
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
immunization with viral antigens: infectious pancreatic necrosis.clinical ipn has traditionally been observed in brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). however, during the past 10 years outbreaks of ipn have been reported frequently in farmed atlantic salmon (salmo salar l.) in norway. acute ipn with high mortality is observed in fry at start feeding and in smolt in the first six months after transfer to seawater. today ipn is the most important infectious disease in norway in farmed fish, giving economic losses of about ...19979270848
vibrio damsela associated with diseased fish in denmark.a total of 26 vibrio damsela strains were isolated in denmark. fifteen strains were isolated from the head kidney of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in aquaculture, eight were from organs of two stingrays (dasyatis pastinaca) held in captivity, two were from organs and pathological material of a nurse shark (orectolobus ornatus) held in captivity, and one was from the water in the aquarium where the rays and shark were kept. this is the first report on the isolation of v. damsela in denmark ...19979293023
a new natriuretic peptide isolated from cardiac atria of trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.atrial and brain natriuretic peptides (anp and bnp, respectively) are two cardiac natriuretic peptides (nps) found in tetrapods from amphibians to mammals, whereas anp and ventricular np (vnp) have been identified in eel hearts. because vnp has also been found in the rainbow trout ventricle, we attempted to isolate np from trout cardiac atria in order to determine whether anp and vnp are common cardiac nps in teleosts. in the present experiments, we isolated vnp and a novel atrial np consisting ...19979315723
analysis of vh gene diversity in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss): both nonsynonymous and synonymous nucleotide changes are more frequent in cdrs than in frs.forty-six immunoglobulin vh gene sequences of rainbow trout were compiled to analyze the extent of variations and the frequency of nucleotide changes in cdrs and frs. the results show that the frequency of nonsynonymous (amino acid replacing) changes (ka) are on average 4.9 times higher in complementarity determining regions (cdrs) than in frs, thus contributing more diversity in cdrs. unexpectedly, however, the frequency of synonymous (silent) changes (ks) show the same tendency: it was 5.3 tim ...19978995187
the regiospecific hydroxylation of lauric acid by rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) cytochrome p450s.we have reexamined the hydroxylation of [1-14c]-lauric acid by trout liver microsomes and reconstituted trout p450s using a new hplc system that gave an improved separation of hydroxylauric acids. under these conditions, hepatic microsomes from yearling juvenile trout were shown to form omega-, (omega-1)-, (omega-2)-, (omega-3)-, (omega-4)-, (omega-5)-, and (omega-6)-oh lauric acid oxidation products (12-oh, 11-oh, 10-oh, 9-oh, 8-oh, 7-oh, and 6-oh lauric acid, respectively) as verified by gc/ms ...19979321521
structure of a fish (oncorhynchus mykiss) vitellogenin gene and its evolutionary this paper we describe the first complete structure of a fish vitellogenin gene. a 22 kb genomic region from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) was cloned and analysed. this region was shown to contain two tandemly arranged vitellogenin genes. both genes are 98.7% similar, indicating that they result from a recent local duplication. the complete sequence encoding one of the two genes was determined and the gene organization was established. the gene is 10.3 kb long and has 34 exons, it lacks ...19979332360
production of putative virulence factors by renibacterium salmoninarum grown in cell culture.a cell culture system, employing the fish cell line epithelioma papillosum cyprini (epc), was developed to study the synthesis of intracellular antigen and the expression of putative virulence factors by renibacterium salmoninarum. epc cultures infected with r. salmoninarum could be maintained for 7 weeks, during which the pathogen multiplied intracellularly. immunohistochemical examination of infected cultures revealed the production of the p57 antigen, haemolysin and cytolysin. the intracellul ...19979353936
cortisol inhibits glycosaminoglycan synthesis in cultured rainbow trout vitro actions of corticosteroids (cortisol, 11-deoxycortisol, cortisone, and corticosterone) as well as interaction between cortisol and triiodothyronine (t3) or recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-i (rhigf-i) on cartilage glycosaminoglycan (gag) synthesis in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were examined. uptake of [35s]sulfate by isolated branchial cartilage was measured as a marker for gag synthesis. in vitro exposure of cartilage to cortisol at concentrations of 10, 100, and 1 ...19979378276
inhibitory guanine-nucleotide-binding-regulatory protein alpha subunits in medaka (oryzias latipes) oocytes--cdna cloning and decreased expression of proteins during oocyte maturation.we have previously shown that pertussis-toxin-sensitive inhibitory guanine-nucleotide-binding-regulatory proteins (g proteins) are involved in the signal transduction of steroidal maturation-inducing hormone (mih) of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) oocytes, 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17alpha,20beta-dp) [yoshikuni, m. & nagahama, y. (1994) dev. biol. 166, 615-622]. in this study, we obtained five different cdna fragments of g protein alpha subunits from medaka (oryzias latipes) ...19979395335
adrenocortical and adrenomedullary homologs in eight species of adult and developing teleosts: morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry.morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry of the adrenocortical and adrenomedullary homologs (adrenal glands) of the following developing and adult teleosts were examined: salmoniformes-oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), salmo trutta fario (brown trout), coregonus lavaretus (white fish); cyprinodontiformes-gambusia affinis (mosquito fish). perciformes-dicentrarchus labrax (sea bass), sparus aurata (sea bream), diplodus sargus (white bream), oblada melanura (saddled bream). the anatomical ...19979405124
molecular characterisation of ovarian cathepsin d in the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus fish, cathepsin d, an aspartyl protease, is believed to mediate the processing of yolk proteins in the oocyte. cathepsin d, therefore, is vital for the production of a viable egg. this study set out to isolate and sequence the cdna encoding cathepsin d, and to determine the developmental expression of the message in the ovary and subsequently during embryogenesis in the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss. the full-length trout cathepsin d cdna is 1847 base pairs (bp) long, encoding a protein ...19979409770
extracellular carbonic anhydrase and an acid-base disequilibrium in the blood of the dogfish squalus acanthiasthe electrometric [delta]ph method and an in vitro radioisotopic hco3- dehydration assay were used to demonstrate the presence of true extracellular carbonic anhydrase (ca) activity in the blood of the pacific spiny dogfish squalus acanthias. an extracorporeal circulation and stopflow technique were then used to characterise the acid­base disequilibrium in the arterial (postbranchial) blood. during the stopflow period, arterial ph (pha) decreased by 0.028±0.003 units (mean ± s. ...19979317577
production of triploid transgenic zebrafish, brachydanio rerio (hamilton).eggs of zebrafish brachydanio rerio were heat-shocked just after fertilisation to induce triploidy and subsequently subjected to microinjection with the linear recombinant plasmid containing the rous sarcoma virus-long terminal repeat (rsv-ltr) promoter linked to the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) growth hormone (gh)cdna(prsvrtgh). slot and southern analyses showed the extra chromosomal transfer of prsvrtgh. expression of prsvrtgh was detected in the triploid transformants by rna slot, nort ...19979567756
