-resistant, nucleoprotamine core region (c1). atomic force microscopy showed that the c2 region contained clusters of 120-160 nm nodules, whereas t ...19979322249
posttesticular development of spermatozoa of the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii).tammar wallaby spermatozoa undergo maturation during transit through the epididymis. this maturation differs from that seen in eutherian mammals because in addition to biochemical and functional maturation there are also major changes in morphology, in particular formation of the condensed acrosome and reorientation of the sperm head and tail. of spermatozoa released from the testes, 83% had a large immature acrosome. by the time spermatozoa reached the proximal cauda epididymis 100% of sperm ha ...19979061449
endoparasites of brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) from the south island, new part of a study to assess whether endoparasites could assist in the biological control of brushtail possums in new zealand, we investigated the composition and distribution of possum endoparasites in the south island. possums were collected near five of the original release areas in the south island : banks peninsula, hokitika, nelson, dunedin and invercargill. among the nematodes, those most frequently encountered were trichostrongylus spp., which were present in possums from all five study ...199716032002
internal parasites of possums (trichosurus vulpecula) from kawau island, chatham island and stewart part of a search for pathogens that might be useful agents for biological control of possums, the three largest offshore islands of new zealand that still have possums were surveyed to determine the pathogens present in these isolated populations. brushtail possums from kawau island (n = 158), chatham island (n = 214) and stewart island (n = 194) were examined for internal parasites. possums from kawau island were infected with eimeria spp. (16.7%), bertiella trichosuri (5.2%) and purustrongy ...199716031999
ontogenic expression of detoxication enzymes in an australian marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).marsupials and eutherians display vastly different reproductive strategies. marsupials are characterised by the production of altricial neonates with little functional capacity. an investigation of the ontogenic expression of phase i (mixed function oxidase) and phase ii (glutathione transferase) enzyme systems in the marsupial, the brushtail possum was undertaken. enzyme expression in the youngest age group studied (60 days old) was between 5% and 10% of the adult level. a gradual increase in e ...19979418014
preovulatory follicle development and ovulation in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) monitored by repeated laparoscopy.the common method for synchronizing oestrus in brushtail possums is by removal of their pouch young (rpy). however, there is little information on the ovarian response to this treatment, the timing and incidence of ovulation is poorly defined, and methods of identifying oestrus are unreliable. in this study, the development of preovulatory follicles, ovulation and reproductive tract changes following rpy were monitored by repeated laparoscopic observation. a total of 120 adult female possums und ...19979306991
mixed function oxidases in an australian marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).investigation of the mixed function oxidase system of the brushtail possum was undertaken to provide fundamental information about this detoxication enzyme system in a marsupial. brushtail possum hepatic cytochrome p450, cytochrome b5 and nadph-cytochrome c reductase levels, 7-ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase and (erod) 7-ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase (ecod) activities were in the range of values reported for eutherian mammals. hepatic cyrochrome p450 content was significantly greater (p < 0.01) in br ...19979216875
neurogenesis in septum, amygdala and hippocampus in the marsupial brushtailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the times of origin of neurons in the septum, amygdala and hippocampus of the marsupial brushtailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula, were determined with 3h thymidine autoradiography. the long time period for neurogenesis in the brushtailed possum facilitated analysis of neurogenetic gradients in the brain. a series of 20 possums were injected with 3h thymidine from postnatal (p) days 5-95 and were allowed to survive until brain cytoarchitecture was mature. our results indicate that septal neuroge ...19979646648
titration of heparinase for removal of the pcr-inhibitory effect of heparin in dna samples.heparin is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found primarily in the liver, lung and artery walls (white et al. 1968), which is commonly used as an anticoagulant for venal blood samples. although the inhibitory effect of heparin on the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and other enzyme-mediated reactions has been noted (beutler et al. 1990; izraeli et al. 1991), this is not widely known to field biologists collecting samples which are subsequently used for genetic analysis. the enzyme heparinase ...19979131813
the follicle-stimulating hormone beta-subunit gene of the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula): analysis of cdna sequence and expression.reverse transcription-pcr has been used to obtain a cdna sequence from the follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) beta-subunit gene of the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). comparisons of the possum fshbeta-mrna coding region nucleotide sequence with that of six eutherian mammal homologues reveals a mean percent identity of 77.3% and 76.8% at the nucleotide and predicted amino acid-sequence levels respectively. furthermore, the predicted amino acid sequence of the possum fshbeta m ...19979733063
development of lung, kidney and skin in the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the thyroid gland is not present at birth in marsupials and thyroid function begins during the latter half of pouch life. the hormonal output of the thyroid gland is important for normal development. in this study the structure of the lung, kidney and skin of the developing possum was examined and the structural development of these three organs was described. the lung of the newborn brushtail possum was functional and continued to develop during pouch life, alveolar formation beginning at day 3 ...19979522893