partial purification and characterization of six transglutaminases from ordinary muscles of various fishes and marine invertebrates.six transglutaminases were prepared from ordinary muscles of scallop (patinopecten yessoensis), botan shrimp (pandalus nipponensis), squid (todarodes pacificus), carp (cyprinus carpio), rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), and atka mackerel (pleurogrammus azonus), and their physicochemical and enzymatic properties were compared with each other. the km value of carp transglutaminase for monodansyl cadaverine, a kind of primary amines, was 0.33 mm, while the other enzymes had km values of 0.01-0.0 ...19979440224
blood volume, plasma volume and circulation time in a high-energy-demand teleost, the yellowfin tuna (thunnus albacares)we measured red cell space with 51cr-labeled red blood cells, and dextran space with 500 kda fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (fitc-dextran), in two groups of yellowfin tuna (thunnus albacares). red cell space was 13.8+/-0.7 ml kg-1 (mean +/- s.e.m.) assuming a whole-body hematocrit equal to the hematocrit measured at the ventral aortic sampling site and no significant sequestering of 51cr-labeled red blood cells by the spleen, blood volume was 46. 7+/-2.2 ml kg-1. this is within the r ...19989450974
n-acetyl-l-glutamate and the urea cycle in gulf toadfish (opsanus beta) and other fish.carbamoyl phosphate synthetase i (cpsase i) catalyzes the first reaction of the urea cycle in mammalian ureotelic species. the positive allosteric cofactor n-acetyl-l-glutamate (aga) is required for cpsase i activity and is important for regulation of the urea cycle. a similar enzyme, cpsase iii, catalyzes this reaction in fish; cpsase iii differs from cpsase i in that it utilizes glutamine as the nitrogen-donating substrate instead of ammonia. aga also stimulates the cpsase iii-catalyzed reacti ...19989466820
factors influencing the steady-state distribution and exchange of thyroid hormones between red blood cells and plasma of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.we studied effects of in vitro conditions on the steady-state distribution and exchange of thyroid hormones (th) between red blood cells (rbc) and plasma of rainbow trout. at steady state at 12 degrees c the rbc contained 5-11% of l-thyroxine (t4), 14-23% of 3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine (t3), and 23-24% of 3,3',5'-triiodo-l-thyronine (rt3) present in whole blood. the steady-state distribution was (i) higher in immature than in mature trout for t3, (ii) increased by incubation temperature from 0 to ...19989473370
effects of stress on the reproductive performance of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).we investigated the effects of stress over the final stages of sexual maturation on the reproductive performance of female rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss. stress was administered over the period of early vitellogenesis (1.5 mo), late vitellogenesis-final maturation (1.5 mo), or during both periods (3 mo). each stress treatment and control was triplicated, with eight females in each replicate (n = 24 fish per treatment). the eggs and progeny of each female were kept separate, and observations ...19989475400
the application of an in vitro perfused liver preparation to examine the effects of epinephrine and bovine thyroid-stimulating hormone on triiodo-l-thyronine release from the liver of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).an isolated, perfused rainbow trout liver preparation was developed to investigate the action of nonthyroidal hormones on hepatic thyroid hormone metabolism. several assessments were made of the stability and viability of the preparations under a range of conditions, including measures of lactate dehydrogenase flux and tissue atp and glycogen content, all of which indicated that the perfused liver was stable for the 60-min perfusion period. moreover, the liver preparations were responsive to an ...19989479486
microenvironment of gyrodactylus derjavini on rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss: association between mucous cell density in skin and site selection.microhabitat selection of gyrodactylus derjavini on the body surface of rainbow trout changed markedly during a 6-week experimental infection period. pectoral fins, pelvic fins and anal fins were the most important sites (expressed in terms of parasite density) during the initial part of the infection. in the later stages of infection, the corneal surface and tail fin became increasingly more heavily infested. factors responsible for this dynamic site selection were investigated. the density of ...19989491421
the genome of salmonid herpesvirus 1.salmonid herpesvirus 1 (salhv-1) is a pathogen of the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). restriction endonuclease mapping, cosmid cloning, dna hybridization, and targeted dna sequencing experiments showed that the genome is 174.4 kbp in size, consisting of a long unique region (u(l); 133.4 kbp) linked to a short unique region (u(s); 25.6 kbp) which is flanked by an inverted repeat (r(s); 7.7 kbp). u(s) is present in virion dna in either orientation, but u(l) is present in a single orientation. ...19989499051
localization and partial characterization of melatonin receptors in amphioxus, hagfish, lamprey, and skate.through its secretion of melatonin, the pineal complex of vertebrates exerts a range of physiological effects including regulation of circadian rhythms, seasonal reproduction, metamorphosis, and body color change. little is known about phylogenetic differences in the distribution and characteristics of melatonin binding sites in fishes. we used in vitro autoradiography to examine binding of [2-125i]iodomelatonin (imel) in 20-micron frozen sections of amphioxus (branchiostoma lanceolatum), atlant ...19989514841
biotransformation, tissue distribution, and persistence of 4-nonylphenol residues in juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).alkylphenols are weak oestrogenic environmental contaminants and have been implicated in the disruption of endocrine function in wildlife. the influence of biotransformation, tissue distribution, and elimination on biological activity was investigated in juvenile rainbow trout following a single iv dose of [3h]4-nonylphenol. distribution and elimination of [3h]4-nonylphenol residues in tissues sampled 1, 2, 4, 24, 48, 72, and 144 hr after dosing was determined by sample combustion and liquid sci ...19989531523
expression of cyp2m1, cyp2k1, and cyp3a27 in brain, blood, small intestine, and other tissues of rainbow trout.expression of five constitutive forms of cytochrome p450 [(lmc1 (cyp2m1), lmc2 (cyp2k1), lmc3, lmc4, and lmc5 (cyp3a27)] in selected tissues from sexually immature 2-year old female and male rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were examined at the translational level by western blot using polyclonal antibodies raised in rabbits against those purified trout hepatic p450s. tissues examined were from brain, liver, muscle, blood, head kidney, trunk kidney, upper intestine, stomach, heart, and gonad ...19989535744
effects of subchronic exposure to cadmium chloride on endocrine and metabolic functions in rainbow trout oncorhynchus and juvenile rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, were exposed for 30 days to cdcl2 in water (10 and 25 micrograms cd/l for adults, and 1 and 5 micrograms cd/l for juveniles) to investigate effects of subchronic exposures to cd on the hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal and the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis, and on metabolic status. liver size and glycogen content and body mass gain were significantly reduced in the exposed adult fish and similar changes were detected in the juveniles. pl ...19989543508
particle clearance from the gills of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the rate of particle clearance from the gills was assessed in healthy rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), challenged with the formalin-killed bacterium flavobacterium branchiophilum, as well as in fish with altered ventilation levels produced by varying the concentrations of dissolved oxygen (do) in the water. the clearance of f. branchiophilum from the gills was quantified by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. fish held under normoxic conditions (do = 9.5 mg/l) showed an initial ra ...19989595355
long-term, quantitative analysis of gametogenesis in autotriploid rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.a long-term, quantitative analysis was conducted on the gametogenesis of autotriploid rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) to quantify their degree of germline development and reproductive potential. triploid and diploid (control) trout siblings were raised separately under identical conditions and sampled randomly for histological analysis. triploid males underwent testicular development and proliferation of germ cells by mitosis and meiosis, progressing through initial phases of spermatogenesis ...19989861160
expression of a cysteine-rich protein (crp) encoding gene during early development of the trout.members of the cysteine-rich protein (crp) define a subclass of lim-only proteins implicated mainly in muscle differentiation. until now, very little is known concerning the expression of crp encoding genes during vertebrate development. we describe here the isolation of a trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) gene encoding a cysteine-rich protein (tcrp) and the pattern of its mrna accumulation during embryogenesis, focusing on somitogenesis. tcrp encodes a putative protein with two lim domains linked to ...19989867350
neutrophil and macrophage responses to inflammation in the peritoneal cavity of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. a light and electron microscopic cytochemical study.the neutrophil and macrophage responses that accompany inflammation were studied in the peritoneal cavity of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss using light and electron microscopic cytochemistry. neutrophils of inflammatory peritoneal exudates were alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase-negative, peroxidase-positive and rich in cytoplasmic glycogen granules. macrophages were poor in glycogen, esterase-positive and usually peroxidase-negative. some peroxidase-positive macrophages were due to the transfe ...19989867437
boron stimulates embryonic trout growth.boron is present in our soil, water and air. cyanobacteria require it for nitrogen fixation, and vascular plants require it for the formation of cell walls and membranes. i report here how boron affects the growth of embryonic rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). fertilized ovum from the mt. whitney rainbow trout strain were incubated at (12.5 degreesc) in type 1 astm ultrapure grade water supplemented with boric acid (99.5% purity) during the 1995 and 1997 spawning seasons. boron concentrations ...19989868197
histochemical characteristics of gyrodactylus derjavini parasitizing the fins of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).histochemical studies of enzyme activities and structural elements in gyrodactylus derjavini mikailov, 1975 parasitizing fins of oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum were conducted. marked activities of non-specific esterase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and amino-peptidase were found in the intestinal caeca of the parasite. a strong activity of acetylcholinesterase was seen in the nervous system. extraintestinal non-specific and eserine-sulphate resistant esterase was localized in the distal p ...19989868792
dietary fish oil and digestible protein modify susceptibility to lipid peroxidation in the muscle of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and sea bass (dicentrarchus labrax).the effects of dietary fish oil and digestible protein (dp) levels on muscle fatty acid composition and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation were studied in two representative fish species for human nutrition, from fresh and seawater, rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and european sea bass (dicentrarchus labrax). in rainbow trout, higher concentrations of dietary fat and dp led to higher weight gain (g/d) (p = 0.001 and p = 0.043 respectively). additionally, an interaction effect was observed ...19989875068
a role for scavenger receptors in phagocytosis of protein-coated particles in rainbow trout head kidney macrophages of higher vertebrates, fc receptors and receptors for complement and other serum factors, are generally known to enhance the phagocytic process. in lower vertebrates like salmonid fishes, none of these or other phagocytic receptors have been thoroughly characterized. the purpose of this study was to elucidate to what extent these and other receptors are involved in the process of phagocytosis in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) head kidney macrophages. we used tosyl activated, ...19989877435
identification of a fibroblast growth factor 6 (fgf6) gene in a non-mammalian vertebrate: continuous expression of fgf6 accompanies muscle fiber hyperplasia.fgf6, a member of the fibroblast growth factor (fgf) family, is specifically expressed in developing skeletal muscle and may participate in muscle maintenance and regeneration. until now, no convincing evidence for the existence of an fgf6 gene in non-mammalian vertebrates has been put forward. only a hybrid growth factor containing features characteristic of both fgf4 and fgf6 has been identified in frogs and chickens, suggesting that the step of duplication which created fgf4 and fgf6 took pla ...19989878802
occurrence of loma cf. salmonae in brook, brown and rainbow trout from buford trout hatchery, georgia, usa.during a 6 mo study of moribund trout from buford hatchery, buford, georgia, usa, a loma cf. salmonae microsporidian parasite was studied in the gills of brook trout salvelinus fontinalis, brown trout salmo trutta, and rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. this parasite was morphologically similar to l. salmonae and l. fontinalis but differed in spore size. scanning and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that xenomas were embedded in gill filaments. transmission electron micrographs prep ...19989891735
rainbow trout cytokine and cytokine receptor genes.transforming growth factor-beta (tgf-beta) and interleukin-1 beta (il-1 beta) have been cloned from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in our laboratory. the trout tgf-beta is typical of members of the cysteine knot cytokine family, and has highest homology to tgf-beta 1, tgf-beta 4 and tgf-beta 5. the gene organisation is different to other tgf-beta genes despite the presence of seven exons. trout il-1 beta has less homology to known il-1 beta s (49-56% amino acid similarity) but shows clear c ...19989914923
on a new species of hysterothylacium (nematoda: anisakidae) from cauque mauleanum (pisces: atherinidae) by brightfield and scanning electron microscopy.hysterothylacium geschei n. sp. (nematoda, anisakidae) is described from the intestine of cauque mauleanum (steindachner) (pisces: atherinidae) from lake panguipulli (39 degrees-43's; 72 degrees-13'w), chile. eleven (78.6%) out of 14 fish were infected, with a mean intensity (range) of 14.4 (1-55) worms. the new species can be differentiated from the two previously described species of freshwater fishes from south america by the presence of lateral alae, the number of caudal papillae, and the le ...19989921297
molecular cloning, sequence analysis and expression distribution of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) cystatin c.cystatin c is one of a family of proteinase inhibitors of cathepsins and other cysteine proteinases. among warm-blooded vertebrates, small functional regions of cystatin amino acid sequences are well conserved among species, but major portions of cystatin amino acid sequences vary evolutionarily. although considerable attention has been given to mammalian and avian cystatins, little data exist on cystatins from other vertebrates. a cdna clone for trout cystatin c was isolated from a lambda gt11 ...19989972289