ontogeny of thyroid hormone receptors in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).newborn marsupials do not have a thyroid gland at birth. the gland develops while the young marsupial is in the mother's pouch. the young brushtail possum initiates secretion of thyroid hormones from its own thyroid at about day 65 post partum. however, during the first three weeks of pouch life thyroxine is passed from the mother to the young via the milk. to determine if this maternal thyroxine can effect organ development in the young possum before it initiates secretion of thyroxine from its ...19979418977
modelling immunocontraception in disseminating systems.vectored immunocontraception is a novel technology and simple models are described to help predict whether, and how, it might work. that is, given that an effective immunocontraceptive agent can be produced, and given that it can be inserted into a microparasitic or macroparasitic infective vector, would the vector persist and reach a high prevalence in the host and, if so, would it sterilize a sufficient proportion of the host breeding population to significantly reduce its density? both condit ...19979109194
follicle-stimulating hormone in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula): purification, characterization, and radioimmunoassay.follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) was purified from brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) pituitary glands by using the following purification techniques: fractional ammonium sulfate precipitation, triazinyl-dye affinity chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and gel filtration. a yield of 18 micrograms of fsh per gram of pituitary, with a recovery of 12%, was obtained from 1400 glands (20.3 g wet weight). the purified fsh activity per gram of protein was 1320 times more pot ...19979126463
leptospirosis in brushtail possums: is leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica environmentally transmitted?in new zealand, the biological control of introduced brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) may be the only affordable option for achieving a significant long term reduction in pest numbers on a national scale. leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica is among the potential biocontrol agents and vectors currently being investigated for this purpose. as the transmission pathways of l. interrogans serovar balcanica between possums are poorly understood, the objective of the study was to determi ...19979131555
purification and characterisation of hepatic glutathione transferases from a herbivorous marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).a single glutathione transferase isoenzyme was purified from hepatic cytosol of the brushtail possum and shown to represent 3.6 +/- 0.3% of the total cytosolic protein. characterisation of the enzyme, termed possum gst 1-1, indicated that it possessed similar catalytic activity and structural homology with isoenzymes belonging to the alpha class of glutathione transferases. this homodimeric gst exhibited a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 25.4 kda on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacr ...19979149400
nonshivering thermogenesis in marsupials: absence of thermogenic response to beta 3-adrenergic agonists.the status of nonshivering thermogenesis (nst) in marsupials remains controversial. although morphological studies have failed to find evidence for the presence of brown adipose tissue (bat) in adults or juveniles of species from all extant families of marsupial, a number of studies have investigated the metabolic response of marsupials to noradrenaline (na) and yielded conflicting results. in eutherian mammals, na stimulates nst in bat by acting on beta 3-receptors, and in the experiments repor ...19979172391
pathological studies of wobbly possum disease in new zealand brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula).following an outbreak of wobbly possum disease in a colony of brush tail possums (trichosurus vulpecula), the disease was established experimentally in captive possums by inoculating the animals intraperitoneally with tissue homogenates. crude tissue homogenates of liver remained infectious after freezing at -75 degrees c or filtration through a 0.22 micron filter. the disease was characterised by docility, incoordination, loss of balance and wasting. fifteen of 16 infected animals had to be eut ...19979301011
isolation and partial characterization of tammar wallaby luteinizing hormone and development of a radioimmunoassay.tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) luteinizing hormone (lh) was purified from pituitaries collected from wild and captive populations by salt sequential precipitation, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. pituitary tissue (5 g) yielded 1.8 mg of purified wallaby luteinizing hormone (me-14b), as verified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). a heterologous radioimmunoassay has been developed for measurement of lh in plasma of marsupials using a monoclo ...19979402258
isolation, characterization and radioimmunoassay of luteinizing hormone in the brushtail possum.luteinizing hormone (lh) was purified from brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) pituitary glands. the purification procedure consisted of ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by triazinyl-dye chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography and gel filtration. a yield of 10 microg lh g-1 pituitary with a recovery of 20% was obtained from 1400 pituitary glands (20.3 g). contamination with possum follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) was < or =0.05%. the amino acid analysis and the n-ter ...19979402251
lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin from the milk of a marsupial, the common brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin have been identified using n-terminal sequence analysis of whey proteins from the common brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula after separation by two-dimensional denaturing electrophoresis. both proteins were purified from pooled possum milk using ion exchange chromatography and gave mass values of 14,896 and 13,985 da respectively by maldi-tof mass spectrometry. clones containing the full coding sequences of the genes for both proteins were isolated from a p ...19979305795