rainbow trout cytochrome p450s: purification, molecular aspects, metabolic activity, induction and role in environmental monitoring.cytochromes p450 (p450s or cyps) constitute a superfamily of heme-thiolate proteins that play important roles in oxidative metabolism of endogenous and exogenous compounds. this review provides some limited history but addresses mainly the research progress on the cytochrome p450s in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), their purification, structures at the primary level, role in metabolism, responses to chemicals and environmental pollutants, application to biomonitoring and the effect of vario ...19989972454
immunochemical investigations of cytochrome p450 forms/epitopes (cyp1a, 2b, 2e, 3a and 4a) in digestive gland of mytilus sp.western blot analysis of microsomes and partially purified cytochrome p450 (cyp) from digestive gland of mytilus edulis was carried out using polyclonal antibodies to hepatic perca fluviatilis cyp1a, oncorhynchus mykiss cyp3a and rat cyp2b, cyp2e and cyp4a isoforms. multiple cyp bands were detected in partially purified cyp compared to single bands for microsomes for anti-cyp1a, anti-cyp2b, anti-cyp2e and anti-cyp3a. in contrast, anti-cyp4a showed two distinct bands for both. the apparent molecu ...19989972478
immunostimulatory effects of dimerized lysozyme (klp-602) on the nonspecific defense mechanisms and protection against furunculosis in salmonids.utilization of natural immunostimulants in fish culture offers a wide range of attractive methods for inducing and building protection against diseases. lysozyme is an enzyme with bacteriolytic properties and is ubiquitous in its distribution among living organisms. this enzyme has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. in nature, lysozyme is found as a monomer. lysozyme dimer is significantly less toxic than its monomer, and its high biological activity has been ascertained ...19989613448
temperature dependent population growth of gyrodactylus derjavini on rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.rainbow trout were experimentally infected with the ectoparasitic monogenean gyrodactylus derjavini at three temperatures, 5.5 degrees c, 11.6 degrees c and 18.7 degrees c. subsequently, the infection level was monitored during the following 6 weeks. the population growth was positively correlated with temperature in the initial part of the investigation. at 18.7 degrees c growth of the parasite population was fast reaching a peak abundance within 3 weeks, whereafter the infection level decrease ...19989639894
in vitro interaction of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus and leukocytes from trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (scophthalmus maximus).viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (vhsv), a well known salmonids pathogen, has also been reported to be pathogenic for turbot (scophthalmus maximus). in the present work, the replication of vhsv was studied in vitro in turbot head kidney macrophages and blood leukocytes. vhsv was able to infect both primary cultures and viral titer increased with time, either inside the cells or in the supernatant. however, no cytopathic effect was observed during the experiments and the titers were always lo ...19989646440
oral pharmacological treatments for parasitic diseases of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. i: hexamita salmonis.various drugs were evaluated as regards efficacy for the treatment of hexamita salmonis infection in rainbow trout. the results confirm the efficacy of nitroimidazoles: infection was completely eradicated not only by metronidazole (which has been recommended previously for the treatment of hexamitosis), but also by benznidazole, ronidazole and secnidazole, which have not been assayed previously. the non-nitroimidazoles albendazole, aminosidine, diethylcarbamazine and nitroscanate also completely ...19989653458
isolation and characterization of rhamnose-binding lectins from eggs of steelhead trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) homologous to low density lipoprotein receptor superfamily.two l-rhamnose-binding lectins named stl1 and stl2 were isolated from eggs of steelhead trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) by affinity chromatography and ion exchange chromatography. the apparent molecular masses of purified stl1 and stl2 were estimated to be 84 and 68 kda, respectively, by gel filtration chromatography. sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry of these lectins revealed that stl1 was compo ...19989668106
binding and lethal effect of complement from oncorhynchus mykiss on gyrodactylus derjavini (platyhelminthes: monogenea).a lethal effect of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss plasma containing intact complement factors on gyrodactylus derjavini was demonstrated. it was associated with binding of complement factor c3 to certain carbohydrate-rich parasite structures. parasites were exposed in vitro to plasma from rainbow trout. untreated plasma from infected and uninfected fish showed lethal effects on the parasites within 1 h, whereas prior heat inactivation of complement prevented any parasite killing. inhibition o ...19989676245
electron microscope studies of the in vitro phagocytosis of mycobacterium spp. by rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss head kidney macrophages.the cytological response of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss head kidney macrophages to ingested mycobacterium spp. was examined in vitro. mycobacterium marinum or mycobacterium sp. tb267 isolated from snakehead fish channa striata bloch were opsonised with either fresh rainbow trout serum, serum which had been heat-inactivated, or rainbow trout antiserum against the extracellular products (ecp) of the 2 mycobacterium spp. a monoclonal antibody against the ecp was also used as an opsonin. suspe ...19989676251
identification and modulation of a growth hormone-binding protein in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) plasma during seawater adaptation.a soluble protein that specifically bound 125i-human growth hormone (hgh) was identified in rainbow trout plasma, using hplc-gel filtration. the binding affinity of the protein for hgh was 1.2 x 10(9)m-1. 125i-rainbow trout gh (tgh) was also able to bind to the protein albeit with a lower affinity (6.6 x 10(7)m-1) than hgh. crosslinking experiments using 125i-hgh revealed two specific bands of 150 and 130 kda. the complex 125i-hgh-bp could be precipitated by a monoclonal anti-gh receptor antibod ...19989679093
detection of humoral antibodies to renibacterium salmoninarum in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and atlantic salmon salmo salar challenged by immersion and in naturally infected populations.humoral antibodies to heat-stable antigens of renibacterium salmoninarum (rs) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and in atlantic salmon salmo salar challenged by immersion. a slow antibody response was found: 3% (1/30) was positive 4 wk after immersion and 72% (26/36) was positive after 8 wk. all 30 fish sampled after 4 wk were found to be infected, as determined by bacterial culture and/or the presence of soluble antigens in the kidne ...19989684315
expression of rat gene for l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase, the key enzyme of l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis, in guinea pig cells and in teleost fish rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the ability of rainbow trout liver and kidney preparations to produce l-ascorbic acid with an added source of l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase (glo) and the absence of their own glo activity suggested that the reason for the absence of l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis in fish and in guinea pig, a scurvy-prone mammal, can be similar. nevertheless, results of rat glo cdna expression in guinea pig cells and in rainbow trout proved different. in guinea pig cells, rat glo was expressed in a functional form ...19989685663
isolation and functional analysis of the histone h3 promoter from atlantic salmon (salmo salar l.).the histone h3 (sh3) promoter of atlantic salmon (salmo salar) was cloned via polymerase chain reaction using primers designed from the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) promoter sequence. a comparison of the nucleotide sequence with the equivalent sequences from rainbow trout and sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) revealed a high degree of conservation. in vivo expression analysis of the sh3 promoter was carried out in both rainbow trout and zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos. a direct comparis ...19989701610
indicative and pathogenic microbiological quality of aquacultured finfish grown in different production systems.the nature and number of indicator and pathogenic microbes in fish reared using recirculating and nonrecirculating water systems were compared. for each system, 20 samples of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), tilapia (oreochromis spp.), hybrid striped bass (morone saxatilis x m. chrysops), and pacu (piaractus mesopotamicus) were randomly selected and gutted, and microbial analyses were performed using aoac procedures. five fish were subsampled and analyzed for indicative microbial quality wit ...19989708283
growth of inoculated psychrotrophic pathogens on refrigerated fillets of aquacultured rainbow trout and channel catfish.aquacultured rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus) fillets were inoculated with the psychrotrophic pathogens listeria monocytogenes and aeromonas hydrophila: cell populations were monitored during refrigerated storage at 2 to 4 degrees c. fillets of both species were placed individually in sterile plastic bags and inoculated with cell suspensions (10(4.7) cfu/100 g of fish) of either a. hydrophila or l monocytogenes or of both a. hydrophila and l. monocyto ...19989708302
isolation of the first piscine transforming growth factor beta gene: analysis reveals tissue specific expression and a potential regulatory sequence in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the nucleotide sequence of a rainbow trout transforming growth factor beta (tgf-beta) peptide is presented, which translates into a 382 amino acid precursor molecule containing a 20 amino acid leader and a mature peptide of 112 amino acids. the mature peptide has nine conserved cysteines and a conserved proline (position 36) and glycine (position 46), all characteristics of tgf-beta superfamily molecules. within the precursor region are three glycosylation sites, two in common with known tgf-bet ...19989722928
route of vaccine administration: effects on the specific humoral response in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.the specific humoral response of teleost fish to extracellular bacteria was examined using a rainbow trout-vibrio anguillarum model. treatment groups were immunized by oral, immersion, and injection routes. all 3 delivery methods conferred full protection in controlled laboratory challenges (p < 0.01). prior to boosting, serum antibody titers did not correlate with protection in the orally and immersion-vaccinated groups, but, contrary to previous studies, titers measured 10 and 17 d after boost ...19989745714
oral pharmacological treatments for parasitic diseases of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. ii. gyrodactylus sp.a total of 24 drugs were evaluated as regards their efficacy for oral treatment of gyrodactylosis in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. in preliminary trials, all drugs were supplied to infected fish at 40 g per kg of feed for 10 d. twenty-two of the drugs tested (aminosidine, amprolium, benznidazole, bithionol, chloroquine, diethylcarbamazine, flubendazole, levamisole, mebendazole, metronidazole, niclosamide, nitroxynil, oxibendazole, parbendazole, piperazine, praziquantel, ronidazole, secnidaz ...19989745715
oral pharmacological treatments for parasitic diseases of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. iii. ichthyobodo necator.a total of 32 drugs were evaluated as regards their efficacy for oral treatment of ichthyobodo necator infestation of rainbow trout. in preliminary trials, all drugs were supplied to infected fish at 40 g per kg of feed for 10 d. the majority of the drugs tested (1,3-di-6-quinolylurea, aminosidine, amprolium, benznidazole, bithionol, chloroquine, diethylcarbamazine, dimetridazole, diminazene aceturate, febantel, flubendazole, ketoconazole, levamisole, mebendazole, netobimin, niclosamide, niridaz ...19989745716
competitive binding of xenobiotic oestrogens to rat alpha-fetoprotein and to sex steroid binding proteins in human and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) plasma.the ability of a variety of "environmental oestrogens" to compete with radiolabelled steroids to rat alpha-fetoprotein (afp) and to sex steroid binding proteins was investigated in human and rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) plasma. for [3h]oestradiol binding to afp, diethylstilbestrol and 4-nonylphenoxyacetic acid showed significant competition at concentrations about 100-fold greater than oestradiol (relative binding affinities approximately 1% c.f. oestradiol). all other compounds (phytooes ...19989748407
impact assessment of a wastewater treatment plant effluent using the fish biomarker ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase: field and on-site experiments.the impact of a wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) effluent was assessed with the fish biomarker ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (erod) using field and on-site laboratory experiments. erod activity was measured in chub (leuciscus cephalus) and stone loach (noemacheilus barbatulus) caught at three sites of the chalaronne river (southeast france). liver somatic index (lsi) and organochloride bioaccumulation in muscle were estimated for chub only. in september, erod activity and lsi of chub increased s ...19989756685
effect of cryopreservation on the fine structure of spermatozoa of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (salmo trutta f. fario)freeze-fracture electron microscopy has revealed that changes are induced in the organization of the plasma membranes of spermatozoa of rainbow and brown trout when they are cryopreserved. electron-micrographic images of spermatozoa that had not been exposed to cryopreservation showed a protoplasmic surface with particles homogeneously distributed. the concentration of the particles was low. in the median portion of the tail the authors observed longitudinal strips, consisting of particles locat ...19989787071
plasma proteins of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) isolated by binding to lipopolysaccharide from aeromonas an attempt to find plasma proteins that might be involved in the constitutive resistance of rainbow trout to furunculosis, a disease caused by aeromonas salmonicida (as), we purified serum and plasma proteins based on their calcium- and carbohydrate-dependent affinity for a. salmonicida lipopolysaccharide (lps) coupled to an epoxy-activated synthetic matrix (toyopearl af epoxy 650m). a multimeric family of high molecular weight (96 to 200-kda) lps-binding proteins exhibiting both calcium and ...19989787816
evolution of oogenesis: the receptor for vitellogenin from the rainbow trout.receptors that transport vitellogenin (vtg) into oocytes are of vital importance to egg-laying species because they mediate a key step in oocyte development. here we describe the cloning of the first piscine oocyte-specific receptor cdna, i.e., that encoding the vtg receptor from the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). the receptor, a 826-residue type-i membrane protein, is a member of the low density lipoprotein receptor (ldlr) superfamily. it closely resembles the mammalian so-called very low ...19989788239
cryptosporidium parvum: an attempt at experimental infection in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.a study was carried out on rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss fed with a commercial feed contaminated with bovine-isolated cryptosporidium parvum oocysts whose viability and infectivity were previously tested by inoculation of oocysts to neonatal swiss cd-1 mice. histological examination of hematoxylin-eosin-stained gastrointestinal sections from control and c. parvum-exposed fish revealed no life-cycle stages of cryptosporidium in any part of the apical border of the digestive tract. however, se ...19989794634