purification and characterization of hepatic glutathione transferases from an insectivorous marsupial, the brown antechinus (antechinus stuartii).1. five unique glutathione transferase isoenzymes were purified from the hepatic cytosol of an insectivorous marsupial, the brown antechinus. the purified gsts were characterized by structural and catalytic properties including apparent molecular weight and isoelectric point, specificity towards model substrates, kinetic parameters, sensitivity to inhibitors and cross-reactivity with antisera raised against human gsts. 2. an alpha class gst, antechinus gst 1-1, predominated in the hepatic cytoso ...19979211657
effects of experimental infection with leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica on the health of brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula).data on changes in the condition and feeding behaviour of captive brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) following an experimental infection with leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica are presented. the daily food intake of nine experimentally infected possums was recorded for 47 days before and 24 days after balcanica inoculation (0.5 ml intraperitoneally containing about 10(8) organisms). body weight was recorded seven times between 42 days before and 96 days after inoculation. the mean ...199716031939
broad-scale possum and ferret correlates of macroscopic mycobacterium bovis infection in feral ferret examine the relationships between the prevalence of macroscopic mycobacterium bovis infection (bovine tuberculosis) in feral ferrets (mustela furo), the abundance of ferrets, and the abundance of brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) .199816032040
molecular cloning of the cdna encoding the constant region of the immunoglobulin a heavy chain (c alpha) from a marsupial: trichosurus vulpecula (common brushtail possum)a cdna encoding the brushtail possum immunoglobulin a heavy chain constant region (c alpha) was isolated by screening a mesenteric lymph node cdna library with a porcine c alpha exon 3 probe. the larger of the two positive clones isolated (tv4a) consisted of 1325 bp of possum cdna that included an open reading frame of 1191 bp. its deduced amino acid sequence had a high degree of sequence identity with known eutherian c alpha sequences. this clone appears to encode the entire possum iga heavy ch ...19989557959
cloning of the red kangaroo (macropus rufus) follicle stimulating hormone beta subunit.the cdna encoding the follicle stimulating hormone beta subunit (fsh-beta) was isolated from a red kangaroo pituitary cdna library by using a porcine probe and the nucleotide sequence for the coding region was determined. the highest degree of deduced amino acid sequence identity (91%) was observed between the red kangaroo and another marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula), followed by eutherian species (76%, 75% and 74%, respectively, for pig, mouse and sheep). based on the ded ...199811596876
sequence and analysis of zona pellucida 2 cdna (zp2) from a marsupial, the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.all mammalian eggs are surrounded by the zona pellucida, an extracellular coat involved in vital functions during fertilization and early development. the zona pellucida glycoproteins are promising antigenic targets for development of contraceptive vaccines to control pest populations of marsupials in australia and new zealand. our current understanding of the function of the zona pellucida glycoproteins is based almost entirely on the mouse and may not be representative of gamete interactions i ...19989771653
successful fertilization after superovulation and laparoscopic intrauterine insemination of the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, and tammar wallaby, macropus eugenii.fertilization has been achieved in superovulated brushtail possums and tammar wallabies after laparoscopic intrauterine artificial insemination. various superovulation protocols and insemination times were examined but a maximum of 2-5 eggs including 1-2 embryos per possum were recovered. the female possums were superovulated by treatment with 15 iu pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin and then either gnrh (4 x 50 micrograms, at intervals of 90 min) or 4 mg lh, 3 days later. inseminations were pe ...19989713371
the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) gonadotrophin alpha-subunit: analysis of cdna sequence and pattern of expression.a cdna sequence from the gonadotrophin alpha-subunit mrna of australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) has been determined and analysed. comparison with seven eutherian mammalian gonadotrophin alpha-subunit gene sequences revealed an average of 82.6% homology between the coding region nucleotide sequences and 88.8% identity between the predicted amino acid sequences. the predicted possum gonadotrophin alpha-subunit protein has ten evolutionarily conserved cysteine residues, two potenti ...19989687157
inhibition of cytochrome p450 enzymes in the australian brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula: comparison with that of the rat, rabbit, sheep and chicken.a comparative study was conducted of the inhibition of liver microsomal cytochrome p450 phase i biotransformation enzyme activity of the australian brushtail possum, rat, rabbit, sheep and chicken. the possum has caused considerable agricultural and ecological problems since its introduction to new zealand. this work investigated species differences in cytochrome p450 inhibition by selected imidazole derivatives that may be exploited for designing a more species-specific method of toxicological ...19989682405
cdna cloning of growth hormone from the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the full-length nucleotide sequence for the cdna of growth hormone (gh) from the marsupial brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) was determined using reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and the 5'/3' rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) technique. sequence information showed that the possum gh cdna was 831 base pairs (bp) in length, including the 5'untranslated region (60 bp), the signal peptide (75 bp), the mature protein (573 bp, including stop codon), an ...19989653023