ectoparasitic species of the genus trichodina (ciliophora: peritrichida) parasitising british freshwater species of the genus trichodina ehrenberg, 1838 were identified during a sampling programme of twenty freshwater fish species from approximately sixty sites in scotland, england and wales. species found include: trichodina acuta lom, 1961 from cyprinus carpio l., carassius auratus l., oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), salmo trutta l. and phoxinus phoxinus l.; trichodina domerguei wallengren, 1897 from gasterosteus aculeatus l.; trichodina tenuidens faure-fremiet, 1944 from gasterosteus aculea ...19989805782
cloning, sequencing, and tissue expression of cyp3a27, a new member of the cyp3a subfamily from embryonic and adult rainbow trout livers.screening of lambdagt11 and lambdagt22a cdna libraries of livers from adult females and embryos of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), respectively, using rabbit anti-rainbow trout cytochrome p450 lmc5 polyclonal antibodies showed that there were identical cdnas of 1802-bp nucleotides with open reading frames coding for proteins containing 518 amino acids (59,206 da, pi = 6.39). the cdna was assigned cyp3a27 by the p450 nomenclature committee to represent the first cyp3a subfamily member report ...19989826429
studies on the eosinophilic granule cells in the gills of the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.eosinophilic granule cells (egcs) found in the gills, skin and alimentary canals of fish have been likened to mammalian mast cells in terms of their structure and function. to investigate this situation further, gill explant cultures from the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, were set-up and incubated with either lipopolysaccharide (lps; 5 micrograms ml-1) or human recombinant tumour necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha; 25 iu ml-1) alone or in combination for 7 days. examination of histological s ...19989827047
sulfation of thyroid hormones by liver of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.we studied hepatic sulfation of thyroid hormones (th) in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss. sulfation of thyroxine (t4) and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (t3) was detected in the cytosolic (63-67%), microsomal (12-16%), nuclear (12-14%) and mitochondrial/lysosomal (7-8%) fractions. using 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (paps) as a sulfate donor, sulfation of t4 and t3 by the cytosolic fraction depended on protein concentration and time. the ph profiles for t4- and t3-sulfation were broad and ov ...19989827058
a nested polymerase chain reaction for the detection of genomic dna of myxobolus cerebralis in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.a nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) test was developed to amplify a segment of the 18s rrna gene from myxobolus cerebralis, the agent causing whirling disease in salmonid fish. the pcr amplifies a 415 bp amplicon that was identified by dideoxynucleotide terminated sequencing to be identical to the known 18s rdna sequence of m. cerebralis. there was no amplification of genomic dna from 4 other myxosporean parasites of salmonid fish from the genus myxobolus including m. arcticus, m. insidiosu ...19989828408
organochlorine pesticide residues in muscle tissue of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, taken from four fish farms in león, spain.levels of nine organochlorine pesticides (lindane, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, o,p'-tde, p,p'-tde, p,p'-dde and p,p'-ddt) were determined in muscle samples of rainbow trout, onchorhynchus mykiss, collected from four fish farms in the province of león, in the north-west of spain (europe). the highest incidence percentage was for lindane (67.5%) and heptachlor epoxide (55.0%). organochlorine residue levels detected contributed slightly to acceptable daily intakes (adis) establish ...19989829032
environmental effects on transmission of discocotyle sagittata (monogenea): egg production and development.egg production by the freshwater gill monogenean discocotyle sagittata infecting rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) was monitored at 5, 13 and 18 degrees c; eggs were incubated at 6, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22 and 26 degrees c and the hatching times determined. mean per capita output at 13 degrees c ranged from 0.8 eggs/worm/day (e/w/d) to 18.3 e/w/d for 25 hosts (burdens 1-17 worms/host). average egg production rates for worms in single burdens varied from 3 e/d to 14.6 e/d at 13 degrees c, mean 7 ...19989836315
are integrins involved in the aggregatory and phagocytic behaviour of fish haemostatic cells?the involvement of a putative integrin-like fibrinogen receptor in the aggregatory and phagocytic behaviour of thrombocytes (platelet equivalents of fish) from the rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss was studied. aggregation of trout thrombocytes was induced by the thromboxane mimetic u-46619 in the presence of trout fibrinogen. thrombocyte aggregation was inhibited by the tetrapeptide rgds, but not by rges or fibrinogen binding inhibitor peptide (hhlggakqagdv). a range of monoclonal antibodies ag ...19989438834
relationships between boron concentrations and trout in the firehole river, wyoming: historical information and preliminary results of a field study.the firehole river (fhr) in yellowstone national park (ynp) is a world-renowned recreational fishery that predominantly includes rainbow trout (rbt, oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (bnt, salmo trutta). the trout populations apparently are closed to immigration and have been self-sustaining since 1955. inputs from hot springs and geysers increase the temperature and mineral content of the water, including elevating the boron (b) concentrations to a maximum of approximately 1 mg b/l. both rbt ...199810050918
passive and active transport properties of a gill model, the cultured branchial epithelium of the freshwater rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).branchial epithelia of freshwater rainbow trout were cultured on permeable supports, polyethylene terephthalate membranes ("filter inserts"), starting from dispersed gill epithelial cells in primary culture. leibowitz l-15 media plus foetal bovine serum and glutamine, with an ionic composition similar to trout extracellular fluid, was used. after 6 days of growth on the filter insert with l-15 present on both apical and basolateral surfaces, the cultured preparations exhibited stable transepithe ...199811253822
enzyme responsible for egg envelope (chorion) hardening in fish: purification and partial characterization of two transglutaminases associated with their substrate, unfertilized egg chorion, of the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.from our previous studies, we have suggested that "egg envelope (chorion) hardening-enzyme" (first proposed by zotin [j. embriol. exp. morph. 6, 546-568 (1958)]) in the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, is transglutaminase (tgase), and that it coexists with its substrate, the unfertilized egg chorion, and forms epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine cross-links between the chorion proteins. in the present study, we extracted the tgase activity from the isolated chorions by homogenization with isotonic ...19989792914
does blood acid-base status modulate catecholamine secretion in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss)?the direct and modulating effects of acidosis on catecholamine secretion in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were assessed in vivo using cannulated fish and in situ using a perfused cardinal vein preparation. in situ, acidosis (a reduction in perfusate ph from 7.9 to 7.4) did not elicit catecholamine release or modulate the secretion of catecholamines evoked by the non-specific cholinergic receptor agonist carbachol (3x10(-7) to 10(-5 )mol kg-1) or the muscarinic receptor agonist pilocarpine ...19989787128