cloning and sequence analysis of a pituitary prolactin cdna from the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).overlapping cdna partial clones of pituitary prolactin from the marsupial brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) were isolated and sequenced. the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences showed high sequence identity with pig prolactin (84.3 and 92.5%, respectively) and all of the expected structural features of a quadruped prolactin. a prolactin gene tree was constructed and rates of evolution calculated for possum along with several mammalian and nonmammalian prolactins. possum prolactin ...19989653022
dopaminergic amacrine cells in the retina of the possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the common brush-tailed possum trichosurus vulpecula is a small diprotodont marsupial common to both urban and natural environments. this is the first analysis of the neurotransmitter content of its retinal cells and, as the possum is a nocturnal forager, it was appropriate to begin with the dopaminergic amacrine cells that form an essential link in the modulation of the rod pathways subserving nocturnal vision. these results were compared with those from another diprotodont, the marsupial walla ...19989682872
transmission of leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica infection among socially housed brushtail possums in new zealand.leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica is a potential vector being investigated for spreading a biological control agent among introduced brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in new zealand. as previous studies have shown that possums are unlikely to contract leptospirosis through a contaminated environment alone, the objective was to determine whether l. interrogans serovar balcanica could be transmitted between sexually mature, socially housed possums. possums were infected experimental ...19989706567
effects of cabergoline on reproduction in three families of australian marsupials.the effects of the prolactin inhibiting drug, cabergoline, on pregnant and lactating marsupials were investigated in four species from three diverse families: the tammar wallaby, macropus eugenii, the quokka, setonix brachyurus, the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, and the fat-tailed dunnart, sminthopsis crassicaudata. in tammar wallabies, 20 micrograms cabergoline kg-1 injected intramuscularly 1 day before expected birth did not alter the timing of parturition but neonates died within a ...19989713388
nucleotide sequence of a marsupial interleukin-10 cdna from the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).a cdna encoding a marsupial interleukin-10 (il-10), was isolated from australian brushtail possum alveolar macrophages. the cdna of 1604 bp had an open reading frame of 522 bp coding for a protein of 174 amino acids. its deduced amino acid sequence had an identity of 60% with cat, 58% with pig, 56% with human and cow, 52% with mouse and 53% with rat il-10. the expression of il-10 was up-regulated in both lps-stimulated and mycobacterium bovis-infected possum alveolar macrophages.199810520755
seasonal variation in ovarian response to pregnant mares serum gonadotrophin in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).this study examined the seasonal variation in ovarian response to the exogenous hormone pregnant mares serum gonadotrophin (pmsg) in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). ovarian stimulation was achieved by administration of a single intramuscular injection of 15 iu pmsg. animals (n = 165) responded to this treatment in a variable manner depending on the month of the year. the maximum response (measured by the total number of large (>2 mm) follicles) was 15.8 +/- 1.5 follicles per animal ...199810588381
the role of maternal thyroid hormones on the development of the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.thyroxine (t4) is a vital hormone for the development of mammals. to determine the role of maternal thyroid hormones on organ development, methimazole, an inhibitor of t4, was first administered via a minipump to 13 mothers with pouch young between days 10 and 80 post partum for 28 days. three young survived and 10 of the young died at 104.0 +/- 10.8 days post partum (mean, sem). methimazole was then administered for 28 days to 6 lactating adult possums with pouch young at day 20 post partum. th ...19989894169
protein synthesis and secretion by the epididymis of the brushtail possum, trichosurus this study of brushtail possums, proteins present in epididymal fluid and not present in blood plasma and those that become associated with spermatozoa as they pass along the tract were investigated. at least 19 proteins were present in epididymal fluid in the various regions of the tract that were not detected in serum. some of these may be present on the sperm plasmalemma. six proteins were extracted from caput spermatozoa (m(r) 117,000, 103,000, 87,500, 85,000, 62,000 and 33,000) that did ...19989875170
improved method of superovulation in monovulatory brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) using pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin-luteinizing hormone.a new superovulation regimen for the monovulatory brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) has been devised. it reduces the number of hormone treatments required and elicits a better rate of ovulation than the established pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (pmsg)-gnrh method. ovarian stimulation was achieved by a single intramuscular injection of 15 iu pmsg. this treatment resulted in the recruitment and development of a large number (9-12) of graafian follicles on the ovaries. induction of ovu ...19989861159
microsatellite markers for the phalangerid marsupial, the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). 19989859208
timing of zona pellucida formation in the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) and brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the zona pellucida (zp) is an extracellular coat that surrounds the mammalian egg, and serves as the primary recognition site for fertilizing spermatozoa. the timetable of zp formation was examined in two marsupials, the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) and the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) using conventional histological methods, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. ovaries from tammar wallaby pouch young less than 80 days of age contained only primordial follicles with a sin ...19989835379
developmentally-regulated expression of a putative protease inhibitor gene in the lactating mammary gland of the tammar wallaby, macropus eugenii.a novel milk protein, which is secreted only in the early stage of lactation, has been identified in the whey fraction of milk from the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii). the amino acid sequence currently available suggests the protein comprises 71 amino acids. the protein migrates at 18 kda when analysed by sds polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis but has a calculated molecular weight of 8 kda. a partial cdna clone of 153 bp has been isolated by reverse transcriptase pcr. northern analysis of mam ...19989787813
metastatic mineralisation in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) from kawau describe the nature and incidence of metastatic mineralisation in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) caught on kawau island.199816032050
routine blood values for new zealand brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) at capture. 199816032012
physiological changes in brushtail possums, trichosurus vulpecula, transferred from the wild to determine the effect of relocation on the health of possums, the body weights and hormone and immune responses of 11 male and 9 female brushtail possums were monitored following transfer from the environs of brisbane into an established breeding colony in brisbane. the possums were monitored weekly for the first 20 weeks of captivity, and their immune responses assessed again 12 months after capture. over the first 5 weeks of captivity, male possums lost a mean of 8.8% of their original body ...19989472479
extratesticular sperm maturation in the brush-tail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the changes in distribution of protein and sugar components in, and on, the plasmalemma of the spermatozoon during epididymal transit of a marsupial, the brush-tail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, are described. freeze-fracture studies indicate a change in organization of plasmalemma intramembranous particles of both the head and midpiece of the tail as the spermatozoa pass from the caput to cauda epididymides. staining with fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc)-lectins shows, that heads of caput spe ...199810645281
cdna sequence analysis, gene expression and protein localisation of the inhibin alpha-subunit of australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).an inhibin alpha-subunit cdna sequence from the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) has been identified and analysed. the cdna includes an open reading frame encoding a predicted precursor protein of 361 amino acids. the predicted protein sequence includes four possible proteolytic cleavage sites, 12 evolutionarily conserved cysteine residues and three potential n-linked glycosylation sites. the mature alpha-subunit is the carboxyl terminal fragment (alphac) consisting of 131 ami ...19989801457
response of the parotid gland of the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, to adrenergic stimulation.adrenergic stimulation of parotid secretion was investigated in anaesthetised brushtail possums to ascertain fluid secretion rates and salivary composition. because neither alpha- nor beta-adrenergic stimulation evoked saliva output, infusion of the adrenergic agonists was superimposed on a pre-existing bethanechol-stimulated flow. isoprenaline infusion (2.4 nmol min-1) increased salivary amylase activity, [protein]; [hco3]; [po4] and [ca], and amylase/ca and protein/ca ratios; reduced [cl]; [k] ...19989773509
presence of males affects the incidence of ovulation after pouch young removal in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula).the traditional method for inducing and synchronising oestrus in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) is by removal of their suckling pouch young (rpy). however, our studies have recently shown that, in addition to wide variation between animals in the time of ovulation after rpy, a proportion of animals failed to ovulate. evidence from several mammalian species indicates that the presence of males can stimulate ovarian activity and synchronise oestrus in females. the aim of this study w ...19989672669
an ultrastructural study of the role of an extracellular matrix during normal cleavage in a marsupial, the brushtail marsupials, the mechanisms of lineage allocation into pluriblast and trophoblast are related to conceptus polarity and polarized discharge of extracellular matrix (ecm). the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, a major pest species in new zealand, is being intensively studied to develop an immunocontraceptive control method. of 23 specimens examined, 11 were examined by electron microscopy to study the presence and role of the ecm in lineage allocation in the possum. a number of polarized ...19989669526
fertility of brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) immunised against sperm.the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) is a major pest species in new zealand. research to develop a possum-specific method of immunologically-based fertility control (immunocontraception) has begun. this study examined the effect of immunization against sperm on the fertility of possums. possums were assigned to 16 mating groups (two females and one male per group) before the start of the breeding season. one female in each group and eight males were injected subcutaneously with 5 x 10(7) ...19989571567
differential expression of milk protein genes during lactation in the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).in the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) lactation lasts for 200 days and consists of two distinct phases. milk composition changes dramatically between phase 2 and 3, which correspond to early and late lactation respectively (phase 1 corresponds to pregnancy). rna expression patterns have been established for eight major milk protein genes throughout lactation in possum mammary glands. the levels of mrna expressed from two genes, encoding the early and late lactation proteins, wer ...19989513080
phylogenetic analysis of three lipocalin-like proteins present in the milk of trichosurus vulpecula (phalangeridae, marsupialia).three proteins have been identified in the milk of the common brush tail possum. trichosurus vulpecula that from sequence analysis are members of the lipocalin family. they include beta-lactoglobulin, which appears to have two forms; a homologue to the late-lactation protein found in tammar, macropus eugenii; milk; and a novel protein termed trichosurin. whereas beta-lactoglobulin and trichosurin are both expressed throughout lactation, the late-lactation protein is not detected in samples taken ...19989493361