l-type ca2+ current in fish cardiac myocytes: effects of thermal acclimation and beta-adrenergic stimulation.a patch-clamp analysis of l-type ca2+ current in ventricular myocytes of cold- and warm-acclimated rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and crucian carp (carassius carassius) hearts was performed. trout were acclimated at 4 and 17 degrees c and carp at 4 and 24 degrees c for a minimum of 4 weeks. ventricular myocytes were isolated by enzymatic dissociation using collagenase and trypsin. marked species-specific differences were noted in ca2+ current density and its ss-adrenergic regulation. the de ...19989438829
the response of trout and zebrafish embryos to low and high boron concentrations is in the embryo-larval stage of development have been shown to be sensitive to boron (b) at both ends of the dose-response curve (1,2). the present study evaluated the health effects of low and high b concentrations on rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), a cold water species, and zebrafish (danio rerio), a warm water species. rainbow trout embryos were incubated from day 1 until 2 wk posthatch in type 1 astm ultrapure-grade water (12.5 degrees c) supplemented with only b (0-500 microm) as bo ...199810050924
biochemical identification and tissue-specific expression patterns of keratins in the zebrafish danio rerio.we have identified a number of type i and type ii keratins in the zebrafish danio rerio by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, complementary keratin blot-binding assay and immunoblotting. these keratins range from 56 kda to 46 kda in molecular mass and from ph 6.6 to ph 5.2 in isoelectric point. type ii zebrafish keratins exhibit significantly higher molecular masses (56-52 kda) compared with the type i keratins (50-48 kda), but the isoelectric points show no significant differen ...19989662643
responses of the red blood cells from two high-energy-demand teleosts, yellowfin tuna (thunnus albacares) and skipjack tuna (katsuwonus pelamis), to fishes, catecholamines increase red blood cell intracellular ph through stimulation of a sodium/proton (na+/h+) antiporter. this response can counteract potential reductions in blood o2 carrying capacity (due to bohr and root effects) when plasma ph and intracellular ph decrease during hypoxia, hypercapnia, or following exhaustive exercise. tuna physiology and behavior dictate exceptionally high rates of o2 delivery to the tissues often under adverse conditions, but especially during recovery ...19989747521
the partial substitution of digestible protein with gelatinized starch as an energy source reduces susceptibility to lipid oxidation in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and sea bass (dicentrarchus labrax) muscle.we evaluated the influence of dietary gelatinized starch and protein on the fatty acid composition of muscle in rainbow trout and european sea bass and on the susceptibility of flesh to lipid peroxidation. the possibility that flesh peroxidation could be accounted for by lipogenesis and the deposition of fat was also explored. the inclusion of gelatinized starch in the diet of rainbow trout improved growth with respect to that observed in fish fed crude starch (p<.001). this was especially notic ...199910641880
neuronal control of catecholamine secretion from chromaffin cells in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the goal of the present investigation was to assess the relative involvement of nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the neuronal control of catecholamine secretion from the chromaffin tissue of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). this was accomplished by first developing and validating a nerve-stimulating technique able specifically to activate the nerve fibres innervating the chromaffin cells in order to elicit secretion of catecholamines. using an in situ saline-perfused posteri ...199910393821
pharmacological characterization of arginine vasotocin vascular smooth muscle receptors in the trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in vitro.arginine vasotocin (avt) is present in the neurohypophysis of all nonmammalian vertebrates and it appears to be the antecedent of the neurohypophysial nonapeptide hormones. relatively little is known about avt receptors in lower vertebrates, especially fish, and the present study was designed to examine avt receptor interactions in trout vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle in vitro. avt produced dose-dependent contraction of isolated rings from celiacomesenteric, coronary, and efferent branch ...199910094857
tgf-beta3 exists in bony fish.a partial nucleotide sequence of transforming growth factor-beta3 (tgf-beta3) has been isolated from the siberian sturgeon (acipenser baeri), rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and european eel (anguilla anguilla), confirming a ubiquitous presence in the ray-finned (actinopterygian) bony fish. the bony fish tgf-beta3 is highly conserved, with some 83-84% nucleotide identity (coding region) and 90-95% predicted amino acid identity to known homeotherm tgf-beta3's. far lower homologies are apparen ...199910614492
electrophoretic determination of estrogen-induced protein in fish exposed to synthetic and naturally occurring a first step we investigated whether leuciscus idus, a fish routinely used to assess the quality of surface water in germany, is suitable to indicate the presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. an electrophoretic method was used to determine estrogen-induced protein in fish serum (presumed vitellogenin). this method was tested by exposing juvenile l. idus to 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol, 17 beta-estradiol and estrone. nominal concentrations of the steroid were compared with concentrations de ...199910492896
blood pressure regulation during hypotension in two teleost species: differential involvement of the renin-angiotensin and adrenergic systemsthe stimulatory effects of angiotensin ii (ang ii) on catecholamine release and the contributions of the renin-angiotensin system, humoral catecholamines and adrenergic nerves to blood pressure regulation were investigated in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and american eel (anguilla rostrata). in trout, bolus injections of homologous [asn1,val5]-ang ii (100 or 500 pmol kg-1) increased catecholamine secretion rates and plasma catecholamine concentrations from in situ posterior cardinal vein ...199910333513
intracellular ph regulation in hepatocytes isolated from three teleost species.the mechanisms of intracellular ph (ph(i)) regulation were studied in hepatocytes isolated from three species of teleost: rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), black bullhead (ameiurus melas) and american eel (anguilla rostrata). intracellular ph was monitored over time using the ph-sensitive fluorescent dye bcecf in response to acid loading under control conditions and in different experimental media containing either low na(+) or cl(-) concentrations, the na(+)-h(+) exchanger blocker amiloride ...199910451412
cloning and expression of two carbonyl reductase-like 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase cdnas in ovarian follicles of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).in salmonid fish, 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20beta-hsd) is a key enzyme involved in the production of oocyte maturation-inducing hormone (mih), 17alpha, 20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. here we report the isolation of two cdnas which encode proteins with high homology to carbonyl reductase-like 20beta-hsd (cr/20beta-hsd) from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) ovarian follicles. genomic dna analysis showed that the two cr/20beta-hsd cdnas are derived from two different genes. northe ...199910082666
effects of drift- and benthic-foraging fish on the drift dispersal of three species of mayfly nymphs in a japanese stream.differences in the effects of two common predatory fishes, rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and freshwater sculpin (cottus nozawae), on drift dispersal of the nymphs of three mayfly species, baetis thermicus, cinygmula sp., and paraleptophlebia chocorata, were examined by manipulative field experiments using stream enclosures in a northern japanese stream. the diel periodicity of prey consumption rate differed considerably between the two fishes; the prey consumption of the drift-foraging tro ...199920135165