administration of a 5ht3 receptor antagonist increases the intake of diets containing eucalyptus secondary metabolites by marsupials.the effect of a naturally occurring plant phenolic constituent (the acylphloroglucinol derivative, jensenone, derived from eucalyptus jensenii) on the food intake of two folivorous marsupials, the common ringtail (pseudocheirus peregrinus) and the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) was studied. when fed diets containing varying concentrations of jensenone, both species regulated their intake of jensenone so as not to exceed a ceiling intake. this ceiling was about twice as high for ...19989871345
lysine and glutamate transport in the erythrocytes of common brushtail possum, tammar wallaby and eastern grey, was recently coincidentally discovered, using 1h nmr spectroscopy, that the erythrocytes of two species of australian marsupials, tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) and bettong (bettongia penicillata), contain relatively high concentrations of the essential amino acid lysine (agar ns, rae cd, chapman be, kuchel pw. comp biochem physiol 1991;99b:575-97). hence, in the present work the rates of transport of lysine into the erythrocytes from the common brushtail possum (dactylopsilia trivirgata) ...19989773487
cdna cloning of luteinizing hormone subunits from brushtail possum and red kangaroo.luteinizing hormone (lh) plays an important role in the reproductive cycles of all mammals. there is a large amount of both nucleotide and amino acid sequence data available for lh from eutherian mammals, but little is known about the primary structure of lh in marsupials. we have used consensus pcr primers to generate specific probes for screening pituitary cdna libraries and report the cloning of the cdnas encoding the alpha-subunit of lh (also shared by a number of other glycoprotein hormones ...19989680384
molecular cloning of the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) immunglobulin e heavy chain constant region.the immunobiology of marsupial ige is poorly understood. as a first step towards the development of immunological reagents for marsupials and to obtain a further understanding of immunoglobulin evolution, a brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) mesenteric lymph node cdna library was screened for the heavy chain constant region of ige (cepsilon), using a partial cepsilon probe from the american marsupial, monodelphis domestica. the cdna sequence for t. vulpecula cepsilon was determined and fou ...199910684965
isolation and characterisation of zona pellucida a (zpa) cdnas from two species of marsupial: regulated oocyte-specific expression of zpa transcripts.the zona pellucida (zp) is an extracellular glycoprotein coat that is deposited around the oocyte during folliculogenesis and performs several functions that relate to fertilisation and preimplantion development. in eutherian mammals it consists of three major glycoproteins--zpa, zpb, and zpc--but little is known about its molecular constitution in marsupials. we have isolated the cdna encoding the zpa homologue in two distantly related marsupial series: the possum, trichosurus vulpecula (a phal ...199910533707
karyotype relationships between four distantly related marsupials revealed by reciprocal chromosome painting.marsupial karyotypes have shown extensive conservation even between distantly related groups with a high diversity of life forms and reproductive biology. banding analysis has been the main test for assessing their homologies and chromosome rearrangements. more recently, cross-species reciprocal chromosome painting has been developed and applied to several mammalian species and has shown homologies and rearrangements not revealed by banding analysis. karyotype relationships between four marsupia ...199910560969
acrosome formation during sperm transit through the epididymis in two marsupials, the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) and the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).in certain australian marsupials including the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) and the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula), formation of the acrosome is not completed in the testis but during a complex differentiation process as spermatozoa pass through the epididymis. using transmission and scanning electron microscopy this paper defined the process of acrosome formation in the epididymis, providing temporal and spatial information on the striking reorganisation of the acrosomal membrane ...199910337954
identification, characterisation and cdna cloning of two caseins from the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula)1.two major caseins have been isolated from the milk of the common brushtailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula). these have been identified as alpha- and beta-casein on the basis of the similarity of their n-terminal sequences to those of the caseins of another marsupial (macropus eugenii). both proteins appear to exist in multiple forms. possum alpha-casein is glycosylated mainly in the form of sialic acid residues and was shown by electrospray mass spectrometry to have multiply phosphorylated form ...199910082990
two stages of increased iga transfer during lactation in the marsupial, trichosurus vulpecula (brushtail possum).the polymeric ig receptor (pigr) and j chain molecules are involved in the transfer of iga across the mammary gland epithelia into milk. the j chain binds two iga molecules to form dimeric iga, and the pigr transports this complex through epithelial cells. we report here the cloning of the first marsupial homologues for the pigr and j chain from the brushtail possum. marsupial young are born after a short gestation and are less developed than eutherian newborn. the pouch young is completely depe ...199910229840
cloning and expression of the transferrin and ferritin genes in a marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).transferrin and ferritin cdnas have been isolated and characterised from the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula), the first marsupial examples of these genes. the transferrin cdna encodes a 711 amino acid pre-protein which shows high levels of amino acid identity with eutherian transferrins (58-60%) and lactoferrins (54-56%). phylogenetic analysis suggests that the possum transferrin has evolved independently along a pathway distinct from that of the eutherian transferrins and lactof ...199910209259
cyclical changes in epithelial cells of the vaginal cul-de-sac of brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula).the aim of this study was to describe and quantify the changes that occur in cul-de-sac tissue, in particular to epithelial cells and their constituents, at specific stages of the estrous cycle in the brushtail possum. stereological techniques were used to quantify changes in cul-de-sac epithelial cells collected at four stages of the estrous cycle; the time of removal of pouch young (rpy; n = 5), of initial follicle development (n = 5), of preovulatory follicle formation (n = 5), of midluteal s ...199910096662
reproductive capability of brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) transferred from the wilds of brisbane, adelaide, and armidale into captivity in brisbane.the transfer of animals from the wild into captivity is an important strategy for the conservation of species that are under threat of extinction. to determine the reproductive capability of animals following transfer from the wild, brushtail possums relocated from brisbane, adelaide, and armidale into captivity in brisbane were monitored. seventy five percent of the brisbane possums (n = 80) gave birth during the months from march to may following transfer from the suburbs of brisbane and 75% o ...199910620769
follicle development in cyclic, anoestrous and fsh-treated brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula).the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) is a pest of considerable economic importance in new zealand. attempts to develop methods of suppressing reproduction in this species are currently hampered by the lack of reliable methods to synchronise oestrus and ovulation in this species. the objective of this study was to compare antral follicle populations in anoestrous and cyclic brushtail possums and to assess the efficacy of exogenous fsh to induce follicle development in anoestrous an ...199910610040
ontogeny of the immune system of the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the numbers and distribution of t and b cells in the thoracic thymus, spleen and intestinal tissue and the proliferation of t lymphocytes were examined during pouch life and in the adult to determine when the developing brushtail possum reaches immunological maturity. cd3-positive cells were observed in the thoracic thymus at day 2 post-partum indicating that the thymus produces t lymphocytes at or soon after birth. by day 25 the thymus was fully populated with cd3-positive t lymphocytes and the ...199910589022
cytochemical staining characteristics of leukocytes of the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). 199910561797
plasma gonadotropin concentrations in the cyclic female brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).changes in plasma concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) and luteinizing hormone (lh), and their relationship to antral follicle development and ovulation, were determined in female brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in experiments in which pouch young were removed (rpy) from lactating females to promote ovarian activity. in experiment 1 (n = 8), the development of preovulatory follicles and ovulation was monitored by laparoscopy. in experiment 2 (n = 15) estrus and mating w ...199910525363
isolation and sequence of a cdna coding for the heavy chain constant region of igg from the australian brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.a brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) mesenteric lymph node cdna library was screened with a south american short-tailed opossum (monodlelphis domestica) immunoglobulin gamma heavy chain constant region (cgamma) probe, resulting in the isolation of a 1518 nucleotide cdna clone. the sequence corresponds to exons 1-3 of cgamma. the australian marsupial (t. vulpeculla) sequence is 70% identical at the amino acid level with the american marsupial (m. domestica) sequence, but less similar to the ...199910475608
physiological changes in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) following relocation from armidale to brisbane, determine the effect of relocation on the health of possums the body weights and hormone and immune responses of six male and nine female brushtail possums were monitored for 20 weeks following transfer from the environs of armidale into enclosures in brisbane. over the first 6 weeks of captivity, male possums lost 11.0% of their original body weight and females lost 16.8%. the mean concentrations of plasma cortisol in the male and female possums were 14.5 and 29.4 ng/ml, respectively, and di ...199910368933
secretory proteins from the female reproductive tract of the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula): binding to sperm and effects on sperm survival in vitro.previous studies have demonstrated that co-culture of brushtail possum epididymal spermatozoa with oviduct epithelial cell monolayers prolongs sperm survival and results in the re-orientation of the sperm head and tail to the t-shape (thumbtack) configuration. transformation of sperm to thumbtack orientation is believed to be associated with marsupial sperm capacitation. here we report that incubation in oviduct-conditioned media also significantly prolongs sperm survival and results in the tran ...199910972301
induction of thumbtack sperm during coculture with oviduct epithelial cell monolayers in a marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).a reorientation of the sperm head so that it is perpendicular to the sperm tail (i.e., t-shape or thumbtack) is considered an indicator of sperm capacitation in the australian marsupial the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). this study describes a method of oviduct epithelial cell monolayer and sperm coculture in the brushtail possum to obtain a high percentage of thumbtack sperm. the oviduct epithelial cell (oec) monolayers were prepared in vitro from the isthmal and ampullary segments o ...199910529285