evaluation of the protective immunogenicity of the n, p, m, nv and g proteins of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss using dna vaccines.the protective immunogenicity of the nucleoprotein (n), phosphoprotein (p), matrix protein (m), non-virion protein (nv) and glycoprotein (g) of the rhabdovirus infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv) was assessed in rainbow trout using dna vaccine technology. dna vaccines were produced by amplifying and cloning the viral genes in the plasmid pcdna 3.1. the protective immunity elicited by each vaccine was evaluated through survival of immunized fry after challenge with live virus. neutrali ...199911407402
effect of prostanoids and their precursors on the aggregation of rainbow trout thrombocytes.the role of prostanoids and their precursor fatty acids in the aggregatory response of thrombocytes (platelet equivalents of fish) from the rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, was studied. aggregation of these cells was induced by the thromboxane mimetic u-46619 or arachidonic acid (aa) in the presence of human or trout fibrinogen. the production of txb2/3 by thrombocytes in response to stimulation with aa was inhibited by aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin. however, thrombocyte aggregation in ...199910070125
whirling disease: host specificity and interaction between the actinosporean stage of myxobolus cerebralis and rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.scanning electron microscopic studies were conducted on rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss in the first 60 min after their exposure to the triactinomyxon spores of myxobolus cerebralis. the results demonstrated that as early as 1 min post exposure the whole process, from the attachment of the triactinomyxon spores to the complete penetration of their sporoplasm germs, had occurred. the triactinomyxon spores sought out the secretory openings of mucous cells of the epidermis, the respiratory epithe ...199910073310
rainbow trout leucocyte activity: influence on the ectoparasitic monogenean gyrodactylus derjavini.the ectoparasitic monogenean gyrodactylus derjavini from rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss was exposed in vitro to macrophages isolated as peritoneal exudate cells or as pronephros cells from the host. cells colonized the parasite especially in the mannose-rich regions in the cephalic ducts where ciliated structures were abundant. opsonization with fresh serum, in contrast to heat-inactivated serum, enhanced colonization also on other body parts. the adverse effect of the activated macrophages t ...199910073311
[detection of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction. diagnostic validation].viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (vhsv) is a fish pathogen that attacks rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) farming. the only diagnostic method recognised by the european community for vhs is based on the detection of the viral agent in cell culture followed by an immunological identification of the pathogen. reverse transcription followed by a double amplification of the polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) for the gene encoding the viral glycoprotein g is proposed here as an alternative meth ...199910081112
peroxide-inducible catalase in aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida protects against exogenous hydrogen peroxide and killing by activated rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss l., macrophages.aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida expresses a single cytoplasmically located catalase which was found to be inducible by exposure to 20 microm hydrogen peroxide in mid-exponential phase resulting in a 4 fold increase in activity. subsequent exposure to 2 mm peroxide in late-exponential/early-stationary phase resulted in further induction of catalase activity which increased to 20 fold higher levels than those found in uninduced cultures. exponentially induced cultures were protected again ...199910089155
further observations on the epidemiology and spread of epizootic haematopoietic necrosis virus (ehnv) in farmed rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss in southeastern australia and a recommended sampling strategy for surveillance.epizootic haematopoietic necrosis virus (ehnv) is an iridovirus confined to australia and is known only from rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and redfin perch perca fluviatilis. outbreaks of disease caused by ehnv in trout populations have invariably been of low severity, affecting only 0+ post-hatchery phase fingerlings < 125 mm in length. to date the virus has been demonstrated in very few live in-contact fish, and anti-ehnv antibodies have not been found in survivors of outbreaks, suggesting ...199910092975
characterization of ootolith soluble-matrix producing cells in the saccular epithelium of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) inner ear.although the organic matrix may play an important role in the growth of teleost otoliths, cellular contributions to the production of the organic matrix have been studied in only a small number of teleost species with limited methods, and are still poorly understood. in order to characterize saccular epithelial cells which produce otolith matrix, antiserum was raised against an edta-soluble fraction of otolith matrix (otolith soluble-matrix, osm) of the rainbow trout. the components in the osm a ...199910096663
effect of florfenicol on the immune response of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).florfenicol, a drug effective against several bacterial diseases of fish, was tested for possible immunomodulatory effects. the aim of the study was to follow the kinetics of the immune response after vaccination with simultaneous oral antibiotic treatment. the fish were immunised with a commercial oil-based divalent (furunculosis/vibriosis) vaccine and were simultaneously given oral antibiotic treatment. the specific immune response was monitored by analysing the levels of specific antibodies w ...199910206200
histopathological and electron microscopical observations on rainbow trout fry syndrome.rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fry and fingerlings with clinical signs of rainbow trout fry syndrome, and rainbow trout (0.5 to 3.5 g) with experimentally induced infections with flavobacterium psychrophilum, were examined histopathologically and electron microscopically. severe hypertrophy of the spleen and cellular degeneration were consistently observed. distinctive features of the disease were the loss of definition of the splenic border and its replacement by a loosely structured eosin ...199910209816
expression of an inducible nitric oxide synthase gene in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.using oligonucleotide primers based on mammalian nitric oxide synthases (nos), expression of an inducible nos (inos) gene was detected in head kidney and gill tissue of bacterially-challenged rainbow trout. three overlapping fragments were amplified by rt-pcr and used to construct a contiguous sequence of 1410bp, with high nucleotide homology to inos in birds (61%) and mammals (57-59%). the nucleotide sequence translated in one reading frame to produce a partial peptide containing 470 amino acid ...199910220070
fish macrophages express a cyclo-oxygenase-2 homologue after mammals, the increased generation of prostaglandins (pg) during the onset of inflammatory responses and activation of immune cell types has been attributed to the induction of a novel cyclo-oxygenase (cox) isoform, termed cox-2, which is distinct from the well-characterized constitutive activity (cox-1). goldfish (carassius auratus) macrophages exposed to bacterial lipopolysaccharide and leucocyte-derived macrophage-activating factor(s) showed a significant increase in the generation of the m ...199910229670
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 1957