isolation and characterisation of a cdna encoding a zona pellucida protein (zpb) from the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula (brushtail possum).we have cloned a cdna containing the entire coding sequence of a marsupial (the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula) zona pellucida protein (zpb). the open reading frame of 1,581 nt is predicted to encode a zpb polypeptide of 527 amino acids which contains 20 cysteine residues, 7 potential n-linked glycosylation sites, a potential n-terminal signal peptide and a potential c-terminal trans-membrane domain, preceded by a furin proteolytic processing signal. sequence comparisons between possum ...19999890748
vimentin localisation in tooth germ cells of two marsupial species, the northern brown bandicoot, isoodon macrourus, and the brushtail possum, trichosurus marsupial teeth, long cellular processes from ameloblasts and odontoblasts are found in the developing enamel and dentinal tubules, respectively. it has been suggested that the odontoblast cytoskeleton plays a role in the dentinal tubule formation of rat. to understand the role of the cytoskeleton in the blast cells, the location of vimentin and cytokeratin in the tooth germ of the bandicoot and the possum was examined using immunohistochemical techniques. vimentin was detected in differentia ...199910361405
the prolactin receptor from the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula): cdna cloning, expression and functional analysis.a full length, prolactin receptor cdna clone has been isolated from the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). this clone encodes a 625 amino acid protein which shares 60-70 and 54% sequence identity with prolactin receptor (long form) sequences from mammalian and avian species, respectively. sequence similarity was highest in the extra-cellular, hormone-binding domain and in specific regions of the intracellular domain which regulates prolactin receptor signalling in cells. prolactin recepto ...199910221777
cloning and characterisation of a zona pellucida 3 cdna from a marsupial, the brushtail possum trichosurus vulpecula.the mammalian zona pellucida (zp) is an extracellular glycoprotein coat that plays vital roles throughout fertilisation and preimplantation development. like that of eutherian mammals the brushtail possum zp is composed of three glycosylated proteins of 137 kda, 92 kda and 62 kda. the 62 kda protein is a zp3 orthologue based on its nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence. the brushtail possum zp3 cdna isolated in this study is 1305 nucleotides with an open reading frame encoding a 422 amino a ...199910216911
isolation and comparison of the igm heavy chain constant regions from australian (trichosurus vulpecula) and american (monodelphis domestica) marsupials.cdnas encoding igm heavy chain constant region (cmu) were isolated from two metatherians (marsupials)--the australian common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and the south american grey short-tailed opossum (monodelphis domestica). analysis of the sequences suggested that they correspond to the secreted form of cmu in both species. the domain size and structure of the marsupial cmu sequences were compared with other cmu sequences and a high degree of conservation throughout vertebrate ev ...199910579393
ultrastructural observations on in vivo fertilisation in the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, following pmsg/lh superovulation and artificial insemination.information on the dynamics of gamete interaction in marsupials is very limited and not available for any species from the major australian order diprotodontia which includes most of the more familiar animals such as kangaroos, possums and the koala. this study addressed this deficiency by examining the ultrastructure of in vivo fertilised eggs from common brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula). females were superovulated by treatment with 15 iu pmsg and then 4 mg porcine lh 3 days later, and ...199910717949
induction of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes in the common brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, by eucalyptus terpenes.the mixed function oxidase (mfo) activity and content was studied in the liver of common brushtail possums fed for 10 days on a diet containing a mixture of terpenes found in eucalyptus leaves on which possums commonly browse. the mfos were compared to the mfos in possums fed a control diet of fruits and cereals only. the terpenes chosen were 1,8-cineole, p-cymene, alpha-pinene and limonene. the selected terpenes caused induction of p450 enzymes, as shown by a 53% higher cytochrome p450 content ...199910661715
the organization and connections of somatosensory cortex in the brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula): evidence for multiple, topographically organized and interconnected representations in an australian marsupial.microelectrode mapping techniques were used to determine the organization of somatosensory cortex in the australian brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula). the results of electrophysiological mapping were combined with data on the cyto- and myeloarchitecture, and patterns of corticocortical connections, using sections cut tangential to the pial surface. we found evidence for three topographically organized representations of the body surface that were coextensive with architectonic subdivis ...199910632029
time of ovulation in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) following pmsg/lh induced ovulation.this study aimed to determine the timing of ovulation in response to a new induced ovulation regime for the monovulatory brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). ovarian stimulation was achieved by a single subcutaneous injection of 15 i.u. pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (pmsg). this treatment resulted in promotion of a large number (9-16) of graafian follicles > 2 mm diameter on the ovaries. seventy-two hours later a single intramuscular injection of 4 mg porcine luteinizing hormone (lh) wa ...199910194867
organization of somatosensory areas i and ii in marsupial cerebral cortex: parallel processing in the possum sensory cortex.organization of somatosensory areas i and ii in marsupial cerebral cortex: parallel processing in the possum sensory cortex. controversy exists over the organization of mammalian thalamocortical somatosensory networks. an issue of particular contention is whether the primary and secondary somatosensory areas of cortex (si and sii) are organized in a parallel or serial scheme for processing tactile information. the current experiments were conducted in the anesthetized brush-tail possum (trichosu ...199910322068
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 